#AsteroidMine – April 6, 2014

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Renala enters the corridor after Alex, shining her omni-tool's flashlight around, starting with the ceiling.

Jasper glances down at the corpse with a shake of his head as he addresses Steve. "Can ya really blame him? You saw those things..."

Jenya looks at Renala and Alex as they enter the maintenance corridor. "It will be difficult to fight if attacked in such a confined space." She says to Jason.

Alex shrugs, "Or easier. This kind of reminds me of the old battle stuff my mom used to tell me about."

Jason continues to keep watch down the hall to the west. "We don't have much of a choice right now. We're not exactly swimming in options here, and time isn't something we have a whole lot of."

Steve looks towards the corpse as well with a shrug. "Either way... Hiding in here didn't seem to do him much good."

Leah remains seated on the ground beside Maria. "Just hang in there. Jasper is going to have that thing up and running in no time."

Jenya nods and enters the corridor next, a faint biotic shimmer around her hands.

Renala would encounter a small blockage in the corridor, where a few broken pipes have collapsed across the path.

Vaden remains in the hallway with Jason, looking around in every conceivable direction.

Jason takes a step back, preparing to enter the hall once the group has proceeded a fair bit. He continues to shine his light back and forth across the hallway.

Renala stops as she notices the blockage and frowns. "Looks like the tunnel's blocked," she says. "Any ideas?"

Alex grabs a pipe and attempts to move it.

The pipe moves a bit, letting out a loud metal creak before falling off completely and rolling across the floor until it is stopped by the opposite wall. There is one more pipe in the way.

Jason gives a quick glance down the corridor as he hears the pipe. "What do we got?" he calls out as he returns his attention to the hallway.

Alex moves the other pipe all by herself.

The other pipe detatches. All that is left of the obstruction is now a few loose metal tubings that hang from the ceiling. Ahead the corridor can be seen to continue ahead for some distance before turning left. There is also a ladder heading downwards on the left side a few meters ahead.

Renala glances at the pipes on the floor. "Let's hope those weren't for the life support," she says.

Alex walks through the pipes and looks around the corridor.

Jenya follows Alex and Renala.

Vaden seems concerned by the lack of response from the corridor.

The metal tubes hanging from the ceiling grab a hold of Alex as she moves through them, slamming her head against the ceiling with a lot of force and then trying to wrap around her arms. The proto-adjutant hiding amongst the pipes and wires soon becomes apparent when its left arm moves down to dig claws into Alex' back plating.

Jason sighs upon getting no response and takes a step back to peer into the corridor when he hears Alex slammed against the ceiling. He quickly raises his Revenant and tries to pinpoint the threat, but is unable to really tell what's transpiring from his position. "What's going on!?" he calls out down the hall.

(Comms) We've-- Fuck!

Renala is interrupted at the sight of the tubes grabbing Alex, and a biotic shimmer forms around her. She stands next to the girl when she sends off a stasis field upwards at the visible part of the monster.

Alex goes limp when she hits the ceiling.

The stasis field hits a pipe instead of their attacker in the chaotic and confined space of the maintenance corridor. The creature tosses the knocked out Alex at Renala with a shriek and then drops down from the ceiling.

Jason rushes down the hallway. As he spots Alex hanging from the ceiling, he raises his rifle, but there isn't much he can do without risking harm of the young woman.

Jenya draws her SMG but is unable to get a clear shot from behind Renala.

Vaden is still in the hallway, not too happy about having been left alone. He continues to make sure their rear is clear however.

Alex is thrown like a rag doll at Renala.

Renala is caught off-guard by the weight of the human woman and falls on her back, still holding onto her weapon. "Alex?" she says, sounding rather worried.

The proto-adjutant jumps Alex and Renala, tubings writhing around looking for weak spots in their armor while it slashes wildly with its claws in hopes of creating some.

Alex stays quiet and limp awkwardly laying on Renala.

Renala reaches out and tries grabbing the creature's arms, hoping the other asari can help. Due to the creature already being ontop of them, she cannot get Alex off. Its claws does some damage to the sides of her armor, the sides of her waist being the weaker spots.

Renala qucikly reaches towards her weapon as she feels the tube trying to enter the padding on her side. The material does hold at first as its meant to slow down bullets considerably, giving her time to grab ahold of the tube. She pushes the weapon against the side of the creature, taking a second to determine it's not on Alex's side, and she fires a three-shot burst.

Jenya is still struggling to get a clear shot when Renala fires a burst through the creature, wounding it severely and slowing its movements. It lets out a few faint, mechanical moans as it struggles to stay alive.

Jason holds his position behind Jenya as the shots go off. "You two alright!?" he asks, looking up towards the ceiling with his light to check for any more hostiles.

Renala repeats the process as it was the creature she harmed; firing another 3-round burst into it. She doesn't answer Jason, though, pulling away the tube with her free hand.

The creature slowly stops moving after the second burst, coming to rest on top of Renala and Alex.

Renala tries pushing it off herself and Alex, though remains lying on the floor even if she gets it off. "Alex?"

Jenya helps Renala get the corpse off her and then gently drags Alex off the asari, laying her down on the floor and looking her over for injuries.

Vaden glances into the hallway and yells: "What's happening? Everyone alright?"

Alex lies down quietly, and isn't very responsive to anyone. She has blood running down the back of her neck from where her head had made contact with the ceiling.

Jason keeps his weapon raised as he glances between the ceiling and the group of people in front of him. "Renala? Alex? Talk to me."

Steve has remained quiet for a while, just watching Jasper work. "You think we're getting out of here?" he asks.

Renala slowly gets to her feet, taking a moment to calm her breathing. "I'm fine," she says, before looking down at Alex. "Is she alright?" she asks.

Jenya is kneeling next to Alex, trying to determine if she is alive, but clearly isn't doing very well. "I... I do not know. I am not familiar with humans."

Jasper sighs as he fiddles with one of the circuit boards in the console. "What do I think? I think you should try not to worry about that, and start taking these apart so I can use 'em for scrap." he says, passing another board to Steve.

Steve nods silently and accepts the board.

Is she breathing?

Alex is indeed breathing.

Renala turns away from the others and guards the hallway, shining her light around as she looks for threats.

The corridor appears to be empty.

Vaden is aiming his flashlight all over the empty hallway. "Hello? Are you still there?"

Jenya nods at Jason. "Yes... I think so. What do we do with her?"

Jason glances back down the corridor, "Alex is down. Just-... give me a fucking minute!" he calls back impatiently.

(Comms) It's probably not a good idea that you're alone back there, Vaden.

Jason looks relieved upon hearing Jenya. But that look quickly changes to frustration, "No fucking idea... But we're not leaving her here." He shifts to look past Jenya. "If we have to, we carry her." he sighs.

Vaden starts to back into the maintenance corridor, and soon joins up with the others, looking down on Alex. "Not good. Not good..."

Steve chirps in upon hearing Renala over comms. "Any progress on those generators?" he asks.

Leah looks over Maria, checking to make sure she's still breathing. "Come on, Maria... Just a little longer."

Maria has passed out, but she appears to still be breathing, remarkably enough.

Renala turns back towards the others. "I think the girl's bleeding," she says. "You've got medi-gel, right?" She then enables her comms and answers, "We haven't found them yet, since we met another one of these things in here."

Steve straightens up in his seat. "You okay, Ren?" he asks before quickly correcting himself, "Everyone alright?"

Jenya nods and grabs her medi-gel canister, looking around for the source of the blood before applying it to the back of the human's head.

Renala | "I'm fine... all things considered," she replies over the comms as she turns around again to keep watch towards the corridor's end. "How are you holding up?"

Jason nods down the hall. "Keep moving. I'll get her on my shoulder." he says with a sigh, "I'm not going to be able to help if I'm carrying her, though. It's important that we identify any threats before they're on top of us again." he adds as he holsters his Revenant on his back.

Steve glances down at his arm and winces as he attempts to move it to test the break. "Well..." he starts, "I won't be taking part in the Redrock softball game this year, that's for sure..."

Jenya puts a hand on Jason to stop him and then starts to build up biotic energy. She gently levitates the human until she's over her own shoulder with the precision only centuries of training can achieve. She keeps Alex on her shoulder, biotically lightening the weight of the human.

Jason raises an eyebrow, concealed by his helmet. "Oh... Right... Freaky mind shit." he mutters before rearming himself with his Revenant.

Renala raises an eyebrow at Steve's report. "Huh?" she responds over the comms. "I don't follow." She keeps watching the corridor, shining her light around.

Steve chuckles to himself, "Nothin', Ren... My arms pretty banged up, but, assuming we get out off this death trap, I'll be fine."

Jason nudges Jenya forward. "Come on. We can't just stand around. Those doors aren't going to hold forever, and I'd like to be in a secure place when the floodgates fall."

Jenya looks at Renala expectantly, waiting for her to move.

Renala nods and starts walking down the corridor, shining her light around without a response over the comms.

Jenya folllows Renala down the corridor with Alex over the shoulder and her SMG in her free hand. They should reach the corner soon.

Renala reaches the corner and stands against the wall just before the turn, leaning out to look, with her flashlight following her gaze.

The corridor continues around the corner, looking the same here. It is just as dark as before.

Jason keeps his Revenant lowered as he follows behind Jenya. He pays particular attention to the ladder as they pass it.

Vaden moves down the corridor last, glancing back over his shoulder every now and then. The ladder appears to lead to a tight crawlspace.

Alex is enthusiastically unconscious, on Jenya's shoulder.

Renala nods. "Looks clear," she says before stepping around the corner, shining her light around.

Jason continues to shine his light around the corridor as he follows behind Jenya. "Does anyone have an idea of what it is we're even looking for? I mean, I doubt there's going to be a big neon sign that says 'generator here' or something..."

Jenya rounds the corner after Renala and continues down the corridor.

Alex is so enthusiastically unconscious that everyone around her unconscious self should feel a little bit better about the situation.

Renala continues down the corridor, though not really happy about being the front of the group. She keeps shining her light around.

Vaden sighs. "A salarian facility would have had more efficent emergency power distribution."

Jason rounds the corner and remains in line, "Soon as we get off this rock, how about you file a formal complaint with Londinium Galactic?" he groans.

Well, let's just try switching on every box we come across that has wires going out of it.

Two doors would come within view near the end of the corridor, one on each side. They both have physical handles.

Vaden shakes his head. "Not safe. Could accidentally vent atmosphere. Who knows with human-designed facility."

Renala stops as she reaches the end of the corridor. "You don't have much faith in humans, huh?" she says. "So, left or right?"

Alex wants to know why no one is being happy for her sake. Come on, she's unconscious, but she knows they will all make it out of here together. Well, they might be missing one or two people and a few limbs, but everything is going to be mostly okay.

Jason stops behind Jenya. He chews his bottom lift for a moment. "Right is right, right?" he asks. The anxiousness in his voice would belie his hollow attempt at using humor to mask his fear.

Jenya does not respond to Jason.

Renala nods, the translator ruining the humor. "Let's go right, then," she says, attempting to open the door. She aims her Punisher at the doorway.

Jason holds his position, unable to really get around Jenya.

Jenya follows Renala up to the door. It opens easily, revealing a simple, railed walkway extending forward into a room containing what is quite obviously the generators. At the end of the walkway there is a ladder leading down to the lower floor, and about halfway across the walkway there is a fully powered computer terminal on the left side.

Jason stands off to the side, unable to see into the door. "Generator?" he asks optimistically.

Alex cheers unconsciously. She is very happy to know that they are one step closer to getting out of here and continuing their awesome, happy lives.

Renala nods. "I think that's it," she says as she steps in through the door, shining her light around for any threats.

There doesn't seem to be any obvious threats in the room, although it is fairly sizeable, and the generators obscure part of it.

Jason lets out a heavy breath. "Fuck yeah!" he cheers, but attempts to keep his voice down, "Let's do this." he adds with renewed energy.

Jenya enters the room after Renala and sweeps it briefly.

Renala continues into the room, approaching the terminal. Though, she does let her guard down. If she makes it there, she checks how much access she has.


Jason follows Jenya into the room and raises his Revenant, giving the room a quick sweep with his light.

Renala taps on it to display status.

Alex starts humming quietly, now more asleep than unconscious, shifting on Jenya's shoulder.


Renala hums thoughtfully. "Looks like it's damaged, but still running," she says. "It looks like I can reroute power, but you'd have to be ready in case that opens every fucking door in this place."

Vaden mumbles. "Not good..." to himself.

Jenya nods at Renala. She apparently haven't noticed Alex' humming.

Jason lowers his guard once it seems like the room is clear. He sighs upon hearing Renala, "What choice do we have? We need to get those comms up and running. Can you try and get access to any floorplans, or cameras from that terminal?" he asks.

Renala frowns. "I'll check," she says, looking around the interface for any other options.

There is nothing else.

I can display its status, like I did, reroute power, or deactive the generator. The cameras' network is probably accessed somewhere else.

Alex finally realizes that she wasn't awake like she thought she was and begins flailing on Jenya's shoulder, swearing randomly.

Jenya almost drops Alex, but manages to get a grip of her, and carefully floats the human off her shoulder and onto her own feet, keeping the mass effect field in place to give her a chance to steady herself.

Jason raises his Revenant at the sudden outburst, but quickly exhales and lowers it once again. "Shit... Calm down, Alex... You're fine." he says. He glances at Renala, "Where can you reroute the power to?" he asks.

Renala taps the reroute button, hoping it'll give her options. "I'll take a look," she says. "I don't know this program, so be ready... for anything."

Alex is put down, but soon falls to her knees, holding the back of her head. "Owwwwwwww." She whimpers, "This hurts."

Power (22):

Lighting (2)

-Airlocks (3)

Doors (1)

-Emergency Forcefields (3)

-Standard Forcefields (2)

-Mass Effect Generator (5)

Kitchen (3)

Infirmary (4)

Mech Recharge (1)

Control Center (4)

Workshop (4)

-Life Support (4)

Emergency Lighting (1)

VI Core (5)

-Defensive Turrets (5)

Greenhouse (1)

Minimum Priority Systems (5)

Waste Management and Water System (2)

Crane Controls (3)

Laser Drill (5)

Comm Antenna (3)

Renala tries routing power to the comm antenna with a thoughtful hum. "I think I got this," she says, "trying to allocate some for the comms now."

Jason activates his comms. "We're fucking with the power. No idea what's going to happen, so keep your eyes open." he announces as he approaches Alex' side. He extends a hand out to her, "You're gonna be alright. Just took a nasty blow to the head."


Leah picks her Mattock up off the floor and climbs to her feet. "Understood." she says. She backs up over to the shuttle door and begins scanning the room.

Alex takes his hand, and nods, "Okay. I guess." She stands, and smiles at him as best as she can. "So uh where are we?"

Steve groans and climbs from the co-pilot's seat. "Get this thing up and running." he says as he sets the scrap he had pulled apart down on the seat he was in, "We'll be right outside." He makes his way back to the cargo compartment and hops out of the shuttle as his arm still dangles limply at his side.

Renala frowns, trying to allocate some power to the control center, seeing if that works.


Renala sighs. "I think the generator's streched thin already," she says. "I'll try shutting off the turrets." She does that.

Jason helps pull Alex up and gives a quick look around, offering the woman a lopsided smirk. "We're in the generator room." he says, "We made it..."


Renala then tries to enable the comm antenna.


Alex fist pumps, "Awesome. So we're gonna get out of here soon?" She looks at him, hopefully.

Renala nods. "It says the comm antenna is up now," she says. "And we got enough for lights too if you want them."

Jason gives Alex a nod, even if he's not quite convinced yet. "A little bit of light would be nice." he considers, "What about the doors?"

Renala shakes her head. "No, it's either or," she says. "The rest of the stuff that's on is essential. We could have shut off life support hadn't these creatures been so dead set on tearing our helmets apart."

enables the lights.


The lights do not turn on.

Renala glances over her shoulders, raising an eyebrow. She enables her comms. "Did lights turn on in the hangar?" she asks.

There are no lights anywhere.

Jason turns around, looking up towards the ceilings. "Either these are some dim fucking lights, or it ain't working."

Steve glances about the hangar. "Nothing on our end." he responds.

Renala frowns and shuts the lights back off. "It did say the lights were-, oh." She pauses when she notices another option, and enables 'Emergency Lighting'.


Dim red lights flicker to life all over the facility, illuminating the empty rooms and corridors.

Steve quickly corrects himself, "Nevermind. Must've just taken a moment. We've got some light."

Jason smiles and punches at the air. "Now we're gettin' somewhere!" he says as he deactivates his head-lamp.

Renala glances around the room before nodding. "Emergency lights seem to be working," she says over the comms. "And there's still enough juice for the doors, but do we need that?"

Alex rubs eyes lightly. "Ugh."

Jason 's smile slowly fades away. "I-... Don't know." he admits with a sigh, "I know we're all eager to get the fuck out of here. But there's a chance that people are still on this rock." he says, sounding quite conflicted. "Renala... Alex..." he begins, looking between the two, "Is there any way for you to... Uhh... Pull some nerd wizardry out of your hat and access their network? If there's cameras, and we can check the base remotely for survivors... Well, I'd rest a whole lot easier when we get out of here."

Renala can't help herself but chuckle a little at the terms. "I can definitely check for it," she says as she enables her omni-tool, scanning for any wireless devices that transmits. "But the generator's terminal mentioned only a control room, not a network."

There is no sign of a wireless network, but Renala should notice a LOKI mech show up on her display.

Renala shakes her head. "No," she says. "There's only a mech showing up that's transmitting. A LOKI model."

Jason stares at Renala blankly through his helmet for a moment. "Okay..." he says, clearly confused, "What is it-... transmitting?" he asks.

Renala starts recording the transmissions, using a program to analyze their content.

Alex frowns, and begins rubbing the back of her head. "Probably orders or something." Alex winces. "Too complicated right now."

Renala frowns. "It's just broadcasting, identifying itself," she says. "Not sure if it's for an operator or other mechs, though."

Jenya keeps looking around the generator room, making sure there are no threats.

Vaden is still standing in the mantienance corridor, keeping watch.

Alex continues rubbing her head. "Why don't you try sending it an order or maybe telling us where it is?"

Jason reaches up and places a hand against the top of his helmet. "I don't-..." he groans, "Is this helpful to us in any way, or not?" he asks plainly.

Renala tilts her head. "I haven't had the chance to study the Hahne-Kedar hardware, yet," she says, "but I don't think one mech would help us much." She looks at Jason. "Just say the word and I'll get the doors online, but you know the risks."

Alex nods but winces. "It could be. If we get attacked again maybe it can help us."

Fuck it... If it's not going to take much effort, we could use all the help we can get. See what you can do about that mech. As for the doors... If you can't access their network from here, we're still going to have to find the control room anyways to get in touch with the ship, right?

Renala nods. "There's no floor plan on the terminal, though," she says. "And the control center is without power."

Jason throws his hands up, "So what good are comms if we can't use them?" he asks, sounding increasingly frustrated.

Renala looks thoughtful for a second. "Maybe I can use it with my omni-tool?" she says. "If not, then... there's really no other options. The generator is streched thin making sure we don't suffocate, and that the people out in the hangar aren't spaced."

Jason bites his lower lip and paces in place a bit. "Do what you can, Renala..." he groans.

Renala nods and turns towards the terminal. "So, what about the doors?"

Just... Wait for now. If we can hail the ship, maybe someone there can transmit some floor plans and we can plan our next move from there.

Jason sighs deeply, "I don't know..." he adds with a shake of his head.

Renala nods. "Okay," she says, exiting the rerouting dialog. "Either way, we've still got Vaden, right?"

Vaden looks into the generator room and nods. "At your service." he states with a humurous tone, managing to forget the danger of their situation briefly.

Jason glances at the salarian and gives a nod.

How's your head, Alex?

Leah remains on guard as she continues to sweep back and forth with her light.

Still hurts.

Renala taps some more on her omni-tool, and the interface dissipates. She unholsters her submachine gun.

I suppose we should get going, then.

Alex shakes head. "I think I'll live though." Alex begins feeling around for her pistol, but doesn't have it on her. "Crap."

Jason looks towards Alex with a confused expression. "What's wrong?"

Alex looks down at the ground. "I lost my gun earlier..."

Renala tilts her head sympathetically. "I can let you borrow one of mine," she says, unholstering her Locust with her free hand, and extending it towards her. "We're probably heading back that way after checking the other room."

Alex takes it, feeling embarrassed about dropping hers. "Okay.. Thanks, Renala."

Jason cusses to himself before unholstering his Phalanx and extending it, grip first, towards Alex, but quickly withdraws it as Renala offers hers. "Let's get moving, then." he says, quickly reloading a thermal clip into his empty Phalanx before reholstering it.

(Comms) False alarm. We're unable to connect to the network from our current location. We're going to attempt to find the control room.

Leah looks somewhat dejected. Her grip on her weapon loosens somewhat.

Renala smiles weakly. "No problem, kid," she says. "I haven't fired a shot with it, so the clip is full."

Alex smiles back. "Okay."

Fuck... They need to start hauling ass. This place has already worn out its welcome.

Jason raises his Revenant, once again, as he makes his way back to the door they entered from and steps out into the hall. He glances down the corridor and up towards the ceiling before taking a position beside the door opposite of the one he exited from.

Vaden takes up position on the other side of the door, with his omni-tool raised.

Renala follows Jason out to the hallway, taking a position beside him. She also glances at the ceiling.

Jenya takes up position next to Vaden.

Alex follows Renala out, and has her head ducked down slightly, not ready to be hit again.

Jason gives a glance towards the others and holds Vaden's gaze for a moment before nodding and quickly reaching towards the door to open it.

The door opens up to reveal a large room - by far the largest encountered so far. The door leads out to a walkway that stretches around the walls of the room, looking down on the floor below. There are 8 doors in total visible at various points along the walkway, excluding the one they are looking out from. The floor below is one large open space with a tree in the middle. It has benches around it. Junk is scattered across the floor along with the occasional blood stain and ejected thermal clip. Several proto-adjutants are wandering around on the floor below, and two on the far side of the walkway they are on. The ceiling is glass, with a view of the stars above. The walkway has a glass railing that is broken in several places.

Jason steps into the room and comes to a complete stop only a few feet into the room once he realizes just how many are in there.

Renala remains where she is, waiting for Jason to report back or the others to enter.

Vaden moves into the room after Jason and freezes up completely.

Jason takes a few deep breaths as he struggles to come to a decision. "Not... Clear..." he reports as he slowly analyzes the situation.

Alex stops behind Renala, and doesn't even bother to look into the room when Jasons reports the state of the room.

Renala frowns. "How many?" she responds in a whisper over the comms.

There are at least two dozen proto-adjutants of various stages of mutation on the floor below. They don't appear to have noticed Jason and Vaden yet.

Jason tries to keep his voice down to a whisper. "Too... Many..."

Renala sighs, and whispers in the comms. "What's... you decision?" she replies over the comms, still whispering. "Should we go back?"

Jason nods to himself, "There's no way we can handle this many..." he says, slowly backing up to the door.

One of the adjutants on the opposite side of the walkway looks Jason's way, and suddenly lets out a loud howl, charging towards the group from a distance along with its companion. The ones below start to stir and soon a singularity appears a bit ahead and above of Vaden and Jason.

Vaden is pulled up by the singularity - again, and flails helplessly with his arms and legs as he tries to fight the disorientation.

Alex curses loudly while moves out into the door way and begins shooting at the two adjutants coming at the group.

Jason 's eyes go wide from behind his helmet and he attempts to squeeze the trigger but is pulled into the singularity before given the chance. "Fuck! Incoming!"

Jenya pops out of the doorway on her side, kneeling down and sending a throw at one of the adjutants coming at them. It hurls the adjutant back, buying some time. The other one takes a few shots from Alex' Locust, but seems unfazed. A couple of warp orbs are sent from below, one of them impacting Vaden and overloading his kinetic barrier.

Renala gets out of cover and tries aiming around, checking if there are any lines of fire that wouldn't have her hit any frendlies.

There is not enough room to shoot past Jenya and Alex.

Alex shoots four more bullets at the adjutant, beginning to move back some.

The sparse shooting from Alex does little to stop the attackers. The first one stops once near the group and fires a warp orb at the doorway. The other runs past it as it stops is about to reach the group. One of the more mutated ones from below jumps up from the floor below to a nearby part of the walkway, shattering the glass railing in the process. Their shieks and growls fill the expansive room.

Jason attempts fruitlessly to get a grip on Vaden in an attempt at correcting himself as he floats.

Renala glances at the doorway nervously. "What's your status?" she asks over the comms, not able to move out with Jenya and Alex in the way.

Steve glances around the hangar impatiently, "We don't seem to be drawing any attention on our end..."

Not. Fucking. Good!

Alex uses the last of the clip on the adjutant, out of pure anger. "This is bullshit!"

Steve furrows his brow as he realizes the question wasn't directed at his group.

The singularity disappates, and Vaden falls right on the railing, causing shards to fly as it shatters against his armor. He impacts the walkway edge and disappears over it.

Jason hits the ground with a thud and drops his Revenant. He quickly scurries on all fours over to the edge and reaches out, extending his arm over the side. "Vaden!" he shouts.

Vaden is nowhere to be seen. Proto-adjutants are swarming below. One of the three on the walkway attacks Jason while he's on the ground, slashing at his neck with its claws. One of the remaining two is lifted into the air by Jenya and dropped to the floor below. The last one charges towards the doorway.

Alex shields are shutdown by the warp, and she's pushed back a bit. Alex is, most likely, taken down by the adjutant charging the doorway since she is out of ammo once again.

Jason rolls onto his side and manages to get his left arm up just before being stabbed in the neck, causing the claw to scrape down his gauntlet and pierce his exposed undersuit between his chestplate and shoulder pauldren. He lets out a loud, pained groan and makes a go for the blade sheathed across his chest with his other hand.

Renala is about to lean out of cover when the creature reaches the doorway, likely hitting Alex.

Jenya pulls up a solid barrier in the doorway to prevent the monstrosity from reaching them. It bumps into it and is briefly disoriented. She nods at Alex and Renala and drops the barrier to let them fire.

Renala leans out of cover as she barrier drops, and fires off eight shots at the creature, the last of which include an armor-piercing round.

Jason's attacker starts to drooling blue on him as its jaw unhinges and the by-now familiar metal tubings emerge, moving towards his the hand reaching for the knife.

The door adjutant is struck by the gunfire, being severly damaged. The last shot goes straight through it and hits the one on top of Jason. The creature in the doorway drops dead.

Jason attempts to roll the rest of the way onto his back and get his knees up, hoping to buy the time needed to unsheathe his blade.

The proto-adjutant attacking Jason is briefly distracted by being shot, giving him a chance to manuver his knees as he wishes.

Jason jerks his blade free and attempts to force it into the creature's face, operating on pure desperation at this point.

Renala goes through the doorway, quickly looking over the room for hostiles.

Alex reloads the Locust as quickly as possible and is now at a loss of what to do.

Jason successfully drives the knife into his attacker's face, killing it. There are noticably fewer on the lower floor than before, about half are left, and most of them don't seem mutated enough to manage the jump up, although it doesn't stop a few from trying.

Where is Vaden?!

Renala looks around frantically.

Jason uses his knees to roll his dead assailant off of him. A short spurt of blood erupts from his shoulder as the claw is forced out. Jason lets out another pained groan and curls up for a moment. His suit's automated systems kick in to place and the relatively small gap in his suit is flushed with medi-gel. "He-... He went over the edge." Jason manages between pained grunts.

Alex looks down over the railing, now becoming more than a little pissed off at everything.

One of the proto-adjutants look up and fire a warp orb at Alex with a shriek. The rest seem to become more agitated upon seeing her.

Renala runs up to the railing, looking down at the floor below before she realizes what kind of risk she's taking doing that. However, she scans the floor below for the salarian. "Vaden?"

Alex is knocked back by the warp orb, her shields being knocked out again. She stands back up and unleashes a whole clip on the adjutant that hit her. "FUCK YOU, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!"

There is no sign of the salarian below. One of the creatures manages to jump high enough to grab Renala's foot. The one that attacked Alex has its face shredded to pieces by her Locust and collapses in a pool of its own blood.

Jasper continues his course of recycling the scrapped circuitboards to fabricate new parts in as efficient of a manner as he can.

Jason grits his teeth as the pain in his shoulder slowly subsides while the medi-gel numbs it. He slowly climbs to his knees.

Renala hangs onto the handhold for dear life as the creature gets a grip on her foot and its weight pulls her down. The weapon she loses, fortunately, lands just at the ledge.

Alex reloads the Locust quickly, and starts shooting the adjutant that had targeted Renala, using twelve bullets on it. Everyone in the room is now to be subjected to the wrath of Alex Gonsalves, as goes on a cursing streak landing a combo of twenty-two.

The proto-adjutant lets go of Renala after being shot, dropping to the floor below with a thump.

Jason resheathes his blade and recovers his Revenant. He climbs the rest of the way to his feet as a small amount of blood runs down his arm. "Vaden..." he says softly as he hurries to the edge to peer over.

Renala stumbles backwards, landing on her bottom as she plants her hands against the floor. "Fuck," she says, a worried expression on her face. "I couldn't see him!"

The infected miners below continue to move about and occasionally jump.

Jason grips the railing and looks for any sign of the salarian.

There is nothing. A number of the proto-adjutants seem to be gathered around where he fell, but it is hard to see anything without leaning dangerously far over the railing, since it is below.

Jason slams a fist against the railing before stepping back. "Fuck... I can't see him. Maybe-..." he glances at the other two, "Maybe that's a good thing?" He activates his comms, "Vaden, say somethin' buddy." he pleads.

Renala reaches for her weapon and stands up, leaning over the railing. When noticing the gathering of creatures, she fires off a 2-shot burst towards one of them, hoping they'll disperse.

Alex looks down over the rail, and starts pacing back and forth.

There is no response on the comms. The creatures are struck by the shots, but do not disperse. One of them growls at Renala however.

Alex casually flips off the creatures, that she has no deemed as the Delta Douches.

Jason makes his way around the walkway impatiently, hoping to get a better look at the area beneath where Vaden fell from a different viewpoint.

Renala fires off a burst of 4 shots towards the creature growling at her, getting angry at them. "No, no, no," she mutters.

The one shot by Renala is hit in the shoulder, losing movement in the arm. It starts to follow her around on the floor below, and soon most of the others follow, getting agitated again. There is no sign of the salarian.

Renala mutters a curse as she fires off the remainder of the clip at the creature, visibly angered.

Jason lets his emotions get the best of him and he joins in, shouldering his Revenant and firing off his nearly full clip into the creatures below, giving an angered roar as he does.

Alex sits on the ground, rubbing the back of her head again. "I don't want to deal with this shit anymore."

The lead adjutant falls to Renala's fire. The others climb over it to continue following them. Many fall to the hail of fire from Jason's LMG. Only the few with barriers withstand the assault and now move towards him, unable to counter-attack. As they clear out a pool of green blood and what appears to be the mangled remains of a salarian hand can be seen where Vaden fell.

Jenya was totally not forgotten about, and has been looking over the railing for some time. She is now keeping watch, apparently far more focused than the others.

Fuck! You! Fuck! You!

Jason scrambles to load another clip into his weapon, his hands visibly shaking as he struggles to properly insert it.

Jenya yells out to Jason: "Conserve your ammunition! You do him no favors by getting us killed!"

Renala sees the green blood, growling as she reloads the Punisher, and starting to deplete the clip on arbitrary creatures walking around on the ground below; not at all listening to the other asari.

Alex looks over the railing, curious as to what is wrong. She gasps when she sees the salarian's hand. "You bastards.." She whimpers and covers her face with her hands, hoping to conceal the tears.

Yet another infected miner falls. Only three remain.

Jason snaps the clip in place and lowers his weapon upon hearing Jenya's words. He takes a couple steps away from the railing and slumps back onto his ass, bringing a hand up to his helmet. "This-... This can't keep happening." he mutters to himself.

Jenya reaches for Renala's shoulder. "We must move on." She says as gently as the commando can muster.

Renala shakes her head, blinking as moisture builds up under her eyes. "No, they're paying for it," she growls, reaching for a grenade in one of her holsters, though she ultimately decides against using it. She loads another clip into her weapon and starts firing towards one of the other creatures.

Jenya looks at the rest of the team as they start to fall into despair. "We cannot let this affect us. We have to move on and get the communications online. Giving up hope serves no-... guh... kht..." She is cut off as a proto-adjutant that emerged from the maintenance tunnel stabs its tubings into her back, burrowing through the commando armor. Her body starts to convulse in pain.

Alex looks up at Jenya, and scrambles to her feet. "No.. No no no no no no no no." Tears fall down Alex's cheeks, "This isn't right."

Renala quickly turns towards the asari, sidestepping to get to the side of the creature, and firing the remainder of her clip (7 shots) into the side of the creature's torso.

The adjutant falls to Renala's fire, being to distracted to defend itself. Jenya falls to her knees as the tubings detatch from her. She's panting loudly.

Jason hurries back to his feet. "Jenya!" he shouts as he hastily approaches her. "Not you, too!" he orders, "Come on... Get up... You have to get up..."

Renala drops her weapon and quickly grabs her medi-gel container. "Goddess, you were right," she mutters, sadly. She holds the canister over any wounds she can find and applies the medi-gel generously.

Jenya is just sitting on her knees, staring at the ground. She has several circular wounds on her back. They are successfully covered in medi-gel. "I-... I... I did not... I did not... see it."

Renala frowns, patting her shoulder. "It was my fucking fault," she says in a murmur. "If only I listened..."

Get up, Jenya... You-... You have to get up. Come on...

Jason speaks through clenched teeth.

Jenya nods repeatedly. "I... I am... okay. Just need to... ngh..." She struggles onto her feet, gritting her teeth in pain as she does. "We must move..."

Alex grabs Jenya's arm lightly and puts it over her shoulders, "I'll help or something." She smiles at Jenya, as happily as possible.

Jason nods a few times, "We have to..." he begins, speaking frantically, "...have to keep moving. You have to stay with us, Jenya." He glances towards one of the doors, checking to see if they're the same doors they've recently encountered, or more electronic doors.

Renala takes a step back. "Let's... let's get going," she says in a sad murmur before glancing at the railing, breathing shakily. "I fucking hate this place."

All the doors appear to be electronic except one on the western walkway. The furthest door on the western walkway is noticably bigger than the others.

Jason tightly shuts his eyes as he realizes just how rough the loss of Vaden will make progressing. He points towards the only door available to them. "Control room is going to be right through that door..." he says hopefully, "It-... It has to be." he nods as he begins approaching the door with his weapon completely lowered at his side.

Renala picks up her weapon and falls into step a meter behind Jason. She reloads it, as well.

Jason reaches the door and puts a gauntlet on the handle. He freezes up and stairs at the ground as his weapon hangs loosely at his side.

Jenya is still back at the maintenance hatch with Alex.

Alex begins moving forward with Jenya, walking a bit slower not wanting to put Jenya in any unnecessary pain.

Renala tilts her head. "What is it, Jason?" she asks.

Jason shakes his head. "I thought-... I thought I put this behind me." he says, his voice barely above a whisper, "But it never ends... It never goes away. I-..." he takes a deep breath, causing his shoulders to rise and fall, and he simply shakes his head again. Without any warning he forces the door open and lifts his Revenant once more.

The door opens to reveal a maintenance hallway that goes on for some distance before coming to an abrupt stop at a sizeable hole in the facility wall, revealing the surface of the asteroid and stars outside. A blue forcefield cuts through the maintenance corridor at a point before the breach. There is nothing else.

Alex continues to follow the group with Jenya. "I hate those things."

Jenya lets out a grunt in response to Alex, staring at the floor with a pained expression.

Jason slowly lowers his weapon and punches at the wall. "FUCK!" he shouts, followed by 3 more heavy punches. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! Why can't we catch a fucking break!? WHY!?"

Renala frowns as she glances inside. "Maybe we should go back... go back and... power on the doors," she says before wiping off a tear with the back of her hand. "Goddess, I can't believe he's gone."

Alex frowns and tries to ignore the two, "Jenya do you need to sit or something?"

Jenya shakes her head. "No. No... I... it is fine. Just need to keep moving."

Jason rests against the wall, pressing the top of his helmet against it. He stands in silence for nearly a full minute before silently nodding. He looks back down the hallway towards the hole for a moment longer and then turns back to Renala. "I-.... Yeah." he says, repeating himself one more time silently with a nod, "...Yeah."

Alex nods, and turns around quietly, going back the way they came.

A lone infected miner shambles around on the floor below, looking up in the direction of Jason's yelling and clawing at the air in a futile manner.

Renala immediately pulls her weapon and fires off eight shots at the creatures, as well as the armor-piercing round that follows. She couldn't stand the thought of any more of those being alive.

Jason slowly paces out of the hallway with his Revenant hanging at his side once again. As Renala opens fire on the creature, he simply watches without much of a reaction.

The creature is struck by several rounds, falling before the armor-piercing one even reaches it.

Jason turns his attention back to the the door the group entered from and continues towards it. "We get the doors working... And we get out of here..." he says, almost as if he's reassuring himself.

Next Logs

Investigating Ogofau
Alex Gonsalves
Renala T'Iavay
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Investigating Ogofau
Alex Gonsalves
Vaden Noran
Renala T'Iavay
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Investigating Ogofau
Alex Gonsalves
Vaden Noran
Renala T'Iavay
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Investigating Ogofau
Alex Gonsalves
Vaden Noran
Renala T'Iavay
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Investigating Ogofau
Alex Gonsalves
Vaden Noran
Renala T'Iavay
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Investigating Ogofau
Vaden Noran
Renala T'Iavay
Alex Gonsalves
Renala T'Iavay
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs

Previous Logs

Investigating Ogofau
Alex Gonsalves
Maria Penttilä
Vaden Noran
Renala T'Iavay
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Investigating Ogofau
Alex Gonsalves
Maria Penttilä
Vaden Noran
Renala T'Iavay
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Investigating Ogofau
Alex Gonsalves
Maria Penttilä
Vaden Noran
Renala T'Iavay
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Investigating Ogofau
Alex Gonsalves
Maria Penttilä
Vaden Noran
Renala T'Iavay
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Maria Penttilä
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Maria Penttilä
Renala T'Iavay
Investigating Ogofau
Jason Wolfe
Maria Penttilä
Renala T'Iavay
Jasper Sullivan
Jason Wolfe