#AsteroidMine – April 3, 2014

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Steve enters the room behind Alex, careful to avoid tripping over anything in the darkness.

Renala chuckles at Jason's remark before enters after the other two, looking around the room, starting with the ceiling if her light reaches that far.

Leah follows Alex as well. She shoulders her Mattock and sights around the room.

The small room seems empty. a single spent thermal clip lies on the metal floor.

Vaden enters the room and looks over the doors. All seem to be in the same state as the previous one.

O'Clery enters after the salarian, standing back to look at the door on the left-side wall.

Alex frowns and moves towards the thermal clip, "Hm."

The room is starting to get rather crowded.

Maria bumps in to Leah and O'Clery on her way in.

Jason remains just outside the door, keeping watch.

Jenya remains in the hangar for the time being, peering into the dark.

Steve glances down at the thermal clip. "That's not a good sign..." he mutters.

Alex looks around for any vents or some other way to get to a different room.

Leah looks between the three doors and waits for O'Clery to further direct the group towards the generators.

There is a vent in the ceiling, but it is far too small to fit a person.

Renala follows their glances. "Yeah...," she sighs, but doesn't add anything else. She glances over to O'Clery. "So, which door leads to the living area?"

O'Clery points at the single door on the left wall. "That one."

Steve nods and takes a position near the door indicated. "The crew didn't report any sort of attack before you lost contact?" he asks, glancing once more at the spent thermal clip.

Renala approaches the door, looking to see if it has a panel resembling the one used on the last room. If spotting one, she tries to get it open.

O'Clery shakes his head slowly as he look over the room again. "No... nothing."

There is indeed a similar panel. It comes off easily.

Vaden moves up to the panel and gets ready to power the door, looking to make sure the others are ready.

Steve raises his SMG and prepares for the door to slide open.

Leah follows suit, sighting her Mattock in on the door before giving a quick nod, indicating she's ready.

Renala takes a step back and aims her Locust towards the door.

Alex does the same as everyone else, and exhales slowly.

Vaden sends a surge of power through the door systems, causing it to slide open immediately. It reveals another room-full of darkness.

Leah takes a step into the room and keeps her Mattock raised as she gives a quick sweep with her helm-light.

The room is empty, but to the right there are stairs leading downwards. A few splotches of bright blue liquid stain the steps - it shines up a bit when hit by the light from Leah's helmet.

Alex follows Leah into the room, and starts biting the inside of her cheek.

Leah takes a few steps towards the liquid and lowers to one knee. She sets her Mattock aside and touches it with her gauntlet.

Renala enters the room after them, glancing over it. She notices the blue liquid and frowns, but keeps quiet.

Steve follows Leah into the room, but remains just beside the door, giving a look around the room. "What do you got?" he asks.

The liquid shines up when exposed to light, and sticks to Leah's gauntlet.

Vaden enters the room, making sure to stay away from the stairs, he fiddles nervously with his hands.

Jenya now enters the last room they were in, remaining their for now.

Leah shakes her head. "No idea." she says as she rises back to her feet and reshoulders her rifle. She takes a few steps down the stairs, making sure to sweep her light back and forth as she does.

Alex looks around the room once more before following Leah down the stairs. "Do you think this might lead to the generators?"

O'Clery enters the stair room, pistol raised. He walks up to the stairs covers the ones going down the stairs. "I told you, generators are back the other way. This is the way to the living quarters."

Maria raises an eyebrow at the liquid as she enters the room. "Weird." she states, and then moves so that her back is against the wall.

Jason follows Jenya in and joins up with the rest of the group. "How far is it to the living quarters?" he asks, "We need to make sure those people are alright... But if it's a long trip in the dark, we might be better off getting the generators on first."

Dasgupta is still standing around in the doorway of the shuttle, keeping watch. She leans back a bit to look over at Jasper. "Sooo... don't think I caught your name?"

Renala looks over the liquid once more before following after Leah and Alex. "Any idea what the blue stuff is?" she asks, to noone in particular.

O'Clery glances at Jason. "Both are about the same distance I'd say."

Alex smiles, "Maybe it's juice." she replies, hopefully to lighten the mood.

Jasper calls back from his seat in the cockpit, "Names Jasper, Ms. Dasgupta." he says, keeping his attention focused on the Kodiak's interface.

Vaden glances at the liquid. "Unknown substance... not good. Probably shouldn't touch it."

Renala chuckles. "Hopefully," she says, smiling at her. "If not, though... I'm not too eager to find out."

Jason takes a look at the blue liquid. He shakes his head, looking a bit uneasy. "Alright. Let's continue towards the quarters, let these people know help has arrived." he says before falling into line behind Alex, "Once we make sure they're safe, we can make our way to the generators."

Alex nods and continues going down the stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs is a room of indentical size, also quite empty, but the far wall appears to have been damaged somehow, the outermost layers of metal twisted and torn apart. There is one door to the right and one to the left. If someone was to look behind the stairs they would see a pair of small, vertical red circles in the darkness.

Steve waits at the top of the stairs beside O'Clery.

Maria starts to head down the stairs.

Jenya brings up the flank, keeping her eyes behind them as she enters the stair room.

Leah reaches the bottom of the stairs and sweeps around the room once again. "We've got signs of a struggle down here." she announces, keeping her rifle pointed towards the hole as she moves closer.

Alex approaches the door on the right, seeing if it would open. "Please work."

The wall has about a square meter of damaged area. It is only the outermost layers that are damaged. The door has no controls to open it with, just like all doors encountered so far.

Alex sighs, and continues looking around the room.

O'Clery glances at Jason. "What do you think? Any idea what happened?"

Dasgupta nods and returns her gaze to the dark hangar while speaking. "Jasper. Got it. So you fly the shuttle for these folks, huh?"

Renala follows on Leah's 8, looking around the room. She spots the red lights behind the stairs and quickly lifts her gun at it. "Look," she says, gesturing at it.

Leah approaches the damaged wall and begins to look it over for any indication of what may have transpired.

Jason reaches the bottom of the stairs behind Renala and follows her. "Not a clue." he calls back to O'Clery. Upon hearing Renala, he raises his Revenant and sweeps his light over the red circles.

Jasper finally emerges from the cockpit once again with his Avenger in hand. "Nah. We've got ourselves a real pilot, I'm just fillin' in. I'm just the handy man." he says, flashing the woman a smile as he takes a seat in the cargo compartment.

The wall, judging by the thorough and even destruction of the metal in the surface layers, seems to have been exposed to a warp field. Upon shining a light on the red circles, a LOKI mech would be revealed sitting against the wall. The bottom half is torn off, most of it lying about a meter from the rest of the mech, but one leg is two meters to the left. The mech stats moving an arm in a rather pathetic manner upon noticing the group. "Ide-... Ident-... zkkt... indentifyyyyyyyy... zzk..."

Jason sighs and lowers his rifle. "Whoever attacked your people made short work of your 'security'." he says loud enough for O'Clery to hear him.

O'Clery reaches the bottom of the stairs and looks at the mech, clearly surprised. "Damn it... that can't be good."

Alex runs her hand along the wall, "Wow.." she continues to stare at it, "That's pretty intense."

Maria lets out an amused snort and looks around the room for a bit.

Jenya is still upstairs, but is starting to descend the stairs now.

Leah lowers her rifle and presses a hand against the wall, mimicing Alex' motions. She gives the younger woman a nod, "We definitely had an engagement here."

Steve follows alongside Jenya, only stopping once he reaches the bottom of the stairs.

Alex nods back at Leah, "Yeah.. I would understand if the uh.. cred didn't make it." She frowns.

Jason steps towards the two doors and looks over at O'Clery. "Pick a door." he sighs, glancing between their two options.

Renala shakes her head, and approaches the broken wall segment. "I think a warp field can do something like that," she says, "but I'm not sure."

Leah nods a few times to herself absently before looking towards the younger woman. "We'll find them." she assures Alex. She touches the wall once more before responding to Renala with a nod, "That's where I'd put my guess."

Alex nods, "Yeah, if it was something else it would have left more.. gruesome leftovers..." Alex frowns at the way she explained that.

O'Clery points at the right door. "That one." He stands back and raises his gun as he waits for the salarian to open it.

A clank of metal and footsteps are heard in the hangar. Soon all is silent again.

Jason nods and steps aside. He points his Revenant at the door and waits for the salarian to work his froggy magic.

Dasgupta barely has time to raise her weapon before she is yanked out into the darkness. A muffled cry for help is all that is heard before the silence returns.

Vaden moves up to the door, starting to remove the panel.

Renala waits for the salarian to open the door, aiming at it with her SMG.

Jasper stands up as he hears the footsteps and takes a step towards the door, lifting his Avenger as he does. Once Dasgupta is swiftly pulled away, his eyes go wide and he stumbles backwards, falling on his ass. "Ms. Dasgupta!?" he calls out as he frantically climbs to his feet.

Steve stands back, not wanting to crowd the door, and watches the stairs.

Leah pats Alex on the shoulder before taking a position beside Jason. She raises her Mattock once again and sights in on the door. She's beginning to look a bit uneasy.

Alex jumps slightly when Leah pats her shoulder. She stays near the wall, and aims her gun at the door.

MysteryFigure steps out of the shadows and into the shuttle with an M-11 Supressor aimed at Jasper's forehead. The person is wearing a black-gray high-tech hardsuit with digital camo pattern. A distorted voice speaks. "Get out."

Jasper backs up against the shuttle wall. "Buddy, I don't know who you are, but you don't wanna do this." he pleads. His voice cracks a bit and he makes no attempt to raise the Avenger that hangs limply at his side.

Vaden sends a jolt of energy through the door, and it slides open, revealing a sizeable room with a few benches, potted plants, and windows that look out at the stars on the far wall. To the left is a receptionist's desk. An asari is seated behind it, typing away... although there doesn't seem to be a keyboard. Some red blood is splattered across her face and her expression is distant.

MysteryFigure moves closer, grabbing Jasper's upper arm and tossing him out of the shuttle. He then waves and another person in similar armor but with salarian silouette walks in - this one is supporting a third one that seems to be injured.

Jason steps through the door and, per usual, gives the room a quick sweep before spotting the asari. He trains his rifle on her, but keeps his finger off the trigger. "Ma'am." he calls out, "I'm gonna need you to stand up and keep your hands where we can see them."

Maria aims her M-451 at the asari and follows Jason into the room. She doesn't say anything.

Jasper is hurled from the shuttle. He hits the ground with a thud and his Avenger skitters a few feet away. He grunts loudly and attempts to scamper towards his rifle.

Renala steps through the door, noticing the asari as well. However, she opts to looks over the room rather than pointing a gun at her.

Alex stays where she is, and keeps her gun aimed in the room.

Leah remains at Alex' side, as she doesn't want to cross Alex' weapon to enter the room.

MysteryFigure looks out at Jasper as the shuttle doors start to close. The smirk can almost be felt through the helmet. "Good luck."

Vaden moves into the room and helps Renala scan it.

Jenya continues to bring up the rear, keeping an eye on the stairs.

Jasper reaches his rifle and brings it to bear on the shuttle door as it snaps closed. "Shit..." he mutters to himself. He distances himself from the shuttle, running towards the abandoned shuttle for cover. He activates his comms once he reaches it. "Uhh... Folks? We've got a lil' bit of a problem over here." he says, sounding quite panicked.

Alex looks around for a bit, the decides maybe she doesn't have to keep it up all the time so she puts her gun down.

The reception seems to be in good condition. Aside from the furniture there is nothing else in it. There is one door in the right wall and one in the left, beyond the receptionist's desk.

Receptionist looks at Jason and soon a polite smile spreads across her face. "Hello and welcome to the Ogofau Asteroid Mine, Londinium Galactic's first element zero extraction operation. Can I help you?"

The engines of the captured shuttle soon flare to life and it starts to hover in the hangar. A moment later it blasts off into space without even bothering to leave the hangar before activating the main engines. The floor and wall is scorched by the exhaust and the smell of burning plastic starts to spread.

(Comms) What is it, Jasper?

Renala takes a step back, as if considering going back where they came from. She ignores the strange asari for the time being.

O'Clery mutters under his breath. "What the fuck..." he takes a step back, remaining in the stair room.

Leah finally enters the room once Alex' weapon is down. She watches the asari with an uncomfortable look on her face.

Jason takes a couple steps closer to the asari. "Ma'am... Please, step away from desk." he asks, "What happened here?"

Receptionist seems a bit puzzled by Jason's question. "We supply element zero to the galactic market with innovative new techniques and skilled laborers. Are you here for the tour?"

Jasper pants heavily as he leans against his cover and watches their shuttle disappear. "Some people just showed up..." he says, pausing for a moment to catch his breath, "Tossed me out on my ass and took the shuttle! And Ms. Dasgupta-..." he goes quiet as he realizes he has no clue what happened to the woman. "Ms. Dasgupta?" he calls out loudly.

There is only silence.

Vaden squirms nervously. "No shuttle? No way out. Not good."

Alex stays in place, not really knowing what to do. "Can I go up and help Jasper?"

Jason cusses under his breath. He suddenly seems a whole lot less interested in the asari, but keeps his eyes on her anyways. "Stay where you are, Jasper." he orders, "I'm sending people to come get you."

Renala glances over to the salarian. "If we gets comms working, maybe we can reach the ship," she says, before realization hit her. "Oh fuck. Maybe that's where whoever took it is headed?"

Alex frowns, "That could be a problem."

O'Clery lets out a "Huh?" as the door behind him is forced open. "Something's-..." He is pulled into the darkness beyond. His pistol clanks loudly as it hits the floor where he stood before.

Jasper looks off into the darkness. His lack of a light means he's just staring into blackness. "I ain't goin' nowhere, Jay. Dark as can be down here. Like lookin' into a krogan's asshole."

There is some slight illumination coming from the hangar forcefield, just enough to make out the contours of the room.

Renala raises her gun as O'Clery's words are cut off, aiming around frantically for whatever it could be.

Alex awkwardly steps away from the door, aiming at where O'Clery was standing.

A brief flash of movement can be seen beyond the door, but it is gone in an instant. Beyond the door is a corridor going off to both sides. Right ahead is a window that would reflect a lot of the light from the flashlights, but an office can be hinted beyond.

Jason hears O'Clery's words and spins around. "Keep an eye on her!" he says, glancing at the salarian and pointing towards the asari. He quickly moves back towards the doorway.

Jenya draws her sword and stares at the recently opened door.

Steve spins in place and lifts his SMG. "Fuck! He was right here!"

Vaden looks at the unsettling asari with clear discomfort. His gaze darts around the dark room.

Renala quickly takes cover at the doorframe to the stair room, but inside the lobby. She leans out of cover, aiming at the corridor.

Maria keeps her flamethrower aimed at the receptionist, glancing around. "What the fuck is going on back there?!"

Jason calls out loudly, "O'Clery!?" He steps towards the door and presses flat against the door frame.

Leah remains near the asari. "What's going on here!?" she asks, staring the receptionist down.

Metal can be heard scraping along the floor beyond the door. It soon stops. O'Clery doesn't respond.

Steve presses against the door frame O'Clery disappeared through. "Whoever you are, things are about to get real complicated for ya if you don't show yourself." he threatens.

Receptionist turns her attention to Leah. "Did you know that the Ogofau mine is named after an ancient Earth gold mine?"

Alex bites cheek, and is noticeably getting antsy. "Do you think we should just go in?"

Leah sighs and shakes her head at Maria. "Poor thing seems to be in shock. We're not going to get any answers out of her."

Maria shrugs. "Looks like a fucking psycho to me."

Renala raises an eyebrow. "Are you a VI or something?" she asks bluntly, getting a little irritated by her unsettling calmness and lack of awareness.

Receptionist shakes her head at Renala. "Of course not! Londinium Galactic believes in a personal touch."

Jason steps through the door and puts an arm out in front of Alex. "You're not going anywhere." he says, "Keep your head down." He takes a step towards the door O'Clery disappeared through and pats Jenya on the shoulder. He nods towards the door and steps through it, sweeping his weapon from side to side to get his bearings.

(Comms) I don't mean to nag ya, Jay... But it's a little unsettling up here. You get around to sending those folks my way yet?

Renala stares at the receptionist. "You look real, but that's about it," she says, "so be honest, why are you acting like nothing's going on?"

Alex throws arms up in the air in defeat, "Okay." She turns her back to the door and moves towards the stairs.

Faint sounds of movement can be heard somewhere in the hangar.

Jasper lifts his rifle and looks back and forth as he presses his back against the shuttle. "I got movement up here." he says over comms.

Jenya follows Jason into the corridor. To the right it continues until it opens up into a larger area. To the left it quickly turns right just a few meters from the door. Jenya still doesn't have a light on.

Jason turns to the right and cautiously stalks down the hallway with his rifle raised. "Shit..." he mutters as he hears Jasper's transmission, "Renala." he whispers over comms, "Can you take a couple people with you and get Jasper? We can't leave him up there on his own."

Receptionist blinks as she hears Renala. "I don't know what you're talking about." After a moment's pause she repeats: "Are you here for the tour?"

Alex perks up immediately, "Renala can I go?"

Jason would soon reach the end of the corridor. It opens up into a fairly large open space that goes off both left and right. The far wall is just with in the reach of the flashlight. It has several windows and a door almost straight ahead. There is no sign of O'Clery

Renala shakes her head a the receptionist. "Got it," she whispers in return before walking out to the main room. "No, Alex, sorry," she says to her, offering an apologetic smile. "If I don't come back... right away, they might need you to handle the tech." She looks around at the others. "Steve, you're coming with me." She starts walking towards the stairs.

Alex sighs, "Okay, I guess." She frowns and looks at the receptionist.

Hmmm, when was the last time you were in contact with your uh supervisors?

Receptionist smiles at Alex. "Londinium Galactic makes sure that administrators stay in close touch with their employees for a good work environment."

Alex smiles back at the receptionist, "Of course..... What else can you tell me about Ogofau?"

Steve gives a nod. "On it." he says as he follows closely behind Renala.

Maria looks at Alex. "The fuck are you humouring her for?"

Alex shrugs, "Maybe we'll get something useful out of her. Turn the way she's acting against her or something."

Jason stops as he nears the open space. "Shit... Couldn't have gotten too far." he says, possibly to Jenya, possibly to himself. "We can't mount a real search until we get Jasper back."

Receptionist ponders for a moment. "This mine is a rare example of an eezo-rich asteroid that can be mined via a manned station instead of remote mining. Our science team is studying the process through which this asteroid has formed element zero deposits."

Renala makes her way upstairs and looks over the room when there, her weapon following her gaze.

Alex nods. "Do you believe that someone might attempt to attack Ogofau??"

Jenya returns from the left-side path. "No sign of him. This place is big. We cannot simply chase after."

The hangar is now silent, aside from the faint, idle buzzing of the forcefield.

Steve remains close to Renala and keeps a steady pace. "Well this is all sorts of fucked up..." he snorts.

The top of the stairs looks the same as before.

Jason sighs but nods reluctantly. "As much as I hate to agree with you... You're right." he says as he starts back towards the room with the staircase, "Can't keep splintering up. We need to stick together."

Vaden spins around to look at the other end of the room, hand raised with a light coming from his omni-tool. The reception is still empty, but he doesn't seem any more at ease.

Renala nods. "Yeah, I'm really worried about the kids being mixed up in this," she says before walking over to the door, looking inside with the weapon aimed at the doorway.

Jenya nods at Jason and follows him back, keeping an eye behind them.

Receptionist is still looking at Alex. "This facility is equipped with defensive systems and security protocols to handle attacks."

Steve stacks up on the doorframe and gives Renala a nod. "Think Jason might need to change his priorities." he says, "We need to get power back on to this place. If those people are alive... Then they've survived for the past few days. They can last a few more hours."

Leah remains near the receptionist and Alex. She continues to glance around for any sign of a threat.

Alex sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. "Ma'am, could you tell me your name?"

Receptionist stares blankly at Alex.

Jason returns to the reception with a sigh. "Couldn't find O'Clery." he says, sounding slightly defeated, "Any luck with that one?" he asks, nodding towards the receptionist.

Renala nods. "Yeah," she says, "and some light would be welcome right about now... given how they're sneaking up on us." She continues looking through the doorway, her light still on.

Alex stares back at the receptionist. "What's the meaning of life?"

The room is unchanged, but the door opposite to the one they chose is opened.

Renala enters the room, quickly glancing to each side. "Got an open door up here," she says into the comms, "the one across from the second door we opened."

Jason bites his lip for a moment before responding, "Don't investigate." he says, "Get Jasper back here. Once we've regrouped, we can decide on the next course of action."

(Comms) I'm feelin' a bit exposed out here...

Vaden fiddles with his omni-tools and stay on guard.

Jenya keeps an eye on the door O'Clery disappeared through, her sword at the ready. She's near-invisible unless shone right at.

Steve snorts, "They? We don't even know who 'they' are..." he says. He enters the room behind Renala and steps towards the door, shining his light through the entry. He keeps his weapon raised and leans against the door frame.

Leah manages to let a short, slightly nervous chuckle slip at Alex' line of questioning.

Maria seems to be getting a bit impatient... or perhaps uneasy. "I signed up to burn stuff, not to stumble around a dark mine."

Receptionist continues to stary blankly at Alex for a while before returning to typing at the non-present keyboard.

Alex crosses arms, and continues staring at the receptionist. "I'm sure you'll be able to burn stuff later."

Leah looks towards Maria and blinks a couple of times. "If 'burning stuff' is your goal, then I think you might be in the wrong line of work." she says, rolling her eyes.

Maria shakes her head at Leah. "We'll see about that. I think whoever took O'Clery could use a good torching."

Leah glances towards the door with a look of unease on her face. "Hopefully he's okay." she says, not believing her own words all that much.

Maria snorts. "Yeah, right."

Alex nods, and pokes the receptionist's shoulder. "Hey."

Receptionist suddenly screams loudly and scrambles off her chair, crawling backwards across the floor until she reaches the wall. She stares at Alex.

Renala follows after Steve, aiming her weapon around. "That's why I say 'they', and not something like... the Blue Suns mercs or what the fuck they turn out to be."

Alex yelps and jerks her hand away, "Crap! Are you okay lady?"

Leah raises her rifle and scans the room quickly, assuming the asari must've saw something.

Jason follows suit, shouldering his rifle and looking towards the closed door.

A corridor lies beyond the door. It stretches on for a while with one door on each side. At the end of the corridor is another door. They are all closed. Blood stains the right wall a meter or so from where they are.

There is no sign of anything or anyone else in the reception.

Receptionist crawls up into a ball along the wall. "No no no no... it wasn't my fault. They had to die. It was too late for them."

Steve scans back and forth with his light and whistles to himself as he spots the mess. "Someone had a bad day..." he says before glancing to Renala, "O'Clery said the generators were up here, Ren..."

Jason lowers his weapon and looks towards the receptionist with a look of confusion on his face.

Renala takes a step back, looking more uneasy at the sight of blood. "Let's... listen to Jason and find Jasper first," she says. "If we split up, we're just going to make it easy for those assholes."

Alex steps toward the receptionist, "Hey, hey calm down.. Everything is okay..."

Vaden jumps slightly as the receptionist panics. He turns around to see what's happening.

Maria raises her flamethrower at the receptionist once more. "Should I take her out?"

Jenya remains in the other room, keeping watch.

Alex looks at Maria, "What? No! Just watch the door or something." She goes back to attempting to calm the receptionist.

Steve nods a few times, but continues to glare down the hallway for a moment longer. "Yeah..." he says, "You're right..." He steps away from the door and starts towards the hangar.

Jason steps towards Maria with a scowl on his face. "Lower the fucking weapon. Nobody is taking anybody out."

Renala follows beside Steve, shining a light into the hangar as she approaches the door.

Leah furrows her brow. "What is wrong with you?"

Maria looks at the others. "What? She said she killed people!"

The hangar only has the one shuttle in it now. A body lies on the floor near where their shuttle used to be.

Leah continues to stare at Maria. "Which very well could have been in self defense." she argues, "It's obvious that something happened here. We can't just start shooting people."

Jason shakes his head. "We're here to save these people, Maria." he says slowly and clearly, "I'm not letting you hurt them. Understand?"

Maria mumbles. "Whatever. Don't blame me if she attacks you."

Alex kneels next to the receptionist, "Hey, we're here to help okay?"

Steve peers out into the hangar. He speaks softly over comms, "Got a body in sight, Jasper." he says, "We're right near the door though. Come towards our light."

Jasper winces upon mention of a body. "Might be Dasgupta." he says dejectedly. He peeks out from behind the shuttle and begins to creep towards the body. "Ms. Dasgupta?" he whispers as he nears it.

Receptionist shakes her head as biotic energy starts to swirl around her hands. She suddenly sends out a weak blast that should push Alex back. "THEY'RE DEAD!" Her yelling is loud enough to be heard from the hangar entrance.

Dasgupta lies on the floor of the hangar, lifeless. Her neck is twisted in an unnatural angle and her legs have been scorched by the shuttle taking off.

Alex is pushed back by the receptionist, "Who's dead?" She moves further away from the receptionist.

Jasper shuts his eyes tightly for a moment. "Dasgupta... She's gone." he says over comms. He reorients himself and begins making his way towards Steve and Renala's lights. He keeps low as he makes his trek across the hangar.

Renala remains by the doorframe in the room she was in, looking into the hangar with her light shining at the body. "Goddess," she mutters.

Jason raises his rifle and trains it on the asari but, once again, keeps his finger off the trigger. "Calm the fuck down!" he orders, "We're here to help!"

Receptionist shakes her head. "Too late. Too late." she mumbles.

Leah puts a hand on Alex' shoulder in an attempt at helping her keep her balance.

Vaden shifts his weight back and forth uneasily.

Jenya looks back into the reception to make sure she isn't needed.

Steve glances back towards the room with the stairs. "The fuck was that?" he asks as the shout echoes through the room.

Renala frowns and starts making her way towards the door to the stairs-room, glancing around the room she's in currently in and towards the corridor.

Alex looks at Jason "Hey, calm down. She's just shaken up, we don't wanna make it worse." She stands, "We should go do something."

We're not moving until they get back with Jasper.


The hangar appears empty, aside from the shuttle, of course.

Jason lowers his rifle, but keeps his eyes fixed on the asari as his patience begins wearing thin. "Whatever got O'Clery is still around here." he says, "We need to stick together. We're not losing anyone else."

Jasper crosses the hangar and passes Steve as he enters the room. "Appreciate it..." he says, "Just 'bout shit my britches out there."

Receptionist remains curled up at the wall behind the desk.

Steve activates comms, "What the hell was that?" he asks, "Everything good down there?"

(Comms) Receptionist just had a little... Outburst. It's fine. Jasper okay?

The stair room looks unchanged.

Steve returns to the stair room and regroups with Renala.

Jasper follows Steve as he responds to Jason. "I'm alive. That's more than that poor woman can say." he sighs.

Renala starts making her way down the stairs, avoiding stepping in the blue liquid on the floor.

Steve follows right behind Renala, but shows little concern for the blue liquid.

Jasper silently follows the pair. He keeps looking back over his shoulder as they descend the stairs.

Jenya glances at the three as they return. She offers a brief nod before returning to keeping watch.

Leah looks at the receptionist with a sigh. "We can't bring her with us when we move on." she says. She glances towards Jason expectantly.

Jason nods silently to himself but doesn't respond.

Alex looking down at the ground quietly, "She seemed fine before we arrived."

Renala reaches the bottom of the stairs and walks towards the reception. "So, what's the situation?" she says, glancing over at the asari receptionist.

Leah glances towards the receptionist. "She was typing on a nonexistent keyboard in a building with no power, sweety. That seems far from fine to me."

Vaden shakes his head. "Not fine. Not at all. What do we do?"

Alex doesn't know how to react to being called 'sweety.' "Uh, well she was alive right? She could just wait here while we do whatever else we're going to do."

Steve returns a nod to Jenya and steps into the reception behind Renala. He stands off to the side of the door to give Jasper room to get in. "We need to get that power back on." he follows up on Renala's statement and folds his arms across his chest.

Jasper steps into the room and begins looking around, but remains silent.

Maria looks at Steve. "What we need to do is figure out how we're going to get out of here. Did we not just lose our fucking shuttle?"

Jason turns to face Renala and looks a bit relieved at seeing that Jasper is alright. "The situation? The situation is not good. We're stumbling in the dark here. Both literally, and figuratively now that we've lost our guide." he sighs at Steve and Maria's suggestions, "I get that. But we're here to help these people. O'Clery led us this way, I say we stay the course and find the living quarters. There was another shuttle in the hangar bay. I'm guessing if it was operational, they would've taken it rather than jacking ours... But Jasper here is a bit of a wiz when it comes to that sort of shit. I'm sure he can come up with something."

Jasper nods in response. "I'll do what I can."

Steve snorts loudly and shakes his head. "You serious? I know you don't wanna hear this right now, Jason... But this isn't a search and rescue mission anymore. This is a 'get the fuck outta dodge' mission now. We need to restore power and find a way off this rock."

Renala frowns. "But what if they took ours to infiltrate the ship?" she says. "Getting the comms up and warning our people back there...." She sighs. "Though, we might already be too late for that."

Maria looks at Steve, and after a brief moment of consideration she says. "He's right." nodding at Steve.

Vaden 's gaze darts across the room. "Whatever we do, decide quickly. Somone might have heard the commotion."

Jenya remains in the stair room, keeping watch. She doesn't enter the discussion.

Jason goes flush upon hearing Renala's question. He bites his lip for a moment and paces towards the locked door, cussing under his breath. "Fuck! Alright. Lets get Renala and Alex to the generators. Once we get the power back on, maybe you two can find some kind of layout for the building." he says, glancing between Renala and Alex.

Alex nods, "That can be done." She looks at Renala for confirmation.

Vaden nods. "Let's move."

Renala nods. "Yeah, I'll do what I can," she says. "But, without O'Clery, do we know where to look?" She starts making her way out of the reception and looking around that room.

Steve nods, "Sounds like a plan." he says as he follows Renala out.

Jenya starts moving up the stairs upon the group'd decision.

Alex follows the two out, "Well, O'Clery said that this was the way towards the living quarters, so we should just go back or something."

Jason follows the pair and shakes his head. "No specifics. All we know is what O'Clery told us: The generators are upstairs on the floor we came in on. Let's move quick and get this power back on."

Maria follows the others towards the stairs.

Leah passes one more glance to the receptionist and follows the others out of the room. She continues to sweep back and forth with her helm-light for any surprises.

Receptionist remains behind the counter.

Jasper stays close to Leah as he follows the group. "Let's just hope that shuttle ain't in too bad of a condition."

Vaden looks at the receptionist and shakes his head before realizing he's the one bringing up the rear, much to his dismay.

Jenya reaches the top of the stairs, taking a look around and waiting for the others before moving on.

Alex follows the group upstairs. "Hmm."

Jason makes his way up the stairs, gripping his weapon tightly. "Did anyone manage to get a look at whoever got O'Clery?" he asks.

Maria shakes her head as she reaches the top of the stars. "Nope."

Renala shakes her head, as well, following after Maria and Jason, though keeps quiet.

Leah ascends the stairs quietly, as she wasn't in the room where it happened.

Steve follows behind Renala. "It happened too quickly." he says, "The guy was there one moment... Next he was gone."

Jasper sighs loudly. "If it was part of the same group that got Dasgupta, they were quick. Decked out in some high grade hardsuits." he muses.

Jason reaches the top of the stairs and takes a position at the door. He keeps watch on the mysteriously-open door that leads to the bloody hallway. "That what you were talking about, Renala?" he asks, nodding towards the door.

There is someone standing in the other end of the hallway, barely reached by the light of Jason's helmet flashlight.

Renala walks over to the door and nods. "Yeah," she says. "We didn't open it, that's for sure." She is standing by the doorframe, though doesn't look into the room.

Steve gives a nod, agreeing with Renala's words. "Maybe whoever got the drop on Jasper." he adds.

Jason squints through his helmet and takes a step into the adjacent room. "We've got company..." he says. He immediately raises his rifle when he realizes what he's looking at. "Put your hands up and walk towards me!" he calls out.

The shape turns around and walks closer, soon reaching the light properly. It is a human man wearing a Londinium Galactic worker's outfit in blue. His left sleeve is torn and his skin is a sickly gray color. He stumbles a bit before walking towards Jason.

Steve immediately stacks up against the side of the door Jason was using for cover as Jason enters the next room.

Leah remains behind and watches the staircase. She occasionally glances towards the doorway.

Jenya studies the man with a tense posture.

Maria remains in the stair room.

Vaden tries to look past the others. "What's happening?"

Renala walks over to look into the corridor through the doorway from the stairs-room, glancing at the approaching man before taking cover on the opposite side of the door to where Steve is.

Jasper remains near Leah. He's beginning to look pretty nervous.

Alex is standing next to Leah, unsure of what else to do.

Jason looks towards the man's face, attempting to shine light on it. "I said hands up!" he shouts as he takes another step towards the man, "We're here to help!"

StrangeMan keeps shambling slowly towards Jason. As the light hits his face his eyes gleam an odd blue. He stops halfway, mouth opening and closing a few times as some of the blue liquid from earlier escapes his mouth, drippling onto the floor.

Jason swallows hard as he notices the man's face. He blinks a few times and takes a step back. "Put-... Put your hands up." he repeats. He shakes his head hard and squints, trying to focus on the man as doubt nags at him as to whether he's really seeing what he thinks he's seeing. "...No..." he says as a sinking feeling in his stomach sets in.

StrangeMan doubles over, a pained noise escaping him as he starts to throw up - all blue.

Renala raieses an eyebrow as she looks around the corner. "What the," she mutters to herself before quickly leaning back into cover, a worried expression on her face. "Fuck."

Steve watches the man. "What-... What the fuck is wrong with him?" he gasps.

StrangeMan manages a faint: "Help..."

Jason stares at the man in absolute terror for a moment. "No..." he repeats, "...No..." He readjusts his Revenant and shoulders it. "No...!" he shouts before suddenly holding down the trigger and expelling a third of his clip down the hallway.

StrangeMan is shredded by Jason's fire, blood and bits of miner staining the wall. What remains of him collapses onto the floor in a mixture of blue liquid and red blood.

Renala looks around at what he was shooting at and sighs. "This just... got a lot worse," she says. "So, are we changing our plan, Wolfe?"

Leah is caught off guard by the gunfire. She glances back towards the door. "What's going on out there!?" she calls before reshouldering her Mattock and sighting in on the stairs.

Jasper visibly cringes as the gunfire erupts.

Jenya puts a hand on Jason's LMG and tries to lower it, she looks at him but doesn't say anything.

Steve steps into the room beside Jason and takes a look down the hall at the man's remains. "What was that about!?" he asks, confused as to what he just witnessed.

Vaden frantically tries to see what is going on. "What happened? Everyone safe?"

Alex jumps at the gunfire, and looks around, checking for any injuries.

Jason stares distantly down the hallway and begins breathing heavily. He allows his weapon to be lowered by Jenya. "We need-... We need to get out of here." he manages, "Now."

Maria makes her way through the others and spots the dead man. "Holy fuck."

Alex looks around the room, keeping her eyes away from the body, "Let's get to the generators then."

Renala follows into the room, glancing towards the hangar. "Or the shuttles," she says. "If Jasper can get it running, we'll be able to get out of here without the generator."

Alex nods, "Or that."

Something seems to have been stirred behind the one door in the room still locked. A guttural moan is followed by something banging against the door.

Jasper sighs as he steps through the door. He winces as he spots the spots the unnatural corpse. "I don't mean to rain on your plans..." he begins, "But this could be a while. Depends on what's wrong with the damn thing, and whether I can find what I need to fix it." he puts a hand up defensively, "I'll get 'er workin'... I just need time."

Maria glances at the door and then to Jasper. "Well, why don't you fucking get to work then!"

Jason seems distant. He doesn't respond to anything anyone says. Only when the moaning begins does he react. He raises his Revenant and walks towards the door. "Open it." he says. Before anyone even has a chance to respond, he glances back towards the doorway behind them where Vaden seemingly is, "I said open the fucking door."

Steve turns his attention to the locked door as the moaning begins. "That doesn't sound like a good idea, Jason..." he protests.

Vaden looks at Jason as if he's mad. "Bad idea. Should fortify instead."

Renala quickly turns towards the door at the sound of the moan, aiming her locust at it. "You hear what's on the other side?" she says with a raised eyebrow.

Jason shakes his head multiple times. "No use. They'll find a way to get to us. I know how this works. Before long they'll be closing in on us from every direction. I'm not letting that happen again... We need to put them down while we have the chance. Open the fucking door."

Jenya studies Jason for a moment and then nods, raising her sword.

Leah backs up to the doorway. "Jason..." she calls. She attempts to speak her mind, hoping it may snap him out of whatever trance he's in. "I think getting the generators working is still a solid plan. If a few of us escort Jasper to the shuttle, he can begin working on it while the others head for the generator. Increase our options."

Vaden shakes his head at Jason. "Bad idea. Bad idea."

Leah shrugs slightly. "If we can't get that shuttle working in a timely fashion, we could try and get a message back to the ship and have them send a pickup."

Steve shakes his head. "Look... I don't know what the fuck that was that I just saw, but I'm not too interested in standing around and finding out."

Renala nods, aiming her Locust at the door. "I agree with Leah," she says. "Think about poor Vaden who will be standing closest to the door when it opens."

Jason takes a few deep breaths. Slowly, he lowers his weapon as he glances at Vaden. "Nobody else dies..." he says as Renala's statement sets in. His hands are visibly shaking as he tightly grips his rifle. "Renala... Alex-..." he glances towards the ground for a moment, trying to collect his thoughts, "Let's get you to that generator."

Vaden glances at the hangar. "What about the shuttle?"

Leah puts a hand up. "I can handle it. I'll take Jasper to the hangar and make sure he's safe."

Alex nods, "Let's go."

Jenya looks to Jason. "Are you sure it is wise to split up?"

Vaden glances at the hangar. "I-... I could stay as well. Just to be safe."

Jason shakes his head. "Not alone, you can't." he glances towards Jenya and takes a deep breath. "Wise? No. But we need a way out of here. These-... Things... They will get to us. If we put all our eggs into one basket and it doesn't pan out, we're done for."

Steve rests a hand on his side and stares blankly at Vaden. "Yeah. Sure. Then we'll... What? Just ask the doors politely to open?"

Metal can be heard scraping against the door. Moments later a grinding noise fills the room as the doors are forced open and a man with the same sickly skin as the one in the hallway jumps Renala with surprising speed, forcing her against the ground and drooling chunky blue liquid with a crazed face. He has a circular wound on his neck and what looks like a few large, deformed blue boils on his head.

Renala looks at it with wide eyes, but her reaction time fails her before she's forced to the ground, trying to push the creature off her, not saying anything. Her armor is completely sealed and will shield her skin from contact with the blue liquid.

Jason raises his weapon as the door is pried open, but isn't quick enough to fire on the creature without putting Renala in danger. Instead, he turns his weapon on the door and checks to see if the creature has any 'friends'.

Another crazed human bursts from the doorway and charges at Jason with a metallic, clawlike hand. The one above Renala lets out a loud growl as its jaw is dislocated, expelling a series of metallic tubes from its mouth that wrap like tentacles around her helmet, starting to tear it apart.

Alex grips her pistol tightly, and tries to kick the husk off of Renala.

Jenya immediately brings her sword down on the creature chargin at Jason, slicing it in half with a single swift move. The top half grabs Jason's leg.

Vaden is stunned by fear.

Renala lets go of the creature with her left hand and feels around on the floor for her submachine gun, still using the other hand to try pushing it away from her. As the creature covers her helmet, her expression is unreadable, but anyone could assume it's one of terror.

Jason steps back as the creature bursts from the door. Once it grabs his leg, he attempts to slam his heavy boot down on its head.

Leah raises her rifle at the creature attacking Jason, but it's sliced in half before she even manages to squeeze the trigger.

Steve quickly moves to Renala's side. "Ren!" he shouts as he attempts to grab the creature by the shoulders and pull it off of the asari, hoping that the combined efforts of himself and Alex will be enough to pull it free.

Renala's helmet is starting to tear apart, the tubings are now reaching in beneath it. The creature continues to growl loudly. When struck by Alex' boot it snaps to the side, grabbing her leg and pulling her down hard. The halved one attacking Jason has its head crushed, splattering blue goo across the floor.

Maria exclaims loudly "What the fucking fuck!" She lifts her flamethrower and points it around, not having anything to fire at.

Alex falls and begins kicking the husk frantically. "Crap, crap, crap, crap!"

The remaining hostile is grabbed by Steve and yanked away from Alex and Renala. Its tubings writhe manically and a claw reaches down to rip the asari's helmet off completely, scratching her slightly in the process.

Renala qucikly crawls backward as she loses her helmet, leaving three 2-4cm scraches on arbitrary locations on each her cheeks, none which are really deep, but some blood is slowly seeping out of them. She bumps into the wall, staring at the creature with rapid breathing and an frightened expression.

Jason takes a couple steps towards the husk the other three are wrestling with. He lowers his Revenant with one hand, allowing it to hang freely at his side, and yanks his blade free before attempting to drive it downward into the creature's head.

The creature's growl fades into a faint whine and it slowly stops moving after the knife punctures its head. The lifeless body hangs in Steve's grip.

Steve releases the his hold on the assailant, pulling his hands back as if he's uncomfortable even touching the thing. "You alright, Ren?" he asks, hurrying to his friend's side.

Alex hugs both Steve and Renala, her expression blank.

Jason plants a boot on the creature and tugs his blade free. He slides it back into its holster and begins to speak with renewed energy... Whether due to a desire to get the fuck out of here, or simply an adreneline rush is anyone's guess. "Vaden, hand your omni-tool over to one of them." he says, nodding towards Alex and Renala, "Show them how to use your program, and get to the shuttlewith Leah and Jasper." he orders before adding, "Quickly." He turns his attention to Maria, "That thing is suicide in a fuel tank in these corridors. I think you'd be more useful out in the open space of the hangar. Agreed?"

Renala turns to stare at the door, before interrupted by the human's well-meant hug, but she makes no movement herself, the shock still not fading.

Maria looks around the room and after a while she nods at Jason.

Vaden shakes his head. "Absolutely not. Will not part with omni-tool. I will come along."

Steve shuffles and winces as he's hugged unexpectedly. He awkwardly pats Alex on the back. "You're fine, kid." he assures her, but his eyes remain fixed on Renala, "We're gonna get out of here."

Alex pulls away from the two and stands, "Okay."

Jason eyes Vaden for a moment. "I saw how you handled that..." he says, pointing towards the mess on the ground with his Revenant, "You really think you're up for this?" he gestures towards the dark, bloody corridor behind him.

Vaden stares into the corridor for a while but then snaps back and nods. "I can handle myself. Just wasn't... prepared."

Leah nods in acknowledgement and nudges Jasper. "Let's get to work on that shuttle." she says and starts towards the hangar.

Jasper stares at the husk for a moment longer. "Yeah-..." he says with a nod before repeating himself and following the woman.

Maria follows Leah into the hangar, looking around and up.

Alex is bouncing around, anxious to get going, "Okay, okay let's do this. We can do this. This is going to be done. Yeah.."

Jason stares directly at Vaden and sighs. "That needs to change real quick, you understand? The next time you're 'not prepared' it could mean your life."

Renala looks at the doorway the creature emerged from, not managing to snap her gaze from it. She is otherwise not responding to anyone else.

Vaden nods, clearly quite serious.

Jenya moves over to the doorway, glancing at Renala before looking in to the room to make sure there aren't any more of the creatures lurking in there.

Leah lets out a deep breath as she enters the hangar and begins scanning the area frantically, flashing her light around. She's clearly very shaken up, "What the hell is going on here...?" she asks, speaking to nobody in particular.

Steve places a hand on Renala's shoulder. "You gotta get up, Ren." he says, nodding at Alex' enthusiasm as to not crush the young woman's spirits. "We need you."

Renala slowly gets up to her feet, still watching the doorway. She is still not speaking, though is breathing deeply as she tries to calm down. There is quite a bit of blood on her cheeks, making the cuts' location difficult to discern.

Maria shakes her head. "Fuck if I know. Let's just get the hell out of here."

Steve stands up with Renala and places his hand against her chin. He attempts to turn her head to get a better look at the wound. "Damn... Looks like that thing did a number on you... You alright?"

Next Logs

Investigating Ogofau
Alex Gonsalves
Maria Penttilä
Vaden Noran
Renala T'Iavay
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Investigating Ogofau
Alex Gonsalves
Maria Penttilä
Vaden Noran
Renala T'Iavay
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Investigating Ogofau
Alex Gonsalves
Maria Penttilä
Vaden Noran
Renala T'Iavay
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Investigating Ogofau
Alex Gonsalves
Renala T'Iavay
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Investigating Ogofau
Alex Gonsalves
Vaden Noran
Renala T'Iavay
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Investigating Ogofau
Alex Gonsalves
Vaden Noran
Renala T'Iavay
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Investigating Ogofau
Alex Gonsalves
Vaden Noran
Renala T'Iavay
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Investigating Ogofau
Alex Gonsalves
Vaden Noran
Renala T'Iavay
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Investigating Ogofau
Vaden Noran
Renala T'Iavay

Previous Logs

Investigating Ogofau
Alex Gonsalves
Maria Penttilä
Sophia Dasgupta
Paul O'Clery
Vaden Noran
Renala T'Iavay
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Maria Penttilä
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Maria Penttilä
Renala T'Iavay
Investigating Ogofau
Jason Wolfe
Maria Penttilä
Renala T'Iavay
Jasper Sullivan
Jason Wolfe
Maria Penttilä
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Renala T'Iavay
Jasper Sullivan
Jason Wolfe