#RuinsOfRakhana – September 29, 2016

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

As the shuttle enters the hangar of the Siren's Call and touches down, Vasquez is waiting near the door, hands behind her back. Next to her is Halisi, medical satchel placed on top of a stretcher, just in case. Down on the ground the chaotic retreat of Kell's forces continues, bugs pursuing them. A few of the vehicles have attempted to fire up at the hovering frigate, but their antique cannons and rockets are about as useful as throwing pebbles against the kinetic barrier of the ship.

Renala attempts to apply medi-gel to each bleeding wound she can see, apparantly unaware that Halisi is awaiting them in the hangar. She wasn't going to let him die now that they're finally leaving this fucked up planet.

Jason has a big, bright smile behind his visor the moment he spots Vasquez, but reunions will have to wait for now. He begins the process of helping those in need out of the shuttle. Namira is first. "She's in bad shape, doc..." he says as he begins to unharness the asari and lift her up. "She's been down for the count for a few days and we've done the best we could, but-... None of us are doctors..." he continues as he carries

Namira out of the shuttle and to the stretcher.

Steve allows Renala to patch him up as best as she can, but his gaze locks on to Nathan. Then Ehanis. "Ya'll are a couple of fuckin' cowards..." he mutters through clenched teeth. "Think I wouldn't survive? That ya'll could just run off, tell everyone I didn't make it? Huh? Just wait.... you'll get yours." he threatens, placing a hand on Renala's shoulder to try and climb to his feet.

Victoria opens the door of the shuttle "Alright, everyone off the shuttle. I am sick of smelling you all." She jokes.

Nathan has managed to regain some semblance of consciousness and, upon hearing Steve's threat, stares back at the man. And stares and stares. With trembling hands, he loosens his harness and manages to sway onto his feet, using whatever purchase he can to balance himself. "Don't be an idiot," he hisses. "We charged in, we tried to get to you, but there was hundreds

of them. Rockets, cannons, snipers... we barely got out alive ourselves." His gaze softens, his leg shaking dangerously as pressure is applied. But damnit, he's not backing down now. The man deserves the truth. "I'm sorry, Steve, for sending you in. I'm sorry we had to run and leave you to that savage. But please, believe me, we were coming back for you. You

are Redrock, as are we, and as far as I'm concerned, we leave no one behind. No one." He stares straight into the man's eyes, gaze unwavering.

Victoria | Krath stares at Steve "Maybe you should shut your damn mouth. Threaten anyone on here, I will shove my shotgun down your throat." He is still visibly angry at the human and begins walking away "Don't take the fastest way to safety and lets us get nearly swarmed, stupid human." He mutters loudly while walking away.

Jake studies the altercation from of to the side, and is only prevent from making a poorly timed quip because Mahmoud slaps the back of his head to keep him quiet.

Ehanis has leant back once the shuttle was on its way up to the frigate. She couldn't wait to get a long warm shower and days of sleep. Steve had to ruin it, though. And unlike Nathan, she was not going to be apologetic. "Uh-huh, and how many drell did you kill?" she says, glaring at him. Despite how tired she was, she was not going to take his shit. "If it was anything less than fifty, then you should just shut up." She unharness

and stands up. "You shouldn't have been stupid and let them take you inside."

Plara unbuckles, quickly heading past the arguing mercenaries and stepping out of the shuttle. She'd rather not be around if words turn into action.

Halisi quickly wheels the stretcher towards the shuttle, helping Jason with moving Namira onto it. "Injuries?" she asks as they set the asari down carefully.

Renala helps him to his feet, and would move to support him out of the shuttle. She seemed concerned at Steve's threat towards the others. It was her that got him this jub in the first place, and that made her at least partly responsible for anything bad he does. Now is not the time for that discussion, however. "Take it easy," she urges him, lowering her voice. "We all got out of this mess alive, let's keep it that way." She

continues towards the elevator, knowing full and well where the medbay is.

Vasquez supresses a smile at the sight of Jason, shifting her weight slightly. As she sees the condition they're all in, and Namira on the stretcher she furrows her eyebrows. "Is that everyone? Where's the rest of the client's team?" she calls out.

Jessica unharnesses herself, but has no intention of getting mixed up in that clusterfuck, so remains silent. She slowly makes her way out of the shuttle, remaining near the door as she awaits directions from the others, her hand pressed against her side.

Steve stares harshly at Nathan as he uses Renala to stand up, but the krogan easily steals his attention and he waves Renala off. "That so, tough guy? Just show up and decide to run your mouth, huh? Who the fuck are you even? How 'bout you mind your own fuckin' business. I just spent the last day chained up like a fuckin' animal because these cowards-..." he gestures towards Nathan and Ehanis, "...abandoned me in the middle

of a fuckin' firefight." His attention snaps back to Nathan and he bites his lower lip, nodding a few times as he stares through the man. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm sure you were comin' right back. Real easy to say now when I'm right here in front of you, ain't it?" He then turns to Ehanis, confusion on his face as he shakes his head. "The fuck are you smokin'? I shouldn't have let them take me inside!? The whole reason we were

there is so they could take us inside! So I could speak with their leader and make the fuckin' trade! The hell is wrong with you?"

Jason lays Namira onto the stretcher, giving her a pat on the shoulder. "She took a gunshot wound to the throat..." he says as he looks up to Halisi. "It's been a few days now... I'm sure she's dehydrated and-..." he trails off, glancing back at the shuttle as the arguing breaks out. With a sigh he looks back to Halisi, then to Vasquez, "Just-... just hold on..." He takes a few steps towards the shuttle, hand against the

doorframe as he leans in. "Knock it off. Now!" he orders, "We didn't just survive through that hell to kill one another, alright!? Chill the fuck out before I put you all in separate corners."

Korio seems to already have tired of the bickering. He collects his things and hops out of the shuttle, approaching Vasquez and Halisi. "Your rescue was most timely." he says, "If there is anything I can do to assist you, just let me know."

Nathan shakes his head slowly, making to step around the man. "I'm not dealing with you," he says simply. "Believe what you want. In the end, you were the one who initiated the offensive. Everything that came of it, was your doing." Unless intercepted, he would more or less fall out the shuttle, barely able to keep himself upright. "Fuck...".

Vasquez walks closer to the shuttle, and Jason beating her to it is the only thing stopping her from intervening herself. Instead she crosses her arms and studies each person as they exit the shuttle, clearly still wondering about the hanar and its attendants. The beat-up condition of the team seems to get to her however, and her concerned frown deepens, holding back from asking the dozen or so questions she's got just


Victoria | Krath kept on walking away from Steve. He would have turned back and give the human a quick lesson in shutting his mouth.

Halisi starts to roll Namira away, already performing a basic scan with one hand while the other guides the stretcher. She looks to Korio however and nods. "Yes. Please. Help me with the injured. I need to get her to the medbay right away, can you bring anyone else who needs urgent attention?"

Victoria shut down the shuttle and leaves the pilot seat. She exits the shuttle and looks at Steve "Krath did not have to risk his life to save yours. That is all I am saying." She then tries to catch up to Krath and attempt to calm him down.

Seriah is soon on her feet again, helping Nathan up once more. "Krenka all. A fan qan." she says, shooting a slightly uneasy look at all the new faces.

Ilyna gets up in turn and follows Ehanis, giving a glare clearly visible behind her helmet at Steve's threat. She'll have to keep an eye on him. She gives her a nudge to urge her forward when she stops to retort. "Leave it be," she simply says.

Ehanis stops and turns to face him, ignoring Ilyna's nudge. "Easy to moralize when you're the one who dropped out of contact," she says. "You would either have done the same, or you're lying." She does walk off, though it's not her choice as her older sister is practically dragging her away at this point.

Steve furrows his eyebrows at Nathan. "I initiated it!? They tried locking me in a fuckin' cell! Yeah, that's me ini-..." he trails off as his attention moves to Jason. It's clear he has more to say, but he merely limps off. In his frustration he shrugs off Renala's help. Despite the pain burning all throughout his body, he's walking this one off himself, passing glares off to everyone involved in the dispute as he goes.

Korio bows his head. "Absolutely." he says, looking to Jessica. When she frowns at him, making it clear she doesn't want his help, he moves on to Nathan, offering a shoulder for him to lean on.

Jason helps Nathan down from the shuttle with Seriah and hands him off to Korio, glaring at Steve as he passes by. "You've been through a lot. I've got no doubt about that, Steve. And I'll be talking to each of you to figure out just what in the fuck went on down there. But right now, keep your shit together and get down to the medbay." he says as calmly as possible. It's been a long few days and they're all tired and frustrated.

The last thing he wanted at this point was for them to implode on one another after surviving so much. He presses his back against the shuttle with a sigh as he looks to Vasquez, tugging his helmet free. "I'm sorry, Linda... They're just-...." he shakes his head, correcting himself, "We're all just exhausted. They'll be fine..."

Jessica limps off behind Halisi. "I am fine!" she continues to insist with a glare at Korio.

Mahmoud unbuckles himself and steps out of the shuttle once the rest are gone, giving a nod to Jason. "Thanks for getting us out of there. We owe you." he says, extening his hand towards him.

Jake unbuckles as well, following behind Mahmoud. "Yeah, thanks man." After a moment he can't help but add. "Lotta tension between you all huh?"

Jason just drops his helmet to the floor as he takes Mahmoud's hand, giving a shake of his head. "You don't owe us anything. We would've been in a bad place if you guys hadn't taken us in. Get your people down to the medbay. You were on that planet for a long time. Should get looked at." he suggests before looking to Jake and letting a deep sigh escape him, "We'll be fine. We just-... It's been a long week. I think we all need a

little time away from each other."

Mahmoud nods again to Jason as he lets go of his hand, glancing at Vasquez before walking off towards the door, following the others to the medbay.

Nathan nods his thanks to both Jason and Seriah, his gaze softening as he looks to her. "Thanks," he says, nodding gently to her. He starts to limp off after Halisi, his gaze bowed and silent. A myriad of emotions cross his features as he shuffles along. What is there left to say? He fucked up greatly today... he has to accept this.

Jake nods a couple of times. "You can say that again, I can't wait to get away from this asshole." he says, slapping Mahmoud on the back with a grin. The fellow mercenary's only response is a roll of his eyes and a slight headshake as they both continue to the medbay.

Korio assists Nathan as he follows Halisi. "Quite the ordeal." he sighs, "It will probably take some time to recover from this. But recover we will." he says, offering his best attempt at a comforting smile to Nathan.

Vasquez turns to Jason as the last of the others leaves. "What the hell happened down there, Jason?" she asks immediately, sounding confused, frustrated and relieved all at once.

Nathan nods to Korio too. He totally didn't forget him.

Jason sighs loudly, looking down to his hands as he begins to remove his gauntlets. "I don't know, Linda..." he begins with a shake of his head. "Everything was going fine. We got the client to the site. Secured the place. Recovered the artifact.... Then Namira-..." he nods in the general direction Halisi and the others went in, "...The asari with us. She had a look at it, confirmed it was weaponry data that would need to be turned

over to the council. The client didn't like this. Ordered us to execute Namira so he could keep the artifact and-... well, when we refused, he had his personal guards open fire on us. That's how Namira took a hit. Renala recorded the whole thing. If we need evidence to cover our asses or anything, just talk to her." He leans his head back against the shuttle, another frustrated sigh escaping him, "Everything went to shit

all at once."

Renala ups her pace to walk beside Steve, placing a hand on his shoulder. Steve was her friend, and she would definitely want an explanation from 'the cowards', but harming them would do nobody any good, least of all Steve. "Calm down," she urges. "Despite their fuckups, you got out of this mess alive. Let's put this mess behind us, go home and get paid." She kept walking beside him, ensuring he gets to the med-bay alive.

Vasquez lets out a heavy sigh, running a hand over her hair as she turns to look around the hangar. "Fuck..." she mutters. "And the hanar? Dead? We checked Pilgrim's Haven, saw what happened to the ship..."

Ilyna is already in the elevator, currently pestering Ehanis about her swollen arm as well as the cuts on her back. She still has her armor and helmet on, and without knowing the status of her sister's injuries, she refrained from hugging her for now. She did definitely not trust Ehanis description of her own injuries. The two asari stands by the wall on the opposite side, giving enough space for the stretcher and a few others.

Steve continues to limp towards the medbay, favoring his damaged hand. "Calm down? After what I went through today, I'd say I'm pretty fuckin' calm!" he insists with a sidelong glance to Renala. "Those fuckers were all gung-ho to get shit done until things got rough. Then they just bailed and probably hoped I was dead so they wouldn't have to deal with the fallout. 'They were comin' back'..." he repeats Nathan's words with a

snort, "How far away were ya'll, Ren? Huh? See, I ain't exactly got a good comprehension of time on account of bein' locked up, cut up, tied up and fucked up. But I don't exactly think any of ya'll were in a good place to mount a rescue. So you're expectin' me to believe that their grand ol' rescue plan was to head several hours in the opposite direction and-... what? Take a few days to recover? Just assume that ol'

Kell and his merry band of savages hadn't torn me apart? And I'm supposed to-... to just be okay with this? That sound right to you?"

Jason continues to stare up at the ceiling as he nods slowly. "We found him and his guard a short distance from our shelter. They were already dead when we got there-..." he trails off, furrowing his brow as he lowers his gaze to meet Vasquez'. "The ship? What happened to the ship?" he asks. "We've been out of contact with it since our arrival."

Nathan ignores Steve for the meantime, simply using those who are assisting as support as he follows behind Halisi. Those who are supporting him would feel him getting progressively heavier in their hands, his body slowly giving way to the past few days. Lack of sleep, continuous searching in the desert, wounds, hunger, water...

Vasquez furrows her eyebrows in confusion. "The ship is destroyed. You didn't know? We landed there first. We just found corpses."

Jason slowly shakes his head. "No. We had no way of getting back to the ship. We were stranded-... well, not far from where you found us. We've just been doing whatever we could to stay alive. Came across those Eclipse mercs-..." another nod in the direction everyone headed in, "...and hunkered down there until your arrival. Any idea what took the ship down...?"

Jessica limps along behind Halisi in silence, taking a corner in the elevator as she hugs herself, her hand pressed against her wound and leans heavily against the wall.

Korio wraps an arm around Nathan's waist, tightening his grip to keep him upright. "I assume it is not much further." he muses aloud, "Then you can take some time to relax. Put all of this behind you." he continues, attempting to ease Nathan's mind somewhat as he helps him into the elevator.

Steve stops before entering the elevator, opting to catch the next one rather than share such confined spaces with the people who almost got him killed despite his many injuries. He survived all day like this. Another five minutes won't kill him. Probably. He braces a hand against the wall and lowers his gaze to the ground.

Vasquez shakes her head. "No, not a clue..." she says quietly, going over the possibilities in her mind. She eyes the door and sighs. "Go get checked out. We'll do a debrief once everyone is patched up."

Renala sighs. She can definitely see how he feels about the situation, but the others made it seem like they had no choice but to run or die. And Renala had to diffuse this conflict, both for his and her own sake. "You know the situation is more nuanced than that, Steve," she says. "Would it satisfy you if all you heard, all any of us heard was that they didn't come back, and it changed nothing?"

Nathan slides into the elevator, grateful for Korio's assistance... and he makes it known, smiling faintly to the drell. "Yeah... that's what I was planning," he grunts. He does note Steve's refusal to enter and sighs, shaking his head softly. His briefly eased mind regresses back to the myriad of conflictions he was experiencing mere moments ago.

Steve leans back against the wall, looking towards Renala. He gives her a shake of his head and a short chuckle escapes him, which quite obviously causes him a bit of pain and he brings his hand to his chest. "It would've satisfied me if I wasn't left behind like some-... disposable trash or somethin', Ren..." he says. He winces and his hand moves from his chest to his head as another bolt of pain shoots through him. "Look...

It's been a long fuckin' day, alright? I ain't sure what would've 'satisfied' me. All I know is I feel like hammered shit and I'm doin' my damndest to keep from headbuttin' those fuckers for leavin' me behind." He sighs loudly before something seems to come to him and he lifts his other arm out to Renala, passing the omni-tool off to her. "Guess it ain't much use anymore but nobody can accuse me of not doin' my job." he

says with a weak, tired grin, "Got it like I said I would. Go ahead and-..." he trails off as another pain shoots through him "...and look through it. Get whatever translation software or-... or whatever... Guessin' they're gonna wanna talk to the drell..."

Jason remains where he is as he stares at Vasquez in silence for a few moments. Finally he nods. "I will..." he says, "I just-... I think I just want to be alone for a little while first." He forces a smile as best as he can. "I'm fine, really!" he assures her, "I just-... like I said. Long week..."

Korio notices the change of mood and looks out of the elevator to Steve and Renala. "All things heal in time, Nathan. He, too, will heal in time. I have little doubt that you did what you felt was right. What was necessary."

Victoria is in the rear engineering room and she can be heard trying to calm the angry krogan.

Halisi takes the elevator up to the crew deck, wheeling Namira off to the medbay and instructing any of the others that are in urgent need to attention to come with her. She also says that the rest will be checked on afterwards.

Seriah helps Korio guide Nathan to the medbay and sit him down on one of the beds. She remains silent, knowing she won't be understood anyway.

The three Eclipse mercenaries end up waiting outside the medbay to get checked out, Jake and Mahmoud talking among themselves, clearly excited to be off Rakhana.

Nathan collapses onto the bed and, as soon as his head meets the bed, his eyes flutter closed. "Aw man," he grumbles, running a hand down his sand-caked face wearily.

Vasquez ' frown returns as she studies Jason. She tilts her head a bit and reaches for his arm, running her fingers over the scratched armor plating. "Hey... you okay? I don't know what happened down there, but... you brought everyone back alive. We'll sort the rest out."

Korio gives Nathan a pat on the shoulder. "Rest." he says simply before looking to Seriah and giving an appreciative bow of his head.

Nathan nods at Korio's words. It's barely a moment before the man drifts off into slumber... still encased in his armour too. However, at this point, he's just grateful for a proper bed.

Jason nods a bunch of times, almost defensively. "No-... Yeah I'm great.... Just tired. Hungry..." he brings one hand up to his face, running it across his cheek, "...Could use a shave." He lets out a brief chuckle before he falls silent for a short while as his gaze moves down to Vasquez' hand. "I missed you." he says plainly, "I knew it was only a matter of time before you swooped in and dragged our asses out of there." He

gives a stern nod. "Still... I missed you."

Renala offers a smile upon receiving the omni-tool and she puts it away. Finally, something she's qualified to fix, and something to do on the long trip home. "Thank you," she says. "I really appreciate it." She then sighs as the elevator door closes. "Just... put this behind you, okay?" she says. "If you need a reason, do it for me, because I'd be right behind you on the chopping block if something happens to them."

Ehanis is going to the medbay whether she thinks she needs to or not, and Ilyna's with her to make sure of it. She lies down in one of the beds, and gives a contented sigh. Finally, she can rest. She'd fall asleep shortly after, until Halisi attends to her. Ehanis has a pulled muscle in her upper arm, that is very swollen under the generous coat of medi-gel. The cuts on her back aren't getting any worse, but the wound should

probably be cleaned and re-medi-gel'd.

Ilyna is sated at Ehanis' side She does wait until the ship is in FTL before she leaves to change out of her armor, but that is the only time she leaves her side before the debriefing.

Steve narrows his eyes on Renala. "If somethin' happens to 'em?" he asks. "Ren, I ain't plannin' on killin' 'em if that's what you're implyin'. Fuck, you serious?" he groans. "Not that they don't have it comin'..." he mutters softly. "I was just blowin' off some steam back there, alright? They left me behind to die, for fuck's sake... It was either shout, or swing on 'em. But I ain't plannin' on-..." he shakes his head. "You

ain't got nothin' to worry about, alright?"

Jessica simply stands by the medbay door, hand on her side as she awaits the doctor's orders. "I think I am not needing any medical-..." she winces slightly, "...attention..." she insists, trying to get out of her checkup. "Is fine. Will heal on its own..."

Renala gives a relieved sigh. He was angry, justifiably so, so Renala did consider that possibility. This asari is not known for her optimism, after all. "Alright," she repats in comfirmation. "You won't have to go nearly as far for it to be used against you. Against us." She offers a smile. "Anyway, I'm glad to have you back, Steve," she says, and she would have hugged him had it not been a health hazard to do so.

Vasquez smiles faintly and moves the hand up to his neck, leaning in for a brief kiss. "Sorry I kept you waiting." she says before urging him to head off. "Go get checked out, seriously. We'll talk more soon."

About two hours after the departure of the Siren’s Call from Rakhana’s system, things have calmed down in the medbay. Everyone has had their injuries looked at, and most of the Redrock team have been patched up, medicated and rehydrated as appropriate. Namira still lies sedated on one of the beds in the medbay. The other two are occupied by Steve, also sedated, willingly or not, and the third bed is occupied by Jessica, who’s

sedative should be just about wearing off. The wound in her side has been reconstructed to the best of Halisi’s abilities with the limited equipment available, a fresh coat of medigel has been applied and she’s been given painkillers and regeneration boosters. The doctor is currently busy applying a coating of medigel to Steve’s injuries after stabilizing his vitals. She’s going to need the surgery unit at the hospital for him,

best to hold off on doing anything extensive until then. Nathan has had the bullet in his leg removed and the rest of his injuries patched up before being sent to the ship quarters with strict orders of bed rest and an IV bag hooked up to his arm. Ehanis narrowly avoided the same fate, and has only been given an extra supply of rehydration capsules and been advised to rest. The Eclipse mercenaries are gathered around a table in

the mess hall, happy to eat just about anything other than bug meat for the first time in many months. Seriah has allowed herself to be checked by Halisi, and after shedding her armor and most of her desert gear in the hangar she was last seen heading into the bathroom. After discovering the showers she has not yet appeared again.

Jason has showered and changed into some fresh clothes. Pleased to be out of his undersuit for the first time in nearly a week, he enters the mess hall to grab a bite to eat. As he spots the Eclipse mercenaries, a small smile tugs at his lips. Between them and Namira, at least Redrock was able to help someone. Sure, they're Eclipse. But it isn't his place to judge. Nobody is perfect, and at least now they have another shot at

turning things around. He raises an arm to wave to them as he looks to see what's available to eat.

Korio remains in the quarters. Try as he might, the events have left him unable to sleep. He's seated at the edge of his bunk, elbows to knees propping up his chin with his hand.

Nathan has dutifully obliged, his head resting on a pillow and the covers pulled up over him. He managed a quick shower and clean before falling into a deep sleep. His arm is laying atop the covers, the IV bag hooked up to his arm.

Victoria was able to calm down Krath but he decided to remain on the lower deck. The rest of the crew is carrying out their duties.

Victoria | The food provided are basic rations, being the easiest and fastest food items that could be gathered with the short time between arriving and departing Aite.

Ehanis is lying on her bed, eyes closed as she tries to catch some sleep. She is exhausted, but not all that tired. She was relieved to be let go with simple instructions, and would have spent most of the time since in the showers. She's sleeping in one of the t-shirts provided by the agency, and underpants that her sister had fortunately packed an extra pair of.

Ilyna is seated alone in the mess hall, eating a meal of whatever is on offer. She had talked with Ehanis in the quarters, but she didn't want to disturb her sleep. She looks up as Jason enters, but her attention is quickly returned to the food before her. Even if Ehanis is safe, she still felt betrayed by the agency. Ilyna has changed out of her armor and is now wearing her usual dark-gray casual dress with black trims.

Renala is seated on one of the beds in the same room as the drell. She's incredibly tired, and looks the part, but the omni-tool she's working on before her is far more important than sleep. She just had to figure out how it worked. She was let go from the med-bay early, but the last two hours had passed quickly as she's showered, changed and eaten dinner. Renala is wearing a simple t-shirt and sweatpants, provided by the agency,

for her own clothes are back in the bunker.

Jason grabs one of the 'basic ration packs' and a glass of water- man does it feel good to be able to drink water as pleased- and starts over towards the table Ilyna is at, a tired lopsided grin on his face. "You guys really saved the day..." he says with a sigh as he plops heavily into the seat across from Ilyna, setting his food and drink down in front of him. He tugs at the neck of the provided clothing he's wearing, frowning

slightly as it causes him to itch a bit. "Thanks Ilyna..."

Ilyna looks up at him, forcing a smile. "Yeah," she sighs. "I'm just glad to see everyone come back alive." That's all she says before she resumes eating. She wants to shout at him, accuse him of every injury her sister has sustained. Vasquez complete lack of understanding still hurt her deeply, and judging by his actions, she fears Jason might agree. Now is not the time, however, so she keeps her emotions under wraps.

Seriah enters the crew quarters, freshly showered and wearing the same Redrock-issued clothes as the others. Even now she still looks both uneasy and excited at the prospect of being on a spaceship. She heads for Korio upon spotting him, sitting down at the edge of the opposite bunk. "It in [hard to believe] A an abare an [Rakhana]..." she says softly as she looks down at her hands.

Jason gives a couple of nods. "Your sister did good out there, Ilyna..." he says as he pokes around at his food with a fork. Sure. She disobeyed direct orders, attacked a native compound, left a teammate behind, and nearly got lost in the desert, but there's no way Jason is going to say that. He glances up at her from across the table, gauging her reaction. He's well aware she's probably not too happy with the situation. It was

brought up during their departure that Ilyna wasn't aware, after all. "It was-... uhh..... It was in the message everyone got.... In their inbox............ The roster list......." he says, turning his attention back to his food as he continues to prod at it.

Korio looks up, snapping out of whatever trance he was in. He allows a smile to form at his lips as he spots Seriah, giving her a brief nod. "It is quite incredible that any of us made it off of Rakhana." he says, keeping his voice low as to not disturb the others sleeping in the room. "What are your plans?" he asks, unsure of whether or not Seriah will even be able to understand his question. "After Rakhana? What now?"

Seriah gives a shrug and a sigh, lifting her gaze to look around the room at some of the sleeping aliens. "A kio [not know]. A... A [know] feris. Ariot fa [skies]. Tan fira A an [dreaming]." It seems like the weight of her departure has finally begun to strike her. An alien ship, on the way to distant stars. An overwhelming prospect to be sure.

Ilyna raises an eyebrow, and stares at him. She was not going to bring it up, but if he insists.... "You knew I was taking time off," she says, raising her voice. She feels a lump in her throat as the feelings of betrayal takes front seat in her mind. "We had a promise, Jason."

Korio nods. Although he can't understand everything, he gets the jist of it. "I do not envy your position, Seriah. But I have no doubt that Redrock will assist you in settling in. Wherever that may be."

Jason winces as the asari raises her voice. "And I fucked up." he says. There's no point in avoiding responsibility, it was true. He tilts his head to the side and opens his mouth to speak, but thinks better of it and takes a moment to consider his words. "I didn't know until the day of our departure, Ilyna." he says, his tone calm and apologetic, "I didn't deal with the client. I didn't set the job up. I didn't open my mail

until that morning. And, hell, it's a miracle I even checked it then... And I don't mean that as an excuse, I just-..." he shakes his head, letting out a long sigh, "Our job is dangerous, Ilyna. A lot of credits are on the line. Should I have called you up and let you know the moment I found out? Absolutely. But then what? We can't just call a job off and break a contract with a client. We can't-... just.... you know,

reschedule an entire expedition while we try and find a replacement." He looks down at his food and pokes at it with his fork a bit more. "I didn't tell you because-... well, because I sure as hell wasn't going to let anything happen to your sister and I thought you knew that... And aside from a few bumps and bruises? I think I came through on that front. She was with me and-..." he shrugs his shoulders, "...I guess I just thought that was enough, Ilyna. I'm sorry."

Ilyna frowns. At least he admitted it was wrong, but he also left it in the hands of Vasquez. "That wouldn't have been a problem if she wasn't assigned to the job in the first place," she says. "I know Vasquez doesn't care, she's made that very clear, so you should have done more." She stands up, leaving her half-eaten meal behind and walks off towards the hall. He's said enough by admitting to his inability to keep up his promise.

Jason sighs loudly and rotates in his seat, hopping up to follow the asari. "Ilyna wait..." he says, casting a glance back towards the Eclipse mercs briefly. They already seem to think he can't keep his people together, he doesn't need to give them more fodder to assume he's incapable. "Ilyna... Wait..." he repeats, jogging to catch up to her. "Vasquez does care. I care. Come on, that's not fair... I do what I can but-..." he

reaches out to place a hand on her shoulder, walking along with her if need be. "...This is the job, Ilyna. I'm not denying responsibility here, okay? Seriously. I dropped the ball. Full stop, alright? But-... but beyond that? Maybe there's something else that needs to be discussed here, right?" he continues, tilting his head sympathetically. He certainly didn't want to push her buttons or overstep his boundaries

here, but the writing was on the wall. Sure he made a promise.... but was it really fair for Ilyna to expect him to police her adult sister? "You worry about your sister. I get that, Ilyna. I do! But-... she's an adult. Right? You want to keep her safe. But it's pretty obvious that this is what she wants, for better or worse. I'm not going to get between the two of you and choose sides here, but I think you need to sit

down and talk to her. Otherwise this is going to be a conflict that's just going to keep coming up..."

Next Logs

Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Ilyna T'Rea
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Linda Vasquez
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Ilyna T'Rea
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Victoria Steels
Korio Ara
Linda Vasquez
Ruins of Rakhana
Jason Wolfe
Linda Vasquez
Ruins of Rakhana
Jessica Kaya
Ruins of Rakhana
Jessica Kaya
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Linda Vasquez
Ilyna T'Rea
Linda Vasquez
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Linda Vasquez
Ruins of Rakhana
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe

Previous Logs

Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Ilyna T'Rea
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Victoria Steels
Korio Ara
Linda Vasquez
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ilyna T'Rea
Linda Vasquez
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Steven Briggs
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Nathan Tennhausen
Ruins of Rakhana
Steven Briggs
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Nathan Tennhausen
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Nathan Tennhausen
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Nathan Tennhausen
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Renala T'Iavay
Nathan Tennhausen
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Ruins of Rakhana
Ehanis Tioran
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Linda Vasquez
Ruins of Rakhana
Jason Wolfe
Linda Vasquez