#Deck3 – April 27, 2016

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Nathan is in the armoury, awkwardly trying to work on the Redrock mercenary's weapons. To the side is the futile attempts at trying to disassemble a grenade single handedly before giving up.

Most of the research team is down in the lab, relaying their initial findings back to the Matriarch.

Jasper is leaning against the wall beside Nathan, watching him work. "....You sure you don't need a hand...?" he asks, trying not to make Nathan feel any worse than he probably already does about being so useless.

Nathan shoots a glower to Jasper. "Was that a pun?" He asks curtly before sighing and rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Sorry, sorry...". He continues to fiddle with Jason's revenenant. Despite his limitations, he's still doing a somewhat decent job on maintenance. "I'm alright, Jasp, really."

Jasper gives a shrug, not wanting to push the subject. "Alright, alright... So, whatcha doin' anyhow?" he asks, trying to get a glance over Nathan's shoulder.

Nathan nods to the revenant, currently cleaning out the thermal port. "Just cleaning, mostly. I'll give credit to the boss, he knows how to keep a gun in tip-top condition."

Jasper snickers as he nods. "I ain't surprised. Jay loves that thing. Prolly more important to him than the rest of us." he jokes.

Nathan snorts and continues to work. "I doubt it," he says with a grin. "He's a soft bastard. Not a bad thing, course."

Jasper gives a light chuckle and nods. "He definitely ain't the first thing that comes to mind when I think a' the word 'mercenary'. That's fer dang sure..."

Nathan nods in agreement. "Well, I think this line of work could do with a few more like him. Too many hardasses and the like," he muses. "Someone to care for the little people." He looks to Jasper and grins.

Jasper nods slightly and folds his arms across his chest, resting a bit heavier against the wall. "What 'bout that place you worked fer before Redrock?" he asks, "Sandbeck was it? How'd they operate? Anything like Redrock?"

Nathan pauses in his work and leans against the table. "Similar, yeah. Same kinda principles that Jason has, but a hell of a lot bigger. I think they're bordering on having nearly ten-thousand people now since I was last with them." He shrugs lightly. "They were mostly peacekeeping, though they had a more militaristic division for when the need was evident. Tanks,

gunships, heavy infantry and so on."

Jasper lets out a long whistle. "Ten-thousand..." he repeats softly, giving a shake of his head, "...That ain't nothin' to shake a stick at. Welp, maybe one day Redrock'll get there." he muses with a chuckle.

Nathan grins and nods. "One day, yeah? Who knows, maybe the two could work together?"

Jasper gives a nod. "That'd be somethin'... So how long were ya with 'em?" he asks, supplying idle conversation as Nathan attempts to work.

Nathan hurms. "Four or five years? I was EOD with the 1st Peacekeeper Division," he says proudly. "Even led a squad from time to time. It was like... being in the Alliance, without being in the Alliance," he says weakly. He continues to clean Jason's gun.

Jasper gives another snicker. "So how come ya never joined the Alliance? That's like bein' in the Alliance while bein' in the Alliance." he nods, "What was it that nudged ya in the other direction?" He glances around at the weaponry in the room, arms still folded over his chest.

Nathan shrugs lightly. "Dunno. I mean, dad was Alliance... two of my sisters are Alliance... maybe I just wanted to be different?" He ask with a smirk. "Nah, my original plan was to leave and just travel with my friend. But after we both got stuck working on some backwater in a warehouse, we decided to join up with a PMC. Just happened to be that Sandbeck was

nearby and they were structure similarly to the Alliance."

Jasper gives a shrug of his own. "Makes sense, I s'pose. I take it ya took a shinin' to it, though? Given that yer still doin' it an' all?"

Oh hell yeah. I loved it. I never thought my life would lead to Sandbeck and, ultimately, being here.

Jasper continues to look around and watch Nathan work. "Well, that makes two a' us. When I joined the Alliance, I never thought I'd one day be livin' out in the Terminus Systems workin' fer a company that wasn't the Alliance." he says with a chuckle, "But life is fulla surprises, ain't it? Sounds like you've had a good ride so far, though."

Nathan nods eagerly, grabbing Jason's gun and returning it to the rack. "Yep... shame how it's going to come to an abrupt end once my armourer gets out here... death by spanner is going to be written on my tombstone," he says with a chuckle. "How long were you in the Alliance, Jasp?"

Jasper cocks an eyebrow, looking as though he's about to say something until Nathan asks his question. "Oh-... More than thirty years." he says with a smile. "Was good times, but we all gotta move on eventually, ya know?"

Nathan nods. "Gotta keep moving forwards," he agrees with a smile. "You miss it?"

Jasper nods again. "Absolutely. I'm jus' a natural tinkerer, ya know? Havin' access to the sorta gear they had on hand... I ain't ever gon' get another opportunity like that... But, like I said, gotta keep movin' forward. Besides, limitations breed creativity, ain't that right? You miss Sandbeck?"

Nathan nods. "I sure do. But I've found new adventures because of me... leaving Sandbeck. Ones that I'll hopefully tell to my kids one day. Uh, when I eventually do...".

Jasper gives another snicker. "S'what life is all about, ain't it? Fillin' up the ol' tank with stories fer the next generation?" He lets out a sigh and shifts a bit, "But I'm startin' ta' think I might be gettin' a lil too old fer any more stories. I know what'cher thinkin'..." he says, putting a hand up and waving Nathan off dismissively, "I am a top tier human specimen, but-... Eh... These ol' bones are startin' ta feel it."

Nathan chuckles and glances to him. "Need to go to a retirement home? Settle down there and wave your cane angrily at kids on your lawn?" He asks with a snicker.

Jasper rolls his eyes. "Oh, 'nuff a' yer hogwash. When ya get ta' my age, if yer still runnin' 'round doin' half the stuff I'm doin', then you can come run yer' wordmaw at me. 'Till then? Zip that jibber-jabberer up!" he jokes. "...Bet I could put together a pretty nifty cane, though..."

Nathan laughs, smiling warmly to Jasper. "Fair enough, fair enough," he says. "A cane would suit you! The whole dapper old man look would work well. Just need to get you a top hat."

Jasper straightens up slightly and adjusts the cap on his head. "I am quite dapper, ain't I?" he asks with a shit-eating grin, "Some a' us jus' never 'lose it' I guess." he adds with a wink.

Nathan rolls his eyes and looks to the weapons on the rack. "Modest old bugger too," he muses with a snigger.

Jasper gives a sharp nod. "Yer dang tootin'!" he exclaims before letting out a snicker of his own and settling back against the wall. "So what's all'at 'bout yer armor an' someone bonkin' ya with a spanner? Huh?"

Nathan sighs dramatically and looks at Jasper. "Lucy Hobb. She was the lead designer behind the EOD line of armour for Sandbeck and other lines. She... is very particular about her work. She doesn't expect armour to come out unscathed... but if it gets completely totaled well...". He rubs the back of his head.

Jasper gains a confused look for a moment. "But-... But it's armor." he says, almost in a whisper, "It's mader fer gettin' totaled! Hell, if it gets totaled and yer still on yer feet, that means the armor did its job, right? She should be pround!"

Nathan nods. "Oh, she will be! But she just likes to complain at the guys when it happens. 'You shouldn't of gotten shot in the first place!' and all that. Shit, if the shields are taken down and your armour gets totaled, she'll rag on your for being careless!" He chuckles. "But her heart is in the right place."

An' she's gon' come all the way out here jus' ta' fix yer armor? Sounds like a good friend right there.

Nathan smiles. "Yeah. I, uh, saved her little sister actually. Her sister was in the Pathfinder branch of the military division. They got pinned and the team I was apart of got her and her team out of there. No fatalities, but her sister took a round through the leg. I carried her on out of there," he says with a small smile. "Lucy was also sort of a mentor to me.

She taught me a lot about armour maintenance and modifications. We got close."

Jasper gives Nathan a knowing nod. "Ahhhhhh. Close. We talkin' 'call ya 'round the holidays' close, or we talkin' 'hanky pankey' close? Eh? Eh?" he asks, nudging the air with his elbow.

Nathan smacks Jasper's arm away with a sigh. "No, not the kinda close. She's just a friend. Besides, her wife might have a thing or two to say if we were that kind of close," he says with a chuckle.

Jasper wiggles his eyebrows, "Uh huh, right. Whatever ya say, Ten, you dog. Whatever ya say. So how long is she gon' be stayin'?" he asks.

Nathan rolls his eyes and makes to lightly punch Jasper in the shoulder. "Shuddup. Anyway, however long it takes. I had my omni-tool send a message once we dropped outta FTL, so I should be getting a reply soon. She'll either repair the suit or she'll insist I switch it out. Depends."

Jasper nods slowly as his chuckle fades out. "Fair 'nuff. Ain't gon' be no rush, though. You ain't gon' be seein' no action 'til that arm a' yers heals anyway."

Nathan groans and rubs his forehead. "Yeah... two months more or less. Sheesh," he says as he plucks up Jessica's gun. He looks at it before tutting and setting it back down. "Two... fucking... months."

Jasper shrugs his shoulders. "Ain't nothin' sayin' ya can't help 'round the base. Lil' maintenance. Maybe gimme a hand in the hangar. I'm sure there's still plenty fer you ta' do."

Nathan hums. "Well, if all goes well with the Chief, I could be spending my time fixing up a Mantis. Wolfe seems onboard with it, but we need the Chief's approval mostly." He jabs a thumb to the weapons. "I also ordered in a load of parts for the armoury, so I've gotta get to fixing up the weapons from the Pirate's job."

Well, see? That'll keep ya busy fer some time yet! An' that Mantis project should eat up a whole lotta time fer both a' us if it comes through. Might wanna start pricin' all that out soon as ya get back to Aite.

Nathan nods. "Yeah, won't take long," he says before falling silent. An awkward look crosses his face as he glances at the door, biting on his lower lip. "Jasper... I gotta question for you...".

Jasper looks to Nathan, eyes locking on the man. "Okay? Usually when someone tells ya they're gon' ask ya a question 'fore they actually ask ya the question, it means ya ain't gon' like it. Out with it, Ten."

Nathan shuffles from foot to foot, glancing back to Jasper. "How...uh... how would one... hypothetically... break up with someone?" He says quietly, a blush rising to his cheeks. "And yes, the mercenary is asking for relationship advice. So sue me...".

Jasper blinks a couple of times. "Well then. We-... uhh.... talkin' 'bout anyone in particular?" he asks, before quickly clarifying, "Hypothetically?"

An... asari... hypothetically.

Jasper frowns and slowly nods his head. "An' why, hypothetically, would ya wanna hypothetically break up with this hypothetical asari...?" he asks, looking as if he's quickly becoming confused with his own words. "...Hypothetically."

Nathan sighs, leaning back against the table. "Because... I wanna be with someone that, if we were to stay together for the rest of our lives, I could grow old with... watch our kids grow up. And not be old and the other looking like they haven't aged more than a few years...". He glances down, looking ashamed. "It's selfish, I know... besides... it feels way too

rushed, too sudden...". He stays quiet before confusedly adding. "Hypothetically?"

Jasper gains a sad smile and nods once again. "It ain't an easy thing no matter how ya chop the salad. Hypothetically." He lets out a deep sigh and shrugs his shoulders, "If ya want my advice, which it seems like ya do... On account of you directly sayin' ya want my advice...... Jus' be honest with 'er. Tell 'er exactly what ya jus' told me. It's gon' hurt 'er feelins', but it's gotta be done. Ya can't really butter someone up fer

a breakup. One a' them things where honesty is the best policy, cuz a turd smells like a turd no matter how much deoderant ya spray on it."

Nathan chuckles lightly. "Nice analogy," he mutters before nodding. "Yeah... guess you're right. I've never been the dumper, only the dumpee. Hypothetically." He groans and looks to his working arm. "Hopefully she doesn't break this one...".

Jasper nods and points to Nathan's arm. "Gotta be careful with them asari... Even the hypothetical ones. Snap ya like a twig with their minds-..." he says, bringing his hand up and tapping his finger against the side of his head, "...Like a krogan with a pretzel. Might wanna wait til' ya get yer armor back." he adds with a chuckle.

Nathan chuckles quietly. "I think I'll chance it... no point drawing it out any longer than it has to... besides, she's been alive for awhile. She'll probably be very calm and reasonable about it... I hope."

Orrrrr she's been alive for awhile which means she prolly knows a million-an'-one ways ta' kill a man. Maybe I oughtta come with! We can have a code. I'll wait 'round the corner with Betsy an' if you shout 'The donkey's in the hen house!' then I'll come screetchin' 'round the corner like a banshee ta' rescue ya! Eh!?

Nathan laughs, shaking his head as he begins to make his exit. "I thought the expression was 'The fox is in the hen house?'" He asks as he stands in the corridor, waiting for Jasper to follow. "But otherwise, I like that plan."

Jasper frowns, looking as though he's thinking on it. Finally, seemingly having come to a conclusion, he shakes his head as he hobbles off behind Nathan into the corridor. "Nope. It's definitely 'donkey'. The fox is usually in the eagle's nest."

Nathan shuts the door behind Jasper, chuckling with a gentle shake of his head as he wanders over to the elevator. "You're strange, Jasp," he states with a grin.

Jasper proceeds beside Nathan. "I prefer the word 'unique'. Much better ring to it." he corrects with a smile.

Nathan sniggers, palming the interface and waiting for the elevator. "Unique then. And we wouldn't have you any other way, hmm?" He asks with a grin.

Jasper clasps a hand on Nathan's shoulder. "Yer darn tootin'." he agrees with a nod.

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