#Deck2 – April 23, 2016

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Nalota is eating breakfast by herself, which she has been waiting for since getting out of bed over an hour ago. She's in a blue top and simple gray pants.

Sanna is in the kitchen, mixing batter in a bowl while humming quietly to herself.

Robyn is placing trays and cups out in the cafetaria, a big smile on her face as usual.

September enters the cafeteria alongside Joshua, but the latter quickly excuses himself and heads off to the bathroom, leaving her to head over to the food counter on her own.

The counter in the cafeteria holds a few different types of cereal as usual, as well as bread with accessories, a toaster, a coffee machine and a pitcher of juice.

Sanna seems content with the state of the batter and moves over to the stove, pouring some into the waiting frying pan.

Jason makes his way over to the counter and grabs a tray. As he moves down the line, he just tosses a random assortment of pretty much everything on his plate, topping his tray off with a cup of coffee at the end.

September starts picking out some food - a bowl of yoghurt, a glass of juice, but comes to a stop at the window to the kitchen. "Oooh, what's Sanna making?" she says to Robyn when she passes.

The gym is empty at the moment, owing to the early hour no doubt.

Korio likes it that way. The gym, all to himself. He takes his pick of the equipment, and begins his regular routine.

Robyn pauses her work and turns to face September. "Pancakes!" she says with a big smile, "Should be done soon!"

Uvena immediately heads to the cafeteria, and to where the food is obviously. "Pancakes?" she says, having overheard that. "I think I'll wait for that."

September smiles. "Awesome!" she says before looking to Uvena as she approaches and nodding. "Good call! Sanna makes like, the best pancakes, trust me!"

Jessica heads straight to the showers without a word to anyone.

Jason winces as he hears September's voice and glances over at her. Recalling her episode during movie night, he gives a sigh, deciding he should probably talk to her. "Hey..." he says as he approaches the woman. "...How are you doing...?" he asks awkwardly.

Uvena chuckles. "I'll take your word for it," she says with a smile.

September frowns slightly as Jason approaches her. "Uh... I'm fine." she says with a puzzled look on her face while pouring some müsli onto her yoghurt.

Nathan opens the door to the bathroom, stepping inside with a sigh. He runs a hand through his hair, grimacing at the grease marring it. "Eughhhh," he groans.

Jason grimaces at her reaction. "I-... uhh.... Look-..." he sighs, balancing his tray in both hands, "...I just wanted to say... you know............................................................................................................ sorry." He frowns at having to apologize. "I didn't mean to go off on you the other day. I just-..." he shrugs, looking down at his arms momentarily,

"...They're a sore subject for me. That's all."

September tilts her head and looks over Jason's arms with a frown. "Awwh... I didn't know that! Why did you, like... get them if you don't like them?"

Jason opens his mouth to respond, but quickly stops himself. No need for another apology so soon. He bites down hard for a moment and takes a deep breath through his nose. "It wasn't exactly my choice. I was-...." he shakes his head, deciding it's not worth explaining, "...It's a long story. Needless to say, it's not one I care to relive."

September nods in the most understanding of manners. "You should try, like... longer sleeves or something." she suggests before heading off to sit down, deciding on taking the seat opposite of Nalota. "Hi!"

Jessica is in one of the lil shower stalls, back to the door and leaning, eyes closed, against one of the dividers as water cascades over her. If she wasn't upright, she would look like she's sleeping.

Jason shuts his eyes and breathes in, then out. In, then out. "Don't say it..." he mutters to himself, "...Just walk away..." He sucks in one last deep breath before heading towards a vacant seat.

Nathan heads to a stall a few down, quickly stripping off. He turns the water on and lets it flow over him, raising his face to meet the warmth.

Jessica startles at the sound of more running water and glances over towards the commotion. She shrinks further behind the divider, muttering a sleepy "Good morning." as she continues to allow the water to just wash over her.

Nathan mutters in response. "Morning, Jessie," he says, running a hand through his hair. "...You did good out there. Sorry I doubted you," he replies before falling silent,.

Jessica waves his compliment off. "Yeah ye-..." she pauses, what he said just really seeping in as she cocks her head towards him, "...You doubted me!?" she asks, sounding offended.

Nathan laughs. "When we first met," he admits. He glances in her direction. "But, I was wrong. And I apologized. Let's leave it at that, yeah?"

Nalota looks up at her. "Good morning," she says before returning her attention to her food.

September eats a spoonful of yoghurt and then speaks: "You're part of the research team, right? I'm September."

Jessica frowns. "You were wrong." she agrees as she begins lathering some soap up. After a few moments of silence, she glances back over at him. "How is the arm? You got pretty fucked up out there, mmm?"

Nathan awkwardly tries to squeeze some shampoo into his hand, not responding for the moment. He then starts to lather his hair up. "I'm alright. Armour got fried, two weapons lost, stabbed in the armpit and a broken arm. Oh, and a concussion." He laughs. "I've gotten worse off of an ex," he jokes.

Jessica lets a chuckle slip. "Oh? That sounds like a fun ex..." she muses.

Nathan shrugs, washing the shampoo free. "What about you? You got hit, didn't you?"

Nalota nods. "Nalota," she says. "That's right, I've not been with them long, though, so I only do field work right now. What about you? What do you do around here?" She then takes a large bite of the sandwich.

Jessica glances down, running a hand over her side where the spear struck her. "Just a little bit." she says dismissively. "I'll live to fight another day, I think." she adds with a smirk.

September shrugs while swallowing another spoonful of food. "I work on the bridge and stuff." She leans forward a bit and runs her spoon along the edge of her bowl. "You guys ran into some seriously scary stuff out there, right?"

Nathan grins. "I don't doubt it," he muses. "You sticking around with Redrock after all this?"

Jessica snorts loudly. "Well, I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that no..." she says with a shake of her head, "...I plan on taking the payout from this job and taking off as soon as I can."

Nalota frowns. "That's one way to put it," she says. "The surface was mostly lifeless, but the waters beneath was anything but."

Uvena has by now moved to her spot, having decided to have a sandwich with few toppings while awaiting the pancakes. She has a glass of juice and a cup of coffee.

September sips her juice. "Oooh, you were part of the diving team? That must have been exciting!"

Nathan chuckles softly. "Damn, there goes the one person I can ramble to about explosives," he muses. "Well, I wish you good luck with that. Seriously. Gotta keep moving forward, right?"

Jessica nods slowly. "Mmhmm..." she agrees. "And thank you..." she says in response to the well wishes, "...And luck to you as well. I have no idea why you would want to remain on that miserable planet, but I hope it works out for you."

Sanna flips the current pancake, still humming an obscure tune.

Nalota nods. "It was," she says. "Not every species down there was happy to see us."

Nathan shrugs lightly. "Thanks. I dunno, something slightly charming about it... and I feel like I could do some good there," he admits.

Jessica sighs loudly. "It is beyond repair." she says flatly, "...Maybe it always was. I don't know. Either way, there's no place for me back there. Time for me to 'move forward'."

Yan Sun exits the passenger quarters and makes her way towards the cafeteria, heading right for the counter and grabbing a cup of coffee along with a piece of bread which she starts to toast, looking around at the others in the room as she waits.

Nathan nods. "You do that," he says. "But I'm stubborn and I'll give it a go, no?"

Jason shoves nearly an entire piece of toast into his mouth, causing his cheeks to bulge out as he struggles to chew.

September furrows her eyebrows. "Oooh, really? Where there like, sea monsters and stuff down there?" she says, leaning forward on her elbows.

Jessica gives Nathan a thumbs up, resting her arm atop the divider. "You do that, Ten. Just don't say I didn't warn you when it all comes crashing down. That entire place is about to implode. Aite's fuse was lit long ago, I hope you don't find yourself at the center of it all when it goes off."

Nathan nods, then pauses. He looks across to her, tapping on the divider. "How bad?"

Linora walks into the cafeteria and heads over towards the counter, studying the various options thoughtfully.

Yan Sun grabs her piece of toast when it's done and decides to head over to Jason, sitting down opposite to him. "Uh... hey." she says as she sets down her tray.

Nalota sighs. "They weren't big, but there were many of them and they hit our mechs hard," she says. "They didn't like light, though."

Athassa limps on towards the bathroom, her progress slow due to her injury. She steps inside as the door opens, proceeding carefully in case the floor is wet.

Jessica gives a shrug of her shoulders. "Who knows? Everyone has been at each other's throat on Aite since as long as I can recall..." she says, possibly showing more of her hand than intended, "...But things are changing. Credits changing hands. You can't funnel those kinds of funds into a place like Aite without it disrupting things... Disorganized anarchy is one thing, but once you begin to direct all of that-..." she puffs

out her cheeks and then blows all of the air out, "...Boom. There's going to be trouble. More trouble. Yes?"

Jason crunches loudly on his toast, craning his neck to look to Yan Sun. "Mmfffmmheymmgmm." he mutters as he continues to chew and try to break down the large chunk of toast between his cheeks.

Nathan looks to her quietly, canting his head. "I hear you," he says. "Hey, when did you move to Aite, by the by?"

Jessica looks ahead as she proccesses the question. "Mmm... Off and on, you know?" she says, somewhat sidestepping the question. "Family lived on Aite so-... so I would visit now and then and-... between, you know... My work with the Alliance..."

Nathan looks at her skeptically. He sighs, leaning against the divider. "Jess... have you ever left Aite?" He asks. "Because you reallllly don't sound convincing."

Yan Sun raises an eyebrow at Jason's ongoing struggle with the toast. "I, uh... just wanted to make sure we're cool? After the undeground base and all that?" she says before grabbing her cup of coffee, blowing at it and then trying a sip, deciding it is still too warm.

Jessica narrows her eyes on Nathan, instantly getting defensive. "What do you-... Of course I've left Aite! I've been to Earth and-.... and Eden Prime! And the Citadel! And-... hell, I can't even remember all the places I've been. All over, man. All over." she nods as she returns to rubbing soap on her shoulders, "Sheesh, you're so wierd..."

Athassa heads over to one of the shower stalls, on the opposite side of Nathan from Jessica. She balances the crutch against the divider and puts down her bag before starting to undress.

Nathan stares at her, eyes narrowing slightly. "...Jessssssss," he says. "Answer this one question for me, and I'll be put at rest, 'kay?" He then continues before she can reply. "What was your military service number? Identification code and the like?"

Jason tilts his head to the side. "We-..." he begins but pauses and returns to loud crunching for a few moments. He swallows hard, actually looking like he's in pain for a brief moment before nodding to Yan Sun. "We're fine... Just-... you know how it is. Adreneline was high, shit was going wrong, I was just worried about you." He reaches out and gives Yan Sun's shoulder a shove, "But you came

through for us. There's no telling how things would've played out if you hadn't stopped that transmission. You did good."

Jessica scoffs loudly, now cleaning herself quite aggressively. "What do you mean what was my-... J139008211385S24.....................1." she rattles off with a confident nod. "Now are you happy? Why are you so up my ass about all of this? Don't you have more important shit to worry about?"

Nathan shrugs. "Just wondering why you've got to lie about is all? You clearly know how to fight so what does it matter if you were alliance or not?" He resumes washing himself down, wincing as he stretches the wound awkwardly. "Ah, fucker. By the by, you used waaaaaay too many numbers there," he scolds.

September nods repeatedly. "Wow, mechs versus sea creatures. Kind of like an action vid, right?"

Yan Sun smiles faintly. "I appreciate that." she says. "Didn't mean to get in the way of your people. It was just... the one thing on the mission I knew something about, wanted to make myself useful." she says with a small chuckle. She tests the heat of her coffee again before gaining a slightly awkward expression. "Look, uh... Jessica isn't in any trouble because of all that, right...?"

Jessica shakes her head a bunch of times. "I'm not lying about anything-... Mind your own business. How would you know how many numbers we use in our service code number, mmm? Don't tell me. You're just-... wrong."

Nathan sighs. "Standard military identification tags have seven numbers," he says, ignoring her briefly. "But, whatever, I'll leave you to it if that's what you want. I was just asking and wanting to help out, no?"

Nalota shakes her head. "Not these mechs," she says. "They're not graceful, let alone under water." She takes another large bite of her sandwich.

Jason considers reaching for another piece of toast, but halts himself for now. "She disobeyed a direct order. Despite how it turned out, I can't exactly trust someone who won't listen to orders." He gives a shrug and lets out a quick sigh, "It's complicated. I'll have a talk with her when we reach Aite. Me and my partners will be discussing the job and-... well, we'll decide from there. Soooo

trouble? No. I just can't guarantee she'll be remaining with us." He gives an apologetic tilt of his head, "That's just the way it goes. We'll see."

Sanna seems satisfied with the number of pancakes in the first batch, having gathered them on a large plate. She looks around for Robyn.

September continues to eat her yoghurt. "Yeah, they looked pretty clumsy! And one of them was broken too! Did you do that?!"

Jessica frowns, staring straight ahead at the wall as she continues to wash up. "Why are you set on starting shit with me, Ten?" she asks, "Why can't you just leave well enough alone, mmm? We were doing fine, yes? But you have to poke, poke, poke, poke, poke." she says, stabbing her index finger at the wall as she says the word 'poke'. "Why?"

Robyn is still out near the counter, cleaning up and organizing whatever needs cleaned and organized.

Yan Sun frowns slightly. "Yeah... okay. But... she's getting paid, right? For the job?" she says before taking a small bite at the corner of her toast.

Sanna waves Robyn over before moving the platter of pancakes to the window. "First batch is ready, set it out will you?"

Nathan glances across to her. "I... literally just said I'll drop it," he states. "But I'm gauging that I'm right...". He shrugs and turns off the shower. "Honestly? I hold a lot of respect to Alliance soldiers, active or ex. My dad was Alliance, two of my sisters are as well. Shit, I was considering being Alliance for a time." He breathes, annoyance starting to

set in. "But masquerading as an Alliance soldier? That's just low... low and fucking disrespectful to them." He steps out the shower and snatches towel off the rack, awkwardly trying to dry himself off. "So that's why I'm poking. Seeing if you were the real deal or not. And you just gave me my answer." He hangs the towel back up, then starts to slip back

into his clothing. "...I didn't think you'd stoop that low," he mutters before heading towards the door.

Jason furrows his brow for a moment before a chuckle escapes him. "Uhhh, yeah? Why wouldn't she? Regardless of what happened, she still did her part. It's not like her disobedience got anyone killed. Hell-... and I'll deny it if you repeat this!" he warns, jabbing an index finger towards Yan Sun, "...But she probably made the right choice." He lowers his hand and shrugs again, "It's just

complicated. Don't worry about it, though. We'll figure it out, but rest assured she'll get paid. I'm not in the business of screwing our employees out of their paychecks."

Athassa glances over in Nathan and Jessica's direction as she hears the arguing, but quickly turns her attention back to herself with a wince as it gets more hostile. She finishes undressing and turns the shower on, focusing on the sound of the water and letting it drown out the two humans as she tries to relax after a far-too eventful previous day.

Jessica balls her right hand into a fist and slams it against the wall she was poking. "Just because I don't want to sit here and play your fucking game doesn't mean I'm lying. Get off your high horse! I don't need to validate myself for you, or anyone else! You see? We were fine. We had a very nice 'I don't fuck with you, you don't fuck with me' thing going on. But you just have to go out of your way to try and tear me down,

mmm? Is that fun for you? Well have at it. I have nothing to prove to you. I know who I am."

Nathan shrugs a shoulder, glancing over his shoulder as the door opens. "Are you sure?" He asks before stepping out, the door shutting behind him. He heads to the passenger compartment, hair still damp.

Robyn hurries over to the window as she spots Sanna's beckoning. "Oooh, these look delicious!" she says as she looks the platter over. She lifts it up, passing a big bright smile to Sanna before moving off to set out the foodstuffs.

Jessica grips her bottle of shampoo, contemplating tossing it at Nathan before he disappears, but decides against it. A few moments after he takes his leave, her glare wanders over to Athassa. With a loud sigh, she shuts off the water and begins to get dressed in the shower stall.

Yan Sun nods a few times, regaining her smile to some degree. "Alright... good. I-..." Her gaze goes past Jason, to the freshly arrived platter of pancakes, and she gains a small grin. "I... am gonna grab some pancakes. Thanks for keeping us nerds safe, yeah?" she says as she stands up, bringing her tray as she heads back towards the counter.

Jason gives Yan Sun a nod. "Don't mention it nerd-... Did you say pancakes!?" His gaze wanders until coming to a rest on the platter of beautiful pancakes. Target aquired. He hops out of his seat right after Yan Sun and power walks his way towards the counter to secure some fresh, fluffy pancakes of his own before they're all claimed.

Nathan exits just on time to hear the word 'pancakes' be uttered by Jason. His eyes widen and he immediately makes a beeline towards them. "Oi, save some for me!"

Linora is still standing by the counter, trying to decide what to eat. She chuckles as everyone else flocks around the pancakes, and decides to go for a sandwich instead, preparing it with care and deliberation.

Yan Sun stabs a few pancakes and brings them over to a plate before making off to a seat at the northeast table, with a view of the window. She gains a small smile as she takes in the smell of the pancakes, cutting a small piece off and tasting them.

Jason collects a large amount of pancakes, stacking them high and smothering them in syrup. He's already biting at them mid-journey back to his seat. "Better hurry up, Ten! I'm going back for seconds as soon as I'm done!" he teases.

September is left alone at her table after Nalota departs, continuing to eat her yoghurt while looking around at some of the others.

Jessica finishes getting dressed and stomps out of the showers with her bag of dirty clothes and showering stuffthings as she returns to the passenger's quarters. She disappears inside for a split second before returning to the cafetaria with her cap on. She doesn't bother heading for the counter, she goes straight for Yan Sun's table and plops down beside her. "He's a fucking asshole." she says sharply, "A fucking asshole,

and he thinks I'm lying about the Alliance stuff. Who in the fuck does he think he is?" she mutters.

Nathan slides next to Jason, his trainers squeaking against the floor. "No fair, you have both working arms!" He spoons on some pancakes onto his plate, covering them in syrup before awkwardly carrying them alongside Jason. "Oh man, I haven't had pancakes in ageeees."

Yan Sun raises an eyebrow at Jessica as she sits down. "Uh... who?" she says with a confused look on her face, sneaking another bit of pancake into her mouth as she awaits a response.

Jason uses his hands to fold up an entire pancake and shoves it into his mouth. "Yeah, and they're fucking delicious!" he says through a mouthful of heaven.

Jessica nods her chin towards Nathan. "Who do you think!? He just constantly wants to start shit with me. I don't get it. He can't just let it be."

Nathan sits down opposite him, shaking his head and jabbing a fork at the man. "Manners, sir!" He scolds with a laugh before digging into the pancakes, chewing contently. "Ohohohohoooooo."

Jason makes a point of opening his mouth to give Nathan a good view of his chewed up pancakes. He smirks and returns to smacking his lips. "So-..." he begins after chewing his food, "...You looking forward to getting back home?"

Nathan snorts and shakes his head, grinning at Jason. He finishes his mouthful before replying. "Of course," he says. "I mean, I gotta lot of work to sort out when I get back, but I'm looking forward to it. I'll need a new gun... and I'll need to call my mate Lucy to get her to come out here and help me with my armour." He takes off another chunk of pancake and

stuffs it in, chewing and swallowing. "Also, me and Jasper had a suggestion to pitch to you and the Chief."

Yan Sun lets out a small sigh as she follows Jessica's nod to Nathan. "Yeah..." she says as she turns back to the table. "He seems like that kind of person..." she says quietly before stuffing another piece of pancake into her mouth. She looks over Jessica with a frown and then cuts off another bit of pancake, waving the fork in front of her face with a tilt of her head. "Want some pancaaakes...?" she says in an attempt to brighten her

mood. "They're delicioooous..."

Jason cocks an eyebrow as he decides to stop eating like an animal while conversating and grabs his fork. "What kind of suggestion?" he asks.

Nathan taps his fork against his chin as he chews. "Well, Jasper and I were thinking that the hangar was looking a little empty. So I know some people who could get us a Mantis gunship that, for all intents and purposes, little more than a frame and engine. Y'know, build it from the ground up the same way Jasper did with Ol' Bets- the Kodiak." He nods once. "It'll

be a hell of a lot cheaper and it would expand Redrock's capabilities massively."

Jessica narrows her eyes on Yan Sun. "You fight dirty, kitty cat. Trying to cheer me up with pancakes? Cheap tactics." A slight smirk tugs at her lips before she pulls the bit of pancake free from the fork and tosses it into her mouth. "Cheeeeap tactics." she repeats.

Jason gives a shrug of his shoulders. "I guess that sort of depends on how much it all costs. You'd need to talk to Linda about all of that, she mostly handles the finances-..." he waves his fork with a dismissive shake of his head, "...You know. Math. Numbers. The boring shit. Just get everything in order before you come to her about it. If it sounds worth it-..." he shrugs again, "...I'm

sure she'd be all for it. She runs a tight ship, though..." he says before muttering something about a mini-bar.

Yan Sun gains a small but pleased grin as she spots Jessica's smirk. "Mmm... maybe. But it worked, didn't it?" she says as she uses her fork to split off a few more pieces of pancake, stabbing one and eating it herself before presenting another to Jessica.

Nathan nods lightly, mopping up some syrup with a piece of heaven. "Sure, sure," he says. "I think Jasper was going to try and 'soften her up' before I have a go," he says with a chuckle. "But again, shouldn't cost more than a couple of thousand credits instead of, y'know, half-a-mil or around those parts."

Linora finishes with making her sandwich and heads over to join Jason and Nathan, setting down her tray before looking between the two of them. "May I sit here?"

Jason gives a soft chuckle and shakes his head. "I've been trying to 'soften her up' for years now. Godspeed to Jasper." he says before sipping at his coffee. "Sounds good to me." he adds with another shrug, "But yeah, you'll have to run it by the bosslady. If I gave you guys permission and she wasn't into the idea? Would be a very uncomfortable time for me. And she hits hard..."

Nathan chortles before waving Linora to a free seat. "Of course, feel free," he says with a smile.

Jason lifts a pancake with his fork, gesturing towards the seat as well with his floppyflapjack. "All yours."

Jessica continues to accept pancake pieces and toss them into her mouth as they're offered. "Maybe..." she admits, giving Yan Sun a sidelong glare. She lets out a loud sigh and settles back into her seat, "...Oh well. Just a few more days and I never have to deal with that arrogant asshole again."

Linora sits down with a polite nod. She stays quiet for the moment, not wanting to interrupt their conversation and instead sipping her coffee.

Nathan chews on his nommies and smiles across to Linora. "Miss... T'Ris, right? How're you doing?"

Yan Sun 's smile fades, but she forces it back and nods with another glance in Nathan's direction. "Yeah..." she says quietly as her attention turns back to the food, splitting of more pieces of pancake. "You must be looking forward to that..."

Linora looks a bit miffed, but corrects Nathan in a polite tone. "Professor T'Ris."

Jason jabs a fork towards Nathan. "Professor!" he repeats, giving Linora a nod. "You tell him."

Nathan looks to Jason and waves the fork threateningly at Jason. "I apologize, Professor." He replies politely. "Professor, how are you doing?" He repeats.

Jessica reaches over and grabs a piece of pancake off of Yan Sun's plate. "I guess..." she says with a shrug, "...What about you? Are you going to be happy to be back? Get off this ship? Mmm? Do you have some 'special someone' waiting for you?" She nudges Yan Sun in the side a couple of times.

Linora chuckles lightly. "I am fine." she says and takes another sip of coffee. "And everyone else will be too. We have your team to thank for that. I have had the rescue you performed described to me."

Nathan smirks lightly. He looks pointedly to his arm. "Well, it could've gone better. But I'm just happy that everyone made it out. Everyone."

Jason gives a nod. "Everyone." he repeats. "That's the way we like it. Everyone comes home. I hope your team was able to get their hands on some valuable information. It's a shame the trip was cut short and all..."

Yan Sun looks a little offended at Jessica's last question, a small frown forming. "Wha-... no! No, I don't." she says and then starts eating the remaining pieces of pancake she cut up without offering any more to her.

Jessica smirks at the response, but it quickly fades as she realizes her fishing for answers offended Yan Sun. She reaches in to grab at another piece of pancake. "It was just a question..." she mutters, "...No need to get all-..." she gestures towards Yan Sun's face with a swirl of her finger, "...frowny."

Linora nods in return. "Indeed. Everyone's safety is of course the top priority. I am glad to say the expedition has proven worthwhile as well though. There has been a wealth of interesting data retrieved relating to the unusual sealife, and... there is of course the matter of the... base, you found."

Nathan quirks an eyebrow, looking to Jason. "What was there, exactly?"

Yan Sun lets out a faint sigh and spins her fork around to offer Jessica a piece of pancake without looking at her. "I don't know where I'm going... or what I'll do..." she says with a small shrug.

Jason gives a shake of his head. "I have no idea. It was old. Like, real old. They had an AI... Which probably explains why they were doing-... whatever it is they were doing-... all the way out there. Some sort of research station."

Nathan blinks. "An AI? Huh," is all he says before resuming pancake eating duties.

Jessica gladly accepts the food. "So what did you do before this, then? Mmm?" she asks, not bothering to wait for another piece of food to be handed to her, she just takes it from the plate.

Linora nods slowly as she listens to Jason. "Yes, I heard about the AI... I have heard of people performing such research in remote locations, but never of this place in particular. Perhaps the Matriarch has heard something of it, she knows a great many people in the scientific community. It would have been interesting to find out more... and I wonder if the vorcha you encountered where related to the base."

Nathan hurms. "Would make sense, if you ask me."

Jason gives a shrug. "No clue. They were certainly pissed off, though... Seemed afraid of that base, too. That's pretty much the only reason we survived, to be honest."

Yan Sun shrugs again. "You know... I put my skills to use in the city. It was... a nexus. Pulsing with electricity. With information. A constant flow. The extranet went out to the rest of the Federation from there. Credits, information, influence... lots of things you can get online if you know where to look."

Linora listens to Jason's continued explanation while sipping her coffee. "That is interesting... would your team be open to talking to the Matriarch about what you saw?"

Jessica glances over at Yan Sun, her eye darting down to the woman's cybernetic arm. "You put your skills to use, eh? Didn't have you pegged as a hooker." she teases, only able to hold back her grin for a moment before letting out a loud laugh. As it dies down she lets out a sigh and gives Yan Sun a playful shove, "So why did you leave? Sounds like it was your sort of place, mmm? But here you are."

Jason chews a bite of pancakes, giving the asari a nod. After he swallows, he looks in her direction. "Yeah, that's no problem. Just have her contact me and we'll set it up."

Yan Sun gives Jessica an unamused look, but can't help but crack a smile as she starts to laugh. When asked the new question she looks down at the table for a bit as she ponders it. "Sure... and it'll always be my home, but... it got too loud sometimes. And... just reading about the rest of the galaxy didn't seem like enough anymore. I wanted to see it for myself... so here I am." she says with a small shrug. "...and I've just stepped

foot on an uncharted planet, discovered a secret base, been attacked by feral aliens, and lived to tell the tale. That..." she lets out a brief, timid chuckle. "...is easily the most exciting week I've ever had." Her gaze moves back to Jessica, wandering across her face. "...and I got to meet this awesome, captivating 壞蛋 who showed me a great time."

Jessica's grin widens. "It has been a pretty exciting week, mmm? And I am a pretty awesome-..." pausing suddenly, she tilts her head to the side. "Whoeyewhat? What does that mean?"

Yan Sun smirks at Jessica's confusion, continuing to let her gaze wander across the features of her face for a moment before responding. "You know... 壞蛋. Uhm... badass...?" she says with a playful look as her smirk widens. She impales the last piece of pancake on her fork and eats it herself before it too is stolen away from her.

Jessica seems to consider it for a few moments before giving a single, stern nod of approval. She reaches her hand out, but draws it back with a frown as the last piece of food is nabbed. "It's better than what everyone back home called me..." she mutters.

Yan Sun frowns, placing her hand on Jessica's arm. "Screw them!" she says loudly. "You're awesome." she says with a nod. "Aaaand you're really cute when you lower your shields." she says, a bit quieter as a grin spreads across her face.

Jessica begins to nod along with Yan Sun's words, but quickly stops and rolls her eyes when she continues with the second half of her sentence. "Whatever you say, kitty cat." she says dismissively before letting out a sigh, "How about we get out of here? I'm not sure how much longer I can keep myself from stealing your fork and jamming it into his smug face." she continues with a nod towards Ten.

Yan Sun sighs faintly but seems undiscouraged by Jessica's eyeroll. At her question she lets out a brief chuckle and glances at Nathan. "Yeah, sure." she says, standing up and grabbing her tray before heading off towards the nearby counter to leave it there.

Jessica swivels in her seat and hops to her feet before following behind Yan Sun. "Where to?" she asks, doing her best not to glare at Nathan as they pass by.

Yan Sun turns around after placing the tray, looking to Jessica. "Hmh..." she says, furrowing her eyebrows as she looks past her at the rest of the ship. "Not a lot of options on this ship... cargo hold, bunks, I don't know...?"

Jessica gives a shrug. "Cargo hold sounds good. Less chance of that jerk showing up." she says and starts off in that direction. She lets out a sigh as she reaches the hall. "I shouldn't let him get under my skin like that... He just frustrates me so much!"

Yan Sun follows alongside Jessica as they head towards the elevator. "He's really got it out for you, huh...? Any idea why?" she presses the interface to call the elevator and the door opens as it is already present. She steps inside while looking to Jessica as she awaits a response.

Jessica gives a shrug. "No clue." she sighs as she steps inside of the elevator and takes a position against the back wall. "Just likes being a pain in my ass, I suppose..."

Yan Sun presses the Deck 4 button on the interface and then leans against the wall to Jessica's left. "Well, like you said... soon you won't have to see him again." she says with a small shrug of her own, glancing briefly at her before looking at the wall ahead.

Jessica returns a shrug of her own, fading into silence for a few moments. "Yeah..... Right." she finally agrees, "...Him or the rest of that miserable place..."

Yan Sun 's gaze goes distant as she continues to look at the wall while the elevator descends. "Right..." she says with a noticable lack of enthusiasm before going quiet as the small space fills with the hum of the ship and the whir of the elevator mechanism.

Next Logs

Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Surveying The Ice World
September Garcia
Uvena Atana
Nalota Teralis
Linora T'Ris
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Sanna Lundquist
September Garcia
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Linora T'Ris
Yan Sun
Athassa T'Solis
Robyn DeLuca
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Jason Wolfe
Athassa T'Solis
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Surveying The Ice World
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Robyn DeLuca
Surveying The Ice World
September Garcia
Uvena Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe

Previous Logs

Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Linora T'Ris
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Athassa T'Solis
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Athassa T'Solis
Surveying The Ice World
Nalota Teralis
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nalota Teralis
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Athassa T'Solis
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Athassa T'Solis
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Athassa T'Solis
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Athassa T'Solis
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nalota Teralis
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Athassa T'Solis
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Athassa T'Solis
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nalota Teralis
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Athassa T'Solis
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nalota Teralis
Linora T'Ris
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Nalota Teralis
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Athassa T'Solis
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Athassa T'Solis
Surveying The Ice World
Nalota Teralis
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Linora T'Ris
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Athassa T'Solis
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Linora T'Ris
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Athassa T'Solis
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Nalota Teralis
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Nalota Teralis
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nalota Teralis
Linora T'Ris
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nalota Teralis
Linora T'Ris
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Surveying The Ice World
Nalota Teralis
Linora T'Ris
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Athassa T'Solis
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nalota Teralis
Linora T'Ris
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Athassa T'Solis
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nalota Teralis
Linora T'Ris
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nalota Teralis
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Surveying The Ice World
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nalota Teralis
Linora T'Ris
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nalota Teralis
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Nalota Teralis
Linora T'Ris
Yan Sun
Athassa T'Solis
Surveying The Ice World
Nalota Teralis
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Athassa T'Solis
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nalota Teralis
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Robyn DeLuca
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Surveying The Ice World
September Garcia
Uvena Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Athassa T'Solis
Korio Ara
Robyn DeLuca
Surveying The Ice World
September Garcia
Nathan Tennhausen
Korio Ara
Robyn DeLuca
Surveying The Ice World
September Garcia
Uvena Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Athassa T'Solis
Korio Ara
Robyn DeLuca
Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Athassa T'Solis
Surveying The Ice World
Linora T'Ris
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Nalota Teralis
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Korio Ara
Robyn DeLuca
Surveying The Ice World
Jason Wolfe
Robyn DeLuca
Surveying The Ice World
Nalota Teralis
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Surveying The Ice World
Nalota Teralis
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Sanna Lundquist
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
September Garcia
Uvena Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nalota Teralis
Linora T'Ris
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Athassa T'Solis
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Sanna Lundquist
September Garcia
Nalota Teralis
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Athassa T'Solis
Korio Ara
Robyn DeLuca
Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nalota Teralis
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Robyn DeLuca
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nalota Teralis
Linora T'Ris
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Athassa T'Solis
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara