#Miner'sRespite – February 19, 2015

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Ilyna is sitting at the bar, no longer at the booth. There'a a mostly full glass of asari brandy on the counter before her.

Jason descends the staircase and makes his way over to Ilyna's side, spotting her pretty much instantly. He's wearing a pair of black cargo pants and a white, long sleeved shirt. "Hey." he says as he raises a hand to flag down Aylena, "How'd it go? Vicky didn't blow it, did she?" he asks, although he doesn't sound too worried about it. It's also fairly obvious that he's had a bit to

drink throughout the day.

Ilyna smiles slightly. "She stayed quiet until she got a message from Va'ynna," she says, turning towards Jason. "We got the job!" She picks up her glass. "Now I just need to get something to wear, because I can't show up in full gear."

Jason raises an eyebrow, "I knew you could handle it." he says, "Any specific reason you can't show up decked out?"

Ilyna tilts her head. "Don't tell me you've never picked up a magazine... for Vasquez," she says with a smirk. "I'm sure they'll come up with something no matter what happens, but... the agent didn't want us giving off the appearance of being armed thugs following him around."

Jason frowns at Ilyna's joke. "I guess that makes sense..." he says, leaning forward a bit to see what Aylena is up to, "He said the job was for two days... He give you the package's arrival time?"

Aylena is typing on a terminal further down the bar, not serving a patron. She would be out of earshot were there more patrons about, but the place is still pretty empty.

Aylena! Two shots of tequila and a rum & coke! When you're free!

Jason finally takes a seat, satisfied that Aylena, at the very least, knows he's looking to get a drink.

Ilyna nods. "And place," she says. "I'm going to meet with him tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it, actually, but I'm also anxious."

Anxious? About what? You've got like..... Sixteen-thousand years on the kid. He intimidates you?

Jason looks quite amused.

Aylena nods. "Coming right up," she says before making her way over to look for the bottles since they're not in their usual place.

Ilyna frowns. "He's... famous," she says. "I have to make up some reason why I'm following him around for a couple of days... and look right." She sighs. "I'm overthinking this, am I?"

Jason gives a nod. "Sounds like it. Just turn on that T'Rea charm. It'll be 'A Beautiful Shade of Blue 2' by the end of this job. Bam! Done. Devin Tanner's new sweety. There's your cover." He gives a large, crooked smirk.

Ilyna chuckles, although her cheeks turn a visibly darker shade of purple. "You... know me," she says. "That's just going to be awkward."

Jason 's smirk widens a bit. "I'm just giving you a hard time. It probably won't even come up, but if it does-..." he gives a quick shrug, "...Why not just tell people you guys are his friends? Can't really dispute that. Shouldn't raise any red flags." He squints a bit and scrunches up his nose. "No, no no." he corrects, waving a hand as he does, "That won't work. There's no way

anyone will believe that someone would want to be friends with Vicky. Not willingly, anyway."

Ilyna smirks slightly. "She and Va'ynna seems to be friends, though," she says. "She's the pilot, so she'll have an easy cover anyway."

Jason gives a nod. "Nah, she's alright. Easy-going, at least. Put any thought into bringing a third gun along?" he asks, leaning an elbow against the counter, "Might not hurt..... Might not be neccessary either, though."

Ilyna nods. "If me and Victoria can't be fully equipped," she begins, "having a third mercenary who could reach our location within minutes would be useful if we run into trouble."

Jason gives a shrug, "You're calling the shots on this one. You tell me, boss." he says, "Give me a name and I'll make sure they're on the shuttle with you."

Ilyna frowns. "You know your team's performance better than me," she says. "Anyone you recommend?

Jason raises his hands, "They're all performers, Ilyna. No doubt about it. Not a weak link in the group. You saw the dossier. Who do you feel you'd work best with? You'll be stuck with them for two days."

Ilyna reaches down to pick up one of the datapads resting against the counter on the floor and turns it on. Wrong one. She puts it on the counter and picks up the other, and also enables it. "I don't honestly know," she says. "I barely know some of them, so my choice would be... just about anyone who could step in to get us out on a minute's notice."

Well... That doesn't narrow it down much. I mean, if you're just bringing them along to stay behind in the shuttle as the cavalry, any of 'em would fit the bill. If you need to bring them with you, that eliminates a few. Mendez stands out like a sore thumb and Jattic-.... Well, he's a batarian. Nobody likes batarians.

Ilyna nods. "I see," she says. "They could stay behind in the shuttle, since I would like a fully armed mercenary in case things go wrong, but the agent won't like that if they stayed close."

Probably a good idea to bring your hardsuits along with you, even if you're not wearing 'em. Always good to have a bit of insurance.

Jason takes his ordered drinks that Aylena absolutely brought, and slides one of the shots over to Ilyna. He grabs his own and holds it up.

Ilyna stares at the shot for a moment. "I'll have to check if mine is still working," she says, "but I'll have to borrow my sister's pistol. I gave you one of mine, and I've sold the other one because I thought I didn't need it anymore." She puts the datapad down.

Jason smirks and gives a shake of his head. "No need to ask your sister. I told you I'd take good care of yours, and it would be right here for you when you decide to come back for it. I'll make sure it's on the shuttle."

Ilyna picks up the shot glass and inspets it. "I can have it on the shuttle," she says, "but even the agent agreed with a concealed pistol. That submachine gun is too big to hide in a purse... and too dangerous to use if there are civilians nearby."

Jason looks down at his own shot for a few moments, "Not a big deal. We've got a few Predators on hand if you'd rather just take one." he says, "I'd borrow you my sidearm, but with the way things have went recently around here, I can't be sure I won't need it."

Ilyna takes a tiny sip of the drink and grimaces at the taste. "It's not like my sister would have any use for hers," she says. "She's still waiting for a job interview with your agency, if you remember." She chuckles.

Jason slams back his shot and sets the empty glass on the table, wincing a bit at the burn. He squints until it goes away. "Whatever works for you. I haven't forgotten about your sister. I just want to make sure we're back to being operational before I have more people to pay."

Ilyna puts the shot glass down without drinking any more of it, and picks up her other glass. "I understand," she says. "She'll probably still be jealous if she finds out I'm working with you now." She smirks. Ilyna takes a sip of her drink.

Jason slides his empty shot glass across to the other side of the counter, and begins to work on his mixed drink. "It's entirely up to you-..." he begins after a quick sip, "...but you're more than welcome to bring your sister along. She could be your third. She'd take a third of the payout, as anyone else would. She wouldn't be getting a normal salary like the rest of the team, but

the payout won't be bad. Otherwise-..." he nods to the datapad, "...my choice would be Leah."

Ilyna hums thoughtfully. "I'd probably prefer a stranger to be witness of me making a fool of myself infront of a celebrity," she says with a chuckle. "But if things get bad around here while I'm gone, I'm sure you can hire her to help out. She's really bored these days."

Jason chuckles and shakes his head. "Yeah, you got it, Ilyna. I'll have Leah prepped and ready by tomorrow." he says with a nod. "So... Now that that's out of the way, I've got something I wanna run by you...."

Ilyna tilts her head. "What is it?"

Jason fishes around in his pocket for a few moments. When he withdraws his hand, he's holding a small, metallic object. He tosses it to Ilyna with no warning, and then lifts his glass for another drink. "Whaddya think?"

Ilyna is a little slow to catch it and it falls into her lap. She picks it up and looks it over.

The object is a small ring. Nothing too special. A small stone is set atop it, and an inscription lines the inside of the ring. Whether or not Ilyna could read it would depend on whether or not she can read English.

Ilyna looks the ring over with a faint smile, looking a little thoughtful. "I thought you two were married already," she mutters. "That's... what this is about, or am I mistaken?"

Jason gives a nod. "That's what it's about. But no... We're not. Not yet, anyway. I plan on asking soon, though. A little nervous." he admits.

Ilyna hands it back. "Don't be," she says with a small smile. "You two have been through a lot together. I don't think there's anyone more perfect for her."

Jason 's smile widens and he nods a few times. "Yeah... I hope so." he says, taking the ring back and sliding it into his pocket. "Now let's just hope she feels the same way."

Ilyna nods. "You'll find out soon enough," she says. "The sooner you ask, the sooner you'll stop worrying." She takes another sip of her drink.

Jason glances at his drink and gives a few nods. "I guess you're right." he says with a sigh. After a few moments, he continues, "Well... I suppose I should probably get out of here, Ilyna." he says before taking a large drink from his glass, "Make sure and keep me up-to-date on the job, alright?"

Ilyna nods. "I will," she says. "And by the way... could you try have someone be at the hospital for Va'ynna tonight?"

Jason gives a nod as he slides a credit chit across the counter. "Of course. Guessing it'll make her feel a bit less stressed out."

Ilyna smiles. "Thanks," she says. "And don't assign Victoria. I don't need her falling asleep shuttling us across the planet." She doesn't sound too serious. "I'll see you."

Jason chuckles and tosses back the last of his drink before standing from his stool. "Don't worry.... Neither of us want that." he assures her. "I'll see you later, Ilyna." he adds before heading back to his room.

Ilyna nods and turns back to the bar, and remains there for a while. She leaves once she has managed to down the shot glass' content.

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