#Deck3 – March 31, 2016

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Yan Sun continues to fiddle with her omni-tool, although not really looking at it, as she keeps her arm at her side. Her eye is still glowing. "Your story. It... needs some work. If you don't want to be found out in the middle of all this. I can help."

Jessica frowns, taking another step towards Yan Sun. "My story is fine." she assures her dismissively. After a moment, she gives a slight shrug of her shoulder, looking off towards the doors, "But.... if I was asking for help....?"

Yan Sun seems to alternate between looking at Jessica and at something unseen in front of her. She gains a smile at the question. "When did you join the Alliance?"

Jessica scoffs, seemingly already bored with the questions. "I don't know. 2180? No, 79! Let's go with 79. That keeps me off of Aite during a particularly ugly patch..."

Yan Sun nods slightly. "Alright... why did you join?"

Jessica gives Yan Sun a disappointed look, folding her arms across her chest again. "Why do you think? To kick some ass, yeah?"

Yan Sun grins briefly before focusing on the questions again. "What unit did you serve in? What rank did you achieve?"

Jessica gives a condescending snicker. "Psh, amateur. Combat engineer with the 134th! Called ourselves the Devil Dogs." she says with a nod, "I was a-.... Uhhh-...." she trails off, realizing she doesn't even know anything about the Alliance ranking system. "Why do you want to help me anyway!?" she asks, frustration creeping into her voice.

Yan Sun seems about to ask a follow-up when she's posed the question. She seems a bit confused. "Like I told you, it would be bad for everyone if you got found out... the security team would have one less soldier, one of them might, uh... end up stabbed... and you wouldn't get paid. Plus I'm pretty sure you'd rather not stab anyone and just get through this job without trouble. If you don't want my help I'll get the elevator moving

again..." she says with a gesture towards the control panel, her mood looking dampened.

Jessica rolls her eyes and leans back up against the wall. "I don't see how it would be 'bad'. So I lied. They're a group of mercenaries. Half of them are probably cold blooded murderers, right?" She shuffles from one foot to the other, looking down at her shoes in the dim light. "...So what is my rank?"

Yan Sun soon regains her smile. "Corporal, I'd think. Yeah. That makes sense. Okay... where did you serve?"

Jessica blinks a couple times, her cocky attitude slowly dissipating as she realizes she's in way over her head. ".....The Citadel?" she asks, embarassment washing over her face as she instantly realizes that's probably not a good answer.

Yan Sun shakes her head. "No, that won't work. No Alliance troops stationed on the Citadel. I think your best bet is a colony... Eden Prime is a good choice. Unlikely anyone could contradict you there. Let's say... you were transferred only a short while before the colony was attacked, and you were on shore leave on the Citadel when the geth attacked there. Does that sound good? There's a few more things we should figure out..." She

seems rather pleased with herself.

Jessica nods along as Yan Sun speaks, repeating the key points softly. "Eden Prime... Transferred just before it was attacked-... Citadel on shore leave when the geth-... Corporal..." She nods once more, "I... think so?" she mutters, lowering her gaze.

Yan Sun continues to type on her omni-tool as she speaks. "Alright... Eden Prime is-... was a farm world. Prefab shelters, arcologies, huge fields... that sort of thing." She seems briefly uncomfortable as her mind drifts to the attacked colony, but she returns her focus. "Now... about the Citadel... there are only five wards. You were on Zakera Ward during the attack. It's like a big city, skyscrapers and everything. You probably

didn't see much action, just helping C-Sec keep order, and maybe popped a few geth. Best to keep it simple."

Jessica continues to nod along, a somewhat confused look on her face. Once Yan Sun gives her an opening, she cocks her head to the side. "...It was geth, right? On Eden Prime?" she asks, vaguely recalling the ordeal. Galactic news hasn't held much of her interest if it doesn't impact her directly.

Yan Sun nods faintly. "Yeah... was all over the news. They hit that place hard." Her darts away briefly before returning to Jessica, eyebrows furrowed. "There's a lot of people on Earth that have no idea what's going on in the rest of the galaxy... I would have thought it would be different on a colony."

Jessica shrugs, looking somewhat ashamed. "I remember when it happened." she says with a nod, "Life is different where I'm from, though. The rest of the galaxy may as well have existed in another dimension. We don't leave. We just-..." she shrugs, "Survive as long as we can. Some colony being attacked across the galaxy isn't the sort of thing that made waves for us. We were too busy trying not to-..." her smirk returns slightly

as she jabs her hand through the air, "...get stabbed in the neck."

Yan Sun looks almost saddened for a moment as she studies Jessica, her gaze trailing along the burns, but the stabbing motion brings her attention back. "That's fair, I guess... I always liked reading about other places... good way to get away from whatever bullshit is happening in your own life. Remind yourself that there's... a whole lot of worlds out there. A lot of people going through awful things. And maybe somewhere where things

are better too..." She shrugs as she trails off, wincing slightly and moving her gaze to the wall as she anticipates a comment about Jessica not giving a shit.

Jessica opens her mouth to let Yan Sun know she doesn't give a shit, but instead, all that comes out is a sigh. Because of course she gives a shit. "I hated it in Adrasteia." she admits, "Even before everything came crashing down." She lets out a deep breath, relieved to have actually said it out loud. "Wanting to get away from all of the 'bullshit' is-... natural. I just never thought it was a possibility for me." She gives a

weak shrug, glancing over at the wall, "But here I am, right? And here you are. We might be two of the first people to ever set sight on an undiscovered planet. That's pretty impressive, no?" A spark returns to her eye as she admits her enthusiasm for the trip.

Yan Sun cracks a smile as she looks back at Jessica, happy that she seems to open up, even just a tiny bit. "Yeah... it is, isn't it? Think we'll get to name it?"

Jessica's eyes widen, but she seems conscious of it and quickly tempers her reaction, giving an uncommitted shrug. "I don't know..." she says disinterestedly. She cocks her head to the side, "Is that... is that a thing they do?" she asks, unable to hide her interest.

Yan Sun shrugs yet again. "Pretty sure someone on the expedition will, maybe they'll take suggestions." she says, smile widening. She tries to cross her arms, but since the omni-tool is still active she ends up pushing a whole lot of keys in the process. The tool starts blaring out retro dubstep as well as activating the flashlight and starting to show a slideshow of pictures of skyscrapers. "笨天生的一堆肉!"

Jessica manages a lighthearted chuckle. No condescension in her tone for once. She reaches out and slips her hand around Yan Sun's wrist softly, giving her a glance as if to ask if it's alright as she tries to get a better look at the pictures. "Is this where you're from...?"

Yan Sun has already started turning things off, starting with the music and then the flashlight, but as her wrist is gripped she stops. It's hard to tell in the blue gloom but she seems to be blushing as she looks up from the omni-tool to Jessica. "I-... uh, yeah. Hong Kong..." The projected slideshow displays towering skyscrapers and busy streets lined with holographic signage. It shows a tiered city, stretching out a vast distance,

but at the foot of shining buildings, on platforms, low roofs and among never-finished construction projects are hovels, stands and shacks. Just as many people as on the busy business streets, but a wholly different atmosphere.

Jessica cocks an eyebrow as she stares at Yan Sun for an uncomfortable amount of time, seeming to enjoy the discomfort the woman is going through. Finally, she slowly slides her hand up the woman's arm, bringing her other hand to support her wrist as she begins to study the images. At first, she just seems to have a passing interest, but it quickly turns genuine. "You lived there you're entire life...?" she asks, "It looks-...

big. Very big..." she says, a sense of wonder in her voice.

Yan Sun blinks, the light in her left eye disappearing. She meets Jessica's stare at first, but as she moves her hand she looks down at the omni-tool. Her arm would feel mostly normal, but hints of the circuitry and holoprojectors than run beneath can be felt. The slideshow continues, showing a large, busy marketplace, a closeup of a stall that wouldn't look out of place on Aite, an odd, old-fashioned boat with red sails moving across

the water and then a view from up high, showing the sprawling cityscape that goes on and on as far as can be seen. "Yeah, I... I have." Her voice is a bit uneaven as she speaks. "It's massive. Almost fifteen million people..." Her gaze briefly moves back to Jessica's face while she's still looking at the pictures - a sprinkle of color from the slideshow breaking up the blue.

Jessica continues to study each passing picture with renewed interest. A short chuckle escapes her as the photo of the boat loads up and she glances over at Yan Sun. The photo of the cityscape manages to pull her gaze back to the slideshow, once again overcome with a look of wonder, but she soon returns her attention to Yan Sun. "Your home is beautiful..." she says, a small smile still remaining on her lips as her thumb gently

traces along the circuity just beneath her skin absently, "And these are beautiful photographs."

Yan Sun remains focused on Jessica, a new smile tugging at her lips when she chuckles at the boat. When the woman speaks she looks down at her hand, following her thumb with her gaze. "I-... yeah, it can be. Used to love taking pictures of it. I miss it sometimes, but... I don't regret leaving. It had a dark side too, you know? It's not all shining spires..."

Jessica gives a couple of nods as she shifts to better face the woman. "Mmhmm. It rarely ever is..." she says as she removes her left hand from Yan Sun's arm and presses it against the elevator wall to the woman's side, "But you seem to be alright." She releases Yan Sun's cybernetic wrist with her right hand and slowly traces the tips of her fingers along the woman's arm. As she reaches the forearm, Jessica moves her right hand

to Yan Sun's waist, her eyes following it. "Why did you lure me into a dark elevator for a conversation we could have had pretty much anywhere?" she asks, cocky grin returning as her gaze moves back to Yan Sun's eyes.

Yan Sun 's gaze wanders across Jessica's face as she shifts her position, and then to the tattoos on her outstretched arm, studying the designs, though they are barely visible in the gloom. She seems surprised as she feels the hand on her waist, her eyes darting back to her face. A small movement of her left hand shuts down the slideshow, which had moved on to display a long line of skycars. "I... I just thought I could... help..."

she slowly trails off, looking into Jessica's eyes, a notable pause before she manages the last word.

Jessica presses forward, her left hand now moving to Yan Sun's left hip as she backs her up, attempting to, effectively, pin her back against the elevator wall. "Uh huh. How helpful of you." she says softly with a big wide grin, her eyes dancing over Yan Sun's features. Her eyes. Her lips. She studies the woman's expression as the fingertips of her left hand slide up under the bottom of Yan Sun's shirt, hand still rested

against her hip.

Yan Sun 's eyes widen as she's pinned against the wall, trying to say something in response to Jessica's comment but failing completely. She seems completely absorbed as she studies her face, gaze lingering on the contrast between the burns and the untouched skin, and then falling to her lips, the grin eliciting a small, nervous chuckle. She slowly moves her still-glowing left hand to Jessica's right arm, tracing her fingers across

her burned skin. Her gaze falls to it as well, following her hand all the way back up to her face, the glow now illuminating them both from the side as her hand settles on Jessica's neck.

Jessica's left hand moves from Yan Sun's hip completely, sliding all the way up under her shirt and beginning its slow climb up her side. As her cybernetic hand lights up the space between them, Jessica leans forward her left cheek nearly against Yan Sun's, angling herself to obscure the right side of her face. Across her chest, a small glint of color bleeds just beyond the burns on her right side, peeking over the top of her

tanktop. Bright blues and reds stamp her flesh for just inches before more scarring slices through it. Her right hand begins to tug at the edge of Yan Sun's pants until she manages to dig her hand beneath the waistline. "Mmm? Is this why you brought me down here?" she asks, a soft chuckle underneath her words. She leans forward further and flicks her tongue out, tracing it against the outer edge of Yan Sun's left ear.

Yan Sun 's breathing grows heavier as Jessica leans in closer, a surprised look on her face as she's caught off-guard by her forwardness. Her gaze is drawn down to her chest, lingering at the traces of the tattoos that still remain. Her right hand grabs a hold of her arm, grip tightening as the woman's hands start to slide in beneath her clothes. She lets out a quiet gasp as Jessica speaks into her ear, and brushes her tongue against

her ear. "I-... I didn't-... I thought... maybe..." Her left hand keeps her head close, but slowly slides down the neck, snagging on the strap of the tanktop as it passes and pulling it over her shoulder.

Jessica leans down, pressing her lips softly against the side of Yan Sun's neck as she begins to tug at her tanktop strap. As the strap begins to slide down her right arm she presses her entire body against Yan Sun for a split second, dragging her lips across the pinned woman's neck before stepping back and allowing a small amount of distance between their bodies. As if gears were just shifted entirely, she pulls her right hand

free from the woman's pants and shrugs her top's strap back on as she brings her hand up to Yan Sun's cheek, giving it a few playful pats. "You are adorable, kitty cat." she says with a chuckle. Her left hand lingers beneath Yan Sun's shirt for a while longer, gently caressing up and down her side a number of times before she removes it as well and steps back entirely. "How about you get this elevator moving again? The

Corporal could use a shower." She adjusts the cap on her head, which had become tilted and off-center, and backs away from Yan Sun with a big smile on her face.

Yan Sun is caught just as off-guard as Jessica pulls away, her left hand reluctant to let go, but soon falling to her side. "Huh...?" She looks flustered as her cheek is patted, and tugs at the bottom of her top to correct it once the other hand has withdrawn. "I, uh... okay, yeah... okay..." she stammers, avoiding looking at Jessica. She starts to fiddle with her omni-tool, running fingers across the keys in her palm, and then turns

around, facing the panel and pressing her palm against it, her eye glowing again as she works to get the elevator running.

Jessica remains near her as she works to get the elevator moving again, although she's paying no attention to the panel, her eyes focused entirely on Yan Sun, grin ever present. She slowly scans up and down the woman's body as she leans against the wall she had Yan Sun previously pinned up against.

Yan Sun is wearing slim fitting black jeans and a gray tanktop with print referencing an obscure VR movie from the 2140s. She mumbles under her breath as she struggles to get the elevator up and running, only bits and pieces getting picked up by the translator. Something about needing to replace her omni-gel can be heard, along with some cursing. After a while there's a surge of light through her implants, and a moment later the lights

in the elevator flicker on along with the interfaces. It starts to move downwards for a second but then stops hard and reverses, going back upward. She lets out a quiet "There." as she turns back around.

Jessica steps up to Yan Sun, returning her hands to the woman's hips and looking her up and down once again. "Well done." she says, gripping her waist tightly. "2179. Combat engineer with the 134th. Eden Prime. Corporal. Zakera Ward." she rattles off, "Very helpful."

Yan Sun nods a few times, gaze focused entirely on her face. She seems to realize something as her eyes start zoning out, clearly look at some invisible display or other. "I... I almost forgot." she says, and a moment later Jessica's omni-tool would beep as it recieves a message containing the information they went over, as well as some details on Eden Prime and the Citadel. The elevator comes to a stop, doors not opening yet.

(elevator) Elevator malfunction detected. Do you require assistance?

Jessica doesn't bother checking her omni-tool at the moment. "No assistance necessary, Victoria." she says, "We're perfectly fine." Despite her retreat, she's still holding onto Yan Sun tightly, her eyes moving slowly moving up and down her body like it's a piece of meat, although by this point it's probably difficult to tell if she's actually interested in the woman, or amused by the reaction and attention she can get from


Yan Sun blinks the HUD away, and for a moment she returns her gaze to Jessica, but she soon looks away, seeming both confused and a little uncomfortable. She seems like she's about to say something when the elevator doors slide open to Deck 2. The cafeteria is quiet, dinner over and passengers having retreated to the quarters for the evening.

Jessica cocks her head to the side as she realizes the woman's discomfort. "Awwww." she begins, pouting disingenuously. She leans in close, her lips right up against Yan Sun's ear, "Sorry, I think I missed the lesson about not playing with my food before I eat it." she says lewdly as she releases her grip on the woman. "I'm going to go have that shower. You're more than welcome to join me." she teases with a wink.

Yan Sun stammers a little before she manages a quiet "They're public showers...", looking at Jessica again, seeming captivated, puzzled and a little frustrated all at once as she remains frozen in place near the wall of the elevator.

Jessica gives a deep frown for show. "And that's a problem for you? What a shame..." She starts to pass by Yan Sun but turns back once she's behind her. She places each hand on Yan Sun's shoulders and slowly slides them down her arms. "I suppose there's always next time." she whispers into her ear before planting a light kiss on the base of her neck and marching on her way to the showers.

Yan Sun turns to look at Jessica as she leaves, and then leans back against the wall of the elevator, letting out a deep sigh, staring up at the ceiling.

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Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
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Jessica Kaya
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Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
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Yan Sun
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Yan Sun
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Jessica Kaya
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Jessica Kaya
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Jessica Kaya
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Jessica Kaya
Surveying The Ice World
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Jessica Kaya
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Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
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Yan Sun
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Jessica Kaya
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Yan Sun
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Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
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Jessica Kaya
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Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
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Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
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Yan Sun
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Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
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Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
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Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
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Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Surveying The Ice World
Jessica Kaya