#TheBryant – March 7, 2016

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Mendez stands from his seat as the bickering continues. "All due respect, Chief, but we just spent all day flying all the way here. Does the job sound fucked? Sure. But you've dragged us out of shit worse than any of us could've imagined before." He grips his shotgun in one hand, balancing the business end on his shoulder, "So how about we follow through with this sack of shit's plan for

now. If the job pans out, we follow through. If he's leading us into a firing squad-..." he shrugs, glaring at the krogan through his visor, "...I trust you, Chief. And I trust it won't end well for him. Then we can take his omni-tool from his dead body and bring it home to our little cyber princess. We'll collect our paycheck one way or another." He takes a few steps towards Gren, sizing

the krogan up.

Gren crosses his arms across his chest, remaining silent for the moment.

You got a quad, I'll give you that.

Vasquez seems surprised as Mendez speaks up, listening in silence until he's done, crossing her arms about halfway through. When he's done she tilts her head slightly to the side with a "Hmh." After another moment of consideration she turns to Gren, left hand dropping to her side while the right points at him. "No more bullshit. If I find out you know more than you're saying, if we run into

trouble with the locals, if the pay doesn't come through... it's on you. This is not the work you hired us for. Fact that we're doing it at all? That's a favor." She glances at Ehanis and Nathan. "If anyone has a problem with doing this asshole's job, now's the time to get off the shuttle. Pay will be good, but intel is shit, won't hold it against you if you want to sit this one out."

Nathan shrugs, turning back to the dashboard. "I'll cope, Chief. Besides," he says, patting the grenade launcher. "I have a plan B."

Ehanis shakes her head. "Fuck no, I didn't come all this way to sit this one out," she says before clearing her threat. "I mean, I'll remain with the ground team, ma'am."

Mendez takes a step back, bowing his head slightly at Vasquez as he retakes his seat and sets his shotgun across his lap. "Sounds like we're all in, Chief."

Jasper clears his throat loudly. "Oh. Yeah. I'm in, too...." he says, making it clear he feels like an afterthought, "...You know. If anyone cared..."

Nathan chuckles and leans across to pat Jasper on the shoulder.

Gren shrugs. "Sure." He seems hardly fazed by the many threats and blustering.

Vasquez glances at Jasper, gaining a faint smirk. "Wouldn't get far without you, Sullivan." She retakes her seat, and looks to the krogan while starting to strap in. "Alright, driving around in circles it is..."

Jasper repeats after Vasquez. "Circles it is." he says with a nod, "One of my favorite shapes. Given the size a' this ship, though, we may hafta resort to a few ovals instead." He studies the shuttle readouts as he waits for the cargo doors to open.

Open the doors, Pun.

Mendez sighs and begins to harness in, his stomache already begin to rumble in anticipation of the shuttle ride.

The cargo doors open with a rumble, the mechanisms screeching.

Ehanis straps herself in once the cargo doors open.

Vasquez double-checks the Confetti Maker to make sure it's still secure.

Nathan checks the dashboard, but refrains from doing anything until Jasper tells him to press buttons.

Jasper flips a few switches, pokes a few buttons, and drag & drops a few diddies. "Alright, folks. You know the drill! Time to hold onto yer' butts as we ovalize some circles and hope the local authorities don't wreck-tangle our vessel." he announces as the shuttle departs slowly from the cargo bay. "You jus' make sure we ain't detectin' no locks from the locals." he says to Ten with a nod at a specific readout on the holographic display

as they begin their ridiculous route around the ship.

Nathan nods, swiping his hand across the readout to enlarge it. "Copy. Do we have any countermeasures on her?" He asks

Jasper gives a short nod. "The shuttle door. And hope that the ground is softer than it looks." he says with a snicker. "Fer' now, jus' some good ol' fashioned evasive maneuvers."

Nathan laughs. "Added challenge," he says. "Let's do this."

The shuttle receives a notification that it is picking up a broadcast on an emergency channel, but would not play it back automatically.

Jasper gives a glance over at Nathan and nods, but continues to focus on piloting. "Let's see who we pissed off."

Nathan opens the broadcast and plays it. "Emergency broadcast, Chief. I'll put it on speaker."

"I hope it's--ksshhh... sky, Gr-...," a female voice says, the quality of the signal is good enough to affirm the krogan's earlier assumption, but will not ascertain it by any means. The shooting heard in the background doesn't help audio clarity, either. "They know I'm-pshhhh... backup now!"

Tennhausen, see if you can clear that up. Do we have a source?

Jasper gives a quick glance back from the cockpit. "I'm gonna go out on a limb here an' say it prolly ain't New Year on Illium, so I'd bet the farm that those weren't fireworks."

That's her.

Nathan tries to clear it up whilst also triangulate it's location.

Mendez shakes his head. "Asks for backup, but doesn't provide a location. Does she expect us to go door-to-door?" he grunts.

The signal is very weak, so tracking it would not give them a precise enough location of the source. "kzzt-- coordinates now," she then says over the broadcast, before the shuttle receives some corrupted data.

Jasper continues focusing on piloting the shuttle, but passes a glance Nathan's way. "Whaddya got fer' me?" he asks.

Nathan grunts. "She's just sent some coordinates. But the data is corrupted. Is her fucking omni-tool running on a potato?


Jasper sighs and shakes his head. "Well, shit... Were you able to track the signal?" he asks, "Let's use what we got to get in as close as possible. See if you can pull anything from that data."

Nathan nods and starts pulling together whatever he can salvage from the data whilst also trying to triangulate the signal. "I heard gunfire. So... Look for flashes I suppose?"

Jasper begins flying the shuttle towards the coordinates on display. "Well, that's an awful lotta ground ta' cover." he says, "Maybe once we're closer it'll clear up some of that interference. Try an' keep 'er in touch."

Mendez sniffs and turns his shotgun over in his lap, unseating and reseating the thermal clip.

Nathan nods. "This is Nathan Tennhausen of Redrock Agency," he begins as he attempts to contact her. "Identify yourself and please provide accurate coordinates."

Jasper begins circling the location in question upon reaching it, keeping speed low and slowly descending as he waits for something usable to jump out at him or Nathan.

Vasquez listens to Nathan's attempts at communication, remaining seated for now.

"Barely-... you, sending-...," she says before they receive another block of corrupted data. Slowly dropping the altitude does seem to improve the signal, but only slightly. They also cannot get a more precise location.

Say again, you're breaking up.

Nathan huffs. "Coordinates are still a no go."

Vasquez unbuckles, standing up and heading over towards the cockpit, right hand grabbing the ceiling handles while her left steadies against the back of Jasper's seat. "Take us lower, give me a visual of the ground."

Jasper continues to drop the shuttle lower. "We'll keep makin' our rounds. Hopefully she can hold out until we can figure out where she is." He rotates a bit in his seat, poking his head out into the hall, "Ya'll might wanna mak sure yer' ready to depart lickity-split! If she's in as bad a' spot as it sounds, we're gon' need ta get in there fast as soon as we can pin down her location." As soon as Vasquez approaches, he spins back in his

seat, facing forward once more. "Already on it, Chief." He speeds up his descent.

Gren moves over to the doors, ready to leap out once they're down on the ground.

The shuttle then receives many blocks of data in succession, and the three last of them match and resemble coordinates to the systems. A loud sound can be heard before the broadcast abrputly ends. The coordinates lead to an L-shaped building taking up 3/4 of the square of ground it stands on. There is space to land on the roof and beside the building.


Nathan inputs the coordinates into the system. "We've got her!"

Ehanis unharnesses herself and stands up, gripping the handlebars in the ceiling of the shuttle.

Sounded like there was a firefight going on. Takes us in for a pass over the building, see if the scanners can pick up any of the attackers outside.

Jasper claps his hands loudly before rubbing them together. "Awright! We're good ta' go, Chief!" he says, turning sharply as he makes a line straight for the indicated coordinates. "I can put ya down on the roof, or get yer' boots on the ground. Yer' call, Chief." he says. Upon hearing her, he gives a nod. "You got it."

Nathan unstraps himself and stands, shrugging his rifle into his hands. "Ready to go, Chief."

Mendez removes his harness and climbs to his feet, holding his shotgun low in both hands. He tilts his head far to one side, then the other, causing a loud pop with each movement as he approaches the door and reaches for a handhold.

Gren pulls off his Claymore and holds it at his side with one hand. The other grips a handhold, ready to jump off first.

As they pass over the building, they get visual on no enemies, but other readings suggest there's three of them in what appears to be a garage judging by the wide doorway on the northmost south wall. There is another door on the westmost east wall. There is a small hatch on the roof near the nort-western corner.

Jasper glances up at Vasquez. "Ain't nobody out in the open. Got readins' on three inside a' that garage." He turns his attention back to the display. "Spottin' one-two-... Three entrances if ya count the roof hatch. What're we doin', Chief?"

Set us down in front, and everyone hold your fire unless given the go-ahead. We don't know what's going on here.

Nathan waits for Vasquez to move from the doorway so he can get through. "If you want another entrance, Chief, I can make you one."

Jasper gives a nod, lowering the shuttle down to the ground on the open south-east corner. He reaches over, tapping the interface, causing the shuttle door to slide open as they get close to touching down.

Gren wastes no time and Krogan airdrops, crashing into the ground with an almighty thud. He stands up and looks around, levelling his shotgun.

Vasquez stops steadying herself, and moves over to grab the Confetti Maker, holding it in the carry handle as she steps off the shuttle, looking at their immediate surroundings. She glances at Gren. "That goes for you too!"

Ehanis unholsters her Phalanx pistol and loads a clip into it before following the chief out.

Nathan waits until Mendez has left the shuttle before following out, bringing his rifle to his shoulder and dropping to one knee, scanning the windows and any potential death-holes or firing positions.

Mendez releases his grip on the handhold as the shuttle touches down and hops out. He grips his shotgun in both hands once more, keeping the business end lowered towards the ground as he scans the area.

Jasper remains in the pilot's seat, giving a shout to the others. "I'll stay here as long as I can. If the situation changes fer' me, I'll let ya'll know over comms. Be safe!"

There is no cover aside from the building walls themselves. The windows on the buildings are blocked by steel blinds on the inside, making it impossible to see through them.

Both the garage door and the other door are closed.

Gren shrugs. "Sure," he says.

Mendez remains near the shuttle door, glancing back and forth and listening for any gunfire. "What's the plan, Chief?"

Vasquez gestures towards the main door. "Move up! Tennhausen, keep an eye on the big door, I don't want us walking into an ambush!" She jogging slowly towards the front door, shifting to carry her weapon in both hands.

Mendez keeps his weapon low and falls into line behind Vasquez. His gaze jumps between the windows, looking for any sign of an impending attack. "Not seeing a whole lot here."

Nathan nods and shifts his focus to the big door, ready to lay down suppressing fire at the first sign of hostile intent.

Jasper closes the shuttle door once everyone has stepped away. He keeps the engine running in case they need a quick escape.

The are some faint sounds of gunshot bursts that can be traced slightly to the west of the garage.

Ehanis jogs towards the indicated door, keeping pace with Vasquez.

Mendez instinctively ducks his head slightly as the gunshots ring out. "Well, sounds like we're in the right place."

Gren keeps pace with Vasquez, fave hidden behind helm.

Vasquez stops for a moment at the sound of gunfire in the building and then picks up her pace. "Shit, let's go! Situation and combatants are unknown! Make damn sure targets are hostile before firing, try to force surrender if possible!" Upon reaching the building she takes up position to the right of the door, holding her LMG in her left hand by the carry handle while her right hand hovers

over the door controls as she waits to make sure everyone is in position.

Gren stands in front of the door, shotgun levelled, ready to take the brunt of any potential fire.

Mendez presses up against the wall on opposite side of the door from Vasquez and gives her a nod. He keeps his shotgun pointed towards the ground and lowers his stance as he waits for the door to open.

Nathan follows the group and presses up against the wall behind Vasquez, patting her shoulder to indicate his readiness.

Ehanis posts up on the left side of the door frame, behind Mendez.

The door is not locked. The garage door starts opening, making some loud screeching noises as it does so.

Nathan turns around and snaps his gun to the garage. He drops to one knee and braces himself.

Vasquez spins around, trying to get into a position to fire as soon as she can, heaving the Confetti Maker around to get the trigger grip closer to her right hand. "Fuck! Everyone get inside, clear the room! We can't be caught in the open!"

Mendez glances over to the garage door, but knows he's in no position to engage from this range with his shotgun. "On it!" he shouts in response to Vasquez, "Opening the door!" He reaches out with one hand and taps the panel before quickly readjusting his grip on his shotgun.

Gren flares with biotic energy, ready to respond depending on the situation.

Next Logs

The Illium Job
Ehanis Tioran
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Linda Vasquez
Thiago Mendez
The Illium Job
Ehanis Tioran
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Linda Vasquez
Thiago Mendez
The Illium Job
Linda Vasquez
The Illium Job
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Thiago Mendez
The Illium Job
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Linda Vasquez
Thiago Mendez
The Illium Job
Linda Vasquez
The Illium Job
Linda Vasquez

Previous Logs

The Illium Job
Ehanis Tioran
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Linda Vasquez
Thiago Mendez
The Illium Job
Ehanis Tioran
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Linda Vasquez
Thiago Mendez
The Illium Job
Ehanis Tioran
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Linda Vasquez
Thiago Mendez
Ehanis Tioran
Nathan Tennhausen
Nathan Tennhausen
Linda Vasquez
Jasper Sullivan
Linda Vasquez
Jasper Sullivan
Thiago Mendez