#Missing – March 24, 2014

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

The shuttle continues towards its destination. It's a surprisingly smooth ride.

Renala nods along with the turian. "It's still something," she says with a tiny smile. "Is it space-worthy?"

Jason checks over his pistol briefly before reholstering it. "In theory." he says with a smirk, "But I'm not sure if I'm willing to put it to the test quite yet. There's still a lot of work that needs to be done."

Mendez looks a bit uneasy, his hand tightly gripping the harness. "I'm not sure I'm entirely confident it'll even get us where we're going in one piece..." he chimes in.

Kim sighs. "Thanks for that. Now I feel better about this."

Renala chuckles, putting on a harness. "I think this thing's going smoothly," she says. "Or maybe that's just the dampeners doing a really good job."

We're fine. Jasper knows what he's doing. He told me so.

Zaylus shifts uncomfortably in his seat. "I'll believe you when we get there."

Renala glances towards the pilot compartment, being seated on the row facing forward. "That's him in there, right?" she says, gesturing towards the doorway; she can't see him, but supposes she would have known already if it was Victoria.

Jason sets his hands in his lap and sits back. "Yep. He's rebuilt this thing from the ground up." he says, "Like I said, there's still a lot left to do, but when we first purchased it, it wasn't much more than a twisted hunk of metal."

Jasper seems to have been listening. "This is my baby!" he calls back, craning his neck to look back into the cargo compartment and paying no mind to what's in front of him, "Soon as I get Victoria back in the office, I've got some plans to go over with her. You wait and see! This beaut'll be a piece of art by the time I'm done!"

Mendez looks towards the ground and begins muttering under his breath, purposely attempting to avoid watching Jasper as he haphazardly pilots the vehicle. He appears to be pretty stressed.

Victoria's gonna fly us at some point?

Renala chuckles. "Now I'm scared." Her tone is somewhat joking.

Jasper chuckles and finally faces forward again. "Seems to know what she's doing. Don't worry, I wouldn't leave you folks in someone elses hands unless I trusted 'em."

Kim grasps the sides of the chair and clasps her eyes shut, but otherwise gives no indication that she knows what's going on around her.

Jason shakes his head. "I don't plan on getting into a shuttle with that woman until I see solid proof that she can fly." he says with a smirk.

Renala nods. "She's not quite right," she says with a chuckle. "I still like her, but well... I'd like proof on that, too."

Jasper continues facing forward, "Awww, come on, Jay. She's a sweetheart. Have a little faith!" he says before quickly adding without much hesitation, "We're just about there, folks. No sign of any company."

Jason takes a deep breath. "That's... Good." he says, "Hopefully that means we've got enough time to set up before he gets here."

We should probably set the shuttle down a bit of a walk away, in case they have people out here already.

Jasper nods, mostly to himself as the others most likely can't see him anyways. "On it." he says, and the Kodiak begins to slow down noticeably.

The Kodiak slowly comes to a stop and begins to land. A moment later the doors slide open on both sides to reveal their location. It appears to be fairly wide open for a good distance. A narrow makeshift road continues away from town with tall fields of grass on either side of it. The only nearby terrain that would break their immediate sightline is a set of hills about a hundred yards to their right.

Jasper steps out of the cockpit and joins the others in the cargo compartment. "You're just a couple minutes out from the coordinates you gave me." he says, "Figure I'll go set the shuttle down behind the hills..." he says, gesturing to the groups right, "...and stay out of sight. That way I'll still be close enough if you need to get out of there in a hurry."

Kim relaxes her grip and opens her eyes when they land, but doesn't stand up right away. She instead decides to catch her breath a little; the only thing disrupting the rhythm is a small sigh.

Jason gives Jasper a silent nod and moves over to the shuttle door. He hops out and takes a few steps away from the Kodiak before turning back to look at the others.

Renala releases the harness and stands up. "If they're not coming before they said they would we'll have a lot of time," she says before stepping out of the shuttle and looking around.

The mountains to the north can still be seen beyond the vast expanse of grassland. The makeshift road seems to go on for quite some time, disappearing beyond the horizon. To their right, a few trees pepper the hills in the distance.

Jason looks around as well and gives a slight shrug. "This is your asses on the line." he says, obviously indicating Zaylus, Mendez, and Renala, "How do you want to handle it?"

Kim stays seated for several moments before standing up and stepping out of the shuttle. Almost instantly afterwards, her demeanor changes as she carefully inspects the surroundings. With the conversation not geared towards her at the moment, she ignores it.

Mendez releases his harness and quickly exits the shuttle, causing it to list back and forth slightly as he hops out. "They're only expecting three of us." he says, "If we're trying to avoid a fight, it's probably not a good idea for us to all stand around armed, to the teeth." he suggests.

Zaylus hops out of the shuttle, giving a thoughtful "hmm" to Jason's query. He only nods in agreement to Mendez's sentiment, and looks to Renala to add on to it.

Renala frowns, raising an eyebrow. "Are you suggesting we leave our weapons behind?"

Mendez shakes his head. "Not a chance. I'm suggesting these two clowns need to make scarce before our friend shows up." he says, nodding towards Jason and Kim.

Jason glances around and points towards the hills. "What do you think about setting up over there with the rifle, Kim?" he asks, "How confident are you with it?"

Kim smirks towards Mendez briefly before turning towards the hills. "Hmm... I'd say I have about a 50-50 chance of getting the first shot right from there. How do you feel about those odds?"

Mendez snorts loudly. "Fifty-fifty?" he repeats. He takes a moment to look around the terrain before sighing loudly, "I'm not seeing a whole lot of other options out here. It might just have to do."

Jason glances between Renala and Zaylus. "You alright with that?" he asks tentatively, "If anything happens, it's going to take me some time to join up with you. You'll be on your own out there for a few minutes."

Renala nods. "I'm sure we could handle them if it comes to that," she says. "So... what are we supposed to do when we meet them? Just get right to questioning them? If they're half as sleezy as that Quinn guy, I doubt they'll tell us where we're going before taking us there."

Zaylus gives a dismissive wave of the hand, "Don't worry about us." He says, inspecting the horizon.

Jason shakes his head. "I-... I don't know. If he's alone, it might work. But what are the chances of him showing up alone?" he asks, but doesn't wait for an answer before continuing, "Right now, just play it by ear. Stick with the charade, and see what you can get out of him. A location, names, anything that might be helpful. Keep your comms open so we can hear. I'm gonna leave the ball in your hands on this. If you feel like you're in danger, give us some kind of signal... Kim will lay down fire and I'll move in to assist." he goes quiet and looks around at the others, "Unless someone has a better idea."

Kim shakes her head. "Sounds reasonable to me. I'm up for it."

Renala nods. "Yeah, I'll try," she says. "As for signal, gunfire's the only one I can think of right now."

Jason smirks, "Gunfire doesn't work for me." he says, "I'd like to make sure if this results in gunfire, it's on our terms. How about-... Where are you from?" he asks, seemingly at random.

Renala hums thoughtfully. "It's a bit of an out-of-place question, though," she says, "maybe just use the word 'creds'."

Jason gives a shrug, "Whatever works for you. Just-... Be careful. Can't have Kim taking off someone's head if the discussion turns towards payment." he says with a smirk, "Besides... He might not even know anything. We don't want a mistake like that on our hands."

Renala chuckles. "Just listen carefully. I never use the short-form in normal conversation anyway."

Jason nods and looks around at the others. "We all set?" he asks, "Speak now or forever hold your peace, assholes."

Kim nods a response. "Understood. Am I free to go set up?"

Zaylus smirks, "Yeah, yeah. We're not the ones who've been chatting it up all this time."

Renala nods. "Love you too, Jason," she says jokingly in response to his compliment, "but yeah, I'm ready to go."

Jason gives Kim a nod and takes a few steps backwards, towards the hills, giving Zaylus the finger as he does. "Alright, let's get moving!"

Kim grins with confidence and begins jogging towards the hills. When she gets halfway, she slows down and begins pulling out the ex-turian's gift.

Renala nods and starts walking in the direction of the hill, not really in a hurry just yet.

The exact location indicated in the message is a couple hundred yards from their current location, just off to the side of the makeshift road.

Mendez begins walking alongside Renala towards their destination.

Once the group is a decent distance from the shuttle, the doors slide closed and the thrusters start up. After a moment, it lifts into the air and passes over the hill, disappearing behind it.

Zaylus trails along behind Mendez and Renala.

The grass off to the side of the road starts low, but gradually gets taller the further away from the road one gets. Near the hill, it's about waist high.

Jason follows behind Kim, albeit at a much slower pace. "Keep the shuttle running." he says over comms as he hikes through the field towards the hill.

(Comms) You got it. Just give the word and I'll come getchya.

Kim reaches the top of a hill and begins setting up her position. "I'll be ready in five," she states over the comms..

(Comms) Got it.

Renala glances towards Zaylus. "Do you have any input on how we'll handle this?" she asks.

Zaylus glances around him once, "It sounds like your show to me. I'm just here to be intimidating and beautiful." He says, simultaneously patting his weapon and flashing a grin.

Jason finally catches up to Kim, looking a little out of breath from the climb to the top of the hill. He takes a seat on the ground beside her, swatting at a few strands of grass. "Fifty-fifty, eh?" he asks with a shake of his head and a short chuckle, "Let's hope for better odds."

Renala | "Hmph," she says. "No pressure, huh?"

None at all.

Mendez looks at the turian with a scowl. "Intimidating and ugly don't carry the same meaning, turian." he says. It would most likely be taken as a joke, but since delivered with Mendez' usual deadpan, it might not come across as such.

Renala chuckles, though unsure whether it was a joke. "They guy who sent the message, his name... " she enables her omni-tool and taps on it a few times. "... is Korthus Torrik. Sounds like a turian to me, but it might not be the one we're meeting." She pauses, her omni-tool's interface dissipating. "If he's alone, we'll have the upper hand regardless."

Zaylus | "Petty jealousy looks awful on you humans." He replies with a somber shake of the head.

Kim laughs softly as she lowers herself to lay on the grass. She slips the score on and adjusts it for several moments. "We'll see. I'm aware of how to correct for wind and such, but I'm far from used to it at this range."

Mendez shoots the turian a glance and almost smiles before responding to Renala. "He would be a fool to go alone to meet with three people he doesn't know." he says. After a few more steps he adds, "Let's hope he's a fool."

Jason swats at a few more blades of grass, tearing them out of the ground and tossing them aside. "Nothing beats field practice, eh?"

Renala nods. "Yeah, let's," she says. "Quinn knew what kind of gear we had, so they might know what to expect."

Mendez continues alongside Renala, "I'm more concerned about whether or not they bothered digging into the information you gave them." he says plainly.

You mean... us asking about Perkins?

Kim looks through the scope one last time before making sure the tripod is in place and sitting up. "Yeah, it's a good workout. Helps you learn how to deal with stress in the field too."

Mendez shakes his head. "No... I mean about 'Thara'." he says, shooting her a glance.

The trio should be right around where the coordinates indicated. The hill would still be roughly a hundred yards away, but behind them and off to their right.

Renala frowns. "Oh... right," she says. "I didn't really look into whether someone actually has that name. My grandfather passed away over a hundred years ago."

Mendez continues facing forward as he walks. "Not much we can do about it now anyways." he says.

Renala nods, stopping as she reaches their coordinates. "Well, here we are," she says. "No we just have to wait for them to show up. But...," she glances around. "We might want to keep our guard up, in case meeting with us wasn't their plan."

Zaylus nods understandingly as he comes to a halt, eyes on the horizon.

Mendez folds his arms across his chest and begins to slowly pace around the general area.

Renala enables her omni-tool and taps on it, changing her comms to always-on. "I've set my comms to always transmit," she says. "Better now than when they can see me." After that, her omni-tool's interface dissipates.

(Comms) I hear ya. Now we just play the waiting game.

Next Logs

Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Kim Polner
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Kim Polner
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Kim Polner
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Kim Polner
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Jasper Sullivan
Kim Polner
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Renala T'Iavay
Jasper Sullivan
Jason Wolfe
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe

Previous Logs

Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Kim Polner
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Thiago Mendez