#FreedomFalls – February 11, 2016

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Around 20 minutes pass before the distinct sound of a distant shuttle approaching fills the sky. It's not long after that the Redrock shuttle would come into view for Renala.

The drone's video feed is still operational, but has some heavy artifacting and a low power warning. The turian went south at once the shuttle showed up, making the drone lose sight of him. There is some serious rain, but the wind isn't too much of an inconenience. The shuttle Renala spoke of is nowhere to be seen.

Renala can be seen to the west of the drone's location if anyone looked for her, but she's easy to miss otherwise.

The shuttle slowly lowers to touch down near the drone. The door slides open when it's a good 20 feet off the ground still. Leah and Mendez can both be seen gripping the handholds in front of the door. A slight glow envelopes Leah as she drops from the side of the shuttle, slowing her own descent before touching down. A request comes over Renala's omni-tool to open a comms channel.

Renala accepts and opens the comms channel. "I'm still hiding down here," she says, sending over a navpoint that's 3 feet to the west, but at the bottom of the 20 feet tall cliffside. "I don't think I've been spotted."

The drone is not a small creature at 1.25 feet in length. It looks like a spider with its six legs. The camera that's been giving the a video feed of the car is on a flexible stem. It is not moving.

The turian can't be seen from their location.

Mendez continues to hold on tightly for dear life as the shuttle lowers. "Copy. So where's the opposition, princess?" he asks, shouting a bit to be heard over the wind and rain.

Leah unholsters and raises her assault rifle once she touches down and takes a knee. "LZ is clear. Not spotting anyone nearby."

(Comms) I last saw him at the car, a little north of your position, but he moved out of the drone's sight when you guys got close.

Leah moves towards the edge of the cliff to overlook the skycar's position. "Got the vehicle it in my sights. I'll keep watch from up here. How about you take a closer look, big guy?"

(Comms) Sounds good to me. I'll have Jasper set me down beside it. Are you armed, Renala?

Renala unholsters her Locust and pops a clip into it. "Yes, but no armor," she replies.

(Comms) Alright. Meet me at the vehicle. Just stay low. You think these guys are looking for a fight, or just hoping to make some easy credits?

The shuttle steadies out and switches course. Even from her distance, Renala should be able to see the queasey look on Mendez' face.

Renala looks up at the shuttle before standing up. "Copy that," she says. "Easy credits, I'd guess, but he does look ready to fight for it." She starts moving forward, keeping her Locust at the ready.

Leah keeps watch over the skycar from her perch on the cliffside. "I've got you covered, Renala."

Turian can be seen running along the cliffside south of the vehicle once the shuttle starts moving in for the landing, or by Leah if she looks straight down.

The shuttle begins to touch down about 10 yards away from the skycar. Once it touches down, Mendez hops out and removes the shotgun from his back.

Leah is unable to see directly below her, due to her location on the cliff, so the turian goes unnoticed by her.

Mendez holds his weapon loosely in one hand. "Turian. South of my position, right at your feet, Leah." he says over comms. He puts his free hand up, hailing the turian. "Hey..." he calls out over the rain.

Turian is running towards the corner, around which is where Renala is walking up. He ignores the man, however. The armor may look familiar to Mendez.

Renala runs and stops behind a tree, which provides adequate cover. She is about 30 feet away from the corner.

Mendez grunts loudly as he recognizes the turian's armor. "Careful, Renala. He's posting up on you. This is the clown I ran into at Uvena's place." He raises his shotgun, firing a shot into the cliffside beside the turian as a warning shot. "Hold it right there!"

Leah skirts closer to the edge of the cliffside to get a bead on the turian. "On him." she says, hovering her finger over the trigger as she awaits his response to Mendez.

Turian stops and turns towards Mendez, raising his Avenger. "Don't even think about it," he says. "I'll give you two one chance to leave before I call in reinforcements."

Mendez gives a quick shake of his head. "What did I tell you? Your people handle this through Redrock or not at all. Now lower the weapon and we'll bring the skycar to your employer. Everyone gets what they want, right? No reason for a fight when we're both just looking to get the car back into your bosses hands. Then our client's debt is cleared and we can all go home happy. Sound


We're contracted to settle a debt, the car is not a part of that contract

Turian enables his omni-tool and taps a button. "They are on their way," he says. "Now, I advise you take your chance to get out."

Renala stays behind the tree, keeping her submachine gun trained at the corner.

Hey, that works for me. If the car doesn't mean shit to your people, we'll just be on our way with it. That's not gonna be a problem, is it? And I want you to consider the fact that I have two other guns trained on you already before answering. There doesn't need to be an issue here, buddy. I did you a solid by letting you walk out of our client's apartment in one piece. Your employer is

going to get their property back and that'll be an end to this entire misunderstanding.

Turian starts stepping backwards towards the corner, keeping his weapon on Mendez. "One other gun," he corrects. "I suggest you make haste."

A brief burst from a Locust submachine gun can be heard from a point around the corner.

(Comms) Anyone got eyes on where that gunfire is coming from?

Mendez keeps his shotgun leveled on the turian. "Just stay where I can see you. Don't make me regret leaving you alive." he shouts as he awaits a response.

Leah scrambles uptop to scan the area, specifically looking towards Renala to ensure she's okay.

A salarian in a full green suit of light armor decloaks just behind where Renala stood. The asari is on the ground, but there are no bleeding wounds to be seen. He is currently holstering a pistol, but it's hard to see what exactly it is from where Leah is standing.

(Comms) Renala is down! Salarian took her down. Engaging!

Turian turns arnound and starts dashing towards the corner despite the man's threats.

Leah decides against firing at the salarian due to his proximity to her teammate, and instead moves to close in on him. She grips her Mattock in both hands and leaps from the top of the cliff, once again slowing her descent with her biotics as she nears the ground. Once back on her feet, she raises her Mattock and slowly begins creeping towards the salarian, hoping the heavy rainfall

will mask her approach.

Mendez lets out a deep, frustrated breath through his nose and unloads a few rounds at the turian's back. "I gave you a chance to end this peacefully!"

The salarian crouches down and slings the unconcious asari over his shoulder. "Target is secured, moving to LZ," he says into his comms before starting towards the west at a brisk pace. He has not made any indications of noticing Leah, but the asari slung over his shoulder makes him a risky target to fire at.

Turian takes the first two to the shields due to the distance and spread, but the third connects with the side of his waist. He presses on, however, and reaches the corner where he takes cover.

A shuttle can be seen in the distance (and on the pilot's radar), but it's moving fast.

Leah cusses softly under her breath at the risk presented by Renala's position. She lowers the rifle and prepares to pull the salarian to the ground biotically. Sure, it might be a little painful for Renala, but not quite as bad as a Mattock round to the face. She reaches out with her left hand and quickly jerks it back towards her, pantomiming a pulling motion.

Mendez rushes forward, not wanting to give the turian any time to set up an ambush. He takes a couple more sloppy shots at the corner, hoping to keep the turian on his toes, before rounding it.

The salarian is successfully pulled, and Renala is dropped to the ground. He then enables his cloak, and will scramble towards the south once the field lets go of him.

Turian remains firmly behind cover during his approach to let the medi-gel in his suit do its job, but a few stray shots does keep his shield from fully replenishing. Once he spots Mendez at the corner, he raises the avenger and opens fire his way.

Leah quickly raises her Mattock and opens fire at the spot the salarian's body flung to now that Renala is no longer in her sights. After a few trigger squeezes, she begins to scan back and forth with her rifle, looking for any sign of the salarian. "You okay, Renala?" she asks without looking towards the asari.

Mendez takes the Avenger shots, causing his shields to flicker and fizzle brightly. He hurls his now-empty shotgun at the turian, hoping to interrupt the stream of Avenger shots momentarily as he reaches out in an attempt at getting his hand on the turian's weapon to control it.

Renala does neither answer nor move.

The distinct sound of shields taking shots can be heard, but he does not lose his cloak. Sounds of footsteps indicate that he makes it up and is headed south. Whether he is injured is not possible to tell.

The turian brings up one of the hands to stop the shotgun, which he succeeds at, but he fails to conpensate for the added recoil so Mendez will be able to move in to grab his gun without taking more rounds.

Mendez steps in close, gripping the end of the Avenger with his left hand as he throws a heavy right hook at the turian's head. Regardless of whether or not it makes contact, he continues to attempt to wrench the Avenger with his left hand and pummel the turian with his right.

Leah carefully backs up towards Renala, her eyes darting back and forth as she searches for the salarian. She fires a few more rounds in the general direction of the footsteps, hoping to keep the salarian moving. She chances a glance over her shoulder at the asari for any sign of a gunshot wound or something that would require immediate attention.

The shuttle is getting closer, but it doesn't seem to be headed to their exact position. It doesn't look like a big shuttle, and there's no sign of it having any sort of weaponry.

The salarian doesn't seem to be taking any further shots, and there's no sounds of footsteps. Renala has some sort of mark on the back of her head, but there's no blood.

Turian tries to wrestle his weapon back when the punch makes successful contact with his hend and knocks it against the stone cliff face he has used as cover. That makes him let go of his grip on the weapon.

Crap... C'mon, Renala. I need you on your feet...

Leah takes a knee beside Renala and gives her a slight shove, but continues to scout around for the sneaksy salarian.

Mendez jerks the Avenger away from the turian and attempts to give him a little push kick to create some distance between them before reorienting the Avenger and turning it back on the turian.

Renala is breathing calmly, but makes no reaction to the shove.

The sneaky salarian can still not be seen.

The turian is kicked away successfully, but he manages to keep his balance. He starts walking backwards while drawing a Carnifex pistol from its holster. "You should get out of here while you still can," he mutters.

Shuttle is setting down on a clearing around 150 feet east of their position.

Mendez is fed up with the turian's bullshit by this point, he unloads a volley of Avenger rounds at him with little interest in hearing anymore of his shit.

Leah holsters her Mattock on her back and moves to lift the asari up in a fireman's carry. With a grunt and a little help from biotics, she pulls Renala onto her shoulders and threads a hand through the asari's legs, grasping one of her wrists to keep her stable and in place. With her other hand, she removes the sidearm from her side and begins to slowly make her way back towards the

shuttle. "Their shuttle is landing, Mendez! Might be a good idea to take off while we still can!"

Turian manages to return two Carnifex shots before enough Avenger shots connect to bring him down. He is coughing up blood, but is somehow still breathing while laying helpless on the ground.

Renala does not show any sign of waking up despite being lifted.

Mendez flinches as the two Carnifex shots catch him off guard. The first is stopped by his shields but the impact of the second shot with his armor tells Mendez that he's going to be in pain in the morning. He takes a step forward and steps on the turian's wrist, attempting to use his boot to kick the pistol away. "Really? Over a fucking car? You're a new type of scumbag, willing to kill

and die over a stupid skycar..."

The salarian is still nowhere to be seen.

Shouting can be heard from where the shuttle set down as well as footsteps. A female and male voice might be discerned, but the rain makes it impossible to hear what they're saying.

Leah continues onward, glancing back towards the south every now and then for any sign of sneaky mcsneakington. She quickly reuinites with Mendez near the cliff wall. "C'mon, stop wasting time with him and let's get the hell out of here!"

Turian attempts to speak, but it doesn't make a coherent answer.

Mendez shoulders the Avenger and sights in on the turian's head. His finger hovers over the trigger for a moment. "I gave you a second chance, and this is what you did with it. I'm not giving you another chance to bite me in the ass." he says before squeezing the trigger. He stares for a few moments longer as the rain washes over the bloodied turian and then tosses the Avenger aside.

After retrieving his shotgun from the ground, he starts back in the direction of the shuttle and skycar.

Leah continues beside Mendez, attempting to keep pace with him while carrying Renala. "Jeeze... What's gotten into you, big guy? He was already down and out...."

Mendez doesn't bother responding. As they near the vehicles, he points at the shuttle. "Get her loaded up on the shuttle and get out of here. I'll take care of the skycar." he orders and breaks off from Leah, jogging off towards the skycar. Once he reaches it, he attempts to open the door.

The advancing enemies are closing in on them, but they're still not close enough to be seen.

Turian is very dead.

The sky-car door is locked, which might explain why the turian hadn't absconded with it earlier. The controls inside of it indicate that the piloting systems are not locked, however.

Mendez uses the stock of his shotgun to bludgeon the window in hopes of smashing it. He glances in the direction of the new arrivals to gauge how much time he has.

Leah stops beside the shuttle and heaves Renala onto the edge before climbing in. Once inside, she reorients the asari so she's not right beside the edge. "Get ready to take off, Jasper!" she calls out as she returns her pistol to her side and unholsters her Mattock once again. She fires a few shots in the general direction of the approaching enemies, hoping to slow them down to buy

Mendez more time.

The window is no match for Mendez' shotgun stock and it shatters.

An asari and batarian, both in full armor of a color matching the salarian's, are now 40 feet away from their location, and they take cover behind each their tree in response to Leah's fire. The asari draws a Carnifex pistol, and the batarian a Katana shotgun.

The salarian decloaks at the corner, and fires a few Locust bursts towards Mendez, but the car's side and window takes all of those shots without any getting through.

Renala unconciously lies down inside of the shuttle. She does not seem to be waking up yet.

Mendez flinches as the rounds pepper the side of the skycar. "Go!" he shouts back at the shuttle as he grips the roof of the skycar with one hand and climbs in through the window. He tosses his shotgun on the passenger's seat and tries starting the vehicle up.

Leah fires another volley at the approaching enemies and a few more towards the salarian for good measure, but ignores Mendez' order to leave. The shuttle slowly begins to lift up regardless, but maintains a position a few feet off the ground as Jasper awaits word from Leah that it's alright to take off. The slight swaying of the shuttle makes it nigh impossible for Leah to hit her

targets as she unloads the remainder of her ammo at the threats.

The sky-car starts up, and the window still holds up when the salarian's clip is empty. He reloads.

The asari opens fire with her pistol towards the Redrock shuttle, but her aim is not precise given the supressive fire. The batarian does so, as well, and some of the spread shots from the shotgun might hit their mark.

Mendez releases a sigh of relief and gently pets the dashboard with one hand as he begins to take off. He removes a thermal clip from his hardsuit and tosses it next to his shotgun, just to prepare for the worst. "I'm up, now get the hell out of here, Jasper! That's an order!"

Leah is tossed off-balance as the spread of the shotgun catches her, knocking her shields out. She falls back onto her ass. "Alright, go! And shut the door, Jasper!" she calls out as she scrambles on her hands and knees to take cover beside the door lest another shotgun blast find its way onboard.

The shuttle door begins to slide shut on Leah's order as the vehicle lifts higher off the ground.

Another volley of smg fire plonks against the bottom of the car, but the car is still ascending without issue.

The distant enemies cease their fire once the door is closed, realizing that they're throwing clips away. The batarian starts moving forward while reloading his shotgun.

Mendez winces at the sound of rounds pelting the bottom of the skycar and instinctively leans towards the middle of the vehicle, away from the window. After a few moments of silence, he reports in over comms, "Sounds like they're giving up. Let's get this thing back to HQ. Is Renala alright?"

Leah sits with her back against the wall for a few moments before moving over to Renala's side. "She's breathing. Doesn't appear to have been shot. Just seems like a bonk on the head. Should be fine."

There is something metallic embedded in the purple dot on the back of her neck, like a needle that's been broken off. It doesn't look like it'll be possible to pull it out by hand, though.

Leah runs a gauntleted fingertip over the back of her neck. "Got something in the back of her neck, too. Looks like maybe she was... drugged...?"

(Comms) We'll worry about it when we get back to HQ. So long as she's breathing I'm gonna call this a success.

Leah cradles an arm beneath Renala's legs and one behind her upper back. Her biotics flare as she lifts the asari and sets her down on the shuttle bench. She takes a seat beside Renala and leans back against the wall. "Copy that."

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Renala T'Iavay
Leah Mercier
Renala T'Iavay
Thiago Mendez
Leah Mercier
Thiago Mendez
Renala T'Iavay
Leah Mercier
Thiago Mendez

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Leah Mercier
Thiago Mendez
Renala T'Iavay
Leah Mercier
Renala T'Iavay
Thiago Mendez
Renala T'Iavay
Leah Mercier
Thiago Mendez