#RedrockAgency – December 10, 2017

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Vasquez nods a few times, seemingly calming a little, but as Gage utters his last few sentences a frown takes shape on her face, and her gaze snaps back to him. "Of course I know." she says, the frustration obvious in her voice. She puts the sandwich down, a drawn-out grunt escaping as she runs a hand across her face, lingering on the side of her head and rubbing her temple. She doesn't seem so interested in talking all

of the sudden, a mixture of annoyance and queasiness in her expression.

Gage gives a deep sigh as he realizes he pushed Vasquez' buttons. "Linda I-..." he shakes his head, "...I didn't mean to-... I'm not taking sides. All I'm saying is that knowing the sort of person Jason is? You can't expect him to just sit on the sidelines for something like this. Not with-..." he trails off, desperately not wanting to push his friend's wife any further. "Just-... Talk to him about it." he falls back on.

Vasquez offers no response. At least not right away. She leans forward, grapping her glass of water and taking a small sip before resting the glass in her hands, staring down at the water within. "Of course I don't fucking expecting him to-..." she suddenly blurts out, stopping partway as she realizes she just admitted that part of her had wanted just that. She looks over at him, anger in her expression now. "You think I

wouldn't rather be out there, leading that team myself?" she says, pointing at the door. "But I can't! Because of this!" she exclaims, gesturing with her other hand toward her belly, her frustration over being unable to fight alongside Jason suddenly quite obvious. "And now he's gone without me! I can't protect him, I can't-... I can't do shit! I'm just sitting here waiting! Do you have any fucking idea what

that's like?!"

Gage keeps his composure as Vasquez raises her voice. If this is what she needs, then he's not going to try and stop her. "Can't say that I do." he admits calmly. Sure. He's got people he has served with for years still out there while he's grounded. Just hoping they'll get by. Make it home to their families again. But it's not the same thing and he's not going to try and say otherwise. "But you're doing a far more important job

by being here." he says, gesturing towards her with his sandwich and a nod, "You're protecting your child. I can't imagine that makes you feel any better, but it's the truth of the situation. Jason? He can take care of himself. But that baby? It's relying on you to make the tough choice. To stay behind. To wait, even when it's difficult. And that's what you're doing." He shrugs his shoulders, "That's what a parent does."

Vasquez seems to deflate as she listens to Gage, her anger fading as she settles back into her seat. She goes quiet, putting the glass back on the table before moving her hand, and her gaze to her belly, still-damp hair falling in her face as she looks down. Her other hand soon moves to her mouth, muffling another sob. "Damn it..." she mutters quietly, all the energy afforded by her frustration seeming to have evaporated.

Gage lets out a breath, his gaze resting on Vasquez for only a short while longer before he looks back to his sandwich, hoping to keep her from feeling uncomfortable. He proceeds to eat in silence, leaving the ball in Vasquez' court rather than forcing her to speak any more than desired.

Vasquez doesn't seem inclined to speak. At least not right now. A sniffle follows as her hand moves across her face, pressing against part of her forehead for a while as she keeps looking down, more or less ignoring Gage's presence. After sitting in silence for a while, she rubs her eyes before resuming carefully eating the sandwich, wary of having her stomach act up again.

Gage finishes up his sandwich in the silence that passes over the room. He climbs out of his chair and begins to clean up his mess, brushing crumbs off his plate into the garbage can before placing the plate in the sink and giving it a quick rinse. He seems to be doing his best to give Vasquez as much time to cool off as he can but there's only so long he can rinse a plate for. Slipping his hands into his jacket pockets, he steps

over by the couch. "The offer still stands, Linda." he says, giving a small smile. "Might do you some good to get out of the house. Come get a bite with me and the rest of the team." His gaze moves to the simple sandwich in her hand and he gives a short chuckle, "...A real bite."

Vasquez sighs, glancing over at Gage with a look of discomfort. "I don't think-... I should be here in case I hear something..." she says. It's a thin excuse, considering she'd have her omni-tool with her if she left anyhow, and she seems to realize it judging by the frown that crosses her face afterwards, her gaze turning back to the window.

Gage gives a couple of shallow nods. "Right..." he says. His smile remains as he fishes his own omni-tool from his pocket and begins to poke at the interface for a moment. "There's nothing wrong with wanting some time to yourself, Linda." he assures her, letting her know he's taken no offense to her rejecting his offer. "But there's my contact info. Go ahead and scoop it up and send yours when you've got a chance." he continues as

the glow dissipates and he shoves the small device back into the pocket of his winter jacket. "You need company? Someone to talk to? Whatever. Just call, alright?" His tone makes it clear that his offer is sincere. After all, Jason is 'one of his'. In his mind, that makes Vasquez a part of their little circle as well. That's just the way it works.

Vasquez ' frown softens as another, quieter sigh escapes her. She gives a faint nod as her omni-tool bleeps, but doesn't look Gage's way, remaining silent and leaned forward in her seat.

Gage gives a respectful nod of his head as he takes a step back. "Alright, Linda. I'll get out of your hair." he says through his slightly saddened smile. "But don't you sit here all night waiting and worrying!" he continues as he starts towards the door. "Watch a movie. Some TV. Keep yourself occupied. Maybe get some sleep." he offers, stopping in place and looking back at Vasquez as he reaches the door. "Take care of yourself."

Vasquez lets out a quiet, almost exasperated chuckle, nodding a few more times. "Yeah..." she says quietly, sounding drained. After a moment's thought and a quiet grunt, a "Thanks." follows. She sounds sincere, but exhausted, and her voice is laced with worries still.

Gage gives a nod of his head, remaining in place at the door in hope that she may just have a sudden change of heart and choose to go pick up some grub with them. When it's clear that's not going to happen, he gives the doorframe a pat. "Don't mention it, Linda." he says before disappearing into the hall.

Next Logs

The Last Child
David Gage
Linda Vasquez
The Last Child
David Gage
Linda Vasquez
The Last Child
David Gage
Linda Vasquez
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Linda Vasquez
The Last Child
Linda Vasquez
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Linda Vasquez
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Linda Vasquez
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Linda Vasquez
The Last Child
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Linda Vasquez
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Linda Vasquez
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David Gage
Linda Vasquez
The Last Child
David Gage
Linda Vasquez
The Last Child
Linda Vasquez
The Last Child

Previous Logs

The Last Child
David Gage
Linda Vasquez
The Last Child
Linda Vasquez
The Last Child
Linda Vasquez