#RuinsOfRakhana – August 27, 2016

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Nathan chimes in over comms as he slowly takes the steps down to the next level, his flashlight still deactivated. "Negative. Seems like they've met heavy resistance. I think it's coming from down the lower level." He keeps his low-light on, sweeping his gun toward the doorway. "Keep your lights off when you come down. Or at least give me a heads up so I can tone

down the HUD."

Ehanis doesn't move an inch from her position in the darkness, and her weapon is lowered.

Despite Nathan's slow movement the stairs continue to creak as he descends, and from the doorway the same krogan voice cries out, very loudly: "QUIET! I hear something!"

Aron goes into a half-crouch at the sound of the gunshots, biotic energy gathering around his arms, and he places himself in front of Namira relative to the doorway to the stairway.

Renala looks around the outside of the control box to see if there's any shielded cords leading to it, wire-cutter in hand.


Ehanis frowns. "They heard us," she whispers over the comms. Her speakers are disabled, so the krogan shouldn't be able to hear her. Despite her panic, she remains exactly where she is without turning on the light. The asari gathers biotic energy.

There are no such wires. The wiring must run inside the wall.

Jason nods to himself, repeating Nathan's words to the others, "Lights off when you come down. Watch your step." He enters the stairwell once again and begins stalking his way down as slowly as he can towards Nathan and Ehanis. "Get ready for a fight, then. This stairwell doesn't seem like the most stable of places to exchange fire, so keep an eye on your surroundings."

Nathan stacks up against the door, clutching his rifle tightly. Despite knowing he's facing down against Blood Pack, some of the most ruthless and bloodthirsty bastards this side of the galaxy, he felt somewhat calm and excited. Here he was, back in the thick of it! Time to fight! He remains where he is, only hedging his visor around the corner to peer through the

door. "Having a look," he whispers, despite having his external speaker deactivated. "Jason, get down here as quick as you can. If we start firing, your revenant is going to be a God-send."

Jessica sets up near the door to the stairwell, but doesn't enter as it's already becoming a little too crowded.

Steve remains where he is, seemingly content with waiting for Renala before joining up with the others. "What's the plan, boss?" he asks over comms.

Jason continues downwards, deactivating his light as he responds to Steve, "Stay where you are. No point in cramming everyone in here at once like fish in a barrel."

Korio begins to glance around the tunnel as Renala works. "Are we sure there is only the one way down?" he asks over comms. "Perhaps there are other options we have not yet explored."

Renala sighs and places her hand flat against the wall. "Anyone got a means of making a hole in the wall?" she asks, not over comms. "I forgot to bring a metal detector, so I don't know where the wires are?"

After a few seconds of silence another krogan voice calls out: "I don't hear anything!"

The first one responds almost immediately: "Yeah, well, I did! Go check it out!"

Korio gives Renala a shake of his head. "I do not, unfortunately." he responds, "Though it sounds as if we have brought a number of explosive devices. It... may not be the quietest method of making a hole, however. And there's no telling whether or not it will destroy exactly what you are seeking."

Ehanis is still at her position, not wanting to make a creak for the krogan to hear. "I'm exactly where you left me, Wolfe," she whispers into comms. "Two krogan, one is coming. Fuck."

Renala chuckles. "I want to cut the wires, not obliterate them," she says. "If we can't do it, then I'm probably more useful with others right now."

Through the doorway is a pitch-black corridor. It stretches off to both sides, the darkness too much for the low-light systems to handle beyond two meters or so. Even down here dust covers the floor. Barely visible in the dark is a figure on the floor to the right. The voice of the second krogan can be heard again, from the left: "I'm-... I'm not checking it out! Send the vorcha!"

Aron listens to Redrock's radio chatter, leaving them to handle the situation while he escorts Namira back to the middle of the tunnel, keeping some distance to the way to the stairway.

Nathan slowly lowers himself to a crouch. Now crouched, he's able to keep himself a much smaller target as he aims down the corridor. "Enhance," he mutters into his command unit and the HUD zooms in to further down the corridor. The low-light

adjusts and, now instead of trying to broadly combat the darkness, focuses on seeing as far down the corridor as possible. He whispers over comms, not taking his eyes from the corridor. "They're spooked," he informs. "One of the Krogan is spooked. I don't know about you, but that really concerns me."

Jason whispers over comms, "On your left." as he passes by Ehanis, taking one hand off his weapon to pat her on the shoulder as he squeezes by her. Once he reaches Nathan, he lowers his weapon towards the ground and stacks up behind him, patting him on the shoulder similarly to give his relative location, "Maybe he's just afraid of the dark." he jokes through a smirk. "Get ready to get down here when the shooting starts." he

orders the others upstairs, "I just don't want us all crowding into this stairwell at once. As soon as the three of us are inside, I'll give the signal and the rest can join. We have one floor above us, so someone needs to keep watch up top. Jessica, for now that's your job."

Jessica nods to herself. "Mmm. On it." she responds, posting up to the side of the door.

Ehanis winces at being tapped on the shoulder. Once a few seconds have passed, she starts making a few quiet and careful steps down to the next landing. "I think I'll have a view of the door," she whispers over comms. "Shine a light on him if you want me to assist."

It's hard to see much without proper nightvision gear, but the enhanced zoom allows Nathan to make out the figure to the right. A skeleton, half buried in sand dust and cobwebs, still wearing a few tattered remains of white clothes. As he looks a small, blurry dark shape skitters out, quickly disappearing from the narrow vision of the zoomed view.

The first krogan growls frustratedly from the left: "I said check it out, you pyjak!" The second quickly replies with "Yes boss."

Nathan remains still as Jason taps him on the shoulder. With a subtle command, his HUD pulls back to normal. "On our left, out of view," he whispers. "Switch." He taps Jason on the leg and nods towards the other side of the door. "I saw movement down there. We should cover both directions."

Jason nods his head and shoulders his Revenant as he sidesteps across the opening, keeping his weapon trained just beyond the left-hand side of the doorframe as he moves towards the right.

Korio begins to make his way back towards the others. "Perhaps we should worry about the door later, once we've cleared the building." he offers to Renala. "If we are to make camp here, we will have plenty of time."

Renala nods and puts the tools back in he backpack. After closing it, she stands up. "Let's go," she says. "Wolfe might give his signal any time now." She begins walking over to and up the staircase.

A flickering light illuminates a corner down the left side of the corridor. The less-than-stealthy sound of an approaching krogan can be heard, his armor clanking as he mutters to himself. Simultaneously Nathan would find his vision rather suddenly obscured by a black blur.

Ehanis raises her weapon towards the sound of the approaching krogan. There's not much else she can do.

Jason keeps his weapon pinned on the corridor to the left. "Sounds like we've got a big one coming our way..." he says, his finger hovering over the trigger. "Ehanis, Ten- get ready to bring him down quick. As soon as he's dealt with, we move in and take cover so the others can join us." he whispers.

Nathan jolts back, his training just barely keeping him from sprawling on his arse in surprise. "I can't see!" He hisses over comms. His HUD is still operational, no system failures are being reported. He waves his barrel in front of him whilst reaching up to wipe at his visor.

A quick wipe at the visor is all it takes to clear up his vision. He might briefly feel his hand touching something through the glove, but whatever it was has little interest in sticking around after being swiped at. Jason might see a palm-sized arachnid skittering away across the corridor floor towards the corner lit up by the approaching krogan.

Jason furrows his brow, giving a brief glance over towards Nathan at his outburst. He opens his mouth to speak about the enormous spider- a disgusted look masked by his helmet- but his attention is quickly pulled back to the rapidly approaching krogan. "Get ready! Here he comes..." he says, giving a quick look around for anything within sight that he might be able to use for cover once he enters the hall.

Nathan shudders and grips his weapon again, cursing a storm. "Euuuuugh," he mutters before he braces himself. He keeps his gaze firmly fixed on the corridor, ready to strike at Jason's command.

Ehanis nods, but remains at her position. "I need...," she is interrupted by Jason and focuses on the doorway. "Got it, keep my sight line clear." She takes her right hand off the weapon and half-raises it towards the door, preparing to send off a throw once he's in view to give the others more time to shoot.

Renala steps into the room before the staircase, waiting for Jason's signal.

Korio follows behind Renala, still looking about for any sign of another form of entry into the bunker.

Steve joins Renala as she enters the small room. "No luck with the door?" he asks.

The corridor is, unfortunately, devoid of cover. The krogan's muttering is growing louder. "Gurak, check out the noise... Gurak, carry the explosives... Gurak, find the Eclipse... Graaah..." He rounds the corner, and it takes a moment before he spots the lights of Jason and Nathan's equipment, causing him to let out a roar and raise his Scimitar shotgun. He's wearing heavy armor in Blood Pack colors, and no helmet. The beams of

light coming from his shoulder lamps flood the corridor in light.

Renala shakes her head. "No," she says. "It must have been ajar when they got here." She seems thoughtful for a moment. "Unless they pried it open from outside," she adds.

Ehanis keeps her eyes peeled on the door, waiting for the krogan to get into view. "I'll throw on sight," she speaks into comms. "Don't stand in the way."

Jason's finger slides over the trigger and squeezes down, unloading a volley of gunfire in the krogan's direction, sending a strobelight of gunfire throughout the stairwell. "Here he comes! Got ourselves a big one!" he announces as he slips back into cover, pressing himself against the hallway doorframe in hope that the krogan will rush and give Ehanis a chance to hurl him like a krogan-shaped bowling ball. Given that the fight

is in full swing at this point, he reactivates his lights. "Just a few love taps, Gurak!" he gives a shout from his cover, "Still plenty of opportunity for you to toss your weapon aside, give up and come peacefully." he antagonizes, giving a glance across the doorway to Nathan with a shrug of his shoulders, realizing that might not get the job done. "You little bitch." he adds.

Nathan swings around and fires off a three-round burst into the gaping maw of the Krogan. The M-55, also jokingly known as amongst it's users as the shotgun of assault-rifles, thumps and reverberates in the close confines of the bunker. He swings back into cover, his lights also switching back on and his low-light deactivating. "Exactly! Surrender like the good

little pyjack you are!" He says, joining in with the taunting.

Steve remains near the door to the stairwell. "Sounds like we got more important things to worry about right now anyway, Ren." he says, giving a nod at the doorway as he waits for the order to storm down.

Krogan 's shield flickers as he's hit by several shots from the Revenant, and he immediately charges towards the doorway. "Graaah! I hate this planet!" When Nathan swings around he would find the krogan right in front of him, and it elbows him in the head before pumping several shotgun blasts at Jason.

Ehanis follows up on her word and it doesn't even take half a second before she attempts to throw the krogan back to buy the others time. She just hopes the other two got out of the way first. She does not risk firing at the doorway, however.

Nathan | CLANG! Nathan staggers around and only manages to keep himself from the ground by pushing himself away. "You motherfucker!" He snaps, turning around and snapping his weapon up. His HUD highlights the Krogan in a thin, red outline. He catches Ehanis' biotics from the corner of his eye and holds his fire, not wanting to hit Jason if the Krogan is flung back.

Jason leans to his side, trying to keep himself as out of view from the krogan as possible from his position until he comes through the door. His shields flicker and sputter, causing a glow to fill the stairwell as a few of the shotgun pelts are stopped. He holds his position, hoping Ehanis' throw finds its mark before taking action.

Krogan is hurled back through the doorway just as soon as he appeared, slamming into the corridor wall hard enough to cause concrete chips to fly off. He roars, running back into the stairwell without missing a beat and clubbing at Jason with the stock of his shotgun before sweeping it in a wide arc, hoping to hit Nathan as well.

Nathan ducks under the wild swing, his hand snapping around and detaching a grenade from his armour. Shaped charge, designed to melt through even the thickest of metals. This should do. "Back!" He barks to Jason and slings it to attach to the Krogan's midriff. If it attaches he would bellow, "Ehanis, throw him!"

Renala nods, but doesn't say anything. She is trying to look down through the grates, hoping to see the fighting going on.

Ehanis wastes no time gathering energy for another throw, and starts to zero in her focus on the krogan. The friendlies are too close to the target for her to be reckless.

Jason was quite obviously not expecting the krogan's quick recovery and barely has enough time to bring his arm up to shield his face from the shotgun stock coming his way. His Revenant held tightly in one hand at his side, he reaches back with the hand he blocked with and drives a quick punch into the jaw of the krogan, hoping to catch him off-guard with the surprising strength of his synthetic arms and stagger him enough to get

away. He immediately follows the punch up by backpedaling further down the staircase to give Ehanis a clear sightline.

Krogan 's arm hits the concrete wall hard as Nathan dodges, and he doesn't seem to notice the incendiary grenade attached to his armor. Jason's punch hits only armor plating as he's now turned to Nathan. The krogan grabs the dodging human by the arm and hurls him at the railing of the stairwell.

Ehanis frowns. There's no time to ask for orders, and she has to make a decision. "Throwing," she announces over comms before she lets loose the throw at the krogan and hopes for the best.

Nathan is swung around, thankful that it wasn't his recently recovered one. He grunts as he slams into the railing. No time to waste. Ehanis' words reach his ears and he throws himself to the side, not taking his eyes from the Krogan. As soon as the Krogan, if hit by the throw, passes through the doorway, Nathan would detonate the grenade. With it's quick reaction

and concentrated explosive and incendiary load, the device should punch through the Krogan with devastating ease whilst not causing any collateral. Or, at the very least, simply marr the walls in residue.

Krogan is slammed into the edge of the doorway by the throw, chunks of concrete and dust flying into the air, and as the grenade detonates he is consumed in a blindingly bright ball of fire, sparks and splashes of thermite striking the walls and the landing. A brief cry of pain is all that is heard as the pile of armor and seared flesh collapses in the doorway, burning like the galaxy's most disgusting bonfire.

Jason glances away, hunkering down on the staircase down as the explosive is set off, instinctively bringing a hand up to protect his head. Once the moment has passed, he brings his Revenant back up and crests the top of the landing once more, weapon sighted on the doorway. "Everyone alright!?" he calls out as he glances towards Nathan and Ehanis. Once his gaze finds the pile of krogan bits, he grimaces. "Well that smells like

shit..." he notes, "...Nice work, though. Hope you've got a few more of those on-hand, because there's no telling how many more krogans they've brought."

Nathan stands up and his visor counters the blinding flare of flesh and armour. Even so, he still squints against the light. "I guess you could say he's Kro-gone now," he mutters over comms. "Yeah, I'm good! I've got at least one more of those." He turns to look up to Ehanis, offering her a thumbs up. "Nice throw. We make a hell of a team," he says, the praise

evident in his voice.

Jason groans at the bad pun, casting one last look at the pile of krogan. "We can pat ourselves on the back later. Right now we need to get a foothold on this floor." he says, giving a quick nod towards the hallway doorway before he steps through, sweeping his Revenant to the left. "There's no chance they didn't hear this, so get ready for a fight."

Ehanis grimaces behind her helmet at the sight, covering her eyes with her hands in response to the blinding light. "That we do," she says over comms before descending the staircase, making use of the new light source while it lasts. She keeps her weapon aimed at the burning krogan, in case he still got some life in him. "We took some risks using explosives and hurling krogan on these stairs, though."

Nathan lifts his weapon up and nods to the pair of them. "Let's get the rest of the team down here," he says. "We need to start pushing." He moves in after Jason, sweeping in the opposite direction and dropping to a crouch.

Jason nods in turn. "We ran into some resistance. They've definitely got more down here. Jess, keep an eye on that door upstairs, just to be safe. Everyone else? Get down here." he orders over comms as he begins stalking down the hall, sweeping his light back and forth to get a feel for their surroundings.

The still-burning krogan corpse is blocking the doorway quite completely.

Steve glances over to Renala and gestures towards the door. "After you, darlin'."

Jason steps over the krogan.

Ehanis jumps over the krogan, not wanting to get flammable crap on her. Ehanis follows Nathan once she's in the hall.

Renala node. "We're on our way," she replies over comms before entering the stairs room and starting on her way down. Her steps are hurried and the headlights on, not caring about stealth.

Steve follows just behind her, SMG in-hand as they hurry down the stairs.

Korio offers Jessica a single nod before following behind Steve. He places his rifle on his back and retrieves his pistol, given the close quarters.

Jessica remains alllll alone upstairs. Suddenly feeling a bit uncomfortable.

The corridor is mostly empty aside from the bones of the long-dead drell to the right. The right side, which Nathan is looking to, ends in a rusted door, sealed shut. The left side continues to the corner the krogan came from. Kicked-up dust, and dark smoke from the charred corpse, is obscuring vision considerably, obstructing the flashlights of the team. The air is filled with the repugnant smell of burning krogan.

Nathan keeps his hallway covered, not separating until the rest of the team get down. He keeps his flashlight firmly on the corridor, slowly sliding the beam from side to side.

Aron 's voice comes in over comms. "Tell us when you have cleared out the Blood Pack. We will remain here until then."

Ehanis is walking along the hallway Jason is covering. "Moving to next the corner," she says. Once she reaches the corner, she takes cover, listening for movements.

Renala looks towards the burning krogan as she's about to round the last corner. "This krogan's going to stop glowing eventually, you know," she says over comms. "Maybe we should move it out of the way before someone trips over it on their way out?"

Nathan chimes in over comms. "Hey Jessica, you get clean-up duty~" he says in a sing-song voice. He chuckles softly and closes down the comm for the moment, still keeping an eye on the door. Who knows, maybe a Krogan may come bursting out of it in a shower of rusted metal?

Steve glances over at the krogan pile as well. "We got flashlights. I ain't exactly fond of the idea of draggin' this big motherfucker's dead body around. I say we leave 'em for the rats... Or whatever the hell you drell have."

Jessica snorts. "I have no idea what you are talking about, but I am here to blow shit up. Not clean. Pick up your own messes."

Renala shrugs. "Don't need to drag him at all," she says. "A well aimed biotic throw should get him out of way, as long as the people inside stay clear of the incoming krogan fireball."

Steve gives a shrug of his own in response as they approach the doorway. "Go for it." he says simply. "As long as I ain't gotta get my hands dirty, I couldn't care less."

Jason continues to watch the corner Ehanis approached. "Just be careful." he says over comms as he hears Renala's suggestion.

There are no sounds of movements, at least none audible over Redrock's shuffling.

Renala stops at the bottom stair. "Everyone safely away from the doorway?" she asks over comms as she prepares for a throw.

Nathan chimes in with a reply. "All good."

Jason nods to himself. "We're all clear."

Renala nods. "Never mind that, I have a better idea," she gets down to the landing with the doorway and sends off a succession of smaller biotic throws to push him towards the top of the stairs leading down without putting too much tension on the old grating.

The burning chunks of armor plating and flesh flop grotesquely with each push, small bits of burning residue dropping through the grating in a trail after it.

Steve sighs as he watches the krogan pushed aside. "Well, I'm certainly wishin' I would've brought some of that delicious nutrient paste now!" he chimes in sarcastically before starting through the door to join the others.

Ehanis leans out to peek around the corner, her weapon aimed down.

Renala chuckles. "I hope you don't have any business to conduct on the floor below," she says before following Steve into the corridor.

Nathan glances over his shoulder and shrugs, moving down to stack up behind Ehanis. The door is sealed shut, after all. If anything were to come through it, they'd all hear it anyway. He makes to tap her on the shoulder to alert her to his presence.

As soon as Ehanis peeks around the corner, a burst of gunfire strikes her shelds from somewhere deeper in the corridor. The muzzle flash briefly illuminates a vorcha, but darkness shrouds it just as fast.

Jason flinches back instinctively as the gunfire erupts. "Fuck! You get eyes on the hostile, Ehanis?" he asks, taking a knee and preparing to fire on whatever might round the corner.

Ehanis is quick to get back into cover. "Vorcha," she says. "Just down the corridor. Could be more of them."

Nathan winces at the burst of gunfire. "Alright," he says, bracing his weapon against his shoulder. "Jase, how're we doing this?" He asks over comms, not taking his eyes of the corridor.

Renala raises her weapon towards the corner, but remains where she is. "Do you think they could come through the door behind us?" she asks, hoping her position is enough context.

Jason tightens his grip on his Revenant, bringing it to his shoulder. "No idea, Renala." he chirps back. "Just a vorcha? I'll move out and draw its fire. Once it shows itself, we put as many rounds into the asshole as we can." he says, rising back to his feet as he sprints towards the wall opposite of Ehanis and drops to a knee, finger hovering over his trigger and perched to let loose on wherever the next muzzle flash comes

from, though he has no cover of his own to speak of.

With a quiet 'thunk', a grenade attaches itself to the wall opposite Ehanis - that is, right next to Jason. Down the corridor, the flashlight illuminates a chunk of concrete, seemingly collapsed from the ceiling. An open doorway is in the wall to the left not far behind it, and the corridor continues furhter into the darkness beyond.

Ehanis startles upon hearing the thunk, not bothering to check what it is before panicking. "Run!" she shouts, turns on her flashlight, and start running down the hallway towards the staircase room.

Jason's attention snaps to the explosive device stuck to the wall mere feet away from him. "Oh for fuck's sake-..." he manages to get out before he sprints away from the grenade- towards the concrete chunk- with a shout of "Grenade!". He fires his Revenant wildly down the hallway, hoping to suppress any angry vorcha, with one hand. A luxury only afforded to him thanks to his synthetic arms. As he nears the concrete chunk, he

attempts to hurl himself over it to shield him from the blast with little worry about what else may be lying in wait over here... One thing at a time.

Steve only needed mention of "Grenade!" before he was already hunkering down, his headlamp darting down the hall as he turns to face the action.

Korio remains in the stairwell, light off as he lays in wait for anyone or anything that may come by way of staircase.

Renala steps back out into the stairs room and stacks up against the doorframe.

Nathan curses and ends up running in the opposite direction of Ehanis, following behind Jason. It then only just occurs to him that he's running toward the enemy, rather than away. Smoothly done, Nathan, smoothly done. He fires over Jason's shoulder, his weapon thumping with each discharge. He throws himself over the concrete with a "Hup!" and attempts to tuck

himself into a roll for his landing.

The fragmention grenade goes off with a deafening bang in the confined space, sending sharpnel flying in every direction, likely striking every member of Redrock in the corridor, but Ehanis and Nathan are by far the two most exposed, the grenade detonating before either of them can make it particularly far from it. Even as several fragments strike Jason's shields the human would find himself landing right on top of a very startled

vorcha, who thrashes and claws at him.

Steve shields himself as best as he can from the blast by posting up against the wall, his shields taking the brunt of the fragments. He remains leaned against the wall as he attempts to get his bearings and clear the ringing from his ears.

Ehanis throws herself at the ground as she hears the grenade go off, but that's too late to change the outcome. The hail of fragments makes short work of her shields and three of them embeds themselves in between the armor plates on her back, near waistline level. "Fuck!" she shouts, not realizing that she's still patched into the comms.

Nathan staggers and is sent sprawling onto the floor, the shockwave easily knocking him over despite the modifications to the armour. He manages to keep his grip on the M-55 and curls up as the shrapnel goes screeching around him. As the dust settles, his shielding kicks in and starts to recharge, considering that and his armour took the majority of the impact.

"Gotta thank Lucy..." he mutters as he staggers to his feet, rapping his knuckles against the side of his helmet. The explosion drowned out Ehanis' cry, so for now, he's unaware of her injuries.

Jason releases his grip on his Revenant, allowing it to tumble to the ground as he orients himself to try and get a grip on the new situation. His shields continue to spark in the darkness from the shrapnel that caught him. He takes a few wild strikes from the vorcha, jarring him back and forth as he struggles against the creature. "Stop-..." he grunts as he throws a wild right elbow, "...struggling-..." he throws another elbow,

his left hand briefly bracing him atop the vorcha before reaching for his blade, "....you little shit!" He strikes downward with his knife, their ensuing struggle making it difficult to be very accurate with his strikes.

Korio winces at the sound of the explosion and the rumble reverberating through the hallway, looking to Renala as he does. "That.... does not sound good." he says. His calm demeanor ever-present despite the worrying circumstances.

The vorcha takes a knife to the shoulder, which does little to stop it as it bites down on his hand, unaware of its nature, hands still clawing at his throat. From the doorway that Jason is now in full view of a krogan shouts: "Little human shits! This is our salvage!" he shouts before firing a claymore blast at the two struggling mercenaries, caring little about the friendly fire incurred.

Renala leans out of her cover to look over the corridor. "Wolfe, Tennhausen, status?" she asks over comms. "Looks like Tioran is hit. Steve?"

Nathan orientates himself again and raises his rifle, shaking his head a little to clear the blur and whine still present. "Wolfe is a little busy!" He replies before moving over to the side to try and get a better view of the doorway. He fires a burst at it, his rifle thumping in the close confines of the corridor. "Get Ehanis to cover and then get down here,

we've got another Krogan."

Jason winces at the sound of the krogan voice at his back. The shotgun blast destroys what was left of his shields, leaving him wide open and vulnerable. He leans to the side of the vorcha, aiming to roll off of him and brute force the vorcha onto him as a makeshift meatshield, holding the grip of his blade as a handle to control the vorcha. The vorcha's claws do little against his armor, although a slash does find purchase just

above his chestplating, tearing a gash into Jason's collarbone. Given the adreneline and the struggle he's currently undergoing, however, it does little to stop Jason from fighting. "Could use a hand!" he shouts, finding little time to properly respond to Renala.

Steve taps the palm of his hand against his recon hood a few times, still trying to clear the cobwebs. "Yeah, yeah. I'm good, Ren." he reports, blinking a few times as he turns back towards the corner of the blast.

The vorcha takes several flakes of metal from the shotgun to its side, screeching in pain as it is pulled on top of Jason. It gives up on biting at his hand and instead claws at his chest plating with one hand while tearing at his helmet with the other, spit slobbering all over Jason's visor as it snarls. The room beyond the doorway is sizable, but darkness makes it hard to make out any of the features. The krogan is busy popping

the thermal clip on his Claymore, staying out of the doorway due to Nathan's suppressive fire.

Renala enters the corridor and moves over to help Ehanis up from the ground. "Three people next to each other in a corridor," she says. "Sounds familiar, doesn't it?"

Ehanis manages to stand up with help, wincing from pain as she puts pressure on the wound. She doesn't respond to the asari with anything other than a groan. There's some bleeding from the wounds, but the medi-gel is doing its job slowing it down. Only the rightmost piece of shrapnel is still stuck where it landed.

Renala gets her around the doorframe before letting go and looking over at the drell. "She's got one piece still stuck in her back," she says before slipping back into the corridor. She hurries over to take cover by the corner.

Nathan growls in frustration and leans to the side as far as he can to get a bead on the Krogan. He fires another barrage of rounds toward the doorway, not willing to leap over the cover and into the direct firing line of a claymore. He's not that insane! "Steve, could really use a hand down here!"

Jason twists the blade into the vorcha's shoulder with his left hand, at this point just buying himself as much time as he can until the others can get the krogan under control. The soothing sensation of medi-gel being administered to his wound does little to put him at ease as the vorcha's claws dig into his undersuit around his chest plating, rending his flesh. His right hand darts up to the vorcha's throat, mainly trying to

create as much distance between himself and the vorcha to make it more difficult for the vorcha to continue its attack.

Steve climbs back to his feet with the help of the wall, his mind still a little foggy. As he catches sight of Ehanis being escorted away, he chimes in over comms, "She gonna be alright...?" Using the wall to stabilize himself, he slowly begins to make his way towards the corner.

Korio quickly reholsters his sidearm and takes over for Renala, offering Ehanis a shoulder to hold her steady. "Take a seat." he instructs the asari, "Are your suit's systems still online? We need to get that shrapnel out, but it could be dangerous if your suit is unable to administer medi-gel right away."

Renala nods. "Yeah, I think so," she says. "That's not the worst place to get hit." She steps out of cover and aims down the corridor, trying to get a line of sight on the krogan.

Ehanis leans on the drell, but she doesn't sit down. "Let me check," she groans as she enables her omni-tool. A few taps on it later, she nods. "Yeah."

The vorcha continues to dig its claws into any weaknesses it can find in the armor, snarling and spitting and squirming as it tires to get closer. When Jason creates distance its hands lose strength, but its right foot claws at his leg. It seems mostly unaffected by the knife. The krogan has now reloaded, and, remaining out of Nathan's view, he fires at the wrestling human and vorcha, the blast punching straight through the

unarmored vorcha's chest, the majority of the force of the gun transferring to the hand grasping the knife as sharp metal flies through the alien mercenary, chunks of flesh and blood coating Jason.

Nathan snarls and barks at the Krogan from his external speaker, "Too much of a pussy to come out?! Fucking pyjack piece of shit!" He raises his weapon and fires again at the door. "I fought Salarians with a bigger quad than you!" He has now re-positioned himself as far to the right hand wall as he can to get a better view inside, his HUD trying to locate and mark

the foe.

Korio gestures towards the floor. "Good. You should be fine, then. Just allow me to remove the piece of shrapnel."

Steve joins Renala at the corner, readjusting his grip on his SMG. "Sounds like they could use a hand..." he mutters, still seeming a little shaken from the blast despite his distance from it.

Jason maintains his grip on the vorcha's throat, the fact that it's dead barely registering as he's coated in gore and a heavy pressure can be felt throughout his left arm. Once the body goes slack, he jerks his left arm back to retrieve his blade from its shoulder. It's not until he makes the movement to slide it back into his sheathe that he notices the blade is still stuck in the vorcha's chest. Panic begins to set in as he

realizes he's unable to control his hand any longer. Another shotgun blast. Another damaged body part. "God dammit!" he cusses as he swaps jobs, propping the vorcha's limp body up with his left arm and retrieving his blade with his right. "Handle this fucking krogan!" he belts out.

The now-dead vorcha falls apart, the legs detatching from what's left of the torso as Jason moves under it. The krogan growls, glaring at Jason as he pops another thermal clip, preparing for the finishing blow. Nathan would just barely be able to see the krogan's shoulder.

Ehanis sighs and starts sitting down, trying her best to avoid bending her back. Regardless, she groans in pain before she finally ends up sitting on the floor. "Make it... quick, alright?" She closes her eyes, tensing up as she awaits the shrapnel removal.

Nathan notices Jason's plight and, internally scolding himself for taking such an action, dives over Jason to put himself between he and the towering slab of muscle and armour.


Nathan curses and starts to think hard. His regular grenades won't be any help in this situation... This is the one occasion where he wished he brought flashbangs- wait! Flashbangs! He draws out his M-100 and cycles it to fire the grenade. He raises it and fires into the doorway. It's best that Jason be temporarily blind and deaf, rather than a gooey paste of red

mist against the wall, after all. "Flash out!"

Renala moves to stand agains the wall with the doorway, closing her eyes. "I hate those things," she mutters to herself while she waits for the flash and bang.

Korio takes a knee behind the asari, placing one hand on her shoulder. "Of course..." he says softly. "This will, however, be-... uncomfortable." He turns his light on and traces his other hand down her back as he searches for the piece of shrapnel.

Steve remains beside Renala, steadying himself against the wall as he waits for the grenade to go off.

Jason grimaces as the vorcha falls apart, though it leaves him staring at the barrel of a shotgun. His eyes go wide and as he hears Nathan's call, he rolls onto his side, putting his back to the krogan.

Ehanis is breathing faster, getting stressed out while she waits for him to remove it. The piece is not difficult to find, it's next to her waistline on her back, an area where the plating gives way to padding for mobility's sake.

The flashbang hits the wall behind the krogan, flooding the room with brightness for an instant. The krogan roars as he is blinded, and charges at the doorway, firing the claymore shot blindly as he barrels through, well on his way to trample Jason.

Renala gets over to the other wall to get a diagonal angle on the doorway over the concrete block, and she opens fire with her Punisher once the krogan comes into view. She does take a few shotgun pellets, but her shields can handle it for now.

Nathan slides his launcher back into position and takes cover behind the concrete, drawing his M-55 out once again. He takes aim but doesn't fire.

Steve pushes off from the wall as soon as the flashbang goes off and raises his SMG at the door, preparing to storm it with Nathan and Renala should the need arise. Though, when the krogan erupts from the doorway, his intentions quickly change and he begins opening up on the blinded krogan.

Jason glances back once the sound of the flashbang has filled the air and his eyes go wide as he spots a rampaging krogan. He rolls to his side- simply hoping it's enough to get him out of the krogan's warpath- and draws his Phalanx, firing a few hasty shots up at the Blood Pack mercenary.

Korio runs his fingertip across the shrapnel, tapping it gently. "Ah. Here it is." he drawls. "Take a deep breath..." he instructs before gripping the piece of metal and attempting to tug it free.

The krogan continues right past Jason in his disoriented state, slamming into the opposite wall hard and then stumbling over Nathan just as the human swings out of cover. He flails, growls and punches blindly.

Ehanis does as instructed and takes a deep breath. The shrapnel comes loose with little trouble, evoking a pained moan from the asari. "Did you get it?" she asks through gritted teeth. There is a spurt of blood upon removal, but medi-gel is quick to get to the scene and stop the bleeding.

Nathan blinks. "Oh fu-" WHACK. The flailing Krogan sends Nathan flat onto his arse, his head ringing and sheep dancing around his vision. He makes to scramble blindly backwards and out of reach of the Krogan until his vision refocuses.

Korio gives a quick nod. "I did." he says, maneuvering around the asari and showing her the piece of shrapnel. "You will be fine." he assures her.

Renala takes a step back and reloads her weapon, and gets right back to firing at the krogan. A biotic shimmer is surrounding her as she does so, though.

Jason takes the opportunity to quickly scramble to his feet, kicking aside a messy vorcha torso heap in the process, and lines up a few more accurate shots with his Phalanx. "Put him down! Last thing we need is this fucker recovering!"

Ehanis takes another deep breath, and another. "Thank... you," she mutters. "You didn't have to show it to me." She relaxes slightly now that the anesthetic effects has had a chance to start working.

Steve doesn't let up on the trigger, pouring the rest of his thermal clip into the krogan. "Workin' on it, boss!" he calls back.

Korio gives a brief chuckle, looking the shrapnel over himself before tossing it aside. "Just relax." he says, "The others will be back shortly..." He gives a brief, worried glance towards the door as the sound of gunfire and flashbangs erupts from it.

Ehanis nods and her regular breathing is calming down. "The pain is... going away," she says, and glances at the doorway. "I hope Wolfe leaves this out of the report."

The krogan seems mostly unaffected by the pistol shots to his back, and he's starting to regain his vision. Several SMG rounds strike his shields as well, and they flicker as they struggle under the crossfire. He roars and charges towards Renala - he will trample right over Nathan unless the human moves quickly.

Renala creates a stasis field to stop the krogan dead in its tracks the moment he starts charging towards her. "Ten, move!" She takes the chance to reload her weapon and prepares for another biotic attack.

Nathan manages to just see the rampaging Krogan and rolls out of the way, the action awkward given his rather gear laden armour. He notices that the action was rather pointless if Renala's stasis was a success. He scrambles to his feet and makes to stagger out of Krogan flailing range as his head begins to settle down.

The krogan freezes in place in front of Nathan, a rage-filled scowl on its face barely visible through the bright shimmer of the biotic field.

Jason quickly repositions himself to get a better shot on the krogan once the stasis wears off. "Everyone get back!" he calls out. "Look buddy. We're not here to slapfight with you all day. Drop the weapon, step aside and let us get what we came here for and we can all go our separate ways." he says, very much doubting his negotiating is going to work. He nods to the others to ready themselves to open fire.

Steve steadies himself, taking a moment to replace his thermal clip. "Ain't no negotiatin' with 'em. Krogan are dumb as a sack of shit and twice as ugly. I say we just do the galaxy a favor and put him out of his misery..." he suggests, a blue glow beginning to envelope him.

Korio rises back to his feet. "That is good." he says, though he tilts his head to the side, "...And why is that?" he asks as she mentions leaving her injury out of the report.

Renala raises her weapon towards the krogan and takes three steps back. "Get ready," she says.

Ehanis sighs and shrugs. "Just... family crap," she says before looking at the doorway. "You should go help them."

Nathan turns around and aims his weapon at the Krogan, gripping the... Grip tightly as his head has finally stopped ringing from the blow.

The krogan stumbles as the stasis field wears off, but almost immediately charges at Renala again, slamming his forehead against the asari hard and trying to follow up by smashing the stock of the Claymore into her stomach.

Renala opens fire immediately, not bothering to fire in bursts as the target is near enough. Her clip is at half capacity when she falls backward and gets her wind beaten out of her with the shotgun stock. Her submachine gun slides along the floor until it reaches the corner.

Jason sighs loudly as the krogan begins to charge, "Guess that's a no, huh?" he groans, training his pistol on him but holding off on pulling the trigger our of fear of hitting Renala.

Steve gives a loud roar as the krogan sets his sights on Renala. He reaches back with both hands and pushes forward, expelling his built-up biotic energy as he attempts to pin the krogan against the wall. Given his lack of control over his biotics, Renala may be knocked aside as well.

Korio remains beside Ehanis. "They will let me know if they need me." he says. "Besides, we still do not know what is downstairs. It would be unwise for me to leave you alone in your current state."

Nathan waits to see the effects of Steve's biotics before taking any action, out of fear of sticking a teammate.

Ehanis looks towards the staircase down. "They'll probably think twice about it when they see Gurak," she says, gesturing to the probably still smouldering krogan corpse.

The krogan is slammed into the wall, the concrete shattering as the armor strikes it. He takes several shots from Renala's SMG, his shields failing and one AP round finding its way through his chestplate. He cries out in pain and tries to level his Claymore at the asari, only to be pushed into the wall again. The mercenary seems infuriated by this, and hurls his Claymore at Steve with as much force as he can muster before charging

at the asari again.

Korio glances towards the staircase. "One can hope. But you should never underestimate the wrecklessness of people in large enough numbers."

Nathan takes the Krogan's brief moment of vulnerability to fire a trio of blasts at its face, hopefully before it can cause any more damage.

Renala quickly gather up biotic energy and deploys a warp field on the krogan. While she hopes to inflict debilitating pain, softening up his armor is the main reason for her to expend this much energy on a warp field.

Steve is caught with the thrown shotgun which is more than enough to break his focus, ending his biotic attack. "Think you've had enough?" he taunts, the blue shimmer returning to him as he fires a burst of SMG rounds into the krogan while he builds up energy for another attack.

Jason continues to hold his fire, his straight-on sightline of the krogan putting Renala at risk of taking any missed shots. He steps forward and mantles over the cement block to get onto the same side as Steve, preparing to step into the melee if the others are unable to get him off of Renala.

The krogan growls as he takes several more shots from Steve, and the warp-field starts eating away at his armor. Nathan's burst finds its mark, and the shots punch into the skull of the mercenary, blood spurting from the holes in his face as he continues to charge at Renala, the blood rage taking over, all that's driving him pure instinct as he pummels the asari, armored fists swinging and grasping wildly. The demented roaring of

the krogan leaves little doubt that it is dead, but doesn't know it yet.

Steve ceases firing as the krogan reaches Renala yet again. "Give it up and die already you stupid motherfucker!" he taunts, expelling more biotic energy as he reaches forward, as if grabbing the krogan by the shoulders, and pulls back, aiming to biotically slam him backwards to the ground.

Renala tries fighting back, but her phyiscal strength is pitiful agaisnt a krogan. "Get him off me!" she shouts. A wild punch does land on her head and the asari ceases her struggle.

The krogan flops on his back in a ridiculous manner, thrashing and punching randomly, a gurgling noise as blood covers his face.

Ehanis nods. "Krogan and vorcha, especially," she sighs. She looks back at the doorway following Renala's shout, but doesn't anything.

Steve steps forward and aims his SMG at the writhing krogan's face, coldly emptying what was left of his thermal clip. So focused on making sure the krogan is dead, he doesn't even seem to notice that Renala went down yet.

Jason gives a glance in Steve's direction. "He's dead..." he mutters, a look of distaste on his face as he moves to check on Renala. "You okay, Renala?" he asks, taking a knee beside her.

Korio moves over to the railing, peering down towards the floor below them. "You are not wrong. They are quite tenacious." he says.

Renala does not respond.

The krogan continues to twitch every now and then, but he is quite clearly dead.

Nathan lowers his weapon and breathes a sigh of relief. ,"Motherfucker...". He mutters as he brings his foot into the side of its head after Steve unloads a clip into it.

Ehanis nods. "They only brought one vehicle, so there shouldn't be too many of them," she says and begins to stand up. She winces a bit, but there's no pained groans or moans.

Steve lets go of the trigger once his weapon begins to click, signifying an empty thermal clip. "Try gettin' back up now ya piece of shit." he taunts. His attention is pulled towards the downed asari as Jason begins to check on her. "Shit..." he mutters, quickly moving to her other side and removing his gauntlet before unlatching her helmet and going to check her pulse. It takes him a moment before he realizes he has no idea how

to check an asari's pulse, and decides instead to simply pat her softly on the cheek. "Come on, Ren! Talk to me, darlin'!"

Renala is still not responding. However, without her helmet it's not difficult to notice that she is breathing.

Next Logs

Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Nathan Tennhausen
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Nathan Tennhausen
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Nathan Tennhausen
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Nathan Tennhausen
Ruins of Rakhana
Steven Briggs
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Nathan Tennhausen
Ruins of Rakhana
Steven Briggs
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Jason Wolfe
Ruins of Rakhana
Jessica Kaya
Ruins of Rakhana
Jessica Kaya
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Ruins of Rakhana
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe

Previous Logs

Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Jason Wolfe