#Deck4 – April 24, 2016

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Jessica lets out a frustrated sigh as she notices Yan Sun's sudden drop in mood and assumes it's in relation to their previous conversation. "Bam Bam." she says, trying to change the subject, "That was the stuuuupid nickname they gave me back home. Bam Bam!"

Yan Sun blinks, a confused look on her face at the initial comment, and then lets out a loud snort of laughter at the clarification. "Wha-... really...? Bam Bam, huh?"

Jessica's frown deepens and she folds her arms across her chest. "Mmmhmm. Bam Bam." She rolls her eyes as she realizes she should probably give some insight into the stupid name, but quite clearly doesn't want to. But Yan Sun's laughter is a more favorable alternative to the stink eye she was previously giving. "So, like I said... I've lived in Adrasteia most of my life, yes?" she begins to tell the story with a deep sigh,

"Our crew wasn't very big, but we sort of slipped under the radar. We had a contact that dealt in Red Sand, you know Red Sand, mmm?" she asks, but doesn't bother waiting for a response before continuing with her story, "We get it for a good price, and we pass it on to some of the bigger crews for a good price. Everybody is happy, yes? For the most part? They left us alone. But not everybody wanted Red Sand, so we

still had our troubles. A group of clowns calling themselves 'The Blade' tried pushing us around. Had a bunch of krogan and batarian. No good for us. So one day, me and Martin-... my brother-..." she clarifies once again, "...decide, hey, we just need to see what they need, yes? If we can provide something for them, maybe they'll stop trying to push us around. Sooooo what does everyone need?" she asks, looking

expectantly towards Yan Sun as if she should know the answer.

Yan Sun listens with interest to the story, her gaze moving back to Jessica. The mention of red sand causes a brief frown to cross her face, but she nods along with the story. By the question at the end she looks confused, and the look she's getting doesn't help. "I, uh... I don't know...?" she says hesitantly as the elevator comes to a stop.

Jessica blinks a couple of times. "Bombs! Things that blow up, yes? Everyone needs explosives!" she says, letting out a disappointed sigh that Yan Sun was unable to guess. She steps off the elevator, continuing to tell her story as they walk along. "Anyway... I was always a bit of a pyromaniac-..." she says with a giggle, but then quick realizes the irony and her smile fades into a frown and another sigh escapes her as she

makes a conscious effort to once again turn to keep as much of her burn facing away from Yan Sun as possible, a choice she often makes when she's reminded of them, "...So... So Martin thought it couldn't be that hard to go one step further and make shit blow up, yes? We figure out how to make our own explosives and sell them to the krogan at a good price and they'll stop fucking with us, go and fuck with someone else.

But, poor Martin, while I was blessed with all of the looks and brains-..." she says with a little wink, "...all he was left with was father's temper." she continues, her smirk slowly returning. "So it came down to me. We found allllllllllllllll of this shit on the extranet and I worked for days learning as much as I could. Finally, I'm confident that I can do this. We set up a meeting with them, tell them we have

something they might be interested in. Something that we can come to a truce over." she says, a conversation about explosives and gang politics coming as naturally to her as most people talk about their job. She shakes her head and pauses in place as she's suddenly overcome with a gigglefit as she recalls the event.

Yan Sun follows alongside Jessica, listening to the story with a skeptical look on her face. She smirks slightly at the wink, but otherwise her expression remains unchanging. When the gigglefit starts she blinks, looking completely lost as she stares quizzically at the laughing woman. "...huh...?"

Jessica manages to calm down after a few more moments and shakes her head, stopping in place and turning to face Yan Sun to finish up her story. "We had this stupid little shed out back of the complex we lived in. Nothing inside, just a dirty. Old. Shed... So I rigged up this breaching charge to show them what we can offer. Was just supposed to blow the door off." she pauses, bringing her hand up to her mouth as another set of

giggles escape her. "I'm-... I'm right here with my back to the shed, yes?" she continues, stepping off to the side and pointing to the elevator that's about 25 feet behind them, as if it's the stand-in for the shed, "And Martin is even closer to it. So I look that krogan dead in the eye as I go to press the button on my omni-tool-..." She straightens up her posture and puts on her best 'serious business' face as she

looks upwards, as if staring into the eyes of someone much larger than her, "...And I say as confidently as I can, BAM! and press the fucking button. Now-... Now we were expecting booooom, yes?" She shuts her eyes as another giggle escapes her, pausing her story as she wrestles to control her laughter, "No, no, no, no... We got BOOOOOOOOOOOM! My hair flies all over and-... and-... Martin, he did like this!" She

puts her hands up, palms out, elbows at sharp angles as if law enforcement just asked her to put her hands up, and then she lets out a high pitched 'Ahhhhhhhhhhh'. "Like-...." she tries to continue, but the laughter is winning out, "....Like a small child, you know? Or-... Or scared salarian. And me-... My hair is all over and-... and-... and I just stare at the krogan like-... my eyes like-..." She uses the thumb and

index finger on each of her hands to make circles, and holds them over her eyes as if they were large goggles. "I just stood there like that until the roof of the shack came crashing back down." She sucks in a deep breath, finally getting control of the giggles, "So I played it off like I meant to do that the entire time. Krogan was impressed. Our people knew the truth, though-... So.... So Bam Bam...." she nods,

wiping at the wetness that has formed in her eyes due to all of her laughter.

Yan Sun nods along as she continues to listen, a look of disbelief crossing her face as she describes the explosion. She looks unsure whether to laugh or to take a couple of steps back. The image of her standing her ground with the krogan as the roof comes crashing down finally elicits a grin, and at the end of the story she shakes her head. "You're crazy..." she says, still grinning. Her gaze wanders across the cargo hold, going first

to the assortment of various crates, but then moving on to the vehicles parked along the wall. She nods towards the nearest one with a raised eyebrow, not starting to move yet. "Bam Bam..." she repeats with a nod, putting on a thoughtful face. "That your 'thing'? Blowing stuff up?"

Jessica follows her nod and starts off towards the vehicle with a smirk, seemingly proud of the reaction she got. "My 'thing'?" she asks, cocking an eyebrow before giving a shrug, "I suppose it is. Everyone needs a hobby, mmm?" she says with a quick chuckle. "All of that feels like a lifetime ago now, though."

Yan Sun walks alongside Jessica towards the snowcrawler, her eye lighting up as they walk and her focus shifting. She furrows her eyebrows as a question appears in her mind. "How old were you when you were doing this stuff...?" she asks as they reach the vehicle, the door opening up with a hiss from the hydralics just as they approach. She allows herself a brief, satisfied smirk at the timing of her override of the security protocols.

Jessica shrugs dismissively. "I don't know. Fifteen? Sixteen? Something like that." she says, "Why?" She lets out a snicker as the door opens and gives a shake of her head as she steps inside. "You're very good at breaking in to places..." she muses.

Yan Sun gives an equally dismissive shrug as she follows Jessica inside. "I've had a lot of practice..." she says without elaborating, giving a wary glance up at the ceiling of the cargo hold where Victoria's cameras hide before closing the door with a small movement of her eye. "...can't blame you for wanting to get off that world. Seems like a rough place to grow up." she says as she turns back to Jessica. "I remember you mentioning

Omega... is that really the kind of place you want to go to...?"

Jessica gives another shrug, letting out a sigh as she puts her back to Yan Sun and just glances around the inside of the vehicle. "Does it matter?" she asks, "It's who I am. Who Aite has raised me to be, like it or not. It's my true nature. And we're all slaves to our true nature, yes?" She casts a glance back over her shoulder, "I wouldn't last anywhere else.."

Yan Sun slumps into the seat nearest to the door, looking at Jessica's back with a frown. "That's 一大坨大便. True nature..." she says, almost derisively. "Screw that. We can change ourselves. That's what we do." As if to make a point the light in her eye spreads, the chip on the shaved side of her head starting to glow, followed by the blue spreading all along the cybernetic conduits beneath her skin, her entire arm soon lit up all the

way to her fingertips.

Jessica smirks at her defiance. "Mmmm? Is that so?" she asks as she reaches for the woman's arm. She lifts it and leans over, pressing a kiss against the palm of Yan Sun's hand before beginning to trace her own fingertips along the blue lights all across her arm. "We don't all get that opportunity, kitty cat. For you, maybe it was easy to change. Because I have no doubt you always had this bright light in you, implants or

not." she says with a chuckle. She brings Yan Sun's hand up to the burns on her cheek and places her own hand atop it. "For me, maybe not so easy. Nothing underneath besides ugliness." she says, but whether it bothers her or not, she doesn't show it, smirk still on her face.

Yan Sun 's gaze flickers briefly to her arm as Jessica's fingers run up it. Her palm is peculiar, one of the few places where the nature of her arm is always visible, the round metal circle of the omni-tool fabricator taking up most of it. She might find a bitter and metallic taste on her lips from omni-gel residue. Yan Sun looks saddened as her hand is brought up to Jessica's cheek, and she hears the comment that follows. She caresses

the scarred cheek gently with her thumb, letting the blue light illuminate the side of her head. "That's not what I see." she says, at first a soft expression on her face, but it slowly turns into a defiant frown as she studies her with eyes both normal and cybernetic. "I see a lot of things... I see someone who's beautiful... someone who's bold... but afraid. Someone who doesn't want to admit they're not just what the world

says they are. What they've gotten used to being..."

Jessica just stares in silence at Yan Sun as she gives her the rundown, her hand remaining atop the other woman's. Her smirk slowly fades away as Yan Sun finishes up. "Afraid? Really, kitty cat? And what am I so afraid of, hmmm?" she asks. "Since you seem to be able to read me so well." she adds, although it's obvious that she struck a chord. "I'm not afraid of anything." she says plainly, shrugging her shoulders.

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Yan Sun
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