#Leah'sHouse – September 23, 2017

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Once Ilyna has masterfully sidestepped and dodged enough questions, the lights are turned off so the group can enjoy the movie which, as foretold by reviewers, turns out to be pretty mediocre. Leah makes a habit of loudly "BOOOOO"ing during each of the, thankfully, few cameos by Devin Tanner. For all of the little shit's faults, however, he's a talented actor, not that Leah would ever be caught dead admitting it.

Leah is still seated on the floor beside her father's recliner, leaning over the coffee table to shove a large bite of her second burger into her mouth as the credits roll. Once she wolfs it down, she glances over the others as she wipes at a glob of ketchup at the corner of her mouth with her hand. "So that was-..." she begins before pausing to lick the ketchup off her finger, "...cute. Right? Aside from shithead ruining it with

his dumb face, I mean."

Tara is still seated in the recliner. Although initially slightly uncomfortable taking up what is doubtlessly the most comfortable seat herself, she has relaxed during the time spent watching the movie, which seems to have enthralled her, much like the soap operas she regularly watches with Leah. Maybe her enjoyment is just a result of lack of exposure to other entertainment, but it's genuine none the less. She's curled into a

ball by the time the credits roll, resting her chin on her knees as she stares at the screen.

Ilyna has been paying attention at the movie, at least feigning it were any annoying questions to arise during the course of it. She has had two lightly packed pitas with varren meat, and is currently enjoying her second glass of the wine Halisi brought. She chuckles at Leah's question, but she does not answer it beyond a shrug.

Halisi has had a fair bit of wine, as she has found that it pairs well with the to-her largely unfamiliar brand of cheese that the movie entails. She's taken a seat on the armrest by Ilyna at some point during the movie, and currently has a small grin on her face as the credits roll. "It was... something."

Vasquez is nowhere to be seen, having quietly slipped out while the group was distracted by the climax of the movie.

Cynthia shakes her head to herself, gesturing with her beer toward the screen. "Should've taken the shot!" she exclaims.

Sofia has taken a seat against one of the sofas on the floor, not all that fussed about it crinkling her dress. She has been paying rapt attention to the film and, despite acting otherwise, been quite excited every time Devin came on screen. No need to make that big of a show after it. She stopped pestering Ilyna relatively quickly and instead sat with her second glass of wine and, to her own surprise, found

herself enjoying the varren kebab. "That wasn't as bad as everyone claimed."

Victoria had only one beer to survive watching the movie. She remained in the seat next to Vasquez for the entire film. She sighed a breath of relief once it was over, "Please tell me, we are not watching another one of these movies."

Leah furrows her brow at Cynthia. "What do you mean he should've-..." she begins but scoffs loudly, "It was symbolic! He didn't take the shot because he was giving up the life of a cold, ruggedly handsome hitman for her!" She sighs and scrunches up her nose, "It's romantic!" she insists before leveling her death stare on Victoria. "Quiet, you!"

Cynthia shrugs, her feet still on the coffee table. "Not finishing the job, that's just sloppy. They're gonna come after him! They'll probably take her out first to teach him a lesson... happy ending, my ass." she mumbles before taking a swig of her beer.

Ilyna nods. "Not everyone's principles holds up when challenged like that," she says, looking at nobody in particular; her tone rather matter-of-factly. Ilyna takes a long swig of her wine and leans back in her seat.

Tara glances towards the others as they discuss the movie, but she'd never think to interject.

Sofia giggles slightly, her cheeks a little rosy as she looks to the others. Perhaps she's a little bit of a lightweight. "It was a happy ending! He'll protect her, after all." She nods firmly, confident in her dialogue. "Besides, they'll probably find somewhere to hide. Far, far away!"

Halisi snickers quietly into her glass, taking a small sip and glancing down at the others. "Not... the kind of movie I'm used to, but it was a romantic ending. I'll give it that."

Leah folds her arms across her chest as the others fail to 'get it' and leans back against the recliner once more. Sofia's response causes her to give a big nod. "Exactly! Annnnnnd maybe we'll get to see them on the run together in a sequel!~" she sings cheerfully. She leans waaaay back until she's pretty much able to look right up at Tara, albeit from an upside-down perspective, perched on the seat above her. "What'd you

think?" she asks.

Tara seems a little caught off-guard, and she leans slightly over the edge of the recliner to look down at Leah. She's fairly quick to reply: "I liked it." with a small smile.

Sofia raises her wine glass to Tara, giggling again. "The only review you need to hear, ladies!"

Victoria just shakes her head "Going on the run together would be worse. Both of them would now be marked, so either he kills again to save themselves or they are both dead."

Cynthia lightly punches Victoria's shoulder and nods in agreement. "See?! She knows what she's talking about."

Leah returns the smile before looking back to Cynthia and Victoria with a roll of her eyes. "You two are hopeless." she teases. "What'd you thi-..." she begins as she glances about, seemingly only just now realizing Vasquez is nowhere to be found. "Where'd the Chief go...?"

Cynthia furrows her eyebrows, leaning forward a bit and looking across the rest of the couch. She gives a shrug. "Think she went to grab a kebab or something?"

Victoria feels the light punch and gives a nod to Cynthia. Clearly, Cynthia understood the true situation of the movie. Gave a shrug at Leah's question "Might have gone to the bathroom."

Ilyna gently turns the empty wine glass in her hands while contemplating having another, though her better judgement wins out for now. At leah's last question, she frowns as she has also failed to notice her disappearing, but the others' suggestions makes sense. They would have felt a cold gust if she had made her escape, after all,... unless the house has other exits.

Halisi remains quiet, although she glances over her shoulder briefly as if expecting to catch a glimpse of Vasquez.

Leah climbs to her feet and collects her empty bruger wrappers from the coffee table as the theme song continues to play over the credit crawl. "Welllll I'll go track her down. The rest of you-..." she looks pointedly to Victoria, "...can prepare for the next vid! I heard it's a good one!" She starts towards the kitchen before passing a glance back towards Tara. "You want another soda?" she calls back.

Tara blinks. After a moment's hesitation she offers a quick nod.

Sofia rolls to her feet, standing with a smile. "I'm going to grab some more kebab!" She announces before heading after Leah towards the kitchen. "That stuff is... really, really good. Like, totally did not expect that. At all."

Upon entering the kitchen Leah would feel a faint chill, the source of which is apparent - the kitchen door is open. Vasquez is standing not far beyond on the porch, looking out over the lights of Freedom Falls. Her arms are crossed, perhaps a response to the cold, since she's not wearing her coat.

Halisi turns to Ilyna as Leah and Sofia leave for the kitchen, sipping her glass of wine again. "It's nice to spend some time with everyone while not busy patching someone up for once. Don't have a lot of time for socializing outside of work."

Leah smiles at Sofia's comment. "Yeah, it's not too bad!" she agrees. "I remember when I first left Council space. It took a little adjusting to the food. Most of it doesn't sound too appetizing but-..." she gives a small shrug, "...Once you get over that, food is food, right? Try not to question where the meat came from or what it is and shove it in your mouth." she snickers. The chill hits her as she steps into the kitchen,

drawing her attention to the backdoor. She scrunches up her nose as she studies Vasquez for a moment while tossing her garbage into the bin.

Victoria gives a painful sigh upon hearing that there is another movie to follow. She stands up and moves to the kitchen to get herself another beer.

Vasquez remains motionless outside, either not noticing or not acknowledging Leah and Sofia in the kitchen behind her.

Tara slips out of the recliner as Victoria's words remind her to queue up the next movie. She grabs the remote and starts to navigate the interface, but she seems to struggle, furrowing her eyebrows in frustration and concern as she makes little to no progress.

Sofia hums, pressing a finger to her lips while she gives Leah a scrutinising gander. "That's... I'm not sure if that's some of the best or worse advice I've been given?" She smiles up to her, laughing softly as she helps herself to some more kebab. She looks to the door and frowns, giving Leah a small look. "Is she alright? Isn't this supposed to be for her?"

Ilyna remains seated at the couch, looking back at the blank screen after losing sight of Leah around the corner. "Yeah," she says in response to Halisi, while looking up at her. "I do have the time, but I don't want to be far from Li more than I need to."

Cynthia sips her beer, chuckling quietly as she hears Victoria's sigh. She takes the opportunity to spread out as space on the couch opens up, hands going back to the backrest on both sides.

Leah winces as she reconsiders her own words and brushes a strand of loose hair back behind her ear. "Okay, maaaybe it's not a universal truth." she admits with a snicker before following the girl's gaze towards the door. She sucks in a deep breath, allowing the cold winter air from outside to fill her lungs. "...Yeah." she responds to Sofia's question before passing a brief smile back her way, "I'm gonna go check on her. Go

ahead and get comfy. More movies to come!"

Halisi smiles, looking out across the room for a moment. "You're a good mother. But I wouldn't worry. She's in good hands, and she seems quite fond of Jason."

Sofia nods enthusiastically, not eager to really engage with Vasquez all that much. She piles up the food onto her plate, fills her glass with more wine, then pivots and darts back in, taking her spot on the floor again. "I return~".

Victoria takes a beer for herself from the fridge and makes her way back to the couch to reclaim her old spot on the couch.

Ilyna looks away at the compliment, appearing thoughtful. "I try to be," she says. "It's... just... I... Idon't know if I'm doing right by her, there are-..." When Sofia announces her return, she lets out a small sigh. "Sorry," she says. "I didn't meant to bring down the tone of this celebration."

Leah makes her way over to the door and pauses, leaning against the doorframe as a chill moves through her body. She hugs herself instinctively, running her hands back and forth across her forearms. She briefly considers going to grab her shoes, but decides against it. No point in making the other guests wait any longer than necessary. So out into the cold in socks she goes, casually taking a position beside Vasquez and leaning

her forearms against the railing. "Cold out here." she says, adding a 'brrrr' for emphasis.

Halisi puts a hand on Ilyna's shoulder from her elevated position on the armrest, giving a gentle squeeze. She briefly leans down slightly to quietly say "Relax. Don't be so hard on yourself."

Vasquez glances to her side as Leah joins her, before returning her gaze to the field of yellow lights down below with a nod. "It is." she agrees. After a moment she adds, not too convincingly: "I just... needed some air."

Leah gives a few nods to herself as she looks to Freedom Falls. "Me too." she lies, gently stomping a foot against the floor a few times to keep the blood circulating. She falls silent as she watches the town, unsure of how to follow up. Obviously something is up, but she's not exactly best friends with Vasquez. As a matter of fact, she tried to kidnap her not too long ago. And Vasquez is her boss. But, despite all of those

barriers, Leah has the power of bluntness and an inability to keep her mouth shut. "So what's up?" she asks plainly, "Everything alright?"

Ilyna frowns. "With everything-...," she stops herself with a shake of her head. "I'll try." She shifts almost an entire seat to the side, not far enough to bump into Cynthia's feet, and pats the empty space between her and Halisi. "Anyway...," she begins. "You're welcome to come visit me and Li when your schedule permits."

Vasquez gives an unenthusiastic snort, but as she exhales, her warm breath turning to mist in the cold air, her shoulders drop. "I... appreciate what you've tried to do. I really do. I'm just not-..." She trails off, but quickly resolves to explain herself best she can. Leah deserves that much after all the effort she's gone to. "It's been... a long time, since I lived a normal life. Did normal things. Relaxed, with friends.

Ask Cynthia..." she says with a sigh. "I... don't think I have it in me anymore. My brain keeps telling me this isn't how it's supposed to be. Keep expecting something to go wrong, or feeling like I should be doing something else..." she says with a strange chuckle. It's an unusual moment of candor for her to say the least, perhaps helped by the shared experience she knows she has with Leah. She goes silent, her arms

tightening slightly in response to continuing exposure to the cold.

Halisi slips down into the couch with a quiet "Woop!". She nods in response to Ilyna. "I'll be sure to, when I have the time." she says with a smile, studying the asari for a moment before turning her attention back to her glass of wine, taking a small sip.

Cynthia furrows her eyebrows as she studies Tara. When it seems like no one else is going to help she mumbles something to herself and puts her feet back on the floor, standing up with a slight wobble and crouching down next to the girl. "You... got this under control, kid?" she asks, an unusually sympathetic tone to her voice.

Ilyna looks down at her wine glass as Halisi takes the seat next to her, looking a little thoughtful. Maybe she's once again contemplating another glass of wine, who known. She doesn't say anything, however.

Tara nods faintly, but after a few more seconds of failed navigation she gives up, and relays the name of the desired movie to Cynthia.

Sofia looks over to the two women sat on the sofa and she shuffles a little closer to them, smiling brightly. "So, how long have you all known one another? I mean, you're all apart of Redrock, right?"

Leah's gaze lowers to the ground just beyond the porch. She licks at her lower lip for a moment as she processes what's being said. "Yeah..." she sighs, letting out a deep breath that turns into a puff of icy smoke. "I don't think I ever had a normal life." she says with a genuine chuckle, despite the implications. She rotates in place, putting her back to the railing as she focuses on Vasquez. Given her stature, it comes up

juuust high enough to make it difficult for her to sit on, so she just plants her hands against it instead. "Doesn't mean you stop making an effort, though. Right? Otherwise what do we do it all for, Chief?" She glances down once more, looking at a specific spot on the porch that she kicks at a few more times as her mind unintentionally drifts to Damien.

Halisi glances over at Ilyna's glass and opens her mouth to speak, but she goes quiet as Sofia interjects, nodding instead. "Yes. Well, except for Tara, of course." she says, looking to Ilyna, perhaps to let her elaborate on how long they've known each other.

Sofia peers across to Tara herself, quirking an eyebrow as she watches the young woman fumble over the remote and buttons before Cynthia assists her. She furrows her brow gently, canting her head as she observes for a moment before looking back to Ilyna expectantly.

Cynthia briefly places a hand on Tara's shoulder after finishing queueing up the movie. She leans in to say something that can't be overheard before moving back to the couch and dropping into place with a sigh, taking yet another swig of her beer, only to find it empty to her dismay.

Victoria takes a swig of the beer she took from the fridge, she has not really said much this entire time. When Sofia asks her question about knowing those from Redrock, the thought came to Vicky that she does not really know anything much about her colleagues, something she should fix.

Vasquez lowers her gaze, staring down at the snowy ground just outside. "I... don't know. I... gave up on having a life years ago, I think. A real one, anyway. Didn't seem like there was a future." She closes her eyes, drawing in a deep breath of cold winter air, as if to energize herself to continue. She doesn't continue right away, but when she does there are hints of tears waiting to escape in her now-open eyes. "Jason

changed that. Slowly. And now I'm-... I'm struggling to make sense of it. He's the only fucking thing that makes sense in my life. The only time I can ever really relax is with him. Even then it's hard. Like... everything might fall apart at any moment." She shakes her head, suddenly frowning. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I-..."

Ilyna places her empty wine glass on the table and leans back in her seat with a smile, seeming happy for the distraction provided. "I have known Jason and the Chief for years, but I didn't start working for Redrock until a few months ago," she says. "I was only here for a short visit, but... there was a job that Jason really wanted me to lead, and another job happened, and... well," She pauses and looks around, "here I

am." She chuckles, finding the story a bit amusing when simplified like this even if 'here I am' is a stand-in for everything that followed Li's adoption.

Tara stands up after Cynthia's assist, and slips over to the kitchen too see what happened to Leah. Upon noticing the ongoing conversation with Vasquez she decides not to interrupt, simply acquiring a soda before returning to her place in the recliner.

Halisi smirks slightly as she listens to Ilyna's story. "I am... a relatively new employee for Redrock." she says. "I... joined after they saved me." she offers, without any further elaboration. Her gaze turns to the glass of wine in her lap, which she swirls absentmindedly.

Sofia nods along, listening to Ilyna with a smile. "How did you meet them?" She asks. She then turns to Halisi and cants her head faintly, blinking in surprise. "Save you? Oooh, was it from space pirates? That's the kinda thing that I heard back home. My sisters are always telling me about how the Alliance are going around, saving the day." She giggles slightly. "I know most of it is stories, but it's nice to

listen to you know?"

Halisi 's grip of her glass tightens, immediately regretting letting even that detail slip. She bites her lower lip, not responding immediately. Her gaze doesn't leave her wine.

Victoria hears the word space pirates and how the Alliance saving the day from the pirates, she decided it was best not to talk about her previous life. "Former merc, found myself out here. Joined Redrock and here I am. I think I joined up fairly early in Redrock's life." She pauses for a second and takes another swig of her beer. "Ah, the colorful life of living in the Terminus"

Leah continues looking towards the ground, nodding along as Vasquez speaks. A small, sad smile tugs at her lips. Perhaps because Vasquez' outlook doesn't seem too far off from where she could be right now if she didn't have such a driving force behind her in the form of her parents to keep her from going down that route. "Ya know I was pretty angry when I was younger. Being-..." she lifts her hand from the railing, silently

bringing it to the back of her neck to finish her sentence for her, "...Well, it doesn't exactly cause friends to come flocking to your side." she says with a chuckle. "It wasn't easy. I was just so... angry at everyone, you know? At my parents, for letting this happen. At everyone else for just not 'getting it'. At myself... At what I am..." She reaches up, swatting at the strand of hair that has freed itself from her

ear-prison, "Thought I'd never get a chance at a normal life. Friends. Happiness... Love." She nods slowly as she glances over to Vasquez, "I've come to learn that you just have to.... push all of that down and keep moving forward. Enjoy the small moments you get. Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow." She sucks in a deep breath, her smile widening as she looks to Vasquez, "You have Jason. You have-..." her gaze briefly darts to

Vasquez' stomach, "Maybe it's time to let yourself be happy, Chief."

Ilyna reaises her eyebrows as she realizes where this discussion is headed. She's surrounded by people who are in the know, so it failed to dawn on her until Halisi did not immediately answer. She is about to attempt to get the conversation back on track, but thankfully Victoria responds. "Any particular reason you went here?" she looks to Victoria.

Sofia blinks a little and has the good grace to look embarrassed for touching upon a clearly sensitive subject in a less than... subtle way. "O-oh, I'm sorry Doctor, I didn't..." She goes a little red in the face, more so than before and looks to her glass. She places it down and picks at the kebab, but she discovers that she has lost her appetite. She instead looks to Victoria, listening in on her


Victoria gave a shrug "Not really, was on a ship got kicked off and this was the planet we just happened to be on. I guess fate just had all this planned out for me."

Vasquez glances over in Leah's direction as the hand moves to her implant. She studies her briefly before looking out at the yellow pinpoints of light that are Freedom Falls once more. She opts not to burden Leah with any of the other thoughts going through her head, and offers a faint nod instead. "Yeah..." she says quietly, her gaze turning to Leah again. After a moment's thought she starts to ask: "How-..." but she's

quick to stop herself, moving her hands to her mouth and breathing on them before nodding towards the door. "Guess we should head inside." she says.

Leah cocks her head towards Vasquez as she cuts herself off. Rather than immediately following Vasquez, she returns her hand to the railing. "How what...?" she pries. A gust of wind at her back causes her to shrug her shoulders up and down a few times to try and keep warm.

Halisi shoots Ilyna a grateful look, and stands up to go get more wind - what little she had left appears to have made a sudden disappearance. "Refill?" she asks the asari quietly, offering to take her glass.

Cynthia listens in silence to the ongoing conversation, her attention seeming only half present, owing perhaps to the number of beers she's had.

Vasquez starts to head inside, but stops in the doorway at Leah's question. She studies her for a moment, and lets out another sigh before elaborating. "How... are you dealing with... everything? What happened." she says, obviously referring to the recent ordeal they both underwent.

Sofia glances to Halisi as she moves off and the white haired woman sinks a little into her seat. She scratches the back of her neck and sets the food aside, deciding to sit quietly for now.

Ilyna nods, all previous contemplation suddenly discarded. One more shouldn't be a problem. "Yes, please," she says with a smile. She looks at Sofia. "Is this the first time you've been on a Terminus world?" she asks.

Halisi disappears off into the kitchen after receiving confirmation. She offers only a quick glance Leah and Vasquez' way, seeming in her own world for the most part.

Sofia blinks and looks up to Ilyna nodding slightly. "Yes. I came to spend some time with my brother. I... haven't seen him in a while. Father was very opposed to the idea of me coming out here, but in the end it was my decision and I wanted to see Nate." She smiles and offers a small shrug. "I guess it's that easy to see, huh?"

Victoria takes a swig of beer again and listens to Ilyna and Sofia's conversation. For a girl like Sofia, coming out to the Terminus seems like a bad idea.

Cynthia glances Sofia's direction, but keeps her thoughts to herself for now.

Leah's gaze lowers immediately upon hearing the question. She shifts uncomfortably, folding her arms across her chest as the cold rapidly begins to set in. "I'm trying not to." she says with a short, humorless chuckle. "I don't know, Chief." she admits as she meets her gaze once more, her eyes glossy as she holds back the tears she's immediately hit with anytime she allows herself to focus on the subject for too long. "I try not

to think about it? About what I.... almost did to you? About what I-..." she snaps her eyes shut, but she's unable to keep a tear from making its escape. She's quick to wipe at it with the back of her hand before giving a shrug of her shoulders. "Right now I'm just-... just focusing on Tara. Making sure she's taken care of." she says with a nod. "...How about you?" she's quick to follow up with, quite clearly eager to not

focus on her own guilt any longer.

Vasquez nods faintly in response as Leah speaks. She has little to offer in the way of comfort, so she ends up just standing there uncomfortably for a moment. At the mention of Tara she speaks up however. "It's a good thing, what you're doing for her. Poor girl has no doubt been through worse than any of us." She ponders the question briefly, and shakes her head with an almost bitter smile. "I'll... tell you another time."

she offers. Her gaze darts back towards the opening to the living room. "I... think you promised more movies?" she asks, tilting her head as she looks back to Leah.

Tara is drinking from her soda in silence. Sipping a purple straw.

Ilyna chuckles. "Yeah, it is," she says, giving her a quick pat on ther shoulder. "That's nothing to be ashamed of, though. I'm sure there are others of a background similar to yours that's found a home in Freedom Falls."

Leah allows Vasquez to dodge the question without further pursuit. Besides, it's not exactly a subject Leah herself is comfortable discussing. It's still too fresh. At the mention of another movie, she allows a small smile to tug at her lips and she gives a nod. "Absolutely!" she says excitedly as she pushes away from the railing. "You're gonna like this one!" she assures as she scurries towards the door to escape the cold.

Halisi returns to the living room with two glasses of wine. She carefully sits down, holding one glass out for Ilyna to take even as she sips the other.

Vasquez allows Leah to pass and then follows after her, a faint hint of a smile of her own briefly manifesting at Leah's enthusiasm.

Victoria upon hearing Ilyna saying there were a few people like Sofia that have found homes out here, Vicky nods. "Yeah, I know an asari like that."

Sofia smiles lightly up to Ilyna, nodding faintly as she regards the asari. "I don't plan on living out here, though. But, the Doctor encouraged me to take my music to the stars, so to speak. Travel the galaxy and perform for people." She smiles, perhaps a little wistfully before giggling gently.

Leah makes a quick pit stop at the fridge and grabs a soda for Tara. She pauses as she spots the wine. "Ah, what the hell." she shrugs, grabbing a class out of the cupboard and pouring herself a bit of wine. She puts on her best party host smile as she returns to the living room. "Who's ready for some violence!?" she cheers as she moves to retake her spot on the floor. As she plops down, she reaches up to pass the soda to Tara.

"You sneak!" she whispers as she spots the soda she's already holding. "You're gonna be up all night!" she teases.

Vasquez plops a piece of kebab meat into her mouth before leaving the kitchen. She stops by the couch as she finds it quite full, not quite sure where to sit.

Tara freezes, eyes wide. "Sorry!" she exclaims.

Victoria notices Vasquez has come back and stands up. "Here, Vasquez. Take my spot." Vicky then sits on the floor.

Cynthia lifts her empty bottle in response to Leah. "Fuck yeah!" she shouts.

Vasquez takes the now-empty seat next to Cynthia, exchanging a silent look with her old friend.


Ilyna takes the glass with a nod of thanks, and brings it up to her lips. "It's usually wise to follow the doctor's recommendation," she says with a small smile. "Maybe you could start on that by performing for us afterwards?"

Sofia blushes a little and smiles to the others as they arrive before she looks to Ilyna. "I didn't... bring my violin. I can sing, but my main talent is the violin... and... i don't think I've made the best impression in front of the others." She scratches the back of her neck.

Halisi snickers slightly at Ilyna's comment. "That it is, Ms. T'Rea." she says with a small grin. Upon hearing Sofia she leans forward slightly, looking past Ilyna at the girl. "You have done nothing wrong, I assure you." she offers, with a small, not-quite-natural smile.

Leah passes Tara a wide smile and gives her a pat on the leg. "I'm joking, Tara." she assures the girl. "You know anything in the fridge is up for grabs!" She sets the unopened soda on Tara's lap and places her own drink on the floor beside her as she scoops the remote up. "Alright! We've got action! We've got explosions! We've got machine guns! And most importantly? No Devin Tanner! Whooo!" she cheers to the others as she

starts the movie up as the others continue to chat.

Vasquez settles into her seat, a faint smirk tugging at the corner of her lips as she listens to Leah's cheering. She doesn't say anything as she observes the opening credits.

Ilyna leans back in her seat to let the two others speak, nodding along with Halisi's reassurance. She was curious about her specific musical talent, but the performance would have to wait until the movie was over anyway. She can't help but chuckle at Leah's mention of Tanner not being involved.

Victoria remains silent and begins watching the film. Vicky was pleased by the fact that Tanner was not in this film.

The movie starts immediately with a gunshot but the screen remains black. "You're supposed to be-... be-.... be-..." a terrified man stutters. "Dead?" responds a distinctly turian voice. Another gunshot sounds and in a large less-than-elegant font the title card fills the black screen. 'Justice And A Thermal Clip.' "Guess that makes two of us." A guitar rift begins as a stylish opening credit plays, actor names swooshing on-screen in rhythm

with the music.

Sofia smiles a little at Halisi's assurance and she nods faintly, her spirits lifted a little. At Leah's chant, she playfully furrows her brow and scoffs, leaning against the sofa. "I think someone has quite the crush on Devin. You mock him too much for there to be any other reason!" She grins at Leah before looking to the movie, rolling her eyes. Great. One of her brother's stupid films.

Cynthia lifts her bottle once more with a loud "Whoooo!" as she sees the title screen.

Leah points at Sofia, narrowing her eyes on the girl. "You take it back! Gross!" she scoffs, scrunching up her nose. She's mostly joking. Mostly. "His name isn't even 'Devin'! Did you know that!? It's 'Montgomery'!" she says, making sure to put on as unappealing of a voice as she can muster as she says his real name, "His whole-.... thing is an act!" It's quite obvious that their job providing security for Mr. Tanner left quite

an impression on her.

Sofia gives a smug look on her face as she nestles into the sofa. "Crush."

Cynthia barely stifles a snorting laugh as she splits her attention between the exchange and the opening of the movie.

Leah sits back against her makeshift backrest, folding her arms across her chest all grumpy-like. "Close. I wouldn't mind crushing him. So if that counts, then guilty as charged, I guess."

Ilyna stares at Leah for a moment as she lets out privileged client information in front of two thids of Redrock's managment, but her expression softens when she hears Sofia's reaction. She takes a small sip of her wine that she hasn't touched since Halisi handed it to her.

Tara listens in fascination to Leah and Sofia's exchange, offering no comment, but clearly quite interested.

Victoria gives a chuckle. "So I guess all that hate towards Devin, is really all your love, Leah." She gives a sigh, "But I think Ilyna, beat you to Devin."

Sofia giggles, the wine getting a little to her head as she wags a finger at the blonde woman. "Me thinks the lady doth protest too much!" She giggles again, propping her elbows on bent knees as she gives Leah a big, shit eating grin.

Vasquez raises an eyebrow at the ongoing back-and-forth, but offers no comment. She seems content to listen.

Leah grabs her glass of wine and plays as if she's going to toss it at Sofia, but a smile crosses her lips and she simply rolls her eyes. "You both suck." she says, passing a glance Victoria's way as well before taking a sip from her drink. She licks at the roof of her mouth a few times as she tries to adjust to the taste, not exactly much of a wine person.

Ilyna gives a small smile at Victoria's attempt to shift this on her, letting it go unanswered now that all the attention is directed at Leah.

Victoria gives another shrug "That just confirms our theory, Leah."

Next Logs

The Wedding
Leah Mercier
The Wedding
Ilyna T'Rea
The Wedding
Ilyna T'Rea
The Wedding
Linda Vasquez
The Wedding
Leah Mercier
Linda Vasquez
The Wedding
Linda Vasquez
The Wedding
Ilyna T'Rea
The Wedding
Ilyna T'Rea
Leah Mercier
Victoria Steels
Cynthia Spunkmeyer
Sofia Tennhausen
Linda Vasquez
The Wedding
Ilyna T'Rea
Leah Mercier
Victoria Steels
Cynthia Spunkmeyer
Sofia Tennhausen
Linda Vasquez
The Wedding
Ilyna T'Rea
Leah Mercier
Cynthia Spunkmeyer
Sofia Tennhausen
Linda Vasquez
The Wedding
Ilyna T'Rea
Leah Mercier
Victoria Steels
Cynthia Spunkmeyer
Sofia Tennhausen
Linda Vasquez
The Wedding
Ilyna T'Rea
Leah Mercier
Cynthia Spunkmeyer
Sofia Tennhausen
Linda Vasquez
The Wedding
Ilyna T'Rea
The Wedding
Leah Mercier
Sofia Tennhausen
The Wedding
Leah Mercier
The Wedding
Ilyna T'Rea
The Wedding
Linda Vasquez

Previous Logs

The Wedding
Ilyna T'Rea
Leah Mercier
Victoria Steels
Cynthia Spunkmeyer
Sofia Tennhausen
Linda Vasquez
Leah Mercier
Leah Mercier
The Wedding
Cynthia Spunkmeyer
Linda Vasquez
Cynthia Spunkmeyer
Sofia Tennhausen
Linda Vasquez
Sofia Tennhausen