#Susanna – March 7, 2015

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Two days have passed since the Susanna departed from Aite. The crew has mostly kept busy doing their jobs, but Alessa cooked a pasta dinner on the second day, and the captain has had word with Vasquez multiple times. Vaden has mostly been reading, but he's currently busy conversing with the ship's VI in the kitchen. Fatsani is working out in a corner of the cargo bay while Athorus and Bayani are sparring. Philip is soundly asleep and (Tyranniac)

Halisi is in the infirmary - she's barely been seen outside it. The ship's speakers blare to life with the navigator's voice: "We are approaching the Tassrah relay. Exiting FTL." A shudder is felt throughout the freighter. (Tyranniac)

Ilyna has been asleep for quite a while now. She wakes up quickly, eyes darting around her room as she sits up. After a few seconds of confusion, she calms down and hopes nobody saw that. Ilyna is wearing a dark-blue nightdress that covers pretty much everything from the neck down.

Mendez is silently running through his daily workout regime in the cargo bay. He's keeping to himself and making no attempt at speaking to either Garr or Fatsani. (Jason_Wolfe)

Leah is sitting on the kitchen counter, which she has pretty much claimed as 'her spot' over the past couple days, reading a datapad. (Jason_Wolfe)

Jasper is sitting on his bed beside Jattic, showing the batarian photos of his grandkids on his omni-tool. (Jason_Wolfe)

Steve is quietly laying in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He hasn't slept much over the past couple days.

Jason is sitting in his bunk looking over a datapad. A smirk crosses his lips as he spots the asari wake. "All this time off has made you jumpy, Ilyna." he calls out.

Philip stirs and awakens as the ship exits FTL, only to immediately puke over the side of the bed. "Urnngh..." (Tyranniac)

Ilyna shakes her head. "Just... not used to traveling on ships," she says, sounding a little tired, then looking over at the human. "Are you alright?"

Vaden shakes his head and dismisses the VI with a wave. "Rudimentary commercial VI... little entertainment value." (Tyranniac)

Jasper looks up at Philip and whistles loudly, "Might wanna make sure none of that got into Mendez' bed, son. He's likely to lose a boot in your keester." (Jason_Wolfe)

Jason gives a shrug. "About as good as I can be, given the circumstances." he sighs, "Feeling a little antsy, but it'll pass."

Leah peers over the top of her datapad at Vaden. "Whatever kills time, right?" (Jason_Wolfe)

Bayani and Athorus finishes their match - Athorus is completely in control. The human leaves with an annoyed mumble, heading off to another part of the cargo bay. (Tyranniac)

Philip groans, wiping his mouth while looking around, dazed. "Urgh... What's going on?" (Tyranniac)

Jattic gives a disgusted grunt. "You just lost your lunch, human. Clean that filth up, it stinks." (Jason_Wolfe)

Athorus looks around until noticing Mendez. He moves over to the human, observing his workout routine. The drell is one of the few people still wearing his armor - A light hardsuit. (Tyranniac)

Vaden nods. "Yes. Suppose so. I was hoping for something a bit more interesting. Should have brought one of my entertainment VIs." (Tyranniac)

Mendez is doing a set of push-ups, using a crate to raise his legs. Sweat is pouring off his face, as he's been going at it for quite some time. He either doesn't notice Athorus watching, or doesn't give a shit. (Jason_Wolfe)

Jason chuckles. "Just came out of FTL, Phil. You'll be fine. Might wanna have a drink of water or somethin'."

Leah raises an eyebrow and lowers her datapad a bit. "Entertainment VIs?" (Jason_Wolfe)

Philip drops down from the bed with another groan. "Why does it do that? Shiss shouldn't do that..." he mumbles before heading out towards the kitchen. (Tyranniac)

Ilyna nods, leaning over her bag to pick up her biotic amp. "I'm doing fine, too," she says, "except my mind likes to ask me 'what if these creatures appeared on the ship' while I sleep." She sighs and finds the amp before sitting up with her back against the wall.

If they find their way onto the ship, they're gonna be greeted with a whole lot of pissed off people with firearms. That's the least of our worries.

Vaden smiles. "Yes. I own several. A hobby of mine, actually. Most of them are historical figures. Can ask them questions, they provide company and so on. Also fun for roleplaying." (Tyranniac)

Steve snorts loudly. "Yeah, because that worked so well for us last time, right? Or you forgetting the fact that we actually left with one ship crew less than we started with?"

They could catch us off gaurd.

Ilyna enables her omni-tool to check for an extranet connection.

That sounds.... fun? What sort of historical figures do you have? (Jason_Wolfe)

There is a connection. (Tyranniac)

Leah glances towards Philip as he enters. She gives him a small wave. (Jason_Wolfe)

Victoria sits up on her cot and yawns loudly ''Are we there yet?''

Athorus continues to study Mendez for a while before speaking. "Impressive bulk for a human. I didn't realize you could grow to such sizes. A drell certainly couldn't." (Tyranniac)

Jason frowns as he hears Steve. "They'd have to get through Garr, first. I doubt they'd be able to get through him without us noticing."

Mendez grunts as he climbs to his feet, breathing heavily. "Takes discipline. Much work." he says. (Jason_Wolfe)

Ilyna shakes her head as she reads the messages that's been piling up while they've been FTLing.

Steve shakes his head to himself. "We're certainly somewhere, Vicky." he says, "There? Not quite."

Vaden seems delighted that someone is asking about his VIs. "Oh, all sorts! I have Dalatrass Shessan, Rotur Chaal, Admiral Marctur, even a Commander Shepard... although that one is not very good. I regret the purchase." (Tyranniac)

Philip enters the kitchen, heading to the counter and rinsing with some water. (Tyranniac)

Athorus nods. "Of course. Where did you learn that discipline?" (Tyranniac)

Victoria moans ''Why are we going to deal with this shit? I don't even get to fly the ship.''

Jason reaches into his cargo pocket as he hears his omni-tool beep. He removes it and activates the interface. After a few moments of reading, he begins typing, "Renala wishes us the best." he says, eyes still glued to the interface.

The ship shudders again and for a few seconds the space outside the ship is nothing but a blue shimmer. The stars soon return however. (Tyranniac)

Leah leans against the wall and readjusts her position atop the counter. "Sounds like an odd hobby to have." she says. She tilts her head to the side, "I like it." she decides. (Jason_Wolfe)

Mendez grabs his towel and begins wiping himself off. "Grew up on a rough colony. Lots of crime. One way to make people think twice before robbing you?" he runs the towel across his forehead, "Be twice their size. Fear is a great way to stay disciplined." (Jason_Wolfe)

Ilyna looks towards the viewport as the ship shudders, but is not alarmed. "Is she still in the hospital?" she asks.

Vaden glances at Philip and then smiles at Leah. "Can show you when we return. They're really quite fascinating." He shoots the human another glance. "Are you alright?" (Tyranniac)

Jattic grunts loudly. "Of course you don't get to fly the ship, human. We're trying to keep this one out of the ocean."

Philip mumbles to himself, grabbing a towel and leavin the kitchen. (Tyranniac)

Jason shakes his head as he continues to type on his omni-tool. "Nah, she's watching over the Respite while we're gone." he says, "Apparently she got an old mech working. Could come in handy."

Steve sits up on his bunk as he hears Jason. "Tell her not to fuck with my terminal. I've got it set up just the way I like it."

Athorus doesn't seem like he expected the answer. "I-... oh. I am sorry. There are far too many lawless worlds out there." (Tyranniac)

Victoria looks at the batarian ''Hey, that was not my idea. It work but.''

Ilyna nods. "I suppose it could," she says, "but they're easy to break with a throw, unless she got one of the... big ones with rocket launchers." She starts typing on her own omni-tool to respond to a message from her mother.

A Blood Pack frigate passes by the passenger side window. The speakers come to life again: "Approaching Omega-3 relay." (Tyranniac)

Mendez nods. "I survived. Many didn't. Be sorry for them." he says. (Jason_Wolfe)

Leah raises an eyebrow as Philip makes his way out. "Wonder what's up with him?" she asks. (Jason_Wolfe)

Vaden looks after the human as he leaves. "FTL sickness, most likely. Not used to space travel." (Tyranniac)

Philip comes back to the passenger module, and drops down to his knees to start wiping up after his accident. (Tyranniac)

Jattic shakes his head. "Perhaps it wasn't your idea, but you were still the one who flew us all underwater." (Jason_Wolfe)

Hey, that was a good plan! Besides, how many people can say that they avoided anti-air defenses by flying their shuttle into an ocean!?

Ilyna looks up from her omni-tool after sending off a message. "That sounds like a story," she says. "What happened?"

Leah gives an understanding nod. "Few more trips and he'll get used to it. Seems like a nice kid, just a little green." (Jason_Wolfe)

It was an experience that I would rather not relive. (Jason_Wolfe)

Psh. Get the stick out of your ass, Jattic. It was amazing! Tell her, Vicky!

The ship is once again catapulted by a mass relay - and again it only lasts a few seconds. (Tyranniac)

"Well some asshole thought it was a smart idea to dive a shuttle into water to avoid AA guns." She explained to the asari. "So following orders, I dived the shuttle into the ocean and it work and we did not drown."

Ilyna tilts her head. "So, you can follow orders?" she teases, not sounding all that serious.

Jason raises one hand, "For the record, that asshole was not me this time. But, shit, it actually worked."

Next Logs

Children of the Revelator
Athorus Korum
Bayani Malit
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Victoria Steels
Thiago Mendez
Children of the Revelator
Athorus Korum
Bayani Malit
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Victoria Steels
Thiago Mendez
Children of the Revelator
Athorus Korum
Bayani Malit
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Thiago Mendez
Children of the Revelator
Athorus Korum
Bayani Malit
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Victoria Steels
Thiago Mendez
Children of the Revelator
Athorus Korum
Bayani Malit
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Victoria Steels
Thiago Mendez
Children of the Revelator
Philip Lacour
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Victoria Steels
Children of the Revelator
Children of the Revelator
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Victoria Steels
Children of the Revelator
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Athorus Korum
Bayani Malit
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Thiago Mendez
Children of the Revelator
Children of the Revelator
Victoria Steels
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Children of the Revelator
Athorus Korum
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Thiago Mendez
Children of the Revelator
Athorus Korum
Ilyna T'Rea
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Victoria Steels
Thiago Mendez
Children of the Revelator
Athorus Korum
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Victoria Steels
Thiago Mendez
Children of the Revelator
Athorus Korum
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Jasper Sullivan
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Thiago Mendez
Children of the Revelator
Athorus Korum
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Victoria Steels
Thiago Mendez
Children of the Revelator
Athorus Korum
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Victoria Steels
Thiago Mendez
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Thiago Mendez
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Children of the Revelator
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Thiago Mendez
Children of the Revelator
Jason Wolfe
Children of the Revelator
Steven Briggs
Thiago Mendez

Previous Logs

Children of the Revelator
Athorus Korum
Bayani Malit
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Victoria Steels
Thiago Mendez
Children of the Revelator
Athorus Korum
Bayani Malit
Vaden Noran
Ilyna T'Rea
Philip Lacour
Jasper Sullivan
Steven Briggs
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Victoria Steels
Thiago Mendez
Children of the Revelator
Jason Wolfe
Children of the Revelator
Jason Wolfe
Children of the Revelator
Jason Wolfe
Ilyna T'Rea
Leah Mercier
Victoria Steels
Ilyna T'Rea
Jason Wolfe
Victoria Steels