#Catacombs – March 16, 2015

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Damien hefts his firestorm and takes point ahead of Jason, tech armour glowing it's bright orange.

Jason follows behind Damien, keeping his Revenant lowered as he stalks down the hall.

Jattic gives Ilyna a nod and lifts his Firestorm once more as he stacks up on the indicated door. "Whatever you say, boss."

Vaden continues to look over the broken consoles for a bit.

Leah remains at the interecting point of the 'T' and keeps watch on the hall.

Fatsani takes up position beside the door, opposite to Jattic.

Jattic glances back at Ilyna, awaiting a signal.

Ilyna steps towards the door, and raises her weapon at it. "Open it," she says.

Jattic reaches out and taps the interface. He takes a step back from the door and points the Firestorm at it.

The door slides open, revealing... another short hallway. The door at the end is slightly open, with what looks like a pile of moss and cybernetics stuck in it.

Jattic grunts loudly and starts down the new hall. "More of these endless corridors." he mutters.

Halisi looks out into the darkness and then glances at Leah. "It happened here too, didn't it? Same as on Ogofau..."

Damien stops as he reaches the door on the left. He turns and jabs a thumb at it. "Same as before?"

Leah sighs and nods slowly. "Looks that way..." she says.

Ilyna lowers her weapon and proceeds into the hallway after the batarian. "Be on your guard," she says. "It looks like there's something in the next room."

Jason gives a nod and steps to the side, and somewhat behind Damien. He lifts his Revenant and aims it at the door.

Damien steps forwards and counts down with his fingers. On one, he taps the control panel and leaps back, raising his firestorm.

Fatsani glances into the hallway before swinging around and following Ilyna in.

Jattic gives another nod as he approaches the door. "For its sake, I hope not." he says, lifting his Firestorm for effect.

Philip stands in the room with the console, keeping watch on the door they came from.

On the other side of Alpha team's door is an oblong room containing a computer console, what appears to be the broken down remains of several showers, and a row of decayed hazmat suits.

Ilyna nods. "Open the door," she says, again, raising her weapon at it.

Jattic repeats the proccess, tapping the interface and aiming his Firestorm.

Damien steps inside, scanning the room as he advances to the console. If nothing pops out at him, he would holster his weapon and try to activate the console.

The door shudders a bit before slowly opening - which causes the pile of moss and cybernetics to stir - a hand reaches out and grabs Jattic's leg.

Jason keeps his weapon raised as he steps into the room, sweeping in the opposite direction of Monroe as he enters.

Jason is faced with the wall of hazmat suits.

Let's see here...

Jattic is caught off-guard somewhat. He growls and raises his other leg before slamming his boot down hard on the 'pile'.

Jason lowers his weapon once he's sure nothing is inside. He makes his way over to Damien's side and watches the console. "What is it?"

The console lights up with a faint hum. The interface would no doubt be rather mysterious to Damien.

Something that I don't quite understand. You understand this?

Fatsani just about manages to raise her shotgun before Jattic stomps the overgrown husk, causing its spine to snap in half - the torso half emerges from the moss now that it is free and grabs Jattic's leg with both hands, trying to claw through the armor with little success. The human puts a slug into its chest, which causes it to burst into flame, but it does drop dead.

Ilyna aims towards the hand, but holds her fire.

Jason looks it over. He furrows his brow and nods a couple times as his eyes dart up and down the screen. "Mmmhmm... Mmmhmmm...." he hums. He allows his Revenant to hang at his side as he studies the screen intently. Finally, he nods one final time as he looks over at Damien. "Looks like some sort of terminal."

Damien starts improvising with his omni-tool, trying to run a basic translation program. He turns to look at Jason, his deadpan look radiating from under his helm.

Jattic raises his Firestorm at the creature, but lets out a deep breath as Fatsani puts it down. A bit stirred, he glances over at Fatsani with an appreciative grunt. "That was my kill..." he still manages to complain.

Fatsani looks at the batarian for a moment, her expression undeterminable under her helmet, before swinging into the room. The ceiling appears to have caved in, as the room consists mostly of rocky rubble and bits of concrete and metal.

Ilyna enables her comms. "Bravo team here, we encountered one of these creatures," she says.

Jason sighs and looks towards the ground upon hearing Ilyna.

(Comms) So they're out...? Describe it, Ilyna. Was it like those we encountered on the Evening Star?"

Ilyna approaches the creature, and inspects it, trying to see if it's different. She keeps her weapon aimed at it in case it moves.

Damien shakes his head and continues to try and decipher the terminal, adamant that there might be something key on this console.

A recording appears on the screen of the computer terminal - a young asari in a researcher's outfit. "...it today. Kzztk... -magnificent. I-... ftkt... why the Matriarch refuses to infor-... tssk... -humming. I could feel the presence on the-... zzzzh... I just-... gnnnkt... -reach out and feel it with my mind. ...gggtg... -others-..."

Hey, Jason, look.

Jason blinks a couple times as he watches the screen. "The hell is that?" he asks as he awaits a response from Ilyna.

The husk in the moss is so broken down it is hard to tell - most of the flesh is gone, leaving a cybernetic skeleton and moss.

Damien tries to clear up the recording. "They found something here, by the sounds of it. And whatever it is, it seemed to of connected with this asari. I'll try to clear it up."

Philip looks back into the corridor the others are in. "Everything okay back there guys?"

Ilyna frowns, and enables her comms. "It's very damaged, so it's hard to discern," she replies, "but it's mostly just cybernetics... not much of the original person left."

Vaden jumps slightly at the sound of the gunshot, and moves a bit closer to the others.

Jason gives Damien a nod.

(Comms) You know what that means, Ilyna. Where there's one of those things, there's always more. Keep your eyes open.

(Comms) Shit. Stay on your guard.

(Comms) That goes for you, too, Linda. You're open on all sides up there. Be ready to bug out fast.

Damien hums to himself as he works, tilting his head slightly in concentration.

(Comms) ...

(Comms) I didn't catch that, say again?

The terminal suddenly lights up more. "Sec-Security breach d-d-detected! Shutting down."

Jattic steps inside of the new door and glances around.


Ilyna looks into the room with a raised weapon, but refrains from going inside.

Jason jumps a bit, nearly raising his Revenant. "Fuck! That's not good!" he says, looking around for more orange death shields, "What the hell did you do?"

Damien steps back, drawing his firestorm again. "Fuck if I know! This tech is old! I got down a copy of the recording. Anyway, I think I only shut down the terminal, so just calm down a bit."

There doesn't appear to be any imminent "death shields".

Jason backs towards the door, not particularly trusting the lack of 'death shields'. "Let's keep moving..." he says, "Slowly."

Damien follows Jason's lead. "Probably a good idea...".

Jason backs into the hall, only turning around once he's a few feet in, and returns to Leah and Halisi.

Jason, want me to wait at the last door?

Damien jabs a thumb down the corridor.

Jason shakes his head. "So long as we clear every room we come across, there shouldn't be any chance of anything getting behind us. We should stick together."

Damien nods and follows. "Alright. Want to try the boss-lady again?"

Jattic takes a short walk around the room, gripping his Firestorm tightly. "Dead end." he grunts.

Ilyna nods. "Let's check the other door," she says. "Back in the last room."

Jattic walks past Ilyna and back the way they came. "This place is a fucking maze."

Philip is still looking out into the dark main room.

Vaden looks at Jattic. "Would love to explore in detail if it was not for it being filled with monstrous creatures."

Fatsani follows Jattic and Ilyna after glancing at the caved-in room one more time.

Jason furrows his brow, realizing that Vasquez still hasn't responded once Monroe brings it up. "Yeah, let's keep moving, though." he says. He glances over at Leah and Halisi. "One more door and we'll push forward." he assures them. He moves on to the final door in the small side-hall, leaving enough room for Monroe to stack up on the door.

(Comms) Linda.... You copy? What's going on topside?

Leah gives Jason a nod, but retains her position at the door. "Just... Hurry it up." she says, "This whole place gives me the creeps."

Damien readies the flamethrower and stacks up against the door, nodding once at Jason.

(Comms) ...having trouble- ...Charlie squad. Atmospheric condit-... kzzt... -terfering with comms.

Jason reaches out and taps the interface, then steps back to give Damien room to 'work' with his flamethrower. He raises his Revenant.

Damien twists into the room, raising his flamethrower and silently praying for something to burn with it.

Jattic glares at Vaden. "This place is a shithole. Nothing to explore. Should be burned to the ground."

Alpha team's door opens. What appears to be almost two dozen huskified asari, bloated with blue blisters and with metal tubings hanging from their mouths, turn their heads towards the entrance, letting out a a unified shriek as they start moving towards Damien, the closest one firing off a biotic shockwave with metallic arm raised.


Damien immediately regrets his wish and unleashes holy flame from his firestorm. He staggers back out from the room as the shockwave strikes him, bringing his shields to the point of collapse. "Closethedoorclosethedoorclosethedoor!"

Jason 's eyes go wide as he spots the husks. "Fuck!" he exclaims as he pulls back towards the security room, firing a burst of Revenant rounds at the horde. He's already a good portion of the way back towards the previous room when he hears Damien.

Damien realises that Jason is no where near the door. He raises the flamethrower and unleashes a gout of flame towards the horde, retreating backwards as he does so. "Get the others!"

Jason stops in the security doorway and leans against the doorframe. He peers out and unleashes a stream of gunfire into the husks.

The proto-adjutants start rushing into the corridor, the first one being set ablaze and then put down by Jason's gunfire. Two others fall but the rest just climb over the corpses on their way forward - an orb of biotic energy flies past Jason and into the hall, where it collapses into a singularity.

Leah doesn't need to be told. The gunfire and screaming behind her is more than enough of a warning for her to turn around. "Shit..." she mutters as she works to reorient herself. "Get out of there!" she calls out. She raises her Mattock but doesn't fire, as to avoid hitting Monroe.

Halisi yells out as she is pulled into the singularity before really figuring out what is going on.

Jason turns to continue down the hall once Monroe has caught up, but stops as he spots the singularity. "Mother fucker!" he calls out as a montage of the billions of other times he's been pulled into a singularity plays out in his head. He presses himself back against the security room's doorframe to avoid it happening again. "Looks like we're not avoiding a fight, Monroe! Keep that

Firestorm talking!"

Damien is stuck in the limbo that is fight or flight and paralyzing fear. He continues to walk backwards, but slowly, never releasing the trigger on the firestorm.

Jattic continues to the next door, but pauses as a long stream of gunshots sound out in the distance. He glances at Ilyna, slightly concerned.

The twisted creatures keep coming through the hallway, their shrieks mix with the roar of the flames and the sound of their eezo sacs bursting as they are roasted by the wall of fire put up by Damien. Fuel is depleting rapidly however...

Ilyna enables her comms. "Status, Alpha?" she says. "I hear fighting." She approaches the door. "Open it," she says (not through comms).

(Comms) You sure as fuck do!

Jason continues to pump round-after-round down the hall. "Fu-... They just keep coming!"

Jattic hesitates for a moment, obviously considering turning back to help Alpha. But he does as told, approaching the new door and tapping the interface with his Firestorm held high.

Damien keeps holding the trigger down... Until he realises his tank has run dry. And he didn't grab a spare. Fuck. "Oh...". He snaps out of his trance and draws his Carnifex, priming the omni-blade and letting his shields reach maximum. He fires down the corridor, retreating much more rapidly, but with more focus too.

Leah reaches out to grab Halisi as she's pulled away, but fails to reach the woman in time. "Dammit! Hang tight, Halisi! You're gonna be fine!"

Two more proto-adjutants fall to Jason's hail of gunfire, and one takes a shot to the head from Damien's Cranifex, but the running man is janked up into the singularity as soon as he exits the hallway, joining Halisi in floating around.

Bravo team's door doesn't open.

Jattic balls his fist and hits the interface, letting out a growl as he does.

Fatsani glances out into the dark main room outside before joining the others by the door.

Philip glances at Ilyna. "Think they're okay?"

Leah cusses under her breath as Damien is scooped up, too. But she uses this opportunity to drop into a firing stance and open up on the encroaching horde, picking her shots.

Ilyna nods, and enables her comms. "Do you need assistance, Alpha?" she says. She glances at the generator room door. "If we're not getting in, maybe anything inside will stay there."

Vaden nods in agreement with Ilyna.

Jason doesn't bother answering Ilyna. More important things to worry about and all... You understand, right? He continues to hold down his trigger, letting loose a wave of projectiles at the adjutants until a resounding Click sounds out. Instinctually, he squeezes the trigger again without thinking. Click. He takes a quick moment to assess the distance between himself and the nearest


Damien is dragged into the singularity as his shields collapse again. He curses, loudly. "Thanks for the warning!"

Leah squeezes off a few more rounds. "Situational awareness!" she shouts.

Several of the mutated asari fall to Jason's machinegun fire, but more keep coming, one of them jumping at Jason and another sending a bolt of biotic energy through the hall, striking the singularity and causing it to collapse with explosive force.

Leah is hurled just outside of the hall by the biotic explosion. She falls onto her back hard, knocking the wind out of her. She scrambles after her weapon as it skitters out of her hands.

Ilyna starts walking down the hall back to the lobby. "They're not responding," she says, sounding impatient and worried. "We should help them." She enables her comms. "Alpha team, do you copy?"

Jason jams his Revenant between himself and the husk, but the force of the leaping creature knocks him back into the security room. He hustles to yank his blade free of its sheathe and drive it into the adjutant's head.

Halisi is tossed into one of the labs, shattering a glass window and landing with a thump behind a table, residual biotic energy fizzling around her armor.

Damien is propelled into a wall, smashing against it with a sickening crack. He cries out in pain, falling to the ground as his Carnifex disappears from sight. His armour is seared and dented, one of his optics is cracked and his gun arm is... Bent at an inhuman angle.

The once-asari on top of Jason stop's moving as it is stabbed through the head. Metal tubes covered in blue goop hang over his chest. Another proto-adjutant enters the security room, hissing at the human and moving rather slowly at him. Another three are running out into the main hall, two charging after Leah and one raising its arm at Damien - the arm is twisted into a long metal cylinder the inside of which glows blue.

Jattic gives Ilyna a nod. "Now you're talking." he growls and seems to gain a little more pep in his step as he starts to jog back the way they came.

Ilyna starts jogging as well. "Let's move," she says. "Towards the sound of fighting." Once in the lobby, she doesn't even look around before heading towards the door Alpha headed through.

Damien pulls himself up to sit against the wall. He looks looks to the creature as it aims at him with it's arm, his cracked optic flickering. He raises his own arm in response and fires off an incineration at the abomination of nature.

Fatsani runs after Ilyna and Jattic.

Jason takes a deep breath as he pulls his blade free and kicks the corpse aside. He backs away from the fresh enemy that has entered the room and reaches down to draw his Phalanx.

Philip doesn't follow. He is staring at the one door they haven't opened in the lobby. "Uh... guys?" He says as they passes, likely on the edge of their hearing range.

(Comms) Lacour, they need us more.

Leah braces herself for the approaching creatures. Unable to scoop her weapon up before she's overrun, she begins to brim with biotic energy and strikes out with her palm, sending a throw forward.

Jattic continues to jog towards Alpha's last known location, quickening his pace the further they get.

Jason finally responds to Ilyna, his breathing heavy as he locks eyes with the creature. "Yeah..." he begins over comms, "We-... uhh.... We got a couple dozen." He keeps calm, afraid that any sudden movements or loud noises may spark the creature to outright attack, "They've got me pinned in the security room..."

The proto-adjutant about to attack Damien goes up in flames as it is struck by the incinerate, causing it to discharge its cannon at the wall instead of the human - the wall next to Damien starts to chip and crack slightly from the warp field. One of the two creatures going after Leah is stopped dead in its tracks, falling on its back from the throw, but the other one lounges at her, trying to pin her down as metallic tentacles wrap around

her helmet, attempting to break through it as blue sludge splatters across the visor, obscuring vision. The husk with Jason in the security room, lets out a groan and stumbles forward - it moves in a twisted way, as if in pain. He might see another one move past in the hallway.

Vaden hurries after the others.

Philip takes a moment to snap out of it and follow behind the rest.

Leah is pinned to the ground. Her helmet begins to creak and crack as the metal is slowly rended away. She makes the executive decision to rip her helmet off, and attempts to chuck it aside to misdirect her attacker. She wiggles as much as she can beneath the creature in an attempt at putting herself in a position to begin raining elbows down on its head.

Jason pauses for a moment at the creature's erratic movements, but quickly comes to his senses and attempts to capitalize on the stumble. He raises his Phalanx and unloads a trio of shots at it.

Damien watches the adjutant burn in satisfaction, oblivious to how close he was to dying. He tears off his helmet, a dribble of blood coming from the corner of his mouth. He regards his arm, the pain now naught but a dull sensation. He pulls out his avenger and starts fidgeting, tucking it under his arm and using the wall to help stabilise the weapon. He searches for a target, his shields starting to flicker bac

A proto-adjutant bursts out of the lab window into the corridor in front of Jattic. It lets out a metallic snarl and sends a biotic shockwave at the batarian.

Jattic skids to a stop and nearly stumbles forward. The shockwave catches him off-guard and lifts him off his feet, hurling him back towards the others.

Jason's husk is struck by three shots, causing it to stumble and one of its blue blisters to start to leak. The one attacking Leah is briefly distracted by the helmet, but it doesn't last long, and it is about to stab a metal tube into Leah's now-exposed skin when it is hit by a sudden cryoblast, head freezing - Leah would no doubt feel some effect from the cold as well. Another of the creatures rounds the corner from the short corridor,

immediately trying to smash Damien's Avenger out of his grip.

Leah jerks her head to the side and lets out a shriek as the cryoblast catches her a bit as well. In sheer panic mode, she begins slamming her gauntleted fist into the adjutant's frozen head while trying to squirm out from under it.

Jason takes one heavy step towards the husk and plants a boot into its chest. If it doesn't go down, he pumps a few more rounds into it with his Phalanx.

Ilyna takes a step back, almost getting hit by the batarian and raises her weapon. She opens fire towards the creature, making sure not to hit the batarian.

Damien can do little to stop the attack as his avenger skitters across the floor. He stares up at the creature in defiance, activating his omni-blade. He surges to his feet, his arm flaring with pain as he swings his good arm at the creature in an effort to slice through its head.

Fatsani is slammed to the ground as she is hit by the flying batarian, letting out a grunt, and trying to push him off with her shotgun.

Damien's attacker drops dead after the top of its head is lopped off. The one in the security room is brought down by Jason's kick and then finished off. The final one does not move as Leah squirms away.

Jattic is pushed aside. He gets on all fours, looking around to see where his Firestorm was tossed to.

Leah grabs the creature by the shoulders and hoists herself out from under it, huffing and puffing as she does. The side of her face stings, almost unbearably so. She backs up against the wall, using it to push herself back to her feet, and looks around for the next threat.

Vaden raises his omni-tool at the husk, but Ilyna's fire hits well, and it goes down from the first burst.

Halisi stumbles out of the lab window, her armor signed by the biotic explosion and a glass shard stuck in her arm. Her omni-tool is still raised after firing the cryoblast.

Damien stares down at the creature, his chest heaving as he deactivates his blade. His face scrunches up in pain and he clutches his side, trying his best to avoid looking at his very broken arm.

Jason moves towards the door, swinging his blade into an underhanded grip in his left hand. He crosses his right arm over his left forearm to steady his aim, and leads towards the hall Phalanx-first. When he approaches the hall, he glances out and looks both ways.

A single scorched husk is crawling across the floor, reaching out at Jason with an arm that is so burnt only bone and metal remains. It lets out a low moan.

Jason fires a single shot into its head, most certainly not out of mercy, and glances towards Halisi to make sure the others aren't in any immediate danger.

I think I broke a rib... And maybe my arm... Not sure about that one...

Ilyna picks up the pace and starts jogging towards the corner.

Damien chuckles despite himself, retaking his seated position by the wall, wincing as a flare of pain shoots up his arm. He reaches around back and draws his canteen, taking the top off and downing most of its contents.

Halisi hurries over to Damien. She seems mostly fine despite being tossed into the lab. She glances around to make sure there aren't any more of the creatures in their immediate vicinity before kneeling down in front of the man and sweeping her omni-tool across him with a concerned look.

Leah reaches up, pressing her fingertips against the side of her face with shaking hands. The cryoblast seems to have frozen the top layer of flesh on her cheek. It's already beginning to turn a dark color and she lets out a pained gasp as she makes contact with it.

Philip follows after Ilyna.

Jason gives a sigh of relief as he spots the others alive and, mostly, well. He turns back and glances down the hall to make sure no more creatures are pouring out.

Jattic finally manages to shake the cobwebs loose and collects his weapon. He climbs to his feet and hurries after Ilyna.

Damien has indeed broken a rib and his arm is still bent at an unnatural angle. A trickle of blood remains at the corner of his mouth, though that seems to originate from naught but a split lip.

Halisi extends her left hand at Leah. "I'll get to you soon - I'm sorry, it was all I could do to stop the thing." She doesn't take her gaze off her omni-tool screen.

You-....... Thank you, doc.

Leah presses the palm of her hand over her cheek, wincing. "Is he gonna be alright?" she asks, nodding at Damien.

Fatsani follows once the batarian is off her.

Damien places the canteen back on his belt, leaning his head back against the wall. He forces a grin to his face and gives a thumbs up at Leah. "Give it five minutes and I'll be fine."

Halisi sighs and takes out a small cutting device. "Your arm is broken. I'm sorry, but... this is going to hurt. She starts cutting away his armor around the injured arm and then pulls it off as gently as she can.

Ah fuuuuuuu-

Can I have something to bite down on at least?

Leah crouches down beside Monroe, placing a hand on his good shoulder. She gives him a short smile and a nod. "Yeah... You'll be just fine." she says, trying to keep his attention as the doctor works, "Got myself a little war-wound, too." she says, tilting her head to the side to show off her cryoblasted face.

Jason shakes his head and reholsters his Phalanx once he's satisfied that the attackers are dead. He resheathes his blade and returns to his Revenant, lifting it off the floor and replacing the thermal clip before approaching the room that housed all the creatures and giving it a once-over, weapon raised.

Ilyna takes cover as she reaches the corner and leans out of it to peek down the longer hallway.

Damien peers up at Leah, smirking slightly. "Heh, makes you look- ah- badass," he chuckles. "Could you do me a favour and find my Carnifex. Sorta became attached to that thing."

Leah gives Damien a smirk and nods, giving his shoulder a quick squeeze. "Yeah, sure." She glances up, spotting Ilyna's peeping head rounding the corner. "Welcome to the party." she sighs as she stands up and begins looking around for Monroe's weapon.

The room appears to be another lab room - it is in complete disrepair, and water is leaking from the ceiling. The only undamaged object is a meter-sized metal object which has the look of a dead spider. The air in the room feels heavy, and the flashlight doesn't seem to reach as far.

Jason sweeps his Revenant around as he slowly approaches the metal object. "The fuck-..." he mutters to himself as he looks it over. Feeling pretty uneasy, he continuously glances all around.

The object sits in the center of the room in a small puddle of water - it almost seems to absorb the light of the flashlight now. The air is getting heavier as he moves further in - almost like moving in water. A grinding noise sounds from the dark corners of the room.

Jason immediately swings around, aiming his weapon in the direction of the noise and attempting to get a better look by shining his light towards it.

Jattic remains near Ilyna. He gives Fatsani a sidelong glance. "My apologies, human. I was caught off-guard. It will not happen again."

Halisi offers Damien a reassuring smile and starts coating his arm in medigel. Once she sets it right - no doubt painful despite the numbing of the medi-gel. She proceeds to pick out some bandages from her medical satchel and makes a sling for Damien. "I'm sorry, but if you want that to heal properly I can't let you use it any more right now."

Fatsani nods at Jattic, her expression still hidden, and aims her shotgun in at the labs.

Damien nods, gritting his teeth. "Well, at least I still have one functioning arm," he grumbles.

Ilyna walks around the corner as it seems clear and makes her way towards the doorway on her left, glancing in if it's open.

Leah crouches down and scoops up the discarded Carnifex before retrieving her own weapon. She returns to Damien's side and kneels beside him. "Try to hold onto it this time." she teases as she sets the pistol beside him.

There is nothing in the corner - in fact, the sound is now behind Jason. Metal grinding against the concrete. The clutching grasp of the spidery legs of the alien object seems more imposing, as if taking up more of the room, yet it hasn't moved.

Damien lets out a short, pained laugh and grabs his pistol. "Thank y- wait, where did Jason go?" He asks, looking around the room.

Jason feels sudden pangs of panic, and begins backing away from the object. He swings his Revenant around, aiming behind him, at the new source of the noise. He swings it from side-to-side, gasping as he struggles- or feels as if he's struggling- to breathe.

Leah glances towards the hallway. "I-... don't know." she admits. Her position would prevent her from actually seeing down the hall.

Halisi finishes with the sling and looks Damien over once more before turning to Leah, only now seeing the frost damage to her face. "I-... I'm so sorry! Let me see what I can do about this." She starts digging around in her satchel.

Leah frowns and instinctively reaches up to touch her face once more. "....How bad is it?"

Damien nods his thanks to the doc and pulls himself to his feet, clutching his pistol in his left hand. "I'll go have a look. It wouldn't surprise me if he tripped over a body and broke his neck," he mutters as he sets off, wincing on occasion.

Again there is nothing - the sound seems to be coming from everywhere at once now - the darkness is almost liquid in its thickness - or at least it appears to be. Damien would see little but Jason flailing around in an empty room.

Damien approaches cautiously, eyes narrowing slightly. "Jason?" He calls out. "Are you alright?"

Jason swings his Revenant around once more, clearly starting to panic. He fires a burst of rounds in the direction of the noise, sweeping his Revenant back and forth as he backs towards the door he entered from. "Fuck! We got-.... We got more!" he calls back, sounding a bit unsure of himself.

Damien flinches and takes off at a jog, reaching the room and raising his pistol... Only to see nothing. "Jason... There's nothing here," he says slowly.

Leah jumps at the sound of gunfire and grips her Mattock tightly. She pushes past Halisi and stops at the mouth of the hall. She furrows her brow as she's unsure of what she's witnessing. "Is... everything alright?" she calls out.

Jason looks towards Damien, but doesn't seem so sure of the man's words. "No..." he starts, turning back towards the darkness with his Revenant raised, "You don't hear that!?"

Ilyna approaches the group outside the hallway. "Is everyone alright?" she asks, not through the comms.

Damien doesn't respond to Leah, watching Jason cautiously, slowly moving over to him. He holsters his pistol and holds a hand out to him in a hopefully calming manner. "There isn't anything there, boss. Just... Lower your gun and focus."

Leah glances over at Ilyna with a confused look on her face. "We're all alive." she says, "I-... think Jason found something."

The artifact sits in the center of the lab, now in view of Damien. There is no sign of anything else in the room - the other sounds are fading to Jason as Damien speaks.

Ilyna nods, and proceeds into the hallway after Damien with her weapon raised.

Jason slowly lowers his Revenant, but remains alert, looking to all corners of the room as he continues to back out towards the hall. "I know what I heard, Monroe. I-..." he lets out a deep breath, "It's gone... Check the room, there has to be another way out."

Damien lowers his hand, drawing his Carnifex again. He nods and looks at the artefact. He approaches it and gives a curious look over. "So this is what that researcher was on about, I assume?"

The object seems more threatening up close, as if it could reach out and swallow up Damien at any point. Has the room gotten darker again?

Damien blinks and takes a step back, looking around the room. "The fuck? Must've hit my head harder than I thought..." He mutters.

Halisi looks after Leah as she moves away. She gets up and looks in to the corridor to see what is going on.

Jason stares at the object from his position near the door, hardly even noticing Ilyna's approach. "It-..." He suddenly, and very aggressvely marches across the room and presses a hand against Monroe's chest. He pushes Monroe away from the object. Hard. "Get the fuck away from it!" he demands.

What's going on in there?

Ilyna is not far from the doorway, but she can hear them shout inside. Her weapon is still raised.

Damien 's eyes widen at the sudden push. He crashes into the ground, letting out a cry of pain as he lands on his damaged arm. He whips up his pistol and aims it at Jason, eyes narrowing. "The fuck, man?!" He quickly lowers it and stumbles back to his feet. "What is wrong with you?!"

Fatsani enters the hallway, yelling out to Jason and Damien. "Get out of there!" She raises her grenade launcher.

Jason stares down at Damien, but quickly puts his hands up in a non-threatening manner, attempting to show Damien that he's in control of himself. "I'm sorry..." he says, "It's... We have to get clear of this thing. It does shit to you." he says, slowly reaching out to help Monroe back to his feet. He glances down the hall upon hearing Fatsani. "Whoa! Lower the weapon! Just let us get


Ilyna steps back and to the side to let the others pass. "What is this thing?" she asks.

Fatsani repeats: "Get out of the room! I'll take it out!"

Damien bats Jason's hand away, still quite pissed. He glares at the artefact for a moment, before leaving the room, holstering his pistol. He steps behind Fatsani and waits.

Ilyna also makes her way to the opposite doorway (one leading back to the L hallway) to not be in Fatsani's way.

Jason sighs and follows behind Damien. "You don't understand, Monroe." he says, "That thing... It changes you. I'm sorry. I just-..." he trails off as he passes Fatsani.

Fatsani nods at Jason and then fires off a grenade into the room - it explodes, sending small pieces of concrete flying into the hallway along with a dust cloud. Two more grenades follow, leaving the air thick with concrete dust, and chunks on the floor.

Ilyna looks at Jason. "You mean, like... that one they brought onto the Evening Star?" She steps out into the L-shaped hallway.

The deafening sound of the explosions spread throught the hallways, temporarily drowning out conversation and no doubt causing quite a few ears to ring.

Damien watches the dust and rubble, holding his good hand over one ear in a futile attempt to block the noise. He blinks through the dust and looks at the room.

Jason steps to the side of the hall door and covers his head.

Leah hunches over, covering her ears as the grenade goes off. "Fuck! Was that really neccessary!?"

Jattic glances around, looking for any sign of the noise having drawn more attention.

Vaden jumps slightly at the sound of the explosions.

Philip covers his ears and lets out a series of expletives that are drowned out by the explosions.

Halisi seems a bit startled, looking into the corridor at first opportunity but seeing nothing but dust.

Jason waves a hand through the air and wipes at his visor. He gives Ilyna a nod. "Exactly like the one they brought onto the Evening Star." he says, "I'm sorry... I wasn't trying to hurt you, Monroe. But that thing-..." he points arbitrarily down the hall, "It does shit to you that you don't come back from. We've seen it. We watched an entire ship fall to it. I-... I was just trying

to protect you."

Ilyna moves her hand up to the helmet, but can't exactly cover them. Her hearing is a little muffled for a moment, but she can hear what he is saying. "Oh... iit's a good thing we destroyed it, then."

Fatsani disappears deeper into the dust-cloud, and then emerges after a moment. "That did it. Let's move on."

Damien doesn't respond to Jason. Primarily due to that his ears were uncovered and he wasn't far from the blast, so his ears are still ringing.

Next Logs

Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Children of the Revelator
Children of the Revelator
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Jason Wolfe
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Jason Wolfe
Children of the Revelator

Previous Logs

Children of the Revelator
Children of the Revelator
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Philip Lacour
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Jason Wolfe
Children of the Revelator
Jason Wolfe
Children of the Revelator
Jason Wolfe