#RedrockAgency – October 20, 2016

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Seriah is sitting at the kitchen table, eagerly taking bites from a loaf of bed in her left hand, idly carving abstract designs into the table with her knife, held in her right. Her backpack is sat against the couch, and she's sitting so that she has a line of sight on it at all times. She's remained in the clothes provided by Redrock during the journey to Aite, although she's strapped her armor over it, and has wrapped an

additional layer of still-sandy cloth over that.

Renala arrives at the Redrock office early the next morning, not looking very wakeful as the trip had turned her day/night cycle on its head. Today was going to suck, but it's a worthy sacrifice to return to the old routine. She did package and push the translator data for others to install onto their devices, but she left without notifying the others. She did go to the market last night to look for an

ear-piece fitting a drell's face, but she didn't emerge successful. The asari hangs up her gray and red hooded winter jacket and starts making her way towards the rec room upstairs. Renala was going to need a lot of coffee, after all. She's wearing gray jeans and a red top under her white fleece jacket.

Vasquez is in the shower, having just recently awoken.

Jason is still fast asleep. Like a rock. No sign of life outside of the rising and falling of his chest and the occasional snore.

Renala looks into the rec room when she arrives there, staring at the drell vandalizing the table. She has to know that's not right, otherwise Renala might have to double check that all her sensitive equipment is behind lock and key whenever she turned her back to it. With a sigh, she enables her omni-tool and starts tapping away at it to set up the outbound translation. While she's doing that, she's making

her way over to the kitchen.

Seriah looks over at Renala as she enters, raising the hand with the bread into the air in greeting. There is a slight trail of sand from the couch to the table. Still chewing, she's unable to immediately speak to the asari.

Renala nods her greeting to the drell. "What are you doing?" she asks, the omni-tool relaying her message in the obscure drell dialect shortly afterwards. "I don't think the bosses would appreciate that." She turns her attention to the coffee maker, and starts preparing it.

Seriah blinks, halting her movement. "I'm sorry? The ghost-man told me I could take some food. I meant no offense." she says, seeming a little confused as she looks at Renala.

Renala chuckles. "I meant the mess you're making," she says. "Not to mention what you're doing to the table." She presses the button to start the coffee maker and walks over to stand by the table across from her. The drell had a lot to learn once the translator situation was completely sorted out, it seems.

Seriah glances down at the table. "Oh." She puts the knife down, and looks back to Renala. "My apologies. I did not realize-" she nearly jumps out of her seat when the coffee machine starts, the knife right back in her hand as she searches frantically for the source of the ghastly noise. "What is that?!"

Renala grins, more than amused at the drell's disproportionate reaction. "It's a kitchen appliance that makes... coffee," she says. "It's a warm drink that helps with waking up." She couldn't describe it any better. While the asari had similar drinks, coffee worked just as well and was easy to get ahold of at a reasonable price on this primarily human colony. "Anyway, I'm going to help you get a translator so

I don't have to do this," she bobs her head towards her omni-tool. "I just couldn't find an ear-piece for your kind at the market. I'll have to ask Ara." She wasn't sure if Korio has yet introduced himself to her with his full name, so she clarifies, "Korio, I mean."

Seriah shoots the machine a suspicious glance before placing her knife back down and allowing herself to drop back into the seat. She returns her attention to Renala. "I appreciate all your hospitality. This is all... very new to me. Far more fascinating even than what I have glimpsed from visitors and what they left behind. This is a beautiful world."

Renala gives a small smile before taking a seat at the table. "It's certainly one of the prettier planets I've been to," she says. "And don't worry, the snow and cold weather isn't a permanent feature." A chuckle escapes her as she leans back in the seat. "I'm sure many of us working here, including myself, will be more than happy to show you around." The concept of going out into the cold rather than doing

the work she enjoys wasn't the most exciting concept, but teaching the drell did interest her.

Seriah nods. "Yes, it is... very cold. But... the frozen rain is stunning. I have been watching it for a while." she says with a glance to the window, before looking back to the asari. "I am curious about your people. I have understood only a little. You are of many species, I have seen that much."

Renala leans back in the seat, her smile persisting. At least she won't have to correct the misconceptions and exaggerations about her species. "Well, I'll do my best to answer your questions," she says. "My species is called 'asari'. The others that were on our mission were humans. I can't say I know a lot about their kind, though, it's only been a few decades since they made contact."

Seriah nods, eager to learn whatever she can of her newly expanded existence. She places the bread down on the table as she listens. "And this world, it is shared between you? Or are you a visitor here?"

Renala glances at the window. Those weren't simple questions, and she could make an argument for both answers. "Our species are not native to this planet, no, and I don't think many of my colleauges grew up here either," she says. "I suppose that makes us visitors."

Seriah raises an eyebrow. "You are all from elsewhere? Who's world is this, then? What of your own worlds? Are... they like Rakhana? Dead, and barren?"

Renala shakes her head, and she's quick to retort. "Oh no," she says. "Our homeworlds are still doing well." The asari is aware of the Earth's state, but she neglects to mention it. She gestures at the window. "This world belongs to nobody, individual cities, towns and homesteads govern themselves... for better or worse."

Seriah goes silent for a while as she considers the answer, and the implications of it, but eventually she asks another question: "My people. Where do they live? I have heard the stories. Of the illuminated ones that came long ago, and carried some of my people away to the skies. To a world of plenty."

Renala nods. "Kahje," she says. "It's a humid world that's almost entirely covered with water." The media buzz from the time, and the first drell she got to meet, are distant but clear memories. "I remember there were some adaptation issues to sort out, but I think they've got it under control by now," she says. "You should ask Korio, he'll definitely know more than me."

Seriah smiles slightly at learning the name of the world where her people now live. "I should like to go there, when I can. I wish to see what has become of my people. Is it a long journey, by your standards?"

Renala shrugs. "Not really," she says. "I suppose it's around two days via Illium." Renala didn't personally mind the travel times, as she could always find something to work on even without a proper terminal. Anyway, she looks the drell over. "But you're not leaving like that," she adds with a chuckle, not sounding too serious. "You should get some new clothes, and an omni-tool. And space travel isn't

exactly cheap."

Seriah takes another bite from the loaf, which she is eating as it is. After swallowing she speaks once more: "I see. What can I do to earn my keep until I can afford passage to this world? I do not wish to be a burden on you all." she says, eyebrows furrowed.

Renala hums thoughtfully. "You're a capable fighter," she says. "Most of our work is providing security for businesses in this town. If you're interested in that sort of work, you should talk to Wolfe or the chief." Though there was one little problem. "Thing is, you'll eventually need to learn another language. You'll be fine without it when speaking with us, but everyone that aren't working here won't

understand you."

Seriah looks rather concerned at this. "I am not a soldier. I do not want to fight anyone. I am sorry."

Renala gives a slight shrug. "That was just a suggestion," she says. "So, what do you want to do? The agency might have use for non-combatants, and if not, there's a lot of businesses around town."

Seriah shakes her head slightly. "I do not know. I have spent my life as a scavenger. Recovering what I can from the bones of our dead world. I suspect there is little use for such skills in a vibrant place such as this."

Renala gives a reassuring smile. Her omni-tool starts beeping, but the asari is quick to mute it. "You'll be fine," she says. "Focus on learning the trade language first, then we'll figure it out. There are jobs out there that don't need years of education, after all." She stands up from her seat. "Anyway, I need to take this call," she says. Whether she needs to is questionible, but Aeyna will probably start

assuming the worst if she doesn't answer soon. "My office is downstairs should you need anything."

Seriah glances toward the source of the beeping, and then nods. "Thank you. I will... remain here, for now then. The... spectral man has been happy to answer my questions. That is its purpose, from what I understand."

Renala nods. "Yeah, that's exactly its purpose," she says. "It doesn't actually think, it only acts on requests and returns the results." She glances at the sand on the floor, but decides gainst saything anything. "It was nice talking with you, Seriah," she says with a smile before making her way out of the room.

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