#RuinsOfRakhana – September 17, 2016

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Day 4 (7AM). Nutrient Paste: 3. Meat nuggets: 0. Water: 20L. Medigel: 1. Spare thermal clips: 15. The third day, and the night that followed has passed. The water filtration device has proved functional, but limited water collection ability has limited how much they've been able to add to their supply. Seriah has spent most of her awake time attempting more advanced communication with the others, mainly with Korio, picking up a

few basic words, and learning which from her own language that are shared with his. Progress has been slow, but some has been made. She has only recently awoken now, having slept near her backpack, with her knife close. The dawn brings a clear sky, and the first beams of sunlight reach in through the blast doors. It's a windy morning, keeping temperatures down for the moment. Namira's condition has seen some small improvement.

She's been awake more often, aware of her surroundings now, but she's barely moved, and has been too weak to speak.

Nathan spent most of the day and night snoozing and gathering his strength for yet another venture out into the barren wastes. He's currently going over his weapons near the barricade, propping himself up against a crate with his armour once again upon his body sans helmet. He's whistling quietly as he works, aiming down the sights of his rifle and giving a testing

squeeze of the trigger. The weapon beeps and announces its depleted state. He nods once and slaps a fresh clip in.

Renala is standing by the water supply, having just added the last of the collected water to it. She's casting glances around at the sheets of metal, considering what she can use to make a cone to funnel more water into it should they get another rain. She's armored up and ready for unexpected expeditions or attacks.

Ehanis has just woken up, and is currently in the process of gearing up.

Steve spent most of the previous evening going over the omni-tool situation and Seriah with Renala. He's currently geared up and awaiting the order to head out. He has used the canvas of the damaged tent to wrap up the weaponry he and Jason found in a sort of makeshift dufflebag, tying long strips of ripped canvas to keep it tightly wrapped up. He has repurposed his own bag to carry the ammunition and smaller items, opting to

wrap each of the primitive grenades individually to keep any chance of the pins being disrupted to a minimum before laying them across the top of the ammunition.

Korio finishes suiting up and crosses the tunnel to take over for Jason at the door. "She seems to be catching on fairly quickly." he says, giving a gesture back towards Seriah. "Obviously communication is not something that will come easily, but she seems intelligent enough that it should not be impossible to get our point across to her if need be."

Jason spent the night keeping watch and is only now rotating out with Korio. He gives the drell a pat on the shoulder and a nod, "That's good. Keep talking with her. The more we can communicate with one another, the smoother this all will go. Especially if we're not able to get that software from Kell..." he says before glancing over to Nathan. "You know the drill, Ten. Keep in touch. Be careful. Stop fucking with the wildlife."

he lists. His gaze dances over to Steve briefly before settling back on Nathan, "And keep an eye on him... I'm hoping maybe it'll take the edge off a bit for him to get out there, moving and getting shit done, but after yesterday's little outburst-..." he trails off, simply sighing and giving a shake of his head, "...Just look after him, alright?"

Jessica is snoring. Loudly. She spent the previous afternoon trying to walk a few laps around the tunnel. She seems intent on going on the journey to find this mythical ship. Given the amount of pain she experienced during her slow limp around the tunnel, that seems very unlikely.

Seriah approaches Jason and Korio. Only a single word of Jason's is comprehensible to her, but it's enough. She looks to Nathan and Steve, pointing in their direction as she asks Korio: "Where?"

Nathan stands up with a grunt, stretching himself out. "Yeah, yeah. Don't report, touch everything, kick the wildlife," he says with a chuckle. He then glances at Steve, humming. "Yeah, I'll keep an eye out. He's probably just fidgety."

Korio looks to Seriah, then to Jason, then back to the drell. "They are going to trade some things for food, water and a-..." he lifts his arm, activating his omni-tool, causing the interface to wrap around his arm briefly before allowing it to dissipate, "...way for us to talk to one another easier." He gestures to his mouth, then reaching out to point to Seriah's ears. "They will only be gone for a few hours. When they return, we

will begin our journey to seek out the transportation."

Jason frowns at Nathan. "I'm serious. It's dangerous out there and we're down to our last supplies. This trade needs to happen if we're going to be able to keep our strength up enough to take a hike across the desert. Be. Careful." he says. His gaze returns to Steve and he gives Nathan a couple of short nods, "You're probably right... Still. I don't need any mistakes happening out there. I want everyone back in one piece.

We're all getting out of here, alright?"

Seriah furrows her eyebrows as she listens, trying to make sense of what he's saying. "[Trade]? Bin, ah..." she looks briefly frustrated as she struggles to phrase the question. Unable to find the right end to the question she says instead "With?"

Nathan waves a hand in the air. "I know, I know. Just let me have my stupid sense of humour for this, alright? It's keeping me somewhat sane." He turns to look out across the barricade, shrugging lightly. "I'll be fine. I'll keep an eye out and I'll make damn well sure that everyone gets back safely." He glances towards the snoring tent, sighing as he shakes his

head. "Everyone...".

Korio sighs, realizing she won't be pleased with his answer. "We require food-..." he pantomimes eating, "...and water..." and drinking, "...in order to find the transportation. We only know of one source of food and water that we can reliably get. Kell's compound." He gestures towards the makeshift rolled up canvas carrying cases Steve has created, "Weapons for food and water. If we are to survive, we have no choice."

Renala walks by the tent ot pick up her backpack, and walks over towards Steve. "Need any help?" she offers. "I won't need my pack if I'm staying here today. There's a couple energy bars in there, which you can help yourself to if you have to make camp tonight."

Seriah 's eyes go wide. "Been there?" She gestures with her right hand as she tries to remember the word Korio used. "Compound." Her tone is urgent, and her wait for a response impatient.

Jason turns his attention to the tent, giving a brief snicker, his mood lightening up somewhat upon hearing Nathan's conviction. "That's what I like to hear." he says, raising an arm in the air to wave Steve and Ehanis over. "It's time to get your asses out there, folks." he announces, "Better you than me!" he adds, though the feeling in his gut is quite the opposite as anyone who knows him would probably realize.

Steve rests his hands on his hips as he looks over the three makeshift dufflebags, one for him, one for Nathan and one for Ehanis. As Renala joins him, he offers her a smile. "Hey, Ren. Yeah, that would actually be pretty damn helpful. I ain't exactly confident that these things will last the entire journey, so it would prolly help to lighten the load on 'em a bit." he says, extending a hand to accept the backpack. As Jason

speaks up, he raises his other hand into the air, giving a nod. "Just a sec, boss."

Korio sucks in a deep breath, frustrated at the unreliable method of communication. "Yes, we have 'been there'. To Kell's compound." He gestures towards their water tank and the crate that held their food supply, "Gifts from Kell. Food. Water. Both things we desperately need. As I told you before, Seriah, we have no association with Kell outside of having met him and attempted to trade with him. But we must do what we must in order

to survive. You understand, yes?"

Nathan blows out a raspberry as he walks towards the dufflebags. He hefts up one and slings it across his back, the movement somewhat awkward given the weapons on his back. He wobbles uncertainly for a moment before stabilizing. "Man, this is going to go horribly wrong," he mutters to himself as he walks back over to Jason. "I just feel it."

Seriah shakes her head, a terrified expression on her face. "Fin in dron. Fare dron. Ba qona sio fio fen!" she says loudly. She stops and searches for the words before attempting: "[Leave]. Ba qona sio [leave]. [Now]!" she glances over towards her backpack, some of her packing spread out around it, and hurries over, starting to pack.

Renala gives him the backpack. "Make sure to bring what you need to make field repairs," she says. "And good luck out there." She glances at the exit. "Also, if you need to camp tonight, try to take down one of those ugly birds. We took our chances with one when we were out, and we're still alive."

Ehanis exits the tent. She carries her helmet under her other arm, and weapons are attacted to her thighs. She heads over to the water tanks to fill up her canteens for the expedition.

Jason furrows his brow at Seriah's outburst. "The hell is going on with her...?" he asks.

Korio shakes his head, following behind Seriah as he places a hand on her shoulder. "Calm down, Seriah. I do not know what history you and Kell have, but I assure you he is no threat to you so long as you remain with us. But you must calm down. We will not be able to reach the transportation without food and water, and Kell is our best shot at that. Understand?" he asks, hoping at least some of it gets through to her and calms her.

Steve gives a snicker. "I'll keep that in mind, Ren." he says as he lowers to his knees and opens the remaining two 'dufflebags', removing the sidearms from each and placing them into Renala's backpack to ease the weight somewhat. Once done, he slings the backpack over his back and one of the canvas cases over his shoulder. As Ehanis emerges, he waves her over. "Got you a bag for each arm, darlin'." he says, gesturing to his bag

and the remaining makeshift dufflebag. With another glance over to Renala, he gives her a wink, "You take care of this place, Ren. We'll be back before ya know it." And with that, he sets off to join Nathan by the door.

Nathan pauses to look at Seriah, frowning. "Well, shit, I feel even more uncomfortable having her around now," he says with a weary groan. "Look, let's just get going before she does something stupid, alright? Alright? Good, let's fuck off." He turns and makes to step beyond the barricade, switching his rebreather for his helmet now.

Seriah stops her packing to look at Korio. "A kio fet araron. Qa bin [kill] an an in qa tin an. [Does...] qa [know where] ba ara?"

Renala nods. "If it wasn't obvious, the boss is going to judge every step you take on this mission," she says, lowering her voice. "So try to keep it by the book as much as possible, okay?"

Korio frowns, tilting his head to the side as he attempts to understand. "He-..." points out towards the desert, "...is trying to kill you...?" he points back towards Seriah. "I don't understand. But you have nothing to worry about. We-..." he gestures around at the rest of his team, "...will ensure that you remain safe. You just need to relax. Take a seat."

Ehanis finishes filling up her canteens and heads over to pick up the bags, and tests their weight.

Steve sighs loudly, but nods. "I get it, Ren. Don't worry, it'll be fine." he offers, "Just gonna get out there, offload these weapons and get us some more supplies. And hopefully- fingers crossed- a ride. Cuz this is a motherload of weapons right here."

Seriah shakes her head, a frustrated look on her face. "[No]." She points at him. "[You]." she says, adding a gesture at the other mercenaries to make it clear she's not talking about Korio alone.

The bags are both fairly heavy. Nothing she can't handle, but it's pretty obvious that this is going to be a very unpleasant journey.

Korio shakes his head, furrowing his brows a bit. "I do not understand. We have maintained what seems to be a positive interaction with Kell and his compound, for what little interaction we have had. I see no reason for them to attempt to harm us. Given the gap in technology, it would likely end very poorly for them." he says, giving a gesture to the sidearm on his thigh. "Their technology is no match for ours if it came to that,

Seriah. You have nothing to worry about."

Jason leaves Seriah to Korio to handle and turns back to Nathan as he steps outside. "She better not do anything 'stupid'." he says, "She seems to be our best ticket out of this place right now." With another sigh and a shake of his head, he looks out towards the desert, "But don't worry about that right now. We'll handle it. You just focus on getting to Kell's compound and back with those supplies and the translator, alright?"

Seriah lets out an annoyed growl, shaking her head again and turning around to grab his arm. "[Does Kell know where] ba ara?" she asks insistantly.

Ehanis frowns, but carries the bags towards the doorway without a verbal complaint. She nods to Jason as she gets near.

Nathan turns back and nods, offering Jason a thumbs up. "Can do, will do, shall do, Jase. Hopefully he finds this collection of weapons a fair trade...". He then sighs. "Look, if she knows the location of a ship, that's all good... but what if she doesn't and this is another fuck up of communication? Maybe we should try and trade for a vehicle instead? I mean, we

got more than enough weapons to do so, right?"

Korio gives a slow nod, assuming he's understanding her correctly. "Does Kell know where this shelter is?" he attempts to confirm her words, gesturing around the tunnel with a sweep of his gaze, "Yes. He does. We met with his people a couple of days ago to attempt to come to a trade agreement. But he does not know you are here, and I do not believe there's any reason to suspect that he may attack us unprovoked."

Jason returns Ehanis' nod. "Stay safe out there, Ehanis." he says, though it sounds more like a threat than a recommendation, "Because if you get hurt, it's my ass that Ilyna is going to stomp." As Nathan finishes speaking, he turns back to face the man, "Well, that's the plan. Food and water are a must, but the hope here is that this is enough for us to get a few meals and a ride. You guys need to drive this one home. And

I'm not going to try and bribe you to put on your game face by hinting towards a possible raise in the future if you manage to knock this one out of the park-..... buuuut I'm absolutely trying to bribe you to put on your game face by hinting towards a possible raise in the future if you manage to knock this one out of the park." he says with a smirk, "At the end of the day, though, we can survive without the car. We can't

survive without food and water, so... priorities. Do what you can."

Renala smiles. "Good," she says, before glancing over to the drell with a raised eyebrow. "I doubt they'll give us any vehicles, though, since they seem to value those very highly."

Seriah nods in confirmation, and her expression grows more concerned. "Qa [will]. Ba [must leave] irakhahake."

Steve gives a dismissive shrug. "Maybe our mistake was givin' 'em a choice." he says before reaching the barricade and stepping outside to join Nathan, raising a hand high in the air to wave at Renala with his back to her.

Korio continues to gesture around, giving a shake of his head. "That is not an option, Seriah. This place is a fortress. If we are in danger from Kell, then there is no better place for us to be than somewhere where we can shift the fight in our favor regardless of his numbers. But I promise you , there was no bad blood between us and Kell when his people departed from here. It would be insanity for him to try and attack us when

he knows he is clearly outmatched in terms of firepower."

Ehanis smirks and puts the bags down. "You're writing the reports, right?" she asks. "I'll hide my injuries in front of her if you 'improve' the report." She seals her helmet. "I'll be careful, of course. I'll make a detour around any suspicious pits from now on."

Nathan nods to Jason, a light cackle rumbling from him. "Alright, now I'm motivated~." He taps to fingers to his head in salute before glancing to Steve. "You all set?" He asks, resting a hand on his hip.

Seriah glances skeptically at the armed team preparing to head out. Seeing no sign of any superior firepower she shakes her head. "In a bin fet firall, A bin fuoyna! Fin in [foolish]. Ba kroll fuoyna teh fa [skies] in a bion [listen]. A bin [not die here]!" Upset, she turns back and continues to pack up her things.

Steve gives a nod as he stops to swap out his breather for his helmet, securing the former to his belt. "Let's get this show on the road." he saysm adjusting his hold on the awkward canvas bag of weaponry. "Keep the lights on for us, boss. We'll be back as soon as we can."

Korio sighs loudly, placing a hand out onto her shoulder once more in hope of relaxing her. "Seriah, please. Calm down. I assure you we will not allow Kell to bring harm to anyone here. But we need to cover our bases and make sure we have supplies for the journey. If you leave, our chances of getting home go with you. Stay. It will only be a few more hours. He has known where we are for days now and nothing has come from it. It

will be fine. And if it isn't, we will deal with it."

Seriah shakes her head. "[No]." she says, putting the last of her gear into the pack, and then standing up, starting to lift the heavy backpack into place, struggling with the straps.

Korio frowns, taking a step back. "So you would have us risk our lives with no food, barely any water. And if this transportation of yours will not serve our needs, then what? We simply starve to death in the desert? Think." he says, tapping a gauntleted finger to the side of his head, "We must do this. A few more hours, and then we leave. I promise you." He gives a glance over towards the tent, a gesture of his hand soon

following it, "We have wounded. They would never survive a move. It's simply not possible, Seriah. I'm sorry. But we are safe here."

Jason rolls his eyes at Ehanis. "Hey, I'm the one who does the bribing around here, not you!" he jokes, giving a nod towards the horizon. "Now get going. The sooner you leave, the sooner you get back and we can start putting this whole ordeal behind us."

Seriah stares at him. "A ara [not safe]. A bin dra [dead]." she says. "[Kell] bin... bin [attack]. [Take] fot a qona." She glances at the tent with a frown before looking back at him. "Fa bin dra [dead] sa. Ba an qona sio [move].

Renala returns the wave, but she does move to stand near the exit to eavesdrop on their conversation before they depart.

Ehanis snorts. "Hey, I'm just trying to help you out here," she says. "It's in both of our interests that Ilyna don't get stomp your ass." She looks to Steve to take the lead before moving out.

Korio steps aside, lowering his head. "If you wish to leave, I will not stop you." he says. "But- unless I misunderstood- your intent was to leave this planet with us, correct? We are your best chance at getting out of here. We put trust in you to get us to the transportation. All we are asking in return is that you put trust in us to keep you safe. A partnership. A friendship." he continues, one last ditch effort to persuade her

to stay. "Or you can remain here. Living the rest of your days in fear of Kell. It is your decision."

Steve slowly starts to walk away from the bunker, though he's assuming either Nathan or Ehanis will take the lead. Considering they've both been there before and he hasn't.

Nathan shrugs and turns sharply on his heel, taking the lead because why not? "Alright, this should be shorter than last time... considering we're not wandering around aimlessly trying to find shit," he says idly. "And, Ehanis! No more pits! In return, I won't swat at any bugs...".

Ehanis starts walking beside the others. "You don't have to tell me twice," she says. "Especially if there's a severed arm nearby."

Renala gives a short wave to the departing mercenaries before turning away. She starts walking towards the pair of drell, curious about their argument.

Seriah lets out a frustrated noise, studying Korio for a moment, hesitating, before letting out a sigh. She speaks slowly, take the time to search for the words. "In a [fight], a bin [loose]. [I can] fakha an, in ba [leave]. Tin [water, food]. [Kell] qon all [army]. [War machines]." Her tone is both frustrated and desperate, it's clear she doesn't like the situation at all.

Korio offers the best comforting smile he can muster up as he pats the drell on the shoulder. "I understand your concern. However, I assure you we are far more prepared than we seem. Kell's equipment is old and fragile while we have enough weaponry and ammunition to fight an army if need be. But I don't believe it will come to that. Our interactions with Kell were hospitable." He gestures towards the tent once again, "I am sorry,

Seriah, but we will not abandon our wounded and they will not survive a journey out of there. If Kell arrives looking for a fight, you can hide-..." he gestures towards the door up the stairs, "...but our wounded are unable to leave this tunnel without transportation. And so we are unable to leave this tunnel."

Steve continues alongside Nathan. "So what is this Kell fella like?" he asks, "And how big is the compound?"

Nathan waves a hand in the air idly. "You'd have to ask Jason. Though, he seems... somewhat reasonable," he hedges. "And as for the compound, it's quite big. Well defended for their tech-level. But as for the inside, no clue. Only Jason went inside. Me and Ehanis... may have spent the time hiding behind the dune."

Ehanis nods. "They still spotted us," she says. "They probably have that sniper up on the smokestack all day and night. They'll see us coming, so we'll have to surrender to the guards to speak with him."

Steve gives a snicker. "What kind of defenses are we talkin'?" he asks before giving a shrug to Ehanis, "Aside from the sniper. Nothin' our shields couldn't handle I'm assumin'....?"

Ehanis nods, again. "I don't think they had that many people patrolling outside," she says. "Jason didn't give us any specifics information about the inside, though, but it sounded like they had a lot going on."

Seriah 's shoulders slump as she realizes convincing Korio seems quite impossible. "Kroll ba fet [move] fa [injured]?" she asks, already anticipating the answer as she looks around, searching for options. Trying to convince someone else seems hopeless, communicating with Korio being difficult enough already. She turns back to the fellow drell, taking her time to speak his tongue and make herself as clear as she can. "Kell...

will... attack. We..." she gestures around. "will... cornered. What... alien weapons will..." she struggles with the last word, attempting after a moment: "...defend?"

Nathan waves to the make-shift dufflebags their carrying. "Shit like we're carrying to be honest," he says. "Although, we -think- they might have heavy weaponry. We found the jellyfish and his bodyguard and... well, they were fucked. Badly. Big holes."

Korio tilts his head to the side. "We have many weapons, Seriah." he says, patting his sidearm. He reaches back, gesturing to the rifle on his back. He clangs his gauntlet against his chestplate. "We have armor. Shields." He looks around the tunnel briefly, "And you are correct. We may be cornered. But we are also sheltered. If Kell- or anyone else- decided to attack us, we would have no choice but to defend ourselves regardless of

where we are. Retreat would never have been an option in a place as barren as this, with so many people. At least here we can support our wounded." he continues, giving another gesture towards the tent, "Keep them safe. It will be fine."

Steve raises an eyebrow. "No shit?" he asks, "Didn't get a look at what they might've used, though?" he continues before looking between Ehanis and Nathan, "Ya'll sure it was even them who put 'em down? What reason would he have to attack that fuckface that abandoned us but not attack us? Hell, we had weapons, ammo, medical supplies. He ain't come at us yet. Even gave us more supplies. What would he have gained from killin'

the hanar?"

Seriah seems far from convinced. "If we leave... Kell will not know how-..." she frowns. "Where. Where we are. Could... transport injured." She glances uneasily at the blast door, as if she's expecting it to sudden blow wide open.

Ehanis shrugs. "The artifact, maybe?" she guesses. "We didn't find it at the truck, so whoever killed them must have taken it."

Korio sighs and shakes his head. "How, Seriah? And where would we take them? One doesn't have much longer as it is. Moving her in this state will surely aggravate her wounds. Neither would survive hours in the desert. In this heat. And their conditions would only serve to further slow us down. We cannot chance that. Our best bet is to remain here."

Nathan shrugs. "It's just speculation." He sighs and waves them forwards as they trek. "I really do hope it wasn't them, though. Otherwise, they have something that can punch through us like a bullet through butter... And that terrifies me."

Steve gives a shrug of his own. "I ain't convinced. They just seemed like a buncha primitive lizards to me." he decides, "Either way, just gotta get what we're there for...."

Renala folds her arms, having listened in on the tail end of their conversation. "Namira's condition is improving, actually," she says, "but we shouldn't move her."

Seriah lets out another sigh. "[Kell] ferore qon [scouts] riarioris an alara... Fa bion ra an [leave]." she says, sounding defeated. In qa in rhuoykhe sio [attack], fall fa [travellers] ara boris sio fah [death]." she adds, gesturing at the blast door.

Ehanis frowns. "They're going to confiscate our guns while we discuss the trade, though," she says. "That might tip things in their favor."

Korio gives a glance to Renala as he listens to Seriah. "...I think she's saying that this is what he does. The initial group were merely scouts..." It seems this has brought some concern to his face. He sighs and nods to Seriah, "I will speak with Jason about this and make sure we are prepared in the event of an attack, okay?"

Nathan taps his arm. "I still have my knife in my gauntlet," he says. "And they don't seem to recognise my grenades as grenades. Just some sort of... accessory, I suppose. So, at least we'll have something to still kick their arses with. And aren't the pair of you biotics anyway?"

Steve cocks his head to the side, gaining an uncomfortable look as he simply shrugs. "I'm pretty sure we're more than capable enough to get our gear back if it comes down to it... Wouldn't worry 'bout it too much." he says, sidestepping any sort of topic that may arise about his biotics.

Renala raises an eyebrow. "Fuck, that doesn't sound good," she says before nodding. "Yeah, bring her to Wolfe and tell him. I may have an idea how to move the injured."

Seriah looks between the two of them, glad that they at least seem to be taking the threat seriously now. She remains quiet for the moment, communicating with the off-worlders being a frustrating ordeal.

Ehanis nods. "I don't think they know about my biotics," she says, "because they didn't ask me to surrender the amp."

Steve snorts loudly. "Been on this dust bowl for three-hundred years. Prolly with hardly any contact with the rest of the galaxy. I doubt any of these people even know what biotics are."

Korio gives Renala a nod in turn. "I will inform him. But even if we figure out how to move them without causing injury, we still have nowhere to go. Nowhere nearby, at least. And we won't exactly be able to just carry everything with us. All of the weapons. The tent. The water tank. I'm still not convinced that leaving is going to grant us any higher chance of survival than remaining here and fighting Kell and his people should

they come." he sighs.

Ehanis smirks. "I'll teach them a thing or two if they try anything funny," she says.

Renala glances towards the tent. "We'll have to leave a few things behind if we leave," she says. "I think both options have their share of uncertainties, but we do have somewhere to go: the Eclipse ship."

Nathan covers a laugh with a cough before glancing at the two. "Alright, alright, enough with the macho acts. For now, this is a peaceful trade so focus on that," he says. "If we go in with the mentality for a fight, we will probably end up with one. And despite our superior tech, they have numbers. So... peace first."

Seriah has no clue what Renala is saying, focusing instead on Korio's words. "[Ship]." she says. "[Difficult trip], driat [better] foll fas qara an [dying]."

Korio glances to Renala. He looks apologetically towards Seriah for a moment before responding to the asari. "But we have no idea if it will even be there when we arrive, T'Iavay. And we have no food. And it sounds as though it is going to be a long journey. Do you really believe Namira will survive a trip like that without food? Possibly without water depending on the length? And what about the team that has set out? How will

they find it? And if Kell's people find us during our journey?" he continues to list, "I just do not believe we are any better off abandoning a defensive location such as this to wander through the desert without supplies. But-... I digress." he sighs, "This is not a decision for me to make." He gives one more glance between the two before looking to Jason and starting towards him.

Ehanis shrugs. "Of course," she says. "I hope for a peaceful trade too, but it doesn't hurt to expect the worst."

Steve shrugs his shoulders. "I ain't too worried about their numbers. Got plenty of ammo." he says, giving Nathan a wink. "Besides. Let's not beat around the bush here. If they attacked us, would it really be the worst thing to happen? Might just give us a chance to cruise right on out of there with a vehicle..." he tosses out, glancing between the two as he awaits their reactions.

Renala sighs. "I don't like this any more than you do," she says as he walks off.

Seriah looks between the two of them as both walk off. She follows Korio to Jason, having understood by now that he is in charge of the group.

Nathan turns to look at Steve, staring at him from behind his visor. After a moment, he shrugs lightly. "I mean... maybe. But I'd rather not gun down people just trying to survive. Besides, they have families there. Women and children." He turns back to face the direction of the compound. "Even if they are a bunch of bastards...".

Steve raises a hand defensively. "I ain't sayin' we just gun a bunch of people down!" he insists, "Hell, you some kind of lunatic or somethin'? Naw, I'm just sayin'..." he sighs, "...What I'm sayin' is... I think we were pretty damn generous about our last offer. And this offer? Well this offer is more up their alley. Plenty of weapons, ammo. Explosives. Even a turret. We are people just tryin' to survive, Ten. And they're

gettin' in the way of that. So-..." he shrugs, "...I'm just thinkin' maybe we ask nicely for one of them cars of theirs. And if they wanna be difficult? ....Maybe we're at the point where we consider askin' not-so-nicely. I mean let's face it, we're outta food. Runnin' outta water. We got no way to get a message home. We're bankin' everything on some drell we can't even understand pullin' a magic wand outta her ass. We're

on borrowed time right now..."

Jason is still at the barricade, now seated atop a crate with his Revenant laying across his lap. "So what's going on?" he asks as the two approach him, his focus remaining on his weapon, "Are we all ready to hug it out and cook marshmallows around a fire together, or are we still arguing?"

Korio sighs and glances back at Seriah. "She... believes we may be in danger." he begins. "From what I gather, what we have seen of Kell is in line with the way his compound operates when scouting out potential targets. Seriah believes that if we stay here, we will be targeted by them." His gaze moves back to Seriah, "She believes we need to leave for the shuttle. Now."

Jason looks up from his weapon at the mention of being a 'potential target'. His gaze shoots to Seriah, "Is that true?" he asks, probably already having forgotten that she can't understand him.

Seriah waits in silence as Korio explains the situation. At least she thinks that's what he's doing. She looks to the fellow drell as Jason addresses her, a confused look on her face. "Fot in qa ras?"

Ehanis considers it for a moment. "I hate to say it, but I think we might have to fight to get what we need," she says. "We could offer them a chance to surrender when it's obvious the fight isn't going their way, though."

Nathan stops and looks at the pair of them. "-Only- if we have to. Last resort. No other options." He glares pointedly at the two of them. "Literally the only choice. If we can trade for a vehicle, we'll trade for it. If we can't, food and water and the translator. We'll go back and we'll check out this Eclipse ship." He shakes his head softly. "I'm not turning

into a fucking raider. Enough, alright? No more talk about shoot and take."

Jason furrows his brow. "What did she say? Did she say yes?" he looks to Seriah, "Did you say yes? Was that a yes?"

Korio lets out a deep breath, his patience showing some small signs of being tested. "Yes, that's what she said." he lies, "She wants us to pack up what we can and set out for the shuttle-... ship-... whatever it turns out to be, now. And if we do, then that means we need to find a way to get Namira and Jessica mobile with the assumption that we may be in the desert for hours-... maybe even days. We have no way of knowing. With no

food. No backup plan. It's a risk, Jason... I'm not entirely sure if I agree with this course of action, but I felt you should know..."

Jason nods slowly, his gaze still fixed on Seriah. "How far?" he asks her. After a moment, he blinks and sets his Revenant back down on the crate. He lifts his arm up horizontally in front of him and walks his index and middle finger of his other hand across his arm, the universal sign for walking, of course! "How far?" he repeats, continuing to do the walk gesture and then pointing out towards the desert.

Renala walks over to the pieces of canvas from the other tent, picking up some of the material and strecthing it to test the durability for use in a makeshift stretcher.

Steve allows a smirk to tug at his lips as he glances to Ehanis. When Nathan pipes up, he merely waves him off. "You got it, boss." he says sarcastically, "We'll just play it by ear. See how this toilet paper unrolls."

Ehanis nods. "Yeah, yeah," she says dismissively, looking at the path ahead of them.

Nathan furrows his brow and turns, continuing the march towards the compound.

Seriah 's gaze gows distant, her voice intense and almost rambling. "Qin ill fa [cliffs]. Fon an [rocks]. Fet foran. Foran. [Desperate]. [Stuck]. Akall. Arah an fokha. Fare at tin. Fet arah fa tin rhan. Krion fet [distinguish]. Qiaran teh [food]. Fin [alive]. [Protected] fen fa rhakhan dre fa druoyn." she blinks and refocuses on the present. "[Fifteen kilometers]."

Jason sort of glazes over as she rambles incoherently, though he picks up the last bit, assuming it's a direct answer to his question. He sucks in a deep breath, holds it for a moment, then lets it out through his nose. After a short moment of silence, he calls out across the tunnel. "Renaaaaaaaala! How likely is it that we'll be able to move Namira fifteen kilometers!?" he asks, shouting from his position. "And our water? Will

our water last us a fifteen kilometer trip? How far is that, Renala!? Math this shit for me or something!" he says before looking to Seriah once more. "And what about those people we just sent out?" he asks, cocking his thumb over his shoulder, "I'm just supposed to call them back? What if your ship isn't there?" he asks, a concern that seemingly everyone has, "We have no food left. I know you know food. It was one of the

few words I actually understood. Food. Desperate. Food. Food. Alive because of food. Food lets us be alive. Where food?"

Seriah , of course, understands nothing that Jason is saying as she has no translator. She just looks at the alien in confusion, glancing at Korio for an explanation.

Korio sighs and brings a hand to his forehead. "Food." he says as he looks over to her, "He wants to know where we're going to get food from if we do not allow the others to trade with Kell and his people."

Seriah smirks slightly and pats her rifle. "[Hunt]". she says confidently.

Renala chuckles at the shout and walks over to join the others by the barricade. "I think that would take us 5 hours on straight road," she says. "We might make it there tonight if we hurry, but I think we should slow down once we've put some distance behind us. Take routes that's safest for carrying Namira and Kaya."

Jason sighs loudly. "Hunt? That's her answer? She's going to hunt for nine people? And does that rifle also have a built in blender so we can mush it up for Namira, too?" he asks, pointing at it, "Because I don't think she's going to have too easy of a time getting meat down. She's barely able to get the nutrient paste. We have to mix it with a bottle of water." he says, looking to Korio. He stares blankly for a moment until it's

obvious that Korio isn't translating anything. "Ask her!" he says.

Korio's eyes flutter as a breath escapes him. "I am not going to ask her about a blender..." he says, glancing over to Seriah. "We will have nine people." he says, holding his fingers up to give her a number, "You can hunt food for that many? I can help... but I'm not entirely sure I'm convinced that we can reliably hunt for so many."

Jason nods in satisfaction as Korio begins to question her and he turns to Renala. "Five hours?" he repeats, considering it for a moment, "Well, shit. That's not too bad..." he continues, considering it out loud. A few nods later, he looks to Renala. "What do you think? This is a big risk. But she knows this place better than anyone. You guys said it seemed like she had some sort of issue with Kell. If she's right about him, then

we can't just sit here and wait for an attack, right...?"

Next Logs

Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Nathan Tennhausen
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Nathan Tennhausen
Ruins of Rakhana
Steven Briggs
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Nathan Tennhausen
Ruins of Rakhana
Steven Briggs
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Jason Wolfe
Ruins of Rakhana
Jessica Kaya
Ruins of Rakhana
Jessica Kaya
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Ruins of Rakhana
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe

Previous Logs

Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Nathan Tennhausen
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Nathan Tennhausen
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Jason Wolfe