#RedrockAgency – July 20, 2016

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Va'ynna is still lying down on the couch wrapped in numerous blankets. Her eyes are closed and she is breathing calmly, most likely asleep.

Halisi has settled in to her office after finishing, for now at least, with caring for Va'ynna. She is currently in a call with the hospital via the terminal on her desk, making sure she is not needed currently and discussing an administrative issue.

Leah enters the agency dressed in her usual clunky black boots, black pants and a grey hoodie with her canvas jacket over it, hair pulled into a neat ponytail. She moves through the lobby, heading straight for Halisi's office and giving the door a buzz as she wipes snowflakes from her shoulders.

Halisi opens the door with a press against the interface on her desk, and then swivels her chair around, smiling softly as she spots Leah, gesturing for the bed. "Come in. I'm sorry I couldn't see you sooner. Things have been hectic at the hospital. Well... more hectic than usual."

Leah steps inside, greeting Halisi with a nod of her head as she moves over to the bed and hops atop it, her short stature preventing her feet from hitting the ground. "It's no problem. I'm probably just being overly cautious anyway..." she says with a wince, her embarassment showing through, "...I know it's probably stupid, but after everything that happened I just-..." she sighs, "...I just want to be safe."

Halisi nods, no hint of any judgement in her eyes. "Of course. I imagine it must be very hard to get past what has happened. Anything I can do to help..." she says as she makes a few quick keypresses on her terminal before standing up and walking up to the bed. "Lie down, and I'll perform a full scan, alright?"

Leah silently nods her head a few times, lifting her legs up on to the bed and laying back with another sigh. She folds her hands atop her stomach and stares up towards the ceiling. "It's just-... They had something inside of me. Nothing felt any different. Nothing out of place. But it was. I-... I'm not crazy, I know it's just paranoia.... But I need to be sure. I just need to know that when I look into a mirror, the only

thing looking back at me is my reflection..." she explains.

Renala emerges from her office and walks over to Jason's, hitting the doorbell-equialent on the interface. The asari has changed into a plain blue shirt and gray jeans.

Jason steps over to his desk and taps his terminal, causing the door to slide open. Having had his shower, he's now dressed in a long sleeved white shirt and a pair of clean black fatigues and boots. He seems to have been in the middle of putting his gear back into the locker in his office. As he spots Renala, he returns to his locker and places his helmet inside. It's more of a display case than a locker, a spot for each piece of

his armor's plating in correlation to where it would be on his hardsuit. His undersuit is neatly folded at the bottom of the locker. "That was quick. Find anything useful?" he asks.

Halisi nods, as a frown forms. "I don't blame you... it was a horrible invasion of privacy what they did." she says as she begins to input instructions into the basic scanner arm the bed is equipped with. "How have you felt since we spoke last? How are things with the girl you rescued?"

Leah gives a quick shrug of her shoulders, hands remaining across her midsection, neatly folded together. "I've been alright... Didn't think I'd ever see Aite again when I left, to be honest... So I suppose I'm still wrapping my head around that one." A small smile forms as her eyes move from the ceiling to Halisi, "Tara is doing well. It's nice to have someone else around the house, you know? I mean it's not the biggest place

or anything, but it sure feels a lot bigger without dad around." She scrunches up her nose as her father enters her thoughts. A constant occurance. "Still trying to figure out how to deal with that... I miss him." she sighs, "I miss him soooo much. But if there's any chance that he's going to be in danger here, I can't risk bringing him home..."

Renala steps inside. "No, and that's why I was quick," she sighs. "I found only one sent message stored on the salarian's, but that's it. There's no contacts on them aside from each other and Taro, and no personal data. My guess is that they only used these omni-tools for their work, and nothing else."

Jason gives a loud, disappointed sigh. "Alright, Renala..." he says with a nod, "...I appreciate you handling it so quickly. Sucks, but hopefully Mendez and Sioria are able to find something else we can use."

Halisi moves the scanner into position, and with a button press it starts moving across Leah's body, making its way up from her feet. "Is that decision not best left to him? Or do you worry that there is greater danger than he realizes? At any rate I'm sure Redrock would keep him safe."

Leah returns to staring at the ceiling as the scanner begins to work. "If Cerberus want to hurt him, there's nothing Redrock could do to protect him..." she says matter-of-factly. Her tone doesn't imply a jab at Redrock, just a cold hard truth that she seems to have accepted: She's only safe from Cerberus if Cerberus is allowing it. "The closer he is to me, the higher the chance that he'll become a target...."

Halisi furrows her eyebrows. "Do you think they are still hunting you? I apologize for my bluntness, but... would they not have come after you already if that was the case?" She continues to monitor the readout of the machine as the scan continues, the arm whirring quietly as it moves across her legs.

Renala nods. "The mssage he sent is only to notify Sala Piros that Avoren is moving her," she says, accompanied by a quick upward glance. "We have a contact address." She pauses for a moment, and sighs. "I couldn't find much information about her. She studied medicine two-hundred years ago, and graduated. Also, a thirty-year old public communication implies she quit military service in Serrice. In either case, it could be someone

sharing her name."

Leah shakes her head. "They're not hunting me. We have an agreement or something..." she sighs, "...I don't know. When I ran away, they knew exactly where I was. They pretty much called for a truce. I give up my search into their bullshit and they leave me alone." She glances over to Halisi, "You know what that means? I'm only here because they're allowing me to be. They see me as a weapon, Halisi. And maybe-..." her look

turns from frustration to guilt, her voice lowering to just above a whisper, "...maybe they're not wrong... I'm dangerous. You know what happened to-.... What I did to Damien... The people around me aren't safe if they just decide tomorrow that they want me back." She breaks eye contact at the mention of Damien. A short pause follows as she chews her lower lip and stares off at the wall distantly, "I don't know what to

do. How do you ever feel safe again after something like that...?"

Nathan | A taxi trundles up to the entrance of Redrock's HQ, the vehicle jarring to a halt. The door swings open and Nathan slips out, shooting daggers at the sky. Whilst the weather isn't exactly inhibitive to him on his bike on it's own, the cast combined with it certainly is. He was pushing it enough as it was the last time he did that. He forks over the payment

to the driver before turning towards the entrance. He's dressed in a leather jacket with a fur interior (and a simple T-shirt underneath), jeans and a pair of boots. He cuts through the lobby quickly and heads directly to the armoury, a thundercloud practically trailing over his head. He quickly throws off his jacket and immediately sets to work, setting up

his music, a trio of larger and more deadly MK 14 grenades and a line of tools.

Jason shuts the door of the display case and locks it up. "A contact address is a good starting point." he says, "Do we have a location? I'm not sure how confident I feel in trying to opening up a line of communication with her until we know exactly where she is. Might spook her."

Halisi 's frown deepens, and she looks away from the display to look down at Leah with a sigh. "I wish I knew, Leah. It's not an easy situation you are in, but you cannot let yourself think that they are right. You are no weapon. What happened to Damien..." she looks back to the display, pausing briefly. "It was horrible. Unforgivable. And not your fault. Blame them, not yourself. Don't give them the satisfaction of letting

your mind be twisted like that. You're a victim in this, not the perpetrator." she says firmly, the scanner arm now halfway up Leah's body, the blue lights of its hologrid now starting to glare as it comes closer to her eyes.

Leah sighs loudly, returning her gaze to the ceiling as the scanner works its way up her body. "If I wasn't who I am-... what I am.... he would still be alive. There's no getting around that." she says, sounding defeated. "Doesn't mean I don't blame them. But what can I do about it? What can any of us do about it? We can't stand up to a group like Cerberus...."

Renala shakes her head. "I don't," she says, "but I could try to find out. I have a project that exploits a flaw in common omni-tool software. It's already being fixed by major manufactorers, but if we're lucky, I might be able to install a tracker on hers before it receives the update." She pauses for a moment. "I was also about to suggest doing this to locate Atana's omni-tool."

Halisi watches the readout as the scanner makes it way to Leah's face, the light blinding as it hits her eyes. "You're right, we can't fight them. But we can refuse to let ourselves be beaten. Refuse to let them destroy our lives. You can't live your whole life in fear of them, Leah... in fear of what might be."

Jason blinks a couple of times. "Uhhh..... sure? I don't know how any of that works, but anything that might get us closer to more information is worth a shot." he agrees. A few silent moments pass before he adds, "Nerd." as a lopsided grin crosses his lips.

Leah closes her eyes as the light reaches them. "I just-..." she begins but quickly trails off. She seems to contemplate Halisi's words in silence for a few moments before nodding faintly. "....I know you're right, but that doesn't change this feeling in the pit of my stomach." she sighs, "...I just want things to go back to how they were..."

Halisi nods faintly, not realizing Leah can't see her at the moment. "In time they will, if you let them. Cerberus will be rooted out, or move on, and you will find yourself thinking of it less, and less. You will be fine. In time." she says, studying the readout as the scan finishes, and the blue light turns off. A faint smile spreads across her lips as she looks to Leah. "...and it may be a small part on that path, but I'm

hoping it will help regardless: There is no sign of any active Cerberus signals in your body. The cybernetic spine remains, but it is just that, a spine. It has no means of sending or recieving external signals."

Renala smirks. "It's risky," she says. "If she finds out about it, then we stand the chance of losing our only lead." She pauses for a moment. "There's no such consequences of doing it on Atana's, though, but it would have to be connected to the extranet for it to work."

Leah remains silent as Halisi speaks, for once her mouth isn't running a mile-a-minute. Her eyes snap open as the scan finishes and she sits up, her legs dangling over the side of the bed once again. A smile returns to her lips, the doctor's words bringing a great deal of comfort to her. She breathes a sigh of relief and nods. "I appreciate you taking the time to do this, Halisi." she says, "I know you're super busy. Like,

all the time." She adjusts her jacket as she scoots all the way to the edge of the bed and hops off. She shrugs sheepishly as she looks to the doctor, "...And sorry about being such a downer. It's just a lot to deal with right now. I'm doing the best I can." she assures her, "It's just-.... I need some time, you know? I'll get there." she nods as she silently hopes that to be true.

Jason considers it for a moment before nodding. "Alright. How about you just try and follow up on V's omni-tool for now?" he proposes, "We'll hold off on Piros' until we see if Mendez and Sioria find anything. At the very least, we've got a last resort to follow through on."

Halisi nods, offering one of her usual, reassuring smiles. "It's no trouble, Leah. And yes, you will. Don't hesitate to call if you need someone to talk to, alright?"

Renala doesn't let a second pass before enabling her omni-tool, and she taps away at it. "Understood, boss," she says with a grin. She composes a quick a message, but she runs a separate program instead of sending it normally.

Leah nods her head, her ponytail bouncing up and down as she does. "Thank you, Halisi." she says, her warm smile growing. She lets out a breath and glances to the door, "I should get going. I told Tara I wouldn't be too long." she explains, "Sorry to take up your time but-..." she gives another sheepish shrug, "...I feel a whole lot more comfortable knowing-... you know." she says, bringing a finger up to her eye.

Nathan is bent over the worktop, eyes focused on the trio of grenades in front of him. His music is playing, though not as loudly as usual. He's currently prying apart some of the inner workings of one of the grenades. A range of new components are lined up just to the side.

Halisi nods, smile never wavering. "Of course. Say hello to Tara for me." she requests before once again taking a seat in her chair, and turning back towards the terminal.

Leah nods in turn. "Will do." she says before starting on her way out the door, giving a brief wave back over her shoulder before exiting into the hall.

Jason turns to face Renala, leaning a metallic hand against his display case as he waits for any sort of indication as to whether or not it worked. "So.... How long does this sort of thing take before we get results?" he asks.

Halisi exits the infirmary after a bit, starting to head down the corridor towards the stairway, a slightly distracted look on her face.

Nathan continues to work, now very slowly installing a fresh component into the grenade. His music builds up, a long guitar rift emanating from his omni-tool. He installs the component and hooks two wires into it before leaning back. He turns his gaze skywards and glares at the bright light blazing down at him. He squints and turns away, his look distracted.

Renala looks at the omni-tool. "Anywhere from a minute to-..." She raises an eyebrow as another projected window appears on her interface. "Now works too, I suppose." She chuckles and plugs the data into a map. "Can't beleive it worked," she mutters to herself. Even though the map is mirrored for him, Jason might see an unmoving dot covering a residential building on the eastern edge of the town. "We have a location. I say we move

on it without alerting anyone, but calling her is an option."

Jason gives a shake of his head. "No. No sense in calling her if we have a location." he says, glancing back at the display case with a sigh. "Suppose that shower was a little early, huh?"

Halisi stops as she hears a hint of the music, raising an eyebrow and following the sound out of curiosity. She soon ends up in the meeting room, and pokes her head into the armory, stepping inside when she spots Nathan. "I thought I heard something..."

Nathan turns his gaze to Halisi, though he seems to look right through her for a moment, his gaze somewhat distant. He refocuses and offers her a weak smile. "Doctor," he greets, looking back to his work. He plucks up a screwdriver and closes the grenade's plating. He secures it shut, a slow and practised motion.

Halisi nods in return of the greeting. "What are you working on?" she asks, while checking something on her datapad.

Renala chuckles. "Couldn't you assign someone else?" she asks.

Nathan places the grenade to the side gently, his motion slow and deliberate. "Two cobalt-salted micro-nukes and a charged particle proton charge." He slides one of the grenades closer to him and opens it, repeating the same process. "Don't worry. The shielding on the charges is top of the line and I've been maintaining these for a good few years now." He doesn't

look up as he speaks, the music still playing in the background.

Halisi raises an eyebrow. "Micro-what...?!" she says, clearly surprised. "That's a nuclear charge? You keep that in the base?" She clearly sounds a little uneasy at the prospect.

Jason lowers his gaze to the ground as he considers it, nodding a couple times. "Suppose I should probably stay nearby in case V needs anything..." he says, "Send that location my way and I'll figure out how to handle this. I mean, there's no telling if this is even related, right? We saw them ditch her omni-tool on the surveillance. The salarian could've just be someone who wandered by, saw the omni-tool abandoned in the snow,

picked it up and brought it home." he muses, "...He was armored, though. It's unlikely." he admits with a sigh, working through the situation out loud, "And if Piros is there... I want to be there."

Renala frowns. "Do you need me for this?" she asks. "I can notify you on location changes either way." She taps on her omni-tool to send over the location.

Nathan sighs irritably, glancing up from his work. He jabs a finger at the thick case set on the floor to the side, then to the grenades themselves. "One, I keep them in a reinforced, lead-lined case with a DNA lock tuned only to -me-. Secondly, unless someone primes the grenade and throws it within the base, it won't detonate. Even if the 'nade was stripped and

the actual charge itself was sat, right here-" he points to a blank spot on the table, a frown etched on his face. "And if I was to shoot it with anything in here, it still wouldn't detonate. The people who make these aren't idiots and neither am I, Doctor." He turns back to the grenades and sets his hands upon the table. "So, yes, I keep them in the base.

Because I can't think of anywhere safer for these than inside the armoury of a Private Military Company where the fucking owners live where one of them can literally punch through a wall and the other has a damn gun capable of shredding a man to bloody ribbons in less than a second." He turns to glower at her, his thundercloud now striking lightning upon his


Jason gives a shake of his head. "No. You've done enough, Renala." he says, "I appreciate it. I'll take it from here. Just keep me updated if anything changes. It's probably going to be a couple hours before I can put something together to act on. I'd like to speak with V first and see if she remembers anything that might be useful before moving on this. Hopefully we've got the time."

Halisi raises an eyebrow at the sudden hostility. "...alright then." she says, clearing her throat. "Well, we'll talk later, I'm sure. I should get back to work." She puts on a smile before turning around and exiting the armory.

Nathan watches her leave, staring at her back. He sighs and stands upright and walks out after her. "Doc- Halisi, wait...". He leans out of the meeting room to call down to her.

Renala nods. "I'll keep digging with what we have," she says. "The sooner this is over,... Well, I could use a couple weeks off." She shuts off her omni-tool and turns towards the door.

Jason sighs, nodding to himself. "You and me both..." he mutters under his breath.

Renala chuckles. "I fear this entire place will fall apart the moment I step foot on a shuttle, though," she says before stepping out of the room.

Jason shakes his head, a smirk tugging at his lips. "Great to hear you have so much confidence in the rest of us." he calls out after Renala.

Halisi stops, turning back towards Nathan with a raised eyebrow. "Yes...?"

Renala smirks. "The tech could act up, too," she says, looking towards his office while speaking.

Jason's gaze moves back to his armor. "Uh huh. What ever would we do without you." he says dramatically. "Get out of here." he adds in a grunt, though clearly joking.

Nathan rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, briefly considering to tell her the truth. He quickly discards that thought and shakes his head softly. "It's just been a bad day is all. You ever have one of those days where everything just goes wrong? Like, missing your alarm and then stubbing your toes on the table, followed by a whole myriad of minor shitty events?

Bike breaking, door malfunctioning, missing a step and fal- you get the point," he says, waving his rambling process off to thin air. "Point is, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. You were just talking and I reacted badly. That's on me." He shrugs gently and offers her a thin smile.

Renala starts walking down the hallway. "Negative," she says with a glance back to the door. "It's too cold out there."

Halisi 's expression softens, and a faint smile manifests. "Nothing to worry about." she assures him. "I'm used to moody patients." she says, her smile shifting into a small smirk. "A cup of coffee and a break to refocus your mind perhaps?"

Nathan softens up slightly, a small content smile crossing his features at the mention of coffee. "Sounds like a plan," he says with a nod. "I'll lock up the gear, first." He disappears back into the armoury and starts to pack everything quickly and neatly, finishing with sealing the case and locking it up. He tucks it back into it's nook and shuts the armoury

door, ending up back in the corridor eventually.

Halisi leads the way through the corridor, and up through the stairwell. "This bad day of yours, is there anything I can help with? As your doctor, I mean. How is the arm?"

Va'ynna is still asleep on the couch. A scan would reveal her termperature is almost at the lower bounds of normal range.

Nathan shakes his head, shoving one hand into his pocket. "Nah, nothing you could do. It's just a series of unfortunate and minor incidents that leads to a crappy mood." He raises the cast to glance at it, the end around his hand cut off to allow greater range of movement for it, although the rest of it remains untouched. "It's fine. The usual annoyances about not

being able to fully use the arm notwithstanding." He smiles faintly and looks up at Halisi, the storm behind his eyes subsiding faintly as he talks. "Overall, doctor, I'm doing pretty okay. Nothing to be concerned about."

Next Logs

Skipping Work
Renala T'Iavay
Va'ynna Atana
Skipping Work
Jason Wolfe
Skipping Work
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Skipping Work
Renala T'Iavay
Va'ynna Atana
Jason Wolfe
Skipping Work
Jason Wolfe
Skipping Work
Jason Wolfe
Renala T'Iavay
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Skipping Work
Va'ynna Atana
Jason Wolfe

Previous Logs

Skipping Work
Va'ynna Atana
Jason Wolfe
Skipping Work
Va'ynna Atana
Jason Wolfe
Skipping Work
Renala T'Iavay
Va'ynna Atana
Jason Wolfe
Skipping Work
Renala T'Iavay
Va'ynna Atana
Jason Wolfe
Skipping Work
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Skipping Work
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Skipping Work
Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe
Skipping Work
Jason Wolfe