#Passenger – March 30, 2016

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Li sounds excited. "Ilina! Are you in space?"

Ilyna nods, mostly to herself as it's an audio call. "Yes," she says. "I'm in a ship, though. Being outside in space isn't very fun."

Li doesn't respond immediately. "Why?"

There is no air, or falling. There's suits for air, but... you need to hold onto the moving ship.

Ilyna frowns as she's reminded of the trip home from Di Yu, where she did have to leave the ship while it was in space.

Li sounds fascinated. "What happens if you let go of the ship?"

Then the ship will have to turn around to pick you up.

Li seems almost disappointed. "Oh. Ok."

Ilyna hums thoughtfully. "So, have you eaten anything today?" she asks, possibly doing so to ensure Vasquez is doing he job properly.

Li is fairly quick to respond. "Yes! Volus puffs!"

Ilyna smiles. "Good," she says. "I'm about to eat breakfast myself." She pauses. "And you slept well?"

Li mumbles a half-hearted "Yes..."

Ilyna chuckles. "Good," she says. "I... I just miss you so much, Li." There is a hint of sadness to her voice despite her best effort to hide it.

Li doesn't respond at first. It almost seems worth checking if the call dropped when her voice comes back, quiet. "I miss you too..."

Ilyna looks over the omni-tool before sighing relieved as her voice returns. "Just... try not worry about me, okay?" she says. "I won't be able to call home until we're back."

Li immediately sounds more worried when she speaks again. "Okay..."

Ilyna sighs. "We're just going to watch some scientists when they gather things from a newly discovered world," she says. "Once they are done with that, we're going back." She pauses for a moment. "I'll be home before you know it, sweetie, I promise."

Li responds again: "Okay..."

Ilyna hums thoughtfully. "Have you met Renala yet?" she asks, trying to get away from this topic.

Li would go on to speak fairly little during the call, her worry hard to assuage. Eventually Vasquez would reclaim the call, greeting Ilyna.

Ilyna smiles. "Hey," she says. "Thank you, I really appreciate you taking care of her."

Jason re-enters the passenger's quarters during the tail end of Li and Ilyna's conversation, but remains quiet as he retakes a seat on his bed.

Vasquez lets out a grunt. "It's... fine. She hasn't been any trouble yet. And I really appreciate you going on this mission. I know it's... probably not what you want to be doing. I should've gone instead, but..." she trails off, letting out a heavy sigh.

Ilyna nods. "It's... not what I had in mind, but what good would it be if we both sat home and worried?" she asks. "You can recover, and I'll return your favor by keeping Jason safe." Her tone is a bit light-hearted at the last statement, and she flashes a grin for a few seconds.

Jason scoffs, making sure to be loud enough for Ilyna to hear him, but the smirk remains on his face.

Yeah... is he still there?

He just got back. Just a moment.

Ilyna crawls over the bed to be just above where Jason is sitting, making the microphone pick up some rustling noises. She extends the omni-tool to him.

Jason gives Ilyna an appreciative smile as he reclaims his omni-tool. "Hey~" he says with a grunt as he lays back in his bed

Ilyna returns the smile before sitting up in the bed, staying quiet.

Hey. I guess you're passing out of range soon?

Jason gives a nod to himself. "I guess we are..." he agrees, letting a slight sigh slip out.

Ilyna moves to sit on the bedside, then hops off the bed. She stands there for a few moments, however, patting down the most obvious creases in her dress.

Vasquez ' tone shifts to a harsher one as she responds. "Don't fuck this up, Jason. Redrock needs this mission to be a success. Don't do anything stupid with ExoGeni."

Jason furrows his brow. "Huh? Wha-... I'm not fucking anything up." he assures her, sitting up in his bed and propping himself up on his elbows. He goes silent for a few moments, merely staring at the omni-tool. "Where did that come from?"

Ilyna frowns as she overheards their conversation, but stays out of it. She starts walking out of the room instead.

Vasquez remains quiet, not responding for a while. When she does, her voice is cracking. "...come back in one piece. Please..."

Jason shuts his eyes for a moment, nodding slightly. "Yeah I-... Of course, Linda. I'm gonna be fine. Everything seems to be in order here, really. I spoke to the captain. He seems to be on the level. The new recruits are doing fine. Our people seem to be getting along great with the crew. Everything is fine, okay? I'm gonna be fine." He stares at the omni-tool with a sad smile, wishing

he could look at her for just a moment, "I'll be back before you even get a chance to miss me."

Yan Sun is sitting in her bunk, surrounded by a myriad of screens projected from her arm, the blue circuitry glowing brightly. Her right hand is swiping across the various screens. Judging by the trackers projected to the right she seems to be downloading something. Making the most of the last minutes before the ship goes back to FTL, no doubt.

We are now departing from the system. You may feel a slight discomfort as the ship enters FTL.

Vasquez 's response is soft-spoken. "You better..." After a short pause, she continues. "I lov-..." Static.

Jason sighs as the call is cut short and the familiar jolt as the ship jumps into FTL is felt. "Love you, too." he says softly, his gaze falling to his bed.

Next Logs

Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Jason Wolfe
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Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
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Yan Sun
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Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
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Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
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Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
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Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
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Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
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Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
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Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
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Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
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Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
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Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
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Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
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Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
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Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
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Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Surveying The Ice World
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
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Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
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Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Jason Wolfe
Linda Vasquez
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Linda Vasquez
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Jason Wolfe
Linda Vasquez
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Linda Vasquez
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Jason Wolfe
Linda Vasquez

Previous Logs

Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Linda Vasquez
Surveying The Ice World
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Yan Sun
Jason Wolfe
Surveying The Ice World
Ilyna T'Rea
Jason Wolfe
Linda Vasquez