#Missing – March 25, 2014

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Nearly two and a half hours have passed with no sign of Korthus. Darkness is quickly approaching.

Jason is still sitting up on the hill, leaning back on his hands. He's plucked a nice patch of grass out of the ground and has done a fair bit of complaining.

Kim has been staying fairly calm and focused for the entire duration. She initially responded to his complaints, but has long since begun ignoring his words entirely.

Zaylus paces slowly in the same small square, which now is visibly worn from his consistent path. He occasionally glances around but now seems far from interested.

Mendez has remained mostly in the same place, occasionally pacing back and forth.

Renala has sat down during the wait, glancing around every few minutes, getting more worried as time passes.

(Comms) I don't mean to doubt you, Renala... But are you sure he said today?

(Comms) Yeah, he said two hours.

As if an answer to Jason's question, the faint light of thrusters would be visible in the distance, a few hundred yards out, to anyone paying much attention.

Jason begins picking at the grass off to his side, having already removed all of it in front of him.

Zaylus lets out a small grunt in response to this exchange, but the effort most likely goes unheard.

It doesn't take long for the object to close in on the trio and become clearly visible. A grey shuttle, average in length, approaches. It comes in high and slowly begins its descent, lowering to the ground around 10 yards from Renala, Zaylus, and Mendez. This would put it roughly 110 yards from Kim's location atop the hill.

Kim turns slightly towards Jason. "Someone's approaching. Probably the target."

Jason uses his hands to push himself up and turns over, laying down flat on his stomach. "Looks like we've got company." he announces over comms.

Mendez snaps to attention and faces the shuttle, remaining close to Renala.

Zaylus breaks the path of his pacing and steps closer to the pair.

Once the shuttle successfully lands, the door slides open. A turian in a greyish hardsuit steps out along with two humans, each wearing more primitive, custom built armor. The humans each have Predator pistols holstered.

From Kim's view, she would be able to tell that the turian has an Avenger on his back. She would also be able to spot at least one more human still seated in the shuttle.

Mendez straightens up his posture, but keeps his arms folded across his chest as he takes a single step towards the approaching strangers.

Renala stands up as the shuttle lands, looking it over. She keeps her eyes locked on the emerging trio, but remains standing where she is.

Korthus approaches the group. He has white paint lining his browline and fringe, a large contrast from his dark 'skin'. His hardsuit lacks any identifying markings. "Miss Dyhnas." he says as he he moves towards Renala, carrying himself with a certain confidence, "I apologize if I've kept you waiting. Business required my attention."

Jason lifts his body up slightly in an attempt at seeing what's going on, but from this distance, he can't make much out. "What's going on down there, Kim?" he asks anxiously.

Kim keeps her eyes on the scope. "Not a whole lot so far. They look like they're just talking."

Jason sighs loudly, "Well I can hear that..." he says sarcastically, "Are they armed?"

Kim nods. "Lightly. The turian has an assault rifle, and it looks like the humans have pistols."

Renala | "No problem... that happens," she says. "I take it you're Torrik?"

Korthus extends a hand towards the asari. "That's correct." he says. His tone carries a sense of urgency, as if he's in a hurry, "And these are the companions I was informed of?" he asks, casting a quick glance at Mendez and Zaylus.

Renala nods, but let them introduce themselves. She takes the turian's hand. "Pleasure meeting you," she says.

The two humans stand on each side of Torrik. They keep their hands at their sides as they silently scrutinize the group.

Zaylus straightens up at the mention of his and Mendez's presense, looking down at the two humans.

Korthus gives the asari's hand a firm shake before withdrawing and looking over the other two once again.

Mendez extends his own hand towards Torrik. "Mendez." he says plainly.

Korthus glances down at Mendez' hand, but makes no attempt to reach for it. "Yes. We'll have plenty of time to get to know one another." he says, "I hope you understand the necessity of remaining far outside of Hnipinn's eyes. I'm sure Williams informed you of the circumstances. This work won't exactly be- 'on the books'- so to speak. I'm told you're all experienced in the field?"

Renala nods. "Yeah, we are," she says. "And I won't breathe a word of it to anyone in Hnipinn." She souned confident, for she wasn't lying, technically.

Mendez simply nods rather than give a detailed response out of fear of giving himself away, as he's not a particularly good liar.

Zaylus nods curtly, following the pattern of the conversation.

Korthus | "Good." he responds, "I'm sure you have questions of your own." he continues, still speaking with a sense of urgency, as if he has somewhere to be. "How about we go for a ride and I'll handle any questions you may have as I show you the worksite? It's quite impressive for such a humble operation."

Korthus turns in place, as if to head back towards the shuttle without their input, "It's still a bit of a trip from here, and I would like to get you back home before too late."

Renala folds her arms. "I mean nothing personal by it, but I barely know you, sir," she says. "Please, tell me a little about what you've got running, like... for instance, where it is?"

Jason looks at Kim with a raised eyebrow. "Well that's not too creepy." he says sarcastically, "Keep an eye on him..."

Kim nods and keeps her rifle trained on the turian.

Korthus gives a somewhat frustrated sigh, but retains his composure as he turns back to face Renala. "Of course, you can't be too careful." he says, "We're located about 20 minutes from here. I'm-... Unable to give much more detail than that." He looks between the three, "I mean nothing personal by it..." he says, repeating Renala's words, "But the land we operate on isn't exactly ours. I'm not willing to jeopardize what we have." -

Korthus continues to speak, looking between each of the three as he does, "Our operation consists of roughly twenty-five employees. We have numerous contacts around Aite that allow us to safely and discretely offload our goods. Right now, we're in talks with a potential partner that would allow us to upscale our operation substantially. It's a good time to become involved."

Mendez raises an eyebrow, "Sounds... Good." he mutters, "How long have you been running this operation?"

Renala nods, but awaits his answer to Mendez' question.

Korthus focuses on the large man as he speaks, "I merely handle resource acquisition." he says before elaborating, "I do the hiring." His comment causes the two humans at his sides to pass glances back and forth. "But we've been up and running for quite some time. It wasn't until a-... change in management-... that we began really focusing our efforts." This comment gets a few chuckles out of the humans.

Mendez looks between the two humans uncomfortably, clearly not understanding the joke... If there was one.

Korthus glances towards one of the humans and their chuckles quickly die down. "Is that all?" he asks as he returns his attention to the trio, "We should try and get going soon." he suggests.

Zaylus regards the other turian with a certain kind of distaste, but looks to Renala to respond to the suggestion.

The sky is quickly darkening as the sun disappears over the horizon.

Renala thinks for a few seconds. "So, how's the commute?" she asks. "For everday coming and going, I mean; not when I can hike with you?"

Korthus shifts his weight from one leg to the other, "There won't be a daily commute. We-... work in time blocks." he says, "You'll work with a-... A team, for about two weeks. We'll provide you with sleeping quarters and meals. After those two weeks, we'll take you home and a new team will take over. We... rotate regularly to keep the trips down to a minimum."

Korthus glances back at the shuttle, "This would really be much more convenient if you simply came to the worksite with us. You could speak to some of the other employees and see how their experience with us have been. I'm sure you'll hear nothing but favorable things."

Renala frowns. "I... see," she says, not having any questions to ask. She glances towards the other two, possibly wondiering if they have any input.

Mendez folds his arms across his chest, almost in defiance, but remains quiet as he shifts between staring at the turian and staring at the two humans.

Zaylus shakes his head quietly, giving Renala an uncertain look.

Renala sighs and looks back at the turian in front of her. "Well then," she says. "I'm sorry for wasting your time, sir, but I... will not accept your offer."

Korthus takes a step back. "I'm sorry to hear that." he says, raising a hand and giving a wave back towards the shuttle.

A third human steps out of the shuttle, wearing similar armor to the other two as well as a Predator pistol in his hand. He exits from the side facing away from the group and begins to round the shuttle. The shuttle lists somewhat for a moment as a hulking form appears in the doorway closest to the group. A krogan wearing an old, white hardsuit hops from the side of the shuttle. A Graal is holstered on his back.

Korthus puts his hands out, as if asking 'what did you expect?' "It would be in your best interest to hand over your weapons and come quietly." he says plainly as he reaches back to unholster his M-8.

The two humans at his side both reach for their weapons.

Renala glances at the other two as she takes a step back, not making a move otherwise.

Mendez makes a move for his shotgun, but seems to quickly reconsider, given their greater numbers. "You don't have to do this." he says, "Just get back in the shuttle and leave."

Zaylus resists reaching for his weapon, "The human makes a point. Is this really worth your time?" He mutters loud enough to be heard.

Jason rises to his feet. "Fuck..." he mutters, glancing down at Kim. "Just-... Fuck! I don't know what they're doing... But if she gives the word, open up!" he says. He reaches back for his Revenant and begins slowly sliding down the side of the hill, making sure to keep low in hopes that the grass will somewhat conceal him.

Korthus raises his Avenger and thrusts it in Renala's face. "Weapons. Hand them over, and get in the shuttle."

Renala carefully picks up her weapon from its holster and hands it over to him. "We could talk about this," she says. "I have creds." She sounded as one would with a gun in their face, desperate.

Kim nods towards Jason and continues keeping steady aim on the turian's chest. As soon as she hears the catchphrase, she pulls the trigger and attempts to control the recoil for a second shot.

Korthus holds his Avenger with one hand, keeping it trained on Renala, and reaches towards the asari's weapon with the other.

The shot glides slightly high and off center, missing its intended mark, but still catches the turian in the shoulder. Torrik's cheap hardsuit's shields don't hold up to the powerful weapon, flickering as the shot connects solidly. Torrik nearly spins in place before hitting the ground.

(Enemy) Human3 , who just disembarked from the shuttle, shouts "Sniper!" and seems to rethink rounding the shuttle. He instead, remains behind it, keeping it between himself and the others.

(Enemy) Human2 locks his gaze on Zaylus and raises his weapon.

(Enemy) Human1 quickly looks around, searching for the origins of the shout. He passes a glance towards Torrik and seems to consider helping him for a moment before deciding to run for the cover of the shuttle instead.

(Enemy) Krogan gives no shits. He continues to stomp towards the three with reckless abandon.

Zaylus moves back quickly as the first shot contacts, reaching for his weapon as he puts a few more feet of distance between him and the shuttle. He draws his weapon while still in motion, locking onto the human that appears to have targetted him.

Renala takes few steps back, drawing her own weapon as well as preparing for a biotic attack. She is about to fire on the the turian, but focuses fire on the kroga insteadn hoping to wittle his shields down. "On the krogan!" she shouts to noone in particular.

Jason continues to descend the hill, picking up his pace since the fighting has began as there seems to be little point in discretion.

(Enemy) Krogan gives a loud roar as he picks up his pace, charging in the direction of Renala and Mendez.

(Enemy) Human2 reaches across with his other hand to steady his aim and takes a shot at Zaylus, aiming for the turian's midsection. He's not particularly quick on the draw, nor is his aim too great.

Mendez reaches back for his shotgun, but quickly realizes he won't have enough time before the krogan reaches him. He digs into the ground and braces for impact, lowering his center of gravity.

Renala sends a warp field towards the krogan (Zaylus and Mendez are not in her line of fire) before running off in a direction towards the sniper team's position, forcing the krogan to choose one of them.

Zaylus squeezes the trigger, exchanging rounds just as the shot contacts his shoulder, staggering him somewhat and taking a bite out of his sheilds.

(Enemy) Human3 uses the front of the shuttle for cover and sights in on Renala, firing 3 shots in her direction as she flees.

(Enemy) Human2 takes the shot to the body. His primitive, poorly fabricated armor does nothing to stand up to it. As a matter of fact, the shot exits the back and pings off the shuttle. The human simply glances down at the wound before slumping over as a weezing sound escapes his lungs.

(Enemy) Krogan charges straight at Mendez, getting caught by the edge of the warp field in the process. It sizzles and pops as it begins to rend the plating of the krogan's cheap hardsuit, exposing part of his midsection. In true krogan-fashion, he soldiers through it and lowers his head as he makes contact with Mendez.

Kim begins taking aim towards the humans.

Renala takes the hits, but her shields hold, if barely. She jogs two meters closer to the krogan, and sends a throw at the side of his form, hoping it'd at least give Mendez a slight advantage.

Mendez is caught by the krogan's charge. He manages to hold his ground for a split second before being knocked aside by the sheer brute force of the krogan. The hit lifts him off the ground and sends him onto his back, knocking the wind clean out of him.

(Enemy) Krogan gets hit by Renala's throw cleanly. Already off-balance due to his scuffle with Mendez, the throw knocks him over. The krogan slams a fist into the ground and climbs to his feet, giving another loud roar as he glares at the asari. He begins breathing deeply as he steps into a full-on charge towards Renala.

Zaylus turns his focus to the krogan, wheeling around to get a clear shot at the exposed part of his midsection.

Kim decides that the humans are too far entrenched and takes aim for the krogan. Despite the bad conditions for getting a hit, she takes the shot anyway.

Renala steps aside to get Mendez out of her line of fire and squeezes the trigger, sending off the remaining twelve shots, aimed at his upper body. "Mendez!" she shouts out load.

Kim's shot misses its mark, kicking up some of the terrain near Mendez as the krogan tears past him towards Renala.

(Enemy) Human3 finally rounds the shuttle, stopping in front of it and sighting in on Zaylus as he sends 2 shots in the turian's direction.

(Enemy) Krogan picks up some speed as he closes in on Renala while shots nail him from both sides. Suddenly, merely feet away from the asari, he stutters and rapidly loses momentum until he's moving at nothing more than a brisk walk. After a couple more steps, the krogan falls to his knees. He continues to breathe deeply as he stares down the asari. Another loud roar escapes him as he tries to stand back up.

Zaylus hastily turns as his shields take more abuse, hardly holding up now. He sights the human and sends up a few desperate shots, at a loss for cover at the moment.

Jason finally closes in on the group. He exits the tall grass just slightly behind and on the flank of the human near the shuttle. He raises his Revenant and unloads a volley of rounds.

Mendez finally begins to recover from the blow he suffers. He slowly begins to climb back to his feet.

Renala reloads her weapon. "When will you assholes learn?" she mutters to herself before firing as many rounds as she can towards the krogan's face.

(Enemy) Human3 is peppered by both Jason, and Zaylus' rounds. His useless armor is torn asunder and blood splatter peppers the front of the shuttle as he slumps against it.

Kim prepares for a third shot.

(Enemy) Korthus_Torrik manages to climb to his knees and raises his Avenger. It's clear he's struggling to steady it due to his shoulder wound, but he's not going down without a fight.

(Enemy) Krogan 's poor face is sufficiently hammered with rounds from Renala. His eyes continue to blink and his mouth opens and closes wordlessly as his heavy form slumps over, causing a loud thud as he makes contact with the ground.

Kim fires the third shot towards Torrik.

Zaylus glances behind him to spot the source of the supporting gunfire, quickly turning back, he keeps his gun raised in preperation for the next human to emerge.

(Enemy) Korthus_Torrik squeezes the trigger as Kim's shot pierces the plating on the side of his head. The high-powered round exits through his jaw and pelts the ground as Torrik slumps over, firing a few rounds randomly at nothing in particular.

Jason sweeps back and forth with his weapon. "Everyone good!?" he asks.

(Enemy) Human1 re-emerges from the shuttle door and begins to unload his pistol towards Jason.

Renala looks around the scene. "Yeah," she says. "I'm f-" She turns towards the human and reloads her weapon, aiming it towards him. "Drop your weapon!" she shouts.

Jason takes about half the rounds to the chest, the other half missing wildly due to the bandits poor aim. His shield's absorb the hits, but it still staggers him backwards.

(Enemy) Human1 quickly turns to Renala and continues to squeeze the trigger, but nothing happens. He slowly glances down at his weapon, then back at Renala.

Renala nods, walking towards him confidenlty. "Drop, the, weapon," she repeats.

Zaylus eyes Jason, keeping his weapon trained on the remaining human as Renala handles the situation.

Jason recovers from the shots and raises his weapon. "You shot me!" he shouts, as if that would somehow be out of place.

Mendez finally manages to get his shotgun unfolded off his back. He manages a few coughs and shakes his head in an attempt at clearing out the cobwebs. "You heard her." he says, raising the weapon at the human.

(Enemy) Human1 glances around at the semi-circle of attackers before him. He tosses the pistol down and begins to take a step backwards. "There!" he shouts, "I'm unarmed!" He takes another step backwards.

Renala nods. "Now step away from the shuttle," she says. "And on your knees!"

(Enemy) Human1 lifts his left leg into the shuttle, but stops upon hearing Renala. "You'll just kill me too." he says, "I'm not stupid!"

Jason takes a step towards the man. "You drew first! We never intended to kill anyone!"

I will if you take another step in there. That's for sure.

Renala continues aiming towards him. "We can talk, and I promise you'll walk away as a free man."

(Enemy) Human1 glares at Jason. "Never intended to kill anyone... Right! You just happened to have a fucking sniper set up on us!"

Mendez takes a few more steps towards the man. "None of that matters now. Get the fuck away from the shuttle, or you're dead."

Zaylus grunts impatiently, "Because you came with only the friendliest intentions, right? Calm the fuck down already."

The sniper was there just in case you assholes tried anything, which you did.

Renala still aims at the human, finger resting on the trigger. "Last warning!"

(Enemy) Human1 looks between Zaylus and Mendez. He glances at Renala and Jason. "Get us the fuck out of here!" he shouts, making a dive for the cargo compartment of the shuttle.

Renala starts running towards the shuttle, saving her breath.

The shuttle's thrusters kick to life, causing it to shift slightly to the right as it begins to lift.

Mendez shoulders his Katana to take a shot, but holds his fire rather than taking the risk of clipping Renala.

Jason begins backpedaling away, as he's dangerously close to the front of the shuttle.

Renala stops running, and gets out of the shuttle's way instead. "Fuck!" she shouts out. "Anyone got a grenade and a good throw?"

The shuttle seems a bit unstable, listing from side-to-side as it attempts to steady itself.

The shuttle is only about 2 feet off the ground.

Renala being near the shuttle, runs and tries to climb onboard, weapon held tightly. It was now or never if they wanted some solid info.

Jason hears the word 'grenade' and his eyes nearly light up. He goes to reach for one, but reconsiders once Renala makes her move. Instead, he raises his rifle and backs further away from the shuttle.

Mendez begins jogging to try and catch up to Renala. "Get in there!" he shouts.

Zaylus backs off as the shuttle begins to take off.

The shuttle is a good 6 feet off the ground once Renala manages to scramble inside. The doors begin to slide shut.

Renala quickly gets to her feet and draws her weapon, looking around; she also build up biotic energy.

(Enemy) Human1 is in the short hall connecting the cargo compartment to the cockpit. He glances over his shoulder just in time to catch Renala climbing inside. "Mother fucker!" he shouts. He begins to charge at the asari. There's about 4 feet of distance between him and Renala.

(Comms) You have to get that shuttle back down here, Renala!

Renala aims the weapon at him and squeezes the trigger, anger clear as day in her expression.

(Enemy) Human1 tumbles forward as the shots hit their mark. He quickly hunches over on the ground in front of Renala. Just as with the others, the gunfire exits the backside of the human and enters the cockpit. The small shards of metal embed themselves in the wall.

"Holy fuck! Don't fire! Don't fire!" can be heard coming from the cockpit, "I'm not armed!" A young male human cranes his neck to look down the hallway briefly. "Please, I swear I'm not armed!" he pleads, attempting to talk down the asari and pilot the shuttle at the same time.

Renala nods and walks towards the pilot's compartment, weapon still held up. "Then set the shuttle down," she says. "You help us, you walk away a free man," she offers.

(Enemy) Human1 nods, facing forward. "Yeah... Yeah.... You got it just-... Don't shoot." he says.

Mendez continues to watch the shuttle from below.

The shuttle slowly descends. The thrusters kick on to straighten it out as it lands, avoiding any of the bodies strewn around.

(Enemy) Pilot reaches towards the console apprehensively and taps a button, causing the shuttle doors to slide open.

Renala keeps her gun trained on him. "Thanks," she says. "Now stand up with your hands where I can see them. I don't want you flying off when you get the chance."

Jason quickly holsters his Revenant and unholsters his Phalanx from his thigh as he boards the shuttle. He casts a glance down at the body on the floor and gives it a nudge with his boot. "Talk to me, Renala." he calls out, keeping the pistol trained on the downed human.

Mendez approaches the shuttle but remains outside. He puts his back to Jason and glances over the bodies laying around, watching for movement.

Renala doesn't glance over her shoulder, still focusing on the pilot. "I'm here," she says.

(Enemy) Pilot nods and raises both of his hands. "Please..." he repeats, "Don't kill me." He stands from his seat and slowly moves towards the hall.

Jason lets out a deep breath. "That was fucking insane..." he says, "You could've got yourself killed!"

Renala let him pass her through to the hall before moving to stand in the way. "Yeah, I could have," she says, "but no risk, no reward, as they say."

Next Logs

Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Kim Polner
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Kim Polner
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Kim Polner
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Kim Polner
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Jason Wolfe
Thiago Mendez

Previous Logs

Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Kim Polner
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Kim Polner
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Thiago Mendez