#Sacrarium – March 18, 2015

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Vaden joins Ilyna by the door, readying his omni-tool. (Vasquez)

Jason follows behind Ilyna. "We found one of our targets." he informs Garr, "Creepy artifact. Looks like a big, metal bug. There should be one more down here. Right now, our focus is on finding that artifact and coming up with a way out of here. If the elevator was the only way in and out, then we're gonna need a way to scale that shaft."

Damien plods behind the rest, wincing slightly.

Leah lifts her Mattock, causing a twinge of pain to shoot through her arm. "This place can't be much bigger, can it?"

Don't jinx it...

Artifact, eh? Heard that one before. Ended in crap last time.

Ilyna waits by the door for further instruction, not planning on opening the door on her own initiative.

Jason snorts and shakes his head. "Ain't much better this time..." he says, nodding towards the door. "Open sesame." he says as he raises his Revenant and takes a firing stance.

Garr snorts and rolls his eyes, giving the door a good kick. "Do I wanna know what a sesame is?"

It's just-.... Something you say, you know?

Jason gives a shrug. "I don't fucking know what it is..."

Then why're ya saying it?

The door groans from Garr's kick, and the metal buckles slightly - it is unlikely the door opening mechanism will work anymore. (Vasquez)


Jason glances at Garr with a deadpan stare. "Since you seem to have damaged the door... How about you do that thing you do? You know, open it violently?"

Garr doesn't really seem to care about door panels. He just keeps hitting the door until it gives way.

Ilyna steps away from her position and raises her weapon half-way on the door.

Don't like leaving doors intact. Some ass could lock them behind ya.

The door eventually gives, much like the previous ones, allowing them passage into another round tunnel leading further down. (Vasquez)

Also means we can't close them when we're attacked by a few hundred more of those things...

Jason sighs and begins to descend down the newly opened tunnel, moving slowly and sweeping his Revenant back and forth.

Garr shrugs and stomps down the tunnel with no concern. Being careful is for mammals.

Damien checks his tech armour before following the walking sledgehammer.

Ilyna follows after Damien, keeping her weapon raised half-way.

Leah feels a bit safer with Garr a few steps ahead of her. She follows behind slowly, a bit of a limp in her step.

Vaden seems to be content heaing in to the tunnel after the krogan. (Vasquez)

Damien holsters his Carnifex and primes his omni-tool, deciding to resort to a more support role.

The end of the tunnel has yet another door! (Vasquez)

Jason is ecstatic to see more doors! He wastes no time approaching it and tapping at the interface once Garr is in close proximity... Hoping to get it open before Garr can destroy it.

A credit for every door...

Garr grunts at Jason's homeopathic door-opening techniques.

Leah gives a chuckle and shake of her head. "Could retire comfortably..." she adds.

The door opens up into another cave-like room, with a thin layer of water on the floor. A human woman stands unarmed and unarmored in the middle of the room, looking at Jason. (Vasquez)

Damien aims his omni-tool at the woman.

Duh. Call that a fight? That's barely a snack.

Ilyna doesn't raise her weapon, since firing would stand the risk of friendly fire.

Jason keeps his weapon aimed at the woman. "Hold on, Garr..." he says, "If she's not a complete psychopath, we may be able to get some info out of her... Like a way out." He continues marching towards the woman with his weapon trained on her, "Hands where we can see 'em." he instructs, "If I hear one word about a Revelator or some other crazypants bullshit, you're dead. You understand?"

The woman stares blankly at Jason. "My life is an insignificant sacrifice. But you will face no further resistance ahead. Go, and then you will join us." (Vasquez)

Yeah. That's not gonna happen, Ms. Psycholips. Now how do we get out of here?

The woman tilts her head slightly. "That is not your choice. You will serve, willingly or not. You only resist because you do not understand. We have seen the truth." (Vasquez)

Huh. I know brainwashed when I see it.

This is a trap...

Yeah... You've seen the crazy truth, with your crazy eyes. Stop speaking gibberish for one second and answer me... Other than the elevator, is there any other way back to the surface?

Jason glances at Damien blankly, as if to say 'DUHHHHHHHH!'. "Thank you, Monroe."

Damien glares back at Jason. "You look like you needed the clarification," he counters.

The cultist stares at Jason, not responding. (Vasquez)

Jason sighs loudly. "Yes, yes, I get it. You want us to keep going so whatever is waiting down in this cave, this 'Revelator', kills us and turns us into more robo-zombies. News flash: We came here on our own, so that should've already clued you in that we're not the brightest bunch of assholes in the galaxy-..." he glances back at the others apologetically, "...so we're gonna go in there

regardless of what you have to say. But it'd be a whole lot more convenient if you just told us whether or not there's another way out of this place so we know what to look for when we're done killing your Revelator."

Whatever. Ya can't brainwash a krogan 'cause we don't have brains. Well-known fact.

Ilyna chuckles at Garr's comment, but otherwise remains quiet.

The human shakes her head. "The Revelator cannot be killed. You cannot destroy a god. You will understand." (Vasquez)

Ilyna sighs. "Isn't that how every cult leader imagine themselves to be?" she asks in a mutter.

Alright... She's pants-on-head crazy just like the rest. Gotta say, I don't feel particularly good about killing an unarmed woman... Anyone have a way to restrain her?

Garr rolls his eyes.

Don't be such a pansy.

Damien activates his omni-blade and advances towards the woman. "I'm not taking any chances," he growls.

Vaden looks at the woman for a moment and then raises his omni-tool. "Could fabricate something." He holds out a hand to stop Damien, speaking up in protest: "It is not acceptable to kill someone that is not fighting us!" (Vasquez)

Jason glances over at Garr. "Pansy? She's not even putting up a fight. Don't get me wrong, I've got no sympathy for any of these psychopaths. I'm also not willing to stoop to their level."


Leah takes a step forward, raises her Mattock at the woman's head, and squeezes the trigger.

The cultist drops dead. (Vasquez)

Jason looks over at Leah, not particularly angry, just a little shocked.

Vaden blinks, looking between Leah and the cultist and then lowering his omni-tool, clearly not happy with it. (Vasquez)

There, see? Easy.

Leah lowers her weapon. "Don't look at me like that. It was a mercy kill. You said it yourself. That thing gets in your head. She was already gone. Her head was filled with bullshit. Killing her was the right thing to do."

Ilyna shakes her head. "We won't know if it does before we destroy the artifact," she says.

Vaden looks at Leah. "Could have been fine. She could have been fixed after we destroy it. I joined to help, not..." He gestures at the body. "...this." The salarian seems a bit angry almost. (Vasquez)

Hey, at least we're not eating 'er. That's as respectful as it gets.

Damien deactivates his omni-blade and nods approvingly at Leah.

Leah frowns at Vaden. "We already destroyed one. How many of these nutjobs are coming out of the woodwork to help us?" she asks, "I don't feel good about this. But leaving her here to attack us from behind-... or worse, head back out and attack Philip and Halisi? We came here to wipe these creeps out. Don't forget who the enemy is just because they stopped shooting at you for a second."

Vaden quietly says something about the fact that he could have restrained her. (Vasquez)

C'mon, we're wasting time.

Yeah, you could've restrained her. Could you have also sat here watching her to make sure she didn't get out of her restraints? Cuz that's what we need, spread ourselves even thinner. Or maybe we were supposed to take her with us, huh? So she could try to sabotage us at the first sign of danger. Get over yourself.

Jason puts a hand up and nods to Garr. "He's right. It's done and over with. We keep moving."

Damien places a hand on Leah's shoulder in a hopefully calming manner. "It's done," he says. "Leave it now."

Leah shakes Damien's hand off her shoulder and begins marching forward.

Ilyna is about to speak her mind, but refrains when the discussion is laid to rest. She waits for the others to move before following.

Damien activates his omni-tool and follows the others, not even glancing at the corpse.

Vaden glances at the body again before going to the door, looking quite disconcerted. (Vasquez)

Jason gives Vaden a pat on the shoulder and gives the body one more look before moving forward.

Leah , clearly frustrated by everything, opens the door as soon as she arrives at it. Seemingly having chosen to take the lead.

The door opens into a fairly small room with a metal grid floor and walls, which appears to be sitting on the wall of a much larger cave - looking out or below there is darkness further than their flashlights can shine. In the room is a rusty computer console as well as what appears to be an elevator. In the far-right corner of the room the floor has given way, and parts of it are missing. (Vasquez)

I don't like this flimsy metal floor.

Damien moves towards the computer, chuckling. "Flashbacks to the elevator?"

Jason glances into the room and nods. "Gonna go out on a limb and say this floor probably won't like you too much, either." He nods towards the far-right corner of the room, "Looks like there's a bit of damage. Keep your distance from one another. Monroe, see what you can pull up on that machine."

Already on it, boss.

Ilyna remains in the tunnel, but walks closer to the doorway.

Garr keeps his massive bulk out of the flimsy-looking room.

Vaden carefully moves into the room, trying the rusty floor for strength. It seems to hold up - to his weight, anyway. (Vasquez)

Damien moves to the console and tries to power it up.

The console is quite dead. And rusty. And moss-filled. (Vasquez)

Yeah, this isn't going to work anytime soon.

Damien raps his knuckles against the machine. "Very dead."

Jason remains just outside of the door, looking in. "What about the elevator?" he asks, "That thing working?"

Damien moves towards the elevator to check if it is going to work. Or if it'll kill them all if they attempt to use it.

The elevator controls have power, and from the lack of moss it seems to see use. (Vasquez)

Yeah. Yeah, looks like it is working.

Jason gives a nod and sighs. "Alright... It's probably not a good idea for us to put too much stress on it. How much weight you think it can hold?"

The elevator appears to be made for lifting cargo - it is large and seems fairly steady. (Vasquez)

Damien inspects it and chuckles. "Compared to the other? It could probably take all of us. Yes, you too Garr."

Even if I jump up an' down a bit?

Let's... not find out.

Fine, fine.

Damien steps onto the elevator and waves them across

Garr walks over to the elevator with what might be considered a krogan tip-toe walk.

Jason makes no attempt to enter the room until he's sure Garr can safely cross.

Ilyna waits to see how well the floor handles the krogan.

The floor creaks a bit as Garr crosses, but it holds. (Vasquez)

Vaden makes his way to the elevator along with Damien. (Vasquez)

Leah begins to cross the room once Garr is safely on the elevator.

Jason glances at Ilyna with a shrug. "Seems to be holding..." he says as he takes a tentative step out into the room. Once inside, he slowly makes his way over to the elevator.

Ilyna nods, but waits a few seconds after Jason enters before following slowly.

Jason glances around once everyone is on and taps the button to go down, since nobody else seems to be.

The elevator starts descending into the darkness below. The only real points of reference are the cave wall and the room above. The metal groans loudly as it moves, and the sound echoes from the dark. After a short while the elevator comes to a stop on a metal-grid platform. The floor of the cave is covered in water, which seems to shimmer blue when their flashlights shine on it. A metal walkway, circa two meters wide, leads out away from (Vasquez)

the cave wall and into the darkness. (Vasquez)

Poor suckers don't even have juice, hah!

Jason steps off the elevator with his Revenant raised. He begins to cross the walkway, flashing his light about.

Ilyna enables her flashlight on the trip down, looking around concerned at the elevator's groaning. She follows a few meters behind Jason.

Damien follows cautiously, omni-tool primed.

Leah moves alongside Damien, but keeps her weapon lowered as to not point it at a teammate.

Vaden brings up the rear. He seems a bit puzzled by the shine of the water as his flashlight passes over it, but continues after the others. (Vasquez)

The rusted walkway continues on... and the elevator fades out of view behind them. (Vasquez)

Damien keeps his gaze focused forwards.

Jason continues across the walkway, feeling slightly less comfortable with each step away from the elevator. "Kind of a shitty place for a God to stay, don't you think?" he jokes, hoping to clear a bit of the tension.

Garr doesn't exactly try to be quiet. His loud footfalls echo around, and he shines his flashlight wildly all over the place trying to find something to shoot.

Maybe it's shy?

I'm guessing this god figure had an excuse made up, but... I don't think these people would be critical of it.

A round light suddenly appears up ahead, bathing the metal-grid structure surrounding it in a pale blue light. It starts to rise slowly up several meters into the air, illuminating several spindly metal limbs that seem to encircle it. Four cultists can be seen kneeled around it, and the silhouette of a figure rising from a sitting position in front of the luminous orb is visible as well. (Vasquez)

Jason slows his advance, somewhat confused by what exactly he's witnessing. "The fuck is going on...."

Damien raises his omni-tool, visibly tensing at the sight. "The other artifact?"

Vaden freezes in place and readies his omni-tool. (Vasquez)

Yup. That's crazy cult behaviour all right.

Ilyna slows down, as well, preparing her biotics. "I could fire the launcher on it before they notice us," she says in a lowered voice.

The glow of the floating orb grows brighter, and it suddenly shoots out an electric discharge at one of the cultists. The cultist in question cries out in pain as his armor bends and breaks, metal tubes emerging from his helmet and bloated sacs of blue liquid appearing. (Vasquez)

Ilyna, shoot it...

Jason 's eyes go wide and he loudly agrees with Damien. "Shoot it!"


Leah watches with mouth agape. "It's... turning them into those things...."

What kinda moron does that on purpose? C'mon, let's smash the buggers.

Ilyna holsters her weapon and takes the launcher off her back. She aims it in their direction steps past the group before firing twice towards the light, and twice more if it hits.

Another arc of energy strikes another of the cultists, causing her to start changing as well. Ilyna's shots seem to have no effect, when the explosions clear the orb remains unharmed. They do however alert the two freshly created proto-adjutants, that turn towards the group. One charges at them while the other fires off a warp field at the asari while letting out a metallic shriek. (Vasquez)


Boo-yah! Fun time!

Garr! Stay away from that orb!

Ilyna aims the grenade launcher towards the approaching creatures, and fires off two more grenades. Her shields mitigate the warp field, although at signifact cost as they're almost down.

Garr fires up his biotics and charges right at one of the weirdo cultists, aiming a punch at his/her face.

Garr smashes into one of the adjutants, causing it to tumble back - a moment later Garr is struck in the back by Ilyna's grenades. The other adjutant fires off a shockwave at the team on the walkway. Another bolt shoots out from the orb, and a third cultist starts to change, the cries of pain echoing across the vast cave. (Vasquez)

Vaden is tossed into the water by the shockwave, landing with a splash and scrambling to get to his feet in the meter-high pool. (Vasquez)

Garr can't really feel the grenade impact through the armour, so he doesn't know it's there and can't get out of the way before it goes off. Luckily his barrier and armour protect him from the worst of it, though the impact from the explosion knocks him off balance and right into the adjutant. He takes the opportunity to headbutt it and grab on to whatever tubes or protrusions he can get a hold on.

Ilyna is also given an involuntary bath, but her armor is completely sealed and undamaged. The grenade launcher lands in the water near her. It takes a moment for her to orient herself.

Damien topples into the water, crashing onto his good arm. He cries out in pain, his broken rib flaring in utter agony. Water seeps in through the damaged armour.

Jason begins to fire off a volley at the approaching adjutants when the shockwave comes his way. He cusses under his breath and gives a quick glance around. With nowhere else to go, he grabs ahold of the rail and vaults off the catwalk and into the water below.

The headbutt does little damage to the creature, which starts wrapping its metallic tentacles around Garr's arm as he grabs them, beginning to tear the krogan's armor apart and attempting to get underneath. (Vasquez)

Garr is simultaneously doing the same thing to the Adjutant, ripping off any bits he can reach.

Leah holds her ground. Her biotics flare up as she readies her personal barrier to negate some of the shockwave's effect. She begins firing off shots at the adjutant.

Ilyna locates the grenade launcher and picks it up, and puts it on her back. She then starts wading towards Damien's position after hearing his pained cries.

The adjutant is staggered by the impact of shots from both Jason and Leah, but it fires off another biotic attack - a warp field, at Leah. The one wrestling with Garr has most of its metal tubes ripped off, causing blue goo to fountain at Garr's helmet, obscuring his view. The third adjutant now joins the fray, rushing through the water at Ilyna and Damien. (Vasquez)

Vaden manages to get on his feet and fires off an incineration attack at the charging adjutant - it strikes the creatures barrier. (Vasquez)

Garr 's helmet was a goner anyway, so he just keeps headbutting blindly for a bit.

Jason hits the water with a splash. It takes him a moment to regain his bearings and locate the rest of his team. He raises his Revenant and begins laying down covering fire on the adjutant rushing Ilyna and Damien.

The fourth and final cultist is now transforming, and soon jumps Garr, digging claws into his armor and starting to shred it. The other one has been headbutted into oblivion. (Vasquez)

Leah begins charging down the walkway at the adjutant when the warp field comes her way. She leaps onto the railing and then across towards the metal grid platform, using her biotics to sail across the gap.

Ilyna notices the creature headed her way and sends off a throw at it before drawing her Hurricane and firing at it in bursts.

Garr is now not wearing armour so much as a piece of patchwork art covered in brownish-orange blood. He still seems to be fine, though. He pulls off his helmet with one hand and draws the other fist back, a biotic shimmer forming around it, then smashes it right into the adjutant's face.

Damien tries to push himself to his feet, but he falls straight back down again. He looks at the charging creature and fires off an overload at it.

The throw strikes the creature, slowing it down. It is then hit by the overload, which arcs into the water -and a moment later the adjutant is torn to pieces as the water around it explodes in a haze of mass effect energy. (Vasquez)

Jason lowers his Revenant and hurries to Ilyna and Damien to regroup. "You alright...?" he asks, glancing around, "Where's Leah?"

Ilyna keeps firing at it for good measure until the clip is empty and continues towards Damien's position. She offers a hand to help him up.

The adjutant receives a biotic punch to the face, and is sent flying across the platform. The only one still standing starts running at Leah. (Vasquez)

Garr roars, seemingly enjoying himself immensely, and tries to do a biotic belly-flop on top of the one charging at Leah.

Damien clutches her hand and uses it to hoist himself up. He grimaces and removes his hand to hold at his broken rib.

Garr is hurled aside by a throw from the adjutant he punched away earlier, which is now standing again. (Vasquez)

Ignore me, focus on that damn thing!

Vaden climbs onto the walkway and fires off another incineration blast at the creature that sent the throw at Garr, causing it to go up in flames. The final one is still charging at Leah. (Vasquez)

Garr topples off the walkway and lands in the water, sending up a massive splash. He grumbles and gets back to his feet, starting to gather energy for more biotics.

Ilyna nods, and wades over to the platform. A bitoic shimmer forms around her again. She takes a few seconds to climb it and get to her feet.

Leah turns to face the final adjutant. She begins to raise her Mattock at the charging adjutant, but realizes she won't be able to get a shot off in time and begins charging her biotics. She lunges forward with a biotic-powered haymaker, hoping to catch the creature in its chest.

Jason wades behind Ilyna, the water slowing him down a bit.

Damien follows behind slowly. When he eventually reaches the walkway, he awkwardly clambers onto it (after falling back into the water).

The adjutant is struck in the chest, bursting some of its eezo blisters, but doing little to stop it - it swipes its metal claws at her. (Vasquez)

Garr biotically charges up to the walkway and right at the adjutant with a happy krogan roar.

Leah instinctively brings up her right arm to block the adjutant's attack, and attempts to counter with a left hook, allowing her Mattock to drop to the ground.

Ilyna reloads and raises her weapon on the remaining creature once she's gotten back on her feet, but holds fire.

The final adjutant is hurled away by the biotic charge, landing with a splash in the water. It does not move. (Vasquez)

Awww, c'mon! Weak bastard.

Damien primes an overload and aims it at the sphere. He fires, muttering a quiet prayer.

Jason slowly climbs back onto the platform behind Ilyna, scanning the area for more threats.

The overload strikes the orb, causing it to let out a high-pitched noise as the metallic arms around it shift a bit. It starts to change to red. The figure standing in front of the artifact steps forward - it is an asari with sickly gray skin and several husk-like cybernetic implants. Distinctive lightning-shaped facial markings are still visible on her cheeks. Her eyes are closed. (Vasquez)

Damien lowers his arm and stares at the asari. "Is that...?"

Jason keeps his weapon trained on the asari. "....The woman from the terminal..." he finishes Damien's sentence.

Ilyna aims her weapon at the asari figure, considering firing on it as she's more than unsettled by it.

Leah scrambles to grab her Mattock once the adjutant is dealt with, and falls into line with the others, aiming her weapon at the new threat.

Vaden raises his omni-tool, aiming it at the asari. (Vasquez)

Damien draws his Carnifex and aims it at the asari, his arm shaking.

What? Looks like just another creepy asari thing to me. She a friend or something?

The orb is now blood-red. It flashes briefly, and for just a moment sound seems to disappear from the cave. The air feels heavy as the asari floats slightly off the ground, her eyes open - with a bright red glow and red lightning arcs across her implants. A booming voice echoes across the cave, while at the same time seeming to come from inside each team member's head: "I AM THE REVELATOR OF ULTIMATE TRUTH!" (Vasquez)

What kinda stupid name is that?

Ilyna starts firing in bursts towards the asari figure until her clip is empty, but her aim is poor. "Get out of my head!"

Vaden stares for a second before firing off another incinerate. (Vasquez)

Damien fires off round after round, until his clip is empty. He holsters it and clutches at his helm. "Loud bitch!"

Jason winces as the voice echoes in his head, but it's certainly not enough to stop him from holding down his trigger. He drops to a knee and squeezes the trigger of his Revenant with no plans on letting go until the thermal clip runs dry.

Leah releases her Mattock and hunches over. "I can-.... feel her in my head!" she shouts.

Revelator seems unaffected as the shots impact what appears to be a biotic barrier surrounding the asari form. A shockwave is send out in all directions, likely enough to topple most of the team. "I OFFER SALVATION FROM YOUR OWN IGNORANCE!" Some, especialy Ilyna, might feel a massive presence, far more than that of just the asari research leader filling the room, as if something else was there. Grinding metal sounds as the voice speaks, (Vasquez

and whispers come from the dark. (Vasquez)

Jason is hurled backwards off the platform effortlessly, and crashes right back into the water, landing hard on his back.

Leah crumples to the ground, completely covering her own head at this point.

Vaden gasps as he is tossed away, just barely keeping from landing in the water. (Vasquez)

Damien cries out as he topples backwards, crashing into the water once again. He lets out a pained gasp and his breathing becomes ragged and pained. He tears off his helmet and coughs up flecks of blood.

Garr is knocked back into the water - again - and grumbles about "asari mindfuck".

Ilyna loses her weapon as she is thrown backwards. She manages to land on her side. "Goddess, there's.,.. there's... more than just the demon." She may have made exactly that assumption, but it's doubtful anyone would hear her.

Revelator sends a red biotic blast at Leah, and another at Ilyna with little effort, floating forward at the same time. "YOU WILL FACE THE TRUTH! YOU CANNOT FIGHT US!" (Vasquez)

Jason climbs back to his feet, standing on shaky legs, and lets out a loud gasp as he holsters his Revenant on his back and begins a slow climb back up to the platform. His breathing is a bit ragged and all the wind is knocked out of him at this point.

Leah is hurled back towards the walkway, as if weightless, and slams into the railing, practically bending backwards over it before sliding to the floor.

I've had it with ya, big-mouthed bitch.

Ilyna is quick to put up a barrier to resist the biotic blast, but it takes a lot of energy out of her. She gets to her feet, and pulls out the grenade launcher, and fires it off towards the asari figure without hesitation. "I won't let you control me!"

Garr charges at the creepy asari with an annoyed grunt, aiming to headbutt her head off and rip her arms off.

Ilyna would use all four grenades if uninterrupted, not noticing the krogan before it's too late.

Damien painfully hauls himself to his feet. He heaves himself back onto the platform with effort. He watches Leah crash into the railing, redoubling his efforts... To little avail. He crashes to his knee and wheezes, each breath more and more difficult. He eventually shambles to Leah's spot.

We're getting slaughtered...

Damien he coughs, checking to see if Leah still lives.

Leah is laying flat on her back in the middle of the walkway. Her chest is rising and falling quickly. "Can't-... Can't feel my legs...." she spits out between breaths. A trail of tears involuntarily fall down her face.

Revelator 's barrier stops Garr, and the krogan is lifted into the air before being slammed hard into - or rather through, the metal grid floor. Several grenades impact the barrier, causing it to flare up in red - it remains up though. Another biotic blast is tossed at Ilyna in retaliation. "DO NOT RESIST US! WE OFFER SALVATION!" (Vasquez)

Garr grunts in pain as he lands in the water again. Between the mindfuck and the injuries, he's starting to work up a bit of a temper.

Vaden scrambles to his feet, and looks around at others that are falling. He tries to boost Ilyna's shield before the biotic blast impacts her. (Vasquez)

Jason manages his way onto the platform. On his hands and knees, he takes a few deep breaths and yanks his helmet off. "Get... Out.... of my head!" he shouts as he hurls his helmet up at the asari. Climbing back to his feet, he reaches for a grenade and activates it. He whips the disc up at the floating nutjob, nearly falling over from a lack of energy.

Damien weakly smiles, blood dribbling from his mouth. He opens to mouth to speak, though all that comes out is a pitiful groan. He collapses next to Leah and whimpers. "Fuck...", he mutters. "Hold on a... Little longer... I think we're.... Winning...".

Ilyna manages to get a barrier up for that one too, but she stumbles backwards as it makes quick work of said barrier and her shields despite Vaden's boost. She manages to stand upright, however. Ilyna follows up with a decent throw, but she's panting heavily.

Garr charges at the asari, without biotics this time, though the punch he aims at her is still very much biotically charged.

Revelator sends a biotic blast at Jason, but the grenade goes through the barrier and attaches to the asari. The explosion rips chunks of flesh from her body, leaving only cybernetics on much of the abomination of a creature's right side. The grenade unfortunately also sends several fargments flying right at Garr as he charges at the asari form. What remains of the Matriarch's flesh is starting to crack with red glow, as if the body is (Vasquez)

unable to contain the power within. A powerful biotic shockwave is sent to stop Garr's charge. "THIS BODY IS INSIGNIFICANT! YOU WILL JOIN MY CHILDREN OR FACE OBLIVION WHEN THE DAY OF OUR REUNION COMES!" (Vasquez)

Ilyna moves over to pick up her weapon now that the asari's attention is directed elsewhere. It was on the edge. She reloads it and opens fire on the asari figure. "Die, demon!" she says through gritted teeth.

Garr is tossed up in the air by the shockwave, but does land on the walkway this time. He doesn't have much left in the way of armour, but the krogan blood rage is starting to kick in, so he doesn't much care about anything, simply throwing himself at the asari again.

Leah remains on the ground, staring straight up at the ceiling. "Doesn't-.....sound... like it...." she groans. She makes absolutely no attempt to move, if she even can.

Vaden dodges out of the way of the krogan, just barely escaping. (Vasquez)

Damien coughs up more blood, turning his head to the side. "Oh... Believe me... We are... Garr is snacking... On her... Right now." He falls silent and stares up at the ceiling.

Jason is easily tossed to the ground by the biotic blast. He's pretty much spent at this point. He curls onto his side and coughs up a bit of blood. With slow, tired movements, he pulls his Revenant from his back and struggles to replace the thermal clip as he lay on the ground.

Revelator sends a biotic blast at Vaden, which takes down his shields and sends him flying. Anoher flies at Ilyna. The darkness is getting thicker, despite the illumination from the orb. It seems as if there are constant noises, almost drowning out the combat. "YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH AND DESPAIR AT YOUR INSIGNIFICANCE!" Garr is suddenly locked in place with a stasis fields. Bullets continue to impact the barriers - it is hard to tell (Vasquez)

if it is working or not. (Vasquez)

Ilyna tries to put up a barrier, but with little success. She is sent flying into the water, parting ways with her weapon mid-air. She doesn't seem to resurface.

Garr just sort of hangs there, I guess.

Damien weakly raises his head, his vision starting to blur. Blackness creeps at the edges of his sight as he draws his Carnifex. He slowly reloads it with his last mag and groggily aims at the asari. He fires off a shot, though he wouldn't be surprised if it went wild.

Jason remains on the ground, but eventually manages to pop in a fresh thermal clip. He winces hard and shakes his head as the voice echoes loudly in his mind. "Yeah... Revelator... Truth... Despair.... Insignificance....Whatever..." he groans, having heard enough of her bullshit. Still on his back, he shoulders his weapon and holds down the trigger hoping, more than anything, to just shut

her up.

Revelator takes notice of Damien as the shot impacts the barrier. A biotic blast is hurled at the human, but when Jason opens fire the asari form starts moving towards him. Garr's stasis field soon fades. (Vasquez)

Vaden stumbles into place in front of Damien, activating his omni-tool and trying to boost his own shield before the impact, but he fails, and is struck by the full force of the blast, crumbling to the ground. (Vasquez)

Garr drops back on his feet and just keeps charging, trying to rip or possibly bite the asari creature's head off. With his higher brain functions shut down by blood rage, such distinctions are irrelevant.

Damien braces for the blast, but Vaden's action saves him. He watches the salarian crumble to the ground with sorrow, tears pricking at his eyes. He forcibly pushes himself upright and aims at the asari again, firing another shot at the floating bitch.

Jason continues to hold down the trigger as the asari closes in on him. "Yeah!" he shouts, seemingly pleased that he's gained her focus, "C'mon you big ugly sonovabitch!" he calls out.

Ilyna gets up to the surface, picking out her remaining frag grenade (the throwable kind, not the disk) and throws it towards the asari's general direction. She has forgotten to prime it, though.

Revelator keeps floating at Jason, reaching out with a cybernetic arm when one of the asari's legs is suddenly ripped off by the rampaging krogan. The body starts crackling with red energy, biotic mist swirling around. (Vasquez)

Garr just keeps raging at the thing. He'll keep ripping it to pieces until the pieces to stop moving, then move on to whatever else is moving. Blood rage is fun.

Jason glances over at Ilyna's grenade as it bounces near him. He looks back and forth between the 'nade and the encroaching asari. With a final burst of energy, he grabs Ilyna's grenade, primes it, and leaps to his feet, shoving it into a nice cyberneticy-holey area on her right side. He tosses himself off the platform and back towards the water below, hoping to get clear of the blast as

best as he can with a loud shout of "Fraaaaaaag out!"

Damien rolls over and does his best to shield whomever is closest with his tech armour.

Leah is still merely staring up at the ceiling, blinking occasionally. Her breathing is getting pretty shallow.

Ilyna wades over to the nearest ledge, and leans towards it to catch her breath. She makes no reaction to what Jason said.

Revelator explodes into a thousand tiny bits of cybernetics that go flying off in all directions along with the grenade shrapnel. A secondary biotic explosion follows. The imposing presence has not yet faded however. (Vasquez)

Ilyna is thrown off balance by the blast and takes a few seconds to get back on her feet. Her shields manage to hold off any fragments headed her way.

Jason splashes into the water and struggles to lift himself enough to keep his head above. The following grenade blast litters the side of his face with bits of shrapnel, causing him to scream out in pain.

Damien 's armour collapses, already weak from the fight. Shards scratch his face and embed themselves in his broken arm. He gasps, eyes shooting wide. He simply drops to the ground, laying on his front. "We... Win?" He asks, his voice scarce above a whisper as he slips in and out of consciousness.

Garr is thrown backwards and peppered with various bits of shrapnel - probably just as well, since it keeps him from turning on people.

Jason remains on his knees in the water, breathing heavily as blood drips from the side of his face, mixing with the water. He wobbles unsteadily.

Ilyna climbs onto the walkway, and starts walking towards where the creature was with slow steps, a weak biotic shimmer forming around her.

The red glow of the orb brightens temporarily as the booming voice sounds out one last time: "THIS IS NOT YOUR VICTORY! THE DAY OF OUR RETURN GROWS CLOSER! YOU WILL KNOW OUR NATURE AND DESPAIR, FOR WE ARE ETERNAL!" A red shockwave flies out from the orb in all directions, shutting down weapons, omni-tools, armor systems anything else electronic on any of the people in the cave. After this the orb loses its glow, and seems to shrink in size (Vasquez

as it falls to the floor with a clank, the metal arms surrounding it retreating down as well. (Vasquez)

Ilyna counters the shockwave with a biotic barrier, not realizing that her armor and omni-tool shuts down. Her weapon is in the water somewhere.

Garr 's bloodrage-addled mind sees the thing move, and he charges at it, trying to smash it to pieces.

Jason lets out a low chuckle, which eventually rises into a full blown laugh, causing him to spit up some blood. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you!" he shouts from his location in the water.

Damien simply lays there, eyes closed and skin becoming pale.

The inert orb rolls away upon being charged by Garr. It remains intact however and soon comes to a stop. (Vasquez)


Ilyna stops near Damien and Leah, crouching down and looking over their injuries. "It's... over?" she asks, directed at nobody in particular.

Leah slightly tilts her head to the side, giving a loud pained gasp as she does. "Monroe...?" she repeats.

Vaden is laying immobile on the walkway in front of Damien and Leah, most of his chest and face blasted away by the biotic attack. (Vasquez)

Damien remains silent.

Garr is swaying on the spot a bit - it seems even krogan can get a little woozy if they lose too much blood. He's still looking for things to kill, though.

Leah grunts in pain. "C'mon... Monroe..." she says through gritted teeth, "Get up... Gonna take more... than that.... to get you out of a date...."

Jason holsters his Revenant and grabs on to the side of the platform. He makes an attempt to pull himself up to it, but merely falls right back into the water.

(Comms) We need... help. Halisi. Copy?

Ilyna is sounding weary and distant on the comms, if they even reach anyone. She picks out her medi-gel canister and looks over Damien for where to start.

(Comms) T'Rea? Is that you? What's going on down there?

Damien 's eye cracks open, barely noticeable. A single wheezy breath is Leah's response. Shards of metal protrude from his arm and his right cheek is shredded. And, judging from the blood seeping from his mouth and his pained breaths, there is internal damage too.

(Comms) Yes. We fought... a... demon. It's... over, I think. Many are injured.

Ilyna gets off the comms and removes her armor's gloves. She starts applying the medi-gel to Damien's face carefully, although more generously than she would normally.

Jason gives climbing another shot, but once again slides back into the water. He seems settled on just remaining in place at this point. He lifts his head upon hearing Vasquez' voice, but is in far too much pain to respond.

Damien the cooling touch of the gel elicits a more coherent response from Damien. "Oooooowwwwww...".

(Comms) ...is Jason there?

Halisi comes on the comms. "How many injured? Can you move them?" (Vasquez)

Garr sees Ilyna moving and tries to attack her, but he only gets a few steps closer before his balance betrays him and he falls over and back into the water.

Ilyna puts down the canister. "I'll... be right back," she says and stands up before getting on her comms while looking around. "At least three injured," she simply says before glancing at the krogan. "Four. Maybe more." She notices Jason and stars making her way over to him. When at the edge, she extends a hand.

Jason is drenched by water as Garr causes a massive splash as he makes contact with the water. "Dammit..." he groans, looking over towards Garr, "Get up you big motherfucker...." He climbs up to his feet and reaches out to Ilyna, accepting her help.

Garr seems to have some sanity restored by the cold water, and pushes himself up on all fours with a grunt, spitting water.

Damien slips back into unconsciousness.

Ilyna takes a step back once Jason is up. "Are you alright?" she asks. "I need help... with the injured."

Jason collapses right back onto his knees once he's up on the platform. He takes a few deep breaths and shakes his head. "Alright?" he asks, "No... Far from it." He gives a glance towards Vaden, Leah, and Damien. "But I can walk... Let's get them out of here."

Garr slaps the side of his head a couple of times, possibly trying to clear it. He's leaking a lot of blood, but seems to be back to sanity for now.

Ilyna walks towards where the krogan jumped into the water. She manages to kick into the artifact on her way, but manages to regain her balance without another bath. "Garr?"

(Comms) Ja-... Wolfe, do you copy?

Yah, yah. Screw this shit. Anyone got any food?

Jason stumbles over to the others and collapses onto his ass next to Vaden. He looks over the salarian for any signs of life.

(Comms) Copy... In a bad way... Need you ready, Halisi....

Halisi answers imemdiately: "I'm ready. Can you bring the injured up?" (Vasquez)

(Comms) Wolfe. Is the facility clear? What did you find?

(Comms) All injured.... Everyone....

Jason tilts his head back, trying to suck in some air.

Halisi lets out a sigh over the comms. "I'm coming down." (Vasquez)

(Comms) No! No... Too dangerous. We'll do what we can to get to you...

Halisi returns after a short pause. "Understood." (Vasquez)

Jason climbs onto his knees and leans over Vaden, giving his body a slight nudge. "C'mon, Vaden..." he says, looking over the severity of the salarian's wounds.

Vaden is still missing most of his face and parts of his chest. The biotic blast has fused parts of his armor to his body in a gruesome scene. (Vasquez)

Ilyna heads back to Damien and gets down on her knees. She picks up the medi-gel canister and tries to remove a few armor plates to get to the wounds, starting with the most gruesome ones. "How are you holding up?" she asks with a glance towards Leah.

Jason sighs and shakes his head, slumping back onto the his boots.

(Comms) Not sure what we found, Linda... Powerful asari. Small orb seemed to give her power.

(Comms) ...describe the orb.

Leah continues staring up at the ceiling. "Can't feel anything below my waist." she says, doing her best not to move at all, "Everything above.... hurts."

Damien | The most gruesome area would be his broken arm. It has more or less been destroyed. Bone and metal shards, shredded flesh, infection from the water... It looks like it's hanging on by a few tendons. Luckily he is not awake to see it.

(Comms) I don't know... It floated. Gave off a red light. I don't think it's safe to be around...

Ilyna looks on it with a horrified expression (hidden mostly by her helmet), applying a generous amount on each visible wound for its disinfecting qualities at least. "Goddess, this is bad," she says. "We need to move him!" She looks over Leah, trying to see what injuries she has suffered.

(Comms) Shit... Jason. Listen to me. This is very important. I read about things like that... when I researched the cultists. You have to bring it up here. You won't be able to destroy it with anything you have down there.

Leah has no visible injuries, aside from the ones she gained upstairs.

Jason glances back in the general direction of the orb with a concerned look on his face. "Linda..." he begins, speaking over comms, "I'm not sure it's a good idea. I hea-.... I felt its words in my head..."

(Comms) Trust me, Jason. We have to destroy it. It'll be fine.

Jason glances over at the others before grabbing ahold of the railing and hoisting himself back to his feet. He begins a slow, unsteady walk around the platform, looking for wherever the orb ended up.

The orb sits at one of the corners of the platform. It is a dull gray now, no longer glowing, and it appears to be about the size of a football. (Vasquez)

Ilyna is still working on applying medi-gel on Damien, removing armor parts and what else is in the way. When met with a shard, she makes sure to apply the medi-gel immediately after removing it. "How's Noran, Jason?"

Jason stops his search momentarily and glances over his shoulder at the salarian's body. "Dead." he says sadly, "But he's still coming with us."

Ilyna lowers her head for a moment. "Oh," she says. "I... don't know what to say. I wish I could have done more to help."

Jason lumbers over to the orb and lets out a loud grunt as he crouches down beside it. He reaches for it and pauses momentarily, hovering his hand just over it. After much hesitation, he quickly reaches out, clutches the orb and jerks his arm back, much like one would do if they were, perhaps, forced to put their hand into a basket of snakes.

There was.... nothing.... you could do.... Nothing.... any of us... could do....

The orb appears inert. The intimidating presence seems gone at any rate. (Vasquez)

Jason looks down at the orb and tucks it into the crook of his arm as he rejoins the others. "Garr... Gonna need some help carrying injured. You up to it?" he asks.

Bah. Not really. Gonna do it anyway.

Next Logs

Children of the Revelator
Children of the Revelator
Children of the Revelator
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Nakmor Garr
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Nakmor Garr
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Nakmor Garr
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Nakmor Garr
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Nakmor Garr
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Nakmor Garr
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Nakmor Garr
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Jason Wolfe
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Jason Wolfe
Children of the Revelator

Previous Logs

Children of the Revelator
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Nakmor Garr
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Nakmor Garr
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Nakmor Garr
Children of the Revelator
Nakmor Garr
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Nakmor Garr
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Nakmor Garr
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Nakmor Garr
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Nakmor Garr
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Damien Monroe
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Nakmor Garr
Children of the Revelator
Jason Wolfe
Children of the Revelator
Jason Wolfe
Children of the Revelator
Jason Wolfe