#Hospital – October 24, 2014

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Jelvan is laying in the hospital bed, still recovering from surgery, and wouldn't be able to leave on his own in this state. (Va`ynna_Atana)

Vasquez enters the hospital wearing a familiar combo of cargo pants and tank top, but also the jacket of her Redrock uniform, although open. A Shuriken is holstered at her hip. She stops briefly to survey the lobby. (Tyranniac)

Mendez is seated in a chair near the door looking over a datapad.

Vasquez looks down at Mendez, clearing her throat. (Tyranniac)

There has been no one else asking for Darennon since the asari left, and only health personnel has been with the salarian. There are no new faces in the lobby to be concerned about, either. (Va`ynna_Atana)

Mendez glances at Vasquez upon hearing her. "Here to talk to our friend, Chief?" he asks, shifting in his seat a bit, "Nobody else has been around to see him. Not gonna lie-..." he continues, glancing around the lobby, "I'm not feeling too great about being stuck here with him. Seems like it's just a matter of time before they tear this place apart to get him back."

Vasquez nods and gestures for him to come with while taking another look around the lobby, looking a bit suspicious. "I agree." (Tyranniac)

Mendez shuts off his datapad and stands from his seat with a sigh. "That asari seemed awfully confident that we were just going to let her walk out with Darennon. The whole thing was bizarre... After blasting our building to high hell, I don't see how they could believe we'd be so accomidating."

Vasquez nods again and stats heading down the corridor towards Darennon's room. "I'd tell you if I knew... hopefully Darennon will be more talkative now." She enters through the doorway as it slides open, looking around until her gaze settles on the salarian. (Tyranniac)

Jelvan looks up at Vasquez with a faint nod to acknowledge her, but stays quiet. (Va`ynna_Atana)

Mendez follows behind Vasquez, but doesn't enter the room fully. He remains in the doorway and folds his arms over his chest.

Vasquez moves to the end of the bed and looks down at the salarian, crossing her arms. "I think it's about time you told us what's going on." (Tyranniac)

You should have listened to her. (Va`ynna_Atana)

Jelvan pauses for a moment. His voice is a little weary. "Told you this is a mistake." (Va`ynna_Atana)

Mendez furrows his brow and takes a heavy step into the room. "What's to stop us from snapping your scrawny little neck like a fucking twig!? I doubt your friends will be too interested in a corpse!" he threatens. His features soften somewhat as he glances at Vasquez. "...Sorry, Chief..."

Vasquez waits a while after Mendez' outburst, taking a breath and then speaking again. "First of all, I want you to tell me why those people went to so much trouble to try and get you back. Who are they? Your employees?" (Tyranniac)

Jelvan shakes his head. "No, instructed them to stay out of this," he says. "Don't know why they did. Know they don't like anyone knowing more than they need, especially enemies." (Va`ynna_Atana)

Vasquez raises an eyebrow. "Then who was it? In case you didn't notice, they blew up our fucking base. Almost got you killed too." (Tyranniac)

Jelvan thinks for a second. "Heard only her voice. Could not discern who through walls," he replies. "Rellis' people, most likely." (Va`ynna_Atana)

Vasquez narrows her eyes at the salarian. After a pondering for a while she asks: "Tell me what you were doing in your base. We found a young asari." (Tyranniac)

Mendez remains near the door with a scowl on his face.

Jelvan looks down for a moment. "Told you all I knew," he says. "Didn't ask questions. They can use our base as they see fit unless it's disruptive. Was told to keep her until Teris arrived, then await order from her. Then your people attacked." (Va`ynna_Atana)

Vasquez shakes her head. "Bullshit." She leans slightly forward in a menacing way. "Looks to me like you're slavers." (Tyranniac)

Mendez mutters something or other about 'scum'.

Jelvan sighs. "We're not, but don't care what you think we are," he says. "Teris could be. Don't know." (Va`ynna_Atana)

Vasquez lets out an unamused chuckle and shakes her head again. She stares at the salarian for some time, not saying anything. It is clear she's considering her options. (Tyranniac)

How about you just tell us what we need to know so we can wash our hands of this shit? I'm not too happy about the idea of having to kill more of your people.

Jelvan shakes his head. "Even if I knew, it would be outdated," he says. "Moves around much, he told me. When I met him last, it was on Aroste. Hundred-and-eight days ago." He looks thoughtful for a moment, before adding in a mutter to himself, "or was it hundred-and-nine..." (Va`ynna_Atana)

Vasquez lets out a sigh and looks at Mendez. "I'm going to need to to guard him a while longer. I'll send someone else over for support. Hopefully they won't stoop to attacking a medical facility." (Tyranniac)

Mendez stares at Jelvan for a moment longer before turning to Vasquez with a nod. "Probably a good idea to keep everyone on standby, Chief. You saw how far they were willing to go to get him back. I doubt a few innocent lives are going to deter them."

Vasquez nods and shoots the salarian another glance before leaving the room. (Tyranniac)

Jelvan frowns. "Why do you want him?" he asks just as Vasquez leaves the room, hoping she heard it. "Is it worth the damage?" (Va`ynna_Atana)

Mendez steps out of the room to keep out of Vasquez' way as she goes to exit the room.

Vasquez stop, looking puzzled for a moment before realizing and forcing that expression away before looking over her shoulder. "Hm? Your brother? I don't give a shit about him... I just want my base restored." (Tyranniac)

Jelvan nods. "Surprised," he says. "Would have expected them to come back to finish the job. Know they could." (Va`ynna_Atana)

Mendez levels his gaze on Jelvan through the doorway. "Big talk coming from a guy in a hospital bed. We both know that the longer this goes on, the less chance it ends well for you. So you might want to poke around in that salarian brain of yours and try to come up with something we can use before you overstay your welcome." he grunts before turning and heading down the hall.

Vasquez smirks at the salarian and leaves, hints of concern showing once she's some distance away from the room. (Tyranniac)

Jelvan doesn't respond to Mendez. (Va`ynna_Atana)

Mendez stops once he reaches the lobby and turns to Vasquez. With a shrug of his shoulders, he gives a short sigh. "What are we gonna do with that smug little fucker?" he asks, "It's obvious that he either doesn't know shit, or he ain't gonna tell us shit."

Vasquez makes a quick sweep of the lobby with her gaze before responding. "It seems they're pretty keen on getting him back... so I figure we demand they pay for the damage to our base." (Tyranniac)

Mendez nods a couple times. "And then what?" he asks, as if there must be more to it.

Vasquez raises an eyebrow at Mendez. "Well... if they don't pay, they're not getting him back. But if they attack again, we'll be ready." (Tyranniac)

Mendez furrows his brow and folds his arms across his chest. He stares down at Vasquez for a moment before speaking. "Chief... They tried to kill us. Are you saying we're just gonna hand him back over? What about the job? I don't mean to speak above my paygrade, but if you want my opinion? I say we go kick in a few doors of our own."

Vasquez shakes her head. "Going on the offensive is an unnecessary risk. Besides, the job is done. The client has the data she wanted." She looks almost embarassed for a moment. "Did-... I haven't payed you, have I? Shit. I've been so busy after we lost our base..." (Tyranniac)

Mendez slowly shakes his head. "It's fine. You just handle what you need to handle." he glances back down the hall towards Jelvan's room, "Try to keep me in the loop about how we're handling him, though. I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job... You're in charge, and I'm on board for whatever it is we need to do... But if you're gonna negotiate with these people, be careful."

Vasquez nods. "Of course. As I said, I'll send someone else to assist you." She glances down the hall towards Jelvan's room. "I should go. Stay sharp, Mendez." She says before turning around and leaving the building. (Tyranniac)

Mendez gives a silent nod and returns to his seat by the door. He glances around the room for a moment before taking his datapad back out.

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Familial Ties
Thiago Mendez
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Linda Vasquez
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Jelvan Darennon
Thiago Mendez
Familial Ties
Linda Vasquez
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Jelvan Darennon
Linda Vasquez
Thiago Mendez
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Jelvan Darennon
Linda Vasquez
Thiago Mendez
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Jelvan Darennon
Linda Vasquez
Thiago Mendez
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Jelvan Darennon
Linda Vasquez
Thiago Mendez
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Linda Vasquez
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Thiago Mendez

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Thiago Mendez
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Linda Vasquez
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Linda Vasquez
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Jelvan Darennon
Linda Vasquez
Thiago Mendez
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Jelvan Darennon
Linda Vasquez
Thiago Mendez
Familial Ties
Linda Vasquez
Familial Ties
Jelvan Darennon
Linda Vasquez
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Linda Vasquez
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Jelvan Darennon
Linda Vasquez
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Linda Vasquez
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Linda Vasquez
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Linda Vasquez
Thiago Mendez