#Illium – March 7, 2016

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

The door opens to a dimly lit lobby. There's a hallway going from the corner to their left, and one from the opposite corner to the right. There are two doors on the first long hallway before it reaches a corner. The reception's desk is halfway across the room and is of an L shape with a way in near the second hallway. The second hallway has three doors close by each other, simply marked as restrooms.

A female turian stands up from behind the receptionist's desk and opens fire towards the krogan with a Phaeston assault rifle. She's wearing blue heavy armor with helmet, without any emblem. There are no other hostiles visible from the doorway.

The garage door is up at about waist height by now.

Gren absorbs the rounds with his barrier, immediately charging in whilst firing off a shot at her. To accompany his attack, he makes to rip her off her feet and pull her towards him with his biotics.

Mendez turns his head away from the door as the Phaeston rounds zip through the doorway. He casts a quick glance at the garage door and cusses softly under his breath. Without hesitation, he shoulders his shotgun and rushes into the room behind the krogan, opting not to open fire at the turian being attacked by Gren for risk of hitting him. He sweeps the shotgun back and forth in an attempt

at identifying any other targets.

Vasquez , after readying the Confetti Maker, cycles to AP rounds and then brings up her omni-tool in her right hand, switching imaging modes on her headset, activating thermal and EM to try and get a look at the people in the garage before they're in view.

Ehanis remains by the door frame, aiming her pistol towards the turian, though doesn't fire due to the risk of friendly fire.

Nathan keeps his gaze on the garage, his H.U.D scanning the entrance and ready to mark any hostiles.

There are two people in the garage, both seems to be leaning out of full cover by the way their sillhuetes stand.

The turian takes the shot to her shield before she is pulled off her feet towards the krogan by means of biotics. She manages to hold onto the weapon, however, and fires wildly towards the door with the remaining third of her clip. A second attacker, leaning out of cover at the corner of the long hallway to the left fires twice towards Mendez with a Carnifex pistol.

Vasquez cycles to AP rounds and hastily looks over her shoulder, shouting: "Get inside! We'll get picked off out here!" She turns back to the garage, locking in on the rightmost target and presses down on the trigger, sending a hail of bullets flying towards the silhouette, hoping to penetrate or destroy the cover being used.

Gren 's hand flares with biotics as he brings it back as she flies towards him. As she gets close, he throws it forward to slam into her body.

Nathan ,being stood just next to Vasquez against the wall, can't really head inside until she's finished shooting. So he plucks a grenade from his supply, arms it, and flings it like a discus at the garage door. Once it gets within the proximity of their foes, it would detonate in a bright flash.

Mendez instinctively leans to the side as the second attacker makes their presence known, but the two Carnifex rounds hit their mark, causing his shields to flicker. Without a foothold or reliable cover to pull back to, Mendez opts to overwhelm the enemy's position and begins unloading his Katana at the second attacker while crossing over to the opposite corner to the east of the receptionist's

desk. "Drop your weapons and we can end this peacefully!" he calls out, although his words are followed up by another Katana round.

Ehanis steps inside, and aims towards the corner, but refrains for firing.

(Garage) The cover seems to hold up very well against Vasquez' fire, and when the garage door opens to head height it's apparent why. It's a solid steel-reinforced concrete support column. There are four of them, near each their corner. The grenade makes them run towards the back of the room, and the rightmost target's shields flicker from Vasquez' fire.

(Garage) The one Vasquez was firing towards is an asari in dark blue armor, carrying a Viper rifle. The other one is a human male carrying a shotgun. The flash makes the asari sniper run into the back support column and fall to the ground, while the human turns around and raises his weapon, probably hoping the flash would wear off before it's too late.

(Lobby-Hallway) The salarian gets back into cover after his shields takes the fire. "Shotgun fire, not peaceful ending," he shouts out.

(Lobby) The turian is sent flying over the desk and lands on the ground unceremoniously, dropping the rifle on the desk in the process. She does not seem to be moving.

Gren walks over, shoves a clip into his claymore, levels it at her head and fires.

Nathan levels his rifle and starts to fire at the human in the garage, sending disciplined burst fire towards him.

Mendez steps back out into the hallway, stomping down it with his shotgun pointed right at the corner. "You think this is bad? You don't toss that weapon out into the hallway in the next second or two and it's about to get a whole lot less peaceful." he shouts, waiting for any sign of the salarian to appear from around the corner before unloading.

Vasquez lets out an annoyed grunt and takes a few steps out from the wall, ejecting her current thermal clip early. There's a metallic whir as the Confetti Maker cycles to another one, and she starts laying down suppresive fire, sweeping back and forth across the whole of the garage door.

Ehanis jogs over to take cover to the left of Mendez along the wall.

(Lobby) If the turian wasn't dead already, she's definitely dead now.

(Lobby-Hallway) The salarian opts for inaction and remains behind cover. He doesn't say anything, either.

(Garage) The human regain enough sight to get to cover before Nathan and Vasquez fire gets to bring his shields down completely. He returns to the same cover he had prior to the grenade. The asari sniper scrambles to her feet and hurries behind the cover. Two shots seem to connect on her before she reaches it, however.

Mendez continues down the hallway, sights remaining on the corner. "It's your funeral." he grunts as he sidesteps far enough around the corner to get a view. His finger hovers over the trigger, ready to squeeze at the first sign of the salarian.

Ehanis prepares her biotics as she follows Mendez down the hallway.

Gren looks at the scattered remains of the head before slapping in a freshclip. He walks around the counter and starts to advance down the corridor, stopping just short of Mendez.

Nathan pauses in his fire as he speaks up. "Chief, I don't feel comfortable knowing these guys will be at our backs whilst we push on," he says, before sending a quick burst at their cover for good measure. "I think we should clear it!"

Vasquez briefly lets go of the trigger to avoid gunfire drowning her response. "Negative, get inside!" She shouts before resuming, the LMG spitting out dozens of tiny heatsinks.

Nathan nods and turns to dash inside, squeezing between Vasquez and the wall. He moves inside, ducks behind the doorframe and keeps his weapon pointed at the ground. "Get inside! I'll see if I can't seal the door."

(Lobby-Hallway) The first sign of the salarian would be him throwing two primed frag greandes down the hallway once Mendez is halfway down. The frag grenades lands at a point 2/3rds of the distance from the salarian to Mendez. There is an unlocked door on Mendez' left, but the door will need a whole second to open. Nathan's position is too far to get more than a few stray fragments his way.

(Garage) The asari sniper takes the short suspension of fire by Vasquez as an opening, and fires a single Viper shot her way before getting back to cover. The human shotgunner remain behind cover.

Mendez 's eyes go wide from behind his visor as he spots the salarian and the frag grenades. He reactively fires a shot from his Katana as soon as the salarian appears and, realizing there's really nowhere to go aside from backing into a jumble of teammates or trying to mess with a door, he drops his shotgun to his side as he bulldozes forward down the rest of the hallway, aiming to go right

through the salarian and around the corner.

Ehanis raises her brows and hurries towards the door, smacking the interface, and hoping to get into the room before the grenade goes off.

Nathan is completely oblivious to the grenades, his focus on the garage.

Gren retreats backwards, relying on his armour, barrier and overall stubbornness to protect him against the blast.

Vasquez staggers slightly as the shot strikes her kinetic barrier, but her firing remains unaffected. She starts backing slowly towards the door, hoping to reach it before running out of heat sinks.

(Lobby-Hallway) Mendez is almost at the corner, and Ehanis has just got the door open when the grenades go off within half a second of each other. The door leads into a large empty room with concrete floor. It has four columns similar to the garage in that they're near the corners of the room.

(Main-Hallway) Around the corner is a hallway with another door at the end, with one open doorway in the center along the wall to his left looking from the corner. An asari in full dark-blue armor turns around to face him before loading a clip into her Carnifex. A turian male is sat up against the side of the doorframe along the wall, not moving.

(Garage) Vasquez' fire is successful in keeping them supressed, and they remain behind cover. The leftmost one makes a sudden movement as a shot seems to have gotten through the column.

Gren 's barrier absorbs the damage. He dusts himself off and scoffs.

Nathan flinches as his shielding flares. He spins around and pushes towards where the detonations happened. "Everyone okay?" He asks, switching to comms.

(Main-Hallway) The salarian had moved into the hallway to get further away from the grenades, and has his weapon trained on the corner.

Mendez 's shields flicker and spark as the grenade launches him against the hallway wall. His grip on his shotgun loosens as he falls to the floor and he rolls over with a grunt, letting out a loud cough as he reaches down to place a hand on his side. The Katana skitters against the wall in front of him, but he's too stunned by the blast to keep tabs on it. He pushes himself up onto all fours

and looks up, his eyes locking on the armed goons. "...Fuck."

Vasquez is distracted by the sudden explosion, ceasing her firing and shooting a glance at the door. She's quick to return her attention to the garage door while activating comms, staying ready to fire if anyone pops out of cover. "Status?"

Ehanis quickly makes a biotic barrier around her while the door opens, and along with the shields, it keeps the shrapnel from the first grenade off of her. The force of the grenade pushes her to the left into the room so she's mostly in cover for the second one, but a concerning amount of fragments embed themselves in right leg, and some in her other leg and one in her lower back. She groans as she crawls out of the way and sits up with her back

against the wall. She does not answer Vasquez on the comms.

Nathan advances down the corridor, weapon raised. He reaches the open door to his left and looks inside. Spotting Ehanis, he curses under his breath. He makes a quick sweep of the room before holstering his weapon and moving to her. He kneels beside her. "Ehanis' hit," he says over comms. "Hey, it doesn't look too bad," he says to her, readying an application of medi-gel.

(Main-Hallway) The Salarian takes a few steps back, and raises his Carnifex pistol towards the man. He fires one shot to his center of mass. The asari also raises her weapon, but a biotic throw from the side sends her flying into the other wall. The biotic throw makes the salarian spin on his heels to aim at the doorway. "Flanked in hallway," he speaks into his comms. "T'MIno is down. Need help now!"

(Garage) The sniper fires another Viper round towards Vasquez during the short break of fire. Her shields take some hits while she returns to cover, however. The leftmost target moves out of cover, and starts moving towards the left.

Ehanis takes a deep breath. "If-if only it felt as it looked," she says, sounding very pained. "Armor... has medi-gel, just... n-need to wait for... it to kick in."

Gren charges down to where Mendez is and rounds the corner after he is shot, firing a blast at the salarian, still closing the distance. He goes for a powerful backhand at the salarian.

Nathan nods as his visor flicks up, revealing his eyes. "Do you think you'll be able to stay in this fight? Chief has the garage pinned, so I could get you back to the shuttle."

Ehanis shakes her head. "Go... d-do your job," she says. "I'll... live."

Vasquez expends the last of her shots in the direction if the sniper before backing through the doorway, swinging around and making a quick sweep of the room. Upon spotting no immediate threat she leans back against the wall by the door, shifting the grip of her weapon and pressing a button on the interface to open up the heat sink chamber, grabbing thermal clips from compartments in her armor

and shoving them into the slots of the chamber. One... two...

Mendez 's center mass, having been on all fours, is quite an open target. The Carnifex round slams into the armor plating on his back, causing it to cave and distort slightly, but it holds up. The pressure causes Mendez to crumple back to the ground in pain, but he knows it's no time for a break. It's not long before he's up on his knees and reaching for his shotgun to return fire when he

spots Gren on the case.

Nathan nods again. He flicks the visor down and shrugs off his rifle into his hands. He moves back to the corridor and moves back to Vasquez, taking position on the other side of the door and sending a few bursts toward the garage. "Ehanis is down for the moment, Chief," he announces.

(Main-Hallway) The salarian looks at the krogan wide-eyed, having heard him coming. His shield takes the hit from his weapon. The salarian opens fire with his three remaining shots before the krogan's punch sends him to the floor.

(Garage) The door at the end of the hallway opens, revealing the garage. The human is standing in cover by the doorframe on the other side. The sniper has moved to another side of the column and is thus not exposed.

(Garage) The asari sniper's shields hold up against the shots taken towards her from Nathan, but she's mostly in cover from him.

Mendez rushes back to his feet, gripping his shotgun in both gauntleted hands once more. "Appreciated." he grunts at Gren as he re-shoulders his weapon and stomps in the direction of the now-open door, firing at the doorframe in an attempt at clipping the human inside.

Gren roars victoriously, reloading his weapon. He simply gives Mendez a nod before sending a shockwave at the now-open door.

Vasquez nods to Nathan and continues with the loading. Three... four... and done. She clicks the chamber back into place and the Confetti Maker lets out a bleep as it registers the new heat sinks. "Careful! Sniper out there! We need to go around from inside!"

Nathan fires another burst before retreating behind cover and reloading. "Copy! I think Mendez and the Krogan are advancing on it's position!"

Ehanis remains in the room, her breathing getting calmer as the medi-gel's anaesthetic effects start to kick in to relieve the pain.

(Garage) The sniper remain in cover, and from that distance, suppressive fire is unlikely to wither her shields down fast enough.

(Main-Hallway) The krogan's shockwave sends the human falling to the ground, but his position is in cover from both the hallway people and Nathan. There has been no further signs of whoever took the asari out.

Gren nods and turns to the doorway where the unseen ally attacked from. He walks inside and looks around, resting his shotgun on his shoulder. He's sure Mendez is capable enough on his own.

Mendez turns his attention to the open door to his left, but lowers his shotgun when he spots Gren taking care of that particular situation and opts to continue onward, charging down the corridor to take up a position against the doorframe leading into the garage. He pops in a fresh thermal clip before peering in and trying to get a lay of the land.

Ehanis takes off an armor plate over her leg to get a closer look at her injury, remaining at her position.

Vasquez starts moving down the hallway towards the others, a fast walk being the best she can manage while keeping her weapon readied. Once she approach the corner she re-engages thermal and EM scanning to try and get a better idea of what awaits.

Nathan remains at his position by the door, on overwatch and ready to shoot if the sniper makes a move.

(Garage) Once Mendez peeks out, the human fires off a shotgun blast towards him from a sitting position. He then starts to get to his feet. The sniper pops out of cover for a moment, giving Nathan 2 seconds to return fire before popping back in.

(North Hallway) An asari in a full suit of red light armor standing in the hallway raises her Vindicator towards the krogan, looking at him wide-eyed. "Got a krogan here!" she shouts.

Nathan fires a disciplined burst at her, aiming centre mass.

Mendez jerks his head back into cover as he spots the human and remains perfectly still as the shot peppers the doorframe. "I'm supposed to give you the opportunity to surrender peacefully." he growls, "But you caught me at a really bad fucking time." He extends both arms into the doorway, gripping the Katana tightly, and blindfires in the general direction of where he last saw the man.

"Consider that a warning shot! If you're still alive, drop your fucking weapon!"

Gren flares with biotic energy and makes to rip the gun from her hands. If successful, he would turn and level his gun at her one handed. "Surrender. Or don't. That'll be more fun."

(Garage) Vasquez' scan wouldn't give her any new information about the enemies other than where the human landed after the shockwave, which would be too late to warn Mendez about.

Vasquez rounds the corner, moving down the east-going corridor towards Mendez, keeping her gun ready.

(North Hallway) The asari's weapon is ripped from her hands without much resistence from her. "Hold your fire, Gren," another asari says before stepping out of cover and putting herself in front of the asari in red armor. She is in a pitch black suit of armor with a helmet that has a dimmed visor hiding her face. Her voice is distorted by the helmet, but might still be familiar to him.

(Garage) The shotgun shot takes his shields out and he stumbles over. "I surrender," he says before enabling his comms. "No way we're winning this, boss." The sniper is hit and her shields are brought down. She remains in cover.

Mendez whips out of cover, leveling his shotgun on the downed man. "You hear that, assholes!?" he shouts, "Weapons. On the ground. Now." he says as he glances around to get an eye on the sniper.

Vasquez joins Mendez by the doorway, taking up position by the side and covering him.

Nathan keeps his gaze on the sniper. "What's the situation?" He asks over comms.

Gren lowers his shotgun and advances over to the pair. "You better brace yourself," he begins. "Because I've got a bunch of pissed off Redrock mercenaries behind me because they came into a mission blind. And I had to jerk them about with lies about the mission. -And- fork out an extra two grand for the each if them." He jabs a finger at the black suited asari.

"So what shit did you get yourself into this time?"

(Garage) The human kicks the shotgun out of the way. The sniper first lean out of cover, looking at the garage door, but gives up on that idea when she spots Vasquez in the corner of her vision. She throws the sniper rifle and a Carnifex pistol to the side before stepping out of cover with her hands where they can see them.

(North Hallway) The red-armor asari gets into cover by the corner.

Aylena sighs. "I will explain myself in due time," she says. "Now go help the others secure the building. This hallway is clear."

Mendez steps out into the garage, weapon still trained on the downed human. He gives a glance over at the sniper with a nod. "Looks like the garage is clear, Chief." he announces. Once he's close enough to the human's weapon, he leans down, holding his own shotgun with one hand, still pointed at the enemy, and scoops the human's weapon up. He reaches back and holsters it onto his armor before

regripping his weapon.

Vasquez nods to Mendez. "Alright, you keep an eye on these two." She says before stepping back into the corridor. "I'm going to check on Gren." She heads down the corridor and then swings into the north-going hallway, gun readied.

(Garage) The shotgun is a Katana.

Mendez nods back to Vasquez and looks towards the human. "Against the pillar." he says, gesturing towards the support column. He turns his attention to the sniper. "You too."

Gren grunts an affirmative. He turns around and barks out. "Vasquez! Get in 'ere!"

Jasper chirps into the comms channel. "Ya'll alright in there? I heard a 'splosion."

(Garage) The human stands up and starts walking towards the column, his arms held out to the side where they can be seen. The asari keeps walking, changing course for the indicated column.

(North Hallway) There are nobody else they can see other than Aylena and the asari in cover.

Ehanis is slowly standing up. "Is it clear?" she asks over the comms.

Seems so, Ehanis. And we're fine, Jasper.

You doing alright, Ehanis? Not chewed off your legs yet?

Mendez sidesteps around the column, making his way over to the asari's discarded weapons and collecting them. "Either of you want to tell me what's going on here?"

Ehanis winces as she tries taking a step. "I'm alive," she says over the comms. "I need to get to a hospital, though."

(Garage) "We were sent to take out the people holed up in here," the sniper says before laying her hands flat against the column. "I didn't get a reason, but that's above my paygrade anyway."

Aylena raises an eyebrow as the krogan remains in the hallway. "I assume that means the assailants are all dealt with?" she asks.

And who sent you?

Vasquez keeps her gun raised until she notices Gren talking to the asari. She lowers it to the side, changing her grip. "Gren, that our target?"

Yeah. And yeah, this is her.

Gren jabs a thumb at Aylena.

Jasper nods to himself, poking at the interface before him. "It's all quiet out here. You able to walk, Ehanis?" he asks, "How serious is it? I've got the nearest hospital's coordinates right here. Can boost ya on over, but I ain't too keen on the idea of leavin' our own behind."

Nathan stands up and walks back towards where Ehanis was left. He holsters his weapon as he enters.

Ehanis takes another step, making her wince. "My legs are... pretty bad," she says. "It can wait, but... I can't come with you back to Aite." She is two steps away from where Nathan last saw her.

Nathan shakes his head. "C'mon, lemme help," he says as he walks over to support her, if she lets him.

Vasquez activates her comms. "No need, Sullivan. We've got the target secured and we're pulling out. Just give us a moment!" She looks to the two asari. "Mind telling me what the hell is going on here? Who are the people that attacked us?"

(Garage) "Our boss," the human speaks up. "We're not allowed to speak about our company on a mission like this. And they'll kill us if they find out we did."

Mendez tilts his head to the side and rolls his shoulders. "So? I'll kill you if you don't." he threatens.

Ehanis winds an arm around his waist, letting him support her. "Go slow, okay?" she says. "Standing doesn't hurt, but walking does."

Nathan wraps an arm across her shoulder and nods, gently and slowly guiding her back towards the shuttle. But, due to a hint of paranoia, he draws his pistol and holds it in his free hand. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle," he teases, chuckling softly.

Aylena frowns. "They are the mercenary band that ruined my company, and forced me off this world in the first place," she says. "I came back to take them to court, but they found me first." She pauses, and then adds, "That is as much as I'm willing to say for now."

(Garage) The asari is quick to make a biotic field around herself, and it manifests in a throw directed at Mendez. Regardless of whether it succeeds, she starts sprinting towards the open garage door. The human takes a second to react before he also starts running for it.

Gren grunts.

You should just kill 'em and be done with it.

Mendez is tossed off-balance. "Sonova-..." he groans as he skids across the ground. "We've got runners!" he announces over comms once he comes to a stop. He quickly rises to his feet and draws the collected Carnifex. He breaks into a jog after the pair, reaching back and re-holstering his shotgun as he does. Once he's no longer burdened by the large weapon, he bursts into a sprint. He raises

the pistol in front of him, firing a pair of wild shots in the running pair's direction, but keeps his aim low.

Vasquez shakes her head. "Not gonna happen. We'll bring them to the-... fuck!" She activates comms. "Take them out!"

Ehanis groans as she puts too much pressure on her better -- but still bad -- foot as she crosses the threshold. "I hope you killed that little shit," she mutters.

Vasquez turns around and starts heading towards the garage at a fast walk, listening for any response.

Gren grunts and turns, hefting his shotgun as he follows Vasquez.

I think the krogan ate him- aw shit, runners? Really?

Nathan groans. "Not our problem for the minute. Jasper, you copy? Can you inch closer to the doors? Might makes things a tad easier."

Jasper glances towards the garage door as the human and asari make a break. "Aw, shit. Yeah, you got it, Ten. Ya'll gonna be able to handle those two? I could windshield 'em if ya want." The shuttle lifts up and slowly circles to the front door.

Aylena takes a step back and walks down the hallway past the corner at the other end of the north hallway. "Vekari, we're getting out of here shortly," she says. "Wipe the systems and disable them." A salarian jogs past her in the opposite direction, towards the door by the corner, and enters that room.

(Outside) The asari stops, taking the attack with her shields. She sends another biotic throw Mendez' way before resuming her sprint. They seem to be headed for the east, to cross the road.

Vasquez enters the garage, breaking in to a light jog to get an angle not blocked at Mendez. She takes aim as hastily as possible with the unwieldy weapon and fires off a concussive shot at the asari.

Mendez is, once again, hurled backwards. He lands hard on his ass and slams a fist against the ground, suddenly very pissed off with the entire asari race and their biotic bullshit. "I'm losing them!" he calls out over comms as he jumps up to his knees and takes another hasty shot, aimed at the human's legs.

Nathan continues to guide Ehanis to the shuttle, unless anything happens. Upon reaching the doors, he would try and slip out of her grip. "I'll be right back," he says as he holsters his pistol and draws his launcher. He steps around and into view, his HUD already marking the two runners. He angles his launcher and fires off a shot to strike as close to them as he can, if not a direct shot.

Ehanis nods and supports herself against the wall while he's focusing on the enemies.

(Outside) The asari is brought to the ground with the concussive round, but the shields seems to hold up against the fire directed at them. The human jogs over to the asari and helps her up. The asari talks into her comms, but she's too far off for them to be able to tell what she says. Nathan's shot maanges to bring them both to the ground, but it seems like they're still moving.

Mendez quickly glances around, confused by the explosion until he spots Ten. "I guess that's one way to do it.." he mutters, climbing back to his feet. He grips the Carnifex in bot hands and proceeds towards the targets cautiously. "I recommend you keep both of your asses on the ground!" he shouts, clearly frustrated by the whole 'being tossed around like a ragdoll' situation.

Vasquez starts to move in pursuit after re-adjusting her weapon, but the unexpected explosion causes her to stagger a bit. She curses under her breath and stops, taking aim at the two runners. "Stay. The fuck. Down!"

Jasper scurries to the shuttle's cargo compartment and helps Ehanis into the shuttle. "You alright? Let's get ya seated." he says, lending her a shoulder to lean on. "C'mon."

Nathan whistles idly, cycling a fresh grenade and aims again. He fires a round at them, aiming to land it just in front of their predicted path.

(Outside) They remain where they are. Both seems to be bleeding. "Not going anywhere," he says. "You should, though. Five more minutes... and you're fucked if you're still around." The grenade doesn't hit them since they're not, in fact, running anywhere.

Ehanis nods. "I'm alive," she says, letting him support her into shuttle.

Mendez jumps backwards at the second explosion, glaring over at Nathan and remaining in place, lest the man fire a third grenade. "The fuck is wrong with you!?" he calls out. He gives a glance back at Vasquez with a shake of his head. "What's the word, Chief? Sounds like they've got backup coming. Might be wise to mount up and get the hell out of dodge. Our business here settled?"

Vasquez flinchs as the second grenade detonates. She activates her comms. "Tennhausen for fuck's sake, stop blowing shit up and get on the shuttle!" She motions for Mendez to come as she starts a jog towards the shuttle. "Yeah, let's just get the hell out of here, we have what we came for!"

Mendez begins following Vasquez at a jog. He glances back at the two downed enemies. "You hear that, Jasper?" he calls out over comms, "Sounds like there might be backup on the way. Keep the engine running and let's all mount up. Where you at, Gren?"

Nathan cycles a third grenade and holsters his launcher. He moves back into the shuttle and looks around, heading to the cockpit and taking the copilot's seat. "Well, that was fun," he announces to the pair.

Aylena walks into the garage, hauling a heavy wheeled travel bag after her. A dark-green salarian in a red suit, and the asari from earlier, is following her. "What's the status?" Aylena shouts.

Jasper nods a couple of times as he helps Ehanis into a seat. "That'll do for now." he responds to Ehanis before activating comms. "I hear ya. We're ready to be on our way as soon as everyone is loaded up."

Vasquez slows down as she nears the shuttle, as she's still facing the two downed mercenaries. "We're getting out of here!" she shouts in response to Aylena. "Get to the shuttle, quick!"

Mendez jogs past Vasquez and hops into the shuttle, grabbing a handhold in the process. "That could've went worse." he says with a shrug, "Could've went better, too."

Aylena nods and starts jogging towards the shuttle, the others keeping pace until the red-armor asari stumbles to the ground. The salarian helps her up and she's back to jogging pace again.

Nathan | Gren jogs alongside Aylena, his shogun clutched in both hands.

Ehanis nods. "We should probably not bunch up in the hallway next time," she says. "We were asking for that grenade. really,"

Jasper leaves Ehanis to return to the cockpit once she's safely seated.

Mendez moves to a free seat, yanking his helmet off and shoving it under the bench. "I had it under control." he responds as he hears Ehanis. "Glad to see you're safe, though." he admits.

Aylena reaches the shuttle and pushes the bag inside. She then steps into it and looks it over for any free seats.

The salarian and asari following Aylena takes two adjacent seats near the door.

Vasquez backs onto the shuttle once everyone is onboard, shifting the Confetti Maker to her right hand and grabbing a ceiling handle with her left. "Alright, take us out of here!"

Aylena takes the seat across from her team. "I knew I could count on you," she says, looking at Gren.

Gren looks down at Aylena from his point near the door. "No problem," he says. "But I don't envy you right now. You have to deal with her." He gestures to Vasquez.

Nathan nods and starts to guide the shuttle onwards and upwards after sealing the doors. "Roger that, Chief!

Next Logs

The Illium Job
Ehanis Tioran
Aylena D'Inea
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Linda Vasquez
Thiago Mendez
The Illium Job
Linda Vasquez
The Illium Job
Aylena D'Inea
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Thiago Mendez
The Illium Job
Aylena D'Inea
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Linda Vasquez
Thiago Mendez
The Illium Job
Linda Vasquez
The Illium Job
Linda Vasquez
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Nathan Tennhausen
Linda Vasquez

Previous Logs

The Illium Job
Ehanis Tioran
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Linda Vasquez
Thiago Mendez
The Illium Job
Ehanis Tioran
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Linda Vasquez
Thiago Mendez
The Illium Job
Ehanis Tioran
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Linda Vasquez
Thiago Mendez
The Illium Job
Ehanis Tioran
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Linda Vasquez
Thiago Mendez
Ehanis Tioran
Nathan Tennhausen
Nathan Tennhausen
Linda Vasquez