#VVApartment – February 2, 2021

Va'ynna grabs ahold of Victoria's present with her biotics and pulls it closer before she's able to comfortably lift it up into her hands. She sits back into the couch and drops the gift into Victoria's lap. It's a soft present, wrapped in the same red/green wrapping paper as the other gifts Va'ynna has given out, and bound by red ribbons. There is a folded card hanging off of it. Within it is a sketch of Va'ynna

holding this gift, with an exaggerated wink, but no text.

Uvena gives a smile. "That would be lovely," she says. "Just the three of us, speaking about Victoria behind her back." Her tone is light-hearted. She grins at Va'ynna handing Victoria her present.

Victoria waits until the gift is in her lap before leaning over and giving Va'ynna a quick kiss on the cheek. She then turns her attention to Uvena. "Hey now, that ain't nice. Gonna hurt my feelings if ya do that." She grabs the gift from Uvena and places all of her presents into a pile next to her.

Sarah smiles at the scene playing out in front of her. She gives a little chuckle at Uvena. "I quite like that idea, Uvena."

Uvena nods. "That's the point," she replies before looking down at the gift in her lap. She turns it over and looks at the label, but she refrains from opening it. She has just one, after all.

Va'ynna smiles at the kiss, and shifts around a bit to lean on Victoria. "I'm not going to let them do that," she whispers.

Uvena gently puts her gift in Va'ynna's lap. "I guess I'm stretching the rules here," she says, "but.... You'll see."

Victoria smiles at Va'ynna, she picks up the present from Uvena. "I guess I will start us off." She starts to open the gift carefully, peeling off the tape instead of tearing the wrapping apart.

Sarah picks up her gift from Uvena and waits for Victoria to open her gift before the thought even cross her mind.

Va'ynna picks up Uvena's gift, turning it over in her hands a few times with a raised eyebrow. She looks Victoria's way instead of opening it right away, however.

Uvena leans forward a little to look across at Victoria, studying her as she digs into her gift.

The black wrapping paper easily gives way to a folded-up long, red, soft knitted scarf; and it poofs out somewhat now that it's no longer compressed by the wrapping. It's similar to the green scarf that she gave Va'ynna a few months ago.

Victoria removes the scarf from the wrapping, she looks up to Uvena and smiles at her. "Thank you very much, Uvena." She leaves the scarf up on her lap and places the wrapping paper on the floor next to her. She runs a hand over the scarf getting a feel for how soft the scarf is.

Sarah watches Victoria unwrap her present and smiles. Once her sister is done unwrapping the present, she look at Va'ynna. "Would you like to go next, Va'ynna?"

The scarf is long and wide, and very soft.

Uvena smiles to Victoria before sitting back, looking at Va'ynna as she is prompted to go next.

Va'ynna nods to Sarah and looks down at her gift from Uvena. She finds the seam and unwraps it with ease. Her eyes go wide as she looks over the item in her hand: a thin white device with a gray lid going over the front of it. It bears some visible scracthes and scuffs. "It's...," she opens the lid and her fingers find the button on the back. A faint hologram shows up on top of the device's rough, white surface, listing

files. And with a tap, they sort by creation date. A translator would read back the date on the oldest as 'January 6th, 2119', but the file name is untranslatable gibberish. "How...?" She does not dare open any of the files yet, and her breathing – and the whole asari – starts to tremble.

Uvena places a hand on her shoulder. "I did not throw away your things," she says. "Time has taken its toll, not to mention how many times they've been dragged with me to a new place, but.. Renala helped me restore them." She pauses for a moment as she looks down at the device. She lets out a small chuckle as she adds, "I never found that pen, though."

Victoria smiles at Va'ynna opening her gift and examining it. Upon seeing and hearing Va'ynna start to tremble, Vicky snakes an arm around Va'ynna to give her a side hug. Vicky looks at the devices and wonders if this is the drawing pad that Va'ynna had when she was a kid.

Sarah watches and smiles at the heartwarming scene that is playing out in front of her. She does not even think about opening her gift until this scene is done playing out, wanting the two asari to have a moment without interuption.

Va'ynna leans on Victoria further as she's hugged, looking down at the present. She finds the button again, and the hologram dissipates. "I...," she says. "It broke when I... I... I threw it at you." She takes a deep breath as she tries to gather her composure, but it does not help much. "I... threw it away..., because I... I... was too ashamed to ask you to get me a new one."

Uvena can't help but show a sad smile as she listens to Va'ynna explain. She remembers being the other side of the quarrel, and the regrets in its wake. "It would have cost three credits to replace," she says in an almost-whisper, and gives her shoulder a pat before taking back her hand. "Renala... repaired some other things too. I didn't want to wrap it all up, so I left in a bag in your bedroom." She does give

Victoria a pointed look, albeit one tinged by the emotions in the room, but there is no explanation to go along with it.

Victoria remains silent for the time being trying not to ruin the moment between the two asari, she notices the look she gets from Uvena but does not say anything about.

Sarah does not say a word, she continues letting the situation play out.

Va'ynna looks up at Uvena, her eyes still watery. "Thank you," she murmurs as she turns the lid back over the device. The mention of other things does pique her curiosity, and she casts a glance towards the hall, but she remains seated. She turns her attention back on the device. "I... wouldn't have blamed you if you... didn't hold onto it," she says, "but... it means a lot to me that you did."

Uvena sighs. "I wouldn't dream of throwing it away, Va'ynna," she says and gives her a gentle side hug, which is weak as she doesn't want to interfere with Victoria's. "You need to thank Renala as well, though," she says. "We... spent a lot of time at the market trying to find parts that went out of production more than fifty years ago. And... to be honest, she did the hard work." She lets out a chuckle.

Va'ynna does feel a pang of guilt at the mention of Renala, and she keeps her eyes fixed on the device in an attempt to hide it.

Victoria as soon as she notices Uvena going in for a side hug, she tries to quickly retreat her arm to allow Uvena a better chance to hug her daughter. Which probably just made it a little more awkward.

Sarah continues to remain silent as she watches the heart warming scene infront of her.

Next Logs

Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Sarah Murphy
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Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Sarah Murphy
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Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Sarah Murphy
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Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
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Sarah Murphy
Victoria Steels
Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Sarah Murphy
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Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana

Previous Logs

Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Sarah Murphy
Victoria Steels
Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Sarah Murphy
Victoria Steels
Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Sarah Murphy
Victoria Steels
Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Sarah Murphy
Victoria Steels
Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Sarah Murphy
Victoria Steels
Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Sarah Murphy
Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels
Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels
Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels