#Miner'sRespite – August 18, 2014

Philip enters the Respite, taking a brief look around before stepping aside and waiting for Marissa and Renala.

Marissa enters after him, looking a little nervous when inside. She looks around the bar, but stays near Phillip.

Aylena is currently tending the bar as Va'ynna asked to leave earlier to visit Jason.

Renala leaves the shuttle last after paying for their fare, and enters the Respite after them.

Philip smiles faintly at Marissa and then proceeds towards the bar.

Renala hears her omni-tool interrupt her, and she sighs as she looks at the interface. "I've got to take this," she says, "lest someone at home loses their night's sleep." She chuckles, before looking between Phillip and Marissa. "I'll be right back." And with that, she makes her way upstairs to her room.

Marissa nods to the older asari before falling into step behind Phillip, looking no more nervous than earlier.

Philip looks around with a bit of confusion, noticing Renala only as she's moving away. "Wha-... but-... okay." He shrugs faintly and moves up to the bar, waving at Aylena as his smile returns.

Aylena smiles faintly, moving over to his location. "Hello," she says. "What can get you and your little one?"

Marissa moves up to the counter beside him, but remains standing.

Philip points to Marissa. "She needs a room."

Aylena tilts her head. "We have a few vacant," she begins, "but you're not staying at the Miner's Respite yourself."

Philip raises an eyebrow. "I, uh... no, I'm not. Does... that matter?"

Aylena looks at Marissa, seeming a tiny bit concerned. "Yet you're leaving her here?" she says. "Or is her mother staying here?"

Philip scratches the back of his head. "What? Uh... no? That's why I'm gettin' her a room here... because we ain't found her mama yet."

Aylena frowns. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," she says, tapping on the terminal nearest to her. "How are you planning to reunite her with her mother, if I may ask?"

Philip shrugs faintly. "Contactin' authorities or somethin' I guess. Up to, uh... Renala."

Aylena nods, a tiny smile visible. "I didn't think such nobility existed out here," she says before setting up the room. "Ms T'Iavay is helping her, as well?"

Philip looks a bit embarrassed, but smiles and nods. "Yup. We found her, so, ya know, we're doing what we can. I, uh..." He looks towards the stairs and sighs, before returning his gaze to Aylena. "I guess I'm payin' for the room." He starts digging around in his pockets for a credit chit.

Aylena raises a hand a little, flat towards him. "You don't have to, at least for tonight," she says. "I like what you're doing, so I'm not going to demand payment." She glances towards Marissa. "So, is there anything else I can help you with? Food? Drinks?"

Philip stops digging around in his pocket with a relieved smile. "That's kind of ya." He looks to his side at Marissa. "Ya want anything?"

Marissa remains where she is, looking up at the old matron, then at Phillip. "I'm hungry," she says in a low voice, "and thirsty."

Philip looks back at Aylena. "So, uh... I dunno what ya asari eat, so... heh, think maybe you could fix something, ma'am? It'd be much appreciated."

Aylena chuckles. "Won't be anything like Thessian food, but sure, I can do that," she says, sending off a message to the kitchen from the terminal. "Speaking of," she begins, looking towards the young asari, "Where are you from, sweetie?"

Marissa takes a step back as she's addressed, towards Philip. "A-Armali," she replies eventually.

Philip glances at the young asari, shooting her a reassuring smile before looking back at Aylena. "Big place... I'm told."

Aylena nods, typing something on her terminal. "Indeed it is," she says. "I've been there a few times, but it's been twenty years now since last time." She moves off to find a small bottle of some soft drink and returns with it, putting it on the counter.

I can bring it to a table if you two would rather sit while waiting for her food.

Philip nods. "Thanks, uh...?"

Marissa remains where she's standing, looking up at Philip to see whether he's going.

Aylena extends a hand towards the man. "Name's Aylena D'Inea," she says. "Pleased to meet you."

Philip shakes the asari's hand with a smile. "The pleasure is mine, Ms Aliena. I'm Philip Lacour. You can call me Phil."

Aylena chuckles as she lets go of his hand. "Alright, Phil," she says. "And you can call me whatever it was you called me."

Gren trudges through the entrance to the Inn, scratching the long scar on his face. He narrows his eyes at the patrons and slowly moves to the bar, finally reaching it.

Marissa gasps at the sound of the heavy footsteps of the approaching krogan and moves around Philip to have him between her and the krogan. She's shaking, too.

Philip seems about to say something to Renala when he notices the krogan, almost jumping slightly. He motions for Marissa to follow him and quickly makes his way to a table nearby.

Marissa fall into step beside him, also eager to be far from the krogan.

Gren turns to glare at the retreating people, pulling his face back into a snarl. He looks back to the bar and impatiently waves the bartender over.

Renala makes her way downstairs again, wearing a more casual set of clothes. A brown leather jacket over a dark-green top. She spots Philip and Marissa and makes her way over toward them, not paying the krogan any mind. "Sorry about that," she says. "So, how's things going?"

Aylena sighs and move over to pick up a bottle of ryncol on her way to the krogan. "I don't even have to ask, do I?" she says, picking out a mug.

Gren 's snarl turns into a shit-eating grin. "Heh, heh, heh. Nope," he says, pulling out a few credit chits and planting them on the table.

Philip has just taken a look at his omni-tool when Renala approaches them. He puts it away. "Good, good.... I've set her up with a room and all that."

Marissa slips into the innermost seat at the booth they approached.

Aylena places the mug before him, pours the drink and places the bottle beside it. She chuckles. "I thought as much," she says as she takes the credits and hands back the remainder after charging the price.

Renala smiles. "Good," she says, sitting down opposite the young asari. "I replied to their message, told them I'm not asking. And what I knew."

Gren nods to her and scoops the mug up, raising it and downing the majority of its contents in one gulp. He slams it back down and grunts, snatching the bottle and filling the mug again. "So, asari," he says. "What is there to do on this rock? Anything that needs to be shot?"

Philip looks a bit dismayed. "What, ya... want me to...?" He says to Renala.

Renala shakes her head. "No," she says. "We're getting the girl home, without prying into all this."

Philip nods, his dismayed look giving way for a smile. "That's all I want."

Aylena | "I'm not a mercenary agency, either," she smirks, referring to their last talk. "ExoGeni has an expedition starting here." She taps on her terminal for a few seconds before sending the information over to the krogan's omni-tool. "Maybe that'll offer anything to shoot at."

Gren looks down at his omni-tool, giving the details a quick one over. "Hurm," he grunts. "Good enough." He downs the rest of the drink and shoves the mug to Aylena, looking over the details again.

Aylena hears a ping from her terminal, moving out into the hallway. She emerges with a tray, containing plate with a hamburger on and some fries and salad as well as condiments. "I'll be right back to give you a refill," she says to the krogan as she picks up a glass and hangs it over bottle laying on the counter, which she also picks up. The old matron makes her way over to the table Marissa is at and sets down the tray and bottle.

Gren grunts dismissively and watches her move to the table. He narrows his eyes at the patrons, before turning back to his empty mug.

Philip looks at the food with narrowed eyes. "Heeey... that's human food!"

Aylena nods. "I am very aware, and that's what Miner's Respite specialize in," she says. "It doesn't mean asari can't eat it."

Marissa reaches out and take a single thin slice of fried potato and takes a tiny bite of it, reacting a bit to it being way hotter inside. She then grips the tray. The asari may have been waiting quiet a bit to eat.

Philip looks utterly astonished. "Wha-... no way! You can eat our food?!"

Gren turns to look at the human, canting his head and looking at him in slight disbelief. He groans and shakes his head, turning back to his mug. "Humans... so stupid."

Renala chuckles. "How the hell do you think I've survived out here?" she says. "It's the other way around that's the problem, because asari food contains element zero traces."

Philip looks a bit freaked out. "Wait... isn't that poisonous?"

Aylena tales a step back. "Not for asari, but you'll get food without it if you ever find yourself on Thessia," she says. She makes her way back to the bar and along it, picking up a bottle of Ryncol on her way to serve the krogan. "Sorry about the wait," she says, pouring the drink and placing the bottle beside it.

Gren grunts and grabs the mug, downing the drink in tow large gulps and he deftly refills it with the bottle. "That human is stupid," he states, flicking his head over to the table.

Aylena | "His heart's in the right place, though," she says, lowering her voice a little.

Marissa takes the tray and starts on the other fries, not trying the burger yet. She looks content.

His heart can easily be in the wrong place if he doesn't wisen up.

Gren sips from the mug.

Aylena shrugs. "Let him figure that out himself, okay?" she says in a lowered voice.

Philip seems pleased that Marissa appears comfortable for the time being. He turns to Renala. "So, uh... I should probably be makin' my way back to the homestead. My folks'll be mighty pissed if I don't get back now that the mission is done."

Gren | "What?" he asks, chuckling and not so subtly speaking. "What's a better way than getting a krogan to help you learn? A few beatdowns and some ryncol will get him wise." Gren laughs, clearly finding the scenario amusing.

Aylena snorts. "We non-krogan can hold down maybe a tiny shot of that stuff," she says. "Doesn't stop the occasional pair of drunks to wager who can hold it down the longest, though. It makes a mess, so I've stopped serving it for that."

Steve enters through the door behind the counter and makes no attempt at greeting Aylena or the guests at the counter. He beelines it straight towards Renala's table, having already seen her on the camera. His eyes have heavy bags beneath them as if he hasn't slept much. "Hey Ren." he spits out, setting his hands flat against the tabletop. He gives a quick nod to Philip and the unfamiliar asari, "I-... Uhh... I've got a favor to ask ya." he says, looking extremely uncomfortable. He grips the edge of the table tightly.

Gren laughs heartily. "They should stick to the easy stuff, like batarian ale."

Renala nods to Philip. "I'll take care of her," she says, "but I'll see you here tomorow, right?" She looks up at Steve approaching and slips out of the booth, noting his discomfort. "What is it?" she asks him in a lowered voice.

Philip doesn't have time to respond before Steve interrupts, so he remains at the booth for the moment, looking at the man.

Steve offers Phil and the young asari a smile as he places a hand on the small of Renala's back and leads her a short distance away from the table. "Hey-..." he begins, turning to face Renala. He reaches across his chestplate with his right hand and grips his left shoulder pauldron. "I've gotta make a trip soon. Adrasteia." he continues, occasionally glancing beyond Renala and around the bar, "Just need to pick up a few things, ya know? Uhh-... Was hoping you might take a trip with me. Shouldn't take more than a few hours." He glances over towards the staircase, "I stopped by your room before my shift but-... But you weren't there."

Renala looks towards their table before answering. "You're... out?" she asks in a mutter, trying to remain vague. "And I was on a job with Redrock earlier. Just got back." She pauses. "I'm with you, but I can't leave until I figure out how to get the kid back to Thessia."

Marissa glances towards Renala and Steve, but opts to start on the burger instead of paying attention to them.

Gren finishes off his drink, pushing it towards Aylena. "Another."

Steve nods slowly as the asari questions him, looking somewhat embarrassed, but furrows his brow as she continues, not exactly understanding what she's talking about. "...What?" he asks, shaking his head, "I-... Yeah, yeah... Whatever. Do what you gotta do, Ren." He glances back towards Phil and Marissa and bites his lower lip for a few moments before returning his gaze to Renala. "It's just... I gotta go soon, ya know? And I'd feel a whole lot more comfortable with you by my side."

Aylena chuckles. "I'm sure you saw what that stuff did to the woman last time," she says, "and coming right up." She makes a round trip to get another bottle for it and pours until the mug's almost full, also placing this bottle beside the mug.

Gren | "Heh, heh, heh. Yup," he chuckles, drinking a third of the mug. "Pulled a gun out on him." He gestures to Steve, lips pulled back in a sneer. "Had the piss scared out of him."

Renala places a hand on his shoulder. "I'll do my best to get her home as soon as possible," she says. "I just have to be careful about it, since I might be dealing with authorities." She smiles slightly. "I want to help you."

Philip is sitting in awkward silence, his gaze wandering between Marissa and Steve & Renala. He occasionally looks over at the krogan with a nervous look.

Steve nods a few times and scratches his chin. His omni-tool begins to beep, which gets a visibly frustrated reaction out of him. "Yeah, alright. I'll let you get back to-..." he glances back towards the table, "Whatever it is you're doin'. Just try not to keep me waitin' too long. It's ge-..." he sighs and looks away from Renala, "Just need to take care of it soon..."

Renala takes a step back. "Should be just a day or two," she says. "I'll... meet you down here or at your room when I've sorted it out, okay?"

Yeah. Just stop by my room once you've got all this settled.

Steve sighs and lifts his forearm up as he activates his omni-tool, "I'm gonna get back to the office, but-... I appreciate it, Ren. Really." he says before making his way back towards the bar, typing away at his omni-tool.

Aylena raises an eyebrow. "Really?" she says. "Va'ynna served that amount to an asari just earlier this evening."

Gren turns to Aylena and raises his head slightly. "Who?"

Renala smiles. "I'll see you around," she says before making her way back to the table.

Va'ynna? That's the other bartender.

Philip gets out of his seat as Renala comes back. "As I said, I should get going. Can't say if I'm gonna be back any time soon. Can't be takin' the car to town for no reason.

The nervous jittery thing?

Steve rounds the counter and quickly passes by Aylena without a word, anxious to get back to his office.

Renala nods, and slips back into the booth. "Just say you have a date or something, or it's a debrief," she says, "or maybe just be honest with them." She chuckles. "Take care."

Aylena nods. "Yeah, her," she says. "The one you should take it easy on."

Gren grumbles. "Everyone is too soft here...".

Philip grins. "I'll take that into consideration." He says with a nod at Renala. "Miss Renala. Miss Marissa." He heads off towards the exit.

Aylena | "There's some other parts of this rock that might suit you better," she says. "That's probably why we don't see many krogan around, too."

Eh, I need somewhere quiet on occasion. This dump will do.

Gren waves dismissively to the door, indicating the town. "I've got my eyes on some property."

Marissa nods to Philip. "Thank you," she murmurs just before he walks off, a tiny smile on her face.

Renala remains downstairs until the asari youth, trying to make conversation now and then to little avail.

Oh? Where in town is that?

Some house on the edge of town. Expensive, but I'm not worried 'bout that. Just need somewhere to store my gear and sleep occasionally.

Aylena notices another patrons signaling for her. "I hope you get it, then," she says, "if you decide on it." She then makes her way over to the patron, starting to take his order.

Gren shrugs and finishes his drink. He dumps some credit chits on the counter and stands to leave, moving towards the exit.

Renala eventually leaves, stopping by the bar to buy some basic toiletries for Marissa, and then helps her find her room before parting ways with her.

Next Logs

Renala T'Iavay
Aylena D'Inea
Steven Briggs
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Aylena D'Inea
Steven Briggs
Aylena D'Inea
Steven Briggs
Aylena D'Inea
Philip Lacour
Steven Briggs
Renala T'Iavay
Aylena D'Inea
Renala T'Iavay
Aylena D'Inea

Previous Logs

Renala T'Iavay
Philip Lacour
Marissa T'Evin
Renala T'Iavay
Philip Lacour
Aylena D'Inea
Steven Briggs
Renala T'Iavay
Aylena D'Inea
Aylena D'Inea
Steven Briggs
Renala T'Iavay
Aylena D'Inea
Philip Lacour
Steven Briggs
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Renala T'Iavay
Aylena D'Inea
Steven Briggs