#Miner'sRespite – April 10, 2015

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Renala is sitting at a booth not far from the bar, which she has since she spoke to Victoria. She is reading something on her omni-tool, but does occasionally glance over at the exit.

Mendez stomps into the Respite with a chest over his shoulder, holding it in place with one arm. He's dressed in a long-sleeved gray shirt and black pants with boots. He slows his pace once he enters and glances around the room. He doesn't spot Renala until he's already most of the way across the Respite, but as soon as he does, he stomps over towards her. "There you are, princess."

he says as he tosses the large chest down beside the booth, causing a loud thud to reverberate throughout the room, "Sorry to keep you waiting, had some stuff to handle."

Renala looks up at him, wincing a bit as the chest hits the ground. "Not a problem," she says. "I've gotten used to sitting around down here all day, anyway." She disables her omni-tool.

Mendez slides into the booth across from Renala and scoots further in. "Count yourself lucky that you weren't with the rest of us. It was a slaughterhouse." he grunts, "Anyway... You said they've got you covering Leah's shifts for now?"

Renala nods. "I asked Jason where I was needed and he mentioned it," she says. "I can't imagine the agency can afford idle mercs right now since it sounded like they went all in on that dumb idea of theirs."

Suppose that's one way to look at it. A less cynical way may be that they were trying to do something that would potentially save a lot of lives...

Mendez shrugs, "Whatever you may think of the decision, the fact remains that it definitely set us all back a bit. Jattic, Leah and myself ran rotating shifts between Hnipinn and the dam. We just keep watch on the places overnight, so it's 12 hour shifts. Mondays and Tuesdays were Leah's days off. Wednesday through Friday, she worked a shift at Hnipinn. Saturday and Sunday she worked

at the dam. 5PM to 5AM." he explains.

Renala enables her omni-tool and starts writing it down. "I'm not familiar with these day-names," she says, "but I'll look that up later. So, did I get this right? Wed...nesday, friday and whatever is in-between at Hnipinn; Sat...urday and Sunday at the dam?"

Mendez gives a nod. "That's right. Since you're just going to be filling in, I'll pick up the Wednesday shift, though. So that leaves you with four shifts. Me and Jattic will split the remaining ten between us. Did Jason discuss how long this arrangement would last?"

Renala thinks for a moment, but shakes her head. "No, he didn't say anything about that," she says, "and I doubt he'd even mention any of it had I not asked for an assignment. If I'm to guess, though, it'll be until Leah's fit to do it herself."

Mendez sighs and shakes his head. "She's in a bad way. If I were you, I'd settle in for the long haul. May be worth mentioning to Wolfe. With everything going on, I don't think he's even had a chance to really put much thought into any of this. Maybe give him a few days to work through everything that's happened first..."

Renala nods understandingly. "I needed a long vacation after the mission to Ogafau, so I won't judge any of you for wanting to take it easy," she says. "Anyway, is there anything I need to do before showing up to work?"

Not really. Load your omni-tool with something to do, because it's a whole lot of waiting around. You occasionally get a couple of teenagers with a six-pack of beer looking to hop the fence at the mine or something, but other than that we haven't had any real issues. Obviously you still need to stay alert. If something were to happen, the blame would fall on Redrock. But it's unlikely.

Renala nods. "I always have something to do on the side," she chuckles. "My tech doesn't improve itself. That would be illegal."

I would need keys, wouldn't I, or will I get that once I'm there?

Mendez nods. "I'm gonna pick up Leah's keys after I'm done dropping this off with Wolfe..." he kicks the chest with the toe of his boot, "I'll meet you over at Hnipinn tomorrow and go over the basics with you. Can give you the keys then."

I'll be there.

Renala nods. "I've been to Hnipinn before. I went on a one-off job for them before the agency set up shop here. They pay was crap, though."

Mendez begins to slide out of the booth. "Alright... I should get this up to Wolfe, then." he says, "If you have any questions or anything between now and tomorrow, just shoot me a message." He begins the proccess of hoisting the chest back onto his shoulder.

Renala leans back in her seat. "I'll see you there," she says before turning her attention to her omni-tool again.

Mendez gives a nod once he has the chest up on his shoulder again and proceeds towards the stairs.

Steve as if on a timer, enters the Respite no more than a couple of minutes after Mendez disappears up the stairs. He's not wearing his hardsuit, instead he has a black t-shirt and a pair of black cargo pants. a Predator pistol is in a holster on his right thigh. Whistling a tune that's stuck in his head, he makes his way straight towards Renala, having spotted her the moment he walked

in. "You're a sight for sore eyes, Ren." he says as he plops down into the seat Mendez recently occupied without waiting for an invitation.

Renala smiles slightly when she notices Steve. "It's good to see you back in one piece, Steve," she says. "How are you doing?"

Steve looks down at his chest before smiling at Renala. "I'm alive. That's somethin'." he says with a shrug as he settles back into his seat, "No thanks to the rest of those idiots. Ya know they're gonna end up gettin' us killed, right?"

Renala raises a brow. "You mean the managment?" she says. "Yeah, I told them both how I felt about this mission, and they didn't like hearing it."

They put Mendez in charge! Mendez! I swear I could smell somethin' burning everytime the guy gave an order. I was stuck in a squad with him, some salarian Jason knew, Jasper, and a couple of rookies. Talk about 'B Team', right? Mendez made the call to bring this psychopath and a bunch of cultist kids with us. It was a disaster.

Renala glances at the starway. "He's still upstairs unless I missed him leaving," she says. "The last few of ours I've met haven't been too eager to talk. Did the same shit happen there like on Ogafau?"

Steve gives a nod. "I don't know the specifics. Don't care to know, to be honest. I was busy with 'B Team' securing the cultist's compound. Whatever Jason's team got into must've been pretty heavy, though. By the time we rendezvoused with them, they had lost one of the new recruits and Vaden. The Chief was gone. Wolfe and Monroe were both missing an arm each. The kid...." he pauses

trying to recall his name, "Philip? He had taken some rounds to the chest. Anyway, what I do know is that whatever they did released a whole lot of those creatures-.... husks they're callin' em. The entire town was overrun."

Renala raises her brows. "Fuck," she says.

If only they had seen reason to not fuck the entire agency over for the sake of heroics.

Steve gives a shrug. "This agency started off fucked. 'Luck' ain't a skill you can depend on. I'm not saying they're not talented... They just don't have the right mindset to be in this line of work. Eventually luck runs out. A paycheck is fine and all, but I'd like to stay alive long enough to spend it, too." he sighs, "Which is why I need to talk to you about something..."

There's some ideas about it I can admire, but that last mission was taking it too far.

Renala leans forward a bit. "What is it?"

Steve looks a little uncomfortable and makes a quick glance around the bar. "Look-..." he begins, leaning his forearms on the table, "...You know my guy Cross. My contact out in Adrasteia? Well... he ain't exactly subtle about his interest in Freedom Falls. Between you and me, I've done him a few favors. It's the way he operates, you know? He helps me out with my... needs... and in

return I do a little legwork for him. Nothin' serious. But the info he's been collecting..." Steve shakes his head, "I'm not stupid. He's preparing for the worst in case his credits aren't enough..."

Renala frowns, and goes quiet for a few seconds. "You mean to say," she begins in a lowered voice almost down to a whisper, "that he might be trying to take this town by force?"

Steve folds his hands on top of the table and nods slowly. "It's definitely a possibility. The man practically has an army of his own. Now, it may not go down that way. He's a reasonable guy, and if you ask me, Freedom Falls would be better off in his hands anyway. I can't be the only one to feel that way, so maybe it'll happen without an issue. But he's also been asking an awful lot

about Redrock. Very specific questions, like what it would take to buy them out. I don't think Cross wants a war, but I also know that Wolfe is probably too stubborn to step down. With the Agency in such a bad place, this might be the right time to convince Wolfe that it's a good move. And with Cross in charge, maybe things could turn around, ya know?"

Renala looks thoughtful for a moment, then raises her brows in realization. "Fuck.... You want to guess what kind of person I met five... or maybe it was it six days ago?"

Steve furrows his brow as he waits for Renala to explain herself, "What are you talkin' about?"

Children of Aite.

Renala is whispering at this point.

Steve chuckles for a few moments and reaches up to rub at his chin. "You gotta be fuckin' kidding me. Those jackasses are already lurkin' around here? They seem to have a raging hard-on for anything Cross does. Must have someone on the inside or somethin' if they're here already." He sighs and shakes his head, "I mean... I'm not lookin' to put myself in a crossfire here. I'd prefer

if this could all be settled without guns needing to be drawn, ya know? But if Cross wants Freedom Falls, he's gonna get it. I just think that when that time comes, it might be good to have a little bird or two whispering the right things into Jason's ear. And we both know he ain't gonna listen to me."

Renala chuckles and leans back. "Jason might have listened to me once which got you a job," she says, "but I think things have soured between us. Maybe T'Rea can see farther ahead and know a losing battle when she sees one. He said she'll be helping him with the day-to-day stuff."

Steve goes quiet for a moment, seemingly thinking it over before finally nodding. "Probably worth it to start working whatever leverage we can manage. I just can't have this backfiring in my face. If they caught wind of my involvement with Cross, things could get ugly for me, whether or not it's deserved." he sighs. He leans back in his seat and tosses his hands up, "I mean... What

do you think about all this? Wolfe can be a bit self-rightous, but do you think he'd really lead the rest of 'em against a literal army?"

Renala sighs. "The worst thing is that I wouldn't be surprised," she says, still keeping her voice lowered. "Also, I just remembered this T'Rea friend of his was all over the news after guarding a big-shot vid star in Adrasteia. So going to her could go both ways."

Steve sighs once more. "Well I'm not looking to die for someone else's beliefs. I guess for now, we just keep our ears to the ground. Let's see how reasonable T'Rea is and, if things do go down, then we just need to do our damndest to make sure everyone knows this ain't a fight worth having. If they ain't willin' to listen, then I'm washin' my hands of 'em. I can always find a job

somewhere else."

I'm a little bit biased when it comes to judging T'Rea-s, but they're a big family, and not a very close one at that.

Renala frowns. "You might also tip the boss here off about the children," she says. "So she doesn't let them hang up their propaganda around these parts."

Steve gives a nod. "Absolutely. Last thing we need is those zealots pickin' up traction. That's a surefire way of startin' a war. We don't need Freedom Falls to be the next Adrasteia."

It doesn't seem like their rep that comes here know who I am, but I got him tagged on the security systems. You shouldn't have a hard time finding a picture.

Speakin' of which... I should probably get back there and get everything in order. You have any problems while we were gone? Anyone else I should be keepin' my eye on?

Renala thinks for a moment. "The crazy kid with the mech," she says, not whispering anymore, "and Matrirach Cheerful. I would have been done for hadn't Aylena's krogan buddy shown up to kick ass."

I marked the footage for the matriarch, because Aylena wanted it, so you can see that for yourself. The kid came in a few hours before that, trying to park a fucking mech outside like it's no big deal.

Steve gives a loud chuckle. "Blows my mind how many people we come across without a lick of common sense. Sounds like it'll make for an interestin' few days of catchin' up."

And I overheard someone asking Aylena if there was a job opening. Military and bartending experience... sounds like he got the best combination to be serving drinks down here.

Renala chuckles.

You're not wrong there. Workin' at this bar practically requires combat capabilities.

Steve chuckles along with Renala. After the laughing fades away, he lets out a long sigh. "Well, I'm gonna head to the back and start siftin' through that footage, Ren. Was good to see you again." he says as he begins sliding out of the booth.

Renala nods. "You too, Steve," she says with a small smile. "I'll see you around."

Steve grabs the edge of the table and pulls himself back up to his feet with a grunt. "You sure will." he says before trotting off towards the back.

Next Logs

Renala T'Iavay
Thiago Mendez
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Thiago Mendez
Steven Briggs
Thiago Mendez

Previous Logs

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Renala T'Iavay
Children of the Revelator
Steven Briggs
Thiago Mendez
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Children of the Revelator
Steven Briggs
Thiago Mendez
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Thiago Mendez
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Steven Briggs
Thiago Mendez
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Steven Briggs
Thiago Mendez
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Thiago Mendez
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Steven Briggs
Thiago Mendez
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Children of the Revelator
Renala T'Iavay