#Grizzly – April 20, 2016

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

The storm is still raging around the Grizzly, but they continue on through rough terrain, slowed by cliffs and crags that the Mako navigated easily with its thrusters. It is a bumpy, uncomfortable ride. They have encountered no threats so far, but visiblity is minimal. The snowfilled air around them is no longer white, but gray - the clouds and the low sun combine to create an unsettling amount of darkness on a planet that has so far

been nothing but light. The turret struggles to move in the cold, the mechanism constantly near freezing. The heat in the vehicle itself is minimal. Tolerable but uncomfortable.

Jasper has passed along the parts he fabricated for Nathan's suit at some point during the trip. "How ya'll doin' back there?" he calls out over comms, "Sorry 'bout the bumpy ride, but I can't see more than a few feet in front of my face. No wonder they got stranded out here, this is miserable!"

Nathan has been fiddling with his suit and, after many hours of jury rigging (and mostly thanks to Jasper's parts) has gotten the majority of his suit up and running again. Even his omni-tool. "I'm alright, mate." He pulls on the last of his armour, bashing the side of his helmet to get it to refocus.

Uvena has tried moving the turret a little bit, but she has not done anything else with it. "I'm fine," she replies over comms. "How close are we to the coordinates?"

Jasper studies the readouts before activating his comms. "We're in the right area... Jus' movin' 'round 'till we get some sorta response. Hopefully they're still in the area."

Nathan moves over to Uvena, tapping her on the shoulder. "I'll take over for a bit," he says to her. He then responds to Jasper. "Hopefully those vorcha have taken cover from the storm. Even those stubborn little bastards wouldn't last in this... I hope."

Jasper continues onward, hoping for a response. "I'm more worried 'bout those geth Kozma mentioned..."

Uvena stands up. "I haven't moved it in a while, though," she says, "so it might be stuck." She moves over to take the seat nearest to the turret controls. The manual is still up on the screen, showing the last page.

Jason (comms): "...-breaking up, but we-...zzzzk...-too far out. We're hunk-...zzzhhhhhh...-search station. We've-...hhhhzzhhh...-it's no rush. Take your time and-...tzzk...-see about coming-...tzzzt...-get our-...kkkktz..."

Nathan takes her place and is about to respond to Jasper when the comms crackle through. "Jason, good to hear that you guys are alright!" He chuckles lightly. "But you're breaking up too. Can you repeat your location? Research station?"

Uvena taps on her omni-tool to stop the repeating broadcast. "Thank the Goddess," she mutters.

Jasper perks up at the sound of Jason's voice. "Ya'll hear that!? We gotta be close!"

There is a loud, grinding metallic sound as the grizzly drive into something that most definitely isn't ice, the vehicle coming to an abrupt stop.

Jasper's eyes go wide and he slowly eases the Grizzly back. "Think we jus' hit somethin'! Sorry 'bout that! It's all snow an' ice out here!"

Nathan jolts and instantly looks to the turret's camera feed, linking it up to his HUD. He tries to locate what they ran into. "Get ready to hightail it, Jasp," he warns.

Uvena is pushed to the side and lands on the floor. "Fuck," she mutters before starting to get back on her feet.

Jasper nods to himself. "Yap, yap. Helmets on, ya'll!"

Jason (comms): "We're-...zzzh...-pstairs! Tell me-...zkt...-rescue!"

Nathan responds to Jason, still peering though the optics. "Wolfe, we've hit something, so we may be delayed. Just hold on tight and we'll try and find you. If you've got any co-ordinates, that would be immensely helpful."

Jasper continues to peer through the viewport. "I ain't seein' nothin'. You got anything back there, Ten!?"

The turret camera is virtually blind between the weather and the snow that has piled up on the lens.

Nathan grunts. "That's a negative, Jasper. Just pull back and drive around. If my HUD wasn't fried earlier, I could've tried different mods of vision...". He sighs. "...I got fucked over by a damn fish. Anyway, get us moving."

Jasper remains fixed to the viewport. "Maybe we oughtta check it out, Ten. If they're hunkered down somewhere nearby-..." he shrugs, continuing to stare out the window, "...Jus' a quick look. Then we can be on our way."

Nathan leans back and peers to Uvena. "What's your thoughts?"

Uvena sits down on the nearest seat. "We should at least see what we hit," she says over comms. "And what the damage looks like."

Nathan nods and hops off the turret, moving up to the hatch. He double checks his helmet is sealed before drawing his rifle, flicking the safety off. "Alright, we'll have a look."

Jasper gives another nod to himself. "Awright. I ain't got any weaponry with me, so I'm gonna let ya'll take point on this one."

Makes sense to me. You keep this bad-boy running incase we have to skedaddle.

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Uvena Atana
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Uvena Atana
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