#ClubCobalt – October 7, 2017

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

It's a clear evening, still evening, but without clouds to enclose what little heat there is the cold is biting even without wind. With Litae setting, most of the sky is starlit, aside from the thin, bright band of Aite's rings. The western mountains are silouetted against the low moon, looking like a jagged row of teeth biting into the Litae's pale surface. The dominant sound on the street outside Club Cobalt is the muffled, rythmic

thumping of Thessian electronica. There's a small cluster of smokers outside the entrance, and a lone human talking to someone over her omni-tool. The blue neon sign with its bold lettering and silouette of an asari dancer cast a glow on the snow that has piled up in the gutter and on the sidewalk.

The guests have all recieved messages letting them know where and when the get together is happening. Not much has been outlined, as the expectation was for it to be a pretty casual affair. 'Arrive when you can. Get shitfaced. Jasper will drop everyone off at the end of the night.' was pretty much the jist of it.

Jason is already at the bar beside Shane. Not one to get dressed up, he's in his usual attire. Boots, black pants, and a long-sleeved white shirt. Shane is at his side but seems to have put much more effort into his outfit. Fashionable jeans, a black button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up. The two are already a couple drinks in, big dumb smiles plastered across their faces as they attempt to converse over the loud music.

Ilyna walks down the street along with Va'ynna, having walked all the way from Va'ynna's apartment. Out of the two of them, Ilyna is the one who appears prepared for such a trip with her heavy black winter jacket.

Va'ynna is not, however. She's wearing her navy blue jacket over her red dress and is looking uncomfortable. That's why their pace is brisk now that their twenty minute walk is almost over.

Nathan arrived not too far behind Jason and Shane, having been itching for a reason to get plastered since he arrived on Aite. Most of his time has been devoted to work and his sister, so this presented the perfect opportunity. He strides inside the club, his leather jacket pulled close around him over a white shirt, dark blue jeans and boots. He grins as he listens to the pulsating music, relishing in the

atmosphere as he heads to the bar. Seeing Jason and Shane, he raises a hand in greeting and approaches, reaching to clap Jason on the back. "You two haven't wasted a moment, have you?"

Nathan's winter clothes, and any weaponry, if applicable, would have been taken by the greeter in the coat room, a bored-looking young asari.

The inside of the club is multi-layered. The main floor contains the bar, and several tables which are all full. Below, in the center of the club, is a large dance floor, lit up by elaborate holographics, currently a mixture of abstact geometrics and fantastical sea creatures. On both sides of the dance floor is an elevated tier with more tables, and booths that overlook the dance floor. The wall on the left elevated tier is lined

with a massive, illuminated aquarium full of exotic fish. Opposite the main floor is an even higher tier, with a smaller dance floor, as well as elevated platforms with professional asari dancers.

Shane cocks a wide smile at the familiar face, returning the gesture with a raised hand of his own. "No time to waste! This is the end of his life as an unmarried man. Gotta pump as much alcohol into him as we can." he jokes, nudging into Jason with his shoulder.

Jason slugs back the last of his drink, giving Shane a little shove in return. No longer preoccupied by his drink, he gives a nod Nathan's way. "Thanks for coming, Ten!" he shouts over the music as he steps towards Nathan. He places one hand on the man's shoulder and gestures towards the second floor that looks out over the club with his now-empty glass. "Gage and the others are upstairs." he says, "They got a room for us. Base of

operations, so to speak. Place to fall back to or just relax if you want to get away from the crowd. If you've got anything you don't want to carry around with you, just go stash it in there."

The top tier holds the doors to the private booths, along the rear wall of the club. The side opposite to the aquarium has toilets and a locked service door.

Nathan grins at the pair, nodding as he follows the direction he points in. "Alright, good to know! But for now...". He steps around Jason and immediately leans onto the counter, waving down a bartender and motioning towards the line of drinks that one would tend to get when they are planning on shots. "So, how's it feel? These final moments of freedom before you're clamped in irons and dragged down to the lands

of marriage?"

((towards the upper floor*))

Ilyna gives Va'ynna a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "You don't have to," she says. "I'm not planning on getting 'shitfaced', either." She's wearing the same modest, sleeveless dress as she did yesterday at Vasquez' party.

Va'ynna gives a faint nod, and an unsure hum that's barely heard by the other asari. Not that she's unused to being near drunks, but this is different now that she's got no excuses on hand to avoid it. After Va'ynna gestures towards Jason's position, they both start walking that way. She's wearing her typical red dress.

The bartender, a heavily pierced asari in a black top, grabs a couple of bottles on her way to Nathan. One clear, and one dark blue with a faint shimmer to it. "How brave are we feeling today?" she asks with a small grin as she reaches down to grab a shot glass, placing it on the counter while studying the human.

Shane gives a whistle- not that it can be heard- in response to Nathan's barb. "See! He gets it!" he teases, pleased to have somebody else around to help him pick on Jason.

Jason rolls his eyes at Shane as he retakes his spot at the bar, Ilyna and Va'ynna's arrival going unnoticed so far. "Go ahead and get all the jokes out of your system." he says, glancing between Shane and Nathan. "After all the shit me and Linda have been through, a ceremony to make it official isn't changing anything."

Shane leans forward to peer past Jason to Nathan. "In other words, he's shitting his pants."

Nathan smirks to the asari, giving his most charming face that he can pull. Which is reasonable, at worst. "Well, we're celebrating my friend getting married to the woman he loves. So give me the strongest that you've got, darling." He looks to Jason and barks a laugh, making to lightly punch him on the shoulder, though he answers Shane. "Yep, pretty much! He's practically sweating bullets right now."

Jason sets his glass down and forces a big grin as he flips both parties off at once. Jason's version of multi-tasking. "This is the face of a happy man!" he argues.

Ilyna reaches the bar in time to catch the tail end of their conversation. She's been around humans long enough to know what that gesture means. "Don't be mean," she admonishes as she comes to a stop behind Jason and Nathan.

Va'ynna is just behind her, though she remains quiet for now while she figures out where to take her seat. She looks tense, and avoids looking at the bartender.

Bartender shoots Jason a glance with a raised eyebrow... or eye-marking. "Congratulations." she says, not sounding particularly interested. "Still gotta pay." she adds, flashing a brief grin before pouring up a shot of the dark blue liquid for Nathan. When she notices Ilyna and Va'ynna's arrival she turns her attention to them, noticing no one else in the immediate area - another bartender is tending to patrons further down the

bar. "What can I getcha?" she asks, raising her eyebrows questioningly and putting her hands on the edges of the counter, shifting her weight slightly from side to side as she awaits a response.

Nathan shrugs a shoulder, giving her a smile and a nod as he forks over the required amount. "Of course," he drawls before he glances to Ilyna. He raises his newly acquired drink in salute, flashing a brief greeting to Va'ynna too. "We're not being mean! We're being perfectly fine gentlemen who are congratulating our friend on a wondrous occasion of losing all individuality and getting smacked around the head

for leaving the toilet seat up!"

Shane bursts into laughter at Jason's reaction. "Uh huh. Whatever you've gotta tell yourself, buddy." he says dismissively before directing his attention back to Nathan. "I've tried to talk some sense into him. He's not having it." he says, swiveling in place to put his back to the counter as he gestures out towards the rest of the club. "Look at this. The galaxy is filled with beauties in every flavor and he's shackling himself to-..."

he trails off as Ilyna and Va'ynna approach. "Well hello~" he greets through a shit eating grin. "Friends?" he asks with a glance to Jason.

Jason gives an appreciative nod to the bartender before he rotates towards the disembodied asari voice and levels his middle finger on Ilyna in response to her statement, though a genuine smile follows. "Glad you two could make it." he greets, stepping up to each of the asari for a brief hug before reiterating the information about the private room to them both.

Va'ynna fidgets a bit and gives the tiniest shake of her head. "Nothing... right now, thank you," she says, though it's unlikely that the bartender even hears her over the music. She doesn't step closer, instead turning to Jason when he hugs her. "Thank you... so much for your invitation," she says. In contrast to their last few meetings, she does not appear tired.

Ilyna tsks when the middle finger is raised against her, but her smile not fading belies her not taking it serously. That, and the chuckle she lets out in response to Nathan. "Two glasses of asari brandy," she says to the bartender, hoping that would take her attention off of Va'ynna. She nods to Jason, but doesn't interrupt him and Va'ynna. Instead, she reaches out a hand towards Shane. "I'm Ilyna," she says. "I take it

you're a friend of Jason?"

Bartender nods. "Coming right up." she says, quick to spin around to grab two glasses and a bottle. "Nos Astran '66, good enough?" she asks, not waiting for an answer before starting to pour.

Nathan slugs back the shot and he suppresses a grimace as the liquid burns down his gullet. He lets out a low whistle and a nod of approval, setting the glass down and remaining quiet, at least for the moment, whilst Ilyna and Shane introduce themselves. Well, until Shane starts hitting on Ilyna, that is. He gives Jason a look and a grin, leaning on the counter.

Ilyna nods to the bartender, not wanting to complicate the order.

Shane pushes away from the counter and gives a small bow of his head as he takes Ilyna's hand. "I prefer 'accomplice'." he says through that charming grin of his that has undoubtedly gotten him into plenty of trouble. "Shane. Pleasure to meet you." he greets before glancing to Va'ynna, "Both of you. Had I known Jay had so many beautiful people working for him, I may have visited sooner."

Jason gives Nathan an unamused look as Shane continues to be Shane. "I don't know if I can deal with this all night." he says before passing a glance Shane's way.

Ilyna chuckles, and steals Jason's seat while he's still standing. "She doesn't, though," she says with a glance Va'ynna's way. "Anyway, accomplice – what do you mean by that?"

Bartender briefly observes Ilyna and Shane before moving on to serve a batarian patron further down the bar.

Nathan rolls his eyes and gives Jason another clap on the shoulder as he turns to the bartender and orders a round of shots for everyone, of the same drink he just had. "Ahhh, we're only ribbing you, Jase. I'm happy for you man. Seriously. It's nice that you've found that person, y'know?" He gives his friend a reassuring look and a wink.

Va'ynna doesn't seem to acknowledge Shane, instead looking between Jason and Nathan. She lets out a stifled giggle at Jason's complaint, but she doesn't say anything.

Shane gives an apologetic wince Va'ynna's way when Ilyna reveals that the other asari doesn't work for Jason. "My bad. Just assumed. And you know what they say about assumptions..." he jokes. Realizing she seems to be purposely ignoring him, he lets out a long, drawn out sigh and looks back to Ilyna. It doesn't seem to bother him too much, though. Between his easy-going nature and being used to being shot down, it rolls right off his back.

"Just-... being stupid." he relents as that winning smile returns to his face. "Me and Jay served together with the Alliance. Got into all sorts of trouble back in the day."

Jason cocks an eyebrow at Nathan. "As touching as that is, I meant I don't know if I can deal with having to watch him chase after everyone who passes through the front door tonight." he clarifies with a nod towards his old friend. A lopsided grin returns to his face as he notices his stolen seat and gives a shake of his head. He shifts against the counter, awaiting the shots Nathan ordered. "...But thanks." he adds, rotating a bit

to better face Nathan and leaving enough room for Va'ynna to slip in between himself and Ilyna.

Va'ynna does take the chance to slip in between Jason and Ilyna, facing towards him and Nathan. She's not eager to take the drink the older asari seems to have ordered for her, but she felt safer in the minds of familiar faces than out in the open.

Ilyna gives a knowing nod. "I've only known him for the few years I've worked as a mercenary, I wish I could say there weren't any trouble," she sighs, and reaches for her drink. "So, did you stay in service after he left?"

Nathan shrugs a shoulder and waves a hand idly. "Ah, well, in that case, everything I said was shit to make you feel better?" He grins and looks to Shane, then back to Jason. "You're welcome. Now, come on, let's see if you can hold your liquor down as well as you spout bullshit."

Shane gives a snicker at the mention of trouble. "He definitely seems to have a talent for finding his way into trouble." he says, glancing Jason's way and attempting to speak loud enough to be heard just to further antagonize his old friend. The music keeps his teasing from being heard, unfortunately. "But yeah... We-..." he thumbs over his shoulder towards the room upstairs before realizing 'we' doesn't exactly explain much, "...Uhh, the

rest of our unit stuck around." he clarifies. "Just decided to strike out on our own not too long ago. Figured if this asshole can make it work-..." a nod towards Jason follows, "...then anybody can, right?"

Jason gives a loud snort and a roll of his eyes as he scoops up his shot. "Don't start something you can't finish, Ten." he warns as he slugs back the shot, wincing briefly as the burn coats the back of his throat. Being an accomplished alcoholic, he sets the shotglass back down and looks towards the bartender, gesturing with two fingers to his and Nathan's glasses for refills.

Bartender soon returns, and a moment later both shotglasses are refilled.

Va'ynna frowns, feeling so out of place among the drinking partygoers. "I'll be upstairs," she says to Jason and Ilyna before setting off towards the rented room. The asari is leaving behind the glass of brandy she assumes was ordered for her, however.

Nathan picks up his shot and downs it too, letting out a sharp exhale at the flavour and flames that coat his insides now. He sets the glass down, watches it get refilled, then picks it back up. He sends a sideways glance to Jason and snorts, wiggling the glass as the liquid sloshes around in it. "You've never tried drinking with a German," he quips back, sending the shot down his throat once more. He watches

Va'ynna go and he raises a hand in farewell before looking back to Jason.

Jason gives Va'ynna a nod. "We'll be here." he says through a grin as he scoops his shot glass up, ready to match Nathan shot for shot if need be. "Is that a challenge?" he asks, lifting his shot glass a bit and looking over its contents before slugging it back. He sets the glass back down as he waits for the burn to dissipate. Gonna be a long night.

The room previously indicated by Jason is the third from the left after weaving through the crowd and reaching the upper floor. The panel beside the door indicates to Va'ynna that it's unlocked.

Most of the space on the upper floor is taken up by dancing clubgoers, necessitating some weaving and/or pushing through the crowd to get to the room.

Ilyna chuckles. "My friends left the military not long after I did, too," she says, "though they stayed on Thessia to pursue a civilian life." She nods to Va'ynna with an apologetic smile, very aware of the young asari's discomfort. "We still keep in touch, though, but I don't expect them to come here to work with me."

Va'ynna reaches the door after a careful and patient navigation of the crowded floor, doing her utmost to avoid eye contact or anyone's attention. The asari stands by the door's button for a good half a minute before pressing it, unsure about whether there'll be more strangers within and if it's the correct room. Whatever it turns out to be, it's bound to be better than returning.

Shane nods along as Ilyna speaks. "Gage and me and the others have been doing this shit for so long I don't think we could handle civilian life." he snickers. It's a sentiment that echos much of what Jason has said in the past. And not always in a positive light. "It definitely ain't for everyone. For some of us I guess it just runs in our blood. Besides, somebody has to stay out here to stick it to the bad guys, right?" he asks with a

wink. "So what made you decide to move into the private sector?"

Nathan motions for two more as he looks to Jason, smirking. "A warning." As the new round of shot arrive, he picks up his glass, but pauses, looking back to the man besides him. "How are you feeling? Really? It's a real big step you're taking after all. And what with a baby on the way too..." He shrugs faintly, setting the glass down for the moment, but still giving a reassuring smile.

Ilyna frowns. It's a question she has had a long experience with failing to deter suspicion, which she does not want to repeat tonight. "My maiden years are coming to a close, and I didn't feel I achieved much in the military," she says. "I was trying to find a civilian profession, but... I answered Jason's call for help once and since then I've been working for the agency." She takes a small sip of her brandy. "I

suppose I'm like you in this way: protecting people is what I know best."

Inside is a large couch that wraps around much of the room. To the right of the door is a counter. A few unused glasses and bottles of various alcoholic beverages sit against the wall. There's a table within reach of the couch and on the other side of it is a screen. As Va'ynna suspected, there's three people in the room sitting at the couch, all human. A man who looks to be in his early-40's is seated at one end. He's tall and of a smaller

build with a few days of stubble on his chin. Unlike Shane, it doesn't seem as though clubs are his scene and he certainly hasn't dressed for the occasion. He's wearing a pair of simple jeans, a faded black t-shirt and an old ballcap. Va'ynna may recognize his face from the Respite. The same with the woman at his side. She has dark skin and light blue eyes that stand out in contrast. Her long black hair reaches the middle of her back. A few

seats away is a light skinned woman nursing a beer. She has short brown hair and raises her beer in greeting as soon as Va'ynna steps in.

Gage glances up from his seat on the couch as Va'ynna enters. "Friend of Jay?" he asks, assuming the answer before she can even speak. "Just go ahead and help yourself." he says with a gesture towards the counter. "Take what ya want."

Jason lowers his gaze to the counter, initially planning on blowing the question off. After a moment, he gives a shrug and raises his gaze to meet Nathan's once more. "Good." he says earnestly. "Really. Maybe it's all sinking in, still. But it just feels right, you know...?" His smile falls away for the briefest of moments before and it almost looks as if he's going to say more before he props it back up and gives a few nods to

himself. "What about you?" he asks, suddenly switching gears. "How long before I'm taking you out to get shitfaced? Huh? There a lucky lady out there that I don't know about?"

Shane's smile only widens as he listens to Ilyna and he briefly lifts his glass a little higher in her honor. "Respect. I'd be lying if I said I didn't worry about Jay working out here. It's dangerous work in a dangerous place. Makes me feel a little better knowing he's got good people looking after him."

Nathan nods at Jason's answer, seemingly not at all bothered by the fading smile and pause. As the topic takes a complete one-eighty and is now aimed at him, he blinks and opens his mouth. He furrows his brow, closes mouth. Opens mouth to answer, no words. Closes mouth. Thinks. Decides to take his shot instead with a swig and a barely suppressed grimace. "Gah, what is this stuff?" He decides on eventually. "Hits

harder than a krogan in a rage."

Bartender refills Jason and Nathan's glasses, raising an eyebrow at Nathan. "Thessian Tidal Wave. Too strong for you, human?"

Jason chuckles loudly, pulling the freshly filled shotglass towards him with an appreciative nod to the bartender. "Avoiding the question!" he calls out at Nathan. "C'mon, what's the dirty secret? I don't judge! Batarian?" he pries, allowing a second to pass before digging a little deeper. "...Elcor?" he asks, furrowing his brow. After a second, something seems to occur to him and his expression turns to one of sheer horror despite

his promise not to judge. "Hanar!? Are you boinking a-... Can you boink a hanar!?" After a moment he adds, "Wait-... Shit, I don't think I want to know... No, fuck it, I gotta know. How do you boink a hanar?" he asks, seemingly having already decided that Nathan is getting down with a jellyfish.

Va'ynna tenses up as she sees the three people. They do seem familiar to her, and Gage's question does enough to confirm that the room is indeed correct. "I am," she says. "I... was working... when you and Jason were drinking at the Miner's Respite." She doesn't seem to get anything as she crosses the room and takes a seat at the vacant end of the table. She is still not at ease, despite being away from the loud crowd.

Nathan blinks and gives a blank stare at Jason. He looks to the bartender and says, "It's just right, thanks. Another please." He rubs his hand down his face and pivots to look at Jason, wagging a finger under his nose. "Alright, first of all, just go on the extranet and look that up if you're that curious. Second of all, no, I am not boinking anyone. No batarian, no elcor, no hanar, no nobody. I am single and

free and I have absolutely no intentions of dating anyone as of this moment, at this time and for the very immediate future!" He takes his hand back and places it on the counter, content with his piece.

downs his shot and says to the bartender))

Elena approaches the bar near the group, putting her elbows on the counter and leaning against it as she waits for an opportunity to catch the bartender's attention. She has short, dark hair and her tank top leaves her tattoed arms exposed, with the side facing the group featuring the logo of the A and knife logo of the Alliance Marines, and below it a pinup of a revolver-wielding woman in a poncho.

Gage smiles and nods his head as he attempts to place the asari. He leans over to grab his own beer off the table. "Yeah-... right, right. I remember you. Gage." he introduces himself with a pat against his chest. "Priya. Sam." he introduces the two women, gesturing to them each in turn with his beer.

Priya folds her hands into her lap and gives a nod as her name is said. "You were wearing that beautiful green dress, right?" she asks, her photographic memory serving her well once again.

Sam remains silent, not wanting to interrupt Priya, instead simply nodding and taking a sip from her drink.

Jason gives dismissive nods the entire time, clearly not buying Nathan's story. "Uh huh. Uh huh. Of course. But, I mean-... The tentacles." he winces, shivvering a bit. "Now I've seen some shit on the extranet but it never shows how-..." he immediately backpedals, eyes going wide for a second, "...Look, Linda left some tabs open on her terminal!" he explains before lowering his voice to clarify, "She's into some weird shit. Point

is-... uhh-........." he trails off, deciding instead to just down his shot and slide the glass back across the counter. He brings a metallic forearm up to his mouth to suppress a cough as he gestures for another round.

Bartender refills the shot glasses yet again, seeming entirely unphased by the conversation. She moves over to the nearby Elena to take her order.

Ilyna nods, the serious tone of their conversation only broken for a moment by her chuckle at Jason's argument with Nathan. She does not seem to have noticed the new arrival. "I'd tell you not to worry, but I would be lying to you," she says. "It's dangerous work and I cannot go with him on every operation." She turns the glass around in her hand before adding, "I have a young child to look after, and it breaks my heart

every time I have to leave her to worry about me."

Elena shoots Jason and Nathan a puzzled look as she catches the end of their conversation, but her attention is quickly diverted by the bartender. "Ey, another one of those... whatevers." she says, bobbing her head slighlty to the beat of the music while she waits for her order, seemingly confident that the bartender knows what she means.

Nathan gives Jason a very long and flat look. He parts his mouth and he then turns his expression into that of sheer horror and disgust. "Wh- You watch it, don't you?! You, here, accusing me of banging one, yet you're the one who watches it! You, my friend, have some kinks that you've been trying to keep locked away now, haven't you?" He tuts and shakes his head, grabbing his shot and slinging it back. He's

starting to feel a little starry eyed, but nothing he can't handle. "My answer is still the same, though. Mostly. I ain't been in a relationship for a looooong time. And that thing with Va'ynna's mom that- that doesn't really count."

Jason furrows his brow, casting a glance in the recent arrival's direction just to make sure too much of their conversation hasn't spilled over. "Wha-... No! I don't-... I mean I may have seen one or two but-...." he mutters an explanation under his breath as Nathan speaks. He slides his shot back in front of him, but doesn't immediately down it. They've already went a little hard on the booze and there's no point in flooring

yourself in the first hour. "Whatever you have to tell yourself. What was that whole thing about, anyway?"

Shane gives a quick shrug as he sips at his drink. "Well, I can't fault you for that. Not exactly the easiest job if you've got a family. So how old is the little one?" he asks, trying to make small talk.

Va'ynna raises her eyebrows at the guess. "Uh, I... don't remember what I wore that day," she says, the long days of work has started to blend into one another. It takes a moment for her to realize that she should introduce herself, as well. "I'm Va'ynna," she says. "I met Jason the day after I arrived here, and... he's been a great friend to me since." She glances towards the liquir cabinet. "I... um, don't share his

appetite for alcohol, though."

Bartender fetches a bottle of glowing orange liquid and pours a glass for Elena who slides over a credit chip in response - apparently with a decent tip judging by the smile the asari flashes her. "Thanks, hun." She rolls her eyes as she catches more of Jason and Nathan's conversation. "Doesn't work like in the vids. You've got to be underwater." she offers, not waiting for a response before moving off to take the order of a newly

arrived clubgoer.

Nathan waves Jason off. "Go fuck yourself," He intones teasingly, his mood not at all soured by the accusations. At his question, he shrugs a shoulder and cradles his new glass. "Eh, I dunno. A strange one night stand on an alien world where everything was trying to kill us? Beats me. It was... I dunno." He shrugs again, giving an awkward smile. "I'll let you know when I figure it out, alright? But if I'm being

honest with you, I've never even considered dating anyone beyond humans. Call me old fashioned."

Sam bellows out a loud laugh at Va'ynna's comment on Jason's drinking habits. Admittedly they weren't nearly as bad back when she served with him, but she doesn't know that. "Yeeeeah. We've got our share of shore leave stories we could tell." she says with a glance Gage's way.

Gage gives a snicker and a shake of his head. "He's a good man. There isn't much the guy wouldn't do for his friends." he comments. "And it's good to meet you. You know, without a counter between us." he adds with another snicker.

Priya gives a nod as she listens to the others, a small reserved smile on her face. "There's more than just alcohol if you're thirsty." she adds with a gesture towards the counter, "Soda. Juice. Not all of us are expecting to be carries home tonight." she continues, shooting a friendly- if a bit pointed- glance Sam's way, who gives a wink in response.

Jason's shoulders rise and fall in laughter in response to Nathan's reaction. As his laughter dies out, he gives a shrug. "Whatever makes you happy, man. Human, asari, hanar. Whatever. Just gotta find it and go for it, right?" he asks, but his attention is instantly pulled to the bartender when she chimes in. "Under water...?" he asks, eyebrow cocked. After a moment that stupid lopsided grin returns to his face and he looks to

Nathan. "I mean, that's kinda hot, right? Kinda? Minus the whole... sushi bar vibe?" Assuming she's been listening in due to the looks she gave them, he glances to Elena and shrugs his shoulders, "Right?"

Ilyna looks down at her drink for a moment. "I don't know, exactly," she admits. "I adopted her after we rescued her while on a mission where... everything went wrong. It's a challenge raising a child of a different species, but I have great friends I can turn to for help." She glances over her shoulder as her smile returns.

Nathan waves a hand idly at that, though he smiles. "Yeah, of course. I mean, you have a point but-" At the bartender's answer and Jason's following... question, he bursts into laughter and shakes his head. "Underwater? Seriously? How do you find that hot? It just seems awkward and... doing it in water is pretty hot, I guess, but underwater? Like, completely submerged? Fuck that." He then seems to notice the

woman besides him, turns and gives her a sheepish grin. Nice peripheral awareness, Nathan. "...This isn't a normal conversation between us, I promise."

Elena returns the bartender's smile, but her attention is pulled to Jason. She gives a shrug. "Haven't tried it, man. Sounds like it'd be hard to breathe." she comments before taking a swig of her drink. A guttural noise follows as she clears her throat. She offers no response to Nathan's attempt at defending the average quality of their conversations.

Shane gains a guilty expression for having pried. "Shit, sorry... Sounds like a rough situation." Incorrectly connecting dots, he pries further. "...I take it that mission had something to do with slavers, huh?" he asks, tilting his head apologetically before explaining, "The girl at the bar-... Leah. Jay told us about her taking that poor girl in. Guessing this has something to do with that?"

Jason looks into his shotglass, resisting the urge to just slam it back. "What do you mean 'awkward'? You'd be weightless! You could-... you know." he raises one hand, then teeters it back and forth doing absolutely nothing to get across whatever point he may be trying to make, "Go upside down and shit...?" Following up on Nathan's comment to Elena, he looks her way. "Yeah. He's usually talking about banging elcor. Something about

their humps...?" he shamelessly throws Nathan under the bus for his own amusement. "I don't get it. It gets tiring, really. And it's hard to take him anywhere. But he's a friend, so-..." he shrugs, "...I just deal with it."

Nathan slowly rotates around to face Jason. He stares hard at him, leans to look past him, motion to Shane and say, "He's doing it again." If Jason turns around, Nathan immediately leans forward to flick him hard across the ear, before leaning back, turning and facing Elena again, offering her a grin. "Right, I think I'll try and introduce myself properly. I'm Nate."

Elena lets out an amused snort. "Ey, no need to be defensive. No juzgo." she says with a small shrug before sipping her drink again.

Jason does, indeed, turn. His hand immediately cups over his ear as his attention snaps back to Nathan through a scowl. "Fucker! You're gonna push me too far one day with that shit and I'm gonna return the favor!" He brings his hand to the shotglass and taps his middle finger against it a few times, causing an unnatural ting with each tap. "One flick and I'll snap that fucker right off." he threatens.

Va'ynna gives an amused smile at Sam's answer, but she decides not to ask about it behind Jason's back. "I'm... glad to be away from the counter," she says. "It's been stressfull since D'Inea got injured." She stands up and wanders over to the counter at Priya's words. "That's... good to hear," she says. "I was worried I'd be the only one not drinking."

Nathan waves a hand idly. "I'm not defensive. Just tired of his shit," He muses as he throws a smile over his shoulder to Jason. "So you've threatened before! Have another drink on me as an apology, m'kay?" He looks back to Elena and glances down to her tattoos, letting out a low whistle. "Currently serving or ex-marine?"

Ilyna shakes her head. "No," she says. "It's... well... it's not something we should talk about here." She takes a long sip of her drink. "We're here to celebrate," she says in a stilted tone. "Jason losing his individuality, according to Nathan."

"It's true!"

Elena raises an eyebrow. "There a lot of active-duty marines out here?" she asks skeptically, but her attention turns to Ilyna and Shane when Nathan calls out to them, studying them both for a few moments.

There's numerous non-alcoholic options. Mostly things that would also serve as good mixers. Juice. Cola.

Priya gives a short laugh. "No. I promised to make sure things didn't get too out of hand tonight." she says.

Gage lifts his beer slightly. "Hey, I'm not planning on letting myself go too deep down that hole, either. Don't think Jason's bride-to-be was too happy about how drunk we got him the other night. Last thing we need is for things to get too out of hand tonight and get him in trouble."

Jason raises his has to make as if he's going to flick Nathan's ear, but stops himself at the last second. "Keep pushing me!" he threatens, but falls silent as to not interrupt Nathan's conversation with the eavesdropper.

Shane looks towards Nathan and Jason when it's clear they want his attention, offering a brief smile to the pair upon seeing the ear flicking, but he doesn't respond much, lest it seem disrespectful to Ilyna. He gives an understanding nod as she speaks. He's already pried more than he feels comfortable with as it is. "Right, right." he agrees to her final statement with a smile. "So what is she like, anyway? The missus? I haven't met her


Nathan shrugs a shoulder in response, completely blanking Jason now. "Plenty of ex-marines," he says. "But in my time out here, I've seen a handful of serving ones. You get those who want to be heros and go do their own thing when they have the chance, find a cause to fight for and whatnot. Then you get those who just want to see what its like out here while not wearing a hardsuit."

Elena snorts. "Good way to get discharged." she comments before lifting her drink to her lips again, showing off her mechanical right hand more clearly as she takes a slower sip. "Not serving, but once a marine, always a marine, yeah?" She seems to have determined from Nathan's comments that he's definitely not a marine. Her gaze drifts to Jason's arm when he makes a point of drawing attention to it for the 'threat', but

she doesn't say anything about it.

Jason keeps out of the conversation for now, but his attention piques as the conversation shifts away from hanar banging and towards Alliance. He tugs at the wrist of his long sleeved shirt instinctively as he notices Elena's attention moving to his arms.

Va'ynna frowns. "Then... you should go check on him," she says. "He was... um, having a drinking contest when I last saw him." She takes out an arbitrary fruit juice and pours herself a glass. "Uh, don't tell him I said that," she says with a giggle.

Nathan shrugs a shoulder. "That's what I've heard," he says, his reply applicable to both of her statements. He notes her hand, but draws little attention to it as he asks, "So what brings you all the way out to the wonderful planet of Aite? I'm guessing it was for the charming locals?"

Ilyna looks down at her drink again, not quite sure what to say. The recent wounds between them have still not mended. "I don't always see eye to eye with her," she says, "but I think she and Jason would make a great family together."

Gage waves Va'ynna's suggestion off. "Nah. I don't plan on babysitting. Jason is a grown man, don't think he'd appreciate me looking over his shoulder all night. Just wanna make sure things don't get too crazy is all. Besides, Shane was down there with him." After a moment, his expression contorts into a scowl. "Shit. Shane was with him..." he repeats.

Priya snickers as Gage expresses his sudden concern. "I'll go check on them." she offers and stands from her seat without awaiting a response.

Elena shrugs lightly, lowering her glass back to the bar. "Sure, let's go with that." she says, showing no interest in elaborating.

Nathan gains a slightly awkward look and nods once. "Well, hope you enjoy your stay!" He then pivots and gives Jason a contorted face and a look of, 'Now you see why I'm useless.'

Shane gives a few shallow nods. "...Well that's-..." he nods again, "...Good? Considering they've got a little one of their own on the way I hope so..." he adds, clearly a little concerned by Ilyna's reaction.

Jason's lopsided grin returns and he nods a few times. "You really are single." he admits after watching Nathan's poor attempt at flirting. Was it flirting? Maybe? "Steee-rike. Now I get why you go for hanar. No need to be charming."

Nathan opens his mouth to protest, but instead just groans and sips at his drink with a roll of his eyes. "I hate you."

Elena has returned her attention to her drink now that the others are no longer talking to her. There's a quiet clanking as metal fingers wrap around the glass once more.

Ilyna frowns. "I'm sorry, I...," she says. She drinks the remainder of her brandy. "She sent my sister on an off-world job while I was taking time off to be with my daughter, and didn't talk to me about it." Ilyna lets out a long sigh. "But... we wouldn't be celebrating this if Jason's relationship with her wasn't going well."

Va'ynna raises her brows. "Why... is that concerning?" she asks, curious despite having heard Jason's complaints about him. She returns to her seat with her glass.

Jason gives Nathan a wink. "Love you, too, schnookums." he says before downing his shot with a grin.

Shane takes another sip of his drink as he listens to the asari speak. "Shit. Didn't mean to bring the mood down." he says apologetically, "...Sounds like the two of you have some shit you need to iron out. It's never a good idea to leave things unresolved with someone charged with watching your ass in the field."

Nathan side-eyes Jason before giving him a smirk and raising his shot glass in a toast. "You're a jackass." He then downs the shot, setting the glass down with a clink and pushing the seat back. "Right, I gotta take a leak. Then, Imma think I'll check out the dance floor. Or shoot the shit with your old squad. Either or."

Gage gives a shake of his head as Priya exits the room, though the smile returns to his face. "It's fine. Those two just don't have the best record when it comes to drinking..."

Sam chimes in on the heels of Gage's statement. "...Or restaurants. Or parties. Then there was that fight with those guys at the bakery...." she begins listing, but trails off when Gage shoots an unamused glance her way.

Jason gives a nod in response. "I'll be here." he says before raising a hand to wave down the bartender.

Bartender moves over to Jason. "More shots?" she asks, starting to reach for the bottle.

Va'ynna giggles at the hint of a story, wondering what kind of disagreement they could have had at a bakery. "I... think I understand," she says. "Ilyna is down there with them, though."

Jason gives a shake of his head. He's definitely well on his way to 'Drunkville'. "Maybe in a bit. Rum and cola for now." he says. He gives a quick glance towards the glass of orange stuff in Elena's glass and furrows his brow. "...And maybe one of those, too." he decides, intending to line up some drinks.

Nathan gives Jason a thumbs off and wanders off in search of the restroom, weaving and slipping his way through the club as he mutters to himself, "I'm not a bad flirt... she was just a boring bitch...".

Bartender nods with a small smirk, filling up a glass of the same drink Elena ordered before turning to prepare the rum and cola.

Jason takes a tentative sip, licking at the orange liquid slowly to test the waters.

Gage furrows his brow as the name rings a bell. "Another asari, right?" he asks, "Jason mentioned her. Known her for some time now, hasn't he?"

Ilyna nods. "I... I know, but... there's just," she shakes her head. "I'm sorry, I'm being an awful party guest tonight," she adds, sounding a bit frustrated. She grabs for her second glass of brandy and sips it. "How about we go on the dance floor for a few minutes before joining the others upstairs?" she asks, though she worries she'll ruin that as well.

The drink is fairly strong, and tastes both sweet and spicy.

Shane's shit-eating grin comes right back at the mention of dancing. "Yeah! You got it!" he says, slugging back what little remains of his drink and setting down the glass before grabbing Ilyna by the hand. "Let's go!" he says enthusiastically, before adding playfully: "Don't you make me look bad out there!"

Jason tilts his head to the side as he assesses the taste. After a brief moment he shrugs and slugs back a large portion before looking off to the side at Elena and raising his glass a bit. "Not bad!" he calls out to her over the music.

Elena raises an eyebrow, but lifts her glass in response with a small grin when she notices his new drink. She doesn't bother trying to be heard over the music.

Ilyna downs her glass with her free hand while standing up. "I can't promise anything," she says with a grin, "least of all the safety of your toes." Maybe she's exaggerating. Maybe. She leaves the glass on the counter and gestures for him to lead the way.

Next Logs

The Wedding
Priya Vihaan
David Gage
Samantha Rhodes
Ilyna T'Rea
Va'ynna Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Elena Herrera
Shane Lewis
The Wedding
Elena Herrera
Shane Lewis
The Wedding
David Gage
Jason Wolfe
The Wedding
Jason Wolfe
The Wedding
Jason Wolfe
The Wedding
Priya Vihaan
David Gage
Samantha Rhodes
Ilyna T'Rea
Va'ynna Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Shane Lewis
The Wedding
David Gage
Samantha Rhodes
Ilyna T'Rea
Va'ynna Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Shane Lewis
The Wedding
Ilyna T'Rea
Va'ynna Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
The Wedding
David Gage
Samantha Rhodes
Ilyna T'Rea
Va'ynna Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
The Wedding
Priya Vihaan
David Gage
Samantha Rhodes
Ilyna T'Rea
Va'ynna Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Shane Lewis
The Wedding
Nathan Tennhausen

Previous Logs

The Wedding
Ilyna T'Rea
The Wedding
Ilyna T'Rea
The Wedding
Jason Wolfe
David Gage
Jason Wolfe
Priya Vihaan
David Gage
Va'ynna Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Shane Lewis
Priya Vihaan
David Gage
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Shane Lewis
Va'ynna Atana
Jason Wolfe