#GoingRogue – September 21, 2016

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

The armored car rapidly approaches the western sand dunes as another rocket flies their way, narrowly missing the car and hitting the dune ahead, the explosion sending sand in every direction, and filling the air with dust as they go rapidly towards the desert.

Ehanis frowns. This entire clusterfuck was Steve's idea, after all, and he refused to listen when she told him to not let them take him inside. So if he dies, it won't be their fault. "Understood," she says, staying on the course. "They'll probably go there first if they send any assholes our way for round two, so we're only there to grab our stuff." She does appear nervous as she approaches the dune. "Hold tight!"

Nathan instinctively ducks as the explosion thrums outside their armoured escape. "Then keep your finger on the accelerator and don't let up," he barks, drawing his rifle from his back and hanging it across his chest. "If any of them decide to follow, I'll deal with them." He pushes away from the seat and, using only one hand, heaves himself back into the gunner's

position. He uses the firing step to keep himself balanced as he turns back towards the fleeting compound, watching for pursuers.

Nathan would find the space cramped and ill-suited for firing a rifle, the cannon's housing having bent inward from the explosion. Oddly enough it doesn't look like any vehicles are leaving the compound to pursue them as they drive up the dune, racing over the top and landing with a thump on the other side, the impact hard but greatly lessened by the vehicle's specialized suspension.

Ehanis is watching the terrain ahead wide-eyed as the car flies through the air. A grin shows up to replace her fear when it handles the jump like a champ, and she releases a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "I don't know what I expected," she says with a laugh. "Of course these people build their stuff to handle this kind of terrain." So far, so good.

Nathan grumbles as he is forced to holster his rifle to squeeze out into the gunner's position. He feels his stomach lurch as they make air, gripping onto the edges of the car until it lands. There is a brief moment of silence from him before he laughs, the exhilaration of the past hour finally coming to light. "Holy shit... we're going to get away! Ahahaha!"

The car continues to race across the desert at Ehanis' control. It's a bumpy, but uninterrupted ride. So far, anyway.

Ehanis keeps her hand on the steering wheel, holding down the hand trigger to keep a constant high speed. She takes a deep breath, hardly believing they've gotten out of this mess alive. "Anyway, I don't mean pursuers as in people going after us right now," she says, getting right back on topic, "but if we stick around at the bunker, they could send a team in a while when we don't expect it."

Nathan slides back into the car, moving back over to Ehanis' seat and gripping onto it. "Well, last communication with Jason was after they left the bunker," he says, drumming his fingers on the seat. "So we quickly check it out and then get moving. Because I have nooooooo intention of sticking around at that place any longer than we need to." He sighs, yanking out

a bullet and dropping it onto the floor with a clatter, watching it bounce around as the car bumps across the surface. "...Jase is going to kill us. Well, mostly me. Since he probably figures this whole fucking thing was my idea."

Ehanis frowns. "We're one man down, and have nothing to show for it other than this piece of crap," she says, tapping the steering wheel with her left hand, causing her to wince -- at least she's alive. "We're so fucked."

Nathan nods. "Oh yeah. Fucked up, down and sideways," he agrees.

Ehanis continues watching the sandy expanse ahead, and she makes slight alterations to the course to avoid dunes even if the vehicle can handle it. "How long did it take you to get back the last time you got a ride in one of these?" she asks. "I really need to look at my arm." She did believe she had lost that arm for a split second, but saying that would probably cause more concern than it's worth.

Nathan glances to Ehanis, his brow creasing in concern. "I'm not sure. I honestly wasn't paying too much attention at the time," he admits. "Stop the car and take a look at your arm. I'll take over driving." He smirks underneath his helmet, nodding to her. "I was honestly surprised by your move, Ehanis. Stupidly ballsy. Buuuuut a good move none the less. We managed

to get away, after all."

Ehanis lets go off the acceleration trigger, and she gently pulls the brakes. "If it's stupid and it works, it's... no, that was fucking stupid, I'm not going to deny that," she sighs. "I didn't see you coming up with any better ideas!" Once -- or if -- the vehicle come to a stop, she gets out of the seat.

The vehicle does indeed come to a stop quite nicely.

Nathan makes room for her to pass before he takes over the driving position. He snickers quietly, patting her back as she passes. "Look, it's worked out for us... most of us. So I'll chalk it up to a win and I'll sing your praises if we get off this planet alive, 'kay?" He gently squeezes the accelerator and gets the car moving, starting off slow as not to throw

Ehanis off her feet.

Ehanis brings up her omni-tool after sitting down in the passenger seat. "I would settle for getting out of here alive, anything above that is a bonus," she says. She does what anyone with her medical knowledge would do in this situation, and uses the suit's controls to apply medi-gel to the upper arm to dull the pain; leaving the problem to Future-Ehanis.

Nathan keeps on driving, glancing across to her as he eases the car this way and that. "Now that we can both agree on," he says. He reaches up and yanks out a bullet from the middle of his helmet. He flicks it across at her helmet, before focusing back on the desert. "Let's just take this moment of respite to relax, yeah?"

Ehanis raises an eyebrow as the bullet impacts her helmet. "Yeah," she agrees. "I hope the others left my stuff behind. All this barriering up has made me hungry." Ehanis have not disclosed any of the contents in her own baggage. Why is anyone's guess.

When the armored vehicle arrives at the entrance to the bunker, they find it abandoned. Neither Redrock nor Kell's people are there.

Nathan draws the car to a halt, settling back into the seat with a sigh. The adrenaline has finally worn off and right now, he feels incredibly drained. He waves a hand towards the bunker, making no motion to get up. "Should we even bother? I mean... do you really think they left anything of import here?"

Ehanis sighs relieved as she sees no activity upon the vehicle stopping at the bunker. "Let's take a quick look," she says. "Maybe they left my stuff behind." She leaves her seat and stretches, appearing much more exhausted now that the rush of their near death situation has long since worn off. "I may have neglected to tell anyone about my energy bars. It's an old habit from when I couldn't trust most of the people on my


Nathan sighs and sets his head back against the seat. "Go on then...", he says, waving her off. "Check. Just... give me a minute. I'm starting to feel the past hour finally catch up with me and I -think- I may have a bullet in my leg. Not entirely sure, medi-gel and adrenaline were doing a good job of hiding it." He groggily moves himself upright and looks down to

the undersuit, examining the small hole and bloodstained fabric.

Ehanis opens the door and hops out. "Should have said something," she says. "I could have taken over for you." Without awaiting a response, she starts jogging towards the entrance. She does draw her weapon, however, not wanting to take any chances in case there's an ambush by a third party. If nothing jumps out at her, she will start searching the ground floor on the hangar for her suitcase.

Nathan makes no attempt to leave, instead taking the moment to relax and plan his excuse when he meets with Jason. "So, Jason, we ran into a bit of a hitch. Turns out, the Drell are reaaaaallllyyyyy sensitive to-". Nah, that won't work... "Oh, fuck me!" He smashes his fist into the door, groaning as pain flares through his weary hands. "Oooowwwww...".

The tunnel is clear.

Ehanis emerges about a minute later with her weapon attached, dragging a suitcase after her. It's clear the asari is struggling with the weight of it, as the wheels offer limited utility on the sand. "They left my stuff," she says over comms. "I didn't see any other bags, but there's some things here and there. There's a few Blood Pack guns left behind, too."

Nathan opens the door and glances outside, furrowing his brow. He sighs and swings out the car, hobbling over to help Ehanis with her bag. "Fuck those weapons, we have no need for them." He makes to to grab her suitcase and half-heft, half-drag it for her. "Let's just get out of here, alright? If Kell's people come up behind us, we are in a whole world of trouble."

Ehanis lets him take her suitcase from here. "Thanks," she says. "Fine, Kell's assholes can't use them anyway." Once she reaches the car, she gets inside and turns to help get the suitcase into the vehicle. "Do you want me to drive from now on?" she asks. "The pain is gone in my arm." That's not entirely true, but it's far more managable now that the medi-gel has worked its magic.

Nathan passes the suitcase to her, shaking his head. "No, I'll keep driving... to be honest, I think you'd be more useful up in the turret if we run into trouble. I haven't got the room to use my rifle, but you have biotics." He shrugs as he slides into the driver's seat, shutting the door. "I'll be fine."

Ehanis nods and shuts her door in turn, and sighs. "If you say so," she says. "Did you manage to patch up your injury?" She frowns at the mention of biotics. She was far from eager to use them again, but she refrained from speaking up about it. She could squeeze out a warp or a throw if she absolutely had to, anyway.

Nathan starts the car up and drives off, turning it off towards the general direction that Jason's group went. He accelerates before settling at a comfortable speed. "The medi-gel is working wonders," he comments drily as he glances to her. To be honest, it stung like a bitch, but he wasn't going to say it out loud. He had to focus on the task at hand. "If you

wanna catch some shut-eye, now seems like the best opportunity."

Ehanis smiles as the vehicle starts speeding off again, glad to be out of this place. It's a shame they're a day late in acquiring it. "Just wake me if something happens, or you hear anything from the others," she says and closes her eyes. Sleep was unlikely, but she was sure as hell going to try.

Nathan nods, idly fiddling through his HUD. "Sure thing," he says with a small smile. He turns on his helmet's internal speakers and switches on his music. Just a low volume so he can still keep an ear out around them. He raps his fingers against the steering wheel along to the drums, feeling a sense of normality wash over him.

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