#Adrasteia – February 26, 2015

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Devin gives a nod. "Shit, I don't plan on stopping until my sis is farrrr away from this place." he says, "It's just like-... This whole other mentality they have, you know? I wanna give 'em more. They deserve more. I-..." he pauses as the curtain to their booth slides open.

An asari dressed similarly to the hype woman outside, lime green legwarmers and a short sky blue skirt, steps into the booth. "Hope I wasn't interrupting anything." she says suggestively, with a short laugh, "Can I bring you two anything to drink?" she asks the two of them, but her attention keeps shifting over to Devin.

Ilyna looks up at her. "Some mild asari brandy, please, and a glass of water," she says with a small smile.

Devin seems contemplative for a moment before piping up, "Brandy sounds good." he agrees, "Top shelf."

The asari gives a wide smile and nods. "Right away." she acknowledges. She turns to leave, but stops in the doorway and looks over her shoulder at Devin. "This is going to sound so unprofessional but-... I really love your movies, Mr. Tanner. 'A Beautiful Shade of Blue' was life changing." she gushes, her cheeks blushing somewhat, before apologizing and quickly making her escape.

Devin smiles through the whole thing. Once the asari is out of sight, he turns his attention back to Ilyna. "Yeah... As I was saying..." he continues, as if the whole exchange with the waitress was a common ordeal for him, "My dad is up at like... Fuck-Off O'clock every morning. Watches the sun rise. I can't even remember the last time I was up early enough to see that shit. I just want

him to be able to take it easy. Stop working. Sleep in for the first time in forever."

Ilyna nods in agreement to the other asari, although she wouldn't use the same words. "Some people just like the morning," she says. "I'm not one of them, but even then, sleeping in isn't easy after a long time of getting up before sunrise every day."

Devin gives a shrug. "I wouldn't mind it if he had some say in it, you know? But it's all he can do. He's worked those fields for so long, it's all he knows. There's a whole galaxy out there that I can show them. I've got the creds to take them wherever they want to go! The sort of thing that people hope for their entire lives, and it actually happened to me, right? Yet they keep goin'

about their lives like nothing has changed."

Ilyna nods. "It's never too late to see the galaxy," she says. "You wouldn't believe how long it took me to even travel as far as the Citadel." She sighs. "But it seems they're probably too attached to what they have here, and maybe they just won't be happy living the easy life on the Citadel."

Maybe not for an asari... But my folks are gettin' up there in age. They ain't gonna be around much longer. You gotta be, like, what? Two-hundred years old, or somethin', right? And you probably have a few thousand more in you. My parents don't have that luxury.

Ilyna chuckles. "With my luck, I would count on a few more decades maybe," she says. "Oh, so they're old? I don't know how you humans are once you get of age, but asari past seven-hundred are the most stubborn people you'll ever meet."

Devin chuckles loudly. "Well, shit, at least you get seven-hundred good years in. I can't even remember a time when my pops wasn't a narrow-minded, stubborn man set in his ways. That was our 'quality time' together when I was a kid." he says, giving airquotes, "He'd take me outside and show me how to tend to the fields. Hasn't changed one bit as far back as I can remember."

Ilyna nods. "I... think I understand," she says, "but try to help them without changing their life too much. Aren't there other worlds where they'd be safe doing what they're used to?"

Devin sighs, "I don't know... Look, I'm sorry. I'm really offloading on you here." he says with a chuckle before nodding to the asari, "What about you, guardian angel? What's your story? I barely know shit about the people charged with guarding my life."

Ilyna smiles slightly, although blushes slightly. "It's fine," she says. "I'm not much to talk about. I was in the military until I had enough of it, and then a few decades more after that. Mercenary work was all I could do after that."

And that's all you want? Shoot people in the face and look after super attractive celebrities?

Devin flashes a big grin.

Ilyna chuckles. "I was considering teaching, but... the background checks would get in the way, I think," she says. "People I cared about got hurt after I put down the gun, too, so... I picked it up again."

Teaching? How the hell do you go from storming around the galaxy, kicking ass and takin' names as a merc to... Wanting to teach?

Devin seems genuinely interested. He's leaning forward on his elbows, propping his head up.

Ilyna shrugs. "I wanted to get away from mercenary work," she says. "I wouldn't be doing it anymore if it wasn't for helping a friend out here... and there's some horrible things out there that we mercenaries get to see."

Yeah? You've seen some shit? Ever have to kill someone?

What do you think? Security work is quite different out here. We can't just detain them and call the police. I focus on keeping people safe, though. My barrier can take quite a beating.

Ilyna frowns. "As for things we've seen... some of it is best that you think only exist in horror vids. I would really, really wish that."

Devin 's eyes widen a bit. "Alright, you've got my attention.... I gotta hear this." he says, giving a quick glance towards the screen as one song ends and another begins.

Ilyna sighs. "I shouldn't have said anything," she mutters. "My first job was investigating a colony that's dropped out of contact... which should be saying enough."

Oh, shit. Slavers? Like those big batarian motherfuckers at the spaceport?

Ilyna shakes her head. "Much worse," she says. "Someting was turning people crazy... and they looked like pieces of tech was added to them. And... the expedition lead decided to bring whatever was causing it on the ship back home." She frowns. "I've been fortunate to never see those things again after that job."

Devin stares blankly at Ilyna for a few minutes. Eventually, a smile crosses his face and he begins shaking his head with a chucklem, "You're pullin' my leg, right?" he asks, "It's all good... If you don't wanna talk about the heavy shit, we can just keep it light. Seein' anyone?"

Ilyna smiles slightly. "Fine by me," she says. "And no, I don't. I saw someone almost two years ago, but... mercenaries make enemies, you know." She frowns.

Ahhh. He cut and run when things got too heated?

Ilyna nods. "She had to escape," she says. "Her enemies made an attempt on her life, and she had to hide again."

Oh, shit... Sorry to hear that. No wonder you want out of this life...

And I did... after that. I went home to Thessia and tried to figure out what else to do, but I couldn't.

Ilyna frowns. "Even with all the terrible things, I... don't think I would be better off unhappily serving in the military."

The asari returns with a drink in each hand. She places one in front of Ilyna, and the other before Devin. "Enjoy." she says, her eyes locked on Devin as she backs out of the room.

Ilyna takes the glass and nods. "Thank you," she says with a small smile.

Devin nods to the asari, but otherwise remains entirely focused on Ilyna. "I guess I understand that. Gotta enjoy the moments while they last, right? Never know when it'll end."

I know. That's... really the worst part of living for up to a millenia if you ask me.

Yeah.... Fuck, guess I never really thought about that. I've always been jealous of you asari. Meanwhile, I'm scared to death of the idea that something might happen to my sis. Guess when you live for so long, you lose a whole lot of people.

Ilyna nods. "It... doesn't mean loss hurts any less," she says. "My little sister is also a mercenary, started out as soon as she was old enough, because my dad is a terrible mother. If something were to happen to her... I don't know what I'd do."

My dad is a-...

Devin shakes his head, choosing not to further pursue the statement, "You talk to her? Tell her about the shit you've been through?"

Ilyna nods. "Of course," she says. "It's just that she's pretty much your average young asari mercenary. Not much that can deter her."

So what are you gonna do about it? You can't just let her put herself in that sort of danger, right? What if she gets herself killed?

Ilyna shrugs. "That's why I'm trying to get her into agency I work for," she says, "so I can ensure she doesn't get the dangerous jobs. I've tried getting her to give it up, I really have, but she's determined."

Devin gives a nod. "Keep her close, huh? Makes sense. So is this the sort of shit your agency normally does? Low-risk work?"

Both low-risk and high-risk. There isn't exactly a clear line between the two out here.

Devin nods, "Fair point." he says before giving a nod towards the doorway they entered from, "So, couldn't help but notice the use of the word 'she'. Whaddya think about that attendant?" he asks, giving Ilyna a wink, "You say the word and I'll make sure she shows you a good time."

Ilyna raises an eyebrow. "What? No," she says. "Besides, she... seems interested in you, not me."

Devin gives a shrug, "We're gonna have to get a room after we're done here anyway. I'm sure she'd love to come back to the room with us." he offers suggestively.

Ilyna frowns. "Let's... uh, keep things at least a little professional," she says, although her cheeks have acquired a darker shade of purple.

Devin gives a chuckle and stares silently at Ilyna from across the table for an uncomfortable amount of time. "Fine, fine... I'm gonna get a few party treats for the road, though." he says, reaching over to tap the 'Call' button once again.

Ilyna tilts her head. "What do you mean?"

Devin gives another wink. "Relax, it's no big deal. I'll wait till we're out of here before I use any of the stuff." he assures her.

Red Sand? It got released into the air on a mercenary job once, so I've seen what it does to people. It's... not a good idea to take it.

Ahhh, it's not so bad. We'll just use a little. It'll be fine. Trust me.

Ilyna sighs. "Do it when you're at home, then," she says. "At least not in the shuttle."

Devin gives a sharp nod. "Deal. I'll wait till we're back at the hotel room. Fair?"

Ilyna nods. "Sounds fair," she says. "I did survive the presence of an armed mercenary affected by it."

The asari attendant arrives once again and stands just inside the doorway with her hands clasped together. "Is everything satisfactory?" she asks, "Was something wrong with your drinks?"

Devin gives a shake of his head. "Drinks are fine." he says, folding his hands atop the table, "Me and my friend here were looking to-..." he lowers his voice somewhat, "...dust up a bit..."

Ilyna shakes her head slightly before taking a sip of her drink, but doesn't give a verbal response.

The asari looks towards Ilyna disapprovingly, knowing full-well that asari aren't affected by Red Sand. "I'm sorry, Mr. Tanner, but Illumination doesn't deal in that sort of thing." she says. Although, upon noticing Devin's dissatisfaction, she immediately adds brighty, "But for a customer of your status, I'm sure we can figure something out."

Devin gives a wide smile. "Excellent. Wonderful service."

The asari looks over the pair for a moment longer before exiting the small room.

Ilyna waits for the the asari to leave before saying, "You know that a bad cough is the most it'll give me right?"

Devin raises an eyebrow. "For real? Shit, we'll get you something stronger, then. Let me call her back..."

Please don't. I want to remain sober in case something happens that threaten your security.

Devin sighs and slumps a bit in his seat. "Fine... Suit yourself."

Ilyna chuckles. "Do you keep forgetting I'm at work here?" she says, looking a little amused. "An easy day at work, I know, but that can change at any moment."

Well, shit, I'm at work, too. By now there's probably already half a dozen articles out there with our faces plastered all over them. This is the entertainment industry.

Devin taps a finger against the tabletop, "The difference is: I'm willing to have a little fun."

Ilyna nods. "I'm wondering how long it'll take before anyone back home notices," she says. "I... uh, I do like this job, too, but... I have to stay sober."

Yeah, yeah... I get it. Doggy bag for one.

Ilyna nods. "So... what do you want to do next?" she asks. "Surely you want to do more than just sitting here with me all night."

Devin gives a shrug. "Sitting here with you ain't so bad. Views nice." he says with a wink and a chuckle before taking a moment to think on the question. "Figure we'll get a room in the city after this. Find a shitty little all-night place to pick up food and-... I don't know. See what the city has to offer."

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Escort To The Stars
Devin Tanner
Ilyna T'Rea
Escort To The Stars
Devin Tanner
Ilyna T'Rea
Escort To The Stars
Devin Tanner
Ilyna T'Rea
Escort To The Stars

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Escort To The Stars
Devin Tanner
Ilyna T'Rea
Escort To The Stars
Devin Tanner
Ilyna T'Rea
Escort To The Stars
Devin Tanner
Ilyna T'Rea
Escort To The Stars
Ilyna T'Rea
Escort To The Stars
Ilyna T'Rea