#Salvaging – August 5, 2013

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Tyranniac| The door doesn't have any obvious weakpoints, but the place where the lock is located is fairly obvious upon closer inspection.

Renala | "Good point," Renala says, glancing at the turian with a faint smile. She takes a step towards the door, briefly looking it over. "I think I could affect much of it, but if you figure out where it's weakest, that'll help." The biotic shimmer is still around her person, but it seems she has good control when it comes to keeping the energy within her.

Steve stares at Fera for a moment, his frustration beginning to get the best of him. "It's a door." he says, enunciating very slowly, "Its' weak point is probably the same as every other door: Where it's hinged."

Renala looks over the car's door again. "It's not like my biotics are in extremely short supply," she says. "At the very least, it won't make the door more difficult to breach."

Steve takes a few steps back and points towards the bottom of the door where its' hinge-like system, allowing the door to lower into a ramp, is situated. "If you can damage those, the door should come right off." he says, crossing his arms in front of him.

Fera'Sel watches the asari work. "You sure? Damage it the wrong way and we might have an even tougher time getting in."

Human: Open the damn door already!

Tyranniac| The turian is looking up at the snow-covered slope to the south.

Steve turns towards the human and takes a deep breath. "If you know something about getting through locked, solid objects that I don't, you're more than welcome to step up. Otherwise, keep your mouth shut, junior."

Renala sighs, the cold weather made the asari really not interested in standing about thinking. "We don't have any other ideas, now do we?" she says to Fera. "Alright, I'll hit it with a Warp field. Please keep a distance from it; better safe than sorry as I don't know how it'll fall off." She takes a few steps back, waiting for the others to follow suit.

Steve takes a few extra steps away from the truck.

Fera'Sel backs her ass away from the truck.

Tyranniac| The others move away as well.

Renala hesitates for a moment before the energy built up within her concentrates into an orb, which she quickly sends on her way in a beeline for what seems to be the opening mechanism for the door. She looks at it expectantly as the field hits the truck and begins shredding the surface of the mechanism on a molecular level. She builds up energy again, as if she has another idea.

Tyranniac| The door starts to deform and bend under the effect of Renala's biotics. One of the hinges are disloged and the door's left side slides down quite a bit. With a groan the mangled remains of the ramp come off and fall into the snow, exposing the interior of the truck's storage space, which contains several crates. There is no way in to the truck but climbing since the ramp fell off.

Steve walks past the others, giving Renala a pat on the shoulder and a "Nice job." before hopping into the back of the truck to get a closer look.

Renala smiles satisfied as she sees the door come off and lets the biotic energy built up for 'plan B' dissipate. She walks over towards the truck, but doesn't climb into it.

Fera'Sel walks up towards the truck and takes a peek inside. If there is nothing but the crates mentioned before inside, she pulls herself up into the truck.

Tyranniac| The crates all seem to be surveying equipment such as seismic analyzers, soil samplers, triangulation gear and so on. The crates containing clothing, weaponry and tents have been emptied. The driver's compartment can be reached from the cargo area.

Steve glances back at the others. "Looks like some of the crews equipment. Wonder why they left it behind..." he says before making his way past the crates and towards the front of the truck.

Tyranniac| The driver's compartment is empty of people, but a datapad lies in the driver's seat.

Renala | "If the truck's engine died, or something like that, it would be odd if they didn't report back," Renala comments before finally climbing into the truck, figuring the inside of it would be slight bit less cold.

Steve glances around the compartment for a moment before spotting the datapad. Satisfied that there's nothing more of interest, he picks up the datapad and looks it over.

Fera'Sel remembers that the crates would most likely be easier to open in some way, so she glances around the crate until she finds the button. She jams her finger onto it and glances into the crate once it opens, eyeing the stuff inside.

Tyranniac| The crate is filled with expensive survey equipment.

Fera'Sel sees nothing of particular interest and moves on to the next crate. She pushes the button and looks inside. This one is the weaponry crate.

Renala glances at Fera and the crate she first opened. "Wasn't our job to bring that stuff in those crates back?"

Yes, but it doesn't hurt to get... inventory.

Fera'Sel half-trails off and stares at the inside of this crate in surprise.

Tyranniac| The datapad reads "Karl's, Hands Off", however there appears to be no password. An audio journal program is open in the background, displaying a menu of entries ranging back over a month. The three most recent ones are about a week and a half old.

Steve takes a few steps back into the storage area, holding the datapad in one hand. "Found something..." he says as he approaches the others. "Someone left this behind." he continues and selects the most recent entry.

Tyranniac| The turian remains outside, keeping watch. The young human is in the truck, listening to the datapad.

Renala chuckles at Fera's answers, but doesn't comment further. She then looks at the datapad expectantly as Steve plays the entry.

Datapad: Not many options left now. Sam and John had all the food, and most of the surival gear. We've had no progress here, and everyone's getting impatient. We're going to try walking to the nearest settlement. A sigh is heard If someone finds this, and we haven't come back... we need help.

Steve looks up from the datapad. "Well that doesn't sound good..." he says, "...Where did they plan on going? I can't imagine anyone would be able to survive a trek out of here on foot."

Renala | "Maybe It is near enough," Renala considers aloud, "that they could reach it by foot." She glances outside, pausing. "Maybe our driver knows where that settlement could be."

Maybe... That recording was more than a week old, though. You'd think the company would have heard something from them by now. There's a couple more entries from around the same time.

Steve selects the second most recent entry

Datapad: Still no luck fixing the truck. Engine's a lost cause, and no progress with the comms so far. Li suggested we combine equipment from both vehicles and see if we can get one working comm array at least. I'm thinking maybe that-... The sound of a vehicle starting and driving off can be heard, as well as yelling. What the hell?! The recording goes on for a while longer, mostly catching frustrated but inaudible chatter, before timing out.

Guessing that explains where 'Sam' and 'John' went. But why would they abandon the rest of the crew? And why wouldn't they report back to Hnipinn after taking off?

Tyranniac| Young Human shrugs. "Maybe they got lost?"

Renala frowns, thinking about this situation. "I saw another set of tracks outside," she says. "If that's them, they did not head back the way they came, which probably means they didn't get lost." She pauses. "I'm betting those two, John and Sam, had a plan of their own."

Steve nods absently to himself and selects the oldest of the three entries.

Turian: They must be brought to justice.

Datapad: Truck B has broken down. Engine, comms, heat, everything. And the comms on A are still broken from the last tour! I swear, it's that idiot Alexei's souvenir that did this... somehow. We're stuck here for the moment, working to fix it as soon as we can. Damn cold...

Steve sighs and sets the datapad on top of one of the crates. "Well, that wasn't very helpful. Sounds like they fell apart once things started going downhill. At this point I'd say we're probably looking for bodies, not survivors."

Renala nods, frowning. "As awful as it sounds, that's probably right," she says. "I suggest we start by figuring out where that settlement they mention is. Maybe someone there knows something about this."

Young Human: Couldn't we just follow their footsteps?

Turian: We should go after the truck, bring the cowards to justice.

Follow their footsteps? Assuming the snow hasn't already destroyed their tracks, to what end do we follow them? We have no idea how far they traveled. They planned on it being a one-way all-or-nothing trip. There's only so much we can do. I say we load up this equipment and look around for a basecamp. Salvage as much as we can and take off. The rest is out of our hands at this point, as far as I'm concerned.

Turian: Typical human cowardice. We have a vehicle, we can move quickly.

Fera'Sel finishes searching the crates. She closes the last one and sits on top of one of them, watching the conversation. "Sorry, what are we discussing? I was busy searching."

Young Human: I dunno, grabbing the equipment and leaving sounds like a solid plan.

Renala | "Weren't we also supposed to look for survivors?" Renala chimes in, not entirely recalling what the secretary had told them.

Steve takes a few steps towards the turian, hopping out of the back of the truck. "Cowardice? This is a job. I don't know what kind of personal stake you have in this, but I wasn't hired to zip around a mountain, searching for a needle in a haystack. Have you looked around?" he says, turning 90 degrees and looking over the snowy landscape, "If we were going to make a go of this, we'd need air support at the very least. Not to mention supplies. And even then, we're looking for a group that's been without any food or gear for nearly two weeks... In this environment. Don't be naive."

Tyranniac| The turian shakes his head at Steve. "The tracks are still clear, the weather has been favourable. We could follow the tracks easily, and there might be survivors."

Turian: The truck has enough supplies to last us a week. I'm not new to this, -human-.

Steve nods to himself, an entertained look on his face. He takes another couple of steps towards the turian, the smirk on his face widening. After burrowing a hole through the turian with his eyes for a moment, he turns back towards the truck, looking towards the others for their input. "Well?" he asks, putting his hands out, palms up. His demeanor seems to change instantly as he takes a deep breath and the tension drains from his body, "How do the rest of you feel about this?"

Young Human: I just want as much pay as possible, man. I need this money bad.

Steve nods. "How about you?" he asks, glancing between the other two before his eyes come to rest on Renala.

Renala follows after Steve, not having anything else to do inside the truck. "Our job included looking for survivors, if I'm not mistaken," she says before climbing out of the truck. "And what the other human said kind of holds true for me as well."

Fera'Sel laughs and pushes herself off the crate, then carefully removes herself from the truck. "Whatever works. I don't much care either way."

Steve nods once again. "Well, I guess that about settles it then." he says before turning back towards the turian for a moment, "I suppose we should get this equipment loaded onto the truck before we get moving..."

Tyranniac| The turian nods at Steve and grabs the nearest crate, starting to carry it towards their own vehicle. The young human doesn't move yet.

Steve pulls a crate off the back of the truck without any further words and begins hauling it back to their truck, trailing a bit behind the turian.

Next Logs

Hnipinn's Salvage Mission
Renala T'Iavay
Fera'Sel nar Veltar
Steven Briggs
Hnipinn's Salvage Mission
Renala T'Iavay
Fera'Sel nar Veltar
Steven Briggs
Hnipinn's Salvage Mission
Renala T'Iavay
Fera'Sel nar Veltar
Steven Briggs
Hnipinn's Salvage Mission
Renala T'Iavay
Fera'Sel nar Veltar
Steven Briggs
Hnipinn's Salvage Mission
Renala T'Iavay
Fera'Sel nar Veltar
Steven Briggs
Hnipinn's Salvage Mission
Renala T'Iavay
Fera'Sel nar Veltar
Steven Briggs
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Renala T'Iavay
Fera'Sel nar Veltar

Previous Logs

Hnipinn's Salvage Mission
Renala T'Iavay
Fera'Sel nar Veltar
Steven Briggs
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Hnipinn's Salvage Mission
Renala T'Iavay
Fera'Sel nar Veltar
Steven Briggs
Renala T'Iavay
Fera'Sel nar Veltar