#Miner'sRespite – March 2, 2015

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Jason is seated at the bar, taking a sip of a freshly poured rum & cola, his second or third of the day.

Vasquez steps into the Respite - it's unclear when she left - she did not inform Jason she left. She's wearing her Redrock uniform and has a preoccupied look on her face. She starts heading towards the stairs.

Jason spots Vasquez and puts two fingers in his mouth and attempts to whistle loudly. He quickly realizes he doesn't know how to whistle, and just slobbers on his hand. A quick wipe later and he raises a hand, "Where were you at so early?" he calls out.

Vasquez looks Jason over, a bit sceptically. "It's noon, Jason..."

Jason opens his omni-tool and scrutinizes it for a few moments. "Actually..." he begins, "By my estimations, it's drunk o'clock!" He allows the interface to dissipate and gives Vasquez a big grin, "Welcome to margaritaville."

Renala steps out of a sky-car outside the bar and makes her way inside. She's wearing the soft parts of her armor, although it has been properly laundered during the hospital stay, although it has a few holes where the bullets hit. She's carrying the rest of her armor and weapons in a plastic bag. The asari starts making her way towards the stairs, limping a bit.

Vasquez grumbles faintly and seems about to say something when she notices Renala, she turns towards the asari. "T'Iavay?"

Renala stops and looks over to them. "That's me," she says. "What is it?"

I haven't been fully caught up on Redrock's recent activities yet - I didn't realize we had injured.

I told you Renala took a few hits. But overall, we came out of that firefight in a lot better condition than Rellis' people did.

Renala takes a few steps towards the bar. "More than a few," she says. "You guys having a party?"

Vasquez nods at Jason's comment and goes quiet for the moment, her gaze wandering around the Respite. She remains standing.

Jason raises his drink. "Nah, not exactly. Just a little mid-day celebration. Another day or so and we'll have a nice little chunk of change to start with the rebuilding proccess."

Vasquez clears her throat, moving a bit closer. "Actually... we'll be putting the payment to use right away."

Renala smiles slightly. "So the job with that brat went as planned?"

Jason gives Renala a shrug. "I haven't heard from Ilyna yet, but it was a no-brainer. She's more than capable of babysitting for a couple days." he says before glancing back at Vasquez, "What're you talking about?"

We'll be investing in some new hardware. Well, actually... it's already done.

Jason blinks a couple times. "Uhh... Come again?"

An APC, a few drones...

Jason puts a hand up, "Wait, wait, wait.... You bought an APC!? We don't even have a garage to store it in!"

Vasquez stares Jason down. "We need it. Soon."

Renala makes her way over to the bar and sits down, leaving a vacant seat between her and Jason. "What kind of drones are we talking about?"

What could be so important that we need an APC before a fucking roof over our heads?

Jason doesn't seem angry, exactly, just really confused.

Vasquez looks to Renala first. "Standard-issue assault drones. Chainguns, rockets." She then turns to Jason, putting her right palm on the counter and leaning in a bit with a rather intense expression. "Jason... I've found them."

Jason furrows his brow, not exactly sure what she's talking about at first. "Oh..." he says, "OH! Is the APC equipped with onboard guns?"

Who's them?

Yes, it's an old M-080 transport rigged with a turret.

Jason looks at Renala, then looks to Vasquez to answer. He silently takes a sip of his drink.

Vasquez looks at Renala once more. "The fuckers behind Ogofau... machine cultists. We're going to take them out, for good. I've had enough of running in with their sick fucking creations unprepared."

Renala takes a deep breath. "Oh, shit... those things," she says. "I was hoping to forget that disaster of a job ever happened."

That's just a band-aid. If we get out there and stop them, then we can really put it behind us, Renala. And they can't hurt anyone else.

Vasquez nods in agreement with Jason. "We have to do this."

Renala sighs. "Are you even sure what you'll find there?" she says. "We're not fucking spectres, we can't take out an army of zombies and whatever those cultists are."

I know. That's why I've bought the new hardware. And... hired some outside help.

Jason frowns. "So you'd rather just... Not even try? Ogofau wasn't our first encounter with them, Renala. We watched our entire crew die onboard the Evening Star. If they target a colony... A city... What do you think would happen?"

I'm just being realistic. If they take a city, we'd need more than our little team to make a difference.

Renala shrugs. "I may have to sit this one out, anyway. The doctor told me to take it easy."

Which is why we need to step in before they go that far. Do what you need to do. But we're doing this with or without you.

Vasquez puts a hand on Jason's shoulder. "I'm glad you understand how important this is - and we can do it. I know we can. And just in case, I... contacted Garr."

Jason smirks. "So you got us an APC and a tank... How much is he costing us?"

I'm on your payroll, so in the end, I'll do it if I have to. But not in this shape.

Vasquez 's gaze flickers for a moment. "We can handle the cost. What's important now is that we act as soon as possible - T'Iavay, I'm not going to ask you to fight injured. We'll need to bring as many people as possible though. I'm through being beaten by these things."

You got some applicants that needs a good nightmare, then?

I've got a few new recruits lined up... but we'll be better off with people we know are reliable.

Jason gives a stern nod. "Do we have any intel on the cultists? Numbers? Defenses?"

There'll be a briefing tomorrow. I'll go through what we know then.

I take it this is all personal, then? Don't get me wrong, like I said, I'm all in. But there's no payout here, huh?

Renala turns towards the bar, remaining quiet.

Vasquez shakes her head. "No. This is just something we have to do. Of course, I don't expect our people to work for free. They'll be paid by me."

Jason corrects, "By us..." He takes a quick sip of his drink and gives a shrug. "I'm sure we can manage some salvage. Make a few bucks on the extranet by passing off whatever we find..."

Vasquez nods absent-mindedly. "We'll figure it out." Her gaze has turned away from Jason.

We've got a few hands tied up at the moment, Linda. When are we expecting to set out?

As soon as we can. I was hoping-... do you think Ilyna would be willing to help? We could really use her, and... she knows how much of a threat they are.

Jason gives a nod. "I'm sure she'd be more than willing to put an end to these freaks. We had a talk a while back and she seemed interested in lending a hand. I've got her running babysitting duty right now. Client's departure isn't until tomorrow, though, so we'll need to plan around that."

That's fine, I'll hold the briefing tomorrow, and we leave the next day. Need some time to prepare the gear anyway.

Jason taps the counter. "Works for me." he says, passing a glance over at Renala, "And you need to get back into fighting shape. We're going to need to rapid-fire some jobs to get back on our feet..."

Yeah, yeah, I'll tell the wounds to hurry up.

Renala chuckles. "I could probably trade places with Steve for the job, too."

Jason glances over at Vasquez. "That's actually not a bad idea."

Vasquez nods. "Sounds like a plan. He'd be useful."

Just don't tell him I suggested it, okay?

Jason tilts his head to the side. "Why not? It's not his call in the end anyway."

In case he's not happy about it.

Vasquez looks over towards the stairs and then leans away from the bar. "I have more planning to do - Jason, make sure everyone knows about the briefing."

Jason shrugs at Renala, "He doesn't need to know." he agrees before glancing over at Vasquez and giving a half-assed salute, drink still in his saluting hand, "Aye, aye, captain." he says.

Vasquez starts moving towards the stairs.

Jason sighs and looks towards Renala once Vasquez is out of earshot. "You don't agree with this decision, do you?" he asks.

Renala shakes her head. "I just don't think we're the right people for the job," she says, "but you've heard my opinion already. I don't like this one bit!" She frowns. "At least we could escape on that rock, and even then, we lost someone..."

Jason nods slowly. "It's dangerous, no doubt about it. But this is our best shot. If we can hit them on their home turf, we'll have an advantage, a chance to catch them off guard. At the mines... On the Evening Star... We were just reacting to an outbreak. We have an opportunity to hit them before they can even respond. I don't know what type of people they are, or if they're willing

to release those-... things in their own backyard, but if there's a chance that we can hit 'em before they even get to, then I'd call that a win."

Renala sighs. "I don't know, they're crazy enough to make them, so I wouldn't hold them above it," she says. "Are you sure there's no one in charge of a city state that has a quarrel with that cult we can ask for help?"

Jason gives a sigh and shrugs. "I don't know, Renala. But I do know what kind of reaction running around and talking people up about a machine cult releasing space zombies will get me. It's not good. How many people do you think would even believe us? I get the impression that most people who would have a quarrel with these people... don't usually survive."

You have a fair point there. I'd have a hard time believing it too, but... I'm worried the agency will end up the same as those 'most people' you speak of.

Renala sighs. "I'm not much of an optimist... I've had people tell me."

Jason chuckles and waves her off as before slugging back the rest of his drink. "We'll be fine, Renala. We've come up against them before and we know what to expect. We'll brief everyone and let them know exactly what we're getting into. At the first sign of things going sideways, we'll pull out. Simple as that."

Renala nods. "Good to hear," she says before standing up. "I wish you guys the best of luck, then." She picks up the bag containing her armor.

Jason frowns. "We'll be careful, Renala..." he says as she stands from her seat, "This is just-... It's really important. I hope you understand."

Renala nods. "So much I understand," she says. "I'll see you around." She starts making her way towards the stairs, walking somewhat slowly with a bit of a limp.

Jason gives Renala a half-hearted wave. He remains at the bar, making sure his glass stays topped off.

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Previous Logs

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Linda Vasquez
Renala T'Iavay
Linda Vasquez