#VVApartment – December 16, 2020

Uvena hums affirmatively. "I'd say being invited to spend a holiday with them is a good sign," she says, letting out a soft laugh. "I think it's going well, yeah," she answers in a more serious manner. "All things considered."

Sarah gives a nod. "I would have to agree with all that." She stops for a moment before speaking again. "Maybe we should change the subject, probably not the best thing to be talking about if they walk in." Wanting to avoid a awkward situation.

Uvena nods, and lets out a sigh. "Yeah, you're right, Sarah," she says. "So how are you liking Freedom Falls? Do you think you'll settle down here?" She takes a bite out of the cookie she took off the plate.

Sarah gives it a thought for a moment. "I like it, it's nice and quiet out here compared to some of the places I've lived." She gives a shrug to the second question. "Not sure about settling down here. I want to travel a little bit before I decide if I want to settle anywhere. But, I will stay here for a time and spend some time with my sister."

Uvena chews the cookie while listening to her speak. "Just stay far away from renting anything that can be stolen," she says with a small frown, though the advice doesn't sound as grave as it likely should. It was an unpleasant experience from beginning to end, but that scar has long healed. "That's good; there's no point on setting down roots unless you're planning on raising a family," she says. "And for that,

there's the better side of the Traverse."

Sarah raises an eyebrow at Uvena's first comment, but decides to leave it alone. She reaches for a cookie. "What about you, have you or are you going to settle down out here?" She takes the bite of the cookie and happily chews it.

Uvena looks a bit thoughtful as she chews the rest of the cookie. "I haven't thought that far ahead, to be honest," she admits. "Once... things go better for Va'ynna and she wants her space like most maidens do, I suppose I'll let her have that and move back to Thessia or Sanves." She lets out a small chuckle as she adds, "I will expect regular contact, though. I don't think that's a big ask."

Va'ynna enters the lobby after sending the car off on its way to the Respite, the cloth bag containing Jason's gift to her in hand. She has taken off the beard by this point and stuffed it into the jacket pocket. "Have you heard anything from your sister?" she asks.

Sarah gives a nod to Uvena and takes another bite of her cookie. "Regular contact should be easy, just tell Victoria and I'm sure she will remind Va'ynna to contact you." She offers a friendly smile to Uvena, while still chewing the cookie. "These cookie are just too good."

Victoria follows behind Va'ynna, the false beard still hanging around her neck as she found it to be quite an effective neck warmer. "She did send a message that she was on her way. Your mother might've let her in." She answers. "But if she is not here, it buys me some more time to finish off the gravy for dinner and make sure everything is ready."

Uvena grins and leans back in the couch, casting one more glance to the kitchen. "I may just do that," she says. The comment about cookies gets a small affirmative hum from the asari. You can't argue with sweet.

Va'ynna nods, and her stomach rumbles at the mention of food. "You could have told Uvena to prepare that, you know," she says. She starts down the hallway towards their apartment, which is a few turns into the building.

Sarah sits in silence for a moment to enjoy the taste of the cookie. "If Victoria and Va'ynna take any longer we could just finish off these cookies." The sweets were just too tempting to leave sitting there, as she finishes her first cookie and reaches for another.

Victoria follows Va'ynna and shakes her head. "I could not have done that, she is a guest and this is both your first Christmas. It would be rude to ask such a thing." Her stomach rumbles again, and she sighs. "But the gravy should not take longer than a minute or two. Gotta have it fresh and hot, or else it is lackluster."

Uvena places a hand briefly on the top Sarah's arm. "I know I set a poor example, but let's not fill up on cookies ahead of the dinner," she says. "Victoria probably won't like that."

Va'ynna tilts her head. "We did leave her to keep an eye on the roast, though," she says. She taps the interface when they reach the door and steps into the apartment.

Sarah sighs in defeat at Uvena's hand being placed on top of her arm. "You're right. But those cookies were so delicious." She moves her arm away from the plate, sadly without a cookie.

Victoria raises her hand with one finger raised. "Only to make sure the apartment and food does not catch on fire. A good roast dinner takes time to cook." She follows Va'ynna into the apartment and takes her shoes off. "Hey, we're back." She announces.

Uvena nods in agreement, and removes her hand when it's clear she is refraining from taking another cookie. "Welcome home," Uvena says with a grin as she stands up from the couch. "How did the gift-giving go?"

Va'ynna removes her shoes first before shutting off the jacket's heat and hanging it up, shuddering a bit as some stray snow finds bounces off and finds its way down the neck of her shirt. "It went well," she says with a smile. "Li commended me on being a very good squirrel, and I got a present from Jason." She nods to Sarah upon spotting her. "Hey,... it's good to see you, Sarah," she says.

Sarah stands up to greet both Va'ynna and her sister, a look of confusion draws upon her face for a second at the squirrel comment but disappears into a smile. "Hey, it good to see you too, Va'ynna." She looks at her sister. "Hi, Victoria."

Victoria takes off her jacket and false beard, hanging them up and brushing off any snow that is on her. "Hey, Sarah and Uvena. Would've liked to be here to introduce you to one another." Vicky makes her way to the kitchen and checks on the roast. "It's looking good, thanks for keeping an eye on it Uvena." She begins to gather the ingredients for the gravy. "Once the gravy is done,

everything should be ready."

Uvena grins as she spots the fake beard Victoria was wearing, remembering them from when she went with Va'ynna for round two of gift-buying. "I think we managed just fine on our own," she says with a chuckle and follows her over to the kitchen. "Is there anything else I can help with while you prepare that?"

Va'ynna continues into the apartment, but decides against crowding the kitchen when Uvena already heads there. She instead stops by the couch table, managing to resist the cookies that are now within arms reach. "How are you?" she asks, looking at Sarah. "Is it... hectic down at the hospital?"

Sarah offers a smile to Va'ynna. "I am good, Va'ynna." She shakes her head at the second question. "Not to hectic, it all normal stuff. Just general check ups and the such." She looks over to the kitchen, but opts to stay by the couch and continuing chatting with Va'ynna. "What about you, how are you?"

Victoria thinks for a moment as she continues to gather what she needs to make the gravy. "The only thing that comes that mind, is to set the table if it needs to be set." She turns the stove top on and places the saucepan onto it. "Don't want to give you too much work to do, Uvena."

Uvena steps around her and gets to work gathering plates and utensils from the kitchen's various drawers and cupboards. She lived here for a while, and still remembers where everything is stored. "Nonsense," she says. "You two have been busy today, you deserve a helping hand here and there."

Va'ynna nods to her answer, a small smile showing up. "It'm fine," she says. "My employer is... off-world, and the person stepping in for her has cut back on my hours so I can get enough rest." She contemplates taking a seat on the couch, but decides against it since the table is being set.

Sarah nods, the smile remaining on her face. "Victoria told me about that. Why do you get such long hours? Don't they have anyone else?" She remains standing as the table is now being set.

Victoria begins to put what she needs for the gravy into the saucepan, and begins to stir. "Yeah, but it's your first time celebrating Christmas. So I want to make sure you can at least enjoy it for the first time." Vicky wanted everyone to enjoy this Christmas, and keep most of the work to herself.

Next Logs

Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Sarah Murphy
Victoria Steels
Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Sarah Murphy
Victoria Steels
Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Sarah Murphy
Victoria Steels
Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Sarah Murphy
Victoria Steels
Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Sarah Murphy
Victoria Steels
Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Sarah Murphy
Victoria Steels
Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Sarah Murphy
Victoria Steels
Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Sarah Murphy
Victoria Steels
Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Sarah Murphy
Victoria Steels
Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Sarah Murphy
Victoria Steels
Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels

Previous Logs

Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Sarah Murphy
Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels
Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels
Christmas: Va'ynna's Apartment
Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels
Uvena Atana
Victoria Steels
Va'ynna Atana
Sarah Murphy
Victoria Steels
Uvena Atana
Va'ynna Atana
Sarah Murphy
Victoria Steels