#HuntingTime – August 31, 2013

Renala shakes her head. "Concern is appreciated, but mine's... more recent," she says with a pained voice, trying to be pragmatic about the situation. "Best chance for us both... to get out here would be... for me to help you."

Steve glances between the krogan and the human. "No point in clearing out the rooms without our gear. That's a good way to get ourselves killed." he says. Assuming the krogan is ready for his interrogation, Steve kicks the guards chair. "Morning sunshine."

Tyranniac| The guard wakes up with a confused grunt and blinks a few times. "I was just-... huh...?"

Darsk keeps the stun baton pointed at the guard. "We were hoping for some directions." He learns closer. "Our weapons. Start talking."

Guard: Ah, fuck... okay, uh... guns... armory. Top floor. Don't-kill-me.

"Oh? Your pal told us our belongings were behind a locked door in the main chamber." Darsk points back at the door they came through for emphasis. "We need our medi-gel now."

Iressa sits quietly to consider this, her conclusion inapparent. Instead her eyes wander upward towards the top of the stairs. "Do you hear that?" She murmurs, hardly audible at all.

Guard: Medi-gel? Maybe... in the storage? I dunno, I don't fetch the stuff.

Renala quickly snaps her attention towards the stairs, looking up. "H-hear what?" she says, a bit frightened as she's in no shape to fight.

Darsk struggles to contain his anger. "The door is locked."

Iressa leans in just a bit closer, "Nothing."

Steve gives a frustrated sigh, keeping his Predator trained on the guard's head. "Get up and start walking. You're opening the door for us." He moves to the side, giving the guard a wide berth to get by, without being in reach.

Unkown Bandit (Guard's Comms): Wake up, jackass. Prisoners got loose, you gotta seal the mine door.

Tyranniac| The guard is about to get up when his omni-tool comms start sounding.

Renala | "Hey, lie stil," she says in a low voice as she notices her moving, still applying pressure to her wound while neglecting her own.

Darsk pushes the baton closer and glares at the guard, intending to communicate that he will be killed if he gives them away.

Steve nods, urging the guard to answer it.

Tyranniac| The guard lifts his omni-tool and answers. "Yeah, uh... I'll get right on it."

Steve gestures with his pistol towards the door. "Get moving."

Tyranniac| The guard starts moving towards the door after putting his omni-tool away again.

Iressa ceases moving in hopes she's sufficiently made her point. Her gaze remains fixed on the staircase.

Tyranniac| A bandit appears at the stairway leading down to Renala and Iressa. He has a Locust SMG in his hands. He seems surprised when he spots them. "...that's it?"

Renala looks up at the bandit, visibly frightened. "Y-yeah," she answers.

Steve keeps his pistol on the guard as he follows. "What did he mean, 'seal the mine door'?" he asks, "Is there a way out down here?"

Iressa attempts to keep her expression the same, not eager to give the bandit the satisfaction.

Guard: What? No... wanted to... contain you, I guess...?

Tyranniac| The bandit looks rather amused, walking towards the two asari with hus weapon raised. "Get back in the cell."

Renala shakes her head. "She's shot, and moving her will only make the bleeding worse," she says followed by a glance at the other asari. "And I'm in no fucking shape to walk out of here, either."

Steve cusses to himself. "How do we get out of here?"

Bandit: Do I look like I give a fuck? Get in the cell.

Guard: Gotta go up.

"Nevermind that now. We just need to get that door open."

Iressa looks up, "Love to. Maybe later." It's unlikely the bandit can hear her at this volume anyway, but she insists on a chuckle before likely dying.

Renala keeps her gaze at the guard. "I can move... but then she'll bleed out," she says. "And you might... want to give a fuck about the krogan... wandering about out there."

Tyranniac| The bandit stops dead in his track. "The... krogan? The krogan is loose? Oh for-..." He immediately runs up the stairs while talking to himself. "Told them not to capture the fucking krogan alive.."

Iressa casts Renala an impressed look. "Nice."

Renala shakes her head once the bandit's out of view. "Maybe," she sighs, "but it feels kind... of selfish to put more... pressure on him and Steve, who might be in... enough trouble out there."

Iressa smiles absently, "He's- good." She murmurs, her breath catching. "Tough."

Tyranniac| | The guard stops once they reach the door, glancing at his captors for further instructions.

Renala nods. "Yeah, if the guard didn't find... him up there, they must have... taken care of that asari... monster," she says, her voice low and pained. "Which is good news."

"Open it and keep walking." Darsk stays behind the guard with the stun baton

Steve presses a palm against the guard's back and nudges him forward, keeping the pistol pointed at him with his other hand. "Stop playing stupid. You know what we said. Take us to the storage room and open it."

Tyranniac| The guard nods and starts moving up through the tunnel towards the central room. "You know they're gonna be up there, right?"

How many?

Guard: I don't know!

Steve sighs and nudges him forward a bit more. "Keep moving... What about the storage room? Should we expect anyone to be inside?"

Tyranniac| The guard shakes his head and keeps moving. Once they get close to the end of the tunnel a bandit pops out in front of the exit and opens fire with his Locust.

Darsk lifts up his carnifex, careful to keep the baton in his other hand at the guard's back

Steve grabs the guard around the neck and pulls him in close against his chest. Jerking to the side, Steve puts his back against the tunnel wall, hoping to keep both himself and the guard out of the line of fire.

Tyranniac| Several shots strike the walls, the awful droning noise of the Locust echoing loudly in the tunnel. Three rounds head mercilessly at the krogan while one hits the guard in front of Steve in the chest.

Darsk barely has time to brace himself against the wall as the guard is taken from in front of him. Two rounds ping harmlessly off of the tunnel walls behind him, but one embeds itself in the krogan's armored shoulder. Grunting, he drops the baton and steadies his aim with his left hand.

Iressa blinks at the distant pittering sounds, her gaze once again settled on the staircase. "How's... the wound?" She asks nonchalantly.

Tyranniac| THe bandit fires another burst of shots at the escapees, mostly towards the krogan, due to him taking up about half the tunnel.

Darsk returns fire with two shots from the carnifex before taking another two rounds, one in the side and another in the arm

Steve is shook by the round his shield took, but maintains his grip around the guards neck with one arm, using his other to aim towards the assailant and fire off a round.

Tyranniac| The bandit up the tunnel takes a shot in the shoulder and disappears out of sight.

Darsk charges down the tunnel after the bandit, stopping just short of the entrance

Tyranniac| The bandit pops out of cover, now holding his Locust in his left hand only. He seems stunned as he notices the krogan standing right in front of him.

Steve doesn't follow the krogan, instead turning his shield around and checking the severity of the wound.

Renala glances down at her wound, which is still bleeding. "I... hope they find our medi-gel," she responds. "Let me reposition myself," she says before turning herself around, so she sits with her right side facing Iressa. Once she's sitting, she places her right hand to put pressure on the bandages above Iressa's wound, while her other hand tries to lessen the bleeding of her entry wound.

Darsk smashes into the bandit, hitting him with the carnifex

Tyranniac| The guard is mumbling faintly, blood quickly staining his overall. The bandit struck by Darsk falls to the floor with a cracked skull. The krogan would now no doubt notice another bandit standing by the ladder with an Avenger in hand. He exlaims "Fuck! Krogan!" and raises his weapon.

Guard: C-... code... fi-... five... two... The guard slips into unconciousness.

Tyranniac| The bandit's shield takes the round without faltering. He is about to return fire when a small, disk-shaped device drops down from above, bouncing against the rock floor and landing between Darsk and the bandit. "...damn it, guys! I had this!" The rifle-wielding bandit looks rather given up.

Steve slaps the guard softly in an attempt at keeping him awake. "Five two what!?" he shouts, delivering a second harder slap and repeating himself.

Darsk turns away and dives to the floor, trying to put as much distance as possible between himself and the apparent explosive

Tyranniac| The guard shows no sign of waking up. A moment later the grenade in the center room goes off, shaking the very walls and sending shrapnel flying all over. The bandit by the ladder is blasted into the wall by the explosion and struck by several pieces shrapnel.

Darsk is blown to the edge of the chamber by the explosion, but was fortunately far enough away from the blast to survive without serious injury

Steve lets the guard go with no concern for his safety and braces himself against the wall as the explosion catches him off guard. "What the fuck was that!?" he shouts. After regaining his bearings, he raises his Predator and enters the central chamber slowly, sweeping from right to left with his weapon as he does.

Iressa nods slightly, watching with passing interest. The commotion upstairs once again demands her attention, and she makes a faint "Hmmph" sound in lieu of a formal question about their changing situation.

Renala raises her brow at the sound of an explosion. "By the-... did you hear that?" she says in a low voice.

Tyranniac| Darsk would be lying right in front of Steve. The crates that were sitting in the room have been torn open and tossed over to varying degrees. The bandits in the room are quite thoroughly dead.

Iressa nods slightly her way, this time the sound she produces being one of affirmation. She appears vaguely concerned.

Renala | "Hope they're okay," she murmurs, also very worried as she has no idea of whether they survived the explosion.

Steve steps around Darsk, moving to check the guards for anything useful. "You still with me, big guy!?" he shouts.

Darsk stirs, rising to his feet. "My plates have been scratched up pretty badly, and I might have taken some shrapnel. I'm not done fighting yet though."

Steve pats down the first bandit. "Bad news. Guard took a shot to the chest. He's down for the count. Got the first two numbers to the door-code out of him before he went down... But I'm not sure how useful that's gonna be." he sighs.

Darsk recalls the circumstances under which the fight began. "Just what were you thinking, anyway?"

Steve glances back over his shoulder, raising an eyebrow at the krogan. "What the hell are you talkin' about?"

"Grabbing our only source of information to shield yourself and leaving me exposed?"

The hatch to the level above slams shut. Muffled arguing can be heard through the metal ceiling.

Steve shakes his head and returns to checking the bandit. "In case you didn't realize, our 'source of information' was right in the open- front and center. I was trying to get him out of the line-of-fire."

Tyranniac| The hatch to the level above slams shut. Muffled arguing can be heard through the metal ceiling.

"Lot of good that did. Nevermind- good thing I'm bulletproof" The krogan winces in pain and clutches the injured arm. Fortunately, his thick hide makes the wound much less severe than it would have been for a smaller race, but it will still cause some difficulty.

Hindsight is 20/20, big guy. I did what I could...

"The hatch is shut...do they think they got us? That might buy us some time. Let's take a look at that door again."

Steve looks up at the hatch as it closes. "Doubt it..." he says, "I'd say they're probably planning their next move."

Tyranniac| The bandit by the grenade has had his equipment blown up. Nothing functional. The one by the door has an intact Locust still in his hand, and also a thermal clip in a pocket.

Steve takes the bandits Locust, tossing the Predator to the krogan, and grabs the extra thermal clip.

Darsk catches the new pistol. "What were the first two numbers?"

Steve looks the Locust over to make sure there's no damage. "Five-Two." he says, "How many are we missing?"

Darsk walks over to the door and attempts to enter the first two digits. "Let me check"

Tyranniac| The first two digits are entered.

"Uh...There's no telling. Maybe one of these guards has an omni-tool that could help us. One of us should search the bodies, the other should check those rooms we didn't check."

These two don't have anything salvagable. I'll check the other guard.

Steve returns to the hallway they just exited from and checks over the guard with the hole in his chest.

Darsk returns down the hallway with Steve and proceeds into the room where they found the guard

Tyranniac| The guard has his omni-tool and a candy bar wrapper.

The room, once again, contains several crates, a large drill and some mining equipment.

Steve wastes no time in booting up the omni-tool and checking for anything relevant.

Darsk examines the drill more closely

Tyranniac| The drill is a shopping cart-sized laser drill.

Darsk tries to reposition the drill

Tyranniac| The omni-tool has about the same irrelevant basic programs as the others.

The drill is too heavy to move, and it has no wheels.

Darsk curses, then moves over to one of the crates. He attempts to open the crate.

Tyranniac| The crate opens. It is full of ore.

Steve sighs and tosses the omni-tool back onto the guard. He returns to the storage door to examine it himself. He taps 52 and begins pressing random numbers after, hoping for some kind of feedback from the keypad.

Tyranniac| The holographic interface flashes red.

Steve starts again, counting the number of button presses before it flashes red.

Tyranniac| Four numbers.

Steve sighs and begins again... Starting at the bottom. 5-2-0-0

Darsk tries the first door in the room

Tyranniac| Red flash.

Tyranniac| The door opens up into a tunnel.

Steve continues, raising the number in increments of 1.

Darsk walks down the tunnel

Tyranniac| 5-2-0-1 fails.

Darsk reaches the other side of the tunnel

Steve types in 5-2-0-2, glancing towards the hatch nervously.

Tyranniac| 5-2-0-2 fails.

Steve types in 5-2-3-9 on a whim.

Renala keeps putting pressure on Iressa's wound, and one of her own. "How are you holding up?" she asks. She still seems very worried as she hasn't heard from the others since the explosion.

Tyranniac| 5-2-3-9 fails.

Tyranniac| There is another door at the other end of the tunnel.

Darsk attempts to enter the door

Steve returns to the previous method, inputting 5-2-0-3

Tyranniac| The door opens, revealing a room with more crates in it. There is no one in the room. There is one door next to the one Darsk came from. It has an orange display, indicating it is locked.

Tyranniac| 5-2-0-3 fails.

Darsk cracks open a crate

Steve attempts 5-2-3-5 on another whim.

Tyranniac| The crate contains more ore.

5-2-3-5 fails.

Darsk tries to examine the ore more closely, leaning over the crate. "What is this stuff, anyway?"

Tyranniac| The ore would be unidentifiable to anyone but a miner or a geologist.

Steve goes back to increments of one, 5-2-0-4

Tyranniac| 5-2-0-4 fails.

Steve continues, trying one set after another. 5-2-0-5, 5-2-0-6

Darsk is unable to get any use out of the ore, so he returns to the central room to try the next door

Tyranniac| The next door is locked.

Tyranniac| 5-2-0-5 fails.

Darsk tries the next door over

Tyranniac| The next door opens, revealing a... tunnel!

5-2-0-6 fails.

Tyranniac| Steve would hear movement and more arguing upstairs.

Darsk rushes down the tunnel and tries the door

Tyranniac| The door opens, revealing a bandit armed with an antique machinegun model, using a crate for cover. Darsk might see some other people in the room behind the bandit before she opens fire at the krogan.

Steve quickly turns and aims the Locust towards the top of the ladder. He begins moving back towards the hallway leading to their cells to use the corner for cover.

Tyranniac| Darsk's tunnel leans downwards towards the machinegun nest.

Darsk backpedals up the tunnel, firing at the machine gunner with both pistols

Tyranniac| The Carnifex makes a warning noise and no shot is fired. The Predator fires three rounds and then does the same.

Darsk reaches the top of the tunnel and hides around the corner. He drops both pistols.

Iressa blinks, wondering how to put it tactfully. "Great." She decides.

Steve keeps his weapon trained on the hatch, waiting for it to open.

Tyranniac| The hatch doesn't open.

Steve waits a few moments to be sure before returning to the door and entering the next number, increasing by one number from his last.

Tyranniac| 5-2-0-7 fails.

Steve continues pushing at the buttons, glancing back at the hatch every now and then. 5-2-0-8

Tyranniac| 5-2-0-8 fails.

Renala lets out a faint chuckle. "Having a hard time believing you there..."

Steve moves on to 5-2-0-9.

Tyranniac| The machinegunner stops firing a while after Darsk is out of sight.

5-2-0-9 fails.

Steve slams the bottom of his fist against the door in frustration before attempting the next number. 5-2-1-0

Darsk risks a quick glance down the tunnel

Tyranniac| The gunner is not visible from the top of the tunnel.

Tyranniac| 5-2-1-0 fails.

Steve quickly inputs the next number. 5-2-1-1

Darsk closes the door and attempts to find some way to lock it

Tyranniac| The room Darsk is in contains crates of ore, a large drill and mining equipment.

Darsk re-examines the room, looking for to use to get out of the situation as he no longer has any weapons

Darsk walks over to the mining equipment and examines it more closely

Tyranniac| There is nothing of immediate use for taking out the machinegunner. Closing the door would probably be a good start. The mining equipment consists of shovels, two hand-held drills, a pickaxe, some chippers, digital component prospecting equipment, a seismic analyzer and some mining-grade explosive charges.

Tyranniac| 5-2-1-2

Tyranniac| fails

"Score." He takes the explosive charges and a drill, rushing back through the original tunnel back into the main chamber where Steve is working on the door.

Steve glances over his shoulder briefly upon hearing the krogan. "This is taking forever!" he shouts and types in the next number, "Did you find anything?"

Tyranniac| 5-2-1-3 fails.

"I've got some explosives. Hopefully they'll be enough to breach the door. There's hostiles on the way"

Steve backs away from the door. "Alright... You figure that out. I'll cover the hallway." he says before making has way towards the hallway the krogan arrived from.

Darsk plants a charge on the door and gets clear, detonator in hand

Standing as far from the door as possible and turning away, Darsk detonates the explosives

Tyranniac| The explosive pack goes off with a deafening noise, no doubt pressing Darsk against the wall and knocking Steve into the tunnel he is guarding. Rock-dust and some pebbles are launched across the room and the door crashes into the room they are trying to enter with great speed. The blast even damages the metal ceiling slightly, causing cursing and movement on the floor above.

Steve is thrown to the ground. After a few moments and a coughing fit, he crawls towards the eall and probs himself up, clutching his ribs. "Wha-... What the fuck is wrong with you!?" he shouts between coughs.

Renala gasps at the sound of the explosion, her attention snapping to the stairway out, since nobody has informed her what's going on up there. "Goddess," she mutters. "Wh-what's going on up there?"

Darsk is caught off guard by the size of the explosion and forced against the wall. Once the smoke clears, he returns to the open doorway and rushes into the now open room

Tyranniac| The explosive has broken a lot of what was in the storage room, and the intact equipment is covered in debris, as well as a rahter heavy metal door.

Darsk searches through the rubble for their gear or any other source of medi-gel

Iressa starts just a bit at the explosion, "Let's hope that was us." She answers quietly.

Steve leans heavily against the wall and forces himself back to his feet. He spots the blurry outline of the Locust in the door way and takes a couple sluggish steps towards it before falling back to his knees.

Tyranniac| Accessing most of the intact things is problematic due to the door. Darsk might be able to see a single intact medicine-marked crate far behind the debris. There are a few other intact crates in the back of the room.

Darsk tries to lift the door out of the way to see what was underneath it

Tyranniac| The krogan should be able to move the door out of the way - barely. Aside from the medicinal crate there are three other intact crates.

Darsk opens up the medicinal crate first

Steve reaches his weapon and pulls it in close. Using the wall once again, he climbs back to his feet and shambles back into the main chamber.

Tyranniac| The medicinal crate contains two medi-gel canisters, a stim pack, some general painkillers, a cloth and an unknown syringe.

Darsk picks up both canisters of medi-gel and the painkillers. He uses his free hand to try the other crates

Tyranniac| The next crate Darsk opens contains a large collection of Fornax magazines.

"Worthless... Hmm... asari... Ok, focus." He opens the next crate, looking for weapons

Steve uses the wall to navigate around the circular room to the storage room. Another coughing fit overcomes him as he enters the damaged room. "Are you-... Trying to get us killed!?" he shouts, the ringing in his ears persisting.

Darsk is unable to hear Steve and continues searching for weapons

Tyranniac| The next crate holds a bunch of spare parts.

Darsk checks the final crate

Tyranniac| The last crate contains about a dozen biotic amps, some of them have been shattered in the explosion.

Steve rubs at his head and leans heavily against the wall to catch his breath.

Darsk places the medical supplies back in their crate and lifts it up. The biotic amps may be useful, but there isn't time to determine what what to do with them. He is concerned that he has not seen any sign of his weapons, but getting the medicine back to Iressa is his highest priority. He returns to the main chamber and heads for the tunnel leading back to their cell

Steve cusses under his breath as the krogan takes off and moves further into the room to look for any sign of anything useful.

Tyranniac| Steve should be able to see the crates left behind by the krogan. There is no sign of anything useful in the rubble - there are some broken datapads, some clothing, some unidentifiable mechanical objects and so on.

Steve sets his weapon aside and digs through the amps, looking for any sign of his own.

Tyranniac| Steve's amp is in the crate, intact!

Steve grabs the amp and fumbles with it for a moment before properly slotting it.

Steve 's fingertips remain over his implant for a moment longer. Using both hands, he rustles his hair back in place, covering his implant for the most part.

Darsk reaches the cell, carrying the crate with medi-gel inside

Steve takes one last cursory glance around the room for any sign of the rest of his gear.

Renala looks up at the krogan returning, a faint smile forming on her lips. "Thank Goddess you're alive," she says. "I heard explosions, so I was... getting worried. Is... Steve alright?"

Iressa looks pleased as the krogan enters, and watches him expectantly as Renala speaks.

"He'll be fine. You ok Ress?" He sets the crate down next to the two Asari and removes the medi-gel cannisters

Iressa nods slightly, visibly relaxing.

Renala looks at the crate as the krogan picks out the medi-gel canisters. She extends her hand. "I could apply the medi-gel on her wounds if you want," she offers.

Darsk reluctantly hands the medi-gel to Renala, figuring her hands are more suited for the careful task than his

Tyranniac| There is a single omni-tool lying in the storage room amongst the rubble.

Steve picks his Locust back up and grabs the omni-tool as he leaves the room. He continues using the wall in the circular room to make his way back towards the others. The sharp pain in his head has only worsened.

Renala takes the medi-gel and shifts a bit to get to a better position, wincing a bit as her own wound is put pressure on. "Alright, I'm going to remove your bandages," she begins removing the bandages the side of Iressa visible. Once there, she applies the medi-gel to the fingers on her hand that's not very blood-soaked and carefully applies it to the wound. "You'll have to sit up if I'm to get to the other one."

Renala did use the cloth to wipe away blood around the wound.

Steve slowly descends the staircase. When the others come into view, he leans against the wall nearest to him and slides down it, setting the omni-tool aside and clutching at his side. He locks his gaze on the krogan.

Iressa winces as her wound is given direct attention, but also relishes the feel of the medi-gel. At Renala's instructions she struggles to sit up, growing lightheaded very quickly in doing so. "Might need a hand." She mutters, grimacing.

Darsk still can't hear well, but realizes that Steve was hurt in the blast. "Sorry. Did you find anything in the storage room?"

Renala reluctantly extends her left hand for Iressa to grab, it being very clear that it's been clogging a wound for a while. She moves her other hand to her back to help push her up. She does grit her teeth at the additiona pressure to the area around her wound. She gives Steve a nod to acknowledge that she's seen him, but focuses on her current task.

Steve doesn't speak, just continues to stare at the krogan as he slides the omni-tool across the room in Renala's direction.

Iressa takes Ren's hand, hauling herself up into a sitting position. "Thanks." She smiles, giving her hand a little squeeze.

Renala nods. "You're welcome," she says with a small smile. She carefully removes the bandages covering the second wound before she lets go of her hand. She picks up the canister and the cloth again and wipes away the blood around the wound; that might hurt a bit. She puts down the cloth and applies medi-gel on the wound.

Steve finally breaks his glare. "Our gear..." he says, shouting a little louder than he realizes, "...It wasn't in there."

Darsk shakes his head, finally able to hear again somewhat. "Are you sure? There weren't any other storage spaces in there we overlooked?"

Steve points towards the omni-tool he slid over to Renala. "That's it."

How are we supposed to get out of here without our weapons and armor?

Steve grunts and slowly stands back up. "We don't have much of a choice... We have to find them."

Iressa focuses her attention on what the others are saying, though still wincing occasionally as Renala continues to work.

Renala finishes applying medi-gel. "There," she says, "should be good now." She sits down again afterwords and begins getting to work on her own, wincing quite a few times at the pain. Having to pull up one side of her tunic a bit to get to the wounds, it wouldn't be very nice to watch her work to say at least.

Darsk smiles at Iressa slighlty, happy to see that she's been tended to.

Steve limps closer to the others. "You two holding up?" he asks.

Renala glances up at Steve. "Can't... complain," she says, her voice still a bit pained, "since you two found medi-gel. ...you?" She finishes applying medi-gel and pulls the the tunic back to cover it. She's lost quite a bit of blood. The asari remains seated while she waits for the medi-gel's anesthetic efects to set in.

Steve rubs at his side. "I'm fine... Cracked rib maybe? Nothing I can't tough out." he says, forcing a smile.

Iressa inspects her wounds herself as her head begins to clear and Renala tends to her own injuries. "Seems so." She responds, craning her neck trying to see the exit wound. Giving up on the rather pointless endevour, she gazes back at Darsk, tilting her head as his wounds become more obvious to her. "Trouble, I take it?"

"I'm fine. Nothing a krogan can't handle." Orange tinted blood seeps from the wound in his shoulder. "I'd worry more about Steve."

Steve waves them off. "I'll live." he says, settling his gaze on the krogan, "Assuming you don't decide to pull another crazy stunt like that."

Tyranniac| Nothing happens.

Renala looks at Steve. "You sure you're alright?" she asks, extending the now quite purple-tinted canister of medi-gel. "There's some medi-gel left in it." She's still sitting, though, even if the effects are starting to set in.

Darsk returns up the tunnel, satisfied that Iressa is safe. In the commotion, he did not properly examine the aftermath of the struggle.

Renala | "Check if you can find some clothes for Iressa up there," she calls after the krogan leaving.

Steve turns down the medi-gel. "Appreciated... But there's not much it can do for this." he says, dragging his hand back and forth across his ribs, "Hold onto it. There's a good chance we'll find some use for it before this is over..."

Iressa tucks her legs in, now suddenly aware of the 'chill' in their cell.

Renala retracts her hand, and begins getting to her feet. She succeeds as she has the wall to support herself against as the foot's still bad to walk on despite the pain being taken care of by the medi-gel.

Darsk examines the bodies left behind in the tunnel, looking for clothing and armor to salvage

Tyranniac| The asari has light armor, the two dead bandits by the door are both wearing tank tops and cargo pants with combat boots.

Darsk begins to strip the asari of her armor

Steve nods at Renala. "Not a bad idea for the rest of us either. There's plenty of bodies out there. We can at least get out of these... Things." he says, adjusting his tunic.

Tyranniac| More nothing happens.

Darsk returns down the stairs, carrying the light armor

Renala | "If there's enough, sure. I was just considering that we might have seen enough of Iressa for today," she says followed by a small smirk. She looks at Darsk as he returns with the armor. "I hope you made sure the one who wore that armor is dead, right?" she says, rather bluntly.

"Not enough bullets. But I'm sure she won't be getting up any time soon." He timidly passes the heap of light armor recovered from the downed asari towards Iressa

Iressa furrows her brow, "Unless you want me to fight, that isn't for me." She explains, casting a glance at the others as she speaks.

Steve lets out a short chuckle at Renala's comment, but it's quickly cut off by a string of coughs. Once he's regained his composure, he begins to limp off towards the stairs. "I'm gonna see if there's something I can fit into."

Darsk disapproves, but realizes that Renala will fair better in combat and doesn't say anything. He returns up the stairs to look for something else for Iressa to wear.

Tyranniac| The two male guards in similar outfits are all that is left.

Steve approaches the bodies of the two guards and begins sizing them up, seeing if either's clothes will fit him

Renala shakes her head. "That makes sense, pragmatically," she says, "but I'd rather up the chances for the younger of us two to get out of her safely." She pauses as she revisits the other topic, "Maul her to death if you want to conserve ammo, we wouldn't want that monster getting up, ever."

Tyranniac| Both guards are about the same size as Steve.

Steve crouches beside one and begins disrobing him.

Renala carefully crouches down and picks up the omni-tool near her. Standing up again, she tries to activate its interface and gain access.

Steve puts on the cargo pants and combat boots before lifting off his tunic. Being careful about his ribs, he slowly puts the tanktop on. Placing his spare thermal clip in one of the cargo pockets, he grabs his Locust and returns down the stairs.

Darsk disrobes the other guard

Steve approaches Renala and leans against the wall. "Any luck with that?"

Darsk returns down the stairs with the guard's clothes.

Iressa frowns, "Our chances will be greater if you're able to confront trouble."

Tyranniac| It is Renala's omni-tool!

Renala smiles fondly as a familiar login screen comes into view, a picture of herself and a violet asari kid (with white markings above the eyes) appearing besides her name written in an asari language. "It's my omni-tool," she says, and looks at Iressa, "Yeah, alright," she says before slowly crouching besides the armor, looking over the pieces.

Next Logs

Hunting Time
Urdnot Darsk
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Iressa T'Selvos
Hunting Time
Urdnot Darsk
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Iressa T'Selvos
Hunting Time
Urdnot Darsk
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Iressa T'Selvos
Hunting Time
Urdnot Darsk
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Iressa T'Selvos
Hunting Time
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Hunting Time
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Hunting Time
Urdnot Darsk
Iressa T'Selvos
Hunting Time
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Hunting Time
Urdnot Darsk
Iressa T'Selvos
Hunting Time
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Hunting Time
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Hunting Time
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Hunting Time
Urdnot Darsk
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Iressa T'Selvos

Previous Logs

Hunting Time
Urdnot Darsk
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Iressa T'Selvos
Hunting Time
Urdnot Darsk
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Iressa T'Selvos
Hunting Time
Urdnot Darsk
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Iressa T'Selvos
Hunting Time
Urdnot Darsk
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Iressa T'Selvos
Hunting Time
Urdnot Darsk
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Iressa T'Selvos
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Iressa T'Selvos
Urdnot Darsk
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs