#Miner'sRespite – August 30, 2015

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Jason is seated on the edge of his bed with a beer in his hand. He hasn't left his room all day so far, so he's still in what he slept in. A pair of black pants and a tanktop. He's staring off distantly at the screen on the wall, which isn't even turned on.

There is a loud crack as the window is forced open. Someone can be heard stepping onto the floor. A moment later Viper decloaks with a grunt, immediately starting to rifle through any drawer's in the room without paying Jason much attention. (Yan_Sun)

Jason stands up from his bed as soon as he hears the window opening and glances towards his holstered Phalanx. He eases up as he realizes who it is, but his startled expression turns to one of frustration. "How about knocking?" he asks. He frowns as she begins to pull drawers open, "What the fuck are you doing? Ge-... Stop!"

Viper stops once she finds bandages and painkillers, downing a few of the pills immediately and then taking a seat in the desk chair. She starts removing the armor plating on her left arm, exposing a large gash, presumably from a blade. Her blood is red, but it has a green tinge to it. "Water." She says without looking up at Jason. (Yan_Sun)

Jason raises an eyebrow, not too bothered by her condition. He looks as though he's about to refuse, but finally rolls his eyes and stands up, disappearing into the bathroom. "So, it's safe to assume someone else is as fed up with your shit as I am?" he calls out from the other room.

Viper smirks through the pain, prodding her wound. "That someone would be Cerberus. I have the shuttle." (Yan_Sun)

Jason returns to the room with a glass of water in a dirty, stained cup. "Great." he says unenthusiastically with a sigh, "So what went wrong?" he asks, thrusting the cup towards the woman.

Viper pours some of the water on the wound to wash away the blood and then gulps down the rest. She starts wrapping the bandage around her wound. After finishing up she pulls a butterfly knife from her belt. "The shuttle pilot had this on him. Tiny guy, didn't even see him in the chair, managed to slice my arm up good before I got him. At least I got a new souvenir. Nobody makes these anymore..." (Yan_Sun)

Jason shakes his head and steps over to the table to grab the pill bottle. He looks over the rim and uses his shirt to wipe it off before dumping a few pills into his own mouth. "But we're good, right?" he asks with his back towards the woman as he retrieves his beer once again to wash down the pills, "Shuttle is all we needed?"

Viper nods. "Prep wise? Yeah, we're good." She looks at Jason's stump. "Just waiting for your arms now, buddy." She flips the knife closed and puts it away. "There's something else we should talk about though... your, uh... "friend", Damien?" She pauses for am moment after making the quotation marks. "You are weirdly forgiving by the way. He almost compromised our mission... we're all very lucky there weren't any Cerberus eyes in (Yan_Sun)

the room when he had his outburst." (Yan_Sun)

Jason glances down at his stump as Viper does. He sighs loudly at the mention of Damien, "He's been through a lot." he offers, "It's not forgiveness. It's understanding. I know what he's going through. Hell, it's taken me years to come to terms with what I saw back there and it still does a number on my head some nights." He takes a step towards the woman and plops down on the bed

beside her, "Besides... We're at the finish line. He's good in the field, and I can't afford to just turn away soldiers. Linda's life depends on it." he offers with an almost guilty tilt of his head, as though he feels bad about somewhat using Monroe for his own needs.

Viper puts up a hand. "Woah now, I wasn't fishing for an update on your state of mind. Just trying to keep this mission together. You can't tell anyone else about what this mission is about. It's too risky. And make sure none of the ones you've told already blab. If Cerberus finds out we're coming we won't stand a chance of completing the mission, and neither of us gets what we want. In fact, we'll be dead. So yeah. Don't." (Yan_Sun)

Jason gives the woman the finger. "Fuck off. I'll tell my team whatever the fuck I please. This isn't your gig. I made a deal for a location so I could run this thing. The deal I agreed to came with no other stipulations. Your 'employer' changed the terms of the deal without even negotiating it with me. Now you're determined to come." he shrugs, "Great. Whatever. But you're not

gonna tell me who I can and can't keep informed on my team. The more informed they are, the better the chance of them all coming home."

Viper leans in closer to Jason, her visor fading away once again so that her slitted yellow eyes can meet his with a sharp stare. "You don't get it, do ya? If Cerberus hears anything about our mission, they'll kill us as soon as we go to the Barn. We'll all be dead, which I'd think is deterrent enough on its own, and your damsel will be stuck with them forever. You can't tell them. Select a team, and brief them the day we leave, (Yan_Sun)

no sooner." (Yan_Sun)

Jason remains in place, holding the woman's gaze as a means of posturing. "I'll tell them at the briefing." he agrees, although his aggressive tone defies what he's saying. He furrows his brow and frowns, "But I want it to be known that I'm doing it because I want to handle it that way! Not because you're telling me to!"

Viper nods with a smile. "Of course." She says, moving out of Jason's personal space again. "The shuttle has room for fourteen people - that means a team of thirteen, including the two of us and a pilot." (Yan_Sun)

I've got an YMIR mech.

Viper blinks. "O...kay. I did mention this is gonna be an infiltration mission, right? Uh... maybe I didn't. Whoops." (Yan_Sun)

Jason furrows his brow as if Viper must be a moron or something. "Hate to break it to ya, beautiful, but I don't think YMIR's have an 'infiltration' setting." he says with a roll of his as eyes. He may as well have added 'Duh!' afterwards.

Viper looks dumbfounded. "Wha-..." She lets out a groan. "Right. Which is why it won't be of much use." (Yan_Sun)

Jason mutters something about her not being of much use. "What happens if we need the firepower? If we're detected, it could be a great way to cover our escape."

Viper shrugs again. "The idea is not to get detected. At least not until we have what we want. We should be able to shoot our way back to the shuttle if we have to. Besides, you have that fancy overcompensator, don't ya?" (Yan_Sun)

Jason glances down before raising an eyebrow. "Overcompen-... What?"

Viper grins. "C'mon. A guy doesn't get a gun that big without some insecurity issues." She says with an awkward eyebrow wiggle. (Yan_Sun)

Jason frowns and stands up, clearly quite offended. "You're crossing lines again! Now why in the fuck are you here?" he asks, clearly getting tired of her company, "Don't tell me that out of all the places on this rock, this was the first spot that came to mind for a bandage..."

Viper rolls her eyes. "To tell you I have the shuttle? And, ya know, that it's an infiltration mission. Since I didn't before. Uh, oh, yeah, make sure the team is mostly human. Especially the pilot. Since, ya know, Cerberus." After a moment she seems to remember something. "Oh! I've got a couple of Cerberus-y outfits for some of ya." (Yan_Sun)

Jason moves over towards his terminal and takes a seat at the edge of the desk. "You could've just sent a message rather than gracing me with your oh-so-lovely presence." he sighs, "Anyway... I've got a couple asari and a turian, as well. We'll be able to make it work, right?"

Viper nods, ignoring Jason's remark. "Yeah, that's fine. They can make up the second team. Your techie is one of the asari, right?" (Yan_Sun)

Jason gives a nod. "It's important she makes it in with us. She's a walking skeleton key. She'll get us wherever we need to go."

Viper ponders this for a moment. "Good. I'll probably need her to upload the virus - I'll be needing to handle other obstacles." (Yan_Sun)

Yeah, right, this 'virus' that may or may not work.

Jason sighs and scootches further onto the desk. "Sounds like there's a whole lot of variables that could go wrong with your plan..."

Viper stands up. "It'll be fine! I'm staking my life on it, aren't I?" (Yan_Sun)

That's not particularly comforting. See, I'm not exactly convinced you were all there to begin with.

Jason taps his head as he speaks.

Viper puts a hand over chest in a mock expression of hurt feelings. "And here I thought you liked that. Oh well. Just prep your team. Send me the list when you have 'em picked out. Just to be safe." (Yan_Sun)

Jason waves the woman off. "Yeah, yeah." he says, "I've got it pinned down. I just need to know when we're gonna be able to brief them, how long we're expecting to be gone, and anything else I should prepare for. I can't exactly wait until we're getting ready to leave to let them know we'll be gone for two weeks or something. They've got lives to take care of."

Viper nods. "Briefing on the day we leave. Which would be... as soon as your arms are functioning. Shouldn't take more than a week. You can tell them that." (Yan_Sun)

No more than a week... And that's both ways?

Viper nods yet again, looking bored. (Yan_Sun)

Jason sighs and gives a nod. "Alright. Anything else I should know before going into this?" he asks.

Viper shakes her head while heading back towards the window. "Nah, that's it. Good luck with the arms." (Yan_Sun)

Jason puts up a hand and hops off the desk, cutting the woman off. "Wait, wait, wait. I didn't say I was done, did I?" he asks with a raise of an eyebrow, putting himself between the woman and the window.

Viper stops, folding her arms across her chest. (Yan_Sun)

Jason puts his hand up, still clutching his beer by the neck. "I just want us to be on the same page here. I've dealt with 'your type' before. I know how quickly your people are willing to toss 'assets' aside once they've gotten what they want." He looks the woman up and down with an unimpressed expression on his face, "I don't know what your deal is. Gene mods. Implants. Whatever it

is, it's not going to be enough to stop me from putting a round right between those beady yellow eyes if I think for one moment that this is all going to come crashing down on my team. You keep telling me to trust you. How about giving me a reason to? All I know is you work for a shady-as-fuck information broker who wants the most dangerous weapon I've ever seen."

Viper rolls her eyes again. "This again? Look, Wolfe. There are a lot of dangerous things in this galaxy. The orb is just one of them. Of all the people that could be in control of it, my employer is far from the worst. Trust me." She stares him down. "As for ditching assets... I guess you'll just have to decide if rescuing her is worth the risk. I will tell you though... killing me will do nothing to stop my employer from (Yan_Sun)

erasing every last one of you from existence. I think both of us would prefer to be alive, and having what we want. Yeah?" (Yan_Sun)

Jason gives a loud snort. "Worth the risk? She's the only reason I'm there. Getting that orb is just a means to an end. As for your employer, well-... Bigger information brokers than your 'employer' have tried. It didn't end well for their operative." he says with a confident smirk. He takes a large swig from his beer, "I suggest you keep that in mind if you get any ideas out


Viper grins in that wider-than-human way once more. "So it was you. I never got a straight answer. Interesting." She tries to step around him. (Yan_Sun)

Jason furrows his brow and steps out of the woman's way since, when it comes right down to it, he doesn't want to actually incite direct conflict with her. Especially considering his lack of an arm. But he does place his hand on the woman's shoulder, draping his bottle over it. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Viper shrugs faintly. "Word gets around..." She moves to the window and starts to climb out. (Yan_Sun)

Jason pulls his hand back and watches the woman. "Yeah..." he says before downing the rest of his beer, instantly feeling bad about using Hunter's death as a threat.

Viper disappears out the window, as she is prone to doing. (Yan_Sun)

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Jason Wolfe
Raiding The Barn
Jason Wolfe
Raiding The Barn
Jason Wolfe
Raiding The Barn
Jason Wolfe
Raiding The Barn
Jason Wolfe
Raiding The Barn
Jason Wolfe
Raiding The Barn
Jason Wolfe
Raiding The Barn
Jason Wolfe
Raiding The Barn
Jason Wolfe
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Jason Wolfe
Raiding The Barn
Jason Wolfe
Raiding The Barn
Jason Wolfe
Raiding The Barn
Jason Wolfe
Raiding The Barn
Jason Wolfe
Raiding The Barn
Jason Wolfe

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