#Miner'sRespite – August 9, 2014

Va'ynna is currently tending the bar. She's in a dark-green dress that she's not too rarely seen in while at work.

Philip enters the Respite with a cheerful look on his face. He heads over to the bar and takes a seat near Va'ynna. "Hey. Can I get a drink?" He's wearing the same dirty gray jumpsuit as the last time he was in the Respite.

Va'ynna nods. "Yeah, what can I get you?" she says, before narrowing her eyes for a second; feeling she should recognize him from somewhere.

Philip bites his lower lip as he thinks, coming up with nothing. "I dunno. Any recommendations?" He asks with a smile.

Va'ynna hums thoughtfully as she glances at the nearest termnial. "How about... um, Rum and Coke?" she says, "or... a glass of beer?"

Philip grins widely. "Sure, I can try a Rum and Coke. Gotta taste those fancy city drinks when you have the chance, right?"

Va'ynna nods and makes her way off to find the bottle, clearly knowing where they both are. Upon her return she finds a glass and pours it full of ice. "So, you're... new around here?" she says before mixing the drink and handing it to him.

Philip nods at Va'ynna's question. "Yeah... sort of. My folks own one of the homesteads in the area. Moved there from Earth when I was a kid." He takes the glass, studying it for a moment before raising it to his lips.

I... haven't been at any of the homesteads yet. Is it... um, nice out there?

Philip shrugs. "Guess so. Lotta room, that's for sure. Not cramped like here. But it can get a bit dull, ya know?" He sips the drink and then makes an "Eh", gesture.

Va'ynna tilts her head, not entirely following. "This place can get... a little too exciting sometimes," she says. "But... that's probably just me. I don't think I really belong out here."

Philip puts his drink down, raising an eyebrow. "Not happy here, huh? Aite's not for everyone... what's troublin' ya?"

Va'ynna sighs. "I'm a coward, I suppose," she admits, "but... I... I have too many good friends here to just... leave." She pauses, pouring a glass from of water from the sink, and taking a sip.

So, you... are with the militia, I take it?

Philip shakes his head. "Nah, nah... I'm in Redrock. Joined last week."

Va'ynna lets out a tiny smile, before it fades as she think she remembers where she recognized him from. "Oh, were you... here when that happened?" she says. "The shooting outside, I mean."

Philip nods. "Yeah... couldn't help much. Good thing no one got hurt. Made sure to bring my gun this time." He pats the worn, uncollapsed Mattock slung over his back with a strap across his chest. "Unwieldy to carry around, but she's reliable."

Va'ynna nods. "It doesn't... happen often. It was... half a year since last time," she says as she types something on the terminal, a smile creeping up again. "It... still means a lot that you helped."

Philip smiles faintly. "Appreciate that, but I assure ya I can do better than what I did back there. I've defended the homestead from a mess of raiders. Even had some of them geth once."

Va'ynna raises her brows. "Uh, Geth?" she says, fidgeting nervously. "I've... I think I've heard about them being here, but... this close? Are... you sure?"

Philip nods. "Oh yeah. My daddy's got one of them mounted as a light. Spooky things."

Va'ynna frowns, glancing away. "I... hope I never see one," she says. "So... it's probably best I stay in town, then."

Jason enters the Respite and marches straight towards the bar. "Hey, V!" he calls out casually as he parks himself on a stool near Philip, leaving an empty one between them, "My usual when you get some free time."

Philip laughs slightly. "Oh, it's not that bad. If you wanna see what a homestead looks like sometime I'd be happy to escort ya."

Va'ynna smiles slightly. "I'll... keep it in mind," she says before looking towards Jason. "Hey," she says, finding another glass and filling it with ice. "How... is it going?" Va'ynna mixes the drink given the convenient location of both the rum and coke and moves over to give it to him.

Philip looks to the side at Jason, and straightens up when he realizes who it is. "Oh shit! Mr. Wolfe, sir."

Jason gives a slight shrug. "Eh, you know... It's goin'. Can't complain. How 'bout you?" he asks before Philip speaks up. "Uh... Hi.... You..." he says, raising an eyebrow and trying to place the man.

I'm back to... working out here now, so I'm alright.

Philip looks a bit disappointed that Jason doesn't recognize him. "Philip Lacour? You were at the desk when I went in for my interview with the Chief...?"

Jason winces and nods a few times. "Yeah, yeah... Shit. Of course." he says, rubbing his forehead, "Sorry, just a lot going on, you know? Good to have you on board, Phil." He reaches out and pulls his drink closer, offering Va'ynna a smile.

Va'ynna returns the smile, but keeps quiet as the two talks.

Philip grins and offers a forgiving nod. "So when's my first mission?" He asks enthusiastically.

Jason frowns momentarily as Philip's question reminds him of the reason he's at the Respite. He glances over at Va'ynna sympathetically. "We've got something in the works right now. Shouldn't be too long, just keep your schedule open, we probably won't be able to give you much of a notice."

Philip nods. "Not a problem." He says, turning back to the bar and pondering if he should have another go at the drink.

Va'ynna tilts her head, but she doesn't want to interrupt their discussion.

Jason lifts his glass and looks between the two as things go silent. "Oh... Don't let me interrupt whatever you two had going on." he says before taking a sip.

Philip has gone quiet in the presence of his new boss, no doubt worried about seeming unprofessional. He raises his glass and sips the drink. "Sooo..." He says eventually. "...I've only met doc and... uh, the salarian with the stump. Care to tell me about the rest of the team?"

Some of them... stay here, so you'll... probably run into them.

Jason continues to nurse his drink. "Whaddya want to know?" he asks, staring into the glass, "We got a pretty good crew put together so far. Not too big at the moment, but we're doing the best we can." he nods at Va'ynna, "Hell, I think Steve's actually working right now, isn't he?" he asks, lifting a hand to arbitrarily wave at a camera.

Philip seems to come to a realization while Jason speaks. "Hey, what am I saying! I met Renala! How could I forget someone like her? We have any other, uh... aliens?"

Jason nods a couple times. "Yeah..." he says, raising an eyebrow, "That's... Not gonna be a problem, is it? We've got a 'check your xenophobic bullshit at the door' policy."

Philip puts his hands up defensively. "What? No! I'm-I'm fine with aliens! It's cool. Haven't met many before, is all."

Jason waves it off and takes another sip of his drink.

Fair enough. Aside from stumpy and Renala, we've got a batarian onboard named Jattic, and a turian. Zaylus... But he up and disappeared.

Jason nods towards Va'ynna. "And, of course, our unofficial bartender over here." he smirks.

Philip 's eyes widen. "A-.. a... batarian? Like... those slaver guys?"

Va'ynna moves up a hand to cover her mouth as she smirks at his comment, a giggle escaping her.

Jason smirks and shakes his head.

I wouldn't say that around him...

Philip looks a bit awkward. "Oh, uh... shit... is that racist? All I've heard is they're slavers and they have like... a lot of eyes."

Has he... been here?

Jason chuckles a bit, amused at the man's apparent lack of hands-on experience with alien races. "Shit, there's assholes of every shape, size, and color. Can't hold that against an entire species, though, right?" he asks. He gives Va'ynna a quick shrug, "Hell if I know. He doesn't say a whole lot. I get the impression he's not too fond of me... Or of... Anything, for that matter."

Philip looks a bit embarassed, and goes back to his drink.

Va'ynna nods. "I... see some batarians here," she says, "but I can't remember... serving one."

Jason nods a few times silently then stares off distantly for a short while. Eventually, he opens his mouth to speak, but hesitates. "Hey, V... I've been meaning to ask you..." he finally manages.

What is it?

Va'ynna takes a sip of her glass of water, looking a little curious.

Philip listens to the two in silence.

Jason glances over at Philip. He rubs at his forehead and sighs, quickly changing his mind, "Uhh-... Has it been quiet around here since all that went down? Nothing out of the ordinary?"

Va'ynna nods. "Yeah," she says, not really following. "It's... picking up..... I don't think I've noticed anything strange, though."

Jason nods a few times. "Good, good..." he says, taking another short sip of his drink, "How about your viewer? Hear anything back?"

Va'ynna shakes her head. "No... I haven't heard from him."

Philip taps the counter awkwardly before sliding off his seat. "I should go." He says after finishing his drink. "Nice to meet ya, miss...?"

I'm Va'ynna. Nice to meet you too... Phillip, was it?

Va'ynna glances down at the terminal, a small smile creeping up. "Oh, forgot to say that each of you... being here that day should have a drink taken off your tab."

Jason gives Philip a nod. "Nice talking to ya Phil. Keep an eye out for those batarians." he teases with a smile.

Now, I'm not one to turn down free booze, V... But I wasn't here when everything went down.

Philip nods at Va'ynna. "That's kind of ya. And call me Phil." He says with a smile before turning around and leaving.

Va'ynna smiles slightly. "I meant Phil, but... I think I owe you one anyway."

Jason turns slightly red, lowering his gaze back to his drink. "Oh... Right... Of course... I-... I knew that." he nods.

Va'ynna smiles sheepishly as she taps on the terminal, trying to sneakily pay off his last drink. "So... should the repair really take this long?"

Jason tilts his head to one side, then to the other. "Well, there's a lot to consider when it comes to repairing a viewer. Like the fact that I have no fucking idea." he shrugs, his smirk growing, "But if you don't hear back in the next few days, I'll stop by and talk to him."

Va'ynna giggles at the first part. "Thank you," she says. "I'll... tell you if I don't hear anything." She picks out a credit chit from her pocket and fulfills the payment before slipping it back in.

Jason retains his smile as he taps at the counter for a moment. "Hey-..." he eventually says, "You've been on Aite for a while now, right?"

Va'ynna nods. "Since... the day before I met you."

Jason nods a few times. "What about home?" he asks casually, not allowing his gaze to settle on the asari for very long, "You been back home to visit?"

Va'ynna raises her brows, looking surprised. "I have... nothing to return to," she mutters.

Jason takes a short sip of his drink and sets it aside once again.

Well, ya gotta have something, right? What about your parents?

Va'ynna sighs. "Didn't... I tell you before?" she says, looking a little uncomfortable. "It's... not something I want to talk about."

Jason bites his lower lip for a moment and shrugs. "I understand, but..." he sighs, "Maybe-... Wouldn't you like the chance to-..." He goes quiet, fixing his gaze on his drink, and shrugs uncomfortably

Va'ynna frowns, looking at the counter. "No," she murmurs. "No..."

Jason leans his elbow on the counter and props up head up with his hand. "You know... My mom passed away when I was pretty young." he says, not exactly sure where he's going with the tidbit of information. After a few seconds, he continues, "If I could change things... Get the chance to know her, spend time with her? I'd do pretty much anything."

Va'ynna shakes her head. "I... don't want to talk about her," she mutters, taking a few shaky breaths. "Please..."

Jason sighs and nods. "Yeah... Yeah... Sorry I brought it up..." he says softly.

Va'ynna drinks up the remainder of her water before leaving the empty glass behind the counter. "I don't understand," she begins, looking up at him. "Why... bring it up?"

Jason remains quiet for a short while. "V... We're good friends, right? You trust me, and know I'd never do anything to intentionally upset you, right?"

Yeah, but... I told you... I didn't want to talk about it last time you brought it up. Don't you remember?

Jason rubs at his forehead. "It's just that-... Something came up, V... I feel like it's my obligation as a friend to tell you... But-... I'm not sure if you want to hear it."

Va'ynna looks down momentarily, taking a deep breath. "Now... now I'm going to wonder about it if you don't tell me," she murmurs.

Jason lets out a frustrated sigh, realizing he's backed himself into a corner. "I just don't want you to be mad at me, V..."

Va'ynna is quiet for a few seconds, looking a little conflicted. "I... promise I won't be," she says. "Not after... after all you've done for me."

Jason lets out a deep breath, but continues to focus on his drink for a few moments. He takes a large swig of it. "Your mother..." he begins, looking up from the glass, "Uvena? She's here." he hesitates for a second before continuing, "In Freedom Falls. She was the asari wounded here the other night, V... She's hiring Redrock for a job." He stops and watches Va'ynna, dreading her response.

Va'ynna stares at him, not having words to express herself, her breath growing shaky. "You... you... that's... that can't be," she mutters before turning around, facing the wall, going quiet again. She brings up a hand to her face.

Jason stands from his seat but remains in place. "V-... Hey, talk to me. I just-... I thought you deserved to know."

Va'ynna doesn't move. "She... went to you," a low murmur can be heard, "she... even looked at me."

Jason remains quiet for a few moments. "V... She didn't think you'd want to see her." he sighs, "I'm sorry... I know it doesn't make things any better, but she sounded like she's carrying a lot of guilt around when it comes to you..."

Va'ynna takes a few seconds to answer. "She's... right," is all she has to say, coming out as a low murmur. She opens her mouth several times, but no words leaves her.

Jason looks around, feeling incredibly uncomfortable. "She's here about Rellis, V..." he says, "I don't know all the details, but I think-... I think she's trying to protect you..."

Va'ynna looks up, although still facing away from Jason. "How... does she know?" she mutters. "Tell her I don't want her help." A hint of anger can be heard in her voice. She takes a single step towards the door.

Jason sighs loudly, "I don't know, V... She isn't saying a whole lot. She just..." he shrugs to nobody in particular, "Sort of danced around certain questions. I'm sorry, V... I should've just kept my mouth shut. I didn't want to upset you..."

Va'ynna looks down again. "You... you did the right thing," she says before sniffing. "It's just too much." Her voice makes it clear she's crying, and failing at stifling it.

Jason shuffles around the counter, looking around uncomfortably to see if other patrons are watching as he does. "You know I'm here if you need to talk..." he offers, placing a gauntleted hand on the asari's shoulder as he approaches her, "I-.. This is-..." He sighs and goes quiet.

Va'ynna tenses a little at the touch before relaxing. "I've... put all that behind me... long ago," she murmurs sadly, barely above a whisper. "Now I'm making a fool of myself infront of... these people."

No. You just-... let it all out.

Jason glances around the bar with a sigh, "And if any of these people have a problem with it, they can fuck off."

Va'ynna doesn't say anything, just breathing shakily. The moisture under her eyes keep building up despite her best effort to wipe it off.

Jason steps closer and gives Va'ynna an awkward hug. "You gonna be alright, V?" he asks, "I need to get back to the agency eventually... But I'm not going anywhere until I'm sure you're okay."

Va'ynna wraps her arms around him in turn, holding on tightly. It takes quite a few seconds before any sound other than sniffles leave her. "Yeah," she sighs. "It's... just given... me too much to think about."

Jason pats Va'ynna on the back a few times. "Don't hesitate to contact me if you wanna talk. Or-... I don't know, just get a bottle of something really strong and get smashed." he smirks, squeezing her gently, "Seriously. No matter what time, whatever... Okay?"

Va'ynna nods, still not letting go. "Mhm," she says, faintly. "I... don't know what I did... to deserve a friend like you. You've always been good to me."

Shyva'Nahl walks out of the maintenance room carrying a bucket of soapy water and a mop. She hums to herself, lost in her own little world as she puts the mop down in the middle of the bar-room and sets up a wet floor sign. She picks up the mop and dips it in the soapy, sterile-smelling water and begins to mop up.

Jason chuckles to himself, "You've just... Been you." he says, "You're a good person, V. You give me too much credit... I just hope I can live up to it."

Shela`Tasul silently slipped into the bar. She wasn't being conspicuously stealthy, but a small quarian in a drab, forgettable suit wasn't something anyone noticed. It took her all of a second to notice the other quarian, the one she knew from the fleet. A few scant seconds, and she'd slipped a text-alert onto the girl's suit computer. <Shyva. It's me.>

Shyva'Nahl squeaks and jumps as a message flashes on her HUD. She blinks and reads it before looking around the bar, clutching the top of her mop and shaking nervously. The quarian wonders how someone could get a message on her HUD and who 'me' is. She didn't see a name attached... . Shyva finally sees someone she recognised and gives a meek wave at Shela`Tasul.

Shela`Tasul nodded, slipping though the crowd like a whisp of smoke until she was standing beside the curvly little girl. "Did you miss me?" she asked, putting one hand on the quivering girl, her playful tone calculated to ease her quivers.

Va'ynna is completely unaware of the two quarians, for her eyes are closed. "You are," she says. "You've... been there for me since... I got here. Always looking out for me."

Shyva'Nahl gives a little eep as Shela touches her, but soon relaxes, feeling a sense of familiarity. "Um... a l-little..." she mumbles, looking Shela over. "Y-You look... d-different. G-Grown up." she says, her voice still quivering a little as she wrings the mop handle in her hands.

Shela`Tasul let out a tiny little laugh, glancing down at her chest. Everyone and her sister knew Shyva's "thing" for girls. A little hinting couldn't hurt. "Years've been kind for me." she said, letting the girl feel at ease while she scoped out the place.

Jason awkwardly looks out at the patrons, continuing to look incredibly uncomfortable. "Well get used to it cuz I'm not goin' anywhere. Neither are the rest of us. I know it's not the same, but you've got a family at Redrock..."

Shyva'Nahl starts to move the mop back and forth, feeling a little more relaxed. "I-Indeed..." she mumbles. "S-so... h-how long h-has it been? I h-haven't s-seen you on the s-ship for... ages." she asks, almost knocking over her bucket with the mop. She squeaks and quickly shoots down to catch it, then lets out a relieved sigh as nothing spills.

"Few years, right?" said Shela, patting the clumsy oaf's back. Better ingratiate herself with the locals. "You're looking...." she let her glowing eyes wander over the girl. "Curvy."

Va'ynna takes a deep breath and lets go off the hug. "It's the family I feel home with," she says. "I... I should... I should get back to work."

Jason steps back from the asari and nods to himself. "Yeah, I should get home myself... Just keep in mind what I said. Day or night. No matter what. You need to talk to somebody, just let me know." he offers as he rounds the counter, "I'll see you later, alright?"

Shyva'Nahl snaps up straight again at the sudden compliment, then looks around sheepishly. "U-Um... t-thank you..." she mumbles, looking herself over. She was indeed the definition of curvy, her skin tight suit showing off a little more than she liked. "A f-few y-years... w-what have you b-been doing with y-yourself?"

Va'ynna nods, wiping her tears as she regains some sembleance of composure. "Yeah, I'll... see you again," she says. "Maybe... go to the shooting range some day...."

In to the Respite wandered a turian. Because there weren't enough aliens, already. He stood just shy of seven feet, clad in painted black armor that most turians seemed to where, the shoulders and sides trimmed with orange and gold. His face was a cold, steely complexion, eyes a piercing yellow they grew a little redder towards the center, looking much like twin suns or burning coals. On his back was a folded up Mattock, Phalanx attached to the plate at his thigh. He stomped for the bar, leaned against it, opened his mouth, looked between the crying asari and the human that seemed to be trying to get some, then let out a disgruntled noise before leaning back again and looking around a bit awkwardly.

Shela`Tasul shrugged. "This and that... nothing that wouldn't bore you," said the slender quarian, "friends of yours?" she asked, glancing around to the other bar members.

Shyva'Nahl looks up and around at the other bar patrons. "U-Um... n-no.." she mumbles, not recognizing any of the others. She lets out a little squeak when she sees the intimidating Calyx Vadris. She shuffles behind Shela`Tasul, putting her between the little quarian and the turian. "J-J-Just the b-bartender... s-she's a f-friend and c-coworker..."

Jason gives Va'ynna a nod. "You can count on it, V." he smirks. He gives the rude turian a bit of a stare as he makes his way away from the bar. As he nears the exit, he glances back over his shoulder with a short wave before disappearing through the Respite doors.

Va'ynna looks over the patrons at the bar, suddenly feeling the stares and embarrasment gets the better of her. She turns around and makes her way through the door without another word.

Shela`Tasul sighed to herself, taking just the briefest of seconds to let out her frustration at the spineless little girl with one almost imperceptible little huff. Oh well... spineless also meant easy to puppet. "It's okay," she said, her voice the warm strength of an older, wiser sister.

"... Alright, then." BYOB at a bar? Well, okay. He pushed off of it and glanced at the quarians for a moment, uncertain of what to do in light of bartender abandoning.

Shyva'Nahl peeps around Shela`Tasul, then lets out a little sigh. "So, u-um... t-thanks f-for telling me a-about Aite..." she mumbles to the more confident quarian. "H-how long h-have you b-been here? S-Since y-you left the f-flotilla?"

Shela`Tasul shook her head. "Been here and there," she said, putting one hand on the girl's shoulder to comfort her, thankful her mask hid her gaging expression. "Never really was able to settle down."

Shyva'Nahl feels comforted by Shela's touch, taking a deep breath and calming a little. It was nice to talk to someone she knew on the fleet, even in passing. "O-Oh... w-well, w-what do you d-do? I'm s-sure you have a j-job." She says, tilting her head. "It m-must've been e-easy for you. I s-sent... I t-think fifty applications b-but nobody g-got back to me."

"It helps if you have the right skills," said Shela, motioning for the girl to come closer. "Where're you staying?"

Shyva'Nahl stands a little closer to Shela, feeling even more comfortable. She almost felt... normal. Is that normal? She's one of the most abnormal people she knew! "J-Just upstairs. Its s-small, b-but cozy." She says with a small smile. "T-There's enough f-furniture to u-use as c-c-cover too."

"Well aren't you thinking," said Shela, a hint of appreciation in her voice. Which was stupid. Mass accelerators ripped though armor, what's a little upholstery supposed to do? Idiot should know that...

Shyva'Nahl nods and begins shaking a little. "I... I t-think it s-saved my l-life during a s-s-shootout o-outside..." she mumbles, feeling a little panicked. "M-Made me f-feel a little s-safer at least..."

"Well good for you," said Shela, grabbing the girl and hugging her tight. "That takes courage."

Shyva'Nahl eeps at first, but settles into the hug, wrapping her arms around Shela and holding her tight. She thinks back to the days on the flotilla, seeing Shela running down the halls like a loose cannon, while she hid herself away. She'd always wondered about the free spirited quarian, but never really had a conversation with her, but she still enjoyed the familiar feel of a good Tesleya hug. There wasn't anything special about it, but they were from the same ship and that was enough. "Its g-good to s-see you a-again. To f-feel some familiarity."

"Good to see you too," said Shela, giving the girl a little pat on her back. She paused for a moment, making a tiny show of mulling something over in her head. "You... said you had a room here?"

Shyva'Nahl nods as she breaks the hug. "Y-Yeah, I d-do. F-For n-now, it depends on h-how well I d-do my trial." She picks up her mop again. "T-They're t-trialing me for a c-clean up j-job. If I g-get it, I could p-potentially get f-free room and b-board."

Shela`Tasul nodded. "Free? in here?" she glanced around, letting the light catch juust so on her body, shawl pulling a little tauter over her chest, ever so subtly displaying her curves to the girl. "That's way better than what I've got going."

Shyva'Nahl can't help but glance, but she knows she shouldn't. What would Zaan think?! "U-Um... t-that's a sh-shame..." she mumbles. "M-Maybe I c-could g-get you a... f-friend d-discount f-for a room for a w-while?"

"That would be... most kind." said Shela, suprised that's the way the quarian went. "and if you don't get your job... I could split the rent." Quarians were used to tight confines on the fleet, but Shyva was even less okay with outsiders than usual. "Would be nice to have a fellow quarian nearby."

Shyva'Nahl nods slowly, then strokes her upper arm, nervously. "U-Um... w-well... m-maybe..." she mumbles, then looks back at Shela. "N-Not sure w-what my girlfriend w-will think a-about that t-though..."

"You have a girlfriend?" said Shela, her voice perfectly modulating from surprise to happiness as she knelt down to hug the girl. "Congratulations!" another mark? or a liability?

Shyva'Nahl eeps and hugs Shela back, her surprised wince turning into a giddle smile. "T-Thank you. S-She really i-is something else." She says, then blinks in realisation. "Um... b-but o-one thing you s-should know... s-she's an e-exile. U-Unlike u-us." Poor thing still doesn't know about Shela. "B-But her h-heart was in t-the right place!"

"Another quarian?" said Shela with a hint of a grin in her voice. "My this place is just hopping with us, isn't it?" she put her hand around the girl's swooshing hip, gently leading her over to a place to sit. "Well.. what are you waiting for, tell me about her!"

Shyva'Nahl squeaks as Shela begins to lead her away. "I c-can't!" she says, grabbing her mop again. "I'm s-supposed t-to be w-working." She begins mopping again. "I h-have to m-make a good impression..."

"Fine then," said Shela, letting her get back to work. "I should get going too..." her eyes flittered to the corner of her mask, checking a HUD readout. "Nice to have a friendly mask around." she waved at the girl as she left.

Shyva'Nahl waves Shela off. "C-Call me s-sometime, w-we should t-talk a-again s-soon!" she calls after her, sliding her mop from side to side... then a little more furiously as she tries to get a little stain out of the floor. "Boooosh'tet..." she mutters at the stain. "Diiiiiiie..." Good thing she's barely audible out of her mask.

Shela`Tasul chuckled just a little as she left. Girl was good for a bit of amusement... that was.... something.

Shyva'Nahl continues to mop the floor, happy that the bar has cleared out.

Shyva'Nahl finishes up her cleaning duties for the day. The floors and tables sparkle with a beautiful shine. The quarian really out did herself today!

Shyva'Nahl puts her bucket away and sits in a booth, admiring her work. She looks around and smiles before she starts typing on her omnitool.

Zaan wandered in to the bar, the quarian looking nice and clean in her suit and sleeveless 'doctor's coat.' She had her usual bag of medical supples on her side, pistol holstered at the hip as well. The woman glanced about, glowing eyes peering at the patrons from behind a dull, red mask.

Shyva'Nahl looks up from her omnitool and sees Zaan. She gives her a wide smile and a little, meek wave to Zaan`Drassi.

Zaan's eyes landed on Shyva and she smiled, making her way over, hands in the pockets of her makeshift coat. "Is this seat taken?" she asked rather slyly, stopping just in front on the table and shooting a look at the spot just beside her.

Shyva'Nahl nods at the seat in front of her. "T-That one is, b-but this one's free." she pets the seat next to her. "Come, join m-me."

Zaan slid in to the seat beside Shyva with a smirk, twisting some to face the other girl, one of her legs drawing up slightly. She reached out and took the other quarian's hand with a gentle gesture, looking around with a small sigh. "One of these days, we'll have to go out on an actual date," she stated, eying the tables. "Wow. It all looks very clean. Huge improvement."

Shyva'Nahl giggles, holding Zaan's hand in hers. "T-Thank you. I'm r-rather p-proud of them." She says before pulling the other quarian's legs across her lap. "H-Have a good day at the o-office?"

"I wouldn't really call it an office," she stated, shrugging lightly. Zaan leaned bad and got comfortable, even letting out a yawn, her mask lighting up. "I'm tired, though. I should probably take a day off..."

Shyva'Nahl strokes Zaan's leg and smiles, watching her get comfortable. She smiles widely. "W-Well, y-you do seem t-to work hard." she mumbles. "A d-day off w-will do you good. M-Maybe w-we could spend it t-together?"

"Maybe," she agreed, smirking. "I don't think you should go asking for personal days after you've just started, though. Do you know your schedule for the rest of the week?"

Shyva'Nahl nods. "Mhm. I h-have a d-day off in t-three days." She says, continuing to stroke the quarian's leg. "A-After t-that I have a n-night off. I u-usually finish a-at five t-though. W-When do y-you finish?"

"Around the same," Zaan answered, sitting upright a little more and leaning forward. The smile she wore could almost be seen through her mask. "A night sounds fun," the doctor put in. "We haven't had much time to ourselves outside of this damned bar."

Shyva'Nahl shakes her head. "F-For good reason..." she mumbles, her hand tightening in Zaan`Drassi's. "I... h-haven't b-been out since..."

"You can't be afraid of the galaxy," she said. "Not when you still have a pilgrimage to complete. We'll take it one step at a time. How about your room?"

Shyva'Nahl blinks and tilts her head. "Y-You want to s-see my room?"

"If it's the only place you'll go that isn't here." She chuckled and squeezed Shyva's hand. "And I would like to see what I've been paying for."

Shyva'Nahl blinks and nods. "I... um, d-don't see why not." she says, then pats Zaan's thigh. "Scootchie. N-Need to g-get out."

"Mm, and I was just getting comfortable, too." She sighed dramatically and stood, quarian hands on quarian hips.

Shyva'Nahl scootches out of the booth and hugs Zaan. "I'm s-sure I'll g-get you c-comfortable soon." she says, leaning her head against her shoulder.

"I'll bet," she answered, reaching down to take Shyva's hand. "And, ah, if you're -- I, ah -- well, I mean, if you'd rather wait or clean up, or something."

Shyva'Nahl snorts. "Who do you think y-you're talking to." she mumbles. "Its m-me. M-My room is a-always clean."

"Fair point," the doctor mumbled back, clearing her throat.

Shyva'Nahl takes Zaan`Drassi's hand and leads her to the stairs. "It's n-not that g-great..." she mumbles. "N-Nice, b-but not p-perfect. Y'know?" she asks as they reach the stairs.

"Nothing ever is," she chuckled, squeezing her hand again. "I'm not too picky. Anything is bigger than the rooms we had on our ships."

Shyva'Nahl giggles as she climbs the stairs. "Its b-better. T-Trust me."

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Philip Lacour
Jason Wolfe
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Calyx Vadris
Va'ynna Atana
Jason Wolfe
Va'ynna Atana
Shyva'Nahl nar Tesleya
Philip Lacour
Jason Wolfe
Va'ynna Atana
Jason Wolfe
Shyva'Nahl nar Tesleya
Va'ynna Atana
Philip Lacour

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Jason Wolfe
Va'ynna Atana
Philip Lacour
Va'ynna Atana
Jason Wolfe
Shyva'Nahl nar Tesleya
Va'ynna Atana
Shyva'Nahl nar Tesleya