#VVApartment – January 12, 2021

Va'ynna is quiet as she appraises the taste of the food, but there is an approving nod before she moves on to the next piece. Either the food is very good, or the asari is too hungry to truly give an unbiased take on it; perhaps a comination of both.

Uvena takes a moment to take stock of the food on her plate before looking back up to pull the gravy closer to her as the other two are done. She applies it gently on her food before passing it wordlessly to Va'ynna who appears to have forgotten all about it. "This holiday overlaps the end of your calendar year, I've heard," she begins. "It's been an interesting year, hasn't it?"

Victoria begins eating some of her veggies, she turns her attention to Uvena to answer her, finishing the food in her mouth before speaking. "Yeah, I guess you could say it is a way to celebrate the year or start to celebrate the coming year." She takes a quick sip of her drink. "But yeah, it has been an interesting year."

Sarah is silent, eating her food as she listens to Uvena and Victoria speak. A slight smile on her face as she eats.

Va'ynna takes the hint as the gravy is passed her way and pours some on her food. She nods at the others around the table, but doesn't say anything before continuing to dig into the food.

Uvena reaches for a beer, opens it and purs it into her glass. She knows better than to sum the year up, however. "Even if we don't count the galaxy-shaking revelations," she says, looking towards Va'ynna for a moment. While it's been as terrible as it has been great, there is some relief to being on the other side of it safe and sound. "Being able to close it with a cozy evening like this," she says with a smile,

"that's something to raise a glass to."

Victoria smiles appears on her face as she listens to Uvena, she looks at Va'ynna for a moment the smile remains on her face. "You are right about that." Vicky raises her beer to start a toast. "To a great year!" Her tone jovial.

Sarah continues to enjoy her meal in silence. Listening to both Uvena and Victoria as she eats. When Victoria raise her glass for a toast, Sarah does the same. "To a great year."

Va'ynna does not have a filled glass to raise yet, but she returns the smile nonetheless. She hums affirmatively to the toast.

Uvena raises her glass too in turn. "To a great year," she repeats before putting it back on the table. She picks up her utensils and begins cutting into the piece of meat on her plate, and takes a tentative bite of it.

Victoria takes a sip of her beer after the toast, and then returns to eating her meal. The smile still on her face.

Sarah has a drink of her drink after the toast and instantly goes back to eating her food.

Va'ynna tilts her head for a moment in thought as she regards the two across from her, but spends some time chewing her food before she speaks. "It's been a long year, with... a lot of good and bad," she says. "I'm happy... that you're here to celebrate this day with us,... but how was your year before you came here?" For her, the question is mostly aimed at Sarah who is sitting across from her; she has spoken

with Uvena countless times about her time before Aite.

Uvena chooses not to go first on that one, as she has barely began eating. She puts the piece of meat down and tries a few of the sides on her plate.

Victoria remains silent for the time being, choosing to eat her food to calm the growling of her stomach.

Sarah finishes the food in her mouth before taking a drink and turning her attention to Va'ynna. "Well, I won't talk about some of this year. I don't want to ruin the happy atmosphere." She stops for a moment. "But I get to spend time with my sister, which makes this year a good one."

Va'ynna nods, a small frown showing up. "Sorry, I... understand," she says. "I think... we all have enough material for that." She returns her attention to the food, a bit of discomfort surfacing.

Uvena sighs. "Mhm," she agrees. "Last year, I was working some security gigs in Nos Astra, for clients I could not care less about." She picks up her drink to take a sip. "I did not expect I'll end up here, but I have absolutely no regrets about it."

Victoria takes a sip of her beer and smiles at her sister. "Gotta agree with that, Uvena." She adds to conversation before looking at Va'ynna, she gives her a slight nudge. "How are you liking the food? Enjoying eatting food you did not have to make?" Trying to get her back to a comfortable spot.

Sarah nods in agreement to all at the table, and then takes another bite of her food.

Va'ynna smiles to Victoria, happy to leave that question behind despite Uvena oferring some kind of answer to her. "Mhm," Va'ynna says with a giggle. "It's very good. I'll... start expecting great food from you every day when I come home from work." Her tone is light-hearted, as she has usually had something to eat at work. And if things return to normal, there won't be any time for that anyway.

Uvena nods in agreement. "The food is very good," she says before getting back to it.

Victoria smiles at Va'ynna. "I think I might be able to organise that for you." She takes a sip of her beer and nods at Uvena. "Thanks, don't get to cook like this too often. So I am glad to hear you are enjoying it."

Sarah finishes off the food in her mouth before speaking. "Yeah, good work with the food Victoria." She then takes a sip of her drink.

Next Logs

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Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Sarah Murphy
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Previous Logs

Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Sarah Murphy
Victoria Steels
Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
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Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
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Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
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Uvena Atana
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Va'ynna Atana
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