#Deck4 – April 6, 2016

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

The ship orbits the moon for about an hour, performing several scans of the surface while the expedition ground team gears up to being their work groundside. Cargo has been loaded into one of the snowcrawlers, as well as the larger tracked truck, although its bed has been kept mostly clear. The wait after conclusion of preparations is interrupted as Victoria's voice sounds form the speakers of the cargo hold. "Preliminary orbital scans

have been completed. A suitable landing site has been located and we are now beginning our descent to the surface."

Jason has mostly just been sitting around on a crate, waiting for any new information. At the sound of Victoria's voice, he hops off the crate. "Well. About time..." he sighs.

Linora is still standing with the rest of the science ground team, having reviewed the information they have on the planet with the others to make sure there are no confusions.

Nathan removes himself from the Triton's leg that he's been leaning upon, glancing up at the ceiling. "Alright then," he mumbles, grinning under his visor.

Bort and Plask have been loading cargo for most of the time, but finished a while ago and are now sitting on the floor, talking to each other.

Ilyna is sitting on a crate near Jason's, but she doesn't get upfrom her seat upon hearing the announcement. It does make her a bit more concerne.

Artullin is sat on the floor against a crate, arms folded across his chest. His head lifts slightly at teh announcement, but otherwise he does nothing.

Jessica is seated on a create nearby as well. She glances up at the announcement, but otherwise remains in place until told otherwise.

Jasper has been pacing, trying to wear in the uncomfortable suit.

Korio has remained standing in pretty much the same spot for the past hour, a monument of self control, he is. "Are we to board one of the vehicles?" he asks.

Uvena is standing near the others from the Redrock's team. "I assume we're going with the truck?" she asks, looking at Jason.

Nalota looks towards one of the mechs once the announcement is broadcast, and swallows. She hasn't mentioned anything about the mechs since getting changed into this suit, but she does know her training must have been for a reason. Excitement takes over once more as she returns her attention to T'Ris, however.

Jason gives a shrug to Uvena and Korio. "I'd say it's a safe assumption." he says, confirming that he doesn't actually know. "They haven't said anything to me about how things will be handled once we land. For now, we just sit back and wait for orders."

Leonard has been 'entertaining' Korio with several long-winded stories about his previous work, including, most recently, a story about measuring the effects of the Tuchankan nuclear war on rock samples.

Korio has shown genuine interest, although his lack of knowledge in Parker's field has left him mostly quiet.

Harmonia lowers the datapad she's reading from when the announcement is heard, and starts to walk closer to the middle of the hold. "Well, you all heard the announcement! I guess now's a good time to make sure everyone is up-to-date on the plan when we land..."

Ilyna looks up at Harmonia without saying a word.

Jason gestures towards the woman. "Listen up." he says to his own teammates as he steps closer to hear her Harmonia's briefing.

Uvena nods, and gives Harmonia her undivided attention.

Nathan walks closer and rests a hand on his hip as he looks to Harmonia expectantly.

Jessica doesn't move from her crate. She just looks over the shotgun laying across her lap absent mindedly.

Artullin listens from his spot on the floor.

Korio gives Leonard a smile. "It appears our conversation may need to be put on hold until later. I look forward to hearing more, however, should time permit." He joins Jason and Nathan near Harmonia.

Yan Sun is fiddling with her omni-tool, double-checking that everything is linked up properly to her suit's systems. She looks up when Harmonia speaks.

Jasper stops his pacing and turns in place to listen, still visibly uncomfortable with the ill-fitting suit.

Nalota turns on her heels to hear what Harmonia has to say.

The ship starts to shudder slightly as it enters atmosphere, and there is a split-second of gravitic upheaval as the Saint Lucia's mass effect fields adjust to account for the moon's gravity.

Jessica looks around frantically for a moment as she grips the edge of the crate, but tries to hide her reaction as it calms down, returning her attention to the shotgun.

Nathan seems hardly phased by the shuddering, though Jessica's reaction confuses him for a moment. He shrugs it off and looks back to Harmonia.

Jason widens his stance to steady himself, but otherwise doesn't react to the quick interruption. "Suppose that makes it official." he says, glancing over at Ilyna, "We're here."

Artullin watches the group with a critical eye.

Korio remains in place, hands folded behind his back as he awaits Harmonia's instructions. He doesn't seem too bothered by the sudden inconvenience.

Harmonia looks around, and once satisfied that most of the group is listening she starts to speak. "Once we've landed, step one will be registering our immediate surroundings and sending out probes to search for points of interest, primarily a site suitable for setting up a base camp. Setting up near the ship won't be possible since we need the ice to be thin enough for drilling to be practical. Once a location is found we'll move

out with most of the vehicles - the diving mechs will be loaded onto the big cargo rig. From there we'll conduct the rest of the survey, including investigating other points of scientific interest located by the drones or otherwise, and we'll drill into the ice. Orbital scans indicate that predictions of an ocean are accurate, but our ability to gain surface data is limited by atmospheric interference, which is why we'll

be using the ground probes. The security team's main role will be making sure that the camp, and any excursion groups, are safe. It's unlikely that there is any threatening fauna, due to the harsh conditions, but as you're all aware we don't want to take any chances with that, or the small, but existant, risk of running in to a geth scouting party. There is also the inherent risk of the planetary conditions themselves."

Uvena is caught off guard, startling at the effect, but there's no stumbling.

Ilyna is sitting and thus not affected. She stands up once the gravity is stabilized. She is about to say something when Harmonia speaks, and she instead listens to her.

Yan Sun looks queasy for a moment as the gravity shifts, but it passes quickly.

Jason folds his arms across his chest and nods. "So, in other words, we'll be maintaining close proximity to the ship until your people receive solid data from the probes....?"

Linora listens in silence, although already aware of the plans.

Nalota listens to what the woman has to say, even if she would have heard some, maybe most, of it before.

Harmonia nods at Jason's question. "Yes, that's right. Can't move out until we figure out where to."

The continued shudder of the ship struggling against the friction of the thick atmosphere can be felt even through the inertial dampeners, as the descent continues.

Jason gives a nod of his own and turns back to his people. "That means we'll be creating a perimeter around the ship once we're on the ground until they hear back from the probes." he says, "Ilyna and I will take one direction. Nathan, take Jessica with you. Tarkus will buddy up with Korio. Jasper, you can pair up with Artullin and Uvena. We're just doing a quick scout in each direction from

the LZ to make sure there's no immediate danger. If you see something, report before investigating yourself and if you find any unstable ice, turn back immediately."

Nathan nods to Jason. "Gotca, boss."

Artullin stands and nods, striding over to the rest of the group.

Jessica lets out a silent groan, but lifts a hand to wave to Nathan. "Looks like you and I can't get rid of each other." she says, giving a smirk from behind her helmet.

Ilyna gives a small smile at being assigned with Jason, but she tilts her head. "Jasper isn't equipped for security work," she says, keeping her voice low. The asari then stands up.

Uvena waves at the turian and human she's assigned with, before walking over to meet Artuillin half way.

Nathan walks over to Jessica, chuckling lightly. "Seems to be the case," he says with a gentle nod.

Artullin nods to Uvena, but looks skeptically over to Jasper.

Jason glances over at Ilyna and gives a nod. "No, but he's a part of the team and the only alternative is to leave him here to wait until they need him to pilot the mech. We're not expecting any danger out there, so it should be fine. If they do run into something, they turn tail and hoof it back to the ship. No engaging." He raises his voice and glances over at Jasper as he repeats himself,

pointing at the man, "No engaging! You observe. Report. Come back. That's all, got it? You're not equipped for combat, Jasper. I mean it."

Jasper waves Jason off as he joins his assigned teammates. "I ain't lookin' fer' no fight, Jay. I'm a lover." he quips, giving Uvena and Artullin a nod as he meets up with them, "S'all under control."

Harmonia waits calmly as Jason organizes his team.

Linora listens curiously to the orders for the people that are to keep her and her team safe, saying nothing.

Jessica hops down from her crate with a grunt, cradling her shotgun in her arms. "Ever been on an uninhabited planet?" she asks, cocking her head towards Nathan, "Sounds... eerie, does it not?"

Nathan shrugs lightly as he pulls off his Argus and idly inspects it. "Once. Similar sort of job as this one," he admits. "It was boring as hell. Nothing interesting happened and I'm expecting more or less the same here." He looks across the hangar at the mechs. "However, I didn't get to pilot one of those bad boys last time. Sooooooooooooooo, this should be

slightly better."

Jason claps his gauntlets together and glances over at Linora. "We're good to go as soon as the ship touches down. I've set up a comms channel for my team." he says, tapping the interface that projects his forearm a few times, "We're broadcasting, so your team should be able to get ahold of us without any problems if you need to. Or if plans change. Alright?"

Yan Sun has allowed her omni-tool to fade away, looking a bit on edge as the ship moves in for the landing. She can't help but shoot a glance in Jessica's direction as she overhears the question to Nathan, smirking slightly to herself as she remembers their previous talk about the trip.

Ilyna chuckles at Jason's response to her question, but a silent affirmative nod is her only answer to it.

Jessica gives a shrug. "I didn't sign up for boring." she sighs, "Ah well, suppose we should prepare for a bit of sightseeing." She brings up her omni-tool and rechecks her suit's systems. She catches sight of Yan Sun through her interface. As the glow dissipates, she raises her hand and waves to the woman with her fingers.

Linora nods. "Rest assured we will be listening. If your team happens upon anything that might be of interest to us when securing the area, be sure to contact."

Korio meets up with Tarkus, but remains silent as he ensures everything is in order.

Nathan shrugs and watches the little wave. He chuckles and lowers his voice. "Can't believe you broke one of the elevators just for a bit of fucking," he says with a gentle nudge. "Now that's some dedication."

Uvena nods in return. "I'll make sure we only open fire if we absolutely have to," she says.

Artullin looks at Jasper. "Do you even know how to use a gun?"

Jason gives the asari a nod. "Absolutely." he says before raising his voice once again to address his team, "We'll be touching down shortly. Helmets on! We need to get out there and get active ASAP."

Jessica frowns through her helmet, gesturing over at Yan Sun. "She broke the elevator. I would have been fine handling our business on the cafetaria table. It makes no difference to me. She's a shy one." she says with a shrug.

There is another shudder and a faint groan throughout the ship's frame as it decelerates, and the thrusters can be heard faintly through the hull, re-angling downward.

Yan Sun is luckily not listening in on Nathan and Jessica's conversation any longer, her attention turned to the sounds outside the ship.

Ilyna never took off her helmet in the first place.

Jasper lifts his Avenger, pressing the stock to his shoulder. "Course I can use a gun! Spent most 'a my life with the Alliance. First thing ya learn!" The shuddering sends him a bit off balance, but he catches himself and glances over at Artullin sheepishly before putting his helmet on and locking it in place.

Nathan hums a laugh and turns towards the hatch. He checks his weapon one last time before tapping on his omni-tool. He starts to check his HUD once again, cycling through the vision-modes and ensuring the Friend or Foe marker is operational. Which it is.

Artullin shakes his head softly and turns toward the hatch. He stands in silence as he draws his phaseton, resting it in his hands.

Korio puts his helmet on and locks it in place. He watches as Tarkus does the same.

Uvena puts her helmet back on without saying a word. It covers the lower half of her face completely, and the visor is dimmed making her hard to recognize to someone who hasn't seen her without it.

Jason pulls his own helmet on after ensuring everyone else is ready to go. After locking it into place, he gives a glance over at Ilyna. "I figure we'll look for a bit of high ground. Get a feel for the terrain and see what we can see. No further than a 20 minute hike or so. Sound good?"

Nathan nods to himself as his readout is fully operational. He looks over to Jason. "Comms check?" He asks.

The research team all start putting on their helmets, aside from Dr. D'Kira, who was already wearing hers.

Ilyna nods. "Sounds good," she says. "If there's Geth nearby, I think we'll see them sooner rather than later."

Jason gives a look over at Nathan as he activates his comms. "Let's get an attendance list, make sure everyone is on the channel." he announces.

Jessica activates her own in turn. "Jessica. Sounds fine to me."

Nathan activates his. "Ten. All good."

Korio nods to himself. "Korio. Comms seem to be working on my end as well."

Uvena puts two fingers up to her ears. "Uvena," she says. "Reading you loud and clear."

Artullin huffs. "Ortoratus, I hear you."

Jasper takes his turn to report in, "Jasper. Comin' in smooooth as silk, Jay."

The ship makes sudden contact with the surface, a loud thump reverberating throughout the ship despite the mass effect fields compensating for the drop. Captain Korpal's voice comes in over the ship's PA a little while later: "This is the Captain speaking. I'm happy to say that the RSV Saint Lucia has successfully landed. The cargo hold doors will open at the ground team's discretion. Good luck out there."

Jason gives a glance over at Ilyna expectantly.

Ilyna enables her comms. "Ilyna," she says. "Comms seems to be working on my end. We should report in regularly while out patrolling, in case the environment gets in the way of comms so that we know that as soon as possible."

Linora looks at Mana as if expecting her to speak up, but when she doesn't she turns to Ilyna herself. "The data from the scans indicate that may be a possibility. We will be working to confirm it as soon as we can."

Jason gives a nod to both Ilyna and Linora. "Sounds like a plan, then." he says, raising a hand to Linora to indicate that they're ready to disembark, "Every couple minutes should be fine. If you don't get a response, start heading back to the ship until you do."

Linora looks around to the rest of the research team, confirming that each of their suits are sealed.

Ilyna smiles to the researcher. "Thank you," she says.

Harmonia 's gaze wanders around the cargo hold. "Has everyone confirmed that their suits are sealed and functioning? Make sure if you don't want to find out what frozen lungs feel like!"

Nalota is just about done sealing her suit, having started to put on her helmet upon touching the ground. She checks her omni-tool before giving a nod.

Yan Sun shifts uneasily, looking a bit nervous as she checks her suit yet again.

Nathan cranes his neck, peering over to Jessica. "Did anything like this with the Alliance?" He asks, trying to stir up idle conversation.

Uvena quickly enables her omni-tool to check once more, but she disables it without a word a few seconds later.

Ilyna taps on her omni-tool to seal her suit, and nods. "Mine is sealed," she says before turning her omni-tool's projection off.

Jessica lines up beside Nathan, shifting a bit in place. "Ye-... Oh, like this specifically? No, nothing like this. I was stationed on Eden Prime. It was a farm world. A lot of big fields... That sort of thing." she says with a confident nod.

Nathan looks away. His HUD does a quick check on command before replying. "Sealed," he says before looking to Jessica. "You were on Prime? Jesus, that must've been rough when the Geth attacked."

Jasper remains near Uvena and Artullin. Having already checked his suit numerous times, he nods. "I'm all good to go."

Artullin doesn't even bother checking. His suit is sealed. "Suit is sealed."

Jessica gives a bit of a shrug. "I-... It must have, yes. But I was transferred shortly before the attack. Fortunate timing, I suppose..." she trails off.

Korio gives another check, just to be sure. "Everything appears to be in order."

Jason pulls his Revenant from his back and waits for the hatch to open. "We're ready, Linora."

Nathan narrows his eyes slightly under his helm. Her whole attitude seems... off. "Really? Damn good timing," he says with a nod. "My older sister was due to arrive on Prime day after the attack. Bloody glad she didn't...".

Harmonia waits for everyone to seal their suits and then starts walking over to the cargo hold hatch, to an interface at the edge of it. She presses several buttons and a moment later there is a groan in the metal as the hatch mechanism begins to work, orange warning lights blinking around it. After 15 seconds the ramp starts to open, and a bright white light immediately hits anyone looking in that direction. It slowly, slowly

opens, revealing more and more of the landscape. A flat snowscape stretches out as far as can be seen from the ship's hold, endless, featureless whiteness. The sky above is thick with white and very light gray clouds, blocking any view of the sky, but much sunlight filters through regardless, reflecting off the snow to provide plentiful illumination.

Nathan dims his visor a tad, letting out a slight breath as he catches view of the landscape.

Jessica nods a few times. "Lucky for her." she says, "Unfortunately, my luck didn't continue to hold out as well. Was on shore leave at the Citadel when the geth attacked..." she says, reiterating what she had already told him at Redrock HQ, "So I suppose-...." she trails off as the ramp begins to open, her eyes going wide. "...Holy shit." is all that escapes her, seemingly having forgotten what she was talking about as she

looks out across the snowy landscape.

Artullin eyes the landscape. "Hmph. Not a bad view."

Uvena looks out at it with wide eyes. "So you have it in you to not be negative all the time, huh?" she says to the turian with a chuckle. "Let's go get a closer look:" She starts walking towards the exit without looking back to see if the other two are following.

Yan Sun looks out at the snow, clearly quite fascinated.

Artullin looks at Uvena, pausing as he watches her walk away. Underneath his helm, a small smile finds its way onto his features. He follows her without another word.

Nathan makes to clap Jess on the shoulder before walking forwards, his rifle held to his chest and pointed down to the ground. "C'mon, we can admire the view later," he says lightheartedly.

Jason brings a hand up to block some of the glare for a moment before, like Nathan, dimming his visor. "Alright, people. Let's get out there. My team, which will identify itself during check-ins as 'Alpha' to avoid comms clutter, will be heading north. Ten, Jessica? 'Bravo'. South. Artullin, Uvena and Jasper. As expected, you're 'Charlie'. You'll head east. Korio and Tarkus, 'Delta'. West. As

I said before. Report in every couple minutes or so. If you get no response, turn back until you're back in comms range. If you see something. Report in. If you hear something. Report in. If you smell something. Report in. If something tries to kill you. Run. While reporting in."

The ramp finally makes contact with the ground, a final metal clank as a swirl of light snow flies into the air when the ramp settles.

Copy that, Wolfe. Bravo team is on the move.

Jessica glances away from the sight and to Nathan, giving him a nod. "Alright..." she says with a deep breath, "...Let's do this." She starts down the ramp, angling south as she nears the bottom.

Korio gives Jason a nod. "Delta, heading out." he says, figuring he should fall in with Nathan's start. He and Tarkus start down the ramp.

Uvena nods. "Charlie. Copy that." Once she's at the bottom of the ramp, she looks over the landscape while waiting for the other two to catch up.

The ship's ramp is facing west-south-west judging by their suit compasses.

Jason remains near the top of the ramp as the others depart. "We'll be hiking in each direction for about 20 minutes or so. Look for high ground to get a lay of the land. And keep in mind that means you could be up to 40 minutes from reinforcements. Be. Careful."

Linora observes the security team's procedures with mild curiosity, hands behind her back.

Jasper follows behind Uvena, holding his Avenger in both hands. "Quite a sight, ain't it?" he says with a sharp whistle. "Awfully purty."

Artullin stops next to Uvena, already watching the horizon with a critical eye. His omni-tool flares up and a green drone spawns into existence. It beeps and looks to Artullin expectantly. He inputs the commands and it adopts a small defensive perimeter around Charlie squad. Just as a precaution. "Focus, human," he says simply.

Harmonia starts walking over towards the rest of the research team. "Alright, let's get these probes moving."

Jasper gives a shrug, "Oh, I'm focusin'. Focusin' on a whole lotta snow. Feel sorry for whoever gets stuck shovelin' aroun' the basecamp." he chuckles.

Yan Sun folds her arms across her chest as she watches the Redrock teams departing in different directions.

Nathan walks by Jessica's side, his voice tinny as it filters through the rebreather. "Understood, Alpha," he replies before he adopts radio silence for the meantime. "Alright... let's go for a stroll," he says without looking to Jess.

Jason glances over at Ilyna once the others have departed. "Ready for a long, cold walk?" he asks with a smirk before starting down the ramp, "Hope your suit's heating is working."

Jessica follows alongside Ten looking somewhat awestruck as her gaze moves back and forth along the horizon. "An entire planet to ourselves. Incredible..."

As the teams start heading out in their respective directions they'd find their feet sinking into the snow, but the fresh top layer is fortunately very light, and offers little resistance. The flat fields of snow stretch out in every direction, with empty horizons.

Nathan hums a laugh. "It's something alright," he says. He reaches over to gently rap his knuckles against her helmet. "Why not take a picture with your omni-tool?"

There is a light wind, causing wisps of fine snow to flow along the ground. The cloud cover is almost as featureless as the snow, except for a few slightly darker spots in the west.

Jessica glances over at Nathan as she stomps through the snow. "Take a-... That's actually not such a bad idea." she admits. She slides her shotgun onto her back as she brings up her forearm, slowly shuffling through the snow alongside him as she does. She pokes at the interface a few times as she snaps pictures, then pauses for a moment, turning back to the ship to take another couple of pictures of it and the other team's

departing in each direction. Finally, she glances back at Nathan. "Alright, Ten. Your big moment to be famous. Give me a pose." she says as she frames him with her omni-tool interface.

Uvena picks up a handful of snow off the ground before she walks a few steps away from the shuttle to get a better view of the east. "I haven't seen this stuff in a while," she says, not to anyone specific.

Ilyna follows beside Jason. "Yeah," she says. "Let's hope it's just that: a long, cold, boring walk."

Korio and Tarkus continue off towards west. It's not long before they become just specs in the distance to the others.

Nathan chuckles, nodding along with her idea. He hefts his rifle onto his shoulder and widens his stance. He clenches his free hand into a fist and places it firmly on his hip, lifting his head slightly up and to the left. He strikes the most heroic pose he can muster. "How's this?"

Jason cuts north-bound as he reaches the bottom of the ramp. "It is quite a sight, though. Isn't it?" he asks, casting a glance back at Ilyna as he starts his hike. "Never been a fan of snow, to be honest. But, shit, can't deny how nice it looks undisturbed like this."

Jessica rolls her eyes, although there's a smirk on her lips. "Terrible." she says as she snaps the picture. "It will do fine." She resumes her march as she gives a quick skim over the pictures. Soon after, the interface dissipates entirely and she unholsters her shotgun once more.

Small pits in the snow can be seen where the ship's thrusters have melted the top layers, and the light snow has been all but blown away in circular areas around each, exposing a much thicker, icy layer of snow beneath.

Artullin looks to Uvena as the drone passes by Jasper, giving him a cheerful chirp. "Does it not snow on Aite?" He asks, having only been on Aite for a day or two.

Nathan follows after Jessica once more, trudging alongside her in silence for the moment. Eventually. "So, I have a question," he says.

Jasper seems amused by the drone. He smiles as it makes its pass. "Hey there, feller."

Drone chirps again at the reply. It dashes off a small distance, watching the horizon.

Jessica keeps her pace up. "Mm? Let's hear it, Ten." she sighs, awaiting a question that will most likely make her groan.

Nathan looks to her, tapping the side of his helmet. "When did you get the tattoos?"

An unknown male human voice comes in over all of the Redrock team's comms. "This is Purple on the Saint Lucia, testing ship-ground team comms. Please confirm you can hear me."

Nathan replies quickly to the comm. "Bravo here, reading you loud and clear Lucia."

Jessica seems to be slightly relieved by the new line of questioning, not being particularly eager to keep talking about her 'time with the Alliance'. "Oh." she shrugs, "My whole life, I suppose. Some were done by friends. Others, by my own hand. They are a collection, you know? Like memories." She glances down idly at her right arm. "...Most of the good ones are gone now, though." she says plainly.

Uvena shrugs as she lets the snow slip through her fingers. "Probably," she says. "I haven't been there for all that long." She enables her comms. "Atana from team Charlie here," she says after Nathan has spoken. "I'm reading you as well, Saint Lucia."

Nathan turns his attention back to Jessica. "...Do you mind if I ask what happened, Jess?" He asks softly, hazarding a guess that it's likely a sore subject... well, no, he knows it's a sore subject after their confrontation back at Redrock. "How you got those burns?"

Artullin hurms and focuses back on observing the region. "I see," is all he repiles.

Ilyna nods. "It looks nice, yeah, but... I don't like walking in it," she says, making a few awkward steps into the light snow before she gets used to it. "We never saw much of it in Armali, but we sometimes traveled to places that had it."

Jessica doesn't give much of a reaction. "Fire." she eventually says, her gaze continuing to scan back and forth over the horizon, "That is how one usually gets burns, no?"

Artullin sees snow. Lots of it. Yes, indeed.

Nathan hurms. "Usually. Not all the time," he says before turning away from her. He falls silent.

Let's get moving.

Uvena starts walking in their designated direction. Nobody has complained about her taking initiative, so she kept leading the team.


Jason kicks at some snow as he continues forward. "Alpha, picking you up fine, Purple." he says over comms before returning his attention to Ilyna. "Yeah. I barely even knew what snow was before I joined the Alliance." he says with a chuckle, exaggerating obviously, "Once I had a little time with it, I realized I hadn't really been missing much. Cold. Hard to get around in. No thanks." he

continues, making idle conversation as they continue north-bound.

Korio continues alongside Tarkus silently. The turian's voice comes over comms: "Delta. We hear you, Purple."

Jessica gives a short chuckle. "You know the lesson you learn as a child? Not to play with matches? I just didn't listen." she says, continuing to bullshit as she stomps along.

Jasper continues to stomp along behind Uvena. "Oh, it snows." he says, "You jus' wait. Soon 'nuff the fluffy stuff'll be everywhere."

Nathan hums. He pauses for a moment and turns to look back at the ship. He stands silently, letting his rifle dangle beside him.

Jessica pauses when Nathan stops walking. She stops as well, following his gaze back to the ship. "Hm?" she hums.

Nathan smiles lightly under his helm. "I'm just thinking... this is why I left Earth," he says with a light gesture to the ship and the surroundings. "To explore new worlds, meet new people... and just live." He sighs gently, turning back around and continuing his walk, now carrying his rifle across his chest once more. "Sorry, let's get back to it," he chirps


Ilyna nods. "I agree with you on that," she says. "I used to love it as a child, though, and so did my sisters... especially hurling it at me when I wasn't looking."

Artullin simply grunts in reply to Jasper.

The voice on the comms returns. "Understood, all teams accounted for. The Saint Lucia will be relaying your comms. I'll stay out of your channel now. Purple out."

Jessica lets a genuine smile slip. "It is pretty breath taking..." she agrees, glancing upward to the sky before settling back on the direction they're traveling. "If you told me just a couple weeks ago that this is where I would be, I would have told you that you were full of shit. But where do you go from here, Ten? Is this going to sate that 'thirst for adventure and exploration' you seem to have? Hm?"

Uvena sighs. "Cheer up, Orto," she says, not looking back. "I assume you've lived on that world for a long time then, Jasper?"

Jason gives a loud chuckle at the image of a mini-Ilyna getting pelted in the side of the head with a snowball. "So that's why you got so good at holding up those barriers." he teases.

Nathan turns to look at her. "You go forwards," he says. "That's all you can ever do. The only time I'll stop is when I'm dead," he chuckles. "And what about you? You going to stick around Redrock and go on many wacky adventures with us? Or will you take your credits and Yan and try and make your own path?"

Jasper gives a shake of his head. "Nah. 'Bout as long as a frayed shoestring s'all. Few years. Spent a good portion a' my life goin' from Alliance base to Alliance base, teeter-totterin' back-n-forth from one foot to the other." he begins to explain, "It's a good life, that's fer' sure. But time passed an' the world jus' kinda changed aroun' me, ya know? Maybe I changed along with it. Decided it was time to change the channel. Took

an early retirement an' found myself a job onboard a cargo ship. Patchin' the big ol' girl up. Nothin' fancy. One a' our routes brought us to Freedom Falls an' the rest, as they say, is in the soup!"

Artullin listens to the old man's story. The drone sweeps in front of them as it begins another circuit.

Jessica nods along as Nathan speaks, finding a bit of admiration in his words. When he questions her, she snorts loudly. "This is a one time gig for me." she says confidently, "It's a good experience, but I have other plans." She stomps heavily through a higher patch of snow that catches her off guard for a moment before returning to Nathan's questions. "Yan Sun seems like a sweet girl. I imagine her work will probably take her

faaar away from my plans. And that's the way it should be. A little fun in an elevator doesn't make it love." She glances over at Nathan with a grin, "But I plan to enjoy her while I can."

Ilyna chuckles. "Of course," she jokes. She looks ahead with a small smile, the act of reminiscing easing her worries for a moment. "Ira would never tire of testing my reaction time whenever we found ourselves on snowy ground," she says. "It's not really useful training, though, because I know to expect it."

It's not all that long before each team would spot a meter-tall tracked survey probe on either side of them, heading off diagonally from the ship, as well as one passing right by each team, heading in the same directions as them. Eight probes in total, all heading in different directions. They move at a good pace, easily overtaking each team.

Nathan looks to Jessica and offers her a respectful nod. "Well, at least let me buy you a farewell drink before you disappear," he chuckles, reaching across to lightly punch her on the arm. He watches the drones tear on by, his HUD zooming in on the closest one. "And there they go."

Jason allows himself to lag behind slightly as he listens to the story. He leans down, mid-step, and scoops up a handful of snow, allowing his Revenant to hang from one hand at his side. He gives a chuckle as Ilyna finishes speaking and hurls a snowball at the back of her helmet.

Uvena nods along with his story, not understanding some of his idioms, though she doesn't mention anything about that. She casts a few glances around at the sight of those probes, but returns her gaze to the snowy field ahead once they pass her. "Mind if I ask why you're no longer working on that ship you mentioned?"

Jessica nods slightly at the request. "If you're paying, I'll even let you buy me two farewell drinks." she jokes. As the probe goes zooming by, she stumbles to the side, nearly falling. "Shit.. Just caught me off guard." she assures Nathan, steadying herself before continuing her march.

Nathan suppresses a laugh, making no effort to help steady her. He lags slightly behind her and quickly scoops up a handful of snow. He holsters his rifle and packs the loose clump into a ball. "When in Rome," he chimes before letting out a sharp whistle to Jessica. "Thinkfast!" He launches the projectile at what will hopefully be her visor as she turns around.

Ilyna turns around once it seems he's stopped behind her, but not in time for to react to the snowball that splats across her visor. "Jason," she sighs, though there's a smile present on her face. "Was that really necessary?" She moves a hand up to wipe her visor.

Jasper watches the probe zip by with mild interest. "Hm? Oh! Ain't nearly as interestin' as yer' prolly expectin'. Jus' sorta fell in love with Freedom Falls, I s'pose. A simpler life, ya know? Was always the life fer' me, anyway. Maybe I'm a lil' 'too old' ta be startin' over, so to speak, but there ya have it. Jus' wanted some dang ol' peace an' quiet." he says with a chuckle, glancing around, "If that ain't irony..."

Jason lets out a loud laugh as he jogs to catch up to Ilyna. "Necessary? No. Fun? Absolutely." he says through a grin. He glances over at the passing probe and lets out a sigh, "Hopefully they find a place to set up the basecamp quickly."

Artullin watches the drones fly by whilst his own speeds alongside one of them for a moment, before resuming its patrol pattern.

Jessica turns around and, sure enough, takes a snowball to the visor. She glares through her snow-filled visor at Nathan as the snow slowly crumbles off. "You're hilarious, Ten." she deadpans, "Absolutely hilarious." She shakes her head and resumes her march. "There's supposed to be water under us, yes? That's why we must drill? Do you think there's fish? Just swimming around down there right now?" she asks with a sense of

genuine curiosity as she stomps a little harder, looking towards her own boots as she does.

Uvena gives a slight chuckle. "Irony, yeah, that's one way to put it," she says. "What made you sign up with a paramilitary company, then? You must have known what you were getting into."

Nathan chuckles, though will admit to being slightly disappointed at her lack of a counterattack. He then glances down at the ground, shrugging as he draws his rifle once again. "Fish? In this environment? Hmm. Maybe. I'd wager that it's too harsh for life to flourish down there, but maybe some plucky sea-creature or two evolved and adapted," he theorizes. "Who

knows... Maybe you'll be the first to discover a new species!"

Jasper gives a loud laugh. "Oh, yer' damn tootin' I knew what I was gettin' into. I'm jus' a damn fool who don't know when ta quit. Was workin' in a small shop in town. One of the only places to get a quick repair in Freedom Falls. Jay approached me lookin' fer' an engineer to put on the Redrock payroll. He seemed like a good kid. Alliance background and such. Told me I'd jus' be fixin' up the good'uns down in the hangar." Another

laugh escapes him, "Didn't quite work out that way. But, like you said, I knew what I was gettin' myself into when I signed on the dotted line. And I'm glad I did cuz, an' keep this jus' between the three of us, but balls to the simple life! S'pose when it comes right down to it, I'm jus' a man a' action through-an-through!"

So long as you don't break a hip...

Jessica frowns, stomping down hard once again. "I don't like fishies." she says with the most serious of expressions.

As the recon teams return to the Saint Lucia, they would find that all of the vehicles have been taken out into the snow, and judging by the tracks that surround the ship, test driven. One of the Triton mechs is loaded up on the cargo hauler's bed, secured with straps and mass effect locks. Yan Sun, Harmonia and Linora are all gathered by a sizable screen that has been mounted in an open crate. The display shows the feeds of all of the

survey probes. Pablo is currently double-checking the attachment of the drill rig to the snowcrawler. Most of the research team are in the cargo hold, but Leonard is out in the snow, cutting out small, cylindrical ice samples around the landing site. He's on the north side, and waves at Jason and Ilyna as they approach. Mana is also outside, having set up a strange-looking device on a tripod, with what looks like a camera or telescope, as

well as several antennas. She's switching between looking through it and checking a readout on an attached screen. Nalota would likely be busy moving a second Triton onto the truck.

Jason raises an arm to wave back at Leonard as he spots him. His Revenant is now on his back. "...So I just threw the entire pie into the garbage can." he finishes telling his story to Ilyna, "Just not eating that shit."

Korio and Tarkus arrive shortly after, looking as though they may not have even exchanged a single word during their entire trip!

The west was pretty boring anyway. Just more snow.

Ilyna waves back at him, as wells. "What's wrong with pies?" she asks, though she may have gotten an answer to that in the past.

Jason gives a shrug as they approach the ship. "I don't know-... I mean, I guess nothing is wrong with them. I just... don't like them." He glances over at Leonard as they near the ship. "Any luck with the probes?" he calls out.

Leonard shrugs. "I wouldn't know, I've been busy taking samples. Always exciting to get your first look at a new world!" He holds up the ice cylinder in his arms with a smile visible through his helmet visor.

Nalota is indeed busy moving mechs, being very careful as she maneuvers them onto the truck.

Ilyna chuckles, but she doesn't give any answer other thant hat.

Jason glances at the ice cylinder and gives a slow nod. "You found.... Ice. Greeeat..." he says.

Ilyna sighs, but remains quiet.

Leonard frowns. "Hey! This is what we're here for! There's a whole lot this ice can tell us! And even better once we start digging deeper!" he says with enthusiasm, shaking the sample for emphasis.

Jason continues to nod slowly, glancing at Ilyna as if he has no idea how this man became a scientist. "R-... Right...." he says before giving an enthusiastic nod, "Well, boy do I have a surprise for you! We just found a whole shit-ton of ice over there!" he points back the way they came. He then slowly drags his pointing finger down towards his boots, "...And some right there..." he continues,

pointing just past Leonard with another nod, "Oh, and I think there's some over there, too."

Ilyna stares at him while he makes fun of the scientist. "Jason," she mutters in an admonishing tone. She sighs, and turns back to the scientist. "Sorry about that," she says, her embarrasment visible through her helmet.

Leonard chuckles slightly at Jason's antics, shaking his head as he puts the sample in a small crate with the others he has cut out. "Eh, not everyone appreciates less flashy sciences."

Jason gives a shrug. "I'm not judging. You like ice. That's your thing." he says, "One of my best friends is a scientist. He's into some weird shit, too. Do you know what a cloaca is?" he adds with another slow nod.

Nathan walks into range of the others calling out to them. "So, great news!" He begins as he spreads his arms. "We discovered snow, snow and more snow!" He spins in a circle, gesturing this way and that. "We can build so many fucking snowmen. This is going to be great."

Leonard blinks, deciding against replying to Jason as he carts off his ice samples, moving further out to take another.

Harmonia glances out of the hold to Nathan and Jessica as they approach. She shakes her head to herself with an annoyed look and turns back to the screen.

Ilyna shakes her head. "Can you please try act professional with the researchers?" she asks, looking at Jason.

Jason points at Nathan as Leonard carts off his ice. "Betcha there's ice that way, too." he offers. As Ilyna speaks up, he turns and gives her a confused shrug. "What did I do!? The man likes ice!"

Jessica is right behind Nathan, giving a shake of her head at his antics. "He's not wrong. Snow and ice as far as the eye can see." she confirms.

Nathan looks to the researchers, crossing his arms across his chest. "Did they find a location for the base?"

Uvena is leading team Charlie who are now getting back to the ship, having taken a less hurried pace on their return despite the lack of distractions.

Jasper is in tow. Still not too comfortable with his loaner suit.

Ilyna sighs. "That man is an educated professional who probably has a very good reason for digging up that ice," she says. "Leave those jokes for the return trip."

Jason frowns. "Uhhh... O....Kay....." he says slowly, unsure of what he did to cause her mood to flip like a switch, "...Sorry?" He glances over at Nathan and gives a shrug. "I don't know. We just got back ourselves. Might wanna check with one of the researchers inside." he says with a nod towards the others.

Nathan shakes his head, pointing both fingers at Jason. "Nuh-uh, that's your job, boss. I just fix the guns and provide the booms. Speaking oooooof-" he turns at Jessica and wags a finger at her under her helm. "I do not approve of the conditions of your weapons. For ex-alliance, I thought you'd take better care of them."

Ilyna sighs and turns towards the new arrivals, deciding to not continue chiding the top of the command chain in front of them.

Jessica frowns, looking uneasey for a moment. "My gun is fine!" she insists, "Don't go touching my shit, either." She stomps past Nathan and up the ramp.

Nathan blinks and looks at Jessica as she stomps by. "Uh... I was only... kidding," he mutters as she storms up the ramp. He looks to Jason and shrugs.

Jason blinks a couple of times, returning Nathan's shrug before turning and waving at Uvena, Jasper and Artullin. "Let me guess. Snow and ice?"

Yan Sun looks away from the screens as she hears Jessica's exclamation and the subsequent sound of her boots thumping loudly against the ramp. "Hey. You okay?" she says with a smile.

Uvena catches up with the other two teams, glancing towards the woman that stomped off. "A lot of it," she says. "How did you know?"

Jessica gives a stern nod. "Fine." she says plainly, folding her arms across her chest as she approaches the woman. "I-... took some pictures." she says with a sigh, seeming to calm down somewhat as she looks about the cargo hold, "...Thought you might want a copy of them for your collection or something. They're pretty terrible, so I wouldn't reccomend it." She glares at Nathan as she notices him, frowning through her visor,

"Hey, fucker. Come give me that picture." she calls out to him, "....But seriously, don't touch my shit." she repeats, though much less aggressively than her previous display.

Jasper stops at Uvena's flank and nods. "If the research team is lookin' fer' snow, well they're gon' be like a krogan in a ryncol brewary, lemme tell ya."

Harmonia grunts as she continues to look at the probe feeds, clearly not too pleased with the Redrock mercenaries.

Nathan glares up the ramp. He flicks his visor up so she can see his eyes, which are narrowed. "And the magic word is...?"

Yan Sun 's smile brightens. "Sounds like a great idea!" she says to Jessica.

Now? Or I gut you like a fishy?

Jessica grins at Nathan.

Nathan flips her the bird and turns back to Jason, calling out to her still. "You can wait a minute. S'not like I'm going anywhere," he replies with a gentle chuckle.

Jason lets out a snort. "Wild guess. Regardless, that's not a bad thing. Snow and ice won't try and ambush us. Place looks safe enough."

Ilyna chuckles, but she remains quiet.

Jessica frowns and turns back to Yan Sun with a shrug. "Soon, kitty cat. Have you been out there yet?" she asks, casting a glance down the ramp.

Uvena glances down at the ground. "Unless they're really good at digging tunnels," she says. "Without making noise."

Yan Sun glances out at the snow. "Just a little, to take a look. It's... pretty stunning. Haven't seen snow in-person before. Very... bright."

Jason smirks at Uvena and gives a shake of his head before turning back to Ilyna. "Suppose I should catch up with the research team." he says, "See what our next move is." He gives her a quick pat on the shoulder before turning on his heels and starting towards the others. He clasps his gauntlets together as he nears Harmonia. "So?" he begins, "What's the word? Seems pretty barren in every

direction from here. Mountain range to the south seems to be about the only sight nearby."

Nathan frowns slightly, hoping to have taken Jason aside for a word. 'Hmm, it can wait,' he thinks to himself as he starts up towards Jessica and Yan Sun. "Alright, oh so polite one. I've got your photo," he says as he activates his omni-tool.

Harmonia looks towards Jason. "Not much yet. I expect it may be a while before we find a suitable site."

Ilyna nods, and takes a few steps away from the group, looking out into the distance.

Jason gives a couple of nods, placing his hands on his hips as he looks over the readouts she was examining. "Well, for what it's worth, it seems to be pretty devoid of life out there. At least in this region. With the sightlines this terrain affords, we probably would've seen something if there was anything to see."

Harmonia nods. "Let's hope you're right. We'll be getting a better view of those mountains soon enough."

Jessica continues to stare out into the snow. "Yeah... We get snow on Aite, but this is a whole different experience. It just goes on. And on. And on. As far as you can see." She glances back at Yan Sun, "Do you think they'll find anything interesting out there?"

Yan Sun shrugs. "Who knows... everyone else here sure seems to think so. Wouldn't have come here otherwise, right?" she says with a glance at Linora.

Linora chuckles quietly but doesn't respond, focused on the probe feeds.

Nathan blinks once as he is ignored and instead plays off his call as him just rambling. He walks by them and heads towards the elevator.

Jessica shrugs and glances over to Nathan. "Hey, where do you think you're going? Picture." she calls out after him.

Nathan pauses in his step and looks over to her. "Bathroom," he states. But he does walk back to her and activates his omni-tool once again, readying to send the picture over to her. "Here you go. Why you never went into a career of modeling, I'll never know. I mean, just look at that pose!" He quips, his eyes creasing up in a smile.

Jessica groans, it seems he just never stops. She accepts the transfer and sends the photos she took his way. "Do you have an off button, Ten? I've never met someone who could talk so. Much. Shit. You're exhausting!" she says, though there's no malice in her voice.

Jason cocks an eyebrow at Harmonia. "What does that mean? Do we have plans to make a trip down that way?"

Nathan accepts the files and then reaches over to flick her helmet. "Don't lie, you enjoyed the banter out there," he says. "Besides, slightly hypocritical, don't you think?"

Jessica reels slightly from the reverberation through her helmet. "I don't talk shit! I talk truth! Difference!" she assures as she slaps his hand away. Her gaze quickly returns to her omni-tool as she send the files Yan Sun's way. "Not my fault if you can't accept my truth."

Nathan 's eyes narrow slightly. "Sure. Truth," he comments as he turns around, throwing a wave over his shoulder as he walks away and back towards the elevator.

Harmonia tilts her head a bit. "Maybe. Probably. Depends on what the probes see."

Yan Sun rolls her eyes at Nathan and Jessica, and then brings up her omni-tool, looking through the files. She chuckles quietly at the picture of Nathan under Jessica's boot. "Looks like you had fun. If this is what merc work is like, maybe I should sign up."

Jessica returns Nathan's wave, shouting after him, "Uh huh. Run away because you have nothing else to say. I win." She glances back at Yan Sun with a smirk, tilting her head from one side to the other. "Mmm. Yes. Maybe. You would look pretty sexy with a gun." she teases, "But if you're just trying to get under my boot, you don't need to be a merc, kitty cat." She gives a wink.

Jason nods once again. "Alright... So, how far are the probes set to scout out? Worst-case-scenario that they don't find anywhere suitable for a base camp, how long will it be before they're back?" he asks.

Nathan thumbs the interface and folds his arms across his chest. He looks down in thought as the elevator slowly makes its way down.

Yan Sun can be seen blushing under her helmet, letting out a timid chuckle of the sort Jessica has heard many times by now. Her gaze falls back to the omni-tool display, continuing to check out the pictures until she reaches the last one that Nathan took. She grins at the pose, looking up at Jessica again.

Harmonia glances over her shoulder at Jessica and Yan Sun, letting out a frustrated grunt. She turns to respond to Jason. "They won't. They'll go out for as long as they can, and we'll drive out to pick them up later. It's unlikely they won't find a suitable spot, but if not... we'll make do."

Jessica gives Yan Sun a thumbs up as she places one hand on her hip. She lets out an embarassed chuckle and shrugs, lowering her arms back to her sides. "Your pictures made me jealous." she admits with another laugh, "Figured maybe I should start my own collection."

Jason takes a step back from the makeshift work station. "Well, I'll leave you to it, then. Just let us know where we're needed, when we're needed, and we'll get to it."

Yan Sun nods enthusiastically. "You should! It's nice to have a reminder of where you've been, who you've met... something to look back at."

Jessica gives a nod in turn and begins poking at her omni-tool. "Okay then, kitty cat. Let's see your best pose." she says through a smirk.

Nathan looks up as the doors open and he steps inside. He thumbs the interface for Deck 2 and refolds his arms as the doors close and the elevator begins its ascension.

Yan Sun steps away from Linora and Harmonia, going around so that the snow is behind her. She opts for her best attempt at a boxing pose, raising her fists and shooting an absolutely fearsome glare at Jessica as she bounces lightly back and forth on her toes.

Jessica lets a giggle escape as she snaps a picture. "You're a fool." she teases with a shake of her head as she glances down at the photo. She gives a couple of nods, showing her approval. "Mmhmm. This will do nicely."

Yan Sun grins as the picture is taken, walking up to Jessica and leaning in next to her to get a look at the photo from her omni-tool display.

Jessica holds her work up proudly, displaying it for Yan Sun. It's crooked and off-center. Certainly nothing impressive. "It's perfect." she says with a nod.

Yan Sun lets out a small laugh, nodding. "Yep. A masterwork."

Nathan | At least... that is what he would've done if the elevator had came down at all. Instead, he is greeted with a negative beep. He groans and turns back around to walk toward the Redrockers outside. "Guess I'll hold it...".

Next Logs

Surveying The Ice World
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Artullin Ortoratus
Jasper Sullivan
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Harmonia Kozma
Ilyna T'Rea
Nalota Teralis
Artullin Ortoratus
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Harmonia Kozma
Ilyna T'Rea
Nalota Teralis
Artullin Ortoratus
Jasper Sullivan
Linora T'Ris
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Ilyna T'Rea
Nalota Teralis
Artullin Ortoratus
Jasper Sullivan
Linora T'Ris
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Leonard Parker
Harmonia Kozma
Ilyna T'Rea
Nalota Teralis
Artullin Ortoratus
Jasper Sullivan
Linora T'Ris
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Harmonia Kozma
Ilyna T'Rea
Nalota Teralis
Artullin Ortoratus
Jasper Sullivan
Linora T'Ris
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Leonard Parker
Uvena Atana
Harmonia Kozma
Ilyna T'Rea
Nalota Teralis
Artullin Ortoratus
Jasper Sullivan
Linora T'Ris
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Harmonia Kozma
Nalota Teralis
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Harmonia Kozma
Nalota Teralis
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Ilyna T'Rea
Artullin Ortoratus
Linora T'Ris
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Ilyna T'Rea
Artullin Ortoratus
Linora T'Ris
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Harmonia Kozma
Nalota Teralis
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Artullin Ortoratus
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Artullin Ortoratus
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Harmonia Kozma
Nalota Teralis
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Harmonia Kozma
Nalota Teralis
Jasper Sullivan
Linora T'Ris
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Artullin Ortoratus
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nalota Teralis
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Artullin Ortoratus
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Artullin Ortoratus
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nalota Teralis
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Artullin Ortoratus
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Harmonia Kozma
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Ilyna T'Rea
Artullin Ortoratus
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Ilyna T'Rea
Artullin Ortoratus
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Ilyna T'Rea
Artullin Ortoratus
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Ilyna T'Rea
Nalota Teralis
Artullin Ortoratus
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Harmonia Kozma
Nalota Teralis
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Ilyna T'Rea
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Harmonia Kozma
Ilyna T'Rea
Artullin Ortoratus
Jasper Sullivan
Linora T'Ris
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nalota Teralis
Linora T'Ris
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nalota Teralis
Artullin Ortoratus
Linora T'Ris
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Harmonia Kozma
Ilyna T'Rea
Artullin Ortoratus
Surveying The Ice World
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Harmonia Kozma
Ilyna T'Rea
Artullin Ortoratus
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Linora T'Ris
Yan Sun
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Artullin Ortoratus
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Surveying The Ice World
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Ilyna T'Rea
Artullin Ortoratus
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Ilyna T'Rea
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Harmonia Kozma
Ilyna T'Rea
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe

Previous Logs

Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Ilyna T'Rea
Nalota Teralis
Artullin Ortoratus
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Leonard Parker
Harmonia Kozma
Nalota Teralis
Jasper Sullivan
Linora T'Ris
Yan Sun
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Nalota Teralis
Artullin Ortoratus
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Leonard Parker
Uvena Atana
Ilyna T'Rea
Nalota Teralis
Artullin Ortoratus
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Ilyna T'Rea
Artullin Ortoratus
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Nathan Tennhausen
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Ilyna T'Rea
Artullin Ortoratus
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Linora T'Ris
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Harmonia Kozma
Nalota Teralis
Jasper Sullivan
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Harmonia Kozma
Nalota Teralis
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Artullin Ortoratus
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Surveying The Ice World
Harmonia Kozma
Nalota Teralis
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Artullin Ortoratus
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Nathan Tennhausen
Surveying The Ice World
Leonard Parker
Uvena Atana
Harmonia Kozma
Ilyna T'Rea
Nalota Teralis
Artullin Ortoratus
Jasper Sullivan
Linora T'Ris
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Leonard Parker
Nalota Teralis
Artullin Ortoratus
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Leonard Parker
Uvena Atana
Ilyna T'Rea
Nalota Teralis
Artullin Ortoratus
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Ilyna T'Rea
Nalota Teralis
Artullin Ortoratus
Jasper Sullivan
Linora T'Ris
Nathan Tennhausen
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara
Surveying The Ice World
Uvena Atana
Ilyna T'Rea
Artullin Ortoratus
Jasper Sullivan
Nathan Tennhausen
Jessica Kaya
Jason Wolfe
Korio Ara