#Miner'sRespite – October 6, 2016

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Jessica slowly navigates the steps of the Respite with her bag over her shoulder. Every part of her aches, but none as bad as the sharp pains shooting through her side each time her boot touches the ground. She navigates the hallway without a sense of urgency and, for a moment, considers just turning around and leaving. But she doesn't. When she reaches the door, she leans against the wall beside it for a moment as she attempts to

recall the door code. Maybe she should just go back downstairs and make sure... No, it was logged away up in the old noggin. Her real fear is that it won't work. That Yan Sun has just packed up and left. She sucks in a breath of air and enters the code.

Yan Sun is sitting in a chair by the desk as the door opens, her legs crossed and her hood up. She's eating from a box of noodles in her lap as she watches a news broadcast on the computer terminal she has set up. A text chat is scrolling on a secondary projected screen. The desk has the dishes of an earlier meal, and an empty snack bag on it. She seems more than a little startled as the door opens, a rogue noodle flying at the

screen as her hand clamps down on the chopsticks. She scrambles to keep from dropping one of the sticks, accidentally grabbing it by the messy end, but when she notices who is in the doorway she just puts the box on the desk, a big smile spreading over her face as she stands up and rushes over, wrapping her arms around Jessica. "You're back! Why didn't you let me know?!"

Jessica suppresses a smile as she spots Yan Sun, but is unable to keep from chuckling as she nearly loses her utensils. She rolls her eyes. "You are such a fool..." she mutters. When the woman rushes over to give her a hug, she braces for impact, knowing full well this isn't going to feel good. She winces and lets out a pained groan. "I get blown up!" she says, "Is not a good time for hugging!" Regardless, she wraps her free arm

loosely around Yan Sun. As the pain passes she lets out a sigh, "I just-... Eh.... I don't know. Didn't think about it." she responds. the truth is, she had thought about it. She just didn't expect an answer. She expected Yan Sun to be long gone. "Most of my clothes get blown up, too." she frowns, "Job fucking sucked. We get stuck on-... on some stupid, hot planet with no food. Give me your noodles, mmm? I am hungry."

Yan Sun quickly lets go of the hug when she realizes Jessica is injured, stepping back and looking her over with a worried look on her face. "Oh-... I didn't-... are you okay? I'm sorry." Despite being concerned she can't help but keep her smile from keeping back up as she grabs the noodles from the desk, handing them to Jessica. "Come on... get in and put the bag down."

Jessica snatches the noodles out of Yan Sun's hand and follows her inside, tossing her bag aside. "So..." she says, giving a glance around, "...How... how have you been, mmm?" she asks awkwardly, unsure of how this whole 'going away and coming back' reunion thing should go. She grips one of the chopsticks in her hand and stabs it into the noodles, looking absolutely confused. She tries to scoop up some noodles with it, but they

just fall off. She frowns at the container and jabs the chopstick back into the noodles, trying to quickly lift them to her mouth, but they just plop back into the container. "What is wrong with you, mmm? You are trying to eat noodles with a stick!?" she finally asks, holding the chopstick up with a sigh.

Yan Sun goes further into the room, taking a seat on the edge of the bed and pulling her legs up, crossing them again. "Wh-... me? I've been... fine. Got a little lonely, I guess. Restless, maybe." She makes sure to leave out 'homesick'. "I-..." she snickers as she notices Jessica's struggle with the chopsticks. "What are you... pinch, don't stab." She holds out her hand as if asking for the utensils. "Come here, I'll show


Jessica's frown deepens. "I don't understand! Is just a stick, yes?" she says, having one more go at it. Once again, she drives a single chopstick into a bunch of noodles, then leans over the bowl. She quickly scoops up what could only be described as an 'entanglement' of noodles and quickly lifts them to her mouth, a couple even make the trip. "A-ha!" she says, "You see? Stabbing always works!" she brags as she approaches the

bed. As she sits down, her face contorts to one of pain briefly before she takes a seat beside Yan Sun.

Yan Sun shakes her head to herself at the stubborn attempt at hunting noodles via stabbing, but her expression quickly shifts to a frown as she notices the pain Jessica is in. "You didn't answer me... are you okay?" she asks again while grabbing the chopsticks, holding off on demonstrating proper usage as she waits for a response, instead pinning a piece of chicken - no, probably not chicken, she reminded herself, but it tasted

close enough - between the sticks and waving it in front of Jessica, a subtle smirk tugging at one corner of her mouth despite still looking a little concerned.

Jessica brings her free hand to her side, brushing it against her wound. "Is fine. Doctor looked at it and did doctor shit. Just need to rest for a while." she assures dismissively. "Should have seen the other guy. They take him away on a stretcher and everything. I get out easy in compar-..." her gaze moves to Yan Sun's natural chopstick usage and she frowns. "Show off..." she mutters, "I could do that! Is easy with two, yes? I

did it with only one stick, though! Is much more difficult..."

Yan Sun glances down at Jessica's side before returning her focus to her face. She hovers the food in front of her mouth for a moment - if she doesn't take it she'd eat it herself. She then turns the chopsticks over in her hand, offering them back to Jessica as her smirk evolves into a smug grin. "Oh, alright... here you go then, 頑-頑."

Jessica snubs her nose up at the offer of chicken. She can stick her own food! She swipes the chopsticks from Yan Sun's hand and sets the noodles down in her lap. "Mmm. I will teach you, kitty cat." she taunts as she looks down into the bowl, positioning the chopsticks as Yan Sun previously held them. It takers her a few moments, and her form is nowhere near correct. "Now watch.... You are watching, yes?" she asks, looking over

to Yan Sun to make sure she's paying attention. "Like.... this..." She moves to lower the chopsticks down, but instead grasps the sticks in two hands, one at each end of the sticks, and snaps them in half, tossing them on the floor. She picks up a bunch of noodles with her fingers, dangles them high into the air above her mouth and slurps them up, giving Yan Sun a smug look of her own. "Mmm.... You see?" she asks,

suppressing a laugh as she licks at her lips, "Don't worry, is advanced technique. You will get it with practice."

Yan Sun shakes her head to herself. "Yep. That's... that's hygenic..." she says with a roll of her eyes as she unfolds her legs, stretching them out into the air and leaning back, lifting her hands to be beneath her head as she lies down, looking up at Jessica from behind. "I missed you, you know. It... kind of sucked, actually... being stuck in an unfamiliar town in the middle of nowhere... not as fun without you."

Jessica scoops up another 'pinch' of noodles, stuffing them into her mouth. A smile threatens to break free at the mention of being missed, but she manages to stomp it back down. "Mmmm? Of course. Is never as fun without me. Is just how it is." she says as she chews. She brings her legs up onto the bed and turns to her side, grabbing another few noodles and dangling them over Yan Sun's face. "What did you do? Probably just sit in

this room all week, yes?"

Yan Sun eyes the noodles skeptically for a moment before deciding she might as well eat them before they're dropped in her face. She props herself up on her elbows and tries her best to catch the noodles. "Yeah... more or less. I tried exploring the town a bit, but... yeah." She looks to Jessica, her expression turning almost somber for a moment. "When I realized you were late I went to the Redrock base, but there wasn't anyone

there... the VI told me there was a rescue mission going on. I, uh... I was worried something had happened to you." she says quietly as she lays back down.

Jessica shoves the noodles into Yan Sun's mouth before wiping her hand on her pantleg. "Something did happen..." she says, bringing her hand back to her side, "I was blown up! But is okay. I am fine now. They were lucky I came along. I had to carry the asari alllll the way through a desert. I don't know what they would do if I wasn't with them." she brags, giving a stern nod as she helps herself to some more noodles. "I take

pictures for you..." she says through a mouthful of food, "Is on my omni-tool."

Yan Sun once again glances down to Jessica's side, and seems about to ask about it, but the mention of pictures derails her. "Really?" she says, an eyebrow shooting up as she scrambles back into a sitting position. "Show me!" she says, crossing her legs and sitting opposite Jessica.

Jessica shovels another scoop of noodles into her mouth, quickening her pace as Yan Sun shows interest in her photos. She wipes her hands on her pantleg again as she fishes around in her pocket for her omni-tool with her other hand. "Is like.... Is desert, everywhere. Like the place we went to, mmm? But instead of snow? Sand. For as far as you could see!" she says as she scoots over to sit beside Yan Sun. As she brings her

omni-tool up, the interface expands in front of her, left idle in her contact list and awaiting confirmation to call Yan Sun. She attempts to quickly dismiss it as she navigates to her photos. She leans over to give a better view as she swipes through a few photos of Pilgrim's Haven. Most are slightly blurry and off-center, but there's a few alright ones. She stops on a photo of an old drell and points to it. "Is-....

Romm? Room? Rhame? Something like that. He takes care of this colony that he has alllllll to himself. Nobody to bother him or touch his shit. Nothing. Just him and a whole ghost town."

Yan Sun shifts her legs to one side and leans against Jessica's shoulder as she looks at the pictures of the alien world. "Sounds awfully lonely..." she says as she looks at the picture of the drell hermit in his tattered robes.

Jessica gives a couple of nods. "Mmm. Maybe..." she considers with a shrug, "I think he was maybe dying. He keeps coughing. The air is toxic there you know?" she asks with a glance to Yan Sun, clearly just looking to share her wealth of knowledge now that she's a learned galactic explorer. She swipes through to the next photo- a desolate, barren wasteland of dusty plains, the horizon in the distance broken up by only by mountains.

Yan Sun looks on in silence as Jessica switches picture. "It looks so... barren. It's hard to imagine there used to be billions of people living there..." she says quietly, making no attempt to hide how glad she is to have Jessica back as she cuddles up against her.

Jessica gives another nod as she swipes through the next few photos slowly. Mountains. Jason. Nathan. She mutters the batarian word for 'idiot' before swiping. Ehanis. Korio. Renala. A drell guard. "Fucker. Is one of the assholes who abandoned us..." she mutters, not even realizing Yan Sun probably has no idea what she's talking about. As she swipes to the next photo, sand-covered abandoned buildings and mining rigs are on

display. "Ooooh! Is some sort of mining-... place thing!" she explains, quickly moving on from her previous comment without explaining, "One of these things just-... just falls right in front of us!" she explains as she points out a drilling rig, "Like.... Pschooooooo." she blows air out of her mouth as she slams a fist into the bed, nearly causing the noodles to spill.

Yan Sun lets out a snicker at Jessica's enthusiastic re-telling of the falling rig, wrapping an arm around her waist as if to keep her from bouncing away. Her amused expression fades as she goes over what Jessica said in her head. "Wait... abandoned you...? What are you talking about?" She lifts her head off of the woman's shoulder, looking at her.

Jessica frowns and swipes through a few more photos of the same area. She swipes through a few more quickly before stopping on one of a hanar, a drell, and an asari in what looks to be a heated dispute. She points at the hanar and gives a nod. "Stupid big blob of pink decides it is going to keep what we find when the asari says he can't. So they shoot her and then try to kill us and leave. Is why we were so late getting home."

she explains. "Fucker just leaves us there. Is fucked up, mmm?" she asks with a glance over to Yan Sun, "But we make it home. The big blob of pink? Not so lucky." she adds with a grin. "Fucker."

Yan Sun looks at the picture with a frown. "糟糕... I didn't realize. What about the asari...?" she asks with a glance to Jessica, moving the hand wrapped around her to her shoulder instead as she pushes up to sit up a bit more.

Jessica shrugs her shoulders. "We kept her alive." she says, as if it should be obvious. "I guess she is probably at the hospital now. But we were stuck in that fucking desert for days!" She puckers up her dry, cracked, chapped lips as if to prove her point, bringing the tip of her finger to them and wincing at the feel of her own touch. "Finally the others come looking for us and pick us up. Is a fucking crazy story, mmm kitty

cat? I never think that I would be so happy to be back on this shitfuck of a planet... But now, on two occasions I can say that. Maybe the rest of the galaxy is even more fucked than Aite..." she mutters.

Yan Sun rolls her eyes with a grin. "Orrrr... maybe you should try going to a planet that isn't a barren wasteland." she teases as she reaches up to lightly brush a finger of her own over Jessica's dry lips. "Aww... poor 頑-頑, stuck in the desert..." She returns to her previous lying position, hands behind her head again as she looks up. "Tell me more." she requests before pointing at the bathroom. "Should be some chapstick in


Jessica winces and reels back, sucking in air as Yan Sun touches her lips, causing a long, drawn out hissing sound. "Don't do that! Gahhhhh!" she groans, bringing her own hand up to her mouth. She glares at Yan Sun for a few moments before looking towards the bathroom door. She considers getting up to go get it, but simply shrugs as laziness overrides her desire to not.... hurt. She instead takes a moment to kick off her boots

before sighing and climbing atop Yan Sun, using her midsection as a seat. "What do you want to know, asshole? Mmmm?" she asks, purposely bouncing slightly on Yan Sun's stomache. "Was hot, sandy, and I ate a lot of bugs."

Yan Sun grins as Jessica climbs atop her, and she moves her hands to her legs as she looks up at her with a shrug. "I don't know! How about the whole... getting blown up thing? Because you seem to be in one piece..."

Jessica's hand instinctively moves down to her side and she glances down at it. "The pink fucker... It tells the guards to kill us, mmm? And they try. But I tackle one to the ground and I-... I hit him, mmm?" she explains, raining slow-motion theatrical punches down on Yan Sun as she acts out the scene. Each time her knuckles make contact with Yan Sun's cheeks, she presses them against her skin, just to be that much more

annoying. "And then-... And then I headbutt him." she continues, leaning down and rubbing her forehead against Yan Sun's. "But then I hear beeping, yes? And I know what beeping usually means. Either is time to wake up, or is time to blow up. Fucking fucker had a grenade in his hand! So I-... I ruuuun-..." she lifts one leg up as if she's going to climb off Yan Sun, but drops it down just as quickly, content to stay

right where she is, "...and BAM! Everything blows up. Next thing I know they are pulling sharp stuff out of me." she shrugs. "Lucky for me, I have nearly blown myself up enough times to know how to not get blowed-... blown up..."

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Ruins of Rakhana
Yan Sun
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