#Rellis'Contract – January 31, 2014

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

The group has received a message one and a half Aitian day ago to meet up at the spaceport at this time; in shuttle hangar 3. It is late afternoon, and the sun is slowly setting. There's some drizzling rain, and the distant clouds doesn't look promising to say at least.

The shuttle just beneath the ceiling hatch seems to have seen its fair share of hot zones. It's of turian design. The entrance is open, revealing 5 seats opposite the entrance, and 3 along each of the walls. There are doors in the two corners opposite the entrance. There is a viewport on the shuttle door and around head height on the opposite wall.

Rellis stands by the shuttle entrance waiting for the group to arrive. His skin color is dark green, and he has no visible patterns on his head. His horns are on the longer side, though. He is wearing dark gray armor with a few yellow trims, but no helmet.

Jason is a short distance from Rellis checking his gear. His blue and white hardsuit is immaculate, absent of the grime and dents it once had, and a blade is sheathed across his chest.

Renala arrives at the port, wearing her dark-red armor she picked up. It's rather light, and full of wear and tear from years of use. She has a locust strapped to her hip. "Afternoon, Jason," she says to the human before looking towards the salarian, extending a hand. "Renala T'Iavay."

Jason gives Renala a nod of acknowledgement, but continues to fiddle with his Revenant.

Rellis takes her hand, shaking it. "Rellis," he says. "Good to meet you, T'Iavay." His tone was flat, sounding almost bored.

Zaylus approaches the shuttle as rain continues to fall. He still sports his deep green and grey armor, and a Carnifex sits strapped to his hip. The turian carries himself somewhat differently than usual- His gait is less swinging and casual, more to the point. He ceases his stride only when he arrives within speaking range of the three already present, but remains quiet.

Jason gestures back and forth from Zaylus to Rellis. "Rellis... Zaylus. Zaylus... Rellis." he says, giving an uninspired introduction between the two before returning to his weapon.

Renala smiles as she looks up to the turian. "Hey, 'Grumpy'," she says. "How's it going?"

Zaylus offers the salarian a short nod in response, staying where he is. He almost winces as Renala speaks, but he manages to control it. "It's... great." He mumbles, displeased to be answering to this nickname.

Kim steps into view and continues walking towards the rest while making a remarkably small amount of noise. She is wearing a very light set of dark armor with a Carnifex holstered at her hip. She's carrying the helmet to her armor in one hand while the other rests at her side. Her hair is now in a tightly tied braid and her glasses are nowhere to be seen. She doesn't say anything right away, instead waiting to see how close she can get without being seen.

Rellis nods to Zaylus, and then to Kim. "Take it that's everyone, Wolfe?" he asks with a glance towards Jason.

Jason looks up at Rellis and gives a shake of his head. "Still waiting on one more." he says, "She'll be here." he offers with a nod.

Renala chuckles at his reaction, which pretty much affirms the nickname. "I'll knock if off, Zaylus," she says, "but you gotta cheer up, you know?"

Kim assumes she has not yet been seen by Jason, so she raises a finger to her closed mouth while looking at Rellis and continues walking while making sure to stay behind him.

Victoria arrived at the area, wearing a dark red medium armor and a visor. The visor was on the right side of her head, it look that had an ear piece but was covered by Victoria's hair. The only seeable parts of the visor was the eye-piece. She had a Avenger, Phalanx, and Locast on her.

Jason holsters his Revenant on his back and nods in Victoria's direction as she approaches. "Here she is." he says as he puts a hand up to wave over Victoria.

Zaylus gives the asari a questioning look, "Cheer up?" He asks, folding his arms. "Uh huh. Don't you worry about that." He says with an offered grin.

Victoria looks around and sees that all the group is here already. "So, it seems I am the last one here for the party."

Kim moves over to the shuttle, then puts a hand on it as she inspects it. After a moment, she shrugs and turns to Rellis as she folds her arms over her chest.

Rellis nods at the last arrival. "Assume you have all been briefied?" he says. "Any questions before we depart?"

Jason takes a position near Rellis and glances over the rest of the team. "Any update on the opposition we'll be facing?" he asks, "I'd feel much more comfortable if we had a hard number to go on."

Renala remains quiet, not having anything to ask.

Rellis nods and turns towards the rest of the group. "Ten," he replies. "There is a krogan there. Could be dangerous. High value target was in the building one hour ago; intel suggests he will be on base for 5 more days."

Zaylus nods, "Sounds good to me." He says, glancing toward the rest of the group.

Kim raises her hand. "Any updates on any relevant habits the target has?"

Rellis shakes his head. "Have not seen him leave the building today aside from once in the morning," he replies. "Usually at the old spaceport there when one of their shuttles return, but no shuttles are scheduled today." He gestures towards the shuttle. "Could talk in the shuttle. Trip takes half an hour."

Jason nods and climbs into the open shuttle, taking a seat closest to the door. "You heard him, folks. Everyone inside."

Victoria walks inside of the shuttle and takes the middle seat. "Yes, boss."

Zaylus climbs in after, settling in a seat opposite the enterance. "Mmhm."

Rellis steps inside the shuttle, and walks over to stand by the door leading into the pilot's compartment. However, he waits for the others before speaking.

Kim nods and steps into the shuttle, taking the seat directly across from Jason. She doesn't appear to care that she ended up sitting directly next to the turian.

Zaylus glances down at the human beside him, shrugging with indifference.

Renala enters the shuttle last, taking the seat next to Victoria.

Rellis enables his omni-tool and closes the shuttle door. "We will be landing near an abandoned dairy farm 200 meters away from mission site," he explains. "Forest between, but little wildlife." He pauses, looking towards Jason. "Does that sound acceptable?"

Jason looks up at Rellis and nods. "As long as our approach will be covered, it should be fine. How is the transfer from the forest to the target's location? Will it be seamless, or should we expect open ground?"

Rellis enables his omni-tool and sends the map to Jason directly, with the landing area marked. "Some open ground," he says, "but forest should have limited visibility. They don't expect us, and the building has no windows." He pauses. "Any other questions before we leave?"

Kim raises a hand. "Is the edge of the forest being monitored at all?"

Jason pulls up his forearm and the orange glow of his omni-tool sparks up. After a few button presses, the map is sent to the rest of the team. He allows the glow to dissipate and sits back in his seat, waiting for the next question to be addressed.

Victoria opens her omni-tool to look at the map.

Zaylus studies the map display intently.

Rellis shakes his head. "No," he says. "They rely on VIs to report unrecognized personnel via cameras. Very effective, but found vulnerabilities. Will not detect you or record until eight hours from now."

Renala glances at the map briefly and nods appreciatively at Jason before letting her own omni-tool dissipate.

Jason | "So we have 8 hours of cover from their surveillance." he says, more so to himself than to anyone else. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get out there."

Kim opens up the map and studies it for several moments, but keeps her attention on Rellis' words when he speaks. She nods at the answer while looking thoughtfully at the map.

Any other questions?

Victoria waited for anyone else to ask a question.

Renala shakes her head, leaning back a bit in her seat.

Zaylus dismisses the map display and shakes his head toward the inquiry.

Jason remains silent. He removes his Phalanx from its position, holstered on his thigh, and sets it on his lap before he begins inspecting it.

Rellis nods. "Knock if you do during the trip," he says. "Will announce when we approach." And with that, he went into the pilot's compartment, closing the door behind him.

Half a minute later, the shuttle start its ascent as the hangar's hatch opens.

Jason glances around the shuttle compartment at the others. "I'm thinking our best shot at getting this done cleanly is to get you inside the building before we start the fireworks show, Kim." he says, resting his gaze on Kim, "This is your field of expertise. I'll take Vicky and Zaylus and we'll set up on the garage door. Renala..." he says, turning his attention to the asari, "You go with Kim and get that other entrance open for her." He clears his throat and glances around the shuttle compartment again, "Thoughts?"

"Any known biotics in this little group we are going after?" Victoria asked.

Kim grins confidently and leans back in her chair. "I like it. Harder to properly assess multiple threats and respond quickly to both when they're coming from two directions."

Zaylus looks toward Jason with an unidentified expression, opening his mouth to add something before his look quickly reverts to nothing and he settles with a passive shrug.

Renala nods. "Sounds fair," she says. "I can get it open, I'm sure of. Unless they've got some arcane security system up and running."

Jason shakes his head at Victoria. "The only personal details we have to go on is what has already been said. There's a single krogan among them, and our target has extensive military training. Aside from a few specifications about race, they could all be part of a deaf, blind, traveling band." he says before glancing back towards the pistol on his lap.

Jason raises his head once more, adding, "Just to be clear... I highly doubt they're a deaf and blind traveling band."

"Well lucky I got this then." She stopped and tapped her visor's ear piece. "This little thing, should pick up if they have any."

Out the viewports, they might now see that the ship heading east as it leaves Freedom Falls. It gains a bit of height before flying at roughly 200kmh/125mph. The shuttle's inertial dampeners make it feel like they're barely moving, however.

Renala tilts her head as she looks at Victoria. "Hm?" she begins. "What does it detect? Deaf people? Blind people?" A smirk follows, and her tone implied the latter two questions weren't serious.

Jason chuckles at Renala's comment and shakes his head, "Biotics or not... It shouldn't become an issue if everything goes right, Vicky. Just keep in radio contact whenever possible and identify threats as they're spotted and as they're removed. If we lose radio contact for whatever reason, Chief Vasquez is on standby. Report directly to her and she'll relay any information you give her to the rest of us. If things go off without a hitch, we'll be in and out before they even know what hit 'em."

Zaylus nods his head with a vague 'Mmhm', leaning back in his seat and seeming to rest.

Renala looks a bit thoughtful for a moment. "Do we know what our target looks like?" she says. "Or is there only one turian on the site?"

Jason nods to himself, "Good question, Renala. Not a clue. From what Rellis told me, it would seem that he's not the only turian. Once we reach the LZ, I'll ask if there's any identifying marks we should keep watch for. Either way we'll be taking photos of any turian we down to show Rellis for confirmation."

Renala nods. "Let's hope he has something, then," she says. "I can't say how long this piece of crap," she pats her armor's shoulder, "will last me if we end up in a fight with the lot of them."

Jason | "Better yet... Just try not to get shot." he says with a wink as his lopsided smirk returns.

Kim leans forward in her chair. "The safest way to stay alive is to not get shot at at all... except for shooting them before they even know you're there."

Jason cocks a thumb in Kim's direction with a nod, "See? She's got the right idea."

Zaylus gives an abrupt chuckle, "Good thing you're here, human." He snorts, refraining from identifying specifically which human he means.

Renala | "Oh, didn't know that," she says with a smirk, joking. "Didn't know it was that easy..."

Jason gives another chuckle and sits back in his seat silently, tapping his leg nervously to some unheard rhythm in his head.

25 more minutes go by before the shuttle's speakers come to life with a soft beep. "Approaching landing zone," the nasal voice of the salarian is heard from said speakers. "Less than three minutes until touchdown."

Jason 's leg tapping becomes a bit more noticable as he watches out the viewport.

Zaylus watches the human's antics, still leaning comfortably in his seat with his eyes mostly closed. "Nervous?" He taunts with a small grin.

Victoria looks at Jason's movement, then when she heard Zay comment "Or excited?" She added.

Looking through the viewport on the door, one would see a familiar landscape if he has the map commited to memory. However, due to the shuttle being upright, only Jason would be able to notice the buildings being roughly 400m/1300ft to the south-east. As only forest is beneath them, the shuttle starts descending.

Renala was taking the time to get a bit of a nap in, but woke during his announcement. She seems a little confused for a moment before she fully wakes up, as the nap was cut short a little too early.

Jason tilts his head to the side and stares down the turian for a moment. Upon hearing Vicky, his smirk widens, "We're about to infiltrate an abandoned town while outnumbered two-to-one by men who will most likely execute us on sight." he shakes his head, "Anyone in this situation that answers that question with a 'no' isn't worth trusting. Besides, nothing wrong with being nervous. Keeps you honest and on point."

Zaylus stares back for a moment, opening his eyes fully before descending into loud laughter. When he begins to settle down, the turian continues, "I always love a good laugh before a job. Alright, now I'm ready." He says, shaking his head at the man.

Kim has been mostly looking at various things on her omni-tool and thinking throughout the trip. As the announcement comes on the intercom, she looks up and puts her omni-tool on standby before doing stretches that most regular humans would likely cringe at.

Jason sighs at the turian's cocky attempt at a slight. "Of course, I forgot. You're an emotionless killing machine that knows no fear!" he says, dripping with sarcasm, "Look, kid." he continues, his tone neutral once again, "This isn't new to me. I've seen my fair share of action. Been doing this a long time... You never know what's gonna happen out there. But what I do know?" he asks, giving the turian a quick wink, "You're full of shit."

Renala smirks. "Well, let's leave all the killing to... Zaylus then," she jokingly suggests, catching herself almost using the nickname.

Zaylus peers at Jason with a simple smile, "Yeah." He nods in agreement, giving a lazy shrug as he remains relaxed in his seat. It's hard to detect any sarcasm in his response.

Jason shakes his head and returns his attention to the viewport. "We'll see how cocky you are when things get heated..." he mutters.

The shuttle stops up, having taken the 'scenic' route around during its descent, and starts descending vertically. Two buildings near a field on their north-east are visible through the viewports behind Zaylus and Kim. The buildings seem to have faced a decade of decay and windows and chunks of the roof seem to be missing. The shuttle touches the ground with a soft nudge.

Rellis opens the door to the pilot's comparment and stands in the doorway. "Don't think they noticed the landing," he says. "Any questions?"

Jason waits until the shuttle has settled and stands from his seat. "Just one." he says, glancing back at the salarian, "How will we recognize our target?"

Rellis sniffs, considering it. "Taller than average, gray carapace, sharp green facial markings," he begins. "Couldn't find picture of him on their main data storage. Could identify him if I you find one on personal terminal. Oh," he continues. "Speaking of; will pay twenty percent more if you find valuable intel on personal terminals, but prioritize high-value target."

Jason nods and unholsters his Revenant. "We'll see what we can do about the intel, Rellis. No promises."

Rellis taps on his omni-tool and the shuttle door opens. "Acceptable," he says. "Focus on high-value target."

Right out the door, the smaller building's broadside wall is visible 10m/33ft away, while the road turn is twice that distance behind the shuttle. The shuttle's front faces westward, while the misison site is down south.

Jason hops out of the shuttle and takes a look around the LZ. He takes a few steps towards the forest and stops, waiting for the rest of the team to disembark.

Victoria walked off the shuttle and got her locast at the ready. "What are we going to do if we face that krogan? Focus fire on it?"

Zaylus climbs out of the shuttle, patting his pistol reassuringly as he surveys the treeline.

Rellis | "Will keep shuttle running," he says, "if you think you may need extraction on short notice, tell me."

Jason keeps his gaze locked on the treeline as he responds to Victoria. "Sounds good to me." He glances over his shoulder at Rellis and gives a short nod before returning his attention to the forest.

Kim stands after the rest have begun moving towards the exit and follows suit, inspecting the area and keeping one hand on her Carnifex.

Renala gets up from her seat, stretching lightly before following after the others. "I don't think there's any other way to take them out, Victoria," she says while approaching the treeline with her Locust drawn.

Zaylus glances over at Jason before too returning his attention to the nearby forest. "What do you think?" He mutters just loud enough to hear.

Jason shakes his head. "Nothing to think yet. Let's get moving." he says and begins his march towards the forest.

Rellis closes the shuttle door after the last walks out, but the shuttle stays on the ground.

The forest has some really tall trees without much foilage that's low enough for them to reach. There's the occasional clusters of spruce-analogues further down which makes long-distance visibility rather poor, but avoiding these trees is easy -- and advisable considering their sharp foilage.

Zaylus watches him depart, giving a slight grunt before following a few yards behind.

Renala follows beside Zaylus, glancing around occasionally with her gun at the ready, but aimed down.

Victoria follows behind Zaylus and Renala, her weapon pointing at the ground.

Jason continues through the forest at a steady pace, silently making his way towards their target.

Kim draws her Carnifex and runs up towards Jason's side, then slows down to match his pace as she noiselessly moves through the forest. Any hint of her usual demeanor is gone as her entire form takes on a deadly serious pose. She keeps her gun pointed up next to her head as she keeps focus on any movements in front of her.

Zaylus loosely follows Jason through the forest, refraining from walking directly in his wake. He's perturbed when Kim runs past him, but he quickly shakes it off and draws his own weapon, keeping it aimed downward as the group proceeds toward the site.

Victoria continues following the others.

It's not a long walk through the forest, and six minutes later, the people in the front may discern the mission site as the forest's density lowers. They seem to approach the building from the north, slightly north-east, and may see a door around the center of the eastern wall. They can not see the garage door, however.

Jason stops as he nears the edge of the forest. "Alright, ladies. Here we are. Is everyone clear about what's expected out of them?" he asks, but his focus remains on the building in the distance.

"Don't be stupid and get killed?" She said jokingly.

Zaylus stops a few feet behind Jason, giving a simple 'Mmhm' in response as he surveys the structure up ahead.

Jason tilts his head to one side, and then the other. He gives a slight shrug and a nod. "That about covers it..." he says with a smirk. He glances back at the others and his smirk fades away, "But seriously... Are we all on the same page? No questions? No uncertainties?"

Kim grins as she kneels down to help stay out of sight from anyone who might be watching and gives a thumbs up. "Just tell me where to go and I'll do the rest."

Renala catches up with slow quiet steps, stopping a meter behind Jason. "Yeah," she says. "I'll get you in without having to knock, and help out best I can once we're in."

Zaylus nods, "Let's get on with it." He mutters impatiently, glancing between the rest of the group and the site.

Jason continues to gaze out towards the building. "That door is going to be your target." he says, glancing down at Kim, "You and Renala hold your position outside until the rest of us get situated near the garage." he says. "If you run into any trouble... Catch gunfire... Anything... Pull back to cover and let us know." he nods, "We'll assist as best as we can." He turns slightly to get a better view of the others, "That goes for everyone." he stresses, resting his gaze purposefully on Zaylus, "Top priority is getting everyone out alive. Credits are great, but you have to be alive to spend them. We're a team. If one of us is cut, we all bleed."

Victoria holstered her locust and took out her avenger. "Understood."

Zaylus shifts in slight irritation at this, eventually coming to grumble an "Understood" as well.

Renala nods, holding her gun aimed downward in her hand. "Understood, Wolfe," she says. "We'll stay safe."

Kim nods in understanding and begins staring at the door. She looks over towards Renala after a moment. "I'll follow you. If I get seen too early, it could affect our chances of a multi-pronged surprise attack." She glances around the area for a moment. "If nothing happens when you're halfway there, I'll come out and meet you. Fair?"

Renala nods. "Makes sense," she answers, "but cover my back if I do have to run, okay?"

Kim nods and holds up her Carnifex for a moment. "Not a whole lot I can do with this, but you can count on me to try, at least."

Jason nods and waves over Victoria and Zaylus. "Alright, let's get moving." he says and begins moving along the treeline to put some distance between his group and Kim & Renala before leaving the cover of the forest.

Victoria starts following Jason along the treeline.

Zaylus follows in turn, glancing back once at the pair they leave behind before returning his focus.

Renala waits for the other's to get away from them, and then walks along the treeline until she is parallel with the building's north-east corner and starts making her way across.

Kim stays close behind the asari until the latter leaves cover, then kneels down and keeps a focused watch with her Carnifex ready to fire immediately if anything happens.

Jason continues to follow the treeline until he's just past the north-western corner of the building and takes a knee among the foliage. He takes a moment to get his bearings and check out the western wall.

The north wall of the building is rather featureless, with some bulkheads covering what could once have been windows. The building is mostly made of metal and has a variety of gray squares due to haphazard construction. As for the size, the north wall is 20m/65ft while the east wall is 33m/110ft.

Renala's approach was not interrupted in any way, and she'll make it to the wall safe and sound.

Jason can see that the garage door is less than halfway across the western wall. It seems large enough that a kodiak-sized shuttle could fly in if the pilot knew what they were doing. He would be able see the space port in the distance, but not discern much about it.

Renala stops at the wall, just by the corner, and nods back to where Kim is, but doesn't say anthing over the comms.

Kim pushes her way through the edge of the trees as soon as Renala reaches the building and jogs silently up towards her position with no less vigilance than before. Now her gun is lowered towards her right side as she moves.

Jason raises an arm and points towards the garage door. "There's our target." he says. "Keep your eyes open." he adds before exiting the cover of the forest and beginning his trek across the open space between himself and the building.

The ground is concrete along the wall by the garage door, wide enough to allow a truck to easily turn and enter. The garage door has an interface on the wall to the left of it, but it indicates that it's unlocked.

Kim makes her way across uninterrupted as well, and they are for the time being left alone.

The weather is clear and the sun has almost set, but the clouds above imply that it might start raining soon.

Next Logs

Rellis' Contract
Renala T'Iavay
Kim Polner
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Victoria Steels
Rellis' Contract
Renala T'Iavay
Kim Polner
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Victoria Steels
Rellis' Contract
Rellis Darennon
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Renala T'Iavay
Victoria Steels
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Renala T'Iavay
Zaylus Velrin

Previous Logs

Rellis' Contract
Renala T'Iavay
Kim Polner
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Victoria Steels
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Rellis' Contract
Rellis Darennon
Jason Wolfe
Jason Wolfe
Victoria Steels
Renala T'Iavay
Victoria Steels
Renala T'Iavay
Kim Polner
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Kim Polner
Victoria Steels