#Missing – March 27, 2014

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

A short time has passed, around twenty minutes or so.

(Enemy) Pilot raises his voice to be heard. "We're approaching the site... I hope you know what you're doing," he says, "because they're gonna be expecting Torrik!"

Renala has been quiet for most of the trip, but as they now near the site, she is starting to get a little nervous.

Where are you thinking of dropping us off? On top?

Jason has taken this time to check over his gear.

Mendez has merely been holding on for dear life and hoping not to die a slow painful death in a fiery crash.

Zaylus has been attempting to cover his increasing unease, sucessfully or not. He sits up straight and gives quiet taps against his leg.

(Enemy) Pilot shakes his head, not that anyone would be able to see him. "We take the prisoners in through the side entrance. It'll get you in on the second level." he shouts, "If I land up top, they'll know something is up. Besides..." he continues, "It sounds to me like you're looking for someone specific. If they-... If we have him, he'll be on the lowest level..."

Kim has been giving a pretty calm appearance. She listens passively to the pilot talk for the moment, but otherwise doesn't make any comments.

Renala nods. "Yeah, I remember where they are," she says, "but if they have him working already, wouldn't he be elsewhere?"

He could be... There's mining projects on both the bottom level, and the second level... But their quarters are on the lower level. That's where you're gonna want to look.

(Enemy) Pilot sighs loudly, "Look... I'm just a pilot. I don't know all the details. Maybe you should've thought about that before you killed Torrik." he taunts.

Alright. We'll just look around until we find him, then.

Jason continues to look over his Revenant, which is laying across his lap. "Oh yeah? That how you see it? I'll take that under advisement as I'm cleaning out the rest of your scumbag friends." he says, "If that's all the information you've got, then you can keep your mouth shut. Got it?"

(Enemy) Pilot contemplates responding, but bites his tongue.

The shuttle slowly begins to descend. Things get a little bumpy as the thrusters kick on while the pilot straightens out the shuttle.

(Comms) I'm about five minutes out. Just let me know when ya need me.

Oh, one more thing. Some of these people... are strange. I don't know how to describe it, but be on your guard when inside.

Renala pauses as the shuttle bumps, looking nervous for a few seconds before adding, "Is... yellow a human eye color?"

Jason raises an eyebrow at Renala. "Uhh... No." he says, "What do you mean?"

The shuttle finishes its descent, settling into a nice open patch of land.

Renala frowns. "They're... strong too. If you see someone like that, don't let them too near..., but they're good at sneaking up on you. Itches like hell if they get their hands on you, too." She glances at the pilot as she removes the harness and gets up to her feet. "Hey. Do you know anything about those freaks?"

(Enemy) Pilot steps out of the cockpit and back towards the cargo compartment. He has a large grin as he listens to Renala speak. "Genetically modified." he says, sounding almost enamored by the idea. He leans against the wall at the edge of the hall, "Probably a good idea to keep your distance from 'em. There's an L2 down there, too." he continues without much explanation, "He's-... He's a handful."

How many of them are there in there?

Jason stands from his seat and takes a position near the door as he listens to the pilot.

(Enemy) Pilot gives a shrug. "In total?" he asks, "Like I said before... About twenty. If you're talkin' genetically modified... There's Darre-..." he begins to list names, but instantly decides against it and merely shakes his head, "Six." he says.

Zaylus frowns, "Fantastic. Renala finds the best vacation spots." He mutters, getting up from his seat.

Kim stands and looks towards the entrance for a moment, then looks towards Jason. "Alright. You thinking up a plan?"

A voice comes over the shuttle's comms. "Took ya long enough. They put up a fight?" the voice asks, followed by an eerie chuckle, "Love it when they put up a fight. Need us to send down any help gettin' 'em inside?"

Renala chuckles as she stands up. "That I do," she says before glancing at the pilot. "Is he expecting the turian to answer that?"

Jason glances at Kim and shakes his head. "I don't even know what this place looks like." he says, "Rena-..." he begins, but is interrupted by the voice over the comms.

Mendez lifts his harness off and climbs out of his seat. He unfolds his shotgun and takes a spot near the door.

(Enemy) Pilot winces as he hears the comms come to life. He gives Renala a shake of his head. "No... I'll handle it." he says, "There's a path up the cliffside just outside. It'll take you to an entrance. After what happened last time... They keep two guards posted outside the door at all times. It's not likely that you'll be able to get past them without being noticed." He turns on his heels and heads towards the cockpit.

Jason looks towards Renala. "Well... You seem to be the only one that knows jack shit about this place. What's our options?"

Renala glances at the door. "Since we're not ontop, that entrance is our only option," she says, but waits for pilot to report back to continue.

(Enemy) Pilot can be heard responding from the cockpit. "Uhh... Yeah." he begins, giving a forced chuckle, "They put up a bit of a struggle, but there's not much fight left in 'em. Should be okay." he says.

After a short period of silence, the same voice as before responds, "Alright. Can't wait to see the new meat. Hope you picked up somethin' nice for me." the voice says. Some laughter can be heard in the background before the comms are closed.

Renala frowns, shaking her head. "As I was saying," she begins. "Through that entrance, we'll find a hall leading to the central chamber. Then, a ladder down and we'll see the way to the holding cells from there."

The shuttle doors slide open to reveal a vast expanse of forest to the west. To their east is a sheer cliff face with the aforementioned trail snaking up the side of it. Just south of them, about 10 yards, is a wooden dock alongside a river. The lack of light makes it difficult to see very far.

Jason nods at Renala and glances out of the shuttle. "Doesn't sound like we have much choice outside of fighting our way in." he says with a sigh before stepping out of the shuttle with his Revenant in hand.

Zaylus gives a short laugh, "Did we ever?" He asks, following Jason out of the craft.

Renala nods. "Unless there's a path up to the top entrance, it is," she glances over to the pilot. "I don't remember if there was one." She steps out of the shuttle after the other two.

(Enemy) Pilot re-emerges from the cockpit. He shakes his head as he takes a step towards the door. "No such luck." he says, "Would be a bit of a trip, and it won't be long until they realize something is wrong." He reaches down and fishes his omni-tool out of his pocket and underhands it to Renala. "Should help you with most of the doors." he says with a shrug, "The sooner you all get back here, the sooner I can leave."

Renala takes the omni-tool with a nod. "Thank you," she says. "If I can ask one more thing, where is the controls for the cameras?"

Jason looks at Zaylus and shakes his head. "Probably not..." he admits, "But that's fine by me."

Mendez chuckles dryly and steps towards the pilot. "Yeah, because we're going to leave you here with the shuttle." he says sarcastically, "Not a chance. As soon as we're out of sight, you'd be gone. You're coming with."

(Enemy) Pilot | "Top floor." he says before Mendez chimes in. "Hey!" he shouts, turning to face the large man with his hands up, "I kept my promise! I'm staying right here!"

Kim folds her arms and looks towards the pilot. "I can keep him under control. It's not like I'm a whole lot of use in a fight right now anyway."

(Enemy) Pilot points towards Kim with a nod. "Yes!" he agrees, "If you bring me in there... I'm a dead man. They'll make damn sure of it." he insists, "Please..."

Kim steps up and grabs the pilot's arm before yanking it forward. "I think you misunderstand something..."

(Enemy) Pilot 's grits his teeth and stumbles forward. "Okay, okay!" he shouts, "Jeeze... Fuck... You assholes gave me your word..." he continues, "Just remember that when they kill me. Remember that this is on you!"

Mendez hops out of the shuttle and takes a few steps towards the cliff. "I'm sure I'll lose so much sleep over it." he mutters.

Renala frowns. "Should have thought about that before you joined up with a band of slavers," she says, not really having much symapthy for him.

Jason begins walking towards the path. "Just get him out here. Keep your eye on him, Kim. If he tries to run, you know what to do."

Renala falls into step beside Jason. "It might be hard to get to the top floor," she says. "Both the armory and the boss's room is there."

Kim waves towards the door while looking directly at the pilot. "After you, sir," she states with a mock polite tone.

Zaylus looks between the pilot and the departing, giving a small shrug before turning and falling in line behind Renala.

(Enemy) Pilot glances over at Kim with a scowl on his face, but follows directions.

Mendez walks alongside Zaylus. "Here goes nothing..." he mutters.

Zaylus gazes to his side, "Or, you know, everything." He says, casting a glance behind him.

The path continues upward for a short distance. The lack of light makes it hard to see the top, but after a bit of walking, the sound of two people talking can be overheard. "I'm calling dibs if they got an asari." one growls, his voice would easily be distinguished as the deep, low pitched voice of a batarian. "You'll just have to wait your turn." responds a woman's voice.

A large indentation in the cliff can be spotted about ten feet up the path. Renala would probably realize it's where the entrance is set into the cliff face. The voices are most likely coming from there.

Renala scowls in the direction of their voices, a biotic shimmer forming around her. She holds up her hand, pointing at the entrance, but she doesn't say anything.

Jason gives Renala a nod and raises his Revenant as he continues to stalk up the path.

Zaylus readies his weapon at Renala's signal.

Mendez stays behind Jason, not wanting to risk going to close to the edge of the path. He keeps his shotgun pointed at the ground.

Kim keeps the pilot well within her sight, but inspects the surroundings as best she can otherwise.

(Enemy) Batarian | "Sounds like they're here. Let's check out the haul." he growls as he rounds the corner. He's wearing similar flimsy armor to the others. He stops in place and stares at the group for a moment before it sinks in. "What-..." his eyes- all of them- focus on the pilot, "You fucking coward!" he shouts as he reaches for a pistol on his thigh.

(Enemy) HumanFemale follows just behind the batarian wearing a light hardsuit. She seems to catch on to what's going on much faster than the batarian. Her eyes catch the moonlight and shine unnaturally, almost glowing. She makes no attempt at reaching for her weapon, instead she sprints towards the edge of the cliff.

Renala sends off a biotic throw towards the batarian. "You called dibs right?"

Jason sights in on the human and squeezes the trigger, attempting to catch her in his line of fire.

Kim eyes the batarian for a moment before laughing softly as she reaches to pull the pilot in front of her.

Zaylus firms his stance as the two appear, but waits for a clearer shot from behind the others.

(Enemy) Batarian is caught by the throw, sending him sailing through the air. His shoulder clips the edge of the indentation on the cliff face, causing his body to twist and turn as it disappears into the darkness below them. A low growl can be heard escaping him, trailing off as he tumbles to his death.

(Enemy) HumanFemale is remarkably agile, dodging out of Jason's line of fire with exceptional speed. She takes a few more steps towards the edge of the cliff as one of the shots catches her, causing her shields to flicker brightly as she leaps into the air and clean off the side of the cliff.

Renala looks at the human escaping while drawing her Locust. "What the...," she mutters, but she doesn't walk closer to it. "Let's go before she can come back."

Jason remains in place, staring in the general direction of the woman's last location. He blinks a few times and goes to say something but stops. He clears his throat and slowly turns to face Renala. "Come back...?" he asks, "She just leapt off the side of a fucking cliff. Unless she sprouts wings or a red cape, there's no coming back from that! Hell... If the rest of this crew are as eager to die as that nut, this'll be a walk in the park..."

Zaylus lowers his weapon in surprise. "I... do... do humans just do that? Is that a thing that you do?" He asks incredulously.

Renala shakes her head. "Could be a really good biotic," she says, "or have something else that allowed her to." She walks towards the entrance, weapon aimed ahead of her.

(Enemy) Pilot struggles against Kim momentarily but quickly settles down. "No, no, no!" he says, "She's not dead..." He begins looking around frantically, focusing mostly on the edge of the path, "I'm sorry, Jana!" he shouts, "I had no choice! They would've killed me!"

Jason steps closer to the edge of the cliff and leans over, aiming his Revenant over the side. "You're out of your fucking mind..." he says, "Nobody could survive a fall like that."

Renala sighs. "Jason, never assume your enemy's stupid," she says. "You'll live a little longer that way."

Mendez lifts his Katana and aims it towards the edge as he inches further up the incline.

Jason raises an eyebrow, but continues glancing over the side of the cliff. "I'm not assuming my enemy is stupid..." he retorts, "I'm assuming my enemy just leapt off a fucking cliff!"

Kim lets go of the pilot and takes a couple steps back. "Jason, think. There was something weird about that woman, and I have a very bad feeling that just playing her off as having committed suicide is the worst thing we can do right now."

Renala nods. "Yeah, somebody gets it," she says. "If it's suicide, fine, but before we see a body, let's go with that she had a plan with it."

Zaylus looks around uneasily. "I can't be the only one who thinks we probably shouldn't be standing here when she gets back, right?"

Jason nods and takes a step back from the edge. "I can get behind that..." he says. "Either way, let's keep moving. Just... Keep your eyes open." He raises his Revenant and quickly jogs towards the large door, taking a position beside it.

Renala follows, taking up a posiition on the other side of the door. "I can try messing up the door's computer when we're in," she says, "but I might not be able to fix it if we're heading out this way, too."

Mendez shifts around as he gets to the top. He remains in the center of the platform, away from the door, with his weapon at the ready as he watches towards the path.

(Enemy) Pilot slowly moves the rest of the way up the path until he's on the platform. He continues to look around nervously. "You would've done the same..." he calls out.

Zaylus stays close behind, forming up near Mendez

Jason shakes his head at Renala's suggestion. "That doesn't sound like a good idea." he says, "There's no telling how quickly we'll need to get out of here."

Renala nods. "It was just a suggestion," she says, glancing at the door to see if it's unlocked.

The door is locked.

Renala enables her omni-tool and taps quickly on it to open up her program to crack most door systems, and runs it.

It only takes a few moments of eerie silence before the panel flashes red a few times and finally turns green. It probably would have taken even less time had Renala unlocked the door using the pilot's omni-tool. But, c'est la vie.

Jason glances at Renala and gives a nod. He raises his Revenant and keeps it trained on the large door.

Renala taps on the door to have it open before getting back to cover by the doorframe, a biotic shimmer forming around her person.

Kim stays several steps behind the pilot, but keeps her hand on the pistol strapped to her hip. She doesn't make any comments about what's going on at the moment, but stays quite aware of what's going on.

The door slides open, revealing three slavers, two humans and a turian, with their weapons already raised, apparently alarmed by the sound of Jason's gunfire. One of the humans has sickly green skin that would be instantly familiar to Renala. He lets out an unnerving hiss and begins firing wildly with his Predator as he charges the door. He doesn't appear to be wearing any armor.-

The turian is kneeling, holding an Avenger and wearing a dark blue hardsuit. He begins letting off rounds towards Jason, remaining careful to avoid clipping the Reptile man.

The second human is a short, somewhat chubby man. He's wearing more of the cheaply-made armor constructed out of pre-fab parts. He's using a small outcropping that juts from the wall as some sort of makeshift cover, but it does little to conceal his girth.

Renala quckly leans around cover as the door opens and takes two seconds and a couple shots to her shields to make a decision, resulting in a warp field targeted towards the human freak.

Kim pushes the pilot off to the side and away from any stray fire, then pulls her sidearm out and raises it to her eyes for aim.

Mendez spins in place and raises his Katana towards the door. He takes a step to the side, attempting to get out of the line of fire as he attempts to get a clear shot.

(Enemy) Pilot is tossed aside. He stutters for a moment before falling to the ground. He scampers to get up against the wall beside Renala.

Jason is peppered by a few of the turian's shots, causing his shields to flicker. He squeezes the trigger, unloading a quick burst of return fire at the turian before jerking back behind the cover of the doorframe.

Zaylus gets into cover as the firefight begins, waiting for his opening.

(Enemy) Jana leaps over the edge of the cliff with a large serrated blade in her hand that appears to be custom built from pre-fab parts, much in the same way as most of the slavers' armor. She drives the blade deep into Mendez from behind, tackling the large man to the ground. She presses a boot to the man's back and begins shaking the blade loose.

FreakHuman skids to a stop as Renala's warp field blocks off his path. Slightly too late, he gets caught in the warp field. He begins screaming as the field rends flesh and bone, coating the walls and his companions in gore.

Turian takes the brunt of Jason's shots, which make short work of his hardsuit's cheap shields. The final two rounds zing off his armor, causing him to stumble backwards.

ChubbyHuman raises his Predator pistol and takes a few random shots towards the doorway. As bits of his friend get flung around, a terrified scream escapes him.

Zaylus wheels around as Jana reappears, particularly unnerved by the sight of her. He steps back as she downs the poor human and fires several shots at very close range.

Renala raises her brows as she sees the woman stab him. "Mendez!" she says before turning towards the entrance, emptying her locust clip at the chubby human, hoping Zaylus gets a better shot at her that wouldn't clip him.

Kim scowls and begins emptying her clip at the hostiles inside the door, primarily the turian to start.. She leaves the human to the others for the moment.

(Enemy) Jana rips the blade from Mendez' back, causing a spurt of blood to come out with it. She tilts her head to the side as Zaylus' shots ping off her shields. The shields flicker brightly with each shot, giving those looking a good view of her. She's got long, black, shoulder length hair and bright, nearly glowing, yellow eyes. Her skin is of a similar tone to the one hit by Renala's warp.

Jana smirks at the turian as the last shot takes down her shield and begins charging at him with the blade raised high, screeching as she does.

ChubbyHuman seems more worried about wiping bits of his friend off of him than returning fire. Renala's shots cut right through his cheap armor, painting the wall behind him with his blood.

Turian doesn't seem too bothered by the fact that his ally was just eviscerated. He quickly climbs back to his feet and begins backpedaling as he opens fire with his Avenger. Kim's shots catch the turian numerous times, some zinging off his armor while others find their mark. He falls against the wall, but looks as though he's still got some life in him.

(Enemy) Pilot remains huddled against the wall near Renala, fearing for his life.

Zaylus quickly backpedals as he fumbles to charge a new thermal clip. He raises his pistol again and fires several more shots before getting adequate aim, hoping the proximity will be the advantage he needs to take her weakened armor.

Renala reloads her wapon and fires a 3-shot burst at the human women before hurrying over to Mendez' side, crouching down. She looks over his injuries as she locates her medi-gel.

Jason leans back into the doorway. Picking up where Kim left off, he fires a burst of rounds at the turian. He quickly returns to cover and looks over towards Mendez. "Get up, Mendez!" he shouts, "Renala! Get him back on his feet!"

(Enemy) Turian sluggishly attempts to escape down the hall as his wounds ooze from within his armor. Jason's shots connect, causing him to drop to his knees before slumping to the ground.

Jana takes advantage of the lull in gunfire as Zaylus reloads, utilizing her speed to close the gap quickly. Realizing he's probably almost ready to fire again, she hurls the blade at the turian, causing it to tumble end over end at him as he lets loose his shots. The shots strike the women in her chest. The first two cause her armor's chest plate to concave inward, the third penetrates it completely.

Jana 's momentum comes to a halt as she tumbles to her knees. Renala's shots further hammer home her fate as the three-round burst dances up her chest with the last round striking her in the neck. Her body goes limp as she tips to the side.

Mendez 's wound is deep in his left shoulder-blade. The serrated edges of the blade undoubtedly did some heavy damage and blood pours pretty steadily from the wound. The large man lets out a pained groan and attempts to lift himself up.

Renala | "Lie still," she orders him before she gets to work trying to remove the armor plate covering the back of his shoulder blade.

Zaylus squeezes out the shots and instinctively tucks, using the plating of his shoulder to take the impact of the wayward blade. It strikes him, but ultimately just bounces to the ground, largly ineffective without the wielder. He lets out a sharp breath as Jana clearly begins to go down, looking between her and the poor Mendez nearby.

Next Logs

Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Kim Polner
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Kim Polner
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Jason Wolfe
Thiago Mendez
Renala T'Iavay
Thiago Mendez
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Thiago Mendez

Previous Logs

Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Kim Polner
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Kim Polner
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Kim Polner
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Kim Polner
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Thiago Mendez
Missing Miners
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Thiago Mendez